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道在山林,周弥六合——浙东天台山“洞天福地”的山岳景观流变及文化意象研究 被引量:7
作者 郑青青 金荷仙 陈楚文 《中国园林》 北大核心 2020年第12期35-40,共6页
道教洞天福地作为中国名山风景的经典类型之一,在宗教山岳景观中占据独特地位。浙东天台山水神秀,历代高道以入山隐修为主要目的,形成了道教在区域山林的景观文化基础。从天台山“神仙之乡”的文化背景出发,从“想象与实践”的视角切入... 道教洞天福地作为中国名山风景的经典类型之一,在宗教山岳景观中占据独特地位。浙东天台山水神秀,历代高道以入山隐修为主要目的,形成了道教在区域山林的景观文化基础。从天台山“神仙之乡”的文化背景出发,从“想象与实践”的视角切入,梳理了天台山洞天福地的景观流变:分析其“不死之福庭”地域性景观的形成经历了“赤城→桐柏”的信仰转移过程;以天台山为坐标,洞天福地格局打破了区域“层级”分布特征,而呈现大范围“州郡”空间格局。作为“联结点”的天台山,洞天世界沟通了宇宙、山、人3个基本场域,由此衍生出“洞宫”式和“周回”式山岳空间营建典范。旨在挖掘洞天福地中典型案例的价值,为中国洞天福地体系的构建提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 洞天福地 天台山 山岳景观流 文化意象 道教宇宙观
景观“意、境、流”概念及其语义学解读 被引量:12
作者 李开然 《中国园林》 2008年第9期91-94,共4页
景观的"意、境、流"概念是设计理论中提纲契领的重要因素,对它们的把握和解读决定了景观设计的层次和命运。中国传统的意境相关理论可分为3类,一类源于文学创作与批评,一类应用于绘画理论,另一类来自禅宗思想,由于中国唐代以... 景观的"意、境、流"概念是设计理论中提纲契领的重要因素,对它们的把握和解读决定了景观设计的层次和命运。中国传统的意境相关理论可分为3类,一类源于文学创作与批评,一类应用于绘画理论,另一类来自禅宗思想,由于中国唐代以后文人的特殊性而产生3类之间的互用与模糊。文章对此进行了梳理,进一步提出景观"意"的概念,将其对应于文学,比喻为不同体裁与手法的层次。境有3种层次:物质的环境、事件的情境、熨帖于内在的景观心境。景观不是静止不动的图片或是瞬间的东西,它本身是复杂的体系,提出"流"的概念是为了强调这一体系性,它的层次包括空间序列上的流,观赏方式组合的流,时间历史溯源的流,以及更高层次上的流。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 传统意境 语义学解读 景观 景观 景观流
作者 薛莲 《上海建设科技》 2014年第3期63-65,共3页
景观是一个可持续、有生命力的综合体,它伴随着社会经济的发展、社会文化意识的传承、生态理念和技术的进步而共同发展。景观的发展不仅符合自然规律、满足社会功能,还遵循生态原则,同时赋有艺术的感官。景观在其发展过程中,逐渐体现了... 景观是一个可持续、有生命力的综合体,它伴随着社会经济的发展、社会文化意识的传承、生态理念和技术的进步而共同发展。景观的发展不仅符合自然规律、满足社会功能,还遵循生态原则,同时赋有艺术的感官。景观在其发展过程中,逐渐体现了其变化与发展的个性。针对景观的这种特性,引入景观流的概念,从联系流与连续流两方面来分析景观流在自然与社会环境中的作用机制,讨论景观规划设计中运用景观流的意义。 展开更多
关键词 景观流 联系 连续 生态 形态 文化
作者 郑良秋 谭春 李波 《四川建筑》 2022年第6期43-45,49,共4页
随着城市建设中水系统构建越来越受到重视,人们对于城市景观水体质量要求也日益严格。在工程设计合理构建水生态系统以保持缓流景观水体水质成为重要环节,需结合实际进行定量计算,为后期工程建设及水体运维提供数据支撑。本文分析国内... 随着城市建设中水系统构建越来越受到重视,人们对于城市景观水体质量要求也日益严格。在工程设计合理构建水生态系统以保持缓流景观水体水质成为重要环节,需结合实际进行定量计算,为后期工程建设及水体运维提供数据支撑。本文分析国内外水环境容量相关研究,总结提出了水环境修复模式和四川省缓流景观水体定量设计测算方法,旨在为四川地区景观缓流水体工程初步设计提供参考与量化指标。 展开更多
关键词 景观水体 水环境修复 定量测算
作者 李爽 《美术教育研究》 2017年第20期63-63,共1页
校园景观设计是校园整体形象设计的关键,校园景观设计除了要创造宜人的景色,更应创造户外游憩、师生交流的空间。因此,此次校园景观改造设计运用高差变化,强调空间的整体与延续,注重学生对于各类环境空间的需求,组织不同的活动空间,鼓... 校园景观设计是校园整体形象设计的关键,校园景观设计除了要创造宜人的景色,更应创造户外游憩、师生交流的空间。因此,此次校园景观改造设计运用高差变化,强调空间的整体与延续,注重学生对于各类环境空间的需求,组织不同的活动空间,鼓励学生到户外感受大学文化,进行交流与互动,从而形成良好的校园氛围。 展开更多
关键词 景观空间 空间体验 景观流线
作者 潘华 《建材与装饰》 2019年第34期95-96,共2页
在山地建筑中如何利用场地高差营造趣味性的空间一直是一个值得建筑设计师思考的问题.笔者通过参与的底底古村禅驿精品酒店接待中心的设计实践,对高差进行精细化处理,通过内外两个环形流线将内外部空间进行连接,为建筑营造出了一种差异... 在山地建筑中如何利用场地高差营造趣味性的空间一直是一个值得建筑设计师思考的问题.笔者通过参与的底底古村禅驿精品酒店接待中心的设计实践,对高差进行精细化处理,通过内外两个环形流线将内外部空间进行连接,为建筑营造出了一种差异化的景观,将山地的场地劣势转换为建筑空间的优势. 展开更多
关键词 山地建筑 接待中心 景观流线
非常规水源城市景观水系利用的关键技术集成与示范应用 被引量:3
作者 颜秀勤 李俊奇 郑兴灿 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期24-27,共4页
针对以廊坊市为代表的北方缺水地区普遍存在的突出水环境问题,开展了非常规水源城市水系优化利用模式、再生水景观水系利用富营养化防治、径流污染控制与雨水综合利用、非常规水源景观水体自净能力提升和非常规水源城市水系运行维护管... 针对以廊坊市为代表的北方缺水地区普遍存在的突出水环境问题,开展了非常规水源城市水系优化利用模式、再生水景观水系利用富营养化防治、径流污染控制与雨水综合利用、非常规水源景观水体自净能力提升和非常规水源城市水系运行维护管理等关键技术研究,构建了以水量的满足、水质的保证、自净能力的提升、水景观的建设四大要素为核心的城市水环境景观生态修复技术体系,研发了北方缺水城市滞流型景观水体水质保持与改善、低碳氧同步氮磷去除、雨水径流土壤快速渗滤与生物滞留、雨水高效旋流沉砂等关键技术,研究成果应用于廊坊市八干渠和大皮营渠非常规水源城市景观水系修复工程,河渠景观功能得以建立,水质获得改善。 展开更多
关键词 非常规水源 水体景观水系 水质保持综合示范 水专项
人工强化改善滞流景观水体水质的研究 被引量:1
作者 王金丽 颜秀勤 +1 位作者 郑兴灿 宁冰 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第19期84-87,共4页
研究了几种人工生态强化净化技术对滞流景观水体水质的改善效果。结果显示:碳素纤维生态草表面可形成稳定的生物膜,对水质的改善效果最好,对NH3-N、TN、TP和COD的去除率分别可达到94%、92%、92%和85%,生态草对浮游藻类繁殖和水体色度增... 研究了几种人工生态强化净化技术对滞流景观水体水质的改善效果。结果显示:碳素纤维生态草表面可形成稳定的生物膜,对水质的改善效果最好,对NH3-N、TN、TP和COD的去除率分别可达到94%、92%、92%和85%,生态草对浮游藻类繁殖和水体色度增加均有较好的抑制作用,并且该抑制作用随着其密度的增加而增强;间歇曝气充氧法对水中氮、磷及色度的去除效果较好,但与其他方法相比,曝气扰动会使水中COD浓度增加,还可能会促进藻类的繁殖;美人蕉浮岛对氮、磷及色度的去除作用低于生态草和间歇曝气法,但对COD的去除和抑藻效果均好于间歇曝气法。 展开更多
关键词 景观水体 水质改善 生态草 间歇曝气 美人蕉浮岛
Eco-economic Background of Hilly-Gullied Loess Region and Optimized Eco-productive Paradigm of Small Watersheds 被引量:3
作者 孔正红 张新时 朱桂杰 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第10期1174-1185,共12页
