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作者 白捷 魏彦明 张喜山 《山西建筑》 2012年第36期186-187,共2页
关键词 明板涵(桥) 分布系数 车辆荷载
《华盛顿大学远东图书馆藏明板书录》补正 被引量:1
作者 唐宸 《古籍整理研究学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第4期46-49,共4页
《华盛顿大学远东图书馆藏明板书录》共著录美国华盛顿大学收藏的明版汉籍138种,除去丛书零本则为80余种。限于当时客观条件,书录中难免存在一些值得商榷之处,如:误清刻为明刻、误作清刻而失载、失察伪书、误作孤本、误递修为原刻、误... 《华盛顿大学远东图书馆藏明板书录》共著录美国华盛顿大学收藏的明版汉籍138种,除去丛书零本则为80余种。限于当时客观条件,书录中难免存在一些值得商榷之处,如:误清刻为明刻、误作清刻而失载、失察伪书、误作孤本、误递修为原刻、误作翻刻、混淆不同版本等,论文分别予以考辨,以利当前海外中文古籍的调查研究。 展开更多
关键词 《华盛顿大学远东图书馆藏明板书录》 域外汉籍 版本目录 《中国古籍总目》 《中国古籍善本书目》
功能梯度材料明德林矩形微板的热弹性阻尼 被引量:4
作者 李世荣 《力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1601-1612,I0003,共13页
功能梯度材料微板谐振器热弹性阻尼的建模和预测是此类新型谐振器热−弹耦合振动响应的新课题.本文采用数学分析方法研究了四边简支功能梯度材料中厚度矩形微板的热弹性阻尼.基于明德林中厚板理论和单向耦合热传导理论建立了材料性质沿... 功能梯度材料微板谐振器热弹性阻尼的建模和预测是此类新型谐振器热−弹耦合振动响应的新课题.本文采用数学分析方法研究了四边简支功能梯度材料中厚度矩形微板的热弹性阻尼.基于明德林中厚板理论和单向耦合热传导理论建立了材料性质沿着厚度连续变化的功能梯度微板热弹性自由振动控制微分方程.在上下表面绝热边界条件下采用分层均匀化方法求解变系数热传导方程,获得了用变形几何量表示的变温场的解析解.从而将包含热弯曲内力的结构振动方程转化为只包含挠度振幅的偏微分方程.然后,利用特征值问题在数学上的相似性,求得了四边简支条件下功能梯度材料明德林矩形微板的复频率解析解,进而利用复频率法获得了反映谐振器热弹性阻尼水平的逆品质因子.最后,给出了材料性质沿板厚按幂函数变化的陶瓷−金属组分功能梯度矩形微板的热弹性阻尼数值结果.定量地分析了横向剪切变形、材料梯度变化以及几何参数对热弹性阻尼的影响规律.结果表明,采用明德林板理论预测的热弹性阻尼值小于基尔霍夫板理论的预测结果,而且两者的差别随着相对厚度的增大而变得显著. 展开更多
关键词 功能梯度材料 谐振器 热弹性阻尼 德林理论 热弹性耦合振动
作者 吴忠 《山西交通科技》 1995年第4期26-27,共2页
现行的公路桥涵标准图中板式明(小)桥涵普遍采用的6~8cm桥面现浇混凝土铺装层设计从力学结构和理论上证明是不够完善的;在实际施工和养护、使用过程中也能够证实是不合理的。因此,建议重新修订公路桥涵标准图中板式明(小)桥... 现行的公路桥涵标准图中板式明(小)桥涵普遍采用的6~8cm桥面现浇混凝土铺装层设计从力学结构和理论上证明是不够完善的;在实际施工和养护、使用过程中也能够证实是不合理的。因此,建议重新修订公路桥涵标准图中板式明(小)桥涵的桥面铺装层设计,使之能够适应重载大交通量高速行车的需要。 展开更多
关键词 (小)桥涵 桥面铺装层 设计 施工
周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道垂向振动带隙特性研究 被引量:13
作者 冯青松 戴承欣 +2 位作者 郭文杰 付景文 杨舟 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期17-28,共12页
为研究周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道的带隙特性,将钢轨和浮置板分别视为铁木辛柯梁和明德林板,建立周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道垂向振动模型,基于能量变分原理求得其垂向带隙,分析带隙的形成机理以及轨道结构刚度对带隙的影响。结果表明:在0~1200... 为研究周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道的带隙特性,将钢轨和浮置板分别视为铁木辛柯梁和明德林板,建立周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道垂向振动模型,基于能量变分原理求得其垂向带隙,分析带隙的形成机理以及轨道结构刚度对带隙的影响。结果表明:在0~1200 Hz范围内,周期性钢弹簧浮置板轨道结构存在5条垂向振动带隙,1阶和3阶带隙为局域共振带隙,2阶和4阶带隙由轨道结构的弹性运动所引起,5阶为布拉格带隙;在1阶带隙内弹性波直接传入下部基础中,且带隙宽度随钢弹簧刚度增大而增大;在2~4阶带隙内弹性波被限制在激振点附近的浮置板内,带隙频率位置和宽度主要受扣件刚度影响;在5阶带隙内弹性波因布拉格散射而被耗散,带隙宽度随扣件刚度增大而增大。针对1阶、2~4阶以及其他频率段的弹性波,可分别采用减隔振基础、浮置板吸振器和钢轨吸振器进行轨道结构的精细化减振。 展开更多
关键词 周期性钢弹簧浮置轨道 铁木辛柯梁 德林 能量变分原理 垂向振动带隙
基于应变梯度中厚板单元的石墨烯振动研究 被引量:6
作者 徐巍 王立峰 蒋经农 《力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期751-761,共11页
