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思维过程外显的高中英语阅读教学实践 被引量:1
作者 秦红红 《教育视界》 2021年第3期40-43,共4页
思维过程外显指对学生的思维过程进行引导,展现其思维的轨迹,将无形的思维过程呈现在有形的教学活动中。思维导图是帮助学生外显其思维过程的常见工具。在阅读教学中,教师可以设计画、说、议、写等学习活动,引导学生展现思维过程。学生... 思维过程外显指对学生的思维过程进行引导,展现其思维的轨迹,将无形的思维过程呈现在有形的教学活动中。思维导图是帮助学生外显其思维过程的常见工具。在阅读教学中,教师可以设计画、说、议、写等学习活动,引导学生展现思维过程。学生在逐层深入的思维活动中,梳理文本结构,厘清逻辑关系,探究主题意义,迁移运用所学知识。 展开更多
关键词 高中英语 阅读教学 思维导图 思维过程
企业组织创新的内在逻辑过程研究——兼论组织创新的策略与管理 被引量:8
作者 张钢 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第5期1-5,共5页
伴随企业改革的日益深化 ,企业组织创新研究开始为人们所普遍关注。本文从创新理论、组织理论和现代企业理论相结合的角度 ,对企业组织创新的内在逻辑过程进行研究 ,提出了包括显过程与隐过程在内的组织创新过程模式 ,并对其中主要环节... 伴随企业改革的日益深化 ,企业组织创新研究开始为人们所普遍关注。本文从创新理论、组织理论和现代企业理论相结合的角度 ,对企业组织创新的内在逻辑过程进行研究 ,提出了包括显过程与隐过程在内的组织创新过程模式 ,并对其中主要环节进行了系统分析。 展开更多
关键词 组织创新 显过程 企业 过程 内在逻辑过程
玉米灰斑病菌致病过程的寄主反应研究 被引量:11
作者 王桂清 陈捷 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期94-99,共6页
通过对玉米灰斑病菌侵染后的显症过程的系统观察,可在组织水平上说明该病菌与寄主互作反应存在分化或多样性:玉米灰斑病菌不同菌株侵染后显症过程表现出明显的差异;玉米灰斑病菌在侵袭力上存在多样性,菌株间对同一种品种的致病性表现多... 通过对玉米灰斑病菌侵染后的显症过程的系统观察,可在组织水平上说明该病菌与寄主互作反应存在分化或多样性:玉米灰斑病菌不同菌株侵染后显症过程表现出明显的差异;玉米灰斑病菌在侵袭力上存在多样性,菌株间对同一种品种的致病性表现多样化,或者同一菌株对不同品种侵染引起的寄主反应表现为多样性;病斑反应型的分化,玉米灰斑病菌侵染玉米品种或自交系后,主要有7种病斑反应类型,即RH型(长矩形具褪绿晕圈病斑)、RN型(长矩形无褪绿晕圈病斑)、IRH型(不规则形具褪绿晕圈病斑)、IRN型(不规则形无褪绿晕圈病斑)、SH型(斑点形具褪绿晕圈病斑)、RI型(长矩形与不规则形混合病斑)和RS型(长矩形与斑点形混合病斑),若发病严重,病斑连成片,而且这些反应类型出现的频率也不同。 展开更多
关键词 玉米灰斑病菌 过程 侵袭力 病斑反应型
隐性思想政治教育过程探析 被引量:28
作者 白显良 《思想理论教育》 2007年第11期57-65,共9页
隐性思想政治教育作为思想政治教育的一种独特的存在类型,其实践过程既满足思想政治教育过程的一般规定性,又具有其自身独有的规定性。隐性思想政治教育过程,从教育者角度侧重于表现为一个"隐"过程,内涵"识隐"、&qu... 隐性思想政治教育作为思想政治教育的一种独特的存在类型,其实践过程既满足思想政治教育过程的一般规定性,又具有其自身独有的规定性。隐性思想政治教育过程,从教育者角度侧重于表现为一个"隐"过程,内涵"识隐"、"寓隐"、"践隐"等环节;从受教育者角度则侧重于表现为一个"显"过程,内涵"经验感知"、"体验体认"、"实践外化"等环节。这种"隐"过程与"显"过程的区分是相对的,不是绝对的,并且两者就其实质而言是一个过程的两个方面,彼此辩证统一,构成一个有机的整体,而并不构成彼此独立的两个过程。 展开更多
关键词 隐性思想政治教育 ""过程 "隐"过程
有效成果展示 尽显探究魅力
作者 程丹丹 《进展》 2021年第10期32-33,共2页
综合实践课程的自主性、开放性、实践性等特点打破了传统的教学模式,更加强调学生的自主学习,强调学生回归自然与社会,重视学生的动手操作、主动探究和切身体验,这就决定了综合实践课程成果展示的特殊性。成果展示是综合实践活动学生实... 综合实践课程的自主性、开放性、实践性等特点打破了传统的教学模式,更加强调学生的自主学习,强调学生回归自然与社会,重视学生的动手操作、主动探究和切身体验,这就决定了综合实践课程成果展示的特殊性。成果展示是综合实践活动学生实践效果的显现阶段,是学生最为关注的重要环节,而如今呈现在我们眼前的成果展示往往不是“一个人的独角戏”就是“繁华背后”的虚假现象,让我们的展示活动大打折扣,从而直接影响了课程实施的有效性。笔者结合自身教学实际认识到:要想让综合实践课程的成果展示更有效,需要教师的方法指导,需要学生的扎实活动,需要与信息技术的有机整合,需要凸显过程的隐性价值。 展开更多
关键词 有效指导 扎实活动 有机整合 过程
作者 程丹丹 《进展》 2019年第11期65-66,共2页
综合实践课程的自主性、开放性、实践性等特点打破了传统的教学模式,更加强调学生的自主学习,强调学生回归自然与社会,重视学生的动手操作、主动探究和切身体验,这就决定了综合实践课程成果展示的特殊性。成果展示是综合实践活动学生实... 综合实践课程的自主性、开放性、实践性等特点打破了传统的教学模式,更加强调学生的自主学习,强调学生回归自然与社会,重视学生的动手操作、主动探究和切身体验,这就决定了综合实践课程成果展示的特殊性。成果展示是综合实践活动学生实践效果的显现阶段,是学生最为关注的重要环节,而如今呈现在我们眼前的成果展示往往不是“一个人的独角戏”就是“繁华背后”的虚假现象,让我们的展示活动大打折扣,从而直接影响了课程实施的有效性。笔者结合自身教学实际认识到:要想让综合实践课程的成果展示更有效,需要教师的方法指导,需要学生的扎实活动,需要与信息技术的有机整合,需要凸显过程的隐性价值。 展开更多
关键词 有效指导 扎实活动 有机整合 过程
作者 姜太平 沈春林 +1 位作者 何亦征 王金岩 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第1期24-30,共7页
Now the image display techniques have made great progress. The planar display and a fully new true 3-D volumetric display technique are rapidly researched and come into the application. A method based on the voxel mak... Now the image display techniques have made great progress. The planar display and a fully new true 3-D volumetric display technique are rapidly researched and come into the application. A method based on the voxel makes the observer able to get a true 3-D effect freely without any additional facilities. This paper introduces the basic form of the swept-volume display technique and discusses its voxelization process. By the translational motion prototype, this paper emphasizes how to get the voxel mapping matrix. The translated image data are the data of the beam source deflections. Finally the voxel ordering and the optimizing are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 voxelization process swept-volume voxel ordering
