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高考“替人受过”:现象及其本质 被引量:2
作者 郑若玲 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期22-25,共4页
随着高考弊端的越发显现,引发的争议也越发激烈。许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也"追根溯源"到其处,高考因此承受着不公正对待。高考之所以"替人受过",乃因其具有重要的... 随着高考弊端的越发显现,引发的争议也越发激烈。许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也"追根溯源"到其处,高考因此承受着不公正对待。高考之所以"替人受过",乃因其具有重要的社会功能和重大的社会影响,并因此备受关注。而高考受关注的背后,则折射出深厚的历史与文化影响,以及复杂的社会矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 高考 替人受过 社会竞争
替人服刑被判包庇 原服刑期能否折抵
作者 张庆风 陈金发 《检察实践》 2000年第5期56-57,共2页
[基本案情] 1998年2月,犯罪嫌疑人王某在明知李某交通肇事撞死一人的情况下。
关键词 替人服刑 包庇罪 刑期折抵 案例分析
作者 郑若玲 《湖北招生考试》 2009年第30期15-18,共4页
随着高考弊端越来越多的显现,引发的争议也越发激烈。许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也"追根溯源"到其处,高考因此而承受着不公正对待。高考之所以"替人受过",乃因其具有... 随着高考弊端越来越多的显现,引发的争议也越发激烈。许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也"追根溯源"到其处,高考因此而承受着不公正对待。高考之所以"替人受过",乃因其具有重要的社会功能和重大的社会影响,并因此备受关注。而高考受关注的背后,则折射出深厚的历史与文化影响以及复杂的社会矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 高考 替人受过” 社会竞争
《满分阅读(初中版)》 2010年第9期30-30,共1页
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《美国:机器人替人开会》
游戏着 工作着——网游玩家的生财之道
《电子科技》 2003年第10期22-22,共1页
关键词 网络游戏 游戏玩家 道具装备 商业经营 替人练级
作者 贾平凹 《今传媒》 1999年第5期19-19,共1页
关键词 编辑队伍 伟大作家 编辑素质 文学事业 替人作嫁 贾平凹 建立机制 作家和作品 职业 文学水平
作者 志红 姜贵 《农机具之友》 2002年第1期41-41,共1页
随着家庭收入的增加,当家理财已成为每个家庭的重要组成部分,然而家庭理财“陷阱”的频频出现,使很多家庭苦不堪言。 陷阱之一:替人担保 有一些人只是简单认为,替人担保不过是为他人签个字、画个押、盖个章而已。
关键词 家庭理财 替人担保 高息诱惑 假币
作者 宁望 《天风》 1996年第4期3-5,共3页
读经:可15:21;罗16:13;路23:39—43;太27:54;约19:26—27;约19:38—42。 主耶稣钉十字架是件惊天动地的大事,十字架为人类成就了救恩。以下我们要从另一个角度来看十字架的荣耀和大能,这就是当主钉十架之际,有五种不同的人被主的爱激励... 读经:可15:21;罗16:13;路23:39—43;太27:54;约19:26—27;约19:38—42。 主耶稣钉十字架是件惊天动地的大事,十字架为人类成就了救恩。以下我们要从另一个角度来看十字架的荣耀和大能,这就是当主钉十架之际,有五种不同的人被主的爱激励,以自己的行动见证了主的大能。现依次述说如下: 展开更多
关键词 见证人 百夫长 耶稣 替人赎罪 彼拉多 执刑 痛苦的表情 使徒保罗 母亲 基督教堂
The Various Description of Biodiversity in Compulsory Education Textbooks
作者 Maria-Jesus Fuentes Silveira Susana Garcia Barros Cristina Martinez Losada 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第10期856-862,共7页
We intend to establish how species diversity is dealt with, within the study of the ecosystem, in books for the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, ESO (15-16 year-old students). The analysis was carried out... We intend to establish how species diversity is dealt with, within the study of the ecosystem, in books for the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education, ESO (15-16 year-old students). The analysis was carried out using a key issues dossier based on school science, which not only provides a description of reality, but also introduces a theoretical explanatory framework. Regarding species diversity, we focused on the descriptive approach, considering the link between diversity and trophic relationships, ecological succession and ecosystem stability through change, consequences for biodiversity of human activities and mechanisms to face such consequences; and on the explanatory perspective, which provides an interpretative answer for all the aspects previously mentioned. The findings drawn from textbooks show that biodiversity is linked both to the study of the ecosystem and to the impact of human societies on its maintenance. However, such study is particularly focused on the descriptive, rather than on the explanatory level. So, teachers should improve the study of biodiversity foresting a balance between descriptive and explanatory level. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY textbooks secondary education human activity ecosystem.
