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作者 朱维娜 路春雷 许晓健 《湖北文理学院学报》 2023年第9期73-78,共6页
2022年《义务教育体育与健康课程标准》的颁布,标志着我国基础教育中“体育与健康”课程迈上新台阶。新课标强调学生的体育参与和体验,这与加拿大易动教学模式的教育理念一致。易动教学模式对硬件教学环境的宽容使之能在中国的大地上生... 2022年《义务教育体育与健康课程标准》的颁布,标志着我国基础教育中“体育与健康”课程迈上新台阶。新课标强调学生的体育参与和体验,这与加拿大易动教学模式的教育理念一致。易动教学模式对硬件教学环境的宽容使之能在中国的大地上生根发芽。针对更加注重教学软环境的易动教学,中国义务教育阶段“体育与健康”的教学应对某些不匹配的体育教学软环境进行调整:注重学生主体地位的提升和易动教学模式核心价值观的培养、适度关爱所有学生、适当增加学生心理健康和社会适应能力的评价。 展开更多
关键词 体育教学 易动教学模式 体育与健康 义务教育
“灵是精神难比喻 巧为心性易动魂”——《才智清明志应高——女中学生学习心理透视》评介
作者 喻春兰 《教育导刊(上半月)》 1998年第6期48-48,共1页
《才智清明志应高》一书最近由西南师范大学出版社出版,作者是广州市教育学院教育系主任蔡笑岳教授,蔡教授原是西南师范大学的心理学教授、心理学硕士导师,年前作为广州市学科带头人引进广州.该书是在蔡教授在对千名各类中学女学生进行... 《才智清明志应高》一书最近由西南师范大学出版社出版,作者是广州市教育学院教育系主任蔡笑岳教授,蔡教授原是西南师范大学的心理学教授、心理学硕士导师,年前作为广州市学科带头人引进广州.该书是在蔡教授在对千名各类中学女学生进行心理调查问查基础上,针对她们提出的多种心理问题编著的,全书分为六章,其主要内容及特点简述如下: 展开更多
关键词 女中学生 心理透视 非智力因素 比喻 心理学 心理问题 广州市 易动 心理调查 学科带头人
作者 耿月妹 邹士法 张作人 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第3期1-3,共3页
研究发现了易动瘦尾虫体腹面边缘各有缘棘毛一排,在各排缘棘毛的边上,又各有两排排列比缘棘毛疏松的棘毛,及它背面中央尚有一列背触毛。该虫是腹毛类纤毛虫中一种进化比较低等的类型,但其大、小核已明显分化。大核共进行了4次无丝分裂,... 研究发现了易动瘦尾虫体腹面边缘各有缘棘毛一排,在各排缘棘毛的边上,又各有两排排列比缘棘毛疏松的棘毛,及它背面中央尚有一列背触毛。该虫是腹毛类纤毛虫中一种进化比较低等的类型,但其大、小核已明显分化。大核共进行了4次无丝分裂,小核共进行了3次分裂。 展开更多
关键词 易动瘦尾虫 形态 核器
《健康大视野》 2004年第8期64-64,共1页
有自己喜欢的女孩子吗?想让她对你动以真情吗?是不是你尝试了很多却失败连连?别放弃噢,这里给你全新推荐了21种容易成功的时刻,希望你继续努力,不要放弃。1.当女性单独与男性接触时最容易动心。男性应抓住这一时机表示出积极主动如果有... 有自己喜欢的女孩子吗?想让她对你动以真情吗?是不是你尝试了很多却失败连连?别放弃噢,这里给你全新推荐了21种容易成功的时刻,希望你继续努力,不要放弃。1.当女性单独与男性接触时最容易动心。男性应抓住这一时机表示出积极主动如果有第三者在场她们通常会断然拒绝男性以掩饰自己的真实感情。2.当女性在封闭的空间内呆久以后内心不平衡,易产生心理异常滋生出爱的情感,男性可利用这一心理特点加强求爱攻势。 展开更多
关键词 女性 易动 心理特点 心理异常 男性 继续努力 第三者 女孩子 积极主动 可利用
《世界热带农业信息》 1999年第8期27-27,共1页
关键词 中国农产品贸易 1998年 易动 出口总值 出口值 主要贸易伙伴 印度尼西亚 消费国家 俄罗斯 澳大利亚
元代流民问题浅探 被引量:3
作者 罗贤佑 任崇岳 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1988年第3期98-102,19,共6页
关键词 流民问题 土地兼并 元史 二十年 封建统治者 赋役制度 无定 江浙行省 易动 元朝政府
Price linkage between Chinese and international nonferrous metals commodity markets based on VAR-DCC-GARCH models 被引量:16
作者 岳意定 刘笃池 徐珊 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期1020-1026,共7页
Using VAR-DCC-GARCH model,the literature on commodity price was extended by exploring the co-movement between Chinese nonferrous metal prices and global nonferrous metal prices represented by the nonferrous metal pric... Using VAR-DCC-GARCH model,the literature on commodity price was extended by exploring the co-movement between Chinese nonferrous metal prices and global nonferrous metal prices represented by the nonferrous metal prices from London Metal Exchange(LME).The results show that LME nonferrous metals prices still have a greater impact on Chinese nonferrous metals prices.However,the impact of Chinese nonferrous metals prices on LME nonferrous metals prices is still weak except for lead price.The co-movement of nonferrous metal prices between LME and China presents hysteretic nature,and it lasts for 7-8trading days.Furthermore,the co-movement between LME nonferrous metals prices and Chinese nonferrous metals prices has the characteristics of time-varying,and the correlation of lead prices between LME and China is the more stable than all other nonferrous metals prices. 展开更多
关键词 price linkage nonferrous metals commodity prices Chinese metals commodity market LME CO-MOVEMENT VAR model DCC-GARCH model
Chinese and US Economies in Comparison and Interaction:Now and Future as China Economist Surveys 被引量:5
作者 李钢 李欧美 《China Economist》 2017年第4期110-133,共24页
