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“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器对扰动事件的观测 被引量:7
作者 邹鸿 肖佐 +5 位作者 郝永强 邹积清 仲维英 吴中祥 向宏文 朱文明 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期636-641,共6页
本文比较了在太阳平静和扰动时期“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器对卫星舱内高能粒子的观测结果,发现在平静时期观测结果很好地反映了辐射带高能粒子在该高度上的分布情况.在扰动时期,粒子探测器观测到高能粒子分布出现重大变化,本文进... 本文比较了在太阳平静和扰动时期“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器对卫星舱内高能粒子的观测结果,发现在平静时期观测结果很好地反映了辐射带高能粒子在该高度上的分布情况.在扰动时期,粒子探测器观测到高能粒子分布出现重大变化,本文进一步讨论了影响高能粒子在近地空间分布的可能因素. 展开更多
关键词 星内粒子探测器 太阳质子事件 外带电子突增事件 辐射带 “资源一号”卫星
星内粒子探测器观测结果与辐射带模型的比较 被引量:7
作者 邹鸿 陈鸿飞 +6 位作者 邹积清 施伟红 肖佐 郝永强 吴中祥 向宏文 朱文明 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期678-683,共6页
我们将资源一号卫星星内粒子探测器的观测数据与辐射带模式AE8/AP8的预测结果进行了对比,发现在南大西洋异常区的高能电子和质子的通量与辐射带模型的预测结果基本相同,而在两极极光带的电子通量比AE8模型预测的低得多.根据NOAA卫星的... 我们将资源一号卫星星内粒子探测器的观测数据与辐射带模式AE8/AP8的预测结果进行了对比,发现在南大西洋异常区的高能电子和质子的通量与辐射带模型的预测结果基本相同,而在两极极光带的电子通量比AE8模型预测的低得多.根据NOAA卫星的观测结果,可以认为这一差异主要是因为在南大西洋异常区(内辐射带)和两极极光带(外辐射带)的粒子投掷角分布的差异造成的.在南大西洋异常区粒子倾向于各向同性分布,而在极光带粒子各向异性明显,投掷角接近90°的粒子通量比0°投掷角附近的粒子通量大得多. 展开更多
关键词 星内粒子探测器 辐射带模型 投掷角分布 南大西洋异常区 极光带
“资源一号”卫星星内高能粒子探测器 被引量:11
作者 肖佐 邹积清 +6 位作者 邹鸿 钟维英 霍宏暹 包上联 徐萍芳 朱文明 吴中祥 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期361-369,共9页
对空间辐射环境的效应以及“星内高能粒子探测器”原理和设计做了简要而全面地介绍 。
关键词 高能粒子辐射环境 星内粒子探测器 半导体探测器
资源一号卫星星内粒子探测器与神舟二号X射线探测器对高能电子探测的比较分析 被引量:8
作者 邹鸿 肖佐 +12 位作者 邹积清 仲维英 郝永强 张东和 马宇倩 王焕玉 徐玉朋 张承模 汪锦州 唐仕奎 梁晓华 徐霁舒 吴中祥 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期562-570,共9页
利用资源一号卫星和神舟二号留轨舱上搭载的高能粒子探测设备对 2 0 0 1年 2~ 6月同一时段内的资料进行了对比分析 .神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的观测结果反映的空间高能电子的分布 ,表明在 4 0 0km的较低高度上 ,地理纬度 4 0°附... 利用资源一号卫星和神舟二号留轨舱上搭载的高能粒子探测设备对 2 0 0 1年 2~ 6月同一时段内的资料进行了对比分析 .神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的观测结果反映的空间高能电子的分布 ,表明在 4 0 0km的较低高度上 ,地理纬度 4 0°附近以及SAA地区也可以观测到数百keV的高能电子 .资源一号卫星的探测结果显示了在 80 0km高度附近 ,同一时段内若干兆电子伏特的高能电子的全球分布 .后者出现的最低地理纬度和相应的经度位置则和前者是一致的 ,说明两个高度上高能粒子的分布仍然都受地磁场控制 ,粒子主要来源于地球辐射带 .资源一号卫星高能粒子探测器的能挡与神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的能挡不同 ,彼此可以较好地补充 .但由于神舟二号轨道倾角较低 ,全面的对比也受到一定的局限 ,在进一步深入分析现有资料的同时 。 展开更多
关键词 空间高能粒子 星内粒子探测器X射线探测器地球辐射带
BDS卫星星内多径及其对宽巷FCB解算的影响分析 被引量:6
作者 阮仁桂 贾小林 冯来平 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期961-970,共10页
针对BDS卫星的伪距星内多径(SIMP)问题,提出和强调了在进行SIMP建模时应该采用天底角而非高度角作为自变量,这样获得的模型才能用于不同高程的接收机。收集全球分布的iGMAS和MGEX监测站数据,以天底角为自变量构建了北斗IGSO和MEO两类卫... 针对BDS卫星的伪距星内多径(SIMP)问题,提出和强调了在进行SIMP建模时应该采用天底角而非高度角作为自变量,这样获得的模型才能用于不同高程的接收机。收集全球分布的iGMAS和MGEX监测站数据,以天底角为自变量构建了北斗IGSO和MEO两类卫星B1、B2和B3频点的SIMP分段线性模型。利用FY3C星载北斗数据对北斗GEO、IGSO和MEO的SIMP作进一步分析。结果表明,当天底角小于7°时,GEO和IGSO卫星的SIMP非常接近,对B2频点尤其明显。这也许预示着可以将地面数据获得的IGSO卫星的SIMP模型用于GEO卫星。同时还发现在天底角小于12°(MEO)和7°(IGSO)时,所得到的SIMP估值与地面数据获得的模型有非常好的一致性。在此基础上,采用MGEX全球监测网数据进行宽巷小数周偏差(FCB)解算试验,结果表明,经过SIMP改正后,各颗卫星的星端宽巷FCB序列的重复性都有显著提高,改进幅度都超过了60%。具体的,IGSO和MEO的星端FCB重复精度小于0.05周;采用IGSO卫星的SIMP模型对GEO卫星进行改正后,C01和C02星的FCB重复精度分别达到0.023和0.068周。 展开更多
关键词 BDS 星内多径 分段线性模型 天底角 小数周偏差 风云三号C星
星内粒子辐射探测器上高压单元的模拟(英文) 被引量:2
作者 常国平 陈鸿飞 邹积清 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期121-126,共6页
中巴资源卫星上的星内粒子辐射探测器的探头必须要工作在稳定,高信噪比的直流高压电源下。事实证明,安装在中巴资源1和中巴资源2卫星上的探测器高压单元能够保证整个探测器的正常运行。但是,新的实验对高压单元的设计提出了新的要求和... 中巴资源卫星上的星内粒子辐射探测器的探头必须要工作在稳定,高信噪比的直流高压电源下。事实证明,安装在中巴资源1和中巴资源2卫星上的探测器高压单元能够保证整个探测器的正常运行。但是,新的实验对高压单元的设计提出了新的要求和新的技术指标,作者根据要求和技术指标对原来的探测器高压单元部分进行了改进。首先简要介绍粒子辐射探测器以及它在空间探测方面的作用,然后介绍探测器高压单元的基本原理,并对其中的振荡换能部分进行理论分析和数值模拟。通过数值模拟,可以从理论上预言高压单元工作点的稳定性以及输出电压随其他参数波动式的变化。最后,对所做的模拟进行相关的讨论和展望。 展开更多