基于应变梯度理论建立了单层石墨烯等效明德林(Mindlin)板动力学方程,推导了四边简支明德林中厚板自由振动固有频率的解析解.提出了一种考虑应变梯度的4节点36自由度明德林板单元,利用虚功原理建立了单层石墨烯的等效非局部板有限元模型... 基于应变梯度理论建立了单层石墨烯等效明德林(Mindlin)板动力学方程,推导了四边简支明德林中厚板自由振动固有频率的解析解.提出了一种考虑应变梯度的4节点36自由度明德林板单元,利用虚功原理建立了单层石墨烯的等效非局部板有限元模型.通过对石墨烯振动问题的研究,验证了应变梯度有限元计算结果的收敛性.运用该有限元法研究了尺寸、振动模态阶数以及非局部参数对石墨烯振动特性的影响.研究表明,这种单元能够较好地适用于研究考虑复杂边界条件石墨烯的尺度效应问题.基于应变梯度理论的明德林板所获得石墨烯的固有频率小于基于经典明德林板理论得到的结果.尺寸较小、模态阶数较高的石墨烯振动尺度效应更加明显.无论采用应变梯度理论还是经典弹性本构关系,考虑一阶剪切变形的明德林板模型预测的固有频率低于基尔霍夫(Kirchhoff)板所预测的固有频率. 展开更多
关键词 应变梯度 有限元 德林 振动 尺度效应
高速铁路无砟轨道路基上拱变形整治研究 被引量:1
作者 袁丛军 《铁道工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期49-55,共7页
研究目的:随着国内高速铁路飞速发展,高速铁路网覆盖范围越来越大,遇到的地质条件趋于多样化与复杂化,运营过程中病害类型较多,其中无砟轨道路基上拱变形问题在近年陆续显现,严重影响轨道的平顺性与行车安全,因此有必要深入研究其上拱... 研究目的:随着国内高速铁路飞速发展,高速铁路网覆盖范围越来越大,遇到的地质条件趋于多样化与复杂化,运营过程中病害类型较多,其中无砟轨道路基上拱变形问题在近年陆续显现,严重影响轨道的平顺性与行车安全,因此有必要深入研究其上拱变形的机理和整治方案,以确保高铁高速运行的安全。研究结论:(1)高速铁路路基填料应特别警惕硫铁矿伴生的硫酸钙盐矿物含量,其与水结合吸收结晶水发生水化反应形成二水硫酸钙,导致体积竖向膨胀上拱2.68%~6%,具有遇水膨胀但失水不收缩的特性;(2)上拱变形规律是冬春季细雨低温下填料含水量不断上升导致上拱膨胀量持续增大;夏秋季升温蒸发后失水,含水量减小,膨胀上拱趋势减弱;大气降水影响填料膨胀变形的深度在1~2.3 m;(3)轨道板下膨胀填料单元整体受力处于非刚性有限约束,基床表层及基床底层的折减经验系数宜分别按0.45与0.55取值;(4)在不同的限制条件下宜采用不同的整治方案,开通前或有单线封锁条件的情况下可采用揭板明挖法,在限速运行及天窗条件下宜采用暗挖置换方案;(5)本文所述各方案整治效果明显,整治经验可为今后类似工程提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 无砟轨道 上拱变形 膨胀性矿物 暗挖置换
城市交通系统中宽扁梁结构的自由振动分析 被引量:1
作者 蒋吉清 李钢 +2 位作者 魏纲 魏新江 孙泽星 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2017年第8期17-21,共5页
为研究城市交通系统中宽扁梁的动力性能,由明德林(Mindlin)板理论退化得到板梁的控制方程,并推导出两端简支和两端固支板梁的自由振动特征方程,然后分别求解其自振频率和模态,并将计算结果与铁木辛科(Timoshenko)梁、Mindlin板的结果进... 为研究城市交通系统中宽扁梁的动力性能,由明德林(Mindlin)板理论退化得到板梁的控制方程,并推导出两端简支和两端固支板梁的自由振动特征方程,然后分别求解其自振频率和模态,并将计算结果与铁木辛科(Timoshenko)梁、Mindlin板的结果进行对比,总结板梁方程的梁宽适用范围并考虑泊松比对宽梁自由振动的影响。分析表明:相较Timoshenko梁方程,板梁方程更贴近Mindlin板的计算结果,尤其是前5阶自振频率,更适于较大泊松比的宽梁结构动力分析。 展开更多
关键词 德林理论 铁木辛科梁 自振频率 振动模态
作者 郑明 小板 《民族音乐》 2008年第S1期82-82,共1页
关键词 元阳 明板 深海 云街 通里 人民
逆作法在曹妃甸华润电厂二期工程取水箱涵施工中的应用 被引量:1
作者 任思光 《珠江水运》 2019年第1期90-92,共3页
针对曹妃甸华润电厂二期工程取水箱涵在断交施工后能尽早恢复通车问题,施工中借鉴了地铁车站盖挖逆作法施工工艺,取得了很好的效果,本文对逆作法在取水箱涵施工中的应用进行了论述,同时与明挖法施工进行了对比,得出逆作法不论从工期上,... 针对曹妃甸华润电厂二期工程取水箱涵在断交施工后能尽早恢复通车问题,施工中借鉴了地铁车站盖挖逆作法施工工艺,取得了很好的效果,本文对逆作法在取水箱涵施工中的应用进行了论述,同时与明挖法施工进行了对比,得出逆作法不论从工期上,还是成本、安全性方面均要优于明挖法。逆作法在该项目上的成功应用,也为今后地下大型箱涵的设计及施工提供了很好的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 逆作法 取水箱涵 拱形顶 挖法
A panel of monoclonal antibodies against the prion protein proves that there is no prion protein in human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells 被引量:3
