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从语言文化转型看景哈阿卡话的中华民族共同体意识 被引量:1
作者 土南 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2024年第1期50-56,共7页
以景哈阿卡话为研究个案,主要从语言结构、语言使用、口传文化、生活习俗以及谱系与历法等方面,分析其中蕴含的中华民族共同体意识,发现景哈哈尼族阿卡人的中华民族共同体意识贯穿于他们的语言文化的方方面面,并呈现出不断增强的趋势。... 以景哈阿卡话为研究个案,主要从语言结构、语言使用、口传文化、生活习俗以及谱系与历法等方面,分析其中蕴含的中华民族共同体意识,发现景哈哈尼族阿卡人的中华民族共同体意识贯穿于他们的语言文化的方方面面,并呈现出不断增强的趋势。此外,本文还分析了语言文化在共同体背景下出现的各种转型,认为这种转型由中华民族共同体决定的,是社会进步的反映。 展开更多
关键词 语言文化转型 景哈阿卡话 中华民族共同体意识
作者 《今日民族》 2022年第7期18-18,共1页
走进云南省西双版纳傣族自治州景洪市景哈乡戈牛村委会博洛寨村民小组,一幅美丽乡村的生动画卷映人眼帘,整齐划一的新建住房、平整干净的水泥路、引人注目的文化走廊,将“设施健全、环境美丽、乡风文明、生活美好”的立体美演绎得淋漓... 走进云南省西双版纳傣族自治州景洪市景哈乡戈牛村委会博洛寨村民小组,一幅美丽乡村的生动画卷映人眼帘,整齐划一的新建住房、平整干净的水泥路、引人注目的文化走廊,将“设施健全、环境美丽、乡风文明、生活美好”的立体美演绎得淋漓尽致。 展开更多
关键词 村民小组 美丽乡村 乡风文明 立体美 景洪市 水泥路 景哈 村委会
作者 黄荣新 《今日民族》 2001年第12期24-26,共3页
关键词 西双版纳傣族自治区 景哈 宣慰使司 部队 宣慰司 民族领袖 副师长 议事庭 幸福
作者 杭长钊 熊志善 《国防》 1989年第2期24-24,共1页
北宋年间,广源(今越南高平省广渊)州'蛮'侬智高起兵造反,公元1052年攻破邕州(今广西南宁),建立大南国。宋任狄青为宣抚使,率军平叛。狄青率征南大军行至桂林之南时,发现道旁有一座神庙,当地人传说这座庙里供奉的神非常灵验。狄... 北宋年间,广源(今越南高平省广渊)州'蛮'侬智高起兵造反,公元1052年攻破邕州(今广西南宁),建立大南国。宋任狄青为宣抚使,率军平叛。狄青率征南大军行至桂林之南时,发现道旁有一座神庙,当地人传说这座庙里供奉的神非常灵验。狄青马上命令部队停止前进,自己带领众将前往庙中祷告说: '此次出兵,胜负无以证明。'边说边拿出一只装满钱币的小袋,接着祷告'如果能够大获全胜,我撒出去的钱,全是钱面朝上'。众将听说。 展开更多
关键词 狄青 侬智高 大南国 邕州 钱面 宣抚 军行 大甲 景哈 神法
Identifying Landscape Pattern Metrics for the Hani Terrace in Yunnan, China 被引量:8
作者 徐远涛 闵庆文 +4 位作者 袁正 白艳莹 孙业红 李静 曹智 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第3期212-219,共8页
This study seeks to isolate a select group of landscape metrics particularly well-suited for describing the Hani Terrace in southwest of China.We examined the response of 47 landscape metrics to a large range of image... This study seeks to isolate a select group of landscape metrics particularly well-suited for describing the Hani Terrace in southwest of China.We examined the response of 47 landscape metrics to a large range of imagery grain sizes.Based on a correlation analysis,the original 47 metrics were placed into 21 groups such that all metrics within a group were strongly correlated with each other with a value of more than 0.9,and were represented by a single descriptor.Using these cross-sectional metrics in the context of principal components analysis,we found that five factors explained almost 93% of the total variation in the landscape pattern.The highest loadings for these five factors were the Splitting index (SPLIT),Patch area distribution (AREA_CV),Shannon's diversity index (SHDI),Euclidean nearest neighbor distance distribution (ENN_AM),and Total core area (TCA),respectively.Considering the real landscape,we added the Patch fractal dimension distribution (FRAC_MN) as the sixth landscape pattern metric.As the scale effect of landscape pattern metrics we design to investigate how a suite of commonly use landscape metrics respond to changing grain size.Based on the anlasis,we determined that the best domain of scale to characterise the Hani Terrace pattern metrics is between 40m and 45m.Through the fractal method,we found that the characteristic scale of the Hani Terrace is the same as the scale domain of metrics,among the 40m and 45m.We suggest that the majority of the patterns in the Hani Terrace landscapes,indeed for all those in southwest China,can be described effectively with these six metrics. 展开更多
关键词 landscape pattern metrics Hani Terrace factor analysis domain of scale characteristic scale
作者 鄢家骏 《散文诗世界》 2016年第2期7-9,共3页
丰碑下的怀念——写在"新中国民族团结第一碑"前 这个春天的早晨,我走进宁洱莲花湖畔的民族团结公园。荷香扑面,神往的情思按捺不住神圣的诗音奏响。阳光艳丽,凝重的庄严在岁月风云中演义成经典。默立在一块普通的石碑前。我用灵魂吟... 丰碑下的怀念——写在"新中国民族团结第一碑"前 这个春天的早晨,我走进宁洱莲花湖畔的民族团结公园。荷香扑面,神往的情思按捺不住神圣的诗音奏响。阳光艳丽,凝重的庄严在岁月风云中演义成经典。默立在一块普通的石碑前。我用灵魂吟诵,那镂刻在石碑上的铮铮碑文。我用深情铭记,那豪气宏阔的一个个签名。 展开更多
关键词 西双版纳州 诗音 橡胶园 义成 橄榄坝 东风农场 一朵朵 景哈 宗周 壮剧
Testing modified gravity models with recent cosmological observations
作者 ZHANG WenShuai CHENG Cheng +4 位作者 HUANG QingGuo LI Miao LI Song LI XiaoDong WANG Shuang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期2244-2258,共15页
We explore the cosmological implications of five modified gravity(MG) models by using the recent cosmological observational data,including the recently released SNLS3 type Ia supernovae sample,the cosmic microwave bac... We explore the cosmological implications of five modified gravity(MG) models by using the recent cosmological observational data,including the recently released SNLS3 type Ia supernovae sample,the cosmic microwave background anisotropy data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 7-yr observations,the baryon acoustic oscillation results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7,and the latest Hubble constant measurement utilizing the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope.The MG models considered include the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati(DGP) model,two f(R) models,and two f(T) models.We find that compared with the ΛCDM model,MG models can not lead to an appreciable reduction of the χ 2 min.The analysis of AIC and BIC shows that the simplest cosmological constant model(ΛCDM) is still the most preferred by the current data,and the DGP model is strongly disfavored.In addition,from the observational constraints,we also reconstruct the evolutions of the growth factor in these models.We find that the current available growth factor data are not enough to distinguish these MG models from the ΛCDM model. 展开更多
关键词 modified gravity cosmic acceleration dark energy experiment growth factor
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