关键词 星内粒子辐射探测器 高压单元 直流 交流 理论分析 数值模拟
基于ZigBee的星内无线通信网络研究与设计 被引量:2
作者 孙赫婕 华更新 +1 位作者 吴军 梁洁玫 《空间控制技术与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期58-62,共5页
为研究星内网络从有线线缆到无线网络的可行性,分析星内无线通信的需求,针对卫星通信特点设计并实现了一个典型的星型ZigBee无线通信网络,对星内无线通信协议和传输性能进行了测试.实验结果表明所设计的无线通信网络能够满足星内无线通... 为研究星内网络从有线线缆到无线网络的可行性,分析星内无线通信的需求,针对卫星通信特点设计并实现了一个典型的星型ZigBee无线通信网络,对星内无线通信协议和传输性能进行了测试.实验结果表明所设计的无线通信网络能够满足星内无线通信对于低数据率、近距离的敏感器和部分执行机构的组网需求,并且网络性能稳定. 展开更多
关键词 星内通信 无线网络 ZIGBEE
作者 杜蓉 李慧军 +1 位作者 刘瑞鹏 贾文远 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第4期20-24,28,共6页
描述了一个利用LED实现的星内光无线CAN通信系统。通过光收发电路代替有线CAN通信的收发器部分,实现了基于LED的光无线CAN通信。所实现系统在器件选用、功耗等方面尽可能考虑了在轨应用可行性。实验结果表明,所实现基于LED的星内光无线... 描述了一个利用LED实现的星内光无线CAN通信系统。通过光收发电路代替有线CAN通信的收发器部分,实现了基于LED的光无线CAN通信。所实现系统在器件选用、功耗等方面尽可能考虑了在轨应用可行性。实验结果表明,所实现基于LED的星内光无线CAN通信系统在漫反射通信状态设备间距离为0.5 m时,通信速率最高可达100 kb/s,可应用于卫星内部特定载荷之间的CAN通信。 展开更多
关键词 LED 无线通信 CAN 星内
极轨卫星在780km高度上测得的高能粒子辐射事件 被引量:6
作者 邹鸿 肖佐 +1 位作者 吴中祥 朱文明 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期370-374,共5页
对搭载于我国第一颗地球资源卫星上的“星内高能粒子探测器”首批资料进行初步分析表明 ,在卫星 780km轨道高度上所纪录到的所有高能粒子通量事件都只出现在 3个地理区域 ,即两半球的高纬极光带和南大西洋地磁异常区。低能档电子在这 3... 对搭载于我国第一颗地球资源卫星上的“星内高能粒子探测器”首批资料进行初步分析表明 ,在卫星 780km轨道高度上所纪录到的所有高能粒子通量事件都只出现在 3个地理区域 ,即两半球的高纬极光带和南大西洋地磁异常区。低能档电子在这 3个区域都有出现 ,而高能档电子和质子在太阳宁静条件下 ,一般只出现在南大西洋异常区。从统计结果还可看出 ,南极光带附近的粒子通量大于北半球极光带 ,而在北极光带 ,与南大西洋异常区大体相同的经度附近 ,高能粒子的通量事件有一个明显的空隙区域。另一个观测事实是 ,0 5~ 2 0MeV能档的电子通量在极光区远大于 2 0MeV以上能档的电子通量 ,而在南大西洋地磁异常区 ,两个通道的电子通量差别不大。与现有理论模型和国外大致相同轨道上的空间高能辐射环境直接观测资料对比还表明 ,卫星舱内的辐射与舱外的空间辐射环境是完全相关的 ,积累的有关资料不但是航天设计和环境应用研究所需的重要参量之一 。 展开更多
关键词 星内粒子探测器 粒子通量增加事件 极光带 南大西洋异常区
Mechanisms of Cyclovirobuxine D on APD Prolongation in Rat Ventricular Myocytes 被引量:1
作者 陈庆文 单宏丽 +2 位作者 王赫 李哲 杨宝峰 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2003年第3期142-147,共6页
Aim To study the effects of cyclovirobuxine D on inward rectifier K^- current(I_(k1) ) > transient outward K^+ current (I_(to)), L-type Ca^(2+) current (I_(Ca-L)), and actionpotential duration (APD) in isolated rat... Aim To study the effects of cyclovirobuxine D on inward rectifier K^- current(I_(k1) ) > transient outward K^+ current (I_(to)), L-type Ca^(2+) current (I_(Ca-L)), and actionpotential duration (APD) in isolated rat ventricular myocytes. Methods The whole cell patch-clamptechniques were used to study the changes of I_(k1), I_(to), I_(Ca-L) and APD in rat ventricularmyocytes. Results Cyclovirobuxine D (1-10 μmol·L^(-1)) significantly prolonged APD_(50) andAPD_(90) in isolated rat ventricular myocytes. Resting potential (RP) was decreased by 10μmol·L^(-1) of cyclovirobuxine D. Cyclovirobuxine D significantly decreased both inward andoutward components of I_(k1) . At - 100 mV, 1 and 10 μmol·L^(-1) of cyclovirobuxine D decreasedI_(k1), density from (-8.0+- 1.1) pA/pF to ( - 4.1 +- 0.7) pA/pF and ( - 3.4 +- 0.8) pA/pF,respectively, whereas at - 30 mV, I-(k1) density was decreased from (1.10 +-0.24) pA/pF to (0.61+-0.18) pA/pF and (0.36+- 0.11) pA/pF, respectively. 