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作者 王娜 《中国交通建设监理》 2012年第8期54-55,共2页
“大地哺育了小树,落叶在风中翩翩飞舞,谱写着一曲美妙动人的乐章,那是小树对大地的感恩:蓝天容纳了白云,白云在蓝天中自由飘荡,描绘着一幅多姿多彩的画卷,那是白云对蓝天的感恩:大树养育了小鸟,小鸟在树上尽情歌唱,表演了一... “大地哺育了小树,落叶在风中翩翩飞舞,谱写着一曲美妙动人的乐章,那是小树对大地的感恩:蓝天容纳了白云,白云在蓝天中自由飘荡,描绘着一幅多姿多彩的画卷,那是白云对蓝天的感恩:大树养育了小鸟,小鸟在树上尽情歌唱,表演了一首优美动听的歌,那是小乌对大树的感恩……爸爸妈妈从小就教育我要知恩图报,我会用优异的成绩来报答好心的叔叔阿姨们,我长大后,也要像你们那样,向其他小朋友奉献一份爱心。”江西遂川县珠田乡南村小学五年级残疾学生袁志强的感恩告白,令现场的每一个人无不为之动容。而此时,广州南华工程管理有限公司总经理李聪的表情更显凝重, 展开更多
关键词 江西 广州 资助 老区 暖种 工程管理 遂川县 总经理
河南省马铃薯规模化种植误区及改进措施 被引量:2
作者 郑军伟 陈焕丽 +1 位作者 郭赵娟 吴焕章 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2015年第1期70-72,共3页
关键词 马铃薯 河南省 规模化种植 标准化生产技术 误区 规模化栽培 机械化生产 暖种
马铃薯早熟丰产栽培技术 被引量:3
作者 高虹 尤庆喜 王成云 《现代化农业》 2003年第11期20-20,共1页
关键词 马铃薯 栽培技术 品种 东农303 费乌瑞它 早大白 超白 暖种 切块 催芽 晒芽 施肥 整地 扣膜 栽种 田间管理 收获
作者 王夫同 高兴明 《农业知识(致富与农资)》 2008年第3期11-12,共2页
关键词 山东省邹城市 种薯切块 土壤疏松 种薯处理 秋薯 紫绿色 暖种 膨大期 田间积水 摊晾
无公害马铃薯生产技术规程 被引量:3
作者 彭美祥 夏继长 《中国果菜》 2009年第9期33-34,共2页
关键词 种薯 切块 暖种
蚕种催青测控技术及催青智能化研究的进程 被引量:2
作者 薛卫东 谈嵩山 +1 位作者 佘柳涛 钱忠兵 《中国蚕业》 2004年第4期94-95,共2页
1 蚕种催青测控技术的发展 日本于上世纪70年代后期发明了蚕种催青箱,是以种子生产作坊为蓝本采取的暖种法催青,而独联体国家至今沿用中国上个世纪50~60年代的老法催青.上世纪80年代,国内蚕种催青包括大中型蚕种场的原种催青绝大多数... 1 蚕种催青测控技术的发展 日本于上世纪70年代后期发明了蚕种催青箱,是以种子生产作坊为蓝本采取的暖种法催青,而独联体国家至今沿用中国上个世纪50~60年代的老法催青.上世纪80年代,国内蚕种催青包括大中型蚕种场的原种催青绝大多数还是采用仪器仪表为主要测控手段的传统催青方法,催青密度低,单位容量小,固定建筑投资大,材物料消耗多,效果不稳定,容易发生孵化方面的问题. 展开更多
关键词 蚕种催青 暖种 原种 种子生产 孵化 大中型 密度 中国 蚕种场 投资
作者 杨连发 《内蒙古林业》 2002年第11期25-26,共2页
关键词 柞蚕 制种技术 种茧出库 暖种 出蛾 产卵
作者 曾华璟 《新作文(小学中高年级版)》 2004年第Z2期96-96,共1页
天气格外晴朗,阳光把大地照得非常暖和!此时,锅净(郭靖)、黄笼(黄蓉)正在自家的花园里散步。这时,黄笼叫起来:“锅净大哥,你看天上那只雕的羽毛多么漂亮啊!”然后向锅净发出一道十万伏特的高压电,锅净立刻被电得手脚发麻,口吐白沫,直到... 天气格外晴朗,阳光把大地照得非常暖和!此时,锅净(郭靖)、黄笼(黄蓉)正在自家的花园里散步。这时,黄笼叫起来:“锅净大哥,你看天上那只雕的羽毛多么漂亮啊!”然后向锅净发出一道十万伏特的高压电,锅净立刻被电得手脚发麻,口吐白沫,直到黄笼又一次发射出高压电才慢慢地恢复知觉。“黄笼妹妹,你不用担心,我帮你把它射下来!”锅净边说边向屋里走去。 展开更多
关键词 动物园 中心小学 天气 高压电 晋江市 福建省 恢复知觉 暖种 羽毛 净边
作者 尹遵伟 《山东蚕业》 2003年第3期26-27,共2页
关键词 收蚁 桑蚕生产 晚秋蚕 给桑 小蚕 蚕期 蚕室蚕具 生产成本 采叶 暖种
《农家科技》 2020年第2期10-10,共1页
1.选地与整地。选地以土质疏松、肥沃、土层深厚的沙壤土为宜,整地要深耕细整,马铃薯不宜连作,前茬不可与茄科蔬菜(西红柿、辣椒、茄子)进行轮作。2.选种与播前处理。①种薯选择。选用抗病、抗逆、优质、丰产和商品性好的马铃薯专用型品... 1.选地与整地。选地以土质疏松、肥沃、土层深厚的沙壤土为宜,整地要深耕细整,马铃薯不宜连作,前茬不可与茄科蔬菜(西红柿、辣椒、茄子)进行轮作。2.选种与播前处理。①种薯选择。选用抗病、抗逆、优质、丰产和商品性好的马铃薯专用型品种,提倡使用脱毒种薯。②及时催芽。催芽方法有以下几种:一是暖种催芽法。播种前20~25天,将选取好的种薯摊在室内,下面铺好草苫或干沙。 展开更多
关键词 春马铃薯 播前处理 脱毒种薯 茄科蔬菜 草苫 种薯选择 暖种 催芽方法
作者 宋淑玲 《河北农业》 1996年第2期10-10,共1页
怎样使春栽马铃薯出苗快出苗齐春马铃薯虽抢早播种,但早栽温度低,不仅出苗慢,而且还不容易出齐苗。那么,早栽春马铃薯应采取那些措施,才能促其早出苗、出齐苗呢?一、暖种晒种播种前30在左右,将种菌移放在温度20℃左右的黑暗... 怎样使春栽马铃薯出苗快出苗齐春马铃薯虽抢早播种,但早栽温度低,不仅出苗慢,而且还不容易出齐苗。那么,早栽春马铃薯应采取那些措施,才能促其早出苗、出齐苗呢?一、暖种晒种播种前30在左右,将种菌移放在温度20℃左右的黑暗条件下进行暖种催芽。当顶部芽长至0... 展开更多
关键词 马铃薯 春马铃薯 沧州市郊区 出苗期 郊区农业 中耕松土 有机肥 地温 出苗前 暖种
作者 王惠萍 《西北园艺(蔬菜)》 2009年第5期23-24,共2页
关键词 地膜马铃薯 暖种 露地育苗 种薯切块 整薯播种 茄科作物 缓苗 冬水 播后覆土 浇水次数
Advances of study on atmospheric methane oxidation (consumption) in forest soil 被引量:2
作者 王琛瑞 史奕 +2 位作者 杨晓明 吴杰 岳进 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期230-238,共9页