A thorough analysis on its natural environment as well as social economic status of the hilly-gullied loess region is presented. A small watershed, the dominant landscape unit of the region, has been singled out for f... A thorough analysis on its natural environment as well as social economic status of the hilly-gullied loess region is presented. A small watershed, the dominant landscape unit of the region, has been singled out for further and specific study on landscape pattern and function, its social and economic distinctions. The authors proposed several principles based on its eco-economic background study, which includes water balance and efficient use principle, co-development of grass and agro-forestry principle, location optimization principle. Integrated with detailed analysis of a small watershed, an eco-productive paradigm for the loess land's development based on a small watershed scale was worked out. It consists of circle pattern with villages at core for high efficient agriculture production, hierarchical pattern along the slope for eco-economic development, point-axis pattern for commodity production and circulation in small watersheds and core-margin pattern for exchanges among watersheds. 展开更多
关键词 hilly-gullied loess region small watershed landscape pattern and function location optimization
浮岛植物净化水质效果研究 被引量:21
作者 王金丽 颜秀勤 +2 位作者 宁冰 刘丹 蒋白懿 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期14-18,共5页
研究了人工浮岛对模拟滞流景观水体的水质改善效果,并比较了五种浮岛植物对污染物的去除效率。结果显示,处理7 d左右水体TN、NH3-N、TP和COD去除率迅速增加,透明度显著增大,延长处理时间有利于污染物的去除,但植物根系分泌物会增加水体... 研究了人工浮岛对模拟滞流景观水体的水质改善效果,并比较了五种浮岛植物对污染物的去除效率。结果显示,处理7 d左右水体TN、NH3-N、TP和COD去除率迅速增加,透明度显著增大,延长处理时间有利于污染物的去除,但植物根系分泌物会增加水体的色度。经45 d处理,鸢尾对TN、NH3-N、TP和COD等污染物的整体去除效果最好,去除率分别为83.5%、86.9%、50%和70.7%,可作为优先选择的净水植物;美人蕉对藻类暴发的延缓与抑制作用最强,对TN、NH3-N和COD的去除效果与鸢尾接近,但去除TP的效果较差;千屈菜和旱伞草的除磷效果较好,但抑藻效果差;慈姑去除污染物的能力较弱。若要提高对污染物的整体去除效果,可考虑混合栽种鸢尾、美人蕉与千屈菜、旱伞草。 展开更多
关键词 人工浮岛 景观水体 植物 水质改善
Ranking Agricultural Sub-basins for Environmental Protection 被引量:1
作者 Liu Wenbao Gu Fengxia 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期32-37,共6页
Reconstructing long-term vegetation buffers along streams in agricultural landscapes has become a common environmental restoration strategy for improving water quality and wildlife habitat connectivity.This article de... Reconstructing long-term vegetation buffers along streams in agricultural landscapes has become a common environmental restoration strategy for improving water quality and wildlife habitat connectivity.This article developed a linear weighted model to rank the priority of agricultural sub-basins for the establishment of vegetative buffers.The method was applied to an agricultural watershed of 146 km2 in Ontario,Canada.The watershed was divided into 11 sub-basins as basic decision units.In each subbasin,four stream buffer schemes with widths of 5,10,15 and 20m were generated.For each buffer,three benefit-cost attributes of reconstructing vegetation cover were estimated,which include acreage per dollar,sediment abatement per dollar and habitat benefit per dollar.These attributes were first normalized using a linear normalization approach to eliminate the effects across different units.The normalized attributes were then integrated using a simple additive weighting method to rank the 11 sub-basins for prioritizing spatial restoration action.A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to observe the impact of a change in attribute weights on the management decisions.The results suggest that vegetation buffers reconstructed for achieving the water quality goal are not effective in improving habitat connectivity and vice versa. 展开更多
关键词 watershed management riparian buffer cost-benefit analysis landscape restoration
武汉市水生态基础设施空间格局研究 被引量:8
作者 杨柳琪 周燕 +1 位作者 冉玲于 申利 《规划师》 北大核心 2020年第21期72-77,共6页
