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赣中曲源矿床钠交代岩与铀成矿关系 被引量:3
作者 高琰 程纪星 +1 位作者 周玉龙 付建平 《世界核地质科学》 CAS 2019年第1期17-20,共4页
以曲源矿床钠交代岩为研究对象,通过收集整理前人勘探成果资料,阐释矿床成矿地质背景,论述钠交代岩分布和岩石特征,探讨钠交代岩与铀成矿之间的关系。研究认为钠交代岩是热液交代原始岩石中的矿物使其大多消失殆尽,几乎由新生的钠长石... 以曲源矿床钠交代岩为研究对象,通过收集整理前人勘探成果资料,阐释矿床成矿地质背景,论述钠交代岩分布和岩石特征,探讨钠交代岩与铀成矿之间的关系。研究认为钠交代岩是热液交代原始岩石中的矿物使其大多消失殆尽,几乎由新生的钠长石替代而生成。钠交代作用既是热液带入Na_2O,带出SiO_2、 K_2O的交换过程,又是携带铀矿源、创造贮存空间,同时,还是释放铀矿质和创造有利成矿围岩的系统过程。钠交代岩与铀成矿密切相关,钠交代作用越强、岩石越破碎、钠长石化现象越强烈、铀品位也就越高,而且铀矿化严格受钠交代岩制约,矿化分布范围被限于钠交代岩体之内。 展开更多
关键词 曲源矿床 钠交代岩 铀成矿
赣中曲源铀矿床控矿因素及找矿预测 被引量:3
作者 周玉龙 高琰 《地质学刊》 CAS 2020年第1期54-62,共9页
曲源铀矿床位于赣杭构造火山岩铀成矿带南西段,产于紫云山花岗岩岩株与玉华山火山盆地接触带的复式花岗岩内部,矿床的形成与燕山早期花岗岩关系密切。断裂构造、碱交代蚀变岩对铀矿化控制作用十分显著,矿化产出形式分为构造角砾岩(花岗... 曲源铀矿床位于赣杭构造火山岩铀成矿带南西段,产于紫云山花岗岩岩株与玉华山火山盆地接触带的复式花岗岩内部,矿床的形成与燕山早期花岗岩关系密切。断裂构造、碱交代蚀变岩对铀矿化控制作用十分显著,矿化产出形式分为构造角砾岩(花岗岩脉)型、碱交代蚀变岩型2类。通过梳理已有勘查资料,阐释了区域成矿地质背景和矿床地质特征,总结了控矿因素及矿体分布规律。在评估勘查程度的基础上,运用铀成矿新理论,并结合近年来的找矿工作成果,认为曲源铀矿床深部及外围具有优越成矿条件和找矿潜力,提出了下一步的找矿方向。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩型 铀矿床 控矿因素 找矿预测 江西曲源
赣中曲源铀矿床黑云母花岗岩地球化学特征及成因 被引量:4
作者 高琰 《世界核地质科学》 CAS 2017年第3期145-152,共8页
曲源铀矿床位于钦杭多金属成矿带东段的南带和赣杭构造火山岩铀成矿带南西段,产于燕山期紫云山岩体SW边缘。在分析曲源铀矿床黑云母花岗岩的区域地质背景,主量元素、稀土与微量元素地球化学等特征的基础上,探讨其形成环境。认为紫云山... 曲源铀矿床位于钦杭多金属成矿带东段的南带和赣杭构造火山岩铀成矿带南西段,产于燕山期紫云山岩体SW边缘。在分析曲源铀矿床黑云母花岗岩的区域地质背景,主量元素、稀土与微量元素地球化学等特征的基础上,探讨其形成环境。认为紫云山岩体花岗岩既非典型的S型花岗岩,又非典型的I型花岗岩,是一种壳幔混染同熔型的过渡岩浆系列岩石。 展开更多
关键词 曲源铀矿床 黑云母花岗岩 地球化学特征 成因
作者 夏鹏章 史立人 《长江志季刊》 2003年第2期82-90,共9页
关键词 沱沱河 曲源 长江 考察 水文特征 地质地貌
作者 蒋国江 《创作评谭》 2021年第1期4-15,共12页
本期文艺家:万叶(1937—),男,江西广丰人,江西省艺术研究院特聘研究员,上饶师范学院弋阳腔研究所和弋阳腔研究基地顾问。承担与主持《中国戏曲志·江西卷》《中国曲艺志·江西卷》《中央苏区文化艺术史》等多个国家重点艺术科... 本期文艺家:万叶(1937—),男,江西广丰人,江西省艺术研究院特聘研究员,上饶师范学院弋阳腔研究所和弋阳腔研究基地顾问。承担与主持《中国戏曲志·江西卷》《中国曲艺志·江西卷》《中央苏区文化艺术史》等多个国家重点艺术科研项目与国家基金课题,其中《中国戏曲志·江西卷》《中国曲艺志·江西卷》获全国艺术科学编纂成果个人一等奖和文化部集体奖,《中央苏区文化艺术史》获文化部第一届文化艺术科学优秀成果奖。 展开更多
关键词 中国曲艺 特聘研究员 优秀成果奖 曲源 中国戏曲志 上饶师范学院 科研项目 中央苏区文化
一纸展开非旧谱 四弦翻出是新声——析琵琶曲《新翻羽调绿腰》 被引量:1
作者 王雪梅 《音乐探索》 2007年第3期98-99,111,共3页
《新翻羽调绿腰》是一首模仿唐代大曲风格而又富有独创新意的琵琶独奏曲。文章从曲源、乐曲结构、演奏方法等几个方面着手,对该作品进行了分析。全曲颇具古风,时而轻盈柔美,时而气势浑腾,仿佛再现了唐代舞者的风姿神韵,不失为当代琵琶... 《新翻羽调绿腰》是一首模仿唐代大曲风格而又富有独创新意的琵琶独奏曲。文章从曲源、乐曲结构、演奏方法等几个方面着手,对该作品进行了分析。全曲颇具古风,时而轻盈柔美,时而气势浑腾,仿佛再现了唐代舞者的风姿神韵,不失为当代琵琶曲的佳作。 展开更多
关键词 曲源探究 调式结构 演奏技法
作者 田屹 《乐器》 2012年第7期38-40,共3页
琵琶在中国有两千多年的发展历史,流传下来很多优秀的曲目。琵琶曲《新翻羽调绿腰》是一首模仿唐代大曲风格而又富有独创新意的琵琶独奏曲,无论是从曲源、乐曲结构分析、还是音乐特征上都有其独到之处。全曲颇具古风,时而轻盈柔美,时而... 琵琶在中国有两千多年的发展历史,流传下来很多优秀的曲目。琵琶曲《新翻羽调绿腰》是一首模仿唐代大曲风格而又富有独创新意的琵琶独奏曲,无论是从曲源、乐曲结构分析、还是音乐特征上都有其独到之处。全曲颇具古风,时而轻盈柔美,时而气势浑腾,仿佛再现了唐代舞者的风姿神韵,为当代琵琶曲的佳作。 展开更多
关键词 曲源分析 乐曲结构分析 音乐特征
A Near-1V 10ppm/℃ CMOS Bandgap Reference with Curvature Compensation 被引量:8
作者 幸新鹏 李冬梅 王志华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期24-28,共5页
A low voltage bandgap reference with curvature compensation is presented. Using current mode structure, the proposed bandgap circuit has a minimum voltage of 900mV. Compensated through the VEB linearization technique,... A low voltage bandgap reference with curvature compensation is presented. Using current mode structure, the proposed bandgap circuit has a minimum voltage of 900mV. Compensated through the VEB linearization technique, this bandgap reference can reach a temperature coefficient of 10ppmFC from 0 to 150℃. With a 1.1V supply voltage,the supply current is 43μA and the PSRR is 55dB at DC frequency. This bandgap reference has been verified in a UMC 0.18μm mixed mode CMOS technology and occupies 0. 186mm^2 of chip area. 展开更多