Value Generation through Integrated Teams: A Socio-Cognitive Approach
作者 Daniel Forgues Albert Lejeune 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第1期13-21,共9页
Value generation is defined as meeting client requirements while minimizing waste. Researchers concur on the issues related to sequential design in handling client requirements, and suggest the use of an integrated de... Value generation is defined as meeting client requirements while minimizing waste. Researchers concur on the issues related to sequential design in handling client requirements, and suggest the use of an integrated design approach as an alternative. Little has been said, however, about the impact of adopting integrated design's work organization to traditional design practice, processes and tools, nor about the importance of breaking down socio-cognitive barriers related to mental model fragmentation between design professionals, clients and users. This may result in cognitive inertia, a major source of waste. The objective of this research is to develop and test the introduction of boundary objects, such as new technologies, to the context of integrated teams and organizations to break the cognitive inertia that hinders value generation. The research is conclusive about the effectiveness of using boundary objects to transform practices in construction. This research also contributes to a better understanding of the new purposes of construction projects by framing its context and process dimensions within a theoretical framework, as well as to the evolution of practices in construction - and of practices that could be applicable to other fields. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated design value management activity theory boundary artefact.
Bar in Questionnaires
作者 Thomas Vougiouklis Penelope Kambakis-Vougiouklis 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第10期691-697,共7页
Vougiouklis & Vougiouklis have proposed the replacement of Likert scales, usually used in questionnaires, with a bar. With this proposal a discrete situation is replaced by a fuzzy one. There are identified certain a... Vougiouklis & Vougiouklis have proposed the replacement of Likert scales, usually used in questionnaires, with a bar. With this proposal a discrete situation is replaced by a fuzzy one. There are identified certain advantages concerning the use of the bar as compared to that of a scale during both the stages of filling-in as well as processing a questionnaire. The main advantage associated with business research requirements is the fact that it is expected to be much quicker to fill in and much easier to explain to participants. The bar provides the potential for different types of processing Likert scales cannot. Therefore the researchers are allowed to ascertain that the given answers follow not only the already suggested and used Gauss distribution but also a parabola distribution as it will be suggested in present paper, and which is expected to give the researcher the opportunity to "correct" this tendency. Therefore, a possibility of choosing amongst a number of alternatives is offered, by utilizing fuzzy logic in the same way as it has already been done in industry and combining mathematical models with multivalued operations. 展开更多
关键词 BAR Likert scale fuzzy logic QUESTIONNAIRE mathematical models hyperstructures
Life Cycle Assessment of Ultra-clean Micronized Coal Oil Water Slurry 被引量:1
作者 Ji Ming Xu Jing 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期88-90,共3页