1_(to) was markedly inhibited bycyclovirobuxine D from the test potential of 0 mV to + 60 mV. At + 40 mV, 1 and 10μmol·L^(-1) ofcyclovirobuxine D decreased I_(to) density from (8.9+- 2.0) pA/pF to (5.5 +- 1.2) pA/pF and (4.9+-0.9) pA/pF, respectively. Cyclovirobuxine D inhibited I_(Ca-L) in a concentration-dependentmanner. At 10 mV, 1 and 10μmol·L^(-1) of cyclovirobuxine D decreased I_(Ca-L) density from ( - 9.9+- 1.8) pA/pF to ( - 6.4 +- 1.4) pA/pF and (-4.2+-0.6) pA/pF, respectively. ConclusionCyclovirobuxine D significantly prolonged APD and inhibited I_(k1), I_(to), and I_(Ca-L) in ratventricular myocytes. The inhibitory effects of cyclovirobuxine D on _(k1) and I_(to) are majormolecular mechanisms of APD prolongation in rat. 展开更多
关键词 cyclovirobuxine D CARDIOMYOCYTES ion channels APD potassium channels L-type ca^(2+) current
A generalization of co-*~n-modules
作者 姚玲玲 陈建龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期505-508,共4页
A module is called a co-*∞-module if it is co-selfsmall and ∞-quasi-injective. The properties and characterizations are investigated. When a module U is a co-*∞-module, the functor Hom RU(-,U)is exact in Copre... A module is called a co-*∞-module if it is co-selfsmall and ∞-quasi-injective. The properties and characterizations are investigated. When a module U is a co-*∞-module, the functor Hom RU(-,U)is exact in Copres∞(U). A module U is a co-*∞-module if and only if U is co-selfsmall and for any exact sequence 0→M→UI→N→0 with M∈Copres∞(U) and I is a set, N∈Copres∞(U) is equivalent to Ext1R(N,U)→Ext1R(UI,U) is a monomorphism if and only if U is co-selfsmall and for any exact sequence 0→L→M→N→0 with L, N∈Copres∞(U), N∈Copres∞(U) is equivalent to the induced sequence 0→Δ(N)→Δ(M)→Δ(L)→0 which is exact if and only if U induces a duality ΔUS:⊥USCopres∞(U):ΔRU. Moreover, U is a co-*n-module if and only if U is a co-*∞-module and Copres∞(U)=Copresn(U). 展开更多
关键词 co-*∞-module ∞-quasi-injective co-selfsmall co-*n-module
Finite Element Analysis of Internal Gear in High-Speed Planetary Gear Units 被引量:8
作者 葛楠 张俊 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第1期11-15,共5页
The stress and the elastic deflection of internal ring gear in high-speed spur planetary gear units are investigated. A rim thickness parameter is defined as the flexibility of internal ring gear. Six evenly spaced li... The stress and the elastic deflection of internal ring gear in high-speed spur planetary gear units are investigated. A rim thickness parameter is defined as the flexibility of internal ring gear. Six evenly spaced linear springs are used to describe the fitting status between internal ring gear and the gearcase. The finite element model of the whole internal ring gear is established by means of Pro/E and ANSYS. The loads on meshing teeth of internal ring gear are applied according to the contact ratio and the load-sharing coefficient. With the finite element analysis (FEA), the influences of flexibility and fitting status on the stress and elastic deflection of internal ring gear are predicted. The simulation reveals that the principal stress and deflection increase with the decrease of rim thickness of internal ring gear. Moreover, larger spring stiffness helps to reduce the stress and deflection of internal ring gear. Therefore, the flexibility of internal ring gear must be considered during the design of high-speed planetary gear transmissions. 展开更多
关键词 planetary gear transmissions internal ring gear finite element method