关键词 CMOS bandgap reference low voltage curvature compensation
作者 黄谢 邹丁 《老区建设》 1992年第11期13-14,共2页
关键词 曲源 烤烟房 村党支部 广昌 牧渔业 第二年 石战 群众大会 科技报 崇仁
作者 李晓岚 《上海戏剧》 北大核心 1990年第4期10-10,共1页
近年来的话剧不甚景气。我认为:话剧危机的根本原因在于它的自身机制。有一句话说得很好:「拿你自己的特长与别人竞争。」能引起观众的好奇和积极的批判的参与意识,它的当场交流反馈作用和仪式性效应等,都是戏剧特有的长处,是影视所不... 近年来的话剧不甚景气。我认为:话剧危机的根本原因在于它的自身机制。有一句话说得很好:「拿你自己的特长与别人竞争。」能引起观众的好奇和积极的批判的参与意识,它的当场交流反馈作用和仪式性效应等,都是戏剧特有的长处,是影视所不可企及的。戏剧不会在竞争中消失,话剧亦如此。所以并不是没有出路了,关键看你怎么走这个路。 展开更多
关键词 仪式性 反馈作用 自身机制 艺术创新 曲源 现实生活 思想探索 城乡建设 福建人 历史文化积淀
Correlation between the Change in the Number of Apis mellifera Worker Bees and Nectar Secretion of Nectariferous Plants
作者 余玉生 张祖芸 +2 位作者 宋文菲 卢焕仙 王艳辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期116-118,136,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to clarify the correlation between changes of Apis mel ifera and the nectar secretion characteristics of nectariferous plants. [Method] Considering the nectar secretion characteristics of ... [Objective] This study aimed to clarify the correlation between changes of Apis mel ifera and the nectar secretion characteristics of nectariferous plants. [Method] Considering the nectar secretion characteristics of major and auxiliary nec-tariferous plants, six Apis mel ifera colonies were selected for measure the number of eggs, larvae, pupae and adult bees from Jan. to Dec. in 2012; based on that, their annual change curves were also plotted. [Result] The results showed that there were three peaks of the total number of A. mel ifera workers throughout the year:the first occurred on May 15th, with bees developed into an ideal population for col-lecting pomegranate nectar, and the second and third peaks occurred on July 15th and Oct. 15th, respectively, with bees developed into an ideal population for col ect-ing E. ciliate (Thuab) Hyland. [Conclusion] Prevention of Varroa jacobsoni should be carried out with two or more types of acaricides at the late nectar flow stages of the two nectariferous plants(pomegranate and E. ciliate (Thuab) Hyland) when there was a nectar deficiency. Prevention of Tropilaelaps clareae should be timely per-formed with sublimed sulfur in conjunction with acaricides. This study provides a theoretical basis for the high-quality and high-yielding production of honey, as wel as for the product safety. 展开更多
关键词 Apis mellifera Number of worker bees Nectariferous plants CURVE Theoretical basis
作者 韩冷 张宗科 《音乐世界》 1990年第1期14-15,共2页
关键词 雨泪 我一 萧深 子温 天根 曲源 乐之
作者 吕金藻 冯伯阳 《吉林艺术学院学报》 1993年第1期41-53,共13页
1900 △5月,日本歌曲集《铁道唱歌》(多梅稚作曲)由大版三木乐器店出版(中国学堂乐歌《扬子江》的曲源即来于此)。 △任中国海关总务司的英国人罗伯特·赫特(1835—1911)于1885年在天津组建的管乐队解散(由于义和团事件的影响)。
关键词 学堂乐歌 音乐鉴赏 歌曲集 王光祈 管弦乐曲 曲源 总务司 齐尔品 巴黎音乐学院 周淑安
A Critical Review of Viewpoints on the Time of the Origin of Hongqu(Red Yeast Rice) 被引量:3
作者 LIN Feng 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2022年第1期40-54,共15页