Life cycle assessment is applied to assess the ultra-clean micronized coal oil water slurry (UCMCOWS) with SimaPro and the environmental impact of UCMCOWS on its whole life cycle is also analyzed. The result shows tha... Life cycle assessment is applied to assess the ultra-clean micronized coal oil water slurry (UCMCOWS) with SimaPro and the environmental impact of UCMCOWS on its whole life cycle is also analyzed. The result shows that the consumption of energy and products are increasing along with the deepening of UCMCOWS processing, UCMCOWS making and combustion are the two periods which have a bigger impact on eco-system and human health. As a new substitute of fuel, UCMCOWS merits to be utilized more efficiently and reasonably. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-clean micronized coal oil water slurry life cycle assessment SimaPro
作者 Zhang Yan Lü Shanwei Gao Wenjun 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第3期380-383,共4页
A new method to reduce the numerical dispersion of the three-dimensional Alternating Di-rection Implicit Finite-Difference Time-Domain (3-D ADI-FDTD) method is proposed. Firstly,the numerical formulations of the 3-D A... A new method to reduce the numerical dispersion of the three-dimensional Alternating Di-rection Implicit Finite-Difference Time-Domain (3-D ADI-FDTD) method is proposed. Firstly,the numerical formulations of the 3-D ADI-FDTD method are modified with the artificial anisotropy,and the new numerical dispersion relation is derived. Secondly,the relative permittivity tensor of the artificial anisotropy can be obtained by the Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA). In order to demon-strate the accuracy and efficiency of this new method,a monopole antenna is simulated as an exam-ple. And the numerical results and the computational requirements of the proposed method are com-pared with those of the conventional ADI-FDTD method and the measured data. In addition the re-duction of the numerical dispersion is investigated as the objective function of the AGA. It is found that this new method is accurate and efficient by choosing proper objective function. 展开更多
关键词 Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Alternating-Direction Implicit (ADI) Numerical dispersion Artificial anisotropy Genetic Algorithm (GA)
编辑工作的经历与感悟 被引量:10
作者 徐前进 《中国科技期刊研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期492-494,共3页
从事编辑工作并努力干出成绩是我一生的追求,也是我为党奋斗的事业。从开始对编辑工作感兴趣,由浅尝到博览,在广泛的编辑审读过程中,我喜欢上了编辑工作的这种酸甜苦辣,觉得干编辑工作有一种归属感。本文以自身编辑经历记叙了编辑工作... 从事编辑工作并努力干出成绩是我一生的追求,也是我为党奋斗的事业。从开始对编辑工作感兴趣,由浅尝到博览,在广泛的编辑审读过程中,我喜欢上了编辑工作的这种酸甜苦辣,觉得干编辑工作有一种归属感。本文以自身编辑经历记叙了编辑工作二十八年的体会与感悟,说是"体验"也好,说是"教训"也好,期望能对同行有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 编辑工作 替人作嫁 人生经历 苦乐 感悟
论推定适用的法域界限——兼析《道路交通安全法实施条例》第92条 被引量:1
作者 吴君霞 秦宗文 《东南司法评论》 2009年第1期459-472,共14页
一、案例与问题2006年11月25日凌晨4时30分左右,时年19岁的钟某驾驶一辆拖拉机替人送货,途中停车解手。当他正准备上拖拉机时,一辆小客车飞速驶来,撞到拖拉机的尾部,小客车司机当场死亡,车上6名乘客均不同程度受伤。钟某顿时慌了神,用... 一、案例与问题2006年11月25日凌晨4时30分左右,时年19岁的钟某驾驶一辆拖拉机替人送货,途中停车解手。当他正准备上拖拉机时,一辆小客车飞速驶来,撞到拖拉机的尾部,小客车司机当场死亡,车上6名乘客均不同程度受伤。钟某顿时慌了神,用手机拨打了'110',谎称自己在路上看到车祸,然后迅速驾驶拖拉机逃离现场。 展开更多
关键词 程度 拖拉机 小客车 尾部 问题 谎称 法域 替人
作者 赵贞 《中国史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期92-109,共18页
敦煌吐鲁番文书表明,唐代对于死亡人口的审核与勘验十分严格。不论死者的身份是普通民户、奴婢贱民,或者府兵卫士及其父母,甚至寺院人口,官府都要进行严格缜密的勘察。籍帐文书中"籍后死""帐后死""〇〇〇年死&... 敦煌吐鲁番文书表明,唐代对于死亡人口的审核与勘验十分严格。不论死者的身份是普通民户、奴婢贱民,或者府兵卫士及其父母,甚至寺院人口,官府都要进行严格缜密的勘察。籍帐文书中"籍后死""帐后死""〇〇〇年死"和"身死",都是经过官方审核、勘验后的死亡记录。进一步来说,官方对于"身死"的关注绝不仅仅是死亡人口的覆核与统计,还关乎名籍、田赋与课役的变化,唐王朝正是通过对田地、赋役和差科的重新调整与分配来实现对不同身份民众的有效管理。 展开更多
关键词 吐鲁番文书 身死 籍帐 勘责 替人
Effect of Substituting Plantation Species for Native Shrubs on the Water-holding Characteristics of the Forest Floor on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:10
