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液相色谱-质谱法同时测定中成药中的赛更定、曲普立定、异丙嗪、羟嗪 被引量:1
作者 于维森 刘晓颖 +1 位作者 于红卫 修长泽 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2005年第10期1222-1223,共2页
目的:用高效液相色谱电喷雾质谱(ESI-MSn)测定中成药中的赛更定、曲普立定、异丙嗪、羟嗪.方法:通过多级质谱和保留时间对样品进行确证.结果:以峰面积定量,赛更定、曲普立定、异丙嗪、羟嗪的检出限分别为 1、0.02、1、0.01 mg/kg,不同... 目的:用高效液相色谱电喷雾质谱(ESI-MSn)测定中成药中的赛更定、曲普立定、异丙嗪、羟嗪.方法:通过多级质谱和保留时间对样品进行确证.结果:以峰面积定量,赛更定、曲普立定、异丙嗪、羟嗪的检出限分别为 1、0.02、1、0.01 mg/kg,不同水平的加标回收率范围为 97.9%~100.4%、99.2%~100.6%、98.4%~99.6%、99.1%~99.5%.结论:本方法具有提取样品简单、灵敏度高、选择性好、可重复性好等特点. 展开更多
关键词 液相色谱-质谱法 更定 曲普立定 异丙嗪 羟嗪
禀文源流考——兼析《巴县刑房经承邓仁斌缮文脱误请更定禀》 被引量:2
作者 王铭 杨若荷 《成都师专学报》 2002年第1期73-76,共4页
文章通过对清代乾隆年间一份禀文(《邓仕斌禀》)的介绍与分析,考释了“禀 文”这一特殊公文形式的成因与演变,分析了《邓仕斌禀》在古代文书学研究上的价值。
关键词 清代 乾隆年间 禀文 《巴县刑房经承邓仁斌缮文脱误请更定禀》 考证 古代文书学
作者 高列过 《语文学刊》 2017年第3期21-28,共8页
目前学界对《湖心亭看雪》时间名词"更定"的解释之所以有分歧,一是因为未能充分选用文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,二是对这类证据的考察失之严谨。既重视语言系统内部证据,也重视文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,才能准确... 目前学界对《湖心亭看雪》时间名词"更定"的解释之所以有分歧,一是因为未能充分选用文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,二是对这类证据的考察失之严谨。既重视语言系统内部证据,也重视文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,才能准确解释名物词。 展开更多
关键词 更定 名物词 训释
由“是日更定”引起的讨论 被引量:1
作者 朱伟平 《文教资料》 2011年第34期85-86,共2页
在教学张岱《湖心亭看雪》一文时,作者指导学生对文中“是日更定矣”中的“更定”二字进行探讨,学生众说纷纭,见解独到。此番经历引起了作者的思考。作者认为.教师应当善于将教学内容进行适当的延伸与拓展,教学内容的延伸与拓展应... 在教学张岱《湖心亭看雪》一文时,作者指导学生对文中“是日更定矣”中的“更定”二字进行探讨,学生众说纷纭,见解独到。此番经历引起了作者的思考。作者认为.教师应当善于将教学内容进行适当的延伸与拓展,教学内容的延伸与拓展应基于学生的生活,并突出语文性。为此,教师必须培养自己纯正的学习(阅读)趣味。 展开更多
关键词 山水小品《湖心亭看雪》 更定 讨论思考
“更定”辨 被引量:1
作者 何伟 《语文知识》 2006年第3期33-34,共2页
关键词 语文 初二 人教版 上册 《湖心事看雪》 更定 注释
从《吕氏家塾读诗记》所引到《诗集传》的更定——简论朱熹《诗经》学的发展变化 被引量:1
作者 马志林 《诗经研究丛刊》 2015年第3期309-318,共10页
从《吕氏家塾读诗记》所引到《诗集传》,可考见朱熹对前说的全面更定。其所更定者,除了所谓《雅》《郑》邪正之说外,还表现为其对'六义'认识的改变,以及对《诗序》的遵与违。而在训释方面,朱熹每将前说或删繁就简,或增益润色,... 从《吕氏家塾读诗记》所引到《诗集传》,可考见朱熹对前说的全面更定。其所更定者,除了所谓《雅》《郑》邪正之说外,还表现为其对'六义'认识的改变,以及对《诗序》的遵与违。而在训释方面,朱熹每将前说或删繁就简,或增益润色,或改弦更张,或两说并存,亦对训释体例,注文次序进行了调整。这种更定,说明朱子《诗》学晚而益醇,但平心而论,前说亦有胜于后说者,其失又可以说是瑕不掩瑜。 展开更多
关键词 《吕氏家塾读诗记》 《诗集传》 更定
孔子谥号演变考 被引量:4
作者 董喜宁 陈戍国 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期5-10,共6页
哀公作诔,称孔子为尼父。尼父是否为谥,历来歧见纷纭。自平帝时追赠褒成宣尼公后,孔子之谥,递有演变。北魏时称文圣尼父,唐时尊为宣父、文宣王,宋时则为玄圣文宣王、至圣文宣王,元武宗时至圣前又加大成,明嘉靖后止称至圣先师。其封爵代... 哀公作诔,称孔子为尼父。尼父是否为谥,历来歧见纷纭。自平帝时追赠褒成宣尼公后,孔子之谥,递有演变。北魏时称文圣尼父,唐时尊为宣父、文宣王,宋时则为玄圣文宣王、至圣文宣王,元武宗时至圣前又加大成,明嘉靖后止称至圣先师。其封爵代有不同,或称公,或称王,宋真宗时欲追加帝号未遂,其后儒生议此者甚多,至嘉靖定祀典,夺王爵而称先师。其谥号演变既受议谥规律所限,又与儒学发展及帝王崇抑纠葛在一起。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 谥号 尼父 文宣 更定祀典
论辽圣宗时期的法制改革 被引量:4
作者 张志勇 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第6期650-654,共5页
辽圣宗承景宗改革之势,进一步推进封建化的改革。其中,法制改革是辽圣宗改革的主要内容和重要成果,也是对其他改革的认可与肯定。法制改革的主要内容包括:注重立法,更定法令;减轻旧法过重部分;调平法律,修改同罪异论、贵贱异法;注重选... 辽圣宗承景宗改革之势,进一步推进封建化的改革。其中,法制改革是辽圣宗改革的主要内容和重要成果,也是对其他改革的认可与肯定。法制改革的主要内容包括:注重立法,更定法令;减轻旧法过重部分;调平法律,修改同罪异论、贵贱异法;注重选拔人才,整顿吏治;改善奴隶境遇,释放奴隶;禁妨务农,保护畜牧业,诏定均税法,规范市场交易行为;禁止奢侈,提倡俭约;设置司法机构,选派官员,审决滞狱。通过法制改革促进了社会生产力的发展、经济的繁荣,加速了契丹社会封建化;促进了北方各民族的融合和政治、经济、文化的交流;维护了法律的尊严与权威;使辽王朝出现了政治清明,法制宽平,社会稳定的局面。 展开更多
关键词 辽朝 辽圣宗 法制改革 更定法令 赏罚信明 审决滞狱 封建化
A Geometric Process Repair Model for the Repairable System Consisting of One Component 被引量:1
作者 贾积身 乔保民 张元林 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第4期76-82,共7页
This paper considers the optimal replacement problem of a repairable system consisting of one component and a single repairman, assume that the system after repair is not 'as good as new', by using the geometr... This paper considers the optimal replacement problem of a repairable system consisting of one component and a single repairman, assume that the system after repair is not 'as good as new', by using the geometric process, we consider a placement policy T based on the age of the system. The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy T * such that the long_run expected benefit per unit time is maximized. Also, the explicit expression of the long_run expected benefit per unit time can be found. In some conditions, the existence and uniqueness of the optimal policy T * can be proved, finally, we prove that the policy T * is better than the policy T * in . 展开更多
