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《商用汽车新闻》 2017年第7期10-10,共1页
尽管欢途客运2013年才成立,但曹丰在长沙客车界却颇有名气,因为他同时也是长沙一家客车经销商——湖南路路顺汽车租赁有限公司的老板,做客车销售已经十余年。作为客车用户同时兼有客车销售双重身份的欢途客运,对客车市场的敏锐把握与专... 尽管欢途客运2013年才成立,但曹丰在长沙客车界却颇有名气,因为他同时也是长沙一家客车经销商——湖南路路顺汽车租赁有限公司的老板,做客车销售已经十余年。作为客车用户同时兼有客车销售双重身份的欢途客运,对客车市场的敏锐把握与专业认知,无疑更加深刻。小企业的大智慧从规模上来讲,欢途客运在全国范围内而言并不算大。"目前,我们共有70辆纯电动客车用作客运,其中,金旅D8(XML6802)有50辆。此外, 展开更多
关键词 客运 董事长 最佳优 客车销售 汽车租赁 客车市场 经销商 小企业
谷氨酸发酵过程最佳操作曲线的确定 被引量:1
作者 方柏山 林金清 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1995年第2期227-230,共4页
关键词 谷氨酸 发酵 操作曲线 最佳优 制备
作者 吴清仁 《水泥技术》 1993年第3期49-52,共4页
机立窑厂具有投资省、见效快和操作管理方便等优点,因而,在我国得到迅速发展,成为具有中国特色的地方水泥工业的主体窑型。机立窑水泥企业在今后相当长的一段时间内将得到进一步发展。 1 机立窑喇叭口结构的优化从理论上来说,机立窑喇... 机立窑厂具有投资省、见效快和操作管理方便等优点,因而,在我国得到迅速发展,成为具有中国特色的地方水泥工业的主体窑型。机立窑水泥企业在今后相当长的一段时间内将得到进一步发展。 1 机立窑喇叭口结构的优化从理论上来说,机立窑喇叭口结构尺寸应与生料球在煅烧过程中的收缩率相适应。料球煅烧过程中的体积收缩率,既与原料本身的物理化学性能有关系,又与所采用的煅烧工艺方法有关系。采用白生料煅烧法。 展开更多
关键词 机械化 竖炉 最佳优 结构
创新驱动战略实施对工业环境效率的影响及演化规律探析 被引量:2
作者 张乐勤 陈素平 《科技促进发展》 CSCD 2019年第3期318-325,共8页
本文以安徽省为例,运用主成分分析评价方法,对工业环境效率与科技创新综合指数进行了评价;采用偏最小二乘回归分析,测算了科技创新对工业环境效率边际效应;基于最佳拟合优度回归分析方法,就科技创新与工业环境效率间演化规律进行了考察... 本文以安徽省为例,运用主成分分析评价方法,对工业环境效率与科技创新综合指数进行了评价;采用偏最小二乘回归分析,测算了科技创新对工业环境效率边际效应;基于最佳拟合优度回归分析方法,就科技创新与工业环境效率间演化规律进行了考察。结果表明:(1)工业环境效率、科技创新指数分别由2005年的47.17、43.63跃升至2016年的71.28、83.63;(2)科技创新对工业环境效率提升具有正向促进效应,其边际弹性系数为0.0051,而产业结构是工业环境效率的短板制约因素,其边际弹性系数为-0.0014;(3)科技创新与工业环境效率之间符合正向指数函数演化规律,增强科技创新能力有助于进一步提升工业环境效率。最后,基于研究结果,从如何发挥科技创新的促进作用、降低产业结构调整的负向影响提出了相应的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 科技创新 工业环境效率 效应 偏最小二乘回归 最佳拟合度分析
作者 张宏伟 镡新 陈春芳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1999年第2期113-116,共4页
Basing on a viewpoint of all sided water producing system,a comprehensive analysis of the operation status and the relationship between each working unit in water producing system,including coagulation,sedimentation... Basing on a viewpoint of all sided water producing system,a comprehensive analysis of the operation status and the relationship between each working unit in water producing system,including coagulation,sedimentation and filtration etc.was made.By investigating the influence of backwashing consumption,the amount of sludge ejected from sedimentation tank and coagulant ratio upon the cost,the cost effective function of the system was presented.Afterwards,the solution was found out and the corresponding computer program was developed.When applied with real world data,it proved that this method significantly reduced the water producing cost. 展开更多
关键词 water producing system optimal operation optimal coagulant dosage global optimum
作者 宋风云 《今日科苑》 2005年第12期59-60,共2页
构成我国教育大厦基础的班主任们,如今有了首个属于自己的全国性奖项——全国优秀班主任奖。 我国数以百万计的班主任中的1110名优秀代表2005年17日喜获首届全国最佳优秀班主任称号。 全国最佳优秀班主任评选活动由教育部主管的《中国... 构成我国教育大厦基础的班主任们,如今有了首个属于自己的全国性奖项——全国优秀班主任奖。 我国数以百万计的班主任中的1110名优秀代表2005年17日喜获首届全国最佳优秀班主任称号。 全国最佳优秀班主任评选活动由教育部主管的《中国教师》杂志社、团中央主办的《辅导员》 杂志社和北京成之路文化教育研究院联合主办。 首届全国最佳优秀班主任评选活动包括“十佳班主任”、“百名班主任之星”、“千名优秀班 主任”三个层次的评选。为了向读者们介绍这些教育工作者们的教学经验,本刊特选辑了部分荣获“全 国优秀班主任奖”的教师们的教学经验及其教书育人的拳拳心声。 展开更多
关键词 评选活动 班主任 教学经验 教育工作者 最佳优 文化教育 教书育人 杂志社 教育部 全国性
作者 梁咏 杨征建 《糖烟酒周刊》 2005年第21期B026-B027,共2页
麟昌企业集团有限公司:成立于1983年,集酒类开发、生产、销售一体化的大型现代企业集团,下辖东莞市麟昌贸易有限公司、东莞市国窖酒业销售有限公司、泸州麟昌酒业有限公司、泸州佳冠酒业有限公司四大全资子公司。麟昌企业旗下的东莞... 麟昌企业集团有限公司:成立于1983年,集酒类开发、生产、销售一体化的大型现代企业集团,下辖东莞市麟昌贸易有限公司、东莞市国窖酒业销售有限公司、泸州麟昌酒业有限公司、泸州佳冠酒业有限公司四大全资子公司。麟昌企业旗下的东莞国窖酒业成立三年来,连续两次获得了泸州老窖集团“最佳优胜业绩奖”的荣誉,成为泸州老窖最重要的总经销商之一。泸州佳冠酒业在短短一年时间内,运作的“飞仙诸葛”系列产品获“广东省酒类行业协会推荐优质酒”、“第二界广东市场名优酒大奖”、“首届华南酒饮品博览会金奖”等诸多殊荣。 展开更多
关键词 有限公司 麒麟 物流 营建 企业集团 泸州老窖 行业协会 系列产品 东莞市 酒业 一体化 子公司 最佳优 经销商 质酒 广东省 博览会 酒类 销售 贸易 业绩 市场
Optimization of Extraction Technology of Ellagic Acid from Pomegranate Peels with Orthogonal Experiment 被引量:4