作者 Liheng Yang Yan Zhang +3 位作者 Lipeng Hu Ying Zhu Man-Sun Sy Chaoyang Li 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期228-236,共9页
Prion diseases are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal. The study of these unique diseases in China is hampered by a lack of resources. Amongst the most important resources for biological study are mo... Prion diseases are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal. The study of these unique diseases in China is hampered by a lack of resources. Amongst the most important resources for biological study are monoclonal antibodies. Here, we characterize a panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for cellular prion protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), immunofluorescent staining, flow cytometry, and western blotting. We identify several antibodies that can be used for specific applications and we demonstrate that there is no prion protein expression in human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells(HPDC). 展开更多
关键词 prion protein monoclonal antibody human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells
Design and Implementation on the Wind and Light Complementary LED Lighting Controller based on Novel Base Board Packaging Technology
作者 Bing Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第12期17-19,共3页
In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on design and implementation on wind and light complementary LED lighting controller based on the novel base board packaging technology. LED, as a kind of device can conv... In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on design and implementation on wind and light complementary LED lighting controller based on the novel base board packaging technology. LED, as a kind of device can convert electric power into visible light directly the homomorphism of semiconductor devices, with high efficiency and small energy consumption, good light quality, use safety, long service life, green environmental protection, flexible control as this is common lamps and lanterns is incomparable advantage. Therefore, it is considered to be 21 century of a new generation of lighting source. Based on the superiority of LED, it is widely applied in many fields of lighting. To enhance the traditional solar based pure LED system, we enhance it with the combination of the wind power and the optimized controller that holds specific meaning. 展开更多
关键词 Wind and Light Lighting Controller LED Base Board Packaging Complementary.
