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略论清例对明例之继受 被引量:1
作者 杨昂 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期27-31,共5页
“例”是明清时代重要的法律形式。在法律史上 ,以前朝的法律为本朝法律的来源是常见的现象 ,明清时期也不例外。清代的例在很大程度上承袭了明代的例 ,只是在语言、编纂、规定上有所不同。本文通过对明清律例条文、注释的考证与比较 。
关键词 明例 大清律
作者 郑灿基 《数理天地(初中版)》 2009年第6期25-26,共2页
关键词 四点共圆 明例 同一 平面
试论清代的例对明代的例之继承 被引量:2
作者 马薇薇 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第2期49-52,共4页
关键词 明例 大清律 继承关系
作者 章启辉 刘平 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第2期34-38,共5页
春秋公羊学是一门古老的中国诠释学。在公羊学理论体系中,作为基本诠释法则的"例",与作为基本价值目标的"微言大义",具有同样重要的意义。王运治学崇礼,治经与治礼结合在一起。反映在春秋学上,例以为文,礼以为本... 春秋公羊学是一门古老的中国诠释学。在公羊学理论体系中,作为基本诠释法则的"例",与作为基本价值目标的"微言大义",具有同样重要的意义。王运治学崇礼,治经与治礼结合在一起。反映在春秋学上,例以为文,礼以为本质,以例释礼,藉例明礼,例和礼合一,是王氏公羊学的基本特征。 展开更多
关键词 王闿运 春秋公羊学 中国古代诠释学
作者 蔡佑民 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 2001年第6期189-192,F003,共5页
王弼的易学观体系庞大 ,内容深奥。王弼综合儒道 ,借用、吸收了老庄的思想 ,建立了体系完备、抽象思辩的玄学哲学。其对易学玄学化的批判性研究 ,尽扫先秦、两汉易学研究之腐迂学风 ,其本体论和认识论中所提出的新观点。
关键词 王弼 易学观 "以无为本" "得意忘言" "得意忘象" 《易传》 《周易略·象》
世界建筑遗产的保护 被引量:2
作者 许昊皓 黄子云 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期10-11,共2页
时间:2012/7/10星期五晚19:00地点:湖南大学建筑学院一楼大报告厅主讲人:黄运昇Y.S.Huang美国弗吉尼亚大学终身教授主持人:陈飞虎教授,湖南大学建筑学院副院长/博导在2012年春季学期即将结束时,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的黄运昇教授... 时间:2012/7/10星期五晚19:00地点:湖南大学建筑学院一楼大报告厅主讲人:黄运昇Y.S.Huang美国弗吉尼亚大学终身教授主持人:陈飞虎教授,湖南大学建筑学院副院长/博导在2012年春季学期即将结束时,来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的黄运昇教授访问了湖南大学建筑学院,并为师生带来了一场有关"世界建筑遗产保护"的学术讲座。从巴黎圣母院到中国的长城,从法国的雨果(Hugo)到西班牙的梅里美(ProsperMerimee),黄教授深入浅出的讲述了世界建筑遗产保护的起源、发展和现状。西方建筑遗产保护的思想起源于雨果等一些著名的作家的思考,如雨果认为不管未来的建筑是怎样的,新建的建筑不能割裂历史。梅里美不仅仅是一位文学家。 展开更多
关键词 建筑遗产保护 世界 美国弗吉尼亚大学 建筑学院 湖南大学 巴黎圣母院 学术讲座 主持人
深圳大学学府医院交通规划分析与评价 被引量:2
作者 贾敬龙 汤智勇 孙菲 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期65-69,共5页
本文通过对深圳大学学府医院基地本身和外围交通状况的研究,从宏观和微观两个层面进行剖析,从交通规划方案研究的必要性、特点及总体要求、交通规划目标及原则、交通系统优化、规划构想以及交通规划终极目标——人性化关怀等方面进行阐... 本文通过对深圳大学学府医院基地本身和外围交通状况的研究,从宏观和微观两个层面进行剖析,从交通规划方案研究的必要性、特点及总体要求、交通规划目标及原则、交通系统优化、规划构想以及交通规划终极目标——人性化关怀等方面进行阐述大型三甲医院设计中交通问题的方方面面,从而提出目前大型医院停车难,交通拥堵的方法及对策。 展开更多
关键词 交通规划 公交优先 绿色出行 交通规划对策与评价 功能流线 终极目标
Strategic information perception methods and practices in the open source intelligence 被引量:1
作者 曾文 Li Hui 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第3期330-336,共7页
Open source intelligence is one of the most important public data sources for strategic information analysis. One of the primary and core issues of strategic information research is information perception,so this pape... Open source intelligence is one of the most important public data sources for strategic information analysis. One of the primary and core issues of strategic information research is information perception,so this paper mainly expounds the perception method for strategic information perception in the open source intelligence environment as well as the framework and basic process of information perception. This paper argues that in order to match the information perception result with the information depiction result,it conducts practical exploration for the results of information acquisition,perception,depiction and analysis. This paper introduces and develops a monitoring platform for information perception. The results show that the method proposed in this paper is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 open source intelligence (OSINT) open source information (OSIF) information perception methods and practices INFORMATION science and technology
作者 王丽娜 白晶 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期58-61,共4页
结合开世嘉年小区的规划设计,探讨了在历史地段的再生途径之一,即植入新居住职能,同时探讨了在规划设计中对于历史建筑保护的一种处理方式和态度,以及对于历史遗留原生态树木的保护及合理利用方式。同时结合度假类住宅的产品定位,建筑... 结合开世嘉年小区的规划设计,探讨了在历史地段的再生途径之一,即植入新居住职能,同时探讨了在规划设计中对于历史建筑保护的一种处理方式和态度,以及对于历史遗留原生态树木的保护及合理利用方式。同时结合度假类住宅的产品定位,建筑设计在对西班牙建筑风格的创作上进行了创新。 展开更多
关键词 历史建筑 保留树木 西班牙建筑风格 高迪
Justifying a Study on Constructing a National Human Resource Development Model as Practiced in Malaysia
