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城镇更新区的识别与划定 被引量:1
作者 阳建强 孙丽萍 朱雨溪 《城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期4-14,共11页
城镇更新区的识别与划定作为城市更新规划编制的重要内容,亟需行业规范标准给予指引,中国城市规划学会标准化工作委员会组织编制的团体标准《城镇更新区划定技术导则(T/UPSC 0014-2023)》,提出了系统性的城镇更新区划定技术与方法。基... 城镇更新区的识别与划定作为城市更新规划编制的重要内容,亟需行业规范标准给予指引,中国城市规划学会标准化工作委员会组织编制的团体标准《城镇更新区划定技术导则(T/UPSC 0014-2023)》,提出了系统性的城镇更新区划定技术与方法。基于技术导则研究的现实背景和核心问题,着重从更新区识别的影响要素、更新对象识别的要点与方法,以及更新区划定的工作流程与技术要点等方面,阐述了技术导则文件的编制目的、原则和关键内容,为保证城镇更新规划工作科学、合理、规范和有效进行提供了基础性的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 城镇更新区 更新区识别 更新区划定 技术导则 城市
高校参与农村教师培训的范例——美国密苏里州教育更新区计划述评 被引量:15
作者 王建梁 廖英丽 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期12-16,共5页
面对2000年以来,农村学校教师严重短缺、师资水平低下和教师专业发展落后的状况,美国农村学校和社区联合会以密苏里州为模本,从2001年起进行了为期5年的教育更新区(ERZ)计划。该计划以高等教育机构为中心,联合全州的教师和技术支持组织... 面对2000年以来,农村学校教师严重短缺、师资水平低下和教师专业发展落后的状况,美国农村学校和社区联合会以密苏里州为模本,从2001年起进行了为期5年的教育更新区(ERZ)计划。该计划以高等教育机构为中心,联合全州的教师和技术支持组织,希望建立一个解决农村教师供给、培训方面问题的长效机制,充分利用现代技术促进农村教师专业发展,通过各方的广泛参与,更新农村教师教育,提高农村教育教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 教育更新区计划 农村教师教育 密苏里州
城市更新区土壤环境质量调查与适宜性评价方法研究及应用示范 被引量:2
作者 占光辉 《上海国土资源》 2020年第4期60-65,共6页
土壤环境质量是城市更新区在转型发展中必须面对的问题,是其规划编制中的重要因素。本文对城市更新区土壤环境质量调查精度、监测指标和评价分级标准三大核心技术开展研究,构建了用于城市更新区规划编制的土壤环境质量调查和适宜性评价... 土壤环境质量是城市更新区在转型发展中必须面对的问题,是其规划编制中的重要因素。本文对城市更新区土壤环境质量调查精度、监测指标和评价分级标准三大核心技术开展研究,构建了用于城市更新区规划编制的土壤环境质量调查和适宜性评价方法,解决了以往土壤环境质量监测数据和评价成果难以匹配规划编制要求的难题。通过对上海地区一老工业区开展应用示范,掌握了示范区内土壤环境质量主要受银、镉、铬、钼、铅、锑等重金属元素,多环芳烃和总石油烃类有机污染物影响,适宜性评价结果表明示范区北区以Ⅰ、Ⅱ级为主,南区以Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级为主,研究为示范区城市规划编制和产业布局优化提供了很好的参考。 展开更多
关键词 环境地球化学 土壤环境质量 适宜性评价 城市更新区 城市规划
柏林城市遗产保护区与城市更新区的比较研究 被引量:10
作者 单瑞琦 张松 《上海城市规划》 2017年第6期64-69,共6页
在回顾德国柏林城市更新与城市遗产保护理念演变历程的基础上,针对柏林城市遗产保护区和城市更新区的法律定义、制度特色、规划管理、资金政策等方面展开比较分析,两者有一定相似之处,由地方政府按相关标准进行评估后确定特定政策分区,... 在回顾德国柏林城市更新与城市遗产保护理念演变历程的基础上,针对柏林城市遗产保护区和城市更新区的法律定义、制度特色、规划管理、资金政策等方面展开比较分析,两者有一定相似之处,由地方政府按相关标准进行评估后确定特定政策分区,并配套相应的资金支持和税收优惠政策,尊重房屋土地产权关系,实施严格的规划管理。城市遗产的保护与更新,应转换城市保护与城市更新的理念,尽快建立管理主体明确、资金政策有效的保护制度和机制,方能真正实现城市整体风貌特色的保护和环境品质提升。 展开更多
关键词 城市遗产保护区 城市更新区 规划管理 资金政策
基于TRIZ理论的城市更新区小型综合管廊创新研究 被引量:1
作者 李蕾 庄璐 马镜云 《市政技术》 2023年第10期277-287,共11页
随着我国城市建设转为城市更新,综合管廊建设逐渐从高增长期转向理性减缓期,并向集约化和高质量建设方向迈进,此时小型综合管廊应运而生。基于TRIZ理论对小型综合管廊系统进行了优化,利用TRIZ工具在压缩综合管廊断面、减小综合管廊埋深... 随着我国城市建设转为城市更新,综合管廊建设逐渐从高增长期转向理性减缓期,并向集约化和高质量建设方向迈进,此时小型综合管廊应运而生。基于TRIZ理论对小型综合管廊系统进行了优化,利用TRIZ工具在压缩综合管廊断面、减小综合管廊埋深、优化综合管廊附属设施以及提升综合管廊施工机械的自动化和一体化等方面进行了研究,最终给出了小型综合管廊的轻量化和集约化建设方案,为城市更新区小型综合管廊的建设提供了方向。 展开更多
关键词 小型综合管廊 城市更新区 TRIZ理论 创新研究
渐进性城市更新:德国全域城市建设的持久动力 被引量:1
作者 张亚津 《住区》 2021年第3期96-105,共10页
德国城市更新,在1980~1990年代转折点,完成了自整体毁弃重建的方式,向渐进型更新的转化的历程。目前,它以联邦德国城市建设资助计划为平台,强调整体性城市发展理念,整体性区域空间,公平全面的利益平衡,尤其是以个人为核心的城市更新资... 德国城市更新,在1980~1990年代转折点,完成了自整体毁弃重建的方式,向渐进型更新的转化的历程。目前,它以联邦德国城市建设资助计划为平台,强调整体性城市发展理念,整体性区域空间,公平全面的利益平衡,尤其是以个人为核心的城市更新资金来源,与地产提升价值的公私分配原则,带动大量私人投资,分别成为城市更新核心性的启动投资与后期跟进来源。 展开更多
关键词 渐进性城市 拆除重建式的城市 城市遗产保护区 城市更新区 西欧城市 城市发展 公共参与 整体性城市发展理念 规划管理 资金政策
抓住滨海新区发展新机遇 推进学院建设再上新水平
作者 刘学键 《天津职业院校联合学报》 2006年第6期3-6,共4页
滨海新区开发开放,为学院发展提供了千载难逢的历史机遇。要抓住机遇,乘势而上,创新党建工作,强化办学特色,实施“做优做精现有校园”,“走出去谋求更大发展”,“构建国际化教育集团”三步走发展战略,科学发展,把学院做大做强。为滨海... 滨海新区开发开放,为学院发展提供了千载难逢的历史机遇。要抓住机遇,乘势而上,创新党建工作,强化办学特色,实施“做优做精现有校园”,“走出去谋求更大发展”,“构建国际化教育集团”三步走发展战略,科学发展,把学院做大做强。为滨海新区开发开放天津经济发展培养输送更多有知识、有技能的优秀人才。 展开更多
关键词 抓住机遇 加快发展 强化办学特色 为滨海新区开发开放培养多人才
地基区域导航性能评估系统设计与应用 被引量:1
作者 张明昊 朱国辉 郭平平 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2013年第1期5-8,共4页
