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作者 付晓鑫 顾秋生 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期18-26,共9页
星系中心黑洞质量和核球恒星速度弥散度的紧密关系揭示出准确测量恒星速度弥散度对测定星系中心黑洞质量尤为重要.文中提供了一种利用SDSS(Sloan Digital SkySurvey)光谱测定速度弥散度及其不确定性的方法.通过对像素空间包含显著特征... 星系中心黑洞质量和核球恒星速度弥散度的紧密关系揭示出准确测量恒星速度弥散度对测定星系中心黑洞质量尤为重要.文中提供了一种利用SDSS(Sloan Digital SkySurvey)光谱测定速度弥散度及其不确定性的方法.通过对像素空间包含显著特征吸收线的4个不同谱区的拟合,得到准确测量恒星速度弥散度σ的光谱区域.文中4个拟合波段主要包含的吸收线为CaⅡK,MgⅠb三重线(波长5167.5,5172.7,5183.6(?))和CaT(CaⅡ三重线,波长8498.0,8542.1,8662.1(?)).不同区域结果表明,MgⅠb区由于受到铁族发射线影响,拟合的σ值偏低;CaⅡK线区谱线强度很弱,易受限于最小二乘法搜索算法;CaT+CaⅡK联合区得出的速度弥散度和只计算CaT区域的结果相当.利用该方法,测试了一个红移小于0.05的赛弗特星系样本,发现CaT区是测速度弥散度的最佳谱区. 展开更多
关键词 星系:赛弗特 方法:数值
作者 吴烨 杨军 孙晓辉 《天文学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期51-69,共19页
光学波段的“变脸”AGN (changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus, CL AGN)是光谱类型发生变化AGN的统称.近年来,越来越多观测证据表明这类现象与中央超大质量黑洞吸积活动有关.而黑洞吸积率的变化可能会引起喷流的增强或者减弱,进而导... 光学波段的“变脸”AGN (changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus, CL AGN)是光谱类型发生变化AGN的统称.近年来,越来越多观测证据表明这类现象与中央超大质量黑洞吸积活动有关.而黑洞吸积率的变化可能会引起喷流的增强或者减弱,进而导致射电波段观测性质的变化.在已发表的文献中,收集了74个光学波段证认的“变脸”AGN、90个“变脸”AGN的候选体.基于这个目前最大并且选源方式多样化的非完备样本,探讨了“变脸”AGN在射电波段的观测性质.从澳大利亚平方公里阵先导设备(Australian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder, ASKAP)和美国甚大阵甚大阵(Very Large Array, VLA)的4大射电巡天观测中,发现了51个“变脸”AGN (含21个候选体)在0.9–3 GHz存在射电波段的对应体,样本的射电探测率约为41%,与一般AGN的射电探测率无显著区别.此外,分析了这些源的射电谱指数,发现在1.4 GHz和3 GHz频段“变脸”AGN相对于一般射电源有较平的射电谱.该统计结果或可解释为“变脸”AGN存在一些较年轻并且在毫角秒尺度上结构致密的射电喷流活动. 展开更多
关键词 星系:活动 星系:喷流 星系:赛弗特 星系:统计 射电连续谱:星系
ESO 113-G010的一对准周期振荡信号
作者 张鹏 颜景志 刘庆忠 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期12-19,共8页
2005年11月XMM-Newton望远镜对窄线赛弗特星系ESO 113-G010进行了长达100 ks的观测.采用Lomb-Scargle周期图(LSP)法和加权小波Z变换(Weighted Wavelet Z-transform,WWZ)两种方法对数据进行分析,发现存在着~2.2411和~4.09 h准周期振荡(Qu... 2005年11月XMM-Newton望远镜对窄线赛弗特星系ESO 113-G010进行了长达100 ks的观测.采用Lomb-Scargle周期图(LSP)法和加权小波Z变换(Weighted Wavelet Z-transform,WWZ)两种方法对数据进行分析,发现存在着~2.2411和~4.09 h准周期振荡(Quasi-Periodic Oscillation,QPO),其置信度分别为7.3σ和4.8σ.这两个QPO信号的周期具有大约1:2(1:1.83)的关系.在该源的其他的观测中并没有发现QPO信号,表明这是一种暂现现象.ESO 113-G010中心黑洞的质量MBH和其QPO频率fQPO满足已知的从恒星级黑洞到超大质量黑洞的质量与QPO频率之间的对数线性关系.该源的能谱分析显示在1 keV以下有软X射线超的现象. 展开更多
关键词 星系:赛弗特星系 活动星系核:个别:ESO 113-G010 准周期振荡 方法:Lomb-Scargle周期图(LSP) 方法:加权小波Z变换(WWZ)
A sample of active galactic nuclei with strong soft X-ray variabilities
作者 BI Da LIU Teng WANG JunXian 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期101-108,共8页
Large-amplitude X-ray variation is a special feature of AGN, reflecting possible extreme change in the central engine or the ab- sorption along the line of sight. Till now there are only a few relevant studies on indi... Large-amplitude X-ray variation is a special feature of AGN, reflecting possible extreme change in the central engine or the ab- sorption along the line of sight. Till now there are only a few relevant studies on individual sources or rather small samples. In this work we aim to perform a systematic study of AGNs with strong soft X-ray variations at timescale of 〉 10 years. To build the sample, we compare the soft X-ray fluxes of AGNs measured in ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) during 1990-1991 with those measured by XMM-Newton during 2000-2009. This investigation bings forth to a sample of 13 AGNs, which appeared bright in RASS era, and went into low states (flux dropped by a factor of 〉 10) when they were caught by XMM-Newton. Most of the 13 sources are type I Seyfert galaxies. 5 of them are noticed to have strong X-ray vai'iation for the first time. We study the nature of their variations through performing XMM-Newton spectral analyses and by collecting reports from the existing literature. We find the sample could be divided into three categories according to the possible causes of the strong X-ray variations. The variations in MRK 0478 and 1H 0419-557 are consistent with strong light-bending effect, i.e., the observed X-ray flux drops significantly as the X-ray emitting corona gets much closer to the central black hole. The variations in ESO 140-G043 and NGC 7158 are caused by absorption changes along the line of sight. For one special case MRK 0335, the variation can be explained by either light-bending or absorption variation. In the rest 8 sources (- 60%), the strong soft X-ray variations are likely to exist due to intrinsic changes in the activities of the corona, although in some of them without high quality X-ray spectra we are unable to rule out alternative models. This sample provides good targets for future monitoring campaigns with more extensive studies. 展开更多
关键词 soft X-ray active galactic nuclei VARIATION
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