Next to CO2, methane (CH4) is the second important contributor to global warming in the atmosphere and global atmospheric CH4 budget depends on both CH4 sources and sinks. Unsaturated soil is known as a unique sink fo... Next to CO2, methane (CH4) is the second important contributor to global warming in the atmosphere and global atmospheric CH4 budget depends on both CH4 sources and sinks. Unsaturated soil is known as a unique sink for atmospheric CH4 in terrestrial ecosystem. Many comparison studies proved that forest soil had the biggest capacity of oxidizing atmospheric CH4 in various unsaturated soils. However, up to now, there is not an overall review in the aspect of atmospheric CH4 oxidation (consumption) in forest soil. This paper analyzed advances of studies on the mechanism of atmospheric CH4 oxidation, and re-lated natural factors (Soil physical and chemical characters, temperature and moisture, ambient main greenhouse gases con-centrations, tree species, and forest fire) and anthropogenic factors (forest clear-cutting and thinning, fertilization, exogenous aluminum salts and atmospheric deposition, adding biocides, and switch of forest land use) in forest soils. It was believed that CH4 consumption rate by forest soil was limited by diffusion and sensitive to changes in water status and temperature of soil. CH4 oxidation was also particularly sensitive to soil C/N, Ambient CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations, tree species and forest fire. In most cases, anthropogenic disturbances will decrease atmospheric CH4 oxidation, thus resulting in the elevating of atmos-pheric CH4. Finally, the author pointed out that our knowledge of atmospheric CH4 oxidation (consumption) in forest soil was insufficient. In order to evaluate the contribution of forest soils to atmospheric CH4 oxidation and the role of forest played in the process of global environmental change, and to forecast the trends of global warming exactly, more researchers need to studies further on CH4 oxidation in various forest soils of different areas. 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric methane Oxidation Global warming Forest soil SINK
Responses of Tree Species to Climate Warming at Different Spatial Scales 被引量:2
作者 LIANG Yu HE Hong S LEWIS Bernard L 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期427-436,共10页
Tree species respond to climate change at multiple scales,such as species physiological response at fine scale and species distribution (quantified by percent area) at broader spatial scale.At a given spatial scale,sp... Tree species respond to climate change at multiple scales,such as species physiological response at fine scale and species distribution (quantified by percent area) at broader spatial scale.At a given spatial scale,species physiological response and distribution can be correlated positively or negatively.The consistency of such correlation relationships at different spatial scales determines whether species responses derived from local scales can be extrapo-lated to broader spatial scales.In this study,we used a coupled modeling approach that coupled a plot-level ecosystem process model (LINKAGES) with a spatially explicit landscape