Reliability analysis of house keeping system based on neural network
作者 马秀娟 赵国良 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期639-641,共3页
House keeping systems must hold such advantages as light weight,,mall volume and low power consumption to meet the demand of micro-satellites. This paper, based on the specific characteristics of Stereo Mapping Micro-... House keeping systems must hold such advantages as light weight,,mall volume and low power consumption to meet the demand of micro-satellites. This paper, based on the specific characteristics of Stereo Mapping Micro-satellite (SMMS), describes the house keeping system with its advantage of having a centralized and distributed control in one system and analyzes the reliability based on Neural network model. 展开更多
关键词 micro-satellite house keeping system reliability neural network
DVB-S2 inner receiver design for broadcasting mode 被引量:1
作者 YANG Jian-xiao WANG Kuang ZOU Zhi-yong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期28-35,共8页
This paper details on the design of DVB-S2 receivers which is compliant with the broadcasting mode. Special at-tention is paid to the specific receiver functions necessary to demodulate the received signal. To show th... This paper details on the design of DVB-S2 receivers which is compliant with the broadcasting mode. Special at-tention is paid to the specific receiver functions necessary to demodulate the received signal. To show the system performance we consider the design of a complete receiver consisting of timing recovery unit, frame synchronization unit, frequency recovery unit and phase recovery unit. The system is easier to hardware implementation comparing with that provided in (ETSI, 2005; Sun et al., 2004). After the performance of the algorithms is analyzed and a quantitative result is given, this allows us to draw conclusions concerning the achievable system performance under realistic complexity assumptions. 展开更多
关键词 DVB-S2 Timing recovery Frame synchronization Frequency recovery Phase recovery
miRNA studies in in vitro and in vivo activated hepatic stellate cells 被引量:12
作者 Gunter Maubach Michelle Chin Chia Lim Henry Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第22期2748-2773,共26页
AIM: To understand which and how different miRNAs are implicated in the process of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation. METHODS: We used microarrays to examine the differential expression of miRNAs during in vitro ... AIM: To understand which and how different miRNAs are implicated in the process of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation. METHODS: We used microarrays to examine the differential expression of miRNAs during in vitro activation of primary HSCs (pHSCs). The transcriptome changes upon stable transfection of rno-miR-146a into an HSC cell line were studied using cDNA microarrays. Selected differentially regulated miRNAs were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction during in vivo HSC activation. The effect of miRNA mimics and inhibitor on the in vitro activation of pHSCs was also evaluated.RESULTS: We found that 16 miRNAs were upregulated and 26 were downregulated significantly in 10-d in vitro activated pHSCs in comparison to quiescent pHSCs. Overexpression of rno-miR-146a was characterized