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有关白居易故居的几个问题 被引量:4
作者 王岩 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第9期58-64,共7页
In 1992--1993, a large-scale survey and excavation were carried out on the site of Bai Juyi's home. The work resulted in the determination of the location of this building complex and thelayout of its living area ... In 1992--1993, a large-scale survey and excavation were carried out on the site of Bai Juyi's home. The work resulted in the determination of the location of this building complex and thelayout of its living area and garden. The Liidaofang Block where the poet's home was situated lay east of the Shiziqiao Bridge, south of the Luoshui River and north of the Yishui River. The living area consisted of a front compound and a rear one. The most distinct feature of Bai's mansion was the full utilization of water resources by leading the water of the Yishui River into the garden. The unearthed objects reflect the poet's interest in poem-composition, drinking and tea sipping, as well as his belief in Buddhism. Theresidence was made into the Buddhist Puming Temple, also called Dazisiyuan Temple-garden, in AD 924 and destroyed presumably at the turn from the Ming to the Qing period. 展开更多
关键词 自居易故居 履道坊 普明禅院 历史文化 建筑布局
作者 唐一哲 《山西老年》 1994年第7期24-25,共2页
苏州号称“东方威尼斯”,以“泽国”著名于世。正由于它临近太湖水乡,所以小桥流水横贯城闉,风光异常秀美。白居易所谓“红栏三百九十桥”,也只是约略指出这里桥多而已。即使是像白居易那样的伟大诗人,也没有咏遍苏州的桥,真正以描写枫... 苏州号称“东方威尼斯”,以“泽国”著名于世。正由于它临近太湖水乡,所以小桥流水横贯城闉,风光异常秀美。白居易所谓“红栏三百九十桥”,也只是约略指出这里桥多而已。即使是像白居易那样的伟大诗人,也没有咏遍苏州的桥,真正以描写枫桥而驰名千古的,却是另一位诗人张继。 我记得张继的名声,并不比李白、杜甫、白居易低,凡是念过几天书的人,很少不会背诵《枫桥夜泊》诗的。只要一闭上双眼,那“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的鲜明诗境,就会浮上心头,迫切希望身临其境去看一看那姑苏水乡的枫桥。 展开更多
关键词 枫桥夜泊 月落乌啼 铁铃关 江枫 普明禅院 张继 《六一诗话》 第一楼 孤舟 诗说
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