快速城镇化与全球气候变化下,城市内涝问题频发。水生态基础设施能在升级城市防涝能力的同时满足城市空间品质提升的需求,其布局结构、规划应用理论面临发展契机。文章以减轻涝灾为导向,采用"源—汇"景观理论分析框架,通过确... 快速城镇化与全球气候变化下,城市内涝问题频发。水生态基础设施能在升级城市防涝能力的同时满足城市空间品质提升的需求,其布局结构、规划应用理论面临发展契机。文章以减轻涝灾为导向,采用"源—汇"景观理论分析框架,通过确定水生态基础设施与水文过程之间的耦合关系,将水生态基础设施划分为"源、流、汇"3种景观要素;依据土地利用类型、地表高程等景观特点和暴雨天气下的实际状况综合识别出现状"源、流、汇"要素;利用叠加分析方法寻找现状水生态基础设施空间布局存在的问题,将结果转译为空间布局优化策略。文章通过构建面向规划实践的水生态基础设施结构体系识别、分析、优化的方法流程,以期对防涝减灾及水生态基础设施规划理论研究形成一定补充,同时为提升水生态基础设施在缓解城市内涝中的应用提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 水生态基础设施 空间格局 “源—汇”理论 “源、、汇”景观 缓解涝灾
Road Lateral Disconnection and Crossing Impacts in River Landscape of Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province,China 被引量:2
作者 WANG Cong LIU Shiliang +2 位作者 DENG Li LIU Qi YANG Juejie 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期28-38,共11页
Roads are conspicuous components in a river landscape;however,their impacts on river landscape patterns and ecological processes have not been systematically studied at the watershed scale.In this paper,the Lancang Ri... Roads are conspicuous components in a river landscape;however,their impacts on river landscape patterns and ecological processes have not been systematically studied at the watershed scale.In this paper,the Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province,China was selected as a case to study road lateral disconnection and crossing impacts and identify river-road network interaction.This study was primarily focused on the road impacts on soil erosion intensity and patch density by using GIS analysis at different scales and explored their distribution with terrain factors.The results showed that river density revealed spatial autocorrelation although both of the roads and rivers were distributed unevenly in the valley.The lateral road(road curvature≥1.1)proportion correlated with soil erosion intensity(p 0.01)at the small sub-basin scale.Soil erosion intensity decreased with increasing lateral road buffer width.Light erosion generally accounted for a large proportion of the erosion in the lateral road buffer zones(1.0–4.0 km),while higher class lateral roads imposed greater impacts on soil erosion than lower class roads,which primarily had a moderate erosion level.In addition,the results of road-river intersection density indicated that road crossing impacts were significantly correlated with patch density at the small sub-basin scale.Topography factor(percent of slope>25°in each sub-basin had a close relationship with the ratio of total length of road line with curvature value≥1.1 to the total number of intersections.The correlation(p 0.01)between road impacts and terrain factor revealed that topography affected the road impact distribution in the Lancang River Valley. 展开更多
关键词 lateral disconnection crossing impacts river landscape patch density soil erosion scale effect
Urban Green Space Planning Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Model and Landscape Ecology Principle:A Case Study of Liaoyang City,Northeast China 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Yuan SHI Tiemao +4 位作者 HU Yuanman GAO Chang LIU Miao FU Shilei WANG Shizhe 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期465-475,共11页
As a result of environmental degradation,urban green space has become a key issue for urban sustainable development.This paper takes Liaoyang City in Northeast China as an example to develop green space planning using... As a result of environmental degradation,urban green space has become a key issue for urban sustainable development.This paper takes Liaoyang City in Northeast China as an example to develop green space planning using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model,landscape ecological principles and Geographical Information System (GIS).Based on the influencing factors of topography,building density and orientation,Shou Mountain,Longding Mountain