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新疆易灾暴雨的风险区划 被引量:20
作者 王慧 毛炜峄 +2 位作者 李元鹏 余行杰 白素琴 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1407-1413,共7页
将降水量作为新疆易灾暴雨的风险区划指标,对新疆106个气象站1961年以来4-9月的暴雨(≥24mm)降水过程进行分析,确定不同时间尺度各级易灾暴雨的临界致灾雨量指标.选用降水强度和频次来表征易灾暴雨的危险性,利用加权综合评价法和GIS中... 将降水量作为新疆易灾暴雨的风险区划指标,对新疆106个气象站1961年以来4-9月的暴雨(≥24mm)降水过程进行分析,确定不同时间尺度各级易灾暴雨的临界致灾雨量指标.选用降水强度和频次来表征易灾暴雨的危险性,利用加权综合评价法和GIS中自然断点分级法,将致灾暴雨的危险性指数按高、次高、中等、次低、低危险区5个等级进行区划.区划结果表明:新疆特殊地形决定了新疆易灾暴雨的高危险区和次高危险区主要分布在阿尔泰山、塔尔巴哈台山、巴尔鲁克山和天山山前地带,即阿勒泰地区、塔城盆地、伊犁河谷、天山山区及其两侧山前地带以及南疆西部山区,而古尔班通古特沙漠和塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地及其周边地区、吐鄯托盆地为低危险区. 展开更多
关键词 新疆 易灾 暴雨 危险性 区划
西南地区泥石流区易灾人口脆弱性评估 被引量:3
作者 刘光旭 戴尔阜 +2 位作者 傅辉 孟丽红 徐祥明 《灾害学》 CSCD 2015年第4期69-73,共5页
基于西南地区(西藏地区除外)社会经济统计数据、自然环境数据和历年泥石流灾害事件记录,采用因子分析的方法,对西南地区泥石流人员脆弱性进行了评价。结果显示,西南地区易灾人口分布呈现四种类型:中部和西北部的极高脆弱区,北部和西南... 基于西南地区(西藏地区除外)社会经济统计数据、自然环境数据和历年泥石流灾害事件记录,采用因子分析的方法,对西南地区泥石流人员脆弱性进行了评价。结果显示,西南地区易灾人口分布呈现四种类型:中部和西北部的极高脆弱区,北部和西南部的高度脆弱区,片状围绕极高脆弱区分布的中度脆弱区及点状分布的低度脆弱区。其中,极高脆弱区人员综合易损率达3.89人/万人,高度脆弱区高于3人/万人,中度脆弱区和低度脆弱区平均人员易损率分别为2.69人/万人和1.49人/万人。相关检验分析表明,泥石流区易灾人口脆弱性空间分异规律不仅与历年实际受灾人口相吻合,而且与区域社会经济发展水平密切相关。因此,提高社会经济水平、降低易灾人口脆弱性是未来西南地区减灾防灾重要的内容。 展开更多
关键词 泥石流 易灾人口脆弱性 害风险 西南地区
基于GIS的易灾地区小流域植被减洪能力初探──以岷江上游为例 被引量:3
作者 王跚 彭培好 +1 位作者 刘勤 田丛珊 《灾害学》 CSCD 2016年第4期210-214,共5页
以小流域为基本单元,采用灰色关联及统计分析方法,结合地理空间技术识别岷江上游不同植被类型及覆盖度与山洪灾害的关系特征,结果表明:1在不考虑植被覆盖时,岷江上游山洪灾害潜在危险性较高,并存在空间分异,干流及一级支流的中下游潜在... 以小流域为基本单元,采用灰色关联及统计分析方法,结合地理空间技术识别岷江上游不同植被类型及覆盖度与山洪灾害的关系特征,结果表明:1在不考虑植被覆盖时,岷江上游山洪灾害潜在危险性较高,并存在空间分异,干流及一级支流的中下游潜在危险性较高,而干流上游及小姓沟、黑水沟部分区域其值较低;2根据灾害发生实际情况,该区域的植被具有减洪能力,缓解程度与潜在危险水平存在相关性;3不同植被类型及覆盖下,植被的减洪能力也存在差异,并与覆盖度存在不同程度相关性。 展开更多
关键词 易灾地区 GIS 小流域 植被覆盖 减洪能力 岷江上游
福建省易灾地区水土流失防治策略探讨 被引量:1
作者 林恩标 《亚热带水土保持》 2018年第1期23-25,共3页
福建省由于山高坡陡、地形复杂,加上台风暴雨不断,导致山洪、泥石流等灾害频发,已经严重威胁到人民群众的生产生活。本文分析了福建省主要几种地质灾害(山洪、滑坡、泥石流)的分布特征,划分易灾地区水土流失防治重点区域,并从小流域综... 福建省由于山高坡陡、地形复杂,加上台风暴雨不断,导致山洪、泥石流等灾害频发,已经严重威胁到人民群众的生产生活。本文分析了福建省主要几种地质灾害(山洪、滑坡、泥石流)的分布特征,划分易灾地区水土流失防治重点区域,并从小流域综合治理、监督管理、动态监测等方面,探讨福建省易灾地区水土流失防治的策略。 展开更多
关键词 福建省 水土流失防治 易灾地区
高位远程地质灾害研究:回顾与展望 被引量:7
作者 殷跃平 高少华 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2024年第1期1-18,共18页
在全球范围内,高位远程地质灾害造成了多起群死群伤事件和特大经济损失,是特大型地质灾害防灾减灾科技攻关的难点。文章系统回顾了高位远程地质灾害的研究历程,认为常规的“高速远程滑坡”研究难以适应高山、极高山区复合型地质灾害防... 在全球范围内,高位远程地质灾害造成了多起群死群伤事件和特大经济损失,是特大型地质灾害防灾减灾科技攻关的难点。文章系统回顾了高位远程地质灾害的研究历程,认为常规的“高速远程滑坡”研究难以适应高山、极高山区复合型地质灾害防灾减灾的要求,提出了从高位失稳、远程成灾和风险防控全链条的高位远程地质灾害研究思路,探讨了高位崩滑启动源区的易灾地质结构特征和早期识别技术、高速碎屑流远程链动机理和边界层效应以及风险评估和防灾减灾问题。通过对青藏高原高山、极高山区的高位远程地质灾害研究,揭示了高位滑坡碎屑流势流体链动传递机理,以及紊流体和犁切体的边界层效应,提出可以通过改造高势能碎屑流体的边界层底坡、增大湍流边界层内湍动能的生成与组合障桩前死区范围的消能降险方法。最后,针对铁路、公路、水电工程、边疆城镇和国防建设的发展,讨论了复合型高位远程滑坡灾害的防灾减灾将面临的新挑战,提出了易灾地质结构孕灾机理、高位远程链灾动力过程和风险防控理论与技术等3方面亟待加强的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 高位远程地质 高速远程滑坡 易灾结构 链动机理 风险防控
作者 邵侃 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第4期89-99,共11页
脱贫民族地区自然灾害易发频发,成为新时期稳定脱贫和乡村振兴面临的重大课题。在气象、地质、地形、人类活动等多重因素影响下发生的自然灾害,造成易灾农户普遍存在较高返贫致贫风险,其脆弱性根源在于自然资本、公共资本、物质资本、... 脱贫民族地区自然灾害易发频发,成为新时期稳定脱贫和乡村振兴面临的重大课题。在气象、地质、地形、人类活动等多重因素影响下发生的自然灾害,造成易灾农户普遍存在较高返贫致贫风险,其脆弱性根源在于自然资本、公共资本、物质资本、人力资本、社会资本和金融资本所构成的应灾资本存量匮乏且弱环突出。在向韧性治理转型的历史趋势下,灾害治理和返贫致贫风险治理应回归“以人为本”的治理范式,通过制度设计和流程再造,培育和打造“韧性小农”与“韧性乡村”,全方位、持续性提升易灾农户应灾资本存量和结构化应灾能力,进而从根本上遏制返贫致贫问题。 展开更多
关键词 民族地区 易灾农户 返贫致贫 风险治理 韧性乡村
未来气候变化情景下横断山北部灾害易发区极端降水时空特征 被引量:9
作者 李沁汶 王玉宽 +1 位作者 徐佩 逯亚峰 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期400-408,共9页
