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作者 夏吾端智 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期222-228,共7页
自20世纪以来,学界关于藏族绘画艺术方面的多数研究成果集中于卫藏和阿里地区的绘画遗存,有关安多地区壁画遗存的研究成果相对较少。青海省尖扎县昂拉赛康寺三世佛殿五方佛壁画具有悠久的历史,理应成为学界的研究对象。然而,目前对其关... 自20世纪以来,学界关于藏族绘画艺术方面的多数研究成果集中于卫藏和阿里地区的绘画遗存,有关安多地区壁画遗存的研究成果相对较少。青海省尖扎县昂拉赛康寺三世佛殿五方佛壁画具有悠久的历史,理应成为学界的研究对象。然而,目前对其关注度明显不足,甚至为一大学术空白。本文通过实地调研,并结合文献资料,着重探讨了昂拉赛康寺三世佛殿五方佛壁画的绘制年代、艺术风格及教派,认为其绘制于14—16世纪,具有尼泊尔绘画风格特征,属于萨迦派绘画作品。 展开更多
关键词 昂拉赛康寺 三世佛殿 五方佛 壁画
作者 扎果 《西藏大学学报(藏文版)》 2020年第2期46-65,194,共21页
所谓“契”是指一种为解决当事人双方纠纷的藏族传统习惯法之一。此判决方式不仅种类繁多,且执行还有强、中、弱不同程度。假如原告有偷盗的重大嫌疑,却拒不承认其偷盗事实而无法做出判决时,就用“契”的判决方式处理双方纠纷。如在部... 所谓“契”是指一种为解决当事人双方纠纷的藏族传统习惯法之一。此判决方式不仅种类繁多,且执行还有强、中、弱不同程度。假如原告有偷盗的重大嫌疑,却拒不承认其偷盗事实而无法做出判决时,就用“契”的判决方式处理双方纠纷。如在部落头人、土司、护法神、活佛等面前,架起油锅让嫌疑人将手伸入其中,通过观察是否手被烫伤进行判断。文章以安多昂拉千户的“契”判决方式为例,对藏族此类习惯法的历史渊源、分类和功能,以及积极和消极两个社会影响进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 昂拉千户 传统习惯法 社会作用
作者 王文泸 《中国土族》 2023年第3期33-37,共5页
庄园仲夏的一天,细雨初歇,山峦青翠。我们驱车沿着曲折小道,且行且打听,来到尖扎县东南部的一处贵族庄园——昂拉千户府。这是一处高墙耸立,两进两层的庭院式建筑,气势颇为雄伟。松木制作的廊柱梁檩、飞檐斗拱,虽经百年风雨,仍然横平竖... 庄园仲夏的一天,细雨初歇,山峦青翠。我们驱车沿着曲折小道,且行且打听,来到尖扎县东南部的一处贵族庄园——昂拉千户府。这是一处高墙耸立,两进两层的庭院式建筑,气势颇为雄伟。松木制作的廊柱梁檩、飞檐斗拱,虽经百年风雨,仍然横平竖直,端正稳固,毫无倾圮。精美的砖雕和木雕,以汉藏合璧的风格,显示着这个地区自古以来多民族文化交汇并存。站在球场一般宽阔的院子中间,举目四顾,只见上下两层楼房,廊柱林立如麻,房舍接楹连椽,多不胜数。 展开更多
关键词 多民族文化 两层楼房 横平竖直 尖扎县 昂拉
作者 扎果 《攀登(藏文版)》 2021年第4期101-112,共12页
公元1742—1951年,多麦昂拉历代千户在统治昂拉八庄期间,形成了维系其统治且具有鲜明地方特色的习惯法体系,其中“东”(stong)是赔命价习惯法中的核心概念。文章对“东”的分类、特点、功能作了系统梳理,对“东”的基础性因素进行了探讨... 公元1742—1951年,多麦昂拉历代千户在统治昂拉八庄期间,形成了维系其统治且具有鲜明地方特色的习惯法体系,其中“东”(stong)是赔命价习惯法中的核心概念。文章对“东”的分类、特点、功能作了系统梳理,对“东”的基础性因素进行了探讨,阐述了赔命价制度对于昂拉千户政治整合的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 昂拉千户 赔命价 习惯法
作者 扎果 《中国西藏》 2016年第6期44-45,共2页
青海省黄南藏族自治州尖扎县有一种历史悠久、富有特色的藏式美食——"土烧糕佳"(一种扁圆型的烤制面食,类似馍或面包),尤其以昂拉乡的"糕毛且"(大烤馍)久负盛名。昂拉乡平均海拔在2000米左右,位于尖扎县东南部黄河阶地上的冲... 青海省黄南藏族自治州尖扎县有一种历史悠久、富有特色的藏式美食——"土烧糕佳"(一种扁圆型的烤制面食,类似馍或面包),尤其以昂拉乡的"糕毛且"(大烤馍)久负盛名。昂拉乡平均海拔在2000米左右,位于尖扎县东南部黄河阶地上的冲积扇地带,东临同仁县,尖巴昂河从西到东贯穿全乡。该乡土壤肥沃,灌溉条件优越,日照时间长,气温高,优越的自然条件和地理位置,使之形成粮食生产高产区。 展开更多
关键词 昂拉 尖扎县 巴昂 勤劳勇敢 粮食生产 高产区 日照时间 藏族人 讲经 黄南藏族自治州
作者 扎果 《西藏大学学报(藏文版)》 2022年第3期82-101,194,195,共22页
文章采用历史文献、口述史料及田野考察综合运用的研究方法,通过对多麦昂拉千户地方政权行政组织下的“百长”官位百长“■”不同称谓的归纳分析,以及对昂拉八庄各行政组织体系的基本考察和梳理,论述了百长“"■”形成的历史背景... 文章采用历史文献、口述史料及田野考察综合运用的研究方法,通过对多麦昂拉千户地方政权行政组织下的“百长”官位百长“■”不同称谓的归纳分析,以及对昂拉八庄各行政组织体系的基本考察和梳理,论述了百长“"■”形成的历史背景、职能权限与范围、政治意义与功能。并对“百长”与昂拉千户的政治隶属关系,以及对昂拉八庄历史发展所产生的重要影响等问题进行了阐述。 展开更多
关键词 昂拉千户 ■百长
新中国成立初期中国共产党对昂拉千户项谦的统战工作 被引量:1
作者 马明忠 赵宇 《档案》 2022年第3期21-25,共5页
1949年9月,青海解放后中共青海省委、青海省人民政府根据中共中央西北局书记习仲勋同志的指示,为了和平解决长期盘踞在青海省尖扎县“昂拉”藏族部落第12代千户项谦及少数脱逃残匪的问题,对项谦进行了17次耐心争取和说服教育。1952年4月... 1949年9月,青海解放后中共青海省委、青海省人民政府根据中共中央西北局书记习仲勋同志的指示,为了和平解决长期盘踞在青海省尖扎县“昂拉”藏族部落第12代千户项谦及少数脱逃残匪的问题,对项谦进行了17次耐心争取和说服教育。1952年4月,在反复争取无效的情况下,中国人民解放军开始向昂拉地区进军展开军事清剿,最终项谦在中国共产党民族政策的感召下心悦诚服的归降人民政府,走上了一条建设社会主义新青海的康庄大道。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 昂拉千户 统一战线 民族团结
作者 多杰本 《新丝路(下旬)》 2021年第1期0196-0196,共1页
昂拉千户是解放前安多地区最具影响力的千户之一,授封千户职位至今已有两百多年的时间。然而其授封之前的历史比较模糊,只在少量的文献和当地民间传说里零散的记载。本文在历史文献的基础上,结合当地民间口述资料,对昂拉千户受封之前的... 昂拉千户是解放前安多地区最具影响力的千户之一,授封千户职位至今已有两百多年的时间。然而其授封之前的历史比较模糊,只在少量的文献和当地民间传说里零散的记载。本文在历史文献的基础上,结合当地民间口述资料,对昂拉千户受封之前的历史进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 尖扎头人 昂拉千户 历史
习仲勋:统战工作的典范 被引量:2
作者 张志功 《党史文苑》 2016年第6期24-28,共5页
1951年任中共中央西北局第一书记的习仲勋,一生广交朋友,待人至诚而宽厚,在党内外被誉为"统战工作的典范"。"比诸葛亮还厉害"说起统一战线工作,无论是党内还是党外,大家都称赞习书记是"统战工作的典范",更有人赞誉他是"统战大师... 1951年任中共中央西北局第一书记的习仲勋,一生广交朋友,待人至诚而宽厚,在党内外被誉为"统战工作的典范"。"比诸葛亮还厉害"说起统一战线工作,无论是党内还是党外,大家都称赞习书记是"统战工作的典范",更有人赞誉他是"统战大师"。我离开习书记以后,调到中央统战部工作,对此体会更深。 展开更多
