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作者 易宏仁 《西南金融》 1986年第S2期78-79,共2页
关键词 经济控制 社会总需求 社会总供给 价值量 商品供应 易宏 经济发展 流动资金贷款 贷款利率 资金供求
孤独的人生 伤感的情调——清初岭南遗民诗人易宏简论
作者 徐晓星 谢中凡 《岭南文史》 1992年第1期23-27,共5页
明清鼎革,社会动荡激烈之际,可供岭南士大夫选择的道路只有三条:或当死事之忠臣,如著名的“岭南三忠”(陈邦彦、张家玉、陈子壮);或靦颜事清,如陈恭尹等;介乎这两者之间的,便是那些隐遁志士,易宏便是其中的一个。易宏,字渭远,别字秋河,... 明清鼎革,社会动荡激烈之际,可供岭南士大夫选择的道路只有三条:或当死事之忠臣,如著名的“岭南三忠”(陈邦彦、张家玉、陈子壮);或靦颜事清,如陈恭尹等;介乎这两者之间的,便是那些隐遁志士,易宏便是其中的一个。易宏,字渭远,别字秋河,又号云华子、坡亭子。广东鹤山(古属新会)人。著有《云华阁诗略》等。关于易宏的研究,黄海章先生在其《明束广东抗清诗人评传》中已有简要的论述,但有若干地方仍值得商榷。现将研究心得写出,以求教于学界前辈。 展开更多
关键词 遗民诗人 易宏 陈邦彦 陈恭尹 陈子 崖门吊古 易训 张家玉 明清鼎革 学界前辈
作者 王建升 《语文天地》 2016年第4期5-6,共2页
论述类文本阅读,是高考考纲规定的必考内容,也是高考语文极具变化性与区分度的板块。它命题材料广泛,涉及政治学、经济学、历史学、文艺学、伦理学、教育学等领域;文本具有新、宽、严、精的特点,题干客观、主观型兼顾,可以根据整体试卷... 论述类文本阅读,是高考考纲规定的必考内容,也是高考语文极具变化性与区分度的板块。它命题材料广泛,涉及政治学、经济学、历史学、文艺学、伦理学、教育学等领域;文本具有新、宽、严、精的特点,题干客观、主观型兼顾,可以根据整体试卷命制要求进行设置,难易宏微主客时空变化丰富,考查学生抽象逻辑思维的各个层面。 展开更多
关键词 文本阅读 高考语文 题干 抽象逻辑思维 变化性 文本理解 内在认知 易宏 时空变化 必考内容
International Trade Barriers Complaints and Structural Employment: A Conceptual and Quantitative Macro-perspective
作者 S. Samplonius-Raut Jan Waalkens 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第10期673-690,共18页
Free trade is beneficial for all nations. Pareto optimality can be reached by trade without barriers, leading to maximizing total welfare of nations involved. Yet there are clear cases of complaining at the World Trad... Free trade is beneficial for all nations. Pareto optimality can be reached by trade without barriers, leading to maximizing total welfare of nations involved. Yet there are clear cases of complaining at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in which home bias is plausibly the reason for complaining, rather than objective criteria of the rules of trade agreements. Next to home bias in individual cases induced home bias leading to complaining at WTO might also be a trend. Using correlation and stepwise regression analysis a dataset on 28 complaining countries is analysed. The number of complaints at the WTO is the dependent variable in exploratory modeling. Independent variables are various variables on economic structure. Structural unemployment (SUN), agricultural import share, current account balance, international property rights (IPR), and foreign direct investment (FDI) turned out to be significantly related to the number of complaints. This is a strong indicator that complaining at the WTO is at least partly induced by other than objective factors. One of these factors other than objective factors could be considered as an induced home bias which leads to disruptive trade. The established relationship with one of these factors indicates the existence of induced home bias as an actual trend based on the outcomes of the analysis presented. 展开更多
关键词 trade barriers COMPLAINTS structural employment disruptive trade home bias
The Impact of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on Stock Exchange Markets: A Comparative Analysis on CEECs
作者 Imre Ersoy 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第1期1-13,共13页
Stock exchange market responses to macroeconomic fluctuations show deviations between countries in terms of direction, magnitude and duration due to the idiosyncratic characteristics of the countries. The paper empiri... Stock exchange market responses to macroeconomic fluctuations show deviations between countries in terms of direction, magnitude and duration due to the idiosyncratic characteristics of the countries. The paper empirically searches for the identification of these variations for CEECs, namely Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic and also Turkey for the period of December, 1999 to December, 2009. The empirical analyses demonstrate that for each CEEC, stock exchange market responds positively to industrial production and to appreciation of local currency. Czech Republic and Hungary display negative and the rest display positive response to M1, whereas the response of stock market to CB policy rate shows mixed results for each country. Besides, foreign exchange market returns are found to be the variable with the highest significance in explaining the stock exchange market returns. These findings point out to arbitrage opportunities for investors and give insight to Monetary Policy Authorities about the Monetary Transmission Mechanisms of the countries. 展开更多
关键词 macroeconomic fluctuations stock exchange returns ARDL bounds test vector autoregressive (VAR) model CEECS
作者 马宏锦 《电影画刊》 2009年第3期1-5,共5页
北京电影学院97表演系进修班毕业姜宏波在姜文的《鬼子来了》中出演女主角,并曾参与拍摄多部电影及电视作品包括《野玫瑰》、《大城小事》、《别了温哥华》、《天在上》、《共产党员》、《雪后多伦多》,《最后的棚户人家》(2002)《别了... 北京电影学院97表演系进修班毕业姜宏波在姜文的《鬼子来了》中出演女主角,并曾参与拍摄多部电影及电视作品包括《野玫瑰》、《大城小事》、《别了温哥华》、《天在上》、《共产党员》、《雪后多伦多》,《最后的棚户人家》(2002)《别了,温哥华》中的王平平,《明星制造》中的邓茜,《美丽的田野》中的丁春丽... 展开更多
关键词 表演系 丁春 明星制造 北京电影学院 电视作品 姜文 沈阳体育学院 易宏
作者 shava 赵易宏 《商务旅行》 2008年第7期26-26,共1页
我不喜欢正襟危坐的轻又慢勺,而新开业的ISSIMO餐厅正中下怀。同样是名厨Salvatore Cuomo,走的却是轻松俏皮的乡村路线。这位意籍日本大厨的星级名菜D.O.C薄饼曾连续三年赢得那不勒斯,薄饼节大奖(NNEapoli’s Pizzafest餐饮节的世界杯)... 我不喜欢正襟危坐的轻又慢勺,而新开业的ISSIMO餐厅正中下怀。同样是名厨Salvatore Cuomo,走的却是轻松俏皮的乡村路线。这位意籍日本大厨的星级名菜D.O.C薄饼曾连续三年赢得那不勒斯,薄饼节大奖(NNEapoli’s Pizzafest餐饮节的世界杯)。我在丰盛的烧烤菜肴里辨认着来自世界各地的上等食材:大西洋三文鱼、澳大利亚肉眼扒、黄鮨鲔鱼…… 展开更多
关键词 ISSIMO 鲔鱼 三年 食材 时装品牌 迷迭香 中大 南京西路 易宏
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