作者 干霞 陈亚楠 +3 位作者 余亮 朱柯成 曾星月 白琦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2404-2408,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal condition for extrac- tion of ellagic acid from pomegranate peels. [Method] With ellagic acid yield as an indicator, ultrasound extraction method was adopted to ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal condition for extrac- tion of ellagic acid from pomegranate peels. [Method] With ellagic acid yield as an indicator, ultrasound extraction method was adopted to extract the ellagic acid from pomegranate peels, and the concentration of ellagic acid was measured by using ul- traviolet spectrophotometry; L9(34) orthogonal experiment was designed with four fac- tors at three levels, to investigate the effect of extraction temperature, extraction du- ration, solid-liquid ratio and ultrasound power on extraction rate of ellagic acid. [Re- sult] The optimal extraction condition for ellagic acid is extraction temperature of 30 ~C, solid-liquid ratio of 1:200, extraction duration of 20 min, and ultrasound power of 50 W. The relationship between primary and secondary factors affecting experimental indicators was solid-liquid ratio 〉 extraction duration 〉 ultrasound power 〉 extraction temperature. [Conclusion] Solid-liquid ratio has the maximum effect on extraction rate of ellagic acid. The ellagic acid extraction technology identified in this study is rea- sonable and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Pomegranate peels ULTRASOUND Ellagic acid Extraction technology Or-thogonal experiment
Convergence of shape optimization calculations of mechanical components using adaptive biological growth and iterative finite element methods 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Zehsaz Kaveh E.Torkanpouri Amin Paykani 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期76-82,共7页
Shape optimization of mechanical components is one of the issues that have been considered in recent years. Different methods were presented such as adaptive biological for reducing costs and increasing accuracy. The ... Shape optimization of mechanical components is one of the issues that have been considered in recent years. Different methods were presented such as adaptive biological for reducing costs and increasing accuracy. The effects of step factor, the number of control points and the definition way of control points coordinates in convergence rate were studied. A code was written using ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) which receives the studied parameters as input and obtains the optimum shape for the components. The results show that for achieving successful optimization, step factor should be in a specific range. It is found that the use of any coordinate system in defining control points coordinates and selection of any direction for stimulus vector of algorithm will also result in optimum shape. Furthermore, by increasing the number of control points, some non-uniformities are created in the studied boundary. Achieving acceptable accuracy seems impossible due to the creation of saw form at the studied boundary which is called "saw position". 展开更多
关键词 shape optimization adaptive biological growth control points step factor optimization rate
Propane Dehydrogenation over a Commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3 Catalyst for Isobutane Dehydrogenation: Optimization of Reaction Conditions 被引量:9
作者 Farnaz Tahriri Zangeneh, Saeed Sahebdelfar Mohsen Bahmani 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期730-735,共6页
The applicability of a commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3 isobutane dehydrogenation catalyst in dehydrogenation of propane was studied. Catalyst performance tests were carded out in a fixed-bed quartz reactor under different oper... The applicability of a commercial Pt-Sn/Al2O3 isobutane dehydrogenation catalyst in dehydrogenation of propane was studied. Catalyst performance tests were carded out in a fixed-bed quartz reactor under different operating conditions. Generally, as the factors improving propane conversion decrease the propylene selectivity, the optimal operating condition to maximize propylene yield is expected. The optimal condition was obtamed by the experimental design method. The investigated parameters were temperature, hydrogen/hydrocarbon (HE/HC) ratio and space velocity, being changed in three levels. Constrains such as the susceptibility of the catalyst components to sintering or phase transformation were also taken into account. Activity, selectivity and stability of the catalyst were considered as the measured response factors, while the space-time-yield (STY) was considered as the variable to be optimized due to its commercial interest. A STY of 16 mol.kg^-1.h^-1 was achieved under the optimal conditions of T= 620 ℃, H2/HC = 0.6 and, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) = 2.2 h^-1. Single carbon-carbon bond rupture was found to be the main route for the formation of lower hydrocarbon byproducts. 展开更多