关键词 统战工作 习仲勋 中共中央西北局 项谦 党外人士 广交朋友 昂拉 灵塔祀殿 德尼 保安司令
《共产党员(下半月)》 2007年第5期18-18,共1页
关键词 习仲勋 中共中央组织部 项谦 民族上层人士 副部长 昂拉 班禅行辕 二军 喜饶嘉措 政治争取
Remote sensing classification of western Sierra Leone using landsat TM and ETM+ 被引量:3
作者 Aruna V.F.Conteh 《Global Geology》 2012年第1期58-65,共8页
The study examines the changes of land cover/use resources for the period under investigation.An unsupervised vegetation classification is being performed that provides five distinctive classes and thus assesses these... The study examines the changes of land cover/use resources for the period under investigation.An unsupervised vegetation classification is being performed that provides five distinctive classes and thus assesses these changes in five broad land cover classes-high/moist forests,forest regrowth,mixed savanna,bare land/ grass and water.The remote sensing images used in this work are both images of TM and ETM+in different time periods(1986 to 2001)to determine land cover/use changes.A fairly accuracy report is recorded after performing the unsupervised classification,which shows vegetation has been depleted for over the years.Changes created are mostly human and to a lesser extent environment.Human activities are mainly encroachment thus altering the landscape through activities such as population growth,agriculture,settlements,etc.and environment due to some perceive climatic changes.This vegetation classification highlights the importance to acquire and publish information about the country's partial vegetation cover and vegetation change including vegetation maps and other basic vegetation influencing factors,leading to an understanding of its evolution for a period. 展开更多
关键词 land cover/use Landsat TM and ETM unsupervised classification vegetation change
Examples of National and Transnational Cinema: Akira Kurosawa's Yojimbo and Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars
作者 Flavia Brizio-Skov 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第3期141-160,共20页
The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, clai... The term transnational originated in the historical field when, in the late 1990s, lan Tyrrell wrote a seminal essay entitled "What is Transnational History?" and changed the course of the academic discipline, claiming that studying the history of a nation from inside its borders was outmoded because the study of history concerns the movements of peoples, ideas, technologies, and institutions across national boundaries. The study of cross-national influences and the focus on the relationship between nation and factors beyond the nation spilled over into many other fields, especially into cinematic studies. Today transnational refers to the impossibility of assigning a fixed national identity to much cinema, to the dissolution of any stable connection between film's place of production and the nationality of its makers and performers. Because there is a lot of critical debate about what constitutes national and transnational cinema, the study of international remakes is a promising method to map the field with some accuracy. This essay will analyze the journey from Hammett's novel to Kurosawa's film and then to Leone's western, and will demonstrate how the process of adaptation functions and what happens to a "text" when it becomes tmnsnational and polysemic. Because Leone is the creator of the Italian western, the one who initiated the cycle that was copied many times over for a decade, we must look at A Fistful of Dollars as a prototype, a movie that when dissected can shed light on the national-transnational dichotomy of the spaghetti western. However, before studying the prototype, we must look at the complex history of the origin of the first spaghetti western, taking into account that A Fistful of Dollars was "transcoded" by Leone from Kurosawa's Yojimbo (1961) that derived his script from Dashiell Hammett's RedHarvest (1929). 展开更多
