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现代景观设计艺术问题与对策 被引量:8
作者 周武忠 翁有志 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期122-129,共8页
本文将景观设计艺术作为一种社会文化现象,而非理性的技术设计过程进行分析,通过公众价值判断标准来反思现代景观设计艺术中人、文化、景观、社会、自然的相互影响,尝试分析造成中国现代景观设计艺术文化失忆、生态错位、经济浪费、功... 本文将景观设计艺术作为一种社会文化现象,而非理性的技术设计过程进行分析,通过公众价值判断标准来反思现代景观设计艺术中人、文化、景观、社会、自然的相互影响,尝试分析造成中国现代景观设计艺术文化失忆、生态错位、经济浪费、功能残缺、审美缺失五大问题的成因,并探寻改善上述问题的可能性途径。 展开更多
关键词 景观设计艺术 文化失忆 生态错位 经济浪费 功能残缺 审美缺失
隐喻传统的现代设计——谈苏州博物馆的景观设计艺术 被引量:1
作者 钱蔚 《苏州工艺美术职业技术学院学报》 2007年第2期29-32,共4页
关键词 苏州博物馆 景观设计艺术 忠王府 庭园 园林 现代设计
作者 徐宏 《中国食用菌》 北大核心 2020年第11期264-265,共2页
乡土文化是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,其在推动社会文化向生态文化转变的过程中起着举足轻重的作用,是当前城乡一体化发展形势下的重要文化基础,在我国新农村建设过程中具有重要的文化价值、人文价值和经济价值。但随着城市化进程的... 乡土文化是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,其在推动社会文化向生态文化转变的过程中起着举足轻重的作用,是当前城乡一体化发展形势下的重要文化基础,在我国新农村建设过程中具有重要的文化价值、人文价值和经济价值。但随着城市化进程的不断加快,新农村景观设计过程中出现了一系列盲目效仿城市的负面现象,为更好地推进我国的新农村建设,设计者需将重新塑造乡土文化作为重点工程加以推进,从而为新农村建设提供精神支柱和文化支撑。 展开更多
关键词 新农村景观 新农村建设 城乡一体化发展 乡土文化 盲目效仿 文化支撑 景观设计艺术 负面现象
生活的戏剧 市民的盛事——略谈节日的景观设计艺术
作者 翁剑青 《美术观察》 北大核心 2003年第2期10-10,共1页
关键词 节日文化 景观设计艺术 精神色彩 文化内涵 行为方式 艺术形象 艺术观念 创新意识
古典园林艺术观照下的现代城市景观设计——以长沙市湘江风光带为参照 被引量:3
作者 殷绪顺 曾增 杨科 《艺海》 2007年第2期87-88,共2页
关键词 湘江风光带 师法自然 古典园林 长沙市民 景观规划 景观设计艺术 造园
传统茶文化元素在艺术景观设计中的应用探究 被引量:2
作者 郭选昌 房秀婷 《福建茶叶》 北大核心 2017年第12期91-91,共1页
准确的景观设计定位,能够为整个艺术景观设计活动开展确定完善的方案。结合传统茶文化元素的价值所在,如今,可以将这一元素应用到整个艺术景观设计活动之中,实现服务设计活动的创新发展。本文拟从目前艺术景观设计活动开展的欠缺不足分... 准确的景观设计定位,能够为整个艺术景观设计活动开展确定完善的方案。结合传统茶文化元素的价值所在,如今,可以将这一元素应用到整个艺术景观设计活动之中,实现服务设计活动的创新发展。本文拟从目前艺术景观设计活动开展的欠缺不足分析入手,结合艺术景观设计活动的整体性要求,通过融入传统茶文化元素体系的具体内涵,从而探究传统茶文化元素在整个艺术景观设计活动的具体应用思路。 展开更多
关键词 传统茶文化元素 艺术景观设计 应用机制 设计理念
园林绿化艺术景观设计策略研究 被引量:5
作者 余航 覃旸 《中国园艺文摘》 2017年第1期160-161,共2页
关键词 园林绿化 艺术景观设计 策略
基于人文与生态元素的环境艺术景观设计探索 被引量:1
作者 张蓓 《流行色》 2019年第1期129-129,134,共2页
经济水平的不断发展促使了人民精神生活需求的升级,人们对于生活环境的质量要求持续提升,环境艺术景观是近年来现代化城镇建设的重点关注对象,对于文明城市、文明景观、文明生态环境等都对环境艺术的景观提出了更深层次的要求。本文首... 经济水平的不断发展促使了人民精神生活需求的升级,人们对于生活环境的质量要求持续提升,环境艺术景观是近年来现代化城镇建设的重点关注对象,对于文明城市、文明景观、文明生态环境等都对环境艺术的景观提出了更深层次的要求。本文首先对环境景观设计的基本概念进行简要概述;其次,对于环境艺术景观设计与人文元素和生态元素结合的必要性进行综合的分析;最后,针对如何提升人文与生态元素在环境艺术景观设计探究中的优化提出合理性建议。 展开更多
关键词 人文元素 生态元素 环境艺术景观设计
北方园林艺术景观设计中植物的应用与表达 被引量:2
作者 王志伟 《农业与技术》 2019年第14期163-164,共2页
关键词 北方园林 艺术景观设计 植物 应用 表达
景观园艺:“绿色”与“艺术”提升城市品质 被引量:4
作者 周武忠 周之澄 《中国园林》 北大核心 2013年第7期42-45,共4页
园艺是最古老的艺术门类之一,是联结绿色与艺术、物质与精神的纽带。以城市景观中的园艺问题为切入点,对景观园艺在城市景观建设过程中所能起到的作用从不同方面进行了深入系统的分析。城市中的景观园艺,实为"绿色"与"艺... 园艺是最古老的艺术门类之一,是联结绿色与艺术、物质与精神的纽带。以城市景观中的园艺问题为切入点,对景观园艺在城市景观建设过程中所能起到的作用从不同方面进行了深入系统的分析。城市中的景观园艺,实为"绿色"与"艺术"的结合体,其存在能有效提升城市品质。首先概括了近年来城市景观发展过程中绿色艺术的研究与应用,再分析了其中所产生的相关问题,随之阐述园艺影响城市的直观层面,从城市生态系统过渡到景观园艺对于提升城市品质的重点之所在。最后以完善城市功能的视角,从城市的生态与环保功能、社会与文化功能以及审美与艺术功能层面分析了景观园艺对于城市品质提升所能起到的作用。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 景观园艺 城市景观设计艺术 绿色城市 城市品质 景观评论
作者 谢树涛 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2021年第21期107-109,共3页
景观雕塑是艺术景观设计的主要内容,不同的景观雕塑设计能够影响艺术景观设计的文化特征、艺术风格、与自然环境的融合度等。本文简要阐述了景观设计与景观雕塑设计有关内容,分析了景观雕塑设计在艺术景观设计中的价值,提出多项艺术景... 景观雕塑是艺术景观设计的主要内容,不同的景观雕塑设计能够影响艺术景观设计的文化特征、艺术风格、与自然环境的融合度等。本文简要阐述了景观设计与景观雕塑设计有关内容,分析了景观雕塑设计在艺术景观设计中的价值,提出多项艺术景观设计中景观雕塑的设计要点,以期能够为我国艺术景观设计水平的提升提供有价值参考资料。 展开更多
关键词 艺术景观设计 景观雕塑 设计要点
作者 马磊 《商情》 2012年第39期117-117,共1页
【摘要】本文从传统文化在室内设计中的运用出发,力求实现既满足于功能的要求又有文化内涵.以人为本的中国现代人所需的内环境。传统与现代的关系一直是建筑界重要的课题,关于二者系的不同观点有很多。本文从不同角度领悟到传统文化... 【摘要】本文从传统文化在室内设计中的运用出发,力求实现既满足于功能的要求又有文化内涵.以人为本的中国现代人所需的内环境。传统与现代的关系一直是建筑界重要的课题,关于二者系的不同观点有很多。本文从不同角度领悟到传统文化在现代建室内设计中运用的多样性与复杂性,在传统文化的借鉴上,并不单纯采用某一符号、某种形式或某些传统材料,而是要将艺术景设计等多方面有机结合,整体权衡,把握适度,才能产生出更好的计思路。 展开更多
关键词 传统室内设计 室内空间 现代室内设计 艺术景观设计
作者 宋锋成 张鹏 《风景名胜》 2020年第6期0303-0303,共1页
随着当前人们生活水平和生活质量的不断提高,环境艺术景观设计已经成为人们广泛关注的问题,在环境艺术景观设计中,景观雕塑设计占据了重要的影响地位,有助于展现独特性的景观设计效果,因此相关工作人员在实际工作的过程中,需要加强对景... 随着当前人们生活水平和生活质量的不断提高,环境艺术景观设计已经成为人们广泛关注的问题,在环境艺术景观设计中,景观雕塑设计占据了重要的影响地位,有助于展现独特性的景观设计效果,因此相关工作人员在实际工作的过程中,需要加强对景观雕塑的思考以及认识,结合实际设计要求和设计标准来开展日常的工作,从而使得景观雕塑能够在实际中发挥其应有的价值和效果。 展开更多
关键词 艺术景观设计 景观雕塑 研究