关键词 expected benefit geometric process renewal reward theorem CONVOLUTION
Timing of Emplacement Rare Earth Elements of Case Study in the Pleistocene Deposits of Fossil Lake, Oregon 被引量:1
作者 Doreena Patrick 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第2期116-125,共10页
REE (rare earth element) analysis of bioapatite has recently been used to determine fossil provenience, taphonomy, stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental conditions. This research has determined that REE s... REE (rare earth element) analysis of bioapatite has recently been used to determine fossil provenience, taphonomy, stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental conditions. This research has determined that REE signatures are independent of diet, species, phylogeny and osteological material. Therefore, REE signatures are solely dependent on the depositional environment. Timing of emplacement could limit the resolution of REE analysis so it is vital to understand the length of time for REE signatures incorporation into bioapatite. A fossiliferous Pleistocene sites in Fossil Lake, Oregon has the potential to address this variable. A fossilized rabbit was found in its burrow and was contained in the uppermost unit that also is host to a semi-articulated fossilized salmon. The rabbit burrowed into this unit after the lake was subaerially exposed and is not contemporaneous with the salmon. REE signatures were found to be equivalent. The timing of emplacement of the REE signatures has to be less than the difference between the age of the salmon and the rabbit. Since the uppermost units of Fossil Lake are younger than 45,000 BP the remains can be dated with carbon-14. Therefore, this research aids in further quantifying the timing of emplacement of REE signature in bioapatite. 展开更多
Parameter Identification of Rubber Isolators Using Frequency-Dependent Spring and Damper Coefficients
作者 孙德伟 EBERHARD Peter 张广玉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第2期134-138,共5页
A model to describe the hysteresis damper character of rubber material is presented in this paper. It consists of a parallel spring and damper, whose coefficients change with vibration frequencies. In order to acquire... A model to describe the hysteresis damper character of rubber material is presented in this paper. It consists of a parallel spring and damper, whose coefficients change with vibration frequencies. In order to acquire these relations, the force decomposition is carried out according to some sine vibration measurement data about nonlinear forces changing with deformations of the rubber material. The nonlinear force is decomposed into a spring force and a damper force, which are represented by a frcquency-dependent spring and damper coefficient, respectively. Repeating this step for different measurements will give different coefficients corresponding to different frequencies. Then, application of a parameter identification method will provide the requested functions over frequency. Using those formulae, as an example, the dynamic character of a hollow shaft system supported by rubber rings is analyzed and the acceleration response curve in the centroid position is calculated. Comparisons with sine vibration experiments of the real system show a maximal inaccuracy of 8. 8 %. Application of this model and procedure can simplify the modeling and analysis of mechanical systems including rubber materials. 展开更多
关键词 rubber isolator parameter identification hysteresis damper virtual mass method dynamic analysis
Entropy Corrections for a Charged Black Hole of String Theory