Through a summary of the results of past research on the time of the origin of hongqu(红曲,red yeast rice),a critical review is made of multiple pieces of published evidence supporting the various viewpoints that hong... Through a summary of the results of past research on the time of the origin of hongqu(红曲,red yeast rice),a critical review is made of multiple pieces of published evidence supporting the various viewpoints that hongqu originated from the Han,Wei,Jin,Tang,or Song dynasties.Based on a newly discovered textual comment by Kong Guangtao孔广陶(1832–1890)that rectified the mistake of mis-quoting“red wheat powder in Guazhou”(Guazhou hongzhi瓜州红)as“red yeast rice in Guazhou”(Guazhou hongqu瓜州红麯)in Entry into Learning(Chuxue ji初学记),a conclusion can be drawn that the evidence for a Han dynasty origin that has dominated for nearly forty years is not well-grounded,and proposes that Chinese hongqu originated in the Tang dynasty(618–907). 展开更多
关键词 hongqu time of origin VIEWPOINTS critical review
Acoustic emission source location considering refraction in layered media with cylindrical surface 被引量:8
作者 Zi-long ZHOU Jing ZHOU +3 位作者 Xin CAI Yi-chao RUI Lian-jun CHEN Hai-quan WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期789-799,共11页
To solve the problem that the existing acoustic emission(AE) source location algorithms cannot always obtain accurate results for multilayer cylindrical media,a new acoustic emission source location method considering... To solve the problem that the existing acoustic emission(AE) source location algorithms cannot always obtain accurate results for multilayer cylindrical media,a new acoustic emission source location method considering refraction was proposed.AE source coordinates were solved by the complex method.Pencil-lead-break experiments were used to verify this method.The absolute distance errors of location results are less than 3 mm,much less than those by the traditional method.The numerical experiments were used to further analyze factors that affect location accuracy.The results of numerical experiments show that the location accuracy of the proposed method is not affected by the ratio of wave velocities but affected by the measurement accuracy of wave velocity.These results show that new method can obtain accurate AE source location in the two-layered cylindrical surface media such as the triaxial compression test. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic emission source location multilayer cylindrical media
Biological Characteristics of Carex brunnescens for Sand Fixation in the Source Region of the Yellow River 被引量:1
作者 康建军 赵明 +3 位作者 马和 张洋东 刘冬皓 童胜利 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1716-1722,1725,共8页