作者 林素梅 孙明胜 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第7期98-99,共2页
关键词 杨公堤 景观设计艺术 文化传承 “风水”理趣
Spatial Distribution Pattern and Han Subgroup Characteristics of Traditional Villages in Guangdong 被引量:2
作者 YUAN Shaoxiong YIN Xiaoling +2 位作者 XIONG Haixian SUN Zhongyu HUANG Guangqing 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期25-32,共8页
A total of 126 traditional villages in Guangdong were selected for research to analyze their spatial distribution pattern, spatial autocorrelation, and Han subgroup characteristics through the spatial analysis with GI... A total of 126 traditional villages in Guangdong were selected for research to analyze their spatial distribution pattern, spatial autocorrelation, and Han subgroup characteristics through the spatial analysis with GIS. The results showed that the traditional villages in Guangdong were distributed compactly, which was similar to that in other provinces; on the prefecture-level city scale, they were mainly distributed in Meizhou, Qingyuan, Zhanjiang, and Zhaoqing, showing a central distribution; on the regional scale, they were mainly distributed in northern Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta, indicating an unbalanced distribution; their density of spatial distribution showed a significant difference with a provincial distribution density of 0.59 per thousand km^2 and the highest distribution density of 2.14 per thousand km^2; there were four gathering areas accommodating many traditional villages, namely Meizhou-Chaoshan area, Guangfo-Dongguan area, Leizhou in Zhanjiang, and Lianzhou in Qingyuan; the spatial distribution of traditional villages, which presented a pattern of hot spot—sub-hot spot—sub-cold spot—cold spot, had a significant global spatial autocorrelation, and areas in similar sizes were tending towards gathering; traditional villages in Guangdong belonged to the Cantonese-speaking group and Hakka-speaking group with a density of 0.59 per thousand km^2 and 0.48 per thousand km^2 respectively, and Han subgroup with the highest distribution density was the minority areas of 1.31 per thousand km^2, followed by Shaozhou dialect area with a density of 1.00 per thousand km^2. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional villages Spatial distribution pattern Spatial autocorrelation Han subgroup distribution GUANGDONG
Enhancement of the Beauty of Human Landscape Based on Metro Artistic Dimension: A Case Study of Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3 of Xi'an Metro 被引量:1
作者 SUN Wenjun SUN Jing +1 位作者 LI Zhiguo WU Fei 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期102-106,共5页
As a means of transportation to reduce traffic congestion, the metro has drawn increasing attention. In order to effectively enhance the beauty of the city's human landscape, authors of this paper, based on the pu... As a means of transportation to reduce traffic congestion, the metro has drawn increasing attention. In order to effectively enhance the beauty of the city's human landscape, authors of this paper, based on the public art dimension of metro, explore the artistic expression, problems, and countermeasures related to the enhancement of the beauty of human landscape, and solutions to the common failing of metropolises in the evolution of urban civilization, so as to optimize and spread the urban culture. It is hoped that this paper can cover the shortage of relevant domestic and international studies and provide a theoretical reference for the majority of man-made landscape researchers. 展开更多
关键词 Artistic dimension Urban landscape Beauty of human landscape Existing problems
Investigation and Analysis of Wild Potted Plant Resources in Xinyang 被引量:1
作者 LU Dongsheng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期61-63,68,共4页