Assessing the Public Lighting with Solar Panels in the Sub Saharan Countries in Africa: Yaounde Case Study
作者 Joseph Kenfack Antoine Amie Assouh Desire Biyo'o Olinga 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第10期1909-1914,共6页
Located in central Africa, Cameroon offers a wealth of solar power opportunity. The public lighting in the capital city Yaounde is an example of solar energy promotion. The purpose of this paper is among other things ... Located in central Africa, Cameroon offers a wealth of solar power opportunity. The public lighting in the capital city Yaounde is an example of solar energy promotion. The purpose of this paper is among other things aiming at assessing the solar energy resources of central Africa and making sure it can be used optimally at least for public lighting. Based on the knowledge from data collected and field experience for three years, the authors will assess the implementation of the technology and show how the use of solar energy can solve some problems in the city of Yaounde even when the area is grid connected. This paper will also identify actions for improved access to sustainable, friendly, affordable solar energy services to users, as well as a significant improvement of energy infrastructure and energy efficiency in the city. The authors will also address issues on identified obstacles for the promotion of solar energy in order to help the cities in sub Saharan countries to develop a vision aiming at developing good solar energy policy and better contribute to fight against poverty and climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy public lighting Yaounde Africa.
作者 刘华蝯 《诗刊》 北大核心 1995年第9期48-48,共1页
关键词 抗日战争 纪念馆 铁案 明板 窜改 黑水 侵华 横磨 白山 世仇
《山东档案》 1995年第3期40-40,共1页
上海松江华明板金厂,专业从事制造板金产品。华明牌铁制箱有六大系列,近百种规格,底图柜有:零号、壹号、贰号和超薄型四种规格:另有文件柜、卡片柜等,品种繁多。长期以来,我们与全国档案界朋友建立了牢固的业务关系,我们愿在互惠互利的... 上海松江华明板金厂,专业从事制造板金产品。华明牌铁制箱有六大系列,近百种规格,底图柜有:零号、壹号、贰号和超薄型四种规格:另有文件柜、卡片柜等,品种繁多。长期以来,我们与全国档案界朋友建立了牢固的业务关系,我们愿在互惠互利的原则下。 展开更多
关键词 底图 业务关系 卡片柜 文件柜 超薄型 档案界 降铁 明板 金厂
Inverse Radiation Problem in One-DimensionalSemitransparent Plane-Parallel Media
作者 LiuLinhua TanHeping 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1998年第4期246-254,共9页
The discrete ordinates method is used to develop a solution to an inverse radiation problem of source term in one-dimensional semitransparent plane-parallel media with opaque and specularly reflecting boundaries. It i... The discrete ordinates method is used to develop a solution to an inverse radiation problem of source term in one-dimensional semitransparent plane-parallel media with opaque and specularly reflecting boundaries. It is assumed that, with the exception of the inhomogeneous source term, all aspects of the radiation transport problem are known. A method is developed to determine the inhomogeneous source term from specified incident radiation intensities on the boundaries. The inverse problem is solved using conjugate gradient method that minimizes the error between the incident radiation intensities calculated and the experimental data. The effects of singl-scattering albedo, scattering asymmetry parameter, wall emissivity, the diffuse fraction of reflectivity, and the optical thickness on the accuracy of the inverse are investigated. The results show that the source term can be estimated accurately, even with noisy data. 展开更多
Full-color flexible laser displays based on random laser arrays 被引量:2
作者 Yue Hou Zhonghao Zhou +4 位作者 Chunhuan Zhang Ji Tang Yuqing Fan Fa-Feng Xu Yong Sheng Zhao 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期2805-2812,共8页
