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作者 冯艺佳 《建筑与文化》 2015年第5期84-86,共3页
商业步行街作为人们体验行走乐趣、满足购物心理的场所,在国内有愈来愈风靡之势。然而,大部分步行街在植物景观方面缺乏重视,没有营造出高品质的公共空间。本文从该角度出发,对国内步行街的现状进行总结,论述植物景观配植的重要作用,分... 商业步行街作为人们体验行走乐趣、满足购物心理的场所,在国内有愈来愈风靡之势。然而,大部分步行街在植物景观方面缺乏重视,没有营造出高品质的公共空间。本文从该角度出发,对国内步行街的现状进行总结,论述植物景观配植的重要作用,分析较为共性的问题并提出对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 商业步行街 景观 现状问题 作用 对策 建议
浅析绿植景观在室内空间营造中的应用 被引量:4
作者 倪伟 《美术教育研究》 2015年第23期83-84,共2页
关键词 绿景观 室内空间
作者 吴子姮 贾绿媛 兰悦 《江西农业》 2016年第11S期76-,共1页
关键词 公园道路 景观 陶然亭公园
作者 邹初红 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2019年第5期51-55,共5页
为了提高乡村居住环境中生态绿植景观的规划能力,提出基于视觉特征重构的乡村居住环境中生态绿植景观智能规划设计方法,先对生态绿植景观智能规划的原理进行分析,再采用视觉特征重构方法进行绿植景观图像采集,对采集后的图像进行边缘轮... 为了提高乡村居住环境中生态绿植景观的规划能力,提出基于视觉特征重构的乡村居住环境中生态绿植景观智能规划设计方法,先对生态绿植景观智能规划的原理进行分析,再采用视觉特征重构方法进行绿植景观图像采集,对采集后的图像进行边缘轮廓特征提取,采用颜色分量融合方法进行绿植景观图像的信息增强处理,给出多分辨景观图像的直觉模糊度集,采用模糊信息聚类方法计算景观的智能规划结果。结合嵌入式ARM技术开发景观智能规划软件,实现景观的智能规划。仿真结果表明,该系统对生态绿植景观进行规划设计较为智能,自动规划能力较强。 展开更多
关键词 乡村居住环境 生态绿景观 智能规划设计 视觉特征重构
作者 姜欢 《门窗》 2019年第16期230-230,共1页
现代城市发展需要大量园林来协调现代居住环境,实现人与自然和谐相处,推动生态文明建设发展。而对园林建设及运行管理而言,景观绿植是其中极其重要的一环,只有加强景观绿植管养,同时做好病虫害防治工作,才能保障景观绿植健康生长,充分... 现代城市发展需要大量园林来协调现代居住环境,实现人与自然和谐相处,推动生态文明建设发展。而对园林建设及运行管理而言,景观绿植是其中极其重要的一环,只有加强景观绿植管养,同时做好病虫害防治工作,才能保障景观绿植健康生长,充分发挥园林绿化作用,维持园林美观性。本文简单分析探究园林景观绿植管养策略,并就相应病虫害防治措施展开探讨。 展开更多
关键词 园林 景观绿管养 病虫害防治
作者 童志成 陈若虹 鲁祖惠 《花卉》 2021年第10期26-28,共3页
广州白云国际机场以争创世界一流枢纽机场为目标,积极营造“花城广州”四季开花景观特色,凸显世界级“花园式机场”理念。本文通过不同主题景观塑造实践探讨国际航站楼的创新造景特色、技术要点,认为国际航站楼的绿植景观营造需要注重... 广州白云国际机场以争创世界一流枢纽机场为目标,积极营造“花城广州”四季开花景观特色,凸显世界级“花园式机场”理念。本文通过不同主题景观塑造实践探讨国际航站楼的创新造景特色、技术要点,认为国际航站楼的绿植景观营造需要注重地方特色,合理运用节庆理念、现代科技以及新型材料,同时需要加强人景互动。 展开更多
关键词 航站楼 绿景观 主题造景
作者 王家骐 《工程建设(维泽科技)》 2022年第2期154-156,共3页
随着我国城市化进程的不断提质增速,伴随而来的园林绿植行业的蓬勃发展给这个快速发展的新时代带了新风貌,但人们却对自身居住环境的风景园林品质的要求愈加提高。诚然,园林绿植景观工程可以改善人们的居住环境,但不同的绿化植物有其特... 随着我国城市化进程的不断提质增速,伴随而来的园林绿植行业的蓬勃发展给这个快速发展的新时代带了新风貌,但人们却对自身居住环境的风景园林品质的要求愈加提高。诚然,园林绿植景观工程可以改善人们的居住环境,但不同的绿化植物有其特定的生存环境,在规划绿植景观时应找准植物自身的定位。其总体规划设计应在施工准备前进行,是整个实施环节的关键。由此可以看出,在设计中绿植规划设计是非常重要的内容。但就目前行业内在设计的程序上普遍还存在些许问题。只有规范化的设计流程、方法和内容,才能提高绿植景观设计的质量,让城市绿地发挥更大的效益。但往往在实施阶段,还存在很多影响绿植景观规划设计的科学性问题。为了给人们提供一个和谐、舒适的环境,园林设计师应在工作中充分积累经验,遵循绿植景观规划设计的程序,采用合理、科学的设计方法,实现筑景造景。基于此,文中主要分析园林绿化景观规划设计的程序和方法,供大家参考。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 绿景观 规划设计 程序 方法
对校园小场景植物配置的论述 被引量:2
作者 陈智 熊瑶 袁常洪 《美术教育研究》 2018年第24期84-85,共2页
近年来,随着校园景观的不断建设,绿地率却不断下降。因此,该文以南京林业大学为例,分析其植物配置现状,根据其存在的一些不足之处提出相应的建议,从而探讨如何在有限的校园空间里合理配置植物,营造出有益师生学习、生活的校园绿化景观,... 近年来,随着校园景观的不断建设,绿地率却不断下降。因此,该文以南京林业大学为例,分析其植物配置现状,根据其存在的一些不足之处提出相应的建议,从而探讨如何在有限的校园空间里合理配置植物,营造出有益师生学习、生活的校园绿化景观,以推动校园绿化环境建设发展,为以后的校园绿化建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 校园物配置 景观植 物造景
探析居住小区景观规划设计与环境塑造研究——以赣州安远县书香府景观设计为例 被引量:2
作者 方守钗 《绿色环保建材》 2020年第9期76-77,共2页
居住小区的环境质量直接影响人们的居住情况,而植物的景观状况往往直接决定其效果。本文主要以赣州安远县书香府的小区景观规划设计为参考,根据我国居住小区景观规划设计与环境塑造的研究现状,并结合居住小区绿植景观设计与国民居住环... 居住小区的环境质量直接影响人们的居住情况,而植物的景观状况往往直接决定其效果。本文主要以赣州安远县书香府的小区景观规划设计为参考,根据我国居住小区景观规划设计与环境塑造的研究现状,并结合居住小区绿植景观设计与国民居住环境的主要特征,对居住区的园林景观规划与设计进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 居住小区 绿景观 居住环境 环境塑造
作者 於航英 《现代园艺》 2020年第14期67-68,共2页
传染病专科医院相较其他医院有其特殊性,具有传染性、流行性、季节性和地方性等特点,其景观设计要求也有所侧重。好的传染病医院有利于缓解病人的病情,让患者产生战胜病魔的信心和对医院的认同感。同时也能帮助医务工作者克服不良情绪... 传染病专科医院相较其他医院有其特殊性,具有传染性、流行性、季节性和地方性等特点,其景观设计要求也有所侧重。好的传染病医院有利于缓解病人的病情,让患者产生战胜病魔的信心和对医院的认同感。同时也能帮助医务工作者克服不良情绪、以饱满的热情投入各项工作。传染病医院景观设计将是未来建设发展的趋势。从传染病医院的职能特点、相关人群的心理特征提出传染病医院景观设计的要点,并列出树种的选择要求。 展开更多
关键词 传染病医院 景观 树种选择
作者 杨灵 谢斐然 +1 位作者 王佳纯 郎烨程 《江苏建筑》 2020年第4期16-21,共6页
文章试图总结苏南地区传统民居中绿植分布类型以及不同布局下对微气候调节的效果,并以在过渡季节的甘熙故居为实测对象,对其室外植栽的种类、大小以及分布进行调查分类和模拟测试,阐述其中植栽与建筑布局方式,分析不同方式对甘熙故居室... 文章试图总结苏南地区传统民居中绿植分布类型以及不同布局下对微气候调节的效果,并以在过渡季节的甘熙故居为实测对象,对其室外植栽的种类、大小以及分布进行调查分类和模拟测试,阐述其中植栽与建筑布局方式,分析不同方式对甘熙故居室内外温湿度和居住舒适度的影响,以期为现代低能耗绿色住区绿植景观设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 传统民居 绿景观 微气候 甘熙故居