and the Taizi River were selected as the urban ventilation paths to promote wind and oxygen circulation.Oxygen concentration around the green spaces gradually decreased with wind speed increase and wind direction change.There were obvious negative correlation relationships between the oxygen dispersion concentration and urban layout factors such as the building plot ratio and building density.Comparison with the field measurements found that there was significant correlation relationship between simulated oxygen concentration and field measurements (R 2=0.6415,p<0.001),moreover,simulation precision was higher than 92%,which indicated CFD model was effective for urban oxygen concentration simulation.Only less than 10% areas in Liaoyang City proper needed more green space urgently to improve oxygen concentration,mainly concentrated in Baitai and west Wensheng districts.Based on land-scape ecology principle,green space planning at different spatial scales were proposed to create a green space network system for Liaoyang City,including features such as green wedges,green belts and parks.Totally,about 2012 ha of green space need to be constructed as oxygen sources and ventilation paths.Compared with the current green space pattern,proposed green space planning could improve oxygen concentration obviously.The CFD model and research results in this paper could provide an effective way and theory support for sustainable development of urban green space. 展开更多
关键词 green space computational fluid dynamics oxygen dispersion pattern landscape ecology Liaoyang City proper
Relationships Between River Water Quality and Landscape Factors in Haihe River Basin, China: Implications for Environmental Management 被引量:4
作者 XU Huashan ZHENG Hua +2 位作者 CHEN Xiaoshu REN Yufen OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期197-207,共11页
River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help... River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help in developing an effective catchment management strategy to protect precious water resources. This study analyzed river water quality, patterns of terrestrial and riparian ecosystems, intensity of agricultural activities, industrial structure, and spatial distribution of pollutant emissions in the Haihe River Basin in China for the year of 2010, identifying the variables that have the greatest impact on river water quality. The area percentage of farmland in study area, the percentage of natural vegetation cover in the 1000-m riparian zone, rural population density, industrial Gross Domestic Product(GDP)/km^2, and industrial amino nitrogen emissions were all significantly correlated with river water quality(P < 0.05). Farming had the largest impact on river water quality, explaining 43.0% of the water quality variance, followed by the coverage of natural vegetation in the 1000-m riparian zone, which explained 36.2% of the water quality variance. Industrial amino nitrogen emissions intensity and rural population density explained 31.6% and 31.4% of the water quality variance, respectively, while industrial GDP/km^2 explained 26.6%. Together, these five indicators explained 67.3% of the total variance in water quality. Consequently, water environmental management of the Haihe River Basin should focus on adjusting agricultural activities, conserving riparian vegetation, and reducing industrial pollutant emissions by optimizing industrial structure. The results demonstrate how human activities drive the spatial pattern changes of river water quality, and they can provide reference for developing land use guidelines and for prioritizing management practices to maintain stream water quality in a large river basin. 展开更多
关键词 land use watershed management river water quality gradient analysis