地基区域导航是区域导航实施的重要组成部分,地基区域导航运行需要对导航设施覆盖范围及其精度的有效性进行评估,从而保证此导航方式下运行的有效性和安全性。介绍了地基区域导航系统的基本计算原理、网络结构布局、系统设计方式,以及... 地基区域导航是区域导航实施的重要组成部分,地基区域导航运行需要对导航设施覆盖范围及其精度的有效性进行评估,从而保证此导航方式下运行的有效性和安全性。介绍了地基区域导航系统的基本计算原理、网络结构布局、系统设计方式,以及系统的数据管理、导航性能分析评估、数据交换等方面的功能,并结合具体机场对应用案例进行了分析。从而给出了一种针对地基区域导航性能评估问题的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 区域导航 导航性能评估 信号覆盖 更新区 精度分析
Mobility Support for Content Source in Content-Centric Networking 被引量:1
作者 HUANG Tao LI Jiangxu +2 位作者 LIU Jiang ZHANG Yunyong LIU Yunjie 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期95-105,共11页
Content-centric networking(CCN) is rising to solve the problems suffered by traditional networks,especially in terms of content delivery.One of the critical issues for basic CCN is supporting mobility.Handoff of Mobil... Content-centric networking(CCN) is rising to solve the problems suffered by traditional networks,especially in terms of content delivery.One of the critical issues for basic CCN is supporting mobility.Handoff of Mobile Content Source(MCS) will result in a large scale routing update,which generates huge amount of routing overhead and leads to service interruption.Most of the existing CCN mobility mechanisms are transplanted from the IP mobility solutions,which are unnaturally integrated with CCN.Different from previous works,a mobility strategy from the perspective of CCN architecture is proposed to support the handoff of MCS in this paper.Especially,we define the critical network routers that can limit the routing update scale effectively when MCS handoff is conducted.Based on the defined critical network routers,the proposed scheme can provide lower routing update overhead,faster routing convergence and shorter service interruption time.Finally,series of simulations are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme. 展开更多
关键词 CCN mobility handoff routing overhead QoE
Paleoearthquake Studies along the Nalinlaka Fault of the Late Pleistocene in Lhasa,Tibet 被引量:1
作者 Liu Jing Guan Peng +4 位作者 Shen Xuhui Xu Yueren Shen Junfeng Jing Feng Hong Shunying 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第4期467-477,共11页
As the most import fault of the Late Pleistocene in the Lhasa area,the Nalinlaka fault is a left-lateral thrust fault,striking NWW,dipping SSW with a high dip angle,and extending over 33km.According to studies on the ... As the most import fault of the Late Pleistocene in the Lhasa area,the Nalinlaka fault is a left-lateral thrust fault,striking NWW,dipping SSW with a high dip angle,and extending over 33km.According to studies on the latest strata on the Nalinlaka fault zone,this fault zone has been obviously active since the Late Pleistocene and the movement left behind some geomorphologic phenomena on the earth's surface,especially at the sites of the gully west of Cijiaolin and around Xiecun village.For example,some rivers,ridges and terraces are displaced,forming beheaded gullies and fault escarps.The horizontal displacements since the Late Pleistocene at the above two places are 54m ~ 87m,20m ~ 67m,respectively.Based on studies on the 4 trenches along the fault using the progressive constraining method,we conclude that there might have been 5 paleoearthquake events along the Nalinlaka fault since 70ka B.P.,the ages of each paleoearthquake are 68.53,54.40,< 41.23,21.96,9.86ka B.P.,and the average recurrence interval is 14.67ka.Because of the limits of trenches and earthquake events exposed by each trench,no single trench completely revealed all 5 events.There may therefore be some errors in determining the upper and lower limits of some events in this article. 展开更多