作者 Alexis Larraaga 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期72-74,共3页
We study the entropy of the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger (GMGHS) charged black hole, originated from the effective action that emerges in the low-energy of string theory, beyond semiclassical approxi-... We study the entropy of the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger (GMGHS) charged black hole, originated from the effective action that emerges in the low-energy of string theory, beyond semiclassical approxi- mations. Applying the properties of exact differentials for three variables to the first law thermodynamics we derive the quantum corrections to the entropy of the black hole. The leading (logarithmic) and non leading corrections to the area law are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 quantum aspects of black holes THERMODYNAMICS strings and branes
Matone's Relation of N = 2 Super Yang-Mills and Spectrum of Toda Chain
作者 贺伟 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期905-912,共8页
In N = 2 super Yang-Mills theory, the Matone's relation relates instanton corrections of the prepotential to instanton corrections of scMar field condensation (Trφ2). This relation has been proved to hold for Omeg... In N = 2 super Yang-Mills theory, the Matone's relation relates instanton corrections of the prepotential to instanton corrections of scMar field condensation (Trφ2). This relation has been proved to hold for Omega deformed theories too, using localization method. In this paper, we first give a case study supporting the relation, which does not rely on the localization technique. Especially, we show that the magnetic expansion also satisfies a relation of Matone's type. Then we discuss implication of the relation for proposed Nekrasov-Shatashvili scheme. the spectrum of periodic Toda chain, in the context of recentlyproposed Nekrasov-Shatashvili scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Seiberg-Witten theoryl instanton counting Matone's relation Toda lattice
AVL System with Smart Transmission Rate
作者 Jorge Luiz Alves Trabanco Rogério Rodrigues Amarante Diogenes Cortijo Costa Maria Teresa Francoso Edvaldo Simāes da Foseca Junior 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期997-1006,共10页
The use of AVL (automatic vehicle locator) systems has increased considerably. By using an AVL system, it is possible to know vehicle positions at the dispatch center, which allows the use of several applications, s... The use of AVL (automatic vehicle locator) systems has increased considerably. By using an AVL system, it is possible to know vehicle positions at the dispatch center, which allows the use of several applications, such as safety and security, logistics, and emergency response. High communication and data storage costs, however, lead to a low position update rate with the AVL products available, causing poor track representation, and making the route determined by the vehicle in urban areas almost illegible. This paper proposes a new approach by using intelligent techniques to choose the best position update moment to improve track representations. The principle underlying these techniques is based on vehicle status analysis (speed, direction and timing), which tries to determine when a position update is required, in order to better represent the path that a vehicle has traced, thus avoiding excessive communication and data storage. Therefore, the better the correspondence between the traced track and the real track followed by the vehicle, the greater the added value offered by system applications. This enhancement to the representation of the track allows the creation of new applications in the realm of AVL systems, particularly for situations where accuracy plays an important role. 展开更多
关键词 AVL GPS (global positioning system) DISPATCH positioning.
