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单试剂有反应性献血者延期并归队献血的可行性探讨 被引量:17
作者 孟毓 卢涛 +3 位作者 张艳梅 岳献荣 任红霞 聂军 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期70-71,共2页
目的探讨单试剂有反应性的无偿献血者半年后检测合格后再次献血的可行性,尽可能减少无偿献血队伍中人员流失。方法 HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、抗-TP单试剂有反应性的无偿献血者6个月后到血站抽取标本复查,检验科工作人员进行标本交接时,选... 目的探讨单试剂有反应性的无偿献血者半年后检测合格后再次献血的可行性,尽可能减少无偿献血队伍中人员流失。方法 HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、抗-TP单试剂有反应性的无偿献血者6个月后到血站抽取标本复查,检验科工作人员进行标本交接时,选择"复检、二次复查"与无偿献血者"复检、二次检验"区分开。结果 97人份半年后重新抽取标本,按照GB18467-2001《献血者健康检查要求》规定的检测项目及标准检测后,80人份检测结果合格,复查合格后重新参加无偿献血的人数37人,占合格人数的46%。复查合格后参加献血2次的人数为6人。结论单试剂有反应性献血者半年后2次复查合格后献血,可最大限度减少献血者的流失。 展开更多
关键词 单试剂有反应性 无偿献血 2次复查 屏蔽
作者 张晓伟 刘香云 张红利 《河北医药》 CAS 2015年第7期1075-1076,共2页
血站是采集、检验、制备、储存血液,并向临床提供合格用血的医疗卫生机构,保证血液质量安全是血站的职责[1]。2013年4月26日,检验科在工作过程中,发现4月25日采集的同为O型的两份血样中,初检与复检均发现一检测管(称其为A,以... 血站是采集、检验、制备、储存血液,并向临床提供合格用血的医疗卫生机构,保证血液质量安全是血站的职责[1]。2013年4月26日,检验科在工作过程中,发现4月25日采集的同为O型的两份血样中,初检与复检均发现一检测管(称其为A,以下同)抗-HIV有反应性,对应的血袋( A1)小辫抗-HIV亦有反应性;另一检测管( B)抗-HIV反应性,对应的血袋小辫( B1)无反应性。为了探究问题出现的原因,我们设计了本实验。 展开更多
关键词 血站 HIV 有反应性 反应
咸阳地区初筛HIV呈反应性的无偿献血者归队模式探讨 被引量:8
作者 孙蕊娟 史小武 +3 位作者 王绒和 史振国 桂丽 李静 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1243-1245,共3页
目的探讨初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者归队模式,从而保留更多的献血者。方法对2010年1月-2012年7月初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者进行跟踪回访,将回访到的标本重新进行2遍酶免检测、核酸检测以及WB确认检测。结果 199个初筛HIV有反应性... 目的探讨初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者归队模式,从而保留更多的献血者。方法对2010年1月-2012年7月初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者进行跟踪回访,将回访到的标本重新进行2遍酶免检测、核酸检测以及WB确认检测。结果 199个初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者中联系到111个,重新采集了32个标本,经检测,其中11个1种酶免阳性,1个2种酶免阳性,20个酶免全阴性;核酸检测全部阴性;WB确认结果 9个不确定,23个阴性。结论初筛HIV有反应性的无偿献血者经确证为阴性的,可以在半年,1年后进行跟踪。如果酶免和核酸的检测结果均为阴性,建议将该献血者归队。 展开更多
关键词 HIV有反应性 无偿献血者 归队
献血者抗-HCV ELISA检测有反应性与确证实验的比较 被引量:3
作者 张艳梅 王新梅 +4 位作者 郭喜彪 贠世文 孟毓 姜燕娟 王富强 《临床血液学杂志(输血与检验)》 CAS 2015年第3期483-485,共3页