by marked upregulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3, which is implicated in the regulation of tumor necrosis factor-α activity. Differences in the regulation of selected miRNAs were observed comparing in vitro and in vivo HSC activation. Treatment with miR-26a and 29a mimics, and miR-214 inhibitor during in vitro activation of pHSCs induced significant downregulation of collagen type Ⅰ transcription. CONCLUSION: Our results emphasize the different regulation of miRNAs in in vitro and in vivo activated pHSCs. We also showed that miR-26a, 29a and 214 are involved in the regulation of collagen type I mRNA. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic stellate cells MIRNA MIR-146A Nuclear factor-κB
Endoscopic and clinicopathologic characteristics of early gastric cancer with high microsatellite instability 被引量:6
作者 Jaehoon Jahng Young Hoon Youn +8 位作者 Kwang Hyun Kim Junghwan Yu Yong Chan Lee Woo Jin Hyung Sung Hoon Noh Hyunki Kim Hoguen Kim Hyojin Park Sang In Lee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第27期3571-3577,共7页
AIM: To investigate endoscopic and clinicopathologic characteristics of early gastric cancer (EGC) according to microsatellite instability phenotype. METHODS: Data were retrospectively collected from a single tert... AIM: To investigate endoscopic and clinicopathologic characteristics of early gastric cancer (EGC) according to microsatellite instability phenotype. METHODS: Data were retrospectively collected from a single tertiary referral center. Of 981 EGC patients surgically treated between December 2003 and October 2007, 73 consecutive EGC patients with two or more microsatellite instability (MSI) mutation [high MSI (MSI-H)] and 146 consecutive EGC patients with one or no MSI mutation (non-MSI-H) were selected. The endoscopic and clinicopathologic features were compared between the MSI-H and non-MSI-H EGC groups.RESULTS: In terms of endoscopic characteristics, MSI-H EGCs more frequently presented with elevated pattern (OR 4.38, 95% Cl: 2.40-8.01, P 〈 0.001), moderate- to-severe atrophy in the surrounding mucosa (OR 1.91, 95% CI: 1.05-3.47, P = 0.033), antral location (OR 3.99, 95% CI: 2.12-7.52, P 〈 0.001) and synchronous le- sions, compared to non-MSI-H EGCs (OR 2.65, 95% CI: 1.16-6.07, P = 0.021). Other significant clinicopatholog- ic characteristics of MSI-H EGC included predominance of female sex (OR 2.77, 95% CI: 1.53-4.99, P 〈 0.001), older age (〉 70 years) (OR 3.30, 95% CI: 1.57-6.92, P = 0.002), better histologic differentiation (OR 2.35, 95% Cl: 1.27-4.34, P = 0.007), intestinal type by Lau- ren classification (OR 2.34, 95% CI: 1.15-4.76, P = 0.019), absence of a signet ring cell component (OR 2.44, 95% CI: 1.02-5.86, P = 0.046), presence of mu- cinous component (OR 5.06, 95% Cl: 1.27-20.17, P = 0.022), moderate-to-severe lymphoid stromal reaction (OR 3.95, 95% CI: 1.59-9.80, P = 0.003), and co-exist- ing underlying adenoma (OR 2.66, 95% CI: 1.43-4.95, P = 0.002). CONCLUSION: MSI-H EGC is associated with unique endoscopic and clinicopathologic characteristics includ- ing frequent presentation in protruded type, co-exist- ing underlying adenoma, and synchronous lesions. 展开更多
关键词 Microsatellite instability Early gastric can-cer Endoscopic characteristic Advanced gastric cancer