作者 Udaya Mohan Devadas University of Kelaniya Colombo Sri Lanka 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第7期354-365,共12页
The globe has been confronting a new set of challenges. Such challenges are unique to each country context. The overarching challenge, all above other challenges is, to seek appropriate knowledge as a tool and mean to... The globe has been confronting a new set of challenges. Such challenges are unique to each country context. The overarching challenge, all above other challenges is, to seek appropriate knowledge as a tool and mean to resolve such challenges. A critical such knowledge to be accumulated in all days is on how to develop people or human resources. However, with the existing knowledge claims in this regard, countries have been unable to resolve such challenges. Human Development, one such knowledge claim, is too broader, and therefore, no guided protocol is suggested in finding solutions. Human Resource Development, as another such knowledge claim is too limited in scope to address broader level challenges. National Human Resource Development (NHRD) has emerged to bridge this gap, emphasising people oriented solutions to resolve country level challenges. The NHRD literature encourages NHRD country case studies, and that, justifications for starting NHRD country case studies is needed. This study justifies such a research on NHRD practices in Malaysia's country context, using content analysis. As a result, this study has shown higher level country challenges, derived a need of people based approach in resolving such challenges, highlighted NHRD as capable as possible in guiding to establish people development knowledge claim, and finally justified an NHRD research to be done within Malaysia's context to see how Malaysia practices NHRD. 展开更多
关键词 MALAYSIA Human Resource Development National Human Resource Development country challenges
Similarity measure design on overlapped and non-overlapped data
作者 LEE Sang-hyuk SHIN Seung-soo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2440-2446,共7页
Similarity measure design on non-overlapped data was carried out and compared with the case of overlapped data.Unconsistant feature of similarity on overlapped data to non-overlapped data was provided by example.By th... Similarity measure design on non-overlapped data was carried out and compared with the case of overlapped data.Unconsistant feature of similarity on overlapped data to non-overlapped data was provided by example.By the artificial data illustration,it was proved that the conventional similarity measure was not proper to calculate the similarity measure of the non-overlapped case.To overcome the unbalance problem,similarity measure on non-overlapped data was obtained by considering neighbor information.Hence,different approaches to design similarity measure were proposed and proved by consideration of neighbor information.With the example of artificial data,similarity measure calculation was carried out.Similarity measure extension to intuitionistic fuzzy sets(IFSs)containing uncertainty named hesitance was also followed. 展开更多
关键词 similarity measure overlapped data non-overlapped data intuitionistic data
湖南传统民居的典型户型研究 被引量:4
作者 颜浦华 陈涛 刘宏成 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期49-51,共3页
关键词 湖南 传统民居 典型户型 两暗
历史断代与复兴——浅谈旧博物馆建筑修复与加建再设计 被引量:4
作者 雷鸣 唐国安 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期72-73,共2页
通过对近现代博物馆建筑发展趋势的概述,结合当代著名老博物馆修复与加建设计案例,对于旧建筑更新的理论进行深层次的解读,总结在面对建筑遗产的复兴时建筑师处理方式的共性。将修复与加建中涉及的要素重点归结为在风格,材料,构造衔接... 通过对近现代博物馆建筑发展趋势的概述,结合当代著名老博物馆修复与加建设计案例,对于旧建筑更新的理论进行深层次的解读,总结在面对建筑遗产的复兴时建筑师处理方式的共性。将修复与加建中涉及的要素重点归结为在风格,材料,构造衔接方面强调历史"断代","延续",以及"尊重性",并以此为依据和出发点,梳理完善旧建筑保护和更新的理论逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 断代延续尊重性衔接修复加建
室外空间亲和力影响因素探究 被引量:1
作者 举白 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期30-31,共2页