Author of this paper studied the varieties, resource types, ornamental value and utilization value of wild potted plants in Xinyang based on field investigation, and discussed the utilization ways and protective measu... Author of this paper studied the varieties, resource types, ornamental value and utilization value of wild potted plants in Xinyang based on field investigation, and discussed the utilization ways and protective measures of potted plant resources. The results showed that Xinyang was rich in wild potted plants, with 74 families, 137 genera, and 379 species. Among them, angiosperms were the most common group, with 46 families, 92 genera, and 232 species. Bryophytes and ferns were also common in Xinyang, with 9 families, 22 genera, and 80 species as well as 13 families, 16 genera, and 58 species respectively. According to the purpose, wild potted plant resources can be grouped into three types: tree potted plants, landscape potted plants, and moss potted plants; according to the ornamental part, wild potted plant resources can be classified into five types: foliage plants, flowering plants, fruit-effect plants, synthetic plants, and special plants. Building up the ranks of penjing creators, giving full play to its advantages based on local resources, and producing penjing with local flavor, is the direction for future development of Xinyang penjing. 展开更多
关键词 Xinyang Penjing Wild plants Exploitation and utilization
Land Use Characteristics of Areas Around the Metro Station in the Old City of Chengdu: A Case Study of Sichuan Gymnasium Station
作者 LIU Aimei ZHAO Wei 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期16-20,共5页
Taking Sichuan Gymnasium Station as the research object, we explore land use characteristics over time of areas around Sichuan Gymnasium Station in terms of time. We extract the basic information of land use in areas ... Taking Sichuan Gymnasium Station as the research object, we explore land use characteristics over time of areas around Sichuan Gymnasium Station in terms of time. We extract the basic information of land use in areas around Sichuan Gymnasium Station in 2005, 2011, and 2016 through Google Earth in order to draw the map of land use status in three time nodes. We then analyze the degree of mixing and equilibrium, intensity of development of land, and land use patterns of areas around Sichuan Gymnasium Station with indexes including the area proportion of land use patterns, information entropy, and degree of equilibrium within a 1,000-m radius centered on the station, so as to reveal the spatial distribution characteristics of land around the station in different time nodes. Through comparative analysis, it is found that the development of rail transit has not significantly contributed to the boom of commerce and the development of the old city of Chengdu. We also analyze land use changes in areas around Sichuan Gymnasium Station in terms of space, and find that land use patterns in areas around commuter stations seem to be more complicated than that of the average station, and land use patterns in areas around Huaxiba Station and Nijiaqiao Station on Line 1, which opened first, are more complicated than that of Moziqiao Station and Yiguanmiao Station on Line 3. The original land use patterns formed in the old city often determine the selection of rail transit routes and rail transit stations. Adaptive stations do not play a decisive role in land use patterns in their surrounding areas, but have some impact on the plot ratio and building height of land for commercial use within the core area of the stations. 展开更多
关键词 SICHUAN GYMNASIUM STATION Time and space Dynamic change Land use characteristics
Spatial-Temporal Differentiation of Sustainable Development in Cities and Counties of Hainan Province
作者 ZHUANG Haiyan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期7-15,共9页