Optimization of Spray Drying Processing Technology of Mulberry Powder 被引量:3
作者 Ziwei LI Jinglong LI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2661-2663,2667,共4页
With concentrated juice of mulberry as raw material, the influence of type and dosage of dry aid, the inlet air tempera- ture, inlet flow rate, and rotating speed on spray drying was studied. The spray drying processi... With concentrated juice of mulberry as raw material, the influence of type and dosage of dry aid, the inlet air tempera- ture, inlet flow rate, and rotating speed on spray drying was studied. The spray drying processing conditions of mulberry pow- der were optimized by the L9 (3^4) orthogonal test on the basis of single factor experiment. The results showed that optimum technical parameters to produce mulberry powder were: lS-cyclodextrin as dry aids with dosage of 30%, inlet air temperature of 180 ℃, rotating speed of 18 000 r/min and inlet flow rate of 30 mL/min. The mulberry powder under this optimum process conditions had a loose structure and bright color, fruity flavor was rich, the anthocyanin content for 54.67 mg/g, moisture content for 5.6% and sensory scores for 83. 展开更多
关键词 Spray drying MULBERRY Fruit powder Drying aid
Process optimization study on the carbonylation of methyl acetate 被引量:1
作者 Baohe Wang Baomin Ge +1 位作者 Jing Zhu Lina Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1937-1942,共6页
Acetic anhydride is the important organic chemical raw material, and is used widely in chemical industry,pharmaceutical industry, dyes, spices and other fields. In this paper, the process of carbonylation of methyl ac... Acetic anhydride is the important organic chemical raw material, and is used widely in chemical industry,pharmaceutical industry, dyes, spices and other fields. In this paper, the process of carbonylation of methyl acetate in rhodium iodine catalyst system was studied, and the suitable reaction conditions were determined.At the same time, the kinetic model was established. The optimum reaction conditions were as follows: the reaction pressure was 5 MPa, the hydrogen content was 8%, the amount of iodomethane was 15%, the amount of lithium iodide was 3%, the reaction temperature was 150 ℃ and the reaction time is 3 h. Under the above reaction conditions, the selectivity of the reaction is close to 100% and the conversion is as high as 92%. The macroscopic kinetic model of the reaction was established in the temperature range of 120 ℃–150 ℃. The reaction is an irreversible reaction without the formation of by-products and the dynamic equation is also given in the Conclusions section. 展开更多
关键词 CARBONYLATION Rhodium iodine catalyst Reaction conditions KINETICS
Optimization of Enzyme-assisted Extraction Technology for Tartary Buckwheat Shell Procyanidins with Response Surface Methodology 被引量:1
作者 Lihuan YUAN Jiangyan DUAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1196-1201,共6页
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of cellulase dosage, enzymolysis time, pH and enzymolysis temperature on procyanidin extraction rate by single factor experiment, with tartary buckwheat shell as an ... This study was conducted to investigate the effects of cellulase dosage, enzymolysis time, pH and enzymolysis temperature on procyanidin extraction rate by single factor experiment, with tartary buckwheat shell as an experimental material.Main process parameters were optimized to obtain a regression model by response surface methodology. The results of variance analysis indicated that the regression model reflected the relationship between buckwheat shell procyanidin extraction rate with enzyme dosage, enzymolysis time, pH and enzymolysis temperature; and the optimal process parameters were enzyme dosage of 6.5 mg/g, enzymolysis time of 1.5 h, pH at 4.7 and enzymolysis temperature at 46 ℃. Three parallel experiments were conducted under these process parameters. In practice, the highest procyanidin extraction rate was 6.78 g/100 g. The relative error between the predicted value of regression model and the actual value was 1.3%. The regression equation fitted the real situation better. 展开更多