景观植被生态系统水平衡模拟与分析 被引量:1
作者 张娜 于贵瑞 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期425-440,共16页
景观或区域的水平衡状况是全球变化的重要指标。本研究建立了一个空间显式景观过程模型,模拟了长白山自然保护区的水循环过程,并对水分收入、支出和平衡的总体状况、季节动态和空间分布格局进行了分析。整个保护区单位面积上水分盈余0... 景观或区域的水平衡状况是全球变化的重要指标。本研究建立了一个空间显式景观过程模型,模拟了长白山自然保护区的水循环过程,并对水分收入、支出和平衡的总体状况、季节动态和空间分布格局进行了分析。整个保护区单位面积上水分盈余0.225±0.255m·a^-1,总计盈余4.379×10^8m^3·a^-1,但空间变异相当大。阔叶红松林的水分有略微亏缺,其他类型植被生态系统每年均有不同程度的水分盈余。从总面积上看,云冷杉林每年的水分盈余最多(可达1.696×10^8m^3·a^-1),占整个保护区的40.56%。整个保护区6月水分亏缺最严重,7~8月水分盈余最多,3~4月盈余较多。阔叶红松林除3月外,其他各月的水分亏缺均最多或次多,其中7~8月的水分盈余最少。降水量对水分收入、水分支出和水平衡季节动态的影响均最大。总的来说,年水分盈余的空间分布随海拔升高呈明显增加的趋势。气象因子均对水平衡的空间分布有极显著影响,气温和总辐射较高的地带,水分盈余较少,甚至出现水分亏缺;而降水量、相对湿度和风速较高的地带,水分盈余也较多。水分收入与叶面积指数(LAD呈极显著负相关关系;而水分支出与LAI呈极显著正相关关系,主要受蒸腾量的影响。 展开更多
关键词 水分收入 水分支出 水平衡 水循环 空间式景观过程模型
Influence of thermomechanical processing on microstructure,texture evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheets 被引量:3
作者 汪小锋 郭明星 +3 位作者 曹零勇 罗晋如 张济山 庄林忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1752-1762,共11页
Influence of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of A1-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheets was studied systematically. The quite weak mechanical properties anisotropy was o... Influence of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of A1-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheets was studied systematically. The quite weak mechanical properties anisotropy was obtained in the alloy sheet through thermomechanical processing optimizing. The highly elongated microstmcture is the main structure for the hot or cold-rolled alloy sheets. H {001 } (110) and E { 111 } (110) are the main texture components in the surface layer of hot-rolled sheet, while ]/-fibre is dominant in quarter and center layers. Compared with the hot-rolled sheet, the intensities offl-fibre components are higher after the first cold rolling, but H {001 }(110) component in the surface layer decreases greatly. Almost no deformation texatre can be observed after intermediate annealing. And fl-fibre becomes the main texture again after the final cold rolling. With the reduction of the thickness, the through-thickness texture gradients become much weaker. The through-thickness recrystallization texture in the solution treated sample only has cubeyD {001 }(310) component. The relationship among thermomechanical processing, microstructure, texture and mechanical orouerties was analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Ai-Mg-Si-Cu alloy therrnomechanical processing FORMABILITY MICROSTRUCTURE texture
Taper barrel rheomoulding process for semi-solid slurry preparation and microstructure evolution of A356 aluminum alloy 被引量:5
作者 张帆 康永林 +1 位作者 杨柳青 丁瑞华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第9期1677-1684,共8页
The self-developed taper barrel rheomoulding (TBR) machine for light alloy semi-solid slurry preparation was introduced.The semi-solid slurry was obtained from the intense shearing turbulence of the alloy melt in the ... The self-developed taper barrel rheomoulding (TBR) machine for light alloy semi-solid slurry preparation was introduced.The semi-solid slurry was obtained from the intense shearing turbulence of the alloy melt in the cause of solidification, which was further caused by the relative rotation of the internal and external taper barrel