model (LANDIS).We investigated species physio-logical responses and distribution responses to climate warming at the local,zonal and landscape scales respectively,and examined how species physiological response and distribution correlated at each corresponding scale and whether the correlations were consistent among these scales.The results indicate that for zonal and warming-sensitive species,the correlations between species physiological response and distribution are consistent at these spatial scales,and therefore the research results of vegetation response to climate warming at the local scale can be extrapolated to the zonal and landscape scales.By contrast,for zonal and warming-insensitive species the correlations among different spatial scales are consistent at some spatial scales but at other scales.The results also suggest that the results of azonal species at the local scale near their distribution boundaries can not be extrapolated simply to broader scales due to stronger responses to climate warming in those boundary regions. 展开更多
关键词 climate warming vegetation response local scale zonal scale landscape scale LANDIS Changbai Mountains
Economic Competition for High Profits from Antarctic Living Resources in Their Protection Area
作者 Ryszard Jacek Traczyk 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第1期1-58,共58页
Since 1790, Antarctic living resources were becoming subjects of competition among the exploiters to be first in obtaining the maximum profit from them. This led to subsequent extinction of valuable species from fur s... Since 1790, Antarctic living resources were becoming subjects of competition among the exploiters to be first in obtaining the maximum profit from them. This led to subsequent extinction of valuable species from fur seals and next penguins, large through small whales, industrial demersal fish, further to pelagic species and now toothfish, crabs and krill. Catch proportions of their numerous and biomass decrease. The biomass of South Georgia Icefish estimated for 40 years in spide of decreasing trend has one of the largest components-the oscillations with periods of 3 years or 4 years. Their models explain large biomass fluctuations in the years 1975 to 1981 with amplitudes ±15 × 10^3 tonnes around average 20 ×10^3 tonnes and further decline up to 2005 season with oscillation ±4 ×10^3 tonnes around average 5 × 10^3 tonnes. For future season, 2016 model predicts a little increase of the biomass oscillation at level of 8 × 10^3 tonnes with reduced amplitude 2 × 10^3 tonnes. Slowly increase density of adult fish was also reported for target similar and close related mackerel icefish. Additional references for biomass levels help reduce the risk of further depletion biomass of Pseudochaenichthys georgianus which already declined to 75%. As global warming promote phytoplankton growth, replacing krill fishery by algae farms can save unique Antarctic heritages. 展开更多
关键词 Maximum profits from resources fish biomass age of icefish Antarctic fish krill.