The first descendants of Homo erectus recognized from China
作者 Ji Qiang Ji Yannan +2 位作者 Chen Shaokun Liu Aoran Han Kaibo 《地质学刊》 2024年第4期343-349,共7页
An indisputable fact is that human beings originated from Africa,where a nearly complete,but severely deformed fossil human cranium dating back about 7 million years was discovered and named as Sahelanthropus tchadens... An indisputable fact is that human beings originated from Africa,where a nearly complete,but severely deformed fossil human cranium dating back about 7 million years was discovered and named as Sahelanthropus tchadensis,which is the oldest member of Family Hominidae in the world.Homo erectus was the first ancient human to move out of Africa and spread to Asia and Europe.Homo rhodesiensis was found from Africa,and Homo heidelbergensis was found from Europe.The fossils of Homo sapiens dating back about 300,000 years were found in Africa and considered to be the oldest fossil record of Homo sapiens.However,only some fossils of Homo erectus and Late Homo sapiens had been found in East Asia by that point,but Homo heidelbergensis or related human fossils had not been found in East Asia.According to the distribution of human fossils in the world at that time,some scholars suggested that Homo heidelbergensis was not only a descendant of African Homo erectus,but also the common ancestor of Homo sapiens,Homo neanderthalensis and Denisovans,leading to the formulation of the single African origin hypothesis of human beings.Clearly,the hypothesis is based largely on the assumption that Homo erectus in East Asia left no descendants.That is why any new human fossils found in China or East Asia would challenge the hypothesis.The discovery of Homo longi is a case in point.At that time,many scholars questioned the original location of the Harbin cranium,and even suggested that it came from the Middle East or Europe.Recently,we re-examined two Early Pleistocene human skulls(EV9001 and EV9002)from Yunxian County,Hubei Province,the age of which is approximately 0.96 to 1.1 million years.The two fossil human skulls were named as Homo erectus yunxianensis by Li Tianyuan and others in 1991.The cranium of EV9001 is marked by developing no sagittal ridge on the cranial roof and developing 16 teeth on the maxilla.The cranium of EV9002 is characterized by developing no sagittal ridge on the cranial roof and 15 teeth on the maxilla(the right third molar disappeared,the left third molar became small).It is clear that the two fossil human skulls were at a critical appearance time and a critical period of Pleistocene human evolution.We believe that the two fossil human skulls unearthed in Yunxian County,Hubei Province represent not only the common ancestor of the longi lineage and the sapiens lineage,but also the direct evidence of the first descendants of Homo erectus in East Asia. 展开更多
关键词 fossil human skull Early Pleistocene Yunxian County Hubei China East Asia
Comprehensive Assessment of Sustainable Tourism-oriented Revitalization in a Historic District: A Case Study of Qianmen Area, Beijing, China 被引量:2
作者 ZHU He WANG Jingru ZHANG Xiyue 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第5期559-568,共10页