Road Impacts on Spatial Patterns of Land Use and Landscape Fragmentation in Three Parallel Rivers Region,Yunnan Province,China 被引量:8
作者 LIANG Jun LIU Ye +3 位作者 YING Lingxiao LI Peng XU Yue SHEN Zehao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期15-27,共13页
The structure and function of network is a central issue in landscape ecology.Road networks with hierarchical structure are crucial for understanding landscape dynamics.In this study,we compared the distribution of na... The structure and function of network is a central issue in landscape ecology.Road networks with hierarchical structure are crucial for understanding landscape dynamics.In this study,we compared the distribution of national road,provincial road,county road and rural road in the Three Parallel Rivers Region(TPRR)in Yunnan Province of China,and estimated the effect of roads(and other factors)on the spatial patterns of land use and land cover with logistic regression.In addition,we analyzed the land use and land cover change(LUCC)and landscape fragmentation in 1989–2005 along a buffer zone of the primary traffic corridor,national road G214.The results showed that,county and rural roads had much higher percentage of length extending into more natural habitats at higher elevation and steeper slope,compared with the higher level roads in this region.While the distributions of natural land cover types were dominated by environmental factors,human land use types i.e.,building land and farmland types were significantly related with roads,linking more closely with lower level roads.The LUCC dynamics(1989–2005)of the G214 buffer zone showed a general trend of land transformation from conifer forests and valley arid shrubs to building land and farmland,and from ice and snow to alpine shrubs and forests.With the length of G214 unchanged during the time,the overall landscape pattern changed little in the buffer zone,but habitat fragmentation and area decrease had occurred for the natural vegetation types,in contrast to patch mergence and expansion of human land use types,and landscape fragmentation was intensified above 2500 m a.s.l.but declined below the elevation.The results indicated the dynamics of landscape composition and patch type level distribution in spite of the stability of the overall landscape pattern,and implied the potential role of roads,especially the low level roads on landscape changes. 展开更多
关键词 road network road level ecological impacts land use and land cover change(LUCC) landscape fragmentation the Three Parallel Rivers Region
The Experience of Regional Planning of the CESP (Companhia Energetica de Sao Paulo), Brazil
作者 Monica Peixoto Vianna 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期723-731,共9页
This article deals with the important experience of regional planning developed by the CESP (Companhia Energ6tica de Silo Paulo), Brazil, through the implantation of its hydroelectric projects. The company accumulat... This article deals with the important experience of regional planning developed by the CESP (Companhia Energ6tica de Silo Paulo), Brazil, through the implantation of its hydroelectric projects. The company accumulated a large experience in deploying and managing residential centers built to provide support to the works of their dams. The presence of urban planning was verified in all cases studied, with the participation of different professionals such as architects, planners, engineers and landscape designers, from inside or outside the company. This research shows that they used concepts derived from experiences as company towns of 19th century, the neighborhood unit, the garden city, the urbanistic assumptions from CIAM (Congr^s Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne) and the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). 展开更多
关键词 CESP regional planning residential villages TVA.