作者 郭烨雯 王石麟 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第8期175-178,共4页
近代中国有一座城市同时拥有七个中国第一:第一所师范学校、第一座博物馆、第一所纺织学校、第一所刺绣学校、第一所戏剧学院、第一所盲哑学校、第一所气象站。这座城市就是被誉为“中国近代第一城”的江苏南通。南通壹城把南通著名的... 近代中国有一座城市同时拥有七个中国第一:第一所师范学校、第一座博物馆、第一所纺织学校、第一所刺绣学校、第一所戏剧学院、第一所盲哑学校、第一所气象站。这座城市就是被誉为“中国近代第一城”的江苏南通。南通壹城把南通著名的历史建筑完美还原,目的是重现“中国近代第一城”的繁荣景象。但南通壹城的商业街两旁绿植景观极少,人车分流规划不合理。笔者通过对南通壹城商业街各功能区的调研,对南通壹城的管理和景观绿化升级提档设计提出见解。执行商业街人车分流、增设各项服务设施、增加绿植景观和南通文化内涵的小品,让南通壹城的设计更人性化、更能彰显“中国近代第一城”之魅力。 展开更多
关键词 升级提档 绿景观 商业街 人车分流
Study on Plant Landscape Design of Urban Comprehensive Park 被引量:3
作者 胡牮 华鑫娜 颜玉娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2563-2566,共4页
The urban comprehensive park is the main body of the urban environment construction, and the plant landscape is the most important landscape element of the comprehensive park. It is helpful for the landscape design of... The urban comprehensive park is the main body of the urban environment construction, and the plant landscape is the most important landscape element of the comprehensive park. It is helpful for the landscape design of the comprehensive park to improve the environmental quality and the sustainable development of the city. Taking the "Nanjiang Park" in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou as the research object, the landscape design of plants was explored and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences in the application forms of plant land- scapes in different functional zones in comprehensive parks. The specific forms of the garden elements had different needs of plant landscape construction. According to the results of case studies, it found that comprehensive parks could improve the functions, create the aesthetic sense, enhance the atmosphere and enhance the taste through plant landscape design. In addition, corresponding suggestions were put forward according to the current situation with the aim to provide references for the future plant landscape design related with garden greens. 展开更多
关键词 Plant landscape Comprehensive park Function zoning Landscape ele-ments Optimization analysis
Vegetation landscape structure and dynamics in sandy forest-steppe ecotone
作者 邹春静 韩士杰 +1 位作者 徐文铎 李道棠 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期303-306,共4页
Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, land... Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, landscape patches, and patch size were measured by the field investigation, forest photograph, and airscape. The structure of landscape patches in sandy forest-steppe ecotone, including composition structure, and size structure, was studied and the dynamics and transformation of landscape patches were analyzed. The data obtained in this study could provide theoretical basis for the research on vegetation landscape in forest-steppe ecotones and other vegetation types. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetation landscape STRUCTURE DYNAMICS Sandy forest STEPPE ECOTONE
Landscapes Construction of Ecological, Cultural and Active Residential Districts with the Design of Longji Flower City as an Example
作者 赵春仙 谢会成 戴绍祥 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期33-35,38,共4页