China Economist has continuously carried out surveys among economists and this round of survey focuses on comparison and interactions between China's and the United States' economies. The result of the survey shows ... China Economist has continuously carried out surveys among economists and this round of survey focuses on comparison and interactions between China's and the United States' economies. The result of the survey shows that economists are generally optimistic about the outlook of both countries'economies. Respondents believed that great differences exist in the components of industrial competitiveness of China and the US; while the US leads in terms of talent, creativity, social system, industrial system integrity and financing, cost is the biggest barrier to improvement in US competitiveness. In comparison, China leads in infrastructure, cost competitiveness and government driving force but inadequate technology is the biggest barrier to improvement in China's competitiveness. Respondents believed that in the coming 20years, China's economic growth will be 5.2% and US growth will be 2.4%. Around 2034, China's economic aggregate will equal the US level but it will take over 60 years for China to catch up with the US in terms of per capita GDP. China's manufacturing technology will equal the US level around 2045. More than 62% of economists believed that the Trump administration will effectively re-shore manufacturing and the average score they give to Trump's "first 100 days "" in office is 76 points. More than 61% of economists considered it unlikely that a serious trade war will break out between China and the US. They generally believed that China and the US cooperate and compete with each other and that China-US trade enjoys great potential to grow. According to the survey, respondents are more confident about China's debt sustainability in comparison with the US. 展开更多
关键词 China-US interaction China-US trade China-US cooperation COMPETITIVENESS Trump administration
作者 施光明 《杭州师范学院学报》 1988年第1期93-98,共6页
汉末三国时期活跃在吴国境内的山越并不象一些学者所说的那样,已经不是作为一个民族而存在了,对此,笔者已有专文论证(参见拙作《山越非山民宗部解》载《民族研究》一九八四年第一期)。那么,既然山越还是作为一个民族存在、活动着,而且... 汉末三国时期活跃在吴国境内的山越并不象一些学者所说的那样,已经不是作为一个民族而存在了,对此,笔者已有专文论证(参见拙作《山越非山民宗部解》载《民族研究》一九八四年第一期)。那么,既然山越还是作为一个民族存在、活动着,而且活动得很频繁,陈寿就曾说:“山越好为叛乱,难安易动,是以孙权不遑外御,卑词魏氏。”甚至都成了左右孙吴对外政策的因素。因此就有必要进一步对山越和汉民族的关系及其融合过程进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 汉民族 山越 民族研究 孙吴 对外政策 民族存在 孙权 汉末 吴国 易动
作者 万震球 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 1994年第3期30-31,共2页
上届高三文科班语文总复习到鲁迅《拿来主义》一课时,有几个学生在不同时间质疑了同一个问题:“老师,‘活人替代了古董,我敢说,也可以算得显出一点进步了’中‘进步’一词,在修辞上,资料书上有的说是反语,有的说是易色,到底该是什么?什... 上届高三文科班语文总复习到鲁迅《拿来主义》一课时,有几个学生在不同时间质疑了同一个问题:“老师,‘活人替代了古董,我敢说,也可以算得显出一点进步了’中‘进步’一词,在修辞上,资料书上有的说是反语,有的说是易色,到底该是什么?什么又叫易色?” 我的答复是,此处“进步”一词,并非反语,当是易色。 展开更多
关键词 易色 转品 咸与维新 “进步” 《拿来主义》 鲁迅 褒义词 贬义词 感情色彩 易动
作者 宁宁 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第6期43-43,共1页
1、奇遇 一天清晨,和煦的阳光洒满大地,晴朗的天空万里无云。 可在车站,有一位等汽车的老人还是拿着一把笨重的黑伞。 我惊讶地问:”今天会下雨吗?” “不会的,”老人自信地答道。 “那么你带伞是为了遮太阳?” “不,不!我干吗要拒绝这... 1、奇遇 一天清晨,和煦的阳光洒满大地,晴朗的天空万里无云。 可在车站,有一位等汽车的老人还是拿着一把笨重的黑伞。 我惊讶地问:”今天会下雨吗?” “不会的,”老人自信地答道。 “那么你带伞是为了遮太阳?” “不,不!我干吗要拒绝这温暖的阳光呢?” 展开更多
关键词 车站 无云 天空 边眼 趟车 自我安慰 车边 易动 经停 太阳
《民族音乐》 2002年第1期76-77,共2页
关键词 合作单位 冲突性 继续保持 演唱会 舞台剧 易动 音乐风格 演绎 导演 演员
《医学文选》 1990年第1期79-79,共1页
从事食品研究的日本学者认为,食品与人的性格之间存在着非常奇妙的关系。例如,在饥饿时,即使性格温和、自制力较强的人也会变得异常急躁,动辄发脾气。在西方甚至流传这样的谚语:“饥饿时易动肝火”。此外,由于当人们偏食时,往往本能地... 从事食品研究的日本学者认为,食品与人的性格之间存在着非常奇妙的关系。例如,在饥饿时,即使性格温和、自制力较强的人也会变得异常急躁,动辄发脾气。在西方甚至流传这样的谚语:“饥饿时易动肝火”。此外,由于当人们偏食时,往往本能地表现某种特定状态,而这种状态常被认为是性格的体现,因此,有时从对食品的喜好可以窥见其人的性格。 展开更多
关键词 性格 日本学者 食品研究 饥饿 谚语 流传 肝火 易动 西方 异常
作者 曹高善 《天风》 1995年第6期27-28,共2页
遵照圣经教训,树立下列指导思想: 一、对异端——坚决抵制 不中他们诡计 不被诱惑 (弗4:14,帖后2:3) 不被诸般怪异 勾引了去 (来13:9) 不要轻易动心 也不惊慌 (帖后2:2)
关键词 指导思想 说谎者 说谎话 守规矩 说空话 易动 诸般 诱惑 圣经 神言