作者 庞学勇 包维楷 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第3期217-224,共8页
Although the forest floor plays important roles in water-holding and nutrient cycling, there is not enough knowledge of the functional changes of the forest floor resulting from changes in vegetation. To evaluate the ... Although the forest floor plays important roles in water-holding and nutrient cycling, there is not enough knowledge of the functional changes of the forest floor resulting from changes in vegetation. To evaluate the effect on the hydrological properties of forest floor by the substitution of plantation species for native coppice, we selected four species substituting plantations and one native coppice (secondary native broad-leaved forest, dominated by Quercus liaotungensis and Corylus heterophylla var. sutchuenensis) (QC) as a comparison forest. The substituting plantations were Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cj), Pinus tabulaeformis (Pt), Pinus armandi (Pa), Larix kaempferi (Lk). These were established in 1987 with a stocking density of approximately 2500 stem ha -1 . Thickness and the amount of floor in coniferous plantations were significantly higher compared to secondary native broad-leaved forest and pure broad- leaved plantation. The maximal water-holding capacity of the floor showed the same trend as thickness and amount of litter. Main contributors to the difference in hydrological characteristics in the plantations were the quantity of forest floor and the maximal water holding capacity per unit weight of the floor. The relationships between water absorption processes, water absorption rate and the immersion time for litter, fitted to logarithmic and exponential regressions, respectively. Water absorption processes differed significantly between the various plantations and different decomposition floor horizons. Water absorption characteristics were influenced by leaf structure in various tree species and the degree of decomposed litter. Our results showed that litter amount in coniferous plantations were significantly higher than in deciduous broad-leaved plantation. This suggests that a large amount of nutrients are held in the litter horizon, delaying return to the soil and utilization by plants. At the same time, maximal water-holding capacity of the forest floor in F [fermentation] and H [hummus] horizons was significantly higher than that in L [fresh litter] horizon. Therefore, improving litter transformation from L horizon to F and H horizons by promoting forest floor environment would be one of the best methods for plantation management. 展开更多
关键词 forest floor plantation substitution water absorption rate water-holding capacity ecology restoration eastern Tibetan Plateau
作者 金发燊 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第1期96-98,共3页
一字定乾坤金发■与荷马和维吉尔一样,弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》也开宗明义地点明了主题,他写道:OfMan’sfirstdisobedienceandthefruitOfthatforbiddentree,whosemor... 一字定乾坤金发■与荷马和维吉尔一样,弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》也开宗明义地点明了主题,他写道:OfMan’sfirstdisobedienceandthefruitOfthatforbiddentree,whosemor-taltasteBroughtd... 展开更多
关键词 弥尔顿 《失乐园》 替人赎罪 圣经故事 国家高级教育行政学院 英国资产阶级革命 宗教社会 革命实践 耶稣 暗渡陈仓
作者 游佳 《当代电视》 1997年第11期60-60,共1页
这个世界确实跟以前不同了。男人为女强人打工已算不上新鲜事,但有没有听说过丈夫为太太打工,表面上还得“划清界线”,公私分明。看来,做男人是够辛苦的,偏偏这个事又发生在充满艺术灵性却又不拘小节的苏洋身上,不知道这回他将自己折腾... 这个世界确实跟以前不同了。男人为女强人打工已算不上新鲜事,但有没有听说过丈夫为太太打工,表面上还得“划清界线”,公私分明。看来,做男人是够辛苦的,偏偏这个事又发生在充满艺术灵性却又不拘小节的苏洋身上,不知道这回他将自己折腾成什么样了? 展开更多
关键词 划清界线 哥德巴赫猜想 替人作嫁 新设计 女强人 美国麻省理工学院 出乎意料地 新鲜事 女主人 听说过
作者 吴寿忠 《围棋天地》 2003年第11期42-42,共1页
关键词 围棋 少儿棋手 错误 替人成空法 攻击落空法 帮人做活法 活棋走死法
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