With the accelerating development of modern residential districts and the improvement of living levels, the requirement of people on environment is increasingly enhanced as well as the demand for culture. Based on peo... With the accelerating development of modern residential districts and the improvement of living levels, the requirement of people on environment is increasingly enhanced as well as the demand for culture. Based on people-oriented principle, this design utilized Chinese 'Fu' (blessings) culture to express people’s eager for a better life and the atmosphere of good fortune. It also produced the image of ecological environment by designing water landscapes and plant landscapes, created active space like squares for activity and active water system and developed the characteristics of residential districts by designing landscape sketches and plant landscapes. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial organization Ecological culture Plant landscapes Green space planning
Performance of Subsurface Constructed Wetland in River Rehabilitation 被引量:33
作者 王万宾 段亮 田自强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期149-153,共5页
[ Objective] This study was to research the treatment effect of different media in undercurrent wetland on contamination, so as to pro- vide reference for rehabitating water body of river along small towns. [ Method ]... [ Objective] This study was to research the treatment effect of different media in undercurrent wetland on contamination, so as to pro- vide reference for rehabitating water body of river along small towns. [ Method ] Three different media of gravel, cobblestone and shale were used to rehabilitate water quality of contaminated river. [ Result ] Gravel, cobblestone and shale all performed well in removing TN, TP and CODw,, in contaminated water, of which gravel stuffed undercurrent wetland run best, averagely removing 49.4% TN, 34.7% and 48. 5% COD~, respectively. [ Conclusion] Undercurrent constructed wetland can effectively improve the water quality of contaminated river, and it is cheaper in cost and simpler in operation, thus suitable for generalizing in small towns of China. 展开更多
关键词 Undercurrent constructed wetland Contaminated river GRAVEL COBBLESTONE SHALE
Influence of Huizhou Culture on Plant Landscapes in Huizhou-style Gardens
作者 余汇芸 温琦 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期71-73,77,共4页
Huizhou-style gardens have been greatly influenced by Huizhou culture, their plant landscapes have also been integrated with various aspects of Huizhou culture, which demonstrated the ideology, historical and cultural... Huizhou-style gardens have been greatly influenced by Huizhou culture, their plant landscapes have also been integrated with various aspects of Huizhou culture, which demonstrated the ideology, historical and cultural connotation of the society in an abstract and impalpable way. In this study, Huizhou-style miniature landscapes, plants of virtual implications, flowers or fruit trees of special connotations are taken for examples to analyze the influence of Xin’an Neo-Confucianism on plant landscapes in Huizhou-style gardens, the demonstration of Huizhou businessmen’s aesthetic tastes, as well as folk cultures of Huizhou, which implies that plant landscapes in Huizhou-style gardens are those incorporating with humanistic spirits, ornamental and practical uses. This study aims to provide references for further researches in the present situation of ancient Huizhou areas, protection of ancient Huizhou-style gardens and construction of new-style Huizhou gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Huizhou culture Plant landscapes Xi’an Neo-Confucianism Aesthetic tastes of Huizhou businessmen Folk customs
Slope Protection with Vegetation of Baoji(Shaanxi)-Hanzhong(Shaanxi) Expressway
作者 徐宣斌 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期151-159,175,共10页