关键词 national and transnational cinema adaptation from literature to screen international remakes transculturization PERMUTATION reappropriation REINTERPRETATION
Relict glacial landscape in the Sierra Baguales Mountain Range(50°-51°S):evidence of glaciation dynamics and types in the eastern foothills of the southern Patagonian Andes
作者 ARAOS.JoséMiguel LE ROUX.Jacobus Philiphus GUTIERREZ.Néstor Mauricio 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期282-295,共14页
The glacial morphology of southern South American presents invaluable evidence to reconstruct former glacier behaviour and its relation to climate and environmental changes. However, there are still spatial and tempor... The glacial morphology of southern South American presents invaluable evidence to reconstruct former glacier behaviour and its relation to climate and environmental changes. However, there are still spatial and temporal gaps in the reconstruction of the Holocene Patagonian glacial landscape. Here we present the first geomorphological record for the Sierra Baguales Mountain Range(SBMR), forming the eastern foothills of the Southern Patagonian Andes 200 km from the Pacific coast. This area is topographically isolated from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field(SPIF), and is affected by the Westerly Winds. The study area shows evidence of ice sheet and alpine glaciations related to Andean uplift,which caused a marked climatic contrast between its western and eastern flanks since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM). The regional rock mass strength and precipitation gradient acted as a controlling factor in the glacial cirque distribution and sizes, as well as in the development of glaciation types. We report new radiocarbon dates associated with warm/dry to cold/wet climatic changes during the middle Holocene, when former small alpine glaciers were located in the uppermost section of the SBMR basins, and eventually converged to form a small ice field or a composite valley glacier at lower elevations.This can be explained by an estimated regional temperature drop of 3.8°C±0.8°C, based on a 585±26m Equilibrium Line Altitude(ELA) descent, inferred by geomorphological evidence and the Accumulation Area Ratio(AAR), in addition to a free-air adiabatic lapse rate. Subsequently, the glaciers receded due to climatic factors including a rise in temperature, as well as non-climatic factors, mainly the glacier bedrock topography. 展开更多
关键词 Glacial morphology Sierra Baguales Ice sheet glaciations Alpine glaciations Middle Holocene
A Major Landslide Involving an Inverted Paleochannel in Sierra County, New Mexico
作者 Gerald Lindsey 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第12期791-806,共16页