关键词 Tartary buckwheat Procyanidin extraction rate Extraction technology Response surface methodology
Optimizing the Synthesis of Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether in Continuous Catalytic Distillation Column Using New Ion Exchange Resin Catalyst 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Umar Yahia Abubakar AI-Hamed Abdulraheem AI-Zahrani Hisham Saeed Bamufleh 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期1121-1128,共8页
Liquid phase synthesis of one of the important fuel oxygenate, ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), from etha-nol and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) has been studied in catalytic distillation column (CDC) using ion exchange... Liquid phase synthesis of one of the important fuel oxygenate, ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), from etha-nol and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) has been studied in catalytic distillation column (CDC) using ion exchange resin catalyst CT-145H. A packed CDC of 1.2 m height and 50 mm diameter with indigenously developed reactive sec-tion packing was used to generate experimental data. Effect of different key variables on product purity in distillate, was investigated to find the optimum operating conditions for ETBE synthesis. The optimum conditions for 0.2 kg·s-1 of ethanol feed were found:reboiler duty of 375 W, molar feed ratio of 1︰1.3 of reactants, and reflux ratio of 7. Concentration profiles for each component along each column section at optimum conditions were also drawn. Neither output nor input multiplicity was observed at experimental conditions. 展开更多
关键词 ethyl tert-butyl ether synthesis catalytic distillation ion exchange resin catalyst packed column mul-tiplicity
Lateral Stability Improvement of Car-Trailer Systems Using Active Trailer Braking Control 被引量:1
作者 Tao Sun Yuping He Ebrahim Esmailzadeh Jing Ren 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第9期555-562,共8页
An active trailer braking controller to improve the lateral stability of car-trailer systems is presented. The special and complex structures of these types of vehicles exhibit unique unstable motion behavior, such as... An active trailer braking controller to improve the lateral stability of car-trailer systems is presented. The special and complex structures of these types of vehicles exhibit unique unstable motion behavior, such as the trailer swing, jack-knifing and rollover. These unstable motion modes may lead to fatal accidents. The effects of passive mechanical parameters on the stability of car-trailer systems have been thoroughly investigated. Some of the passive parameters, such as the center of gravity of the trailer, may be drastically varied during various operating conditions. Even for an optimal design of a car-trailer system, based on a specific passive parameter set, the lateral stability cannot be guaranteed. In order to improve the lateral stability of car-trailer systems, an active trailer braking controller is designed using the Linear Quadratic Regular (LQR) technique. To derive the controller, a vehicle model with 3 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) is developed to represent the car-trailer system. A single lane-change maneuver has been simulated to examine the performance of the controller and the numerical results are compared with those of the baseline design. The benchmark investigation indicates that the optimal controller based on the LQR technique can effectively improve the high-speed lateral stability of the car-trailer system. 展开更多
关键词 Car-trailer systems active trailer braking control LQR (linear quadratic regular) controller high-speed lateral stability.