With expressway development and environment protection consciousness improving, slope protection technology with vegetation has drawn much more attention. From the perspective of ecology, Baoji-Hanzhong Expressway max... With expressway development and environment protection consciousness improving, slope protection technology with vegetation has drawn much more attention. From the perspective of ecology, Baoji-Hanzhong Expressway maximized slope protection technology with vegetation and formed attracting landscapes on basis of eco-protection. This research introduced the technology of Baoji-Hanzhong Expressway, and explored a low-cost and effective biological slopeprotection way, suitable for Baoji-Hanzhong Expressway, according to slope protection technologies, at home and abroad, with botany, water and soil conservation engineering, and architecture, which fixed and stabilized slopes, prevented rainfall scouring, and advanced slope protection development in China. 展开更多
关键词 Slope protection with vegetation Eco-landscape Ecological restoration EXPRESSWAY
作者 CHENHui L1Shuang-cheng ZHANGYi-li 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期340-346,共7页
Based on the field investigation in August 2001 and August 2002, digitalChina Vegetation Map in 2001 and Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau Vegetation Regionalization Map in1996, vegetation characteristics along two sides... Based on the field investigation in August 2001 and August 2002, digitalChina Vegetation Map in 2001 and Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau Vegetation Regionalization Map in1996, vegetation characteristics along two sides of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway are studiedin this paper. Meanwhile, the impact of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway constructions on thevegetation types are analyzed using ARCVIEW, ARC/INFO and PATCH ANALYSIS. It was found that: 1)Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway span 9 latitudes, 12 longitudes and 6 physical geographic regions(East Qinghai and Qilian mountain steppe region, Qaidam mountain desert region, SouthQinghai-Xizang alpine meadow steppe region, Qiangtang alpine steppe region, Golog-Nagqu alpine shrubmeadow region and South Xizang mountain shrub steppe region); 2) the construction of Qinghai-Xizanghighway and railway destroyed natural vegetation and landscape, especially in 50m-wide bufferregions along both sides of the roads, it was estimated that the net primary productivity deceasedby about 30 504.62t/a and the gross biomass deceased by 432 919.25-1 436 104.3t. The losing primaryproductivity accounted for 5.70% of the annual primary productivity within Ikm-wide buffer regions(535 005.07-535 740.11t/a), and only 0.80%-0.89% of that within 10km-wide buffer regions (3 408950.45-3 810 480.92t/a). The losing gross biomass was about 9.47%-17.06% of the gross biomass within1km-wide buffer regions (7 502 971.85-25 488 342.71t), and only 1.47%-2.94% of that within10km-wide buffer regions (43 615 065.35-164 150 665.37t). 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway vegetation types landscape index FRAGMENTATION net primary productivity BIOMASS
地铁站室内公共空间绿植景观的设计策略——以武汉市马房山地铁站为例 被引量:2
作者 黎明 《中国建筑装饰装修》 2022年第15期96-98,共3页
随着绿色生态的设计理念逐渐被社会所重视,绿植景观在地下公共空间的应用也逐渐增多,但在地铁站室内公共空间中的应用尚不多见.本文以湖北省武汉市马房山地铁站为例,在分析武汉地铁站绿植景观现状的基础上,结合室内空间绿植相关技术分析... 随着绿色生态的设计理念逐渐被社会所重视,绿植景观在地下公共空间的应用也逐渐增多,但在地铁站室内公共空间中的应用尚不多见.本文以湖北省武汉市马房山地铁站为例,在分析武汉地铁站绿植景观现状的基础上,结合室内空间绿植相关技术分析,提出在地铁站室内公共区环境中进行绿植景观设计的策略,为地铁站公共空间的环境景观设计提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 地铁站 室内公共空间 绿景观设计
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