Flowering and Fruiting Phenology of 24 Plant Species on the North Slope of Mt. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Liyun TURKINGTON Roy TANG Ya 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期45-54,共10页
Phenological background information for alpine species is limited from extremely high altitudes. Flowering and fruiting phenology was monitored for 24 plant species at 5,180 m a.s.1, near the base camp area on the nor... Phenological background information for alpine species is limited from extremely high altitudes. Flowering and fruiting phenology was monitored for 24 plant species at 5,180 m a.s.1, near the base camp area on the north slope of Mt. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) in Tibet, western China. The dates of first flowering, peak flowering, end of flowering, first fruiting, peak fruiting and flowering period were recorded. There was a wide variation in onset of flowering, long flowering duration, a relative synchrony between the onset of flowering and fruiting, and one species was exclusively vegetative. These results suggest that the species have evolved various phenological strategies as adaptations to the short growing season with limited resources and pollinators in this harsh alpine environment at extremely high elevations. With a background of global warming, local plant species will represent an advancing trend in onset of flowering. 展开更多
关键词 ALPINE Global warming PHENOLOGY Qinghai-Tibet plateau
The Development of a Seed Stock Industry Using Indigenous Livestock from Rural Keepers for Sustainable Production
作者 Michiel Matthys Scholtz 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1270-1276,共7页
The majority of livestock in the rural areas of Africa are indigenous types that are not well defined as breeds as perceived by the developed world. The animals in this important sector have remained largely uncharact... The majority of livestock in the rural areas of Africa are indigenous types that are not well defined as breeds as perceived by the developed world. The animals in this important sector have remained largely uncharacterised and face the risk of genetic dilution due to indiscriminate crossbreeding, breed replacement and neglect. This article uses two examples to describe a system that has been implemented in South Africa that allows indigenous livestock from rural keepers to enter the seed stock industry as recognized breeds. The first example is the indigenous Nguni breed of cattle that has been successfully developed into a seed stock breed, with a society celebrating its 25th anniversary in November 2011. The second example involves the challenges of developing a seed stock industry for some of the unimproved indigenous goat breeds of South Africa. Climate change is expected to have a more extreme effect on southern hemisphere continents than on other continents. Such negative effects will include high ambient temperatures, nutritional stress and altered patterns of animal diseases. With the likelihood of global warming, these adapted genotypes can play a very important role in sustainable livestock production. 展开更多
关键词 Breed societies goats indigenous breeds Nguni cattle.