Study on the Rotor Spinning Processing of Spun Silk/Cashmere Blended Yarn
作者 英迪 汪军 +1 位作者 奚琼 梁金茹 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期796-800,共5页
This paper studies rotor spinning blended yam produced of spun silk and cashmere. Nine samples were spun, from three different opening rollers and different navels. According to the Uster test results of yam quality p... This paper studies rotor spinning blended yam produced of spun silk and cashmere. Nine samples were spun, from three different opening rollers and different navels. According to the Uster test results of yam quality properties, optimum selection is done by using analysis method of combining fuzzy decision-making and fuzzy pattern classification. Experimental plan is designed based on universal rotated experimental design, and the method of confined optimization is used to optimize the speed of opening roller, the speed of rotor and twist factor, according to the results of yam quality test by Uster. 展开更多
关键词 rotor spinning spun silk/cashmere blended yarn optimum selection process optimization
LISP-PCHORD:An Enhanced Pointer-Based DHT to Support LISP 被引量:2
作者 张泰 王晟 廖丹 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第7期134-147,共14页
Aiming to efficiently support theLocator/Identifier Separation Protocol(LISP),in this paper,we present an enhanced pointerbased DHT mapping system:LISP-PCHORD.The system creates a pointer space to build ontop of stand... Aiming to efficiently support theLocator/Identifier Separation Protocol(LISP),in this paper,we present an enhanced pointerbased DHT mapping system:LISP-PCHORD.The system creates a pointer space to build ontop of standard DHTs.Mappings within thepointer space are(Endpoint Identifiers(EID),pointers) where the pointer is the address ofthe root node(the physical node that stores themappings) of the corresponding(EID,RoutingLocators(RLOCs)) mappings.In addition toenabling architectural qualities such as scalability and reliability,the proposed LISP-PCHORDcan copy with flat EIDs such as self-certifyingEIDs.The performance of the mapping systemplays a key role in LISP;however,DHT-basedapproaches for LISP seldom consider the mismatch problem that heavily damages the system performance in terms of lookup latency.In order to mitigate the mismatch problem andachieve optimal performance,we propose anoptimization design method that seeks an optimal matching relationship between P-nodes(nodes within the pointer space) and the physical nodes on the basis of the given lookuptraffic matrix.In order to find the optimal matching relationship,we provide two solutions:a linear programming method and a geneticalgorithm.Finally,we evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme and compare itwith that of LISP-DHT. 展开更多
关键词 communication network mapping system LISP DHT linear programming genetic algorithm
An optimal method for prediction and adjustment on gasholder level and self-provided power plant gas supply in steel works 被引量:2
作者 李红娟 王建军 +1 位作者 王华 孟华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2779-2792,共14页
An optimal method for prediction and adjustment on byproduct gasholder level and self-provided power plant gas supply was proposed.This work raises the HP-ENN-LSSVM model based on the Hodrick-Prescott filter,Elman neu... An optimal method for prediction and adjustment on byproduct gasholder level and self-provided power plant gas supply was proposed.This work raises the HP-ENN-LSSVM model based on the Hodrick-Prescott filter,Elman neural network and least squares support vector machines.Then,according to the prediction,the optimal adjustment process came up by a novel reasoning method to sustain the gasholder within safety zone and the self-provided power plant boilers in economic operation,and prevent unfavorable byproduct gas emission and equipment trip as well.The experiments using the practical production data show that the proposed method achieves high accurate predictions and the optimal byproduct gas distribution,which provides a remarkable guidance for reasonable scheduling of byproduct gas. 展开更多
关键词 HP filter Elman neural network least square support vector machine gasholder level self-provided power plant
Optimal Power Flow Solution Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique with Global-Local Best Parameters 被引量:4
作者 P. Umapathy C. Venkatasehsiah M. Senthil Arumugam 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第2期46-51,共6页
This paper proposes an efficient method for optimal power flow solution (OPF) using particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. The objective of the proposed method is to find the steady state operation point in ... This paper proposes an efficient method for optimal power flow solution (OPF) using particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. The objective of the proposed method is to find the steady state operation point in a power system which minimizes the fuel cost, while maintaining an acceptable system performance in terms of limits on generator power, line flow limits and voltage limits. In order to improvise the performance of the conventional PSO (cPSO), the fine tuning parameters- the inertia weight and acceleration coefficients are formulated in terms of global-local best values of the objective function. These global-local best inertia weight (GLBestlW) and global-local best acceleration coefficient (GLBestAC) are incorporated into PSO in order to compute the optimal power flow solution. The proposed method has been tested on the standard IEEE 30 bus test system to prove its efficacy. The results are compared with those obtained through cPSO. It is observed that the proposed algorithm is computationally faster, in terms of the number of load flows executed and provides better results than the conventional heuristic techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Particle swarm optimization swarm intelligence optimal power flow solution inertia weight acceleration coefficient.
作者 丁桂云 袁冬梅 刘志琴 《新农村(黑龙江)》 2011年第10期20-20,36,共2页
关键词 “3414”试验 处理设计 试验结果 提出最佳处理
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