whose surface contained wale and groove.The heat transmission model of TBR process, the flow rules and the shearing model of the alloy melt were deduced.Taking A365 as experimental material, the microstructure evolution rules under different slurry preparation processes were analyzed.The results show that decreasing the pouring temperature of A365 alloy melt properly or increasing the shearing rate helps to obtain ideal semi-solid microstructure with the primary particle size of about 70 μm and the shape factor of above 0.8. 展开更多
关键词 taper barrel rheomoulding semi-solid slurry preparation microstrncture evolution A356 aluminum alloy
Corrosion Process Detection of Tinplate in Deaerated Functional Beverage by EIS 被引量:2
作者 王吉会 付丛伟 +1 位作者 高志明 夏大海 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第4期235-240,共6页
The corrosion process of tinplate in deaerated functional beverage was investigated by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectros... The corrosion process of tinplate in deaerated functional beverage was investigated by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The results reveal that the uncoated tinplate shows a poor corrosion resistance and the corrosion type is detinning. During the initial stage of immersion, EIS spectrum consisted of two capacitance arcs with obvious time-constant dispersion effect, which was attributed to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional inhomogeneous distribution of the electrode surface. With the increase of immersion time, the capacitance arc of high frequency shrunk and degenerated, due to the corrosion of tin coating. The pore resistance of tin coating and the charger transfer resistance of substrate, which are determined from the electrochemical equivalent circuit, can be used as the indicators of tinplate corrosion process. The decrease of the pore resistance of tin coating indicates that the corrosion degree of tin layer becomes more severe, whereas the decrease of the charger transfer resistance of substrate implies that the corrosion degree of steel substrate also becomes more severe as the immersion time prolongs. 展开更多
关键词 electrochemical impedance spectroscopy TINPLATE functional beverage corrosion process deaerated condition
The adsorptive properties of UiO-66 towards organic dyes: A record adsorption capacity for the anionic dye Alizarin Red S. 被引量:11
作者 Marwa S.Embaby Saber D.Elwany +1 位作者 Widiastuti Setyaningsih Mohamed R.Saber 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期731-739,共9页
In order to decisively determine the adsorption selectivity of zirconium MOF(UiO-66) towards anionic versus cationic species, the adsorptive removal of the anionic dyes(Alizarin Red S.(ARS), Eosin(E), Fuchsin Acid(FA)... In order to decisively determine the adsorption selectivity of zirconium MOF(UiO-66) towards anionic versus cationic species, the adsorptive removal of the anionic dyes(Alizarin Red S.(ARS), Eosin(E), Fuchsin Acid(FA)and Methyl Orange(MO)) and the cationic dyes(Neutral Red(NR), Fuchsin Basic(FB), Methylene Blue(MB),and Safranine T(ST)) has been evaluated. The results clearly reveal a significant selectivity towards anionic dyes. Such an observation agrees with a plethora of reports of UiO-66 superior affinity towards other anionic species(Floride, PO_4^(3-), Diclofenac sodium, Methylchlorophenoxy-propionic acid, Phenols, CrO_4^(2-), SeO_3^(2-), and AsO_4^-). The adsorption process of ARS as an example has been optimized using the central composite design(CCD). The resultant