室外空间是人们生活必不可一少的一部分,是人们室内生活的外延。随着物质水平的不断提高,人们对室外空间的品质要求也相应的提高了。如何才能创造一个集艺术性与实用性为一体的室外空间是值得我们深入探讨的问题。相对于室内空间来说室... 室外空间是人们生活必不可一少的一部分,是人们室内生活的外延。随着物质水平的不断提高,人们对室外空间的品质要求也相应的提高了。如何才能创造一个集艺术性与实用性为一体的室外空间是值得我们深入探讨的问题。相对于室内空间来说室外空间的利用率是非常低的。并不是人们不愿意外出享用室外空间,而是室外空间的亲和力低下所造成的。本文从影响室外空间亲和力的因素着手,探讨如何创造具有亲和力的室外空间,为人们提供一个舒适、安全的室外环境。 展开更多
关键词 室外空间 亲和力
Audience Power in the Production of Talent-Show Stars: China as an Example
作者 Li Cui 《Sociology Study》 2015年第5期391-402,共12页
In China, all types of stars coexist in the country's star system: party stars, commercialized stars, and talent-show stars, which influence diverse type audience and have diverse implications. Based on Couldry's f... In China, all types of stars coexist in the country's star system: party stars, commercialized stars, and talent-show stars, which influence diverse type audience and have diverse implications. Based on Couldry's framework (2000) of media power, through in-depth interviews with media professionals, this study compares the creation of party stars, commercial stars, and talent-show stars as represented by Li Yuchun. Data show that there was few audience power involved into the production of party stars and commercialized stars. Rather, there was media power involved into the production of party stars and commercialized stars. Meanwhile, this study argues that there was audience-power influence on Li Yuchun's rise to stardom, and it provides some details about the manipulations of media institutions that were involved in the creation of this pop star. However, it is difficult to prove that audience power is the main influence on Li's stardom. The implications of her stardom and this production process on China's star system and China's state power are also discussed in this study. 展开更多
关键词 Talent show stardom audience power media power Chinese popular culture
Energy Savings in Municipal Road Lighting: The Case of the Municipality of Hersonissos 被引量:1
作者 Sofia Yfanti Nikos Sakkas Anastasia Nistikaki 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2017年第3期59-65,共7页
In an era governed by economic crisis, deep recession and lack of funds, the perspective of sustainable development drives local government to a more focused and constant effort to adapt to their daily requirements no... In an era governed by economic crisis, deep recession and lack of funds, the perspective of sustainable development drives local government to a more focused and constant effort to adapt to their daily requirements not only in respect to the central state but also towards the growing needs of the local society. As the need for planning actions in accordance with the principles of sustainable energy remains urgent, municipalities continue to envision and to respond to their role in helping to create a better future for generations to come. Thereupon the vision of the Municipality of Hersonissos, as firstly recorded in its Business Plan for 2011-2014, was, and still is, its' development in an Economic, Tourist and Cultural pole by adopting and applying the basic principles of sustainable development. At the same time the Municipality's rigid vision, planning, and evaluation, oriented by environmental protection, highlighted the need for networking on European level as although cities are different, their problems are often common. Thus on April 18, 2011, the Municipality of Hersonissos, joined the European Union initiative "Covenant of Mayors" [1] with the common aim of the fight against climate change. This article presents the significant initiatives taken in this direction in the last decade and their results not only on economical level but also along their social impact. It also aims to point out a municipality's vital role in knowledge and technology diffusion within the local society as sustainable energy development can be deployed not only by the private sector but also by the public. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable energy development MUNICIPALITY Crete.