Entropy Corrections to Three-Dimensional Black Holes and de Sitter Spaces
作者 王富军 桂元星 王春艳 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期514-516,共3页
It has been shown that non-rotating black holes Recently study showed that thermal fluctuations would give in three or four dimensions possess a canonical entropy. rise to logarithmic corrections to Bekenstein Hawking... It has been shown that non-rotating black holes Recently study showed that thermal fluctuations would give in three or four dimensions possess a canonical entropy. rise to logarithmic corrections to Bekenstein Hawking entropy in area with a model-dependent uncertain coefficient. In this paper, the thermal fluctuations on Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in three-dimensional AdS black holes, Schwarzschild-de Sitter space and Kerr-de Sitter (KdS) spacetime with J = 0 will be considered based on a uniformly spaced area spectrum approach. Our conclusion shows that there is the same correction form in all cases we considered. 展开更多
关键词 black hole logarithmic corrections ENTROPY
Exergetic Performance Analysis of a Cogeneration Plant at Part Load Operations
作者 B.T. Aklilu S.I. Gilani 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第10期1-8,共8页
A cogeneration plant can run at off-design due to change of load demand or ambient conditions. The cogeneration considered for this study is gas turbine based engine consists of variable stator vanes (VSVs) compress... A cogeneration plant can run at off-design due to change of load demand or ambient conditions. The cogeneration considered for this study is gas turbine based engine consists of variable stator vanes (VSVs) compressor that are re-staggered for loads greater than 50% to maintain the gas turbine exhaust gas temperature at the set value. In order to evaluate the exergetic performance of the cogeneration, exergy model of each cogeneration component is formulated. A 4.2 MW gas turbine based cogeneration plant is analysed for a wide range of part load operations including the effect of VSVs modulation. For loads less than 50%, the major exergy destruction contributors are the combustor and the loss with the stack gas. At full load, the exergy destructions in the combustor, turbine, heat recovery, compressor and the exergy loss with stack gas are 63.7, 14.1, 11.5, 5.7, and 4.9%, respectively. The corresponding first and second law cogeneration efficiencies are 78.5 and 45%, respectively. For comparison purpose both the first and second law efticiencies of each component are represented together. This analysis would help to identify the equipment where the potential for performance improvement is high, and trends which may aid in the design of future plants. 展开更多
关键词 Gas turbine variable stator vanes COGENERATION exergy destruction part load performance.
Age Estimation of Qash Qooly Valley in Dokan Vicinity, North Iraq Using Exposure Age Determination Method
作者 Varoujan K. Sissakian Nadhir Al-Ansari Sven Knutsson 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第1期90-103,共14页
Qash Qooly valley runs parallel to Pera Magroon, Sara and Surdash anticlines, almost in SE-NW trend, and merges with the Lesser Zab River 9 km southeast to Dokan town. Before its development, it was a large basin with... Qash Qooly valley runs parallel to Pera Magroon, Sara and Surdash anticlines, almost in SE-NW trend, and merges with the Lesser Zab River 9 km southeast to Dokan town. Before its development, it was a large basin with width ranges between 2-3 km, which was filled during Pleistocene or may be Late Pliocene by different types of sediments. The presence of the calcrete on the top indicates a wet period that has lasted for a long time as indicated from the thickness of the calcrete and alluvial fan sediments. The age of Qash Qooly valley was estimated using the exposure age determination method. The type of the sediments, their thicknesses, and erosion intensity and sediments' dens dissection by rills were the main features used. This study concluded that the age of the basin is Pliocene--Late Pleistocene, whereas the valley started to be developed during uppermost Late Pleistocene and is still active in shifting its course. 展开更多
关键词 PLEISTOCENE alluvial fans PIEDMONT CALCRETE active erosion.