statistical model indicates a crucial effect of both pH and sorbent mass. The optimum conditions were determined to be initial dye concentration 11.82 mg.L^(-1), adsorbent amount 0.0248 g, shaking time of 36 min and pH 2. The adsorption process proceeds via pseudo-second order kinetics(R^2= 0.999). The equilibrium data were fit to Langmuir and Tempkin models(R^2= 0.999 and 0.997 respectively). The results reveal an exceptional removal for the anionic dye(Alizarin Red S.) with a record adsorption capacity of400 mg·g^(-1). The significantly high adsorption capacity of UiO-66 towards ARS adds further evidence to the recently reported exceptional performance of MOFs in pollutants removal from water. 展开更多
关键词 Adsorption Metal-organic frameworks Alizarin Red S. Dye removal UiO-66 Central composite design
Observation on Double Fertilization and Early Embryonic Development in Autotetraploid Polyembryonic Rice 被引量:2
作者 DAI Xi-mei YANG Xu HUANG Qun-ce QIN Guang-yong 《Rice science》 SCIE 2009年第2期124-130,共7页
The process of double fertilization and the characters of embryo and endosperm development in an autotetraploid polyembryonic mutant rice IR36-Shuang were studied with a laser scanning confocal microscopy. Some abnorm... The process of double fertilization and the characters of embryo and endosperm development in an autotetraploid polyembryonic mutant rice IR36-Shuang were studied with a laser scanning confocal microscopy. Some abnormalities including degenerated ovary, abortive embryo sac, single fertilization, double-ovule and double-embryo and so on. were found dudng double fertilization and embryo development in IR36-Shuang. The rate of the abnormalities was 46.67% in IR36-Shuang, significantly higher than that in the control, an autotetraploid rice line IR36-4X (33.00%). Cytological and embryonic evidences were provided for seed setting decline and the initiation of additional embryo in IR36-Shuang. 展开更多
关键词 RICE autotetraploid polyembryony double fertilization reproductive developmental character developmental biology embryonic development
Corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layers of artificial seawater 被引量:7
作者 王慧萍 丁少春 +3 位作者 朱娟 张昭 张鉴清 曹楚南 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期806-814,共9页
The corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layer(TEL) has been investigated by means of cathodic polarization curve measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and scanning electron micros... The corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layer(TEL) has been investigated by means of cathodic polarization curve measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that the cathodic diffusion current density presents the variation trend of initial increase and subsequent decrease with the decrease of TEL thickness, and the maximum deposits at 58 μm. The cotangent-hyperbolic impedance(O) is rationally first introduced to study the diffusion process of the reactants through the corrosion products layer with many permeable holes. The initial corrosion rate of 907 steel under different TEL thickness increases with the decrease of TEL thickness except that of 104 μm,whereas the corrosion rate after long time corrosion can be ranked as 104 μm﹥402 μm﹥198 μm﹥301 μm﹥bulk solution. 展开更多
关键词 907 steel atmospheric corrosion electrochemical impedance spectroscopy polarization
Damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes under severe earthquakes 被引量:1
作者 于晓野 范峰 +1 位作者 支旭东 沈世钊 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期121-130,共10页