极端降水是导致气候变化下滑坡、泥石流等山地灾害变化的重要因素。极端降水的时空特征作为气候变化下山地灾害风险的研究热点之一,为滑坡等山地灾害危险性评价和构建山地社会安全空间奠定了重要基础。尤其对于地形复杂、灾害频发的横... 极端降水是导致气候变化下滑坡、泥石流等山地灾害变化的重要因素。极端降水的时空特征作为气候变化下山地灾害风险的研究热点之一,为滑坡等山地灾害危险性评价和构建山地社会安全空间奠定了重要基础。尤其对于地形复杂、灾害频发的横断山地区,高精度的极端降水时空特征研究有利于优化国土空间,促进当地减轻灾害风险与加强气候变化适应相结合。本研究以横断山北部岷山、邛崃山和大雪山为例,充分考虑区域复杂地形的影响,在全球气候模式降水数据的基础上,采用统计降尺度的方法,获取该区域2010—2060时段的逐日降水数据(空间分辨率1×1km);并充分考虑极端降水可能对物理事件造成的影响,构建包括绝对量指数、频度指数和强度指数的极端降水评价指标体系。研究结果表明,未来气候变化下,研究区极端降水总体呈现增加—减少—增加的趋势,短时极端降水和持续性极端降水的空间分布相对一致。就短时极端降水而言,大部分区域发生50mm以上极端降水事件的次数较多,而研究区中部邛崃山区甚至会发生超过100mm的极端降水事件。持续性事件的分布受地形阻隔作用影响,主要发生在大雪山高山区域和邛崃山区。结合研究区地理环境条件,地质灾害风险在未来气候变化情景下可能增加。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 极端降水指标 时空格局 易灾地区
陕西省冬小麦干旱风险分析及区划 被引量:50
作者 朱琳 叶殿秀 +2 位作者 陈建文 郭兆夏 李美荣 《应用气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期201-206,共6页
根据自然灾害分析原理 ,以县为单元 ,从干旱对冬小麦造成的减产出发 ,分别就各县灾损率、易灾性、抗灾能力三方面进行了讨论。以风险指数为区划指标 ,在GIS系统 (CityStar)中 ,按等级划分标准对各县属性值进行分级、赋色 ,获得GIS系统... 根据自然灾害分析原理 ,以县为单元 ,从干旱对冬小麦造成的减产出发 ,分别就各县灾损率、易灾性、抗灾能力三方面进行了讨论。以风险指数为区划指标 ,在GIS系统 (CityStar)中 ,按等级划分标准对各县属性值进行分级、赋色 ,获得GIS系统支持下的陕西省冬小麦干旱风险区划图 ,并分区予以评述。 展开更多
关键词 陕西 冬小麦 干旱 风险区划 地理信息系统 损率 易灾 能力
广东省香蕉寒害风险分析 被引量:45
作者 植石群 刘锦銮 +1 位作者 杜尧东 刘爱君 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期113-116,共4页
根据各地寒害及香蕉的产量资料 ,从寒害对香蕉产量的影响出发 ,对广东省各地香蕉的灾损率、易灾性进行了分析 ,以寒害风险指数作为区划指标 ,对广东省的香蕉寒害风险进行了区划 。
关键词 广东 香蕉 寒害 风险分析 产量 损率 易灾
A Forest Fire Risk Assessment Using ASTER Images in Peninsular Malaysia 被引量:2
作者 PENG Guang-xiong LI Jing +1 位作者 CHEN Yun-hao NORIZAN Abdul-patah 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第2期232-237,共6页
Based on the physical concept of heat energy of pre-ignition,a new fire susceptibility index (FSI) is used to estimate forest fire risk. This physical basis allows calculation of ignition probabilities and comparisons... Based on the physical concept of heat energy of pre-ignition,a new fire susceptibility index (FSI) is used to estimate forest fire risk. This physical basis allows calculation of ignition probabilities and comparisons of fire risk across eco-regions. The computation of the index requires inputs of fuel temperature and fuel moisture content (FMC),both of which can be estimated using remote sensing data. While ASTER data for land surface temperatures (LST) was used as proxys for fuel temperatures,fuel moisture content is estimated by regression technique utilizing the ratio NDVI/LST of ASTER data. FSIs are computed in peninsular Malaysia for nine days before the fires of 2004 and 2005 and validated with fire occurrence data. Results show that the FSI increases as the day approaches the fire day. This trend can be observed clearly about four days before the day of fire. It suggests that FSI can be a good estimator of fire risk. The physical basis provides a more meaningful FSI,allows calculation of ignition probabilities and facilitates the development of a future class of fire risk models. FSI can be used to compare fire risk across different eco-regions and time periods. FSI retains the flexibility to be localized to a vegetation type or eco-regions for improved performance. 展开更多
关键词 fire risk fire susceptibility index land surface temperature fuel moisture content
Physico-mechanical performance of debris-flow deposits with particular reference to characterization and recognition of debris flow-related sediments