A global overview of cranes: status, threats and conservation priorities 被引量:11
作者 James HARRIS Claire MIRANDE 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第3期189-209,共21页
This paper reviews the population trends and threats for the 15 species of cranes, and comments on conservation priorities for the family as a whole. Cranes occur on ifve continents, with greatest diversity in East As... This paper reviews the population trends and threats for the 15 species of cranes, and comments on conservation priorities for the family as a whole. Cranes occur on ifve continents, with greatest diversity in East Asia (nine species) and Sub-Saharan Africa (six species). Eleven crane species are threatened with extinction according to the IUCN Red List, including one species Critically En-dangered, three species Endangered, and seven species Vulnerable. Of the four species of Least Con-cern, population sizes for the Demoiselle (Anthropoides virgo) and Brolga (Grus rubicunda) are not well known but these species are declining in some areas. The Sandhill (G. canadensis) and Eurasian Cranes (G. grus) are the most abundant cranes and have rapidly increased in part due to their lfexible selection of foraging habitats and use of agriculture lands and waste grain as a food source. Status for six species-Grey Crowned (Balearica regulorum), Blue (Anthropoides paradise), Black-necked (G. nigricollis), Red-crowned (G. japonensis), Sandhill, and Siberian (G. leucogeranus)-are summarized in more detail to illustrate the diversity of population shifts and threats within the crane family. A crane threat matrix lists the major threats, rates each threat for each species, and scores each threat for the crane family as a whole. Four of the ifve greatest threats are to the ecosystems that cranes depend upon, while only one of the top threats (human disturbance) relates to human action directly impact-ing on cranes. Four major threats are discussed:dams and water diversions, agriculture development, crane trade, and climate change. Conservation efforts should be strongly science-based, reduce direct threats to the birds, safeguard or restore habitat, and strengthen awareness among decision makers and local communities for how to safeguard cranes and wetlands. Especially for the most severely threatened species, signiifcantly stronger efforts will be needed to incorporate our understanding of the needs of cranes and the ecosystems they inhabit into decisions about agriculture, water manage-ment, energy development and other human activities. 展开更多
关键词 CRANES climate change habitat loss WETLANDS wildlife trade
The List of Wild Mammals of Illegal Trade in China
作者 殷西林 余经裕 彭建军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期149-151,共3页
This paper illustrates the illegal trade of wild animals in China from 1996 to 2014 by referring to previously reported references and data. There have been83 species(22 families, 8 orders) of wild mammals illegally... This paper illustrates the illegal trade of wild animals in China from 1996 to 2014 by referring to previously reported references and data. There have been83 species(22 families, 8 orders) of wild mammals illegally traded and smuggled in China, mainly found in the southwest border, especially in Yunnan and Guangxi.Smuggling has seriously affected the ecological security of China, so it is necessary to intensify efforts to fight such crime, and enhance the people’s awareness of wildlife protection. 展开更多
关键词 Wild animal TRADE Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Yunnan Province