To study the damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes subject to severe earthquakes, three limit states of single-layer reticulated domes under earthquakes are defined firstly in this paper. Then, two failur... To study the damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes subject to severe earthquakes, three limit states of single-layer reticulated domes under earthquakes are defined firstly in this paper. Then, two failure modes are presented by analyzing damage behaviors, and their characteristics are pointed out respectively. Furthermore, the damage process is analyzed and the causes of structural damage in different levels are studied. Finally, by comparing deformation and vibration status of domes with different failure modes, the principles of different failures are revealed and an integrated frame of damage mechanism is set up. 展开更多
关键词 single-layer reticulated domes severe earthquakes damage mechanism limit states failure modes
Investigation of Improved Signal Process and Control Circuit for Color-PDP
作者 邱崧 仇润鹤 +2 位作者 胡文静 张天桥 李煌 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期94-98,共5页
We present an alternative current-plasma display panel (AC-PDP) signal process and control circuit that fulfills the signal process and transform function. We proposed a novel driving logical waveform generator based ... We present an alternative current-plasma display panel (AC-PDP) signal process and control circuit that fulfills the signal process and transform function. We proposed a novel driving logical waveform generator based on the SCI interface, which can real-time adjust the parameters to optimize performance of the PDP and facilitate the research and test. The use of nesting state-machine and parameterized design not only improves the resource utilization, but also makes it efficient and readable. The design has been written in synthesizable Verilog and fully verified using Xilinx FPGA device and applied in 42-in AC-PDP module. 展开更多
关键词 AC-PDP VERILOG SCI interface FPGA nesting State-Machine.
Study of Biofilm Formed by Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Surface of Mild Steel 被引量:1
作者 Tsveteslava Veselinova Ignatova-Ivanova Radoslav Iliev Ivanov 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第10期799-804,共6页
Biocorrosion processes at metal surfaces are associated with microorganisms, or the products of their metabolic activities including enzymes, exopolymers, organic and inorganic acids, as well as volatile compounds suc... Biocorrosion processes at metal surfaces are associated with microorganisms, or the products of their metabolic activities including enzymes, exopolymers, organic and inorganic acids, as well as volatile compounds such as ammonia or hydrogen sulfde. It was proved that strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii B5 constituted biofilms in the presence of different amounts of carbohydrates (5% sucrose and a mixture of 5% lactose, 5% fructose and 5% maltose). The obtained information was used in a study treating the anticorrosive properties of microbial biofilms synthesized by the latter strain. The study of the corrosive stability of steel samples was conducted on the gravimetrique method. The rate of corrosion, calculated. The structure of layer over steel plates was analyzed by the degree of protection, and coefficient of protection has been Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) JSM 5510. 展开更多
关键词 BIOFILM CORROSION INHIBITOR lactic acid bacteria SEM.