作者 YANG Kui XU Ze-min +5 位作者 REN Zhe WANG Kun TANG Yong-jun TIAN Lin LUO Jun-yao GAO Hai-yan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2726-2744,共19页
To characterize and recognize the debris flow-related deposits,the physico-mechanical performance of four deposits from the Dongyuege(DYG),Shawa(SW),Jiangjia Gully(JJG),and Gengdi(GD)debris flows in southwest China is... To characterize and recognize the debris flow-related deposits,the physico-mechanical performance of four deposits from the Dongyuege(DYG),Shawa(SW),Jiangjia Gully(JJG),and Gengdi(GD)debris flows in southwest China is investigated through laboratory analyses and tests.The four debris-flow materials can all be remolded into coherent,homogeneous cylinders with high densification and strength–porosity of 25%-36%,mean pore-throat radius of 0.46-5.89μm,median pore-throat radius of 0.43-4.28μm,P-wave velocity of 800-1200 m/s,modulus of elasticity of 28-103 MPa,unconfined compressive strength(UCS)of 220-760 kPa,and cohesion of 65-281 kPa.Based on the comparison in slurryability and formability among debris-flow deposits,granular flow deposits,fluvial deposits,residual lateritic clay and loess,whether a sediment can be cast into competent cylinders for physico-mechanical tests can be regarded as a diagnostic evidence of old debris-flow deposits.The discrepancy in physico-mechanical properties among the four debris-flow deposits suggests that the combination of foregoing physico-mechanical parameters can characterize assembling characteristics of debris flow-related sediments including grain size distribution,mineralogy,and accidental detritus.Four deposited sediments above can be surprisingly classified as hard soil-soft rocks according to UCS,and the hard soil-soft rock behaviors can advance the further understanding of debris flows. 展开更多
关键词 debris flow-related sediment physico-mechanical performance debris-flow susceptibility assessment of debris-flow hazard hard soil-soft rock
Hazard and population vulnerability analysis: a step towards landslide risk assessment 被引量:2
作者 Franny G.MURILLO-GARCíA Mauro ROSSI +2 位作者 Francesca ARDIZZONE Federica FIORUCCI Irasema ALCáNTARA-AYALA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1241-1261,共21页
In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlfin, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility, magnitude (area-velo... In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlfin, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility, magnitude (area-velocity ratio) and landslide frequency of the area of interest were produced based on information derived from a geomorphological landslide inventory; the latter was generated by using very high resolution satellite stereo pairs along with information derived from other sources (Google Earth, aerial photographs and historical information). Estimations of landslide susceptibility were determined by combining four statistical techniques: (i) logistic regression, (ii) quadratic discriminant analysis, (iii) linear discriminant analysis, and (iv) neuronal networks. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of lo m spatial resolution was used to extract the slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation and relief. These factors, in addition to land cover, lithology anddistance to faults, were used as explanatory variables for the susceptibility models. Additionally, a Poisson model was used to estimate landslide temporal frequency, at the same time as landslide magnitude was obtained by using the relationship between landslide area and the velocity of movements. Then, due to the complexity of evaluating it, vulnerability of population was analysed by applying the Spatial Approach to Vulnerability Assessment (SAVE) model which considered levels of exposure, sensitivity and lack of resilience. Results were expressed on maps on which different spatial patterns of levels of landslide hazard and vulnerability were found for the inhabited areas. It is noteworthy that the lack of optimal methodologies to estimate and quantify vulnerability is more notorious than that of hazard assessments. Consequently, levels of uncertainty linked to landslide risk assessment remain a challenge to be addressed. 展开更多
Southeast Tibet Forest Fuel Types and Flammability
作者 SHU Lifu ZHAO Fengjun +2 位作者 WANG Mingyu LIU Xiaodong WANG Jingsheng 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2007年第1期77-81,共5页
Southeast Tibet forest is in east subtropical zone. This region natural environment is unique, influenced by the southwest monsoon, so forest fires are very easy to occur in the dry season. Forest in this region is ov... Southeast Tibet forest is in east subtropical zone. This region natural environment is unique, influenced by the southwest monsoon, so forest fires are very easy to occur in the dry season. Forest in this region is over mature forest, and accounts for much proportion. Fire season in this area is winter and spring. But in the special year, forest fires can also occur in the hot summer. Fire season lasts from October to next February,but to April in an individual arid year. Most of the fires in this area are surface fires, crown fire, can occur after long time drought. Ground fires do not occur in the region. 展开更多
关键词 forest fire forest fuel FLAMMABILITY
Study and Application of Fuel-breaks in Southwest China
作者 SHULifu WANGMingyu TIANXiaorui 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2004年第2期84-87,共4页
All of the plants can be combusted. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree specieswerent liable to be burned compared with other plant species. In this paper new concepts on fire resistanttrees and ... All of the plants can be combusted. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree specieswerent liable to be burned compared with other plant species. In this paper new concepts on fire resistanttrees and fuel-breaks trees were presented. The fire resistance mechanism includes 3 aspects, fire-resistanttree species, rational construction forest belts and environment. Tree crowns can resist fire forwarding.Forest belts can form the environment, which is not easy to fire, and also make fuels distributed discontinuous.The network of forest belts has large area of conifer forest segregated. The ideal fire resistant tree species hadbetter to embrace some characteristics, such as high fire resistance, rational planting and biological characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 forest fire fuel-breaks fire-resistant tree species mechanism of fire prevention
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