Carex brunnescens, a pioneer plant that has an excellent ability to fix sand in the source region of the Yellow River (Maqu), plays an important role in maintaining the ecosystem stability of alpine grassland in Maq... Carex brunnescens, a pioneer plant that has an excellent ability to fix sand in the source region of the Yellow River (Maqu), plays an important role in maintaining the ecosystem stability of alpine grassland in Maqu. In this study, the biological characteristics (phonological characters, the growth process of overground and underground organs, and the morphological characters of underground organs) of C. brunnescens were studied by a field observation experiment. The results showed that C. brunnescens had the characteristics of turning green earlier than other plants, a long growth period, and two flowering and fruiting cycles. The leaf width, length and number of a single plant, and the density, coverage and leaf density of community increased significantly from the leaf extension period to the fruit mature period and then tended to be stable in the withering period, while the plant height and leaf area of a single plant and the leaf area of community rose significantly at first and then decreased. Underground stems (horizontal and vertical stems) and roots of C. brunnescens could survive in sand at a depth of 0-60 cm. The number of middle roots (0.2-0.5 mm in diameter) was the largest in all soil layers (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm), and the total length of fine roots (〈0.2 mm) were the maximum in the sand at a depth of 20-40 cm, while the total length of middle roots was the maximum in the sand layer at a depth of 0-20 cm. The length, fresh weight and dry weight of the main root, horizontal and vertical stems was the maximum in the sand layer at a depth of 10-30 cm and was the minimum in the sand layer at a depth of 40-50 cm. It is concluded that C. brunnescens can well adapt to the alpine sand habitat of Maqu, can be used as the constructive species for ecological restoration in the alpine desertified grassland of Maqu, and has good popularization and application prospects. 展开更多
关键词 Source region of Yellow River (Maqu) Desertified grassland Carex brunnescens Biological characteristics for sand fixation
作者 殷守艳 《语文学刊》 2019年第1期1-6,共6页
关于《文心雕龙·序志》篇"位理定名""虽复轻采毛发,……亦不胜数矣""茫茫往代,既沉予闻"的释义和理解,可谓歧见叠出,纷纭纠葛,颇令人无所适从。结合诸家所释,从词义训释及文意理解两方面对之详加辨... 关于《文心雕龙·序志》篇"位理定名""虽复轻采毛发,……亦不胜数矣""茫茫往代,既沉予闻"的释义和理解,可谓歧见叠出,纷纭纠葛,颇令人无所适从。结合诸家所释,从词义训释及文意理解两方面对之详加辨析,从而判别其是非,或订正其失误,以确立其最终甚解。 展开更多
关键词 文心雕龙 序志 位理定名 轻采 曲意密源 既沉予闻
Interpreting effects of TOC_(inert) organic content on source rock potential using S_2 vs. TOC graph in Maamba Coalfield,southern Zambia
作者 Cryton Phiri WANG Pujun +1 位作者 G.Roland Nguimbi Abdallah-Yousif Ibrahim Hassan 《Global Geology》 2014年第4期199-205,共7页
The authors present the effects of the total organic carbon( TOCinert) during pyrolysis and how it overall affects the estimates of the hydrocarbon index( HI) using the cross plot S2 vs. TOC graph. A total of 21 drill... The authors present the effects of the total organic carbon( TOCinert) during pyrolysis and how it overall affects the estimates of the hydrocarbon index( HI) using the cross plot S2 vs. TOC graph. A total of 21 drillcore samples consisting of the non-carbonaceous mudstones,carbonaceous mudstones,coaly mudstones and coals with S2> 0. 35 are selected and used. The average TOC for the sampled population is 10. 36 wt%.TOCinertmeasured from the S2 vs. TOC graph is 2. 97 wt% and the average pyrolysable TOCliveis 7. 39 wt%. The HI is 102 mg HC / g TOC and the pyrolysable HI is 175 mg HC / g TOC,indicating that the TOCinertor mi-neral matrix adsorbs some of the hydrocarbons liberated during pyrolysis resulting into the low HI values which affects the correct determination of the source rock potential. Other applications of the S2 vs. TOC cross plot have been used to determine the depositional system tracts. The high stand system tract is also determined through this method. 展开更多