Tourism-oriented revitalization of historic districts has been identified as a form of sustainability which is believed to contribute to both conservation and development.Comprehensive assessments of the effects of su... Tourism-oriented revitalization of historic districts has been identified as a form of sustainability which is believed to contribute to both conservation and development.Comprehensive assessments of the effects of such tourism-oriented revitalizations in historic districts are thus a great challenge,and are needed to support sustainable development and management efforts.In this study criteria and indicators were identified by using the AHP method with experts scoring four aspects on two levels.We assess a case in China using this system and outputs indicated infrastructure and environment performed best,while the score for residents’living condition and participation was the lowest.Finally,we offer some suggestions to improve the relatively poor status in order to assist historic districts in achieving sustained revitalization. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive assessment sustainable tourism-oriented revitalization historic district China
Composition and Regeneration of Trees in the Community Forests of Lamjung District,Nepal 被引量:2
作者 Tilak Babu CHAPAGAI Dipak KHADKA +3 位作者 Dinesh Raj BHUJU Narendra Raj KHANAL SHI Shi CUI Dafang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期658-668,共11页
The community forest program in Nepal is one of the successful conservation initiatives.Tree species in a forest ecosystem have a fundamental role in maintaining the vegetation structure,complexity,and heterogeneity.T... The community forest program in Nepal is one of the successful conservation initiatives.Tree species in a forest ecosystem have a fundamental role in maintaining the vegetation structure,complexity,and heterogeneity.This study analyzes the composition and regeneration of tree species in five community forests(CFs)of the sub-tropical region,Lamjung district,Nepal for preparing baseline data for long-term research projects and helps the community to manage their CFs scientifically.Tree species data were generated by stratified random sampling using 35 quadrate plots(size:20 m x 20 m).The density of adult trees in the forests ranged from 575 Ind ha^(-1)(Tilahar CF)to 1196 Ind/ha(Deurali Thadopakha CF).The sapling ranged from 2533 Ind ha^(-1)(Tilahar CF)to 4000 Ind ha^(-1)(Thuliban CF)and seedling from 19583 Ind ha^(-1)(Tilahar CF)to 37500 Ind ha^(-1)(Thuliban CF).Similarly,the adult tree basal area varied from 28.34 m^(2) ha^(-1)(Tilahar CF)to 49 m^(2) ha^(-1)(Deurali CF).The adult tree diversity index(Shannon-Weiner’s H)also ranged from 1.08(Thuliban CF)to 1.88(Tilahar CF).The tree species such as Sapium insigne,Ficus benghalensis,Lagerstroemia parviflore,Albizia sp.and Pinus roxburghii were weak regeneration.In general,the forests have good regeneration status except for Tilahar Community Forest,but based on the DBH size class distribution diagram,there is no sustainable regeneration.Among the five community forests the DBH size of adults was significantly different,and the DBH of Deurali Thadopakha was the lowest.But only few species have good regeneration and most of the species have weak,poor to no regeneration.The dominancy of fewer species like Shorea robusta,Castanopsis indica,and Schima wallichii accordingly maintain the overall regeneration of tree of CFs,so further plantation needs to be done inside the CF by triage accordingly those species whose regeneration has poor. 展开更多
关键词 community forest COMPOSITION REGENERATION species tree
Underestimated ^(14)C-based chronology of late Pleistocene high lake-level events over the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas: Evidence from the Qaidam Basin and Tengger Desert 被引量:13