基于UKF的雷达和机载ESM扩维跟踪 被引量:6
作者 张翔宇 王国宏 +1 位作者 王娜 张静 《国外电子测量技术》 2011年第9期30-32,39,共4页
为有效提高异类传感器融合跟踪的效果,提出了一种基于UKF的雷达和机载ESM扩维跟踪算法。首先将目标和机载ESM的状态信息组合起来,形成一个高维的状态向量,从而有效抑制滤波中GPS定位误差所带来的影响;接着在此基础上采用UKF来实现目标... 为有效提高异类传感器融合跟踪的效果,提出了一种基于UKF的雷达和机载ESM扩维跟踪算法。首先将目标和机载ESM的状态信息组合起来,形成一个高维的状态向量,从而有效抑制滤波中GPS定位误差所带来的影响;接着在此基础上采用UKF来实现目标的定位跟踪,以求进一步减小扩维后线性化误差加大等问题的影响。仿真结果表明,该算法可更好地实现对目标的定位跟踪。 展开更多
关键词 不敏卡尔曼滤波 扩维跟踪 雷达
Differences between species in seed bank and vegetation helps to hold functional diversity in a floodable Neotropical savanna
作者 Evaldo Bde Souza Francielli Bao +1 位作者 Geraldo A.Damasceno Junior Arnildo Pott 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第4期605-615,共11页
Aims Our objective was to quantify the contributions of the seed bank and the established vegetation to the species composition,functional composition and diversity,and discuss the implications of these differences in... Aims Our objective was to quantify the contributions of the seed bank and the established vegetation to the species composition,functional composition and diversity,and discuss the implications of these differences in regeneration and persistence of floodplain plant communities.Methods We sampled all ground cover vegetation up to 1.5 m height and seed bank in 25 plots(10 m×1 m)distributed across five sites in dry and rainy seasons in a periodically flooded savanna in the Pantanal wetland,Brazil.We evaluated the soil seed bank by seedling emergence method.Important Findings The seed bank species had traits that conferred regeneration to the communities,while persistence traits characterized the vegetation.The seed bank had higher functional richness and lower functional evenness than the vegetation.The existence of different plant traits between seed bank and vegetation allowed the coexistence of species with functionally contrasting persistence and regeneration traits,which may help maintain functional diversity.It may allow the community to be more resilient when dealing with different environmental filters such as drought,fire and flood. 展开更多
关键词 environmental filters functional diversity hydrochoric dispersal Pantanal wetland PERSISTENCE regeneration
BED-CEIA估计HIV-1新近感染率的有效性及其影响因素的评价 被引量:8
作者 马文娟 汪宁 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1056-1061,共6页
在艾滋病流行病学研究中,衡量艾滋病流行趋势最常用的指标是HIV累积感染率和新近感染率.与累积感染率相比,新近感染率对艾滋病流行趋势预测、干预效果评价以及防制策略的制定等能提供更直接的信息.在获取新近感染率的方法中,除了经典的... 在艾滋病流行病学研究中,衡量艾滋病流行趋势最常用的指标是HIV累积感染率和新近感染率.与累积感染率相比,新近感染率对艾滋病流行趋势预测、干预效果评价以及防制策略的制定等能提供更直接的信息.在获取新近感染率的方法中,除了经典的流行病学队列随访方法,目前普遍使用的血清学方法之一是IgG捕获BED酶联免疫法(BED-CEIA).2001年,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)艾滋病免疫和诊断室评估了16种基于不同抗体和原理的HIV-1新近感染检测方法,发现新近感染者与既往感染者相比,各种抗体滴度均较低;其中gp41抗体滴度在新近感染者和既往感染者中的差别最大,两者的滴度区间几乎没有重叠,新近感染者的gp41抗体亲和力低于既往感染者,从而认为gp41抗体能够区分新近感染者和既往感染者,并且酶联免疫实验操作相对简单、效果也较理想,因此该室着手开发基于gp41抗体的HIV-1新近感染检测的酶联免疫方法[1]. 展开更多
关键词 IgG捕获BED酶免疫方法 艾滋病毒 新近感染率 评价
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