Impacts of internal waves on chlorophyll a distribution in the northern portion of the South China Sea 被引量:3
作者 杨顶田 叶海彬 王桂芬 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期1095-1101,共7页
Internal waves can bring nutrients to the upper level of water bodies and facilitate phytoplankton photosynthesis.Internal waves occur frequently in the northern portion of the South China Sea and inflict an important... Internal waves can bring nutrients to the upper level of water bodies and facilitate phytoplankton photosynthesis.Internal waves occur frequently in the northern portion of the South China Sea and inflict an important effect on chlorophyll a distribution.In this study,in-situ observation and satellite remote sensing data were used to study the effects of internal waves on chlorophyll a distribution.Based on the in-situ observations,lower chlorophyll a concentrations were present in the middle and bottom level in areas in which internal waves occur frequently,while the surface chlorophyll a distribution increased irregularly,and a small area with relatively higher chlorophyll a concentrations was observed in the area around the Dongsha Island.Satellite remote sensing showed that the chlorophyll a concentration increased in the area near Dongsha Island,where internal waves frequently occurred.The results of the increased chlorophyll a concentration in the surface water near Dongsha Island in the northern portion of the South China Sea indicated that internal waves could uplift phytoplankton and facilitate phytoplankton growth. 展开更多
关键词 internal waves chlorophyll a distribution northern South China Sea
Backlash analysis of a new planetary gearing with internal gear ring 被引量:2
作者 朱才朝 肖宁 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2010年第3期151-158,共8页
Due to low carrying capacity and short life of current ring reducer,we proposed a new planetary gearing with internal gear ring,which consisted of two stages.One was an involute planetary drive and the other was an N-... Due to low carrying capacity and short life of current ring reducer,we proposed a new planetary gearing with internal gear ring,which consisted of two stages.One was an involute planetary drive and the other was an N-type planetary drive with small teeth difference.The kinematic calculation was conducted based on the analysis of structural composition and working principle.Formulas of backlash calculation for the new planetary gearing were derived by using probabilistic theory and the analytical model was created at the same time.Then,main factors that affect the systematic backlash were introduced and the effects of manufacture error,misaligments and roller bearing parameters on the distribution of backlash were presented.The influence of gear backlash on systematic return difference was performed based on the backlash mathematic model proposed.The results show that the backlash is a little large,of which the backlash of bearing takes a greater part than two gearing stages.So we presented some practical methods to reduce the systematic backlash. 展开更多
关键词 planetary gearing with intemal gear ring probabilistic theory return difference gear backlash
Estimates of global M_2 internal tide energy fluxes using TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data