《新农业》 1996年第12期31-31,共1页
关键词 马铃薯 地膜覆盖栽培 初收获 后进行 水稻 暖种 效益
Fields experiments in North China show no decrease in winter wheat yields with night temperature increased by 2.0-2.5°C 被引量:13
作者 FANG ShiBo TAN KaiYan +2 位作者 REN SanXue ZHANG XinShi ZHAO JunFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1021-1027,共7页
The trends of daily maximum and minimum temperature in global warming indicated that the daily minimum temperature (Tmin) has risen more than twice as fast as the daily maximum temperature (Tmax) during the 20th c... The trends of daily maximum and minimum temperature in global warming indicated that the daily minimum temperature (Tmin) has risen more than twice as fast as the daily maximum temperature (Tmax) during the 20th century. Most researchers have focused on how the crops respond to daily mean temperature, whereas few controlled experiments were carried out to in- vestigate how the crops respond to the Train rise. In particular, no experiment research has reported on how crops respond to the higher night temperature, which was the main trend in the climate warming. Taking winter wheat as the test crop, we investi- gated how the winter wheat growth and yields responded to the higher night temperature. In the field experiments, infrared heaters were used to increase higher night temperature (HNT) by about 2.5℃ in contrast to the normal night temperature (CK) in two whole growth durations of winter wheat in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 in North China. The results indicated that, com- pared to the CK treatment, winter wheat yield did not decline in HNT treatment, which increased temperatures by 2.0-2.5℃ in both Wanner year (WY) and Colder year (CY). Furthermore, winter wheat yield in CY increased significantly in HNT treatment. HNT treatment in CY could significantly promote tillering and increase the effective panicles, which increased grain yield significantly (by more than 30% compared with CK). HNT treatment in CY contributed to an increase in the effective panicles and Kernels significantly, although making a significant reduction in 1000-grain weight, but did not lead to the yield decline. Under the HNT treatment, the whole growth duration of the winter wheat was shortened and the phenological dates were earlier except for the beginning of overwintering; the beginnings of the overwintering phase were postponed substantially and the ends of the overwintering phase were ahead of date compared to CK, which shortened the duration of overwintering considerably. We draw on our own studies to show examples of higher night temperature impact on winter wheat in a relative- ly cold year and relatively warm year in North China. Our results refer to winter wheat in North China, not all main winter wheat producing regions, in Huang-Huai and Southwest of China. Some uncertainties of our predictions derive from fast pro- gress in crop breeding, the variability of climate, and the role of adaptive actions in the future. As expected, the adaptation measures should be considered to cope with the impacts of global warming on crops, and further research and assessments should be conducted. 展开更多
关键词 climate change higher night temperature winter wheat YIELDS adaptation
Responses of biotic interactions of dominant and subordinate species to decadal warming and simulated rotational grazing in Tibetan alpine meadow 被引量:5
作者 Xin'e Li Xiaoxue Zhu +6 位作者 Shiping Wang Shujuan Cui Caiyun LUO Zhenhua Zhang Lirong Zhang Lili Jiang Wangwang Lyu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第7期849-859,共11页
Warming increases competition among plant species in alpine communities by ameliorating harsh environmental conditions,such as low temperatures. Grazing, as the main human activity, may mitigate the effect of warming,... Warming increases competition among plant species in alpine communities by ameliorating harsh environmental conditions,such as low temperatures. Grazing, as the main human activity, may mitigate the effect of warming, as previously reported.However, it is critical to refine the effects of warming on biotic interactions among species, for example, by taking the competitive ability of species into consideration. Based on a 10-year warming and grazing experiment in a Tibetan alpine meadow, we evaluated interspecific biotic interactions of dominant and subordinate species, using the approach of interspecific spatial associations. Warming significantly increased competition between subordinate and dominant species as well as among subordinate species, but not among dominant species. Moreover, facilitation of dominant-subordinate species also increased under warming. Simulated rotational grazing had similar effects to warming, with increasing interspecific competition. Our results show that, when studying the effects of warming on biotic interactions among species, it is necessary to characterize different species pairs relative to their competitive ability, and that simulated rotational grazing does not mitigate the effects of warming in the long term. Our results also provide evidence that the spatial pattern of species is a critical mechanism in species coexistence. 展开更多
关键词 climate warming biotic interactions dominant and subordinate species spatial pattern species coexistence
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