Flexible laser display is a critical component for an information output port in next-generation wearable devices.So far,the lack of appropriate display panels capable of providing sustained operation under rigorous m... Flexible laser display is a critical component for an information output port in next-generation wearable devices.So far,the lack of appropriate display panels capable of providing sustained operation under rigorous mechanical conditions impedes the development of flexible laser displays with high reliability.Owing to the multiple scattering feedback mechanism,random lasers render high mechanical flexibility to withstand deformation,thus making them promising candidates for flexible display planes.However,the inability to obtain pixelated random laser arrays with highly ordered emissive geometries hinders the application of flexible laser displays in the wearable device.Here,for the first time,we demonstrate a mass fabrication strategy of full-color random laser arrays for flexible display panels.The feedback closed loops can be easily fulfilled in the pixels by multiple scatterings to generate durative random lasing.Due to the sustained operation of random laser,the display performance was well-maintained under mechanical deformations,and as a result,a flexible laser display panel was achieved.Our finding will provide a guidance for the development of flexible laser displays and laser illumination devices. 展开更多
关键词 perovskite nanocrystals random laser microlaser arrays flexible displays laser displays
Mathematical Justification of an Obstacle Problem in the Case of a Plate
作者 Yan GUAN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期1047-1058,共12页
In this paper the modeling of a thin plate in unilateral contact with a rigid plane is properly justified. Starting from the three-dimensional nonlinear Signorini problem, by an asymptotic approach the convergence of ... In this paper the modeling of a thin plate in unilateral contact with a rigid plane is properly justified. Starting from the three-dimensional nonlinear Signorini problem, by an asymptotic approach the convergence of the displacement field as the thickness of the plate goes to zero is studied. It is shown that the transverse mechanical displacement field decouples from the in-plane components and solves an obstacle problem. 展开更多
关键词 Signorini problem Obstacle problem Asymptotic analysis PLATE
Sponge-templating synthesis of sandwich-like reduced graphene oxide nanoplates with confined gold nanoparticles and their enhanced stability for solar evaporation 被引量:3
作者 Hong-Wu Zhu Jin Ge +4 位作者 Hao-Yu Zhao Lu-An Shi Jin Huang Liang Xu Shu-Hong Yu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第10期1957-1965,共9页
Solar evaporation based on plasmonic metal nanoparticles(MNPs)is emerging as a promising technology.However,the fine structure of MNPs is unstable,and both the high temperature generated by intensive light and corrosi... Solar evaporation based on plasmonic metal nanoparticles(MNPs)is emerging as a promising technology.However,the fine structure of MNPs is unstable,and both the high temperature generated by intensive light and corrosive ions in water could damage them.The performance will decline after recycling and long-time usage.To address these issues,we adopted a sponge-templating method for preparing sandwich-like nanoplates with the gold nanoparticles(Au NPs)confined in reduced graphene oxide(rGO)nanosheets.Due to the confinement effect,both the surface melting and ion diffusion were suppressed.The solar evaporator based on the sandwich-like nanoplates showed a high solar-vapor conversion efficiency of 85.2%under a high light intensity of 10 kW.After 30 times recycle of seawater desalination,the conversion efficiency scarcely decreased.These sandwich-like nanoplates with enhanced thermal and chemical stability of Au NPs are promising in the practical application of seawater desalination. 展开更多
关键词 sponge template confinement effect surface melting DESALINATION
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