Data Flow&Transaction Mode Classification and An Explorative Estimation on Data Storage&Transaction Volume 被引量:3
作者 Cai Yuezhou Liu Yuexin 《China Economist》 2022年第6期78-112,共35页
The public has shown great interest in the data factor and data transactions,but the current attention is overly focused on personal behavioral data and transactions happening at Data Exchanges.To deliver a complete p... The public has shown great interest in the data factor and data transactions,but the current attention is overly focused on personal behavioral data and transactions happening at Data Exchanges.To deliver a complete picture of data flaw and transaction,this paper presents a systematic overview of the flow and transaction of personal,corporate and public data on the basis of data factor classification from various perspectives.By utilizing various sources of information,this paper estimates the volume of data generation&storage and the volume&trend of data market transactions for major economies in the world with the following findings:(i)Data classification is diverse due to a broad variety of applying scenarios,and data transaction and profit distribution are complex due to heterogenous entities,ownerships,information density and other attributes of different data types.(ii)Global data transaction has presented with the characteristics of productization,servitization and platform-based mode.(iii)For major economies,there is a commonly observed disequilibrium between data generation scale and storage scale,which is particularly striking for China.(i^v)The global data market is in a nascent stage of rapid development with a transaction volume of about 100 billion US dollars,and China s data market is even more underdeveloped and only accounts for some 10%of the world total.All sectors of the society should be flly aware of the diversity and complexity of data factor classification and data transactions,as well as the arduous and long-term nature of developing and improving relevant institutional systems.Adapting to such features,efforts should be made to improve data classification,enhance computing infrastructure development,foster professional data transaction and development institutions,and perfect the data governance system. 展开更多
关键词 Data factor data classification data transaction mode data generation&storage volume data transaction volume
Visceral hypersensitivity and altered colonic motility after subsidence of inflammation in a rat model of colitis 被引量:58
作者 Jun-Ho La Tae-Wan Kim +3 位作者 Tae-Sik Sung Jeoung-Woo Kang Hyun-Ju Kim ⅠI-Suk Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第12期2791-2795,共5页
AIM:Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)is a functional bowel disorder characterized by visceral hypersensitivity and altered bowel motility.There is increasing evidence suggesting the role of inflammation in the pathogenesi... AIM:Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)is a functional bowel disorder characterized by visceral hypersensitivity and altered bowel motility.There is increasing evidence suggesting the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of IBS,which addresses the possibility that formerly established rat model of colitis could be used as an IBS model after the inflammation subsided. METHODS:Colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of 4% acetic acid in male Sprague-Dawley rats.The extent of inflammation was assessed by histological examination and myeloperoxidase(MPO)activity assay.After subsidence of colitis,the rats were subjected to rectal distension