A total of 18 cities and counties in Hainan from 2012 to 2015 were selected as the basic research units to construct an index system for evaluating the ability of sustainable development that includes four guidelines ... A total of 18 cities and counties in Hainan from 2012 to 2015 were selected as the basic research units to construct an index system for evaluating the ability of sustainable development that includes four guidelines of economic development capacity, population development capacity, social support capacity, and resource utilization and environmental protection capacity. The improved entropy method was used to determine the weight, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TDPSIS) was used to calculate the capacity for sustainable development of the cities and counties and sort these cities and counties, and Arcgis10.2 was used to draw the provincewide distribution of the four guidelines. Thereupon, the author reached following conclusions: there was no big regional difference in the sustainable development capacity of cities and counties in Hainan, and they were basically in a general state of intermediate stage in the past four years; Haikou City and Sanya City, as the key cities, had a higher ability of sustainable development and had shown a remarkable capacity to drive the sustainable development of surrounding areas; according to the development level, the four guidelines were in the following order: resource utilization and environmental protection capacity, population development capacity, social support capacity, and economic development capacity. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development Index system EVALUATION Cities and counties HAINAN
Response of Grassland Biomass to Soil Moisture in the Arid Mountainous Area of the Qilian Mountains
作者 WANG Shunli WANG Rongxin +4 位作者 JING Wenmao ZHAO Weijun NIU Yun MA Jian ZHU Hong 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第1期77-82,共6页
The Pailugou watershed of the Qilian Mountains in the arid region of northeast China was selected for research to analyze the species, height, and biomass in typical mountain grassland with an altitude of 2,700–3,000... The Pailugou watershed of the Qilian Mountains in the arid region of northeast China was selected for research to analyze the species, height, and biomass in typical mountain grassland with an altitude of 2,700–3,000 m and measure soil moisture, so as to explore the seasonal characteristics of grassland biomass as altitude increases and the relationship between grassland biomass and soil moisture. The results showed that:(1) with a mean value of 135.36 g/m^2, grassland aboveground biomass showed a unimodal distribution from rise to decline as altitude increased, and reached its maximum of 176.79 ± 28.37 g/m^2 at an altitude of 2,900 m; with a mean value of 946.13 g/m^2, grassland underground biomass showed an uptrend as altitude increased, and reached its maximum of 1,301.19 ± 68.24 g/m^2 at an altitude of 3,000 m;(2) the difference between aboveground biomass and underground biomass in the grassland at different altitudes was significant;(3) values of root shoot ratio of the arid mountain grassland varied between 4.14–11.95;(4) values of soil moisture content of the arid mountain grassland varied between 9.23%–31.31%;(5) there was a positive correlation between aboveground biomass and underground biomass and the mean soil moisture content(p < 0.05), with a correlation coefficient of 0.778 4 and 0.784 3 respectively, soil layers with different moisture content made different contributions to grassland biomass, and moisture content in the soil layer where over-60-cm root systems were located was of significance to grassland biomass. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain grassland BIOMASS Soil moisture QILIAN MOUNTAINS
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