Growth process and corrosion resistance of micro-arc oxidation coating on Mg-Zn-Gd magnesium alloys 被引量:6
作者 王萍 刘道新 +2 位作者 李建平 郭永春 杨忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期2198-2203,共6页
A Mg-6Zn-3Gd(mass fraction,%) alloy,noted as ZG63,was coated by different micro-arc oxidation(MAO) processes,and the coating structure and corrosion resistance of the alloy were studied using scanning electron microsc... A Mg-6Zn-3Gd(mass fraction,%) alloy,noted as ZG63,was coated by different micro-arc oxidation(MAO) processes,and the coating structure and corrosion resistance of the alloy were studied using scanning electron microscopy(SEM),glancing angle X-ray diffractometry(GAXRD) and various electrochemical methods.The micro-arc oxidation process consists of three stages and corresponds with different coating structures.In the initial stage,the coating thickness is linearly increased and is controlled by electrochemical polarization.In the second stage,the coating grows mainly inward and accords with parabolic regularity.In the third stage,the loose coating forms and is controlled by local arc light.The looser coating is mainly composed of MgSiO3 and the compact coating is mainly composed of MgO.From micro-arc oxidation stage to local arc light stage,the corrosion resistance of the coated alloy firstly increases and then decreases.The satisfied corrosion resistance corresponds to the coating time ranging from 6 to10 min. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-6Zn-3Gd magnesium alloys micro-arc oxidation growth process corrosion resistance
Formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of Touzhai landslide source rockmass 被引量:1
作者 YANG Ji-qing XU Ze-min +4 位作者 ZHANG Rui CHEN Ji-pu REN Zhe LUO Rong-zhang ZHANG Xiu-shuo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1174-1184,共11页
In order to explain the formation process of slope hazards, and to identify the key factors leading to instability of a slope, Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of the Touzhai landslide in Zhaotong, Yunnan, wa... In order to explain the formation process of slope hazards, and to identify the key factors leading to instability of a slope, Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of the Touzhai landslide in Zhaotong, Yunnan, was studied. The formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite was examined using, amongst other techniques, field investigations,thin section analysis, scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observations, chemical analysis, physical and water-physical property tests of rock masses. Field observations revealed that the majority of the weathered rock blocks were presented as a concentric layer structure in which an internal corestone was enveloped with several layers of external saprolized crust. Chemical and mineralogical analysis identified that iron was the most sensitive element and that the weathering progress usually started with the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in rock blocks. Alkaline elements such as Si, Ca, Mg, Na and K were also dissolved and Fe and Al were concentrated in saprolized crusts. Results indicated that loss on ignition(LOI) also increased significantly. SEM results showed that the weathering intensity of thebasalt blocks decreased gradually from the outside to the inside, and the mineral morphology significantly differed on both sides of the weathering front. The saprolized crusts presented cellular microstructure features due to the generation of micropore and clay minerals. Thin section analysis showed that plagioclase was relatively more stable than pyroxene and chlorite during weathering. With a centripetal propagation of the weathering front, saprolized crusts became thicker and corestones became smaller; fresh Emeishan basalt blocks gradually turned into saprolized blocks. Due to the loose structure and low strength of saprolite, the quality of the Emeishan basalt mass significantly deteriorated, this being a potentially important factor which caused the Touzhai landslide to occur. 展开更多
关键词 Vadose zone Emeishan basalt Scanning electron microscopy Saprolite Corestone Touzhai landslide
Precipitation processes and luminescence properties of ZnO:La^(3+), Li^+ nanoparticles 被引量:2
作者 古映莹 李陆柯 +2 位作者 张稳稳 刘英 卢周广 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期332-336,共5页
ZnO:La3+,Li+ nanoparticles were successfully prepared by co-precipitation, citric acid-assisted co-precipitation, co-precipitation combined solid-state reaction and thermal decomposition method. X-ray diffraction ... ZnO:La3+,Li+ nanoparticles were successfully prepared by co-precipitation, citric acid-assisted co-precipitation, co-precipitation combined solid-state reaction and thermal decomposition method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and luminescence spectrophotometry were employed to characterize the crystal phases, particle sizes and luminescence properties of the as-prepared nanopowders. The results indicate that all the prepared samples crystallize in a hexagonal wurtzite structure. The ZnO:La3+,Li+ prepared by citric acid-assisted co-precipitation method has a particle size of about 80 nm, which is the smallest among all the samples. Fluorescence (FL) spectra of all samples exhibit three typical emissions: a violet one centered at around 400 nm, blue around 450 nm and 466 rim, and weak green near 520 nm. But the samples prepared by co-precipitation method show a strong and wide green light emission located at about 500 nm. The ZnO:La3+,Li+ nanoparticles synthesized by the co-precipitation method demonstrate relatively the strongest emission intensity. 展开更多
关键词 ZNO La3+ Li+ -Key words: ZnO:La L1 nanopartxcles doping co-precipitation method luminescence properties
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