作者 LONG Hao SHEN Ji 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期183-194,共12页
The palaeolake evolution across the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas has been extensively studied, but the timing of late Pleistocene lake highstands remains controversial. Robust dating of lacustrine deposits is of... The palaeolake evolution across the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas has been extensively studied, but the timing of late Pleistocene lake highstands remains controversial. Robust dating of lacustrine deposits is of importance in resolving this issue. This paper presents 14 C or optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) age estimates from two sets of late Quaternary lacustrine sequences in the Qaidam Basin and Tengger Desert(northeastern Tibetan Plateau). The updated dating results show:(1) the radiocarbon dating technique apparently underestimated the age of the strata of >30 ka BP in Qaidam Basin;(2) although OSL and 14 C dating agreed with each other for Holocene age samples in the Tengger Desert area, there was a significant offset in dating results of sediments older than ~30 ka BP, largely resulting from radiocarbon dating underestimation;(3) both cases imply that most of the published radiocarbon ages(e.g., older than ~30 ka BP) should be treated with caution and perhaps its geological implication should be revaluated; and(4) the high lake events on the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas, traditionally assigned to MIS 3a based on 14 C dating, are likely older than ~80 ka based on OSL chronology. 展开更多
关键词 dating Plateau Desert Tibetan older Pleistocene Holocene lacustrine dated quartz
Tectonically-controlled infilling of the eastern Nihewan Basin,North China,since the middle Pleistocene 被引量:2
作者 HAN ZhiYong LI XuSheng +3 位作者 WANG Yong WANG XianYan YI ShuangWen LU HuaYu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1378-1389,共12页
There has been a significant debate about the nature and causes of the Pleistocene evolution of the Nihewan Basin, North China. We studied the eastern Nihewan Basin sedimentary facies at two main sites, Hutouliang and... There has been a significant debate about the nature and causes of the Pleistocene evolution of the Nihewan Basin, North China. We studied the eastern Nihewan Basin sedimentary facies at two main sites, Hutouliang and Donggou. A combination of field observations and measurements of sediment grain-size distribution was used to reconstruct the sequence of sedimentary environments since the middle Pleistocene, and optically-stimulated luminescence measurements were used to date the sediments. Our results indicate that a shallow lake occupied the basin center along the Sanggan River, probably lasting until -440 kyr ago before disappearing completely -340 kyr ago. It was succeeded by a phase of fluvial-dominated sediment accumulation which ended -30 kyr ago. We suggest that the formation of the gorge resulted from the relative uplift of the Niuxin Mountain along the Liulengshan fault -140 kyr ago. However, since -30 kyr ago the fault may have become inactive and the river downcutting near Shixia was no longer offset by the relative uplift, which caused a shift from deposition to denudation in the Nihewan Basin from then on. The disappearance of the paleolake -340 kyr ago may have been the culmination of the ongoing process of basin infilling. 展开更多
关键词 Nihewan Basin Sedimentary facies Paleolake Fault OSL
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