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基于改进Knothe时间模型的地表最大沉降速度预测 被引量:10
作者 张亮亮 程桦 +1 位作者 姚直书 王晓健 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期1111-1119,共9页
在传统Knothe时间模型假设基础上提出新的假设,构建改进Knothe时间模型,通过理论分析表明,改进后的时间模型符合地表点沉降和沉降速度变化规律;基于改进Knothe时间模型推导了地表最大沉降速度计算表达式,并给出模型参数确定方法。采用2... 在传统Knothe时间模型假设基础上提出新的假设,构建改进Knothe时间模型,通过理论分析表明,改进后的时间模型符合地表点沉降和沉降速度变化规律;基于改进Knothe时间模型推导了地表最大沉降速度计算表达式,并给出模型参数确定方法。采用20个矿区开采引起的地表最大沉降速度监测值与理论预测值进行对比,结果表明,20个矿区的地表最大沉降速度理论预测值与监测值吻合程度高,两者相对标准偏差仅为2.1%,验证了模型的精确性和可靠性。地表最大沉降速度受煤层采高、开采速度、松散层厚度和基岩层厚度等参数影响,研究表明,地表最大沉降速度随煤层采高和开采速度的增加而线性增加,随松散层厚度、基岩层厚度的增加而非线性减小,且其对基岩层厚度变化的敏感性比松散层厚度变化大。 展开更多
关键词 Knothe时间模型 地表沉降 最大沉降速度 敏感性
Quantitative evaluation of soil erosion of land subsided by coal mining using RUSLE 被引量:13
作者 Meng Lei Feng Qiyan +1 位作者 Wu Kan Meng Qingjun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第1期7-11,共5页
Based on a RUSLE model, we identified the key factors of the impact on soil erosion induced by coal min- ing subsidence. We designed a method for predicting/.S factors of a mining subsidence basin, using ana- lytical ... Based on a RUSLE model, we identified the key factors of the impact on soil erosion induced by coal min- ing subsidence. We designed a method for predicting/.S factors of a mining subsidence basin, using ana- lytical GIS spatial technology. Using the Huainan mining area as an example, we calculated the modulus of erosion, its volume and classified the grade of soil erosion for both the original area and the subsidence basin. The results show that the maximum modulus of erosion and the volume of erosion of the subsi- dence basin without water logging would increase by 78% and 23% respectively compared with the ori- ginal situation. The edge of the subsidence basin, where the land subsidence was uneven, is subject to the greatest acceleration in soil erosion. In the situation of water logging after subsidence, the maximum modulus of erosion would decrease if the accumulated slope length were reduced. This maximum mod- ulus around the water logged area within the subsidence basin is equal to that without water logging, while the total volume of erosion decreases. Therefore, mining subsidence aggravates soil erosion espe- cially at the edge of basins where water and soil conservation measures should be taken. 展开更多
关键词 RUSLE Coal mining subsidence Soil erosion Quantitative evaluation
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