and restraint stress,then the abdominal withdrawal reflex and the number of stress-induced fecal output were measured, respectively. RESULTS:At 2 days post-induction of colitis,the colon showed characteristic inflammatory changes in histology and 8-fold increase in MPO activity.At 7 days post-induction of colitis,the histological features and MPO activity returned to normal.The rats at 7 days post-induction of colitis showed hypersensitive response to rectal distension without an accompaning change in rectal compliance,and defecated more stools than control animals when under stress.CONCLUSION: These results concur largely with the characteristic features of IBS, visceral hypersensitivity and altered defecation pattern in the absence of detectable disease, suggesting that this animal model is a methodologically convenient and useful model for studying a subset of IBS. 展开更多
关键词 Acetic Acid Animals Biological Markers COLITIS Disease Models Animal INFLAMMATION Irritable Bowel Syndrome Male Pain PEROXIDASE RATS Rats Sprague-Dawley Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't
Ayla-Axum Amphorae Through the Red Sea Regions and the Arabian Peninsula During the Medieval Age
作者 Emanuele Casagrande Cicci 《History Research》 2012年第7期467-475,共9页
The aim of the paper is to present a repertory of all archaeological data about the Ayla-Axum amphorae and its content. The study of these class of material will also highlight some aspects of the Early Medieval trade... The aim of the paper is to present a repertory of all archaeological data about the Ayla-Axum amphorae and its content. The study of these class of material will also highlight some aspects of the Early Medieval trade, a period in which sensible political changes occurred after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Ayla-Axum amphorae, found in several Red Sea's sites, are significant indicators of trading activities in the region, whose production, transport and diffusion are far from having been thoroughly investigated up to now. Although most scholars think it was used to transport date wine, at least judging on some tituli picti found in these containers, in recent years Parker and Dolinka have suggested that they might have carried garum or a similar fish-sauce produced at Ayla-AqabaI. 展开更多
关键词 Ayla-Axum Red Sea ARABIA Medieval Age AMPHORAE garum
Discussion on the Design of E-commerce Automatic Operation Module
作者 Qian Wang Mingke Gao 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期102-103,共2页
E-commerce refers to a kind of business and trade activities, which are conducted under the situation that buyers and sellers do not meet each other by using a fast, easy and low-cost way. Along with the promotion and... E-commerce refers to a kind of business and trade activities, which are conducted under the situation that buyers and sellers do not meet each other by using a fast, easy and low-cost way. Along with the promotion and application of computer office automation, it is necessary for e-commerce module to develop towards automation, in which the core lies in making a good design for operation module. In this paper, the promotion of e-commerce in the information age is reviewed by the authors, the unique characteristics of e-commerce functional modules are analyzed, and also the most important point of the design of e-commerce automatic operation module is discussed. Hopefully, helps can be provided for relevant follow-up studies in the future. 展开更多
关键词 E-COMMERCE Automatic Operation Module DESIGN
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