Navigating the currents of seascape genomics: how spatial analyses can augment population genomic studies 被引量:1
作者 Cynthia RIGINOS Eric D. CRANDALL +2 位作者 Libby LIGGINS Pim BONGAERTS Eric A, TREML 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期581-601,共21页
Population genomic approaches are making rapid inroads in the study of non-model organisms, including marine taxa. To date, these marine studies have predominantly focused on rudimentary metrics describing the spatial... Population genomic approaches are making rapid inroads in the study of non-model organisms, including marine taxa. To date, these marine studies have predominantly focused on rudimentary metrics describing the spatial and environmental context of their study region (e.g., geographical distance, average sea surface temperature, average salinity). We contend that a more nuanced and considered approach to quantifying seascape dynamics and patterns can strengthen population genomic investigations and help identify spatial, temporal, and environmental factors associated with differing selective regimes or demographic histories. Nevertheless, approaches for quantifying marine landscapes are complicated. Characteristic features of the marine environment, including pelagic living in flowing water (experienced by most marine taxa at some point in their life cycle), require a well-designed spatial-temporal sampling strategy and analysis. Many genetic summary statistics used to describe populations may be inappropriate for marine species with large population sizes, large species ranges, stochastic recruitment, and asymmetrical gene flow. Finally, statistical approaches for testing associations between seascapes and population genomic patterns are still maturing with no single approach able to capture all relevant considerations. None of these issues are completely unique to marine systems and therefore similar issues and solutions will be shared for many organisms regardless of habitat. Here, we outline goals and spatial approaches for land- scape genomics with an emphasis on marine systems and review the growing empirical literature on seascape genomics. We review established tools and approaches and highlight promising new strategies to overcome select issues including a strategy to spatially optimize sampling. Despite the many challenges, we argue that marine systems may be especially well suited for identifying candidate genomic regions under environmentally mediated selection and that seascape genomic approaches are especially useful for identifying robust locus-by-environment associations. 展开更多
关键词 adaptation genetic-environment association landscape OCEANOGRAPHY population genomics remote sensing seascape genetics.
Linking vegetation cover patterns to hydrological responses using two process-based pattern indices at the plot scale 被引量:16
作者 LIU Yu FU BoJie +3 位作者 Lü YiHe GAO GuangYao WANG Shuai ZHOU Ji 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1888-1898,共11页
Vegetation cover pattern is one of the factors controlling hydrological processes. Spatially distributed models are the primary tools previously applied to document the effect of vegetation cover patterns on runoff an... Vegetation cover pattern is one of the factors controlling hydrological processes. Spatially distributed models are the primary tools previously applied to document the effect of vegetation cover patterns on runoff and soil erosion. Models provide precise estimations of runoff and sediment yields for a given vegetation cover pattern. However, difficulties in parameterization and the problematic explanation of the causes of runoff and sedimentation rates variation weaken prediction capability of these models. Landscape pattern analysis employing pattern indices based on runoff and soil erosion mechanism provides new tools for finding a solution. In this study, the vegetation cover pattern was linked with runoff and soil erosion by two previously de- veloped pattern indices, which were modified in this study, the Directional Leakiness Index (DL[) and Flowlength. Although they use different formats, both indices involve connectivity of sources ,areas (interpatch bare areas). The indices were revised by bringing in the functional heterogeneity of the plant cover types and the landscape position. Using both artificial and field verified vegetation cover maps, observed runoff and sediment production on experiment plots, we tested the indices' efficiency and compared the indices with their antecedents. The results illustrate that the modified indices are more effective in indicating runoff at the plot/hillslope scale than their antecedents. However, sediment export levels are not provided by the modified indices. This can be attributed to multi-factor interaction on the hydrological process, the feedback mechanism between the hydrological function of cover patterns and threshold phenomena in hydrological processes. 展开更多
关键词 cover pattern indices RUNOFF soil erosion vegetation cover pattern
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