关键词 Rock-Eval pyrolysis S2 vs. TOC Maamba Coalfield Basin Zambia
A novel method based on entransy theory for setting energy targets of heat exchanger network 被引量:5
作者 Li Xia Yuanli Feng +1 位作者 Xiaoyan Sun Shuguang Xiang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1037-1042,共6页
A T-Q diagram based on entransy theory is applied to graphically and quantitatively describe the irreversibility of the heat transfer processes.The hot and cold composite curves can be obtained in the T-Q diagram.The ... A T-Q diagram based on entransy theory is applied to graphically and quantitatively describe the irreversibility of the heat transfer processes.The hot and cold composite curves can be obtained in the T-Q diagram.The entransy recovery and entransy dissipation that are affected by temperature differences can be obtained through the shaded area under the composite curves.The method for setting the energy target of the HENs in T-Q diagram based on entransy theory is proposed.A case study of the diesel oil hydrogenation unit is used to illustrate the application of the method.The results show that three different heat transfer temperature differences is 10 K,15 K and 20 K,and the entransy recovery is 5.498×10~7k W·K,5.377×10~7k W·K,5.257×10~7k W·K,respectively.And the entransy transfer efficiency is 92.29%,91.63%,90.99%.Thus,the energy-saving potential of the HENs is obtained by setting the energy target based on the entransy transfer efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Heat transfer Process systems Entransy Energy target T-Qdiagram
Applying Surface Fitting in the Medical Thermal Tomography Technology
作者 QIAO Yu-ting LI Kai-yang +1 位作者 HAN Fei LI Wen-ke 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2012年第1期12-21,共10页
Based on the thermal tomography technology, this thesis tries to calculate quantity and distribution of heat source in vivo from body surface temperature. A superposition temperature image of a number of point heat so... Based on the thermal tomography technology, this thesis tries to calculate quantity and distribution of heat source in vivo from body surface temperature. A superposition temperature image of a number of point heat sources is surface fitted to get the Q of heat sources (information of cancer cells) quantitatively. The result can reflect the disease area information because cancer cell's Q value is much higher than that of normal cell. This application is a new try in the diagnosis of breast cancer, which has an important value on the early detection and diagnosis of disease source. 展开更多
关键词 thermal tomography technology surface fitting cancer diagnosis MATLAB
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