作者 彭良秋 《中外建筑》 2012年第8期40-41,共2页
关键词 屋顶花园 现象学 空间 场所 体验 认同感
Assessing the Public Lighting with Solar Panels in the Sub Saharan Countries in Africa: Yaounde Case Study
作者 Joseph Kenfack Antoine Amie Assouh Desire Biyo'o Olinga 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第10期1909-1914,共6页
Located in central Africa, Cameroon offers a wealth of solar power opportunity. The public lighting in the capital city Yaounde is an example of solar energy promotion. The purpose of this paper is among other things ... Located in central Africa, Cameroon offers a wealth of solar power opportunity. The public lighting in the capital city Yaounde is an example of solar energy promotion. The purpose of this paper is among other things aiming at assessing the solar energy resources of central Africa and making sure it can be used optimally at least for public lighting. Based on the knowledge from data collected and field experience for three years, the authors will assess the implementation of the technology and show how the use of solar energy can solve some problems in the city of Yaounde even when the area is grid connected. This paper will also identify actions for improved access to sustainable, friendly, affordable solar energy services to users, as well as a significant improvement of energy infrastructure and energy efficiency in the city. The authors will also address issues on identified obstacles for the promotion of solar energy in order to help the cities in sub Saharan countries to develop a vision aiming at developing good solar energy policy and better contribute to fight against poverty and climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy public lighting Yaounde Africa.
作者 JIANG LONG CHEN ZENGJING School of Mathematics and System Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China. Department of Mathematics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, Jiangsu,China. E-mail: jianglong@math.sdu.edu.cn School of Mathematics and System Sciences, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China. 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期401-412,共12页
Briand et al. gave a counterexample showing that given g, Jensen's inequality for g-expectation usually does not hold in general This paper proves that Jensen's inequality for g-expectation holds in general if... Briand et al. gave a counterexample showing that given g, Jensen's inequality for g-expectation usually does not hold in general This paper proves that Jensen's inequality for g-expectation holds in general if and only if the generator g (t, z) is super-homogeneous in z. In particular, g is not necessarily convex in z. 展开更多
关键词 Backward stochastic differential equation Jensen's inequality g-expectaation Conditional g-expectation Comparison theorem
An Example Using Improved Lefschetz Duality
作者 Pascal LAMBRECHTS Jeremy LANE Donald STANLEY 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1269-1274,共6页
A theorem of Lambrechts and Stanley is used to find the rational cohomology of the complement of an embedding S^(4n-1)→ S^(2n)× S^m as a module and demonstrate that it is not necessarily determined by the map in... A theorem of Lambrechts and Stanley is used to find the rational cohomology of the complement of an embedding S^(4n-1)→ S^(2n)× S^m as a module and demonstrate that it is not necessarily determined by the map induced on cohomology by the embedding, nor is it a trivial extension. This demonstrates that the theorem is an improvement on the classical Lefschetz duality. 展开更多
关键词 Lefschetz duality EMBEDDING Extension problem
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