A landslide that probably dates to the end of the Pleistocene has been found in Sierra County. The feature consists of three sub-parallel segments, covering an area about 8 km wide and 10 km long. The head of the slid... A landslide that probably dates to the end of the Pleistocene has been found in Sierra County. The feature consists of three sub-parallel segments, covering an area about 8 km wide and 10 km long. The head of the slide deposits consists of a northeast-trending paleochannel forming an inverted topography. The paleochannel deposits contain many boulders with sizes up to 1.5 meter diameter, indicating flow rate as high as 100 m3/s. The paleochannel ridge is mostly underlain by the hidden lateral contact of the Cretaceous Crevasse Canyon Formation and by the Tertiary Love Ranch and is sharply defined by Yoast Draw valley that cuts a water gap through the 25 m high inverted ridge. The landslide body consists of Love Ranch Formation overlain by a substantial cover of Quaternary fanglomerate. A series of northwest-trending faults have influenced the landslide. The broad western upslope segment of the slide has been washed away, leaving only trace evidence of a landslide. A low slide plane angle of less than 1% slope suggests a seismic trigger. 展开更多
关键词 Inverted paleochannel Pleistocene climate seismic trigger landslide Sierra County geology.
Serological Investigation of Laboratory-Confirmed and Suspected Ebola Virus Disease Patients During the Late Phase of the Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone 被引量:2
作者 Yang Liu YuLan Sun +27 位作者 Wei Wu AQian Li XianDa Yang Shuo Zhang Chuan Li QiuDong Su ShaoJian Cai DaPeng Sun HaiYang Hu Zhe Zhang XiuXu Yang Idrissa Kamara Sheku Koroma Gerald Bangura Alie Tia Abdul Kamara Matt Lebby Brima Kargbo Jiandong Li Shiwen Wang XiaoPing Dong YueLong Shu WenBo Xu George F. Gao GuiZhen Wu DeXin Li William J. Liu MiFang Liang 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期323-334,共12页
This study aimed to investigate the serological characteristics of Ebola virus(EBOV) infection during the late phase of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. In total, 877 blood samples from 694 suspected Ebola virus di... This study aimed to investigate the serological characteristics of Ebola virus(EBOV) infection during the late phase of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. In total, 877 blood samples from 694 suspected Ebola virus disease(EVD) cases assessed from March to December 2015, were analyzed via real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) for viral RNA and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) and Luminex to detect antibodies against EBOV. Viral load and EBOV-specific IgM/IgG titers displayed a declining trend during March to December 2015. Viral RNA load decreased rapidly at earlier stages after disease onset, while EBOV-specific IgM and IgG still persisted in 58.1%(18/31) and 93.5%(29/31) of the confirmed EVD patients and in 3.8%(25/663) and 17.8%(118/663) of the RNA-negative suspected patients in the later phase, respectively. Dynamic analysis of longitudinally collected samples from eight EVD patients revealed typically reversed trends of declining viral load and increasing IgM and/or IgG titers in response to the EBOV infection.The present results indicate that certain populations of Sierra Leone developed immunity to an EBOV infection in the late phase of the outbreak, providing novel insights into the risk assessment of EBOV infections among human populations. 展开更多
关键词 Ebola virus (EBOV) Late phase Serologic investigation IGM IGG
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