作者 张艳伟 梁鑫峰 +1 位作者 田纪伟 杨丽芬 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期129-134,共6页
TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data from October 1992 to June 2002 are used to calculate the global barotropic M2 tidal currents using long-term tidal harmonic analysis. The tides calculated agree well with ADCP data obtain... TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data from October 1992 to June 2002 are used to calculate the global barotropic M2 tidal currents using long-term tidal harmonic analysis. The tides calculated agree well with ADCP data obtained from the South China Sea (SCS). The maximum tide velocities along the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis can be computed from the tidal ellipse. The global distribution of M2 internal tide vertical energy flux from the sea bottom is calculated based on a linear internal wave generation model. The global vertical energy flux of M2 internal tide is 0.96 TW, with 0.36 TW in the Pacific, 0.31 TW in the Atlantic and 0.29 TW in the Indian Ocean, obtained in this study. The total horizontal energy flux of M2 internal tide radiating into the open ocean from the lateral boundaries is 0.13 TW, with 0.06 TW in the Pacific, 0.04TW in the Atlantic, and 0.03 TW in the Indian Ocean. The result shows that the principal lunar semi-diurnal tide Me provides enough energy to maintain the large-scale thermohaline circulation of the ocean. 展开更多
关键词 TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter M2 internal tide vertical energy flux horizontal energy flux
Dynamic movement-based location update in LEO networks
作者 王亮 张乃通 马永奎 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期51-54,共4页
Mobility management is an important aspect of the LEO systems. In terrestrial wireless network, the movement of the user triggers the location updating and determines the paging scheme, while in LEO satellite systems,... Mobility management is an important aspect of the LEO systems. In terrestrial wireless network, the movement of the user triggers the location updating and determines the paging scheme, while in LEO satellite systems, the location updating and paging is mainly based on the movement of satellite. Terrestrial location management techniques must be altered to fit LEO systems. This paper introduces a modified movement based location update and paging scheme in LEO networks. In this scheme we propose the meta cell concept, which includes two spot beams of one satellite. First we present the location management scheme based on the architecture with meta cell location area. Then an analytical model is applied to formulate the cost of location updating and location paging for the and movement meta cell based dynamic location update scheme. The comparison of performance between meta cell architecture method and conventional signal spot cell architecture method is provided to demonstrate the cost effectiveness and robust of the proposed scheme under various parameters. To reduce the impact of meta cell architecture on location paging cost, we present forced location update strategy which used in the cases that the meta cell includes the two spot beams from different satellites. 展开更多
关键词 location management MOVEMENT terminal paging
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