目的:了解国产ELISA间接法试剂和双抗原夹心法的检测效能,探讨确证结果用于试剂选择,灰区范围设置的理论和依据。方法:采用重组免疫印迹试验(RIBA)对ELISA方法检测有反应性及灰区的44份标本进行检测。结果:3个厂家的抗-HCV有反应性标本... 目的:了解国产ELISA间接法试剂和双抗原夹心法的检测效能,探讨确证结果用于试剂选择,灰区范围设置的理论和依据。方法:采用重组免疫印迹试验(RIBA)对ELISA方法检测有反应性及灰区的44份标本进行检测。结果:3个厂家的抗-HCV有反应性标本经RIBA实验确证后,假阳性率分别为70.6%、44.1%、2.9%,灰区标本15例,未确认阳性检出。结论:为确保血液质量,血筛实验室应选择灵敏度和特异性双优的试剂,以有效提高抗-HCV有反应性标本的检出率。在献血者管理中,参考确证结果用于献血者反馈,特别是长期固定献血者,对单试剂反应者经6个月以上的屏蔽期可以重新参加检测确认,合适献血的可进入归队献血程序。 展开更多
关键词 无偿献血者 抗-HCV ELISA有反应性 确证实验 对比研究
国产和进口ELISA试剂HIV初筛结果与确证结果对比分析 被引量:4
作者 李敏 韩晓燕 朱建民 《实验与检验医学》 CAS 2018年第4期626-628,共3页
目的分析无偿献血者HIV采用国产和进口两种试剂检测,其结果有无差异,评估两种试剂的检测结果与CDC确证结果之间的关系,为核酸开展后ELISA方法检测HIV该采取何种策略提供有力的数据支持。方法 ELISA初筛采用国产和进口两种试剂对渭南市2... 目的分析无偿献血者HIV采用国产和进口两种试剂检测,其结果有无差异,评估两种试剂的检测结果与CDC确证结果之间的关系,为核酸开展后ELISA方法检测HIV该采取何种策略提供有力的数据支持。方法 ELISA初筛采用国产和进口两种试剂对渭南市2013年1月至2016年12月无偿献血的138253例标本进行HIV抗原、抗体检测,将双试剂或复查有反应性标本送渭南市疾控中心(CDC)进行确证,对国产和进口试剂的筛查结果及其确证结果之间的关系进行分析。结果 138253例标本中,国产和进口试剂初筛结果有反应性共100例,其中国产初筛有反应性77例,进口初筛有反应性60例,国产与进口双试剂初筛有反应性37例,国产与进口两种试剂HIV初筛有反应性率分别为0.056%和0.044%,差异没有统计学意义(χ~2=2.111,P>0.05);100例初筛有反应性标本中有42例标本经CDC确证为阳性,其中双试剂有反应性确证阳性37例,国产单试剂有反应性确证阳性2例,进口单试剂有反应性确证阳性3例;双试剂有反应性与CDC确证阳性的符合率为100%。结论国产和进口试剂的初筛结果与CDC的确证阳性率之间没有显著性差异,但双试剂的联合检测可提高初筛有反应性和确证阳性之间的符合率,有助于提高对HIV感染判断的准确率,并能一定程度的减少血清学方法的漏检情况。 展开更多
关键词 国产试剂、进口试剂 抗-HIV 初筛有反应性 确证阳
抗-HCV ELISA单阳、双阳献血者补充实验及跟踪分析研究 被引量:5
作者 张艳梅 王新梅 +4 位作者 郭喜彪 贠世文 姜燕娟 孟毓 王富强 《中国卫生产业》 2016年第16期43-45,共3页
目的对抗-HCV ELISA有反应性献血者进行追踪检测,了解其真实的病毒感染情况。方法对抗-HCV ELISA有反应性献血者在献血3个月、6个月时采集标本,进行ELISA试验、HCV PCR检测及RIBA确证3种平衡检测。结果36例单试剂阳性标本中,1例跟踪核... 目的对抗-HCV ELISA有反应性献血者进行追踪检测,了解其真实的病毒感染情况。方法对抗-HCV ELISA有反应性献血者在献血3个月、6个月时采集标本,进行ELISA试验、HCV PCR检测及RIBA确证3种平衡检测。结果36例单试剂阳性标本中,1例跟踪核酸检测阳性,RIBA确证阳性。36例双试剂阳性标本中有20例确证阳性(55.6%),不确定11例(30.6%),阴性5例(13.9%),跟踪结果无变化。结论应尽快出台并实施献血者补充实验的具体规定,确保血液安全,减少献血者流失;在试剂的选择上应选择特异性和灵敏度都高的试剂,无论选择哪种检测方式,建议ELISA方法应选择双抗原夹心法,也希望尽快在献血者中开展NAT和ELISA平行检测,以有效降低输血传播感染病毒的风险。 展开更多
关键词 抗-HCV ELISA有反应性 HCV-RNA检测 RIBA检测 补充实验 跟踪检测
从无偿献血者HIV确证结果探讨灰区的设置 被引量:4
作者 岳献荣 孟毓 秦小敏 《中国卫生产业》 2015年第21期189-190,共2页
目的从HIVAg/Ab初筛有反应标本与确认结果的相关性探讨灰区的设置。方法对新乡地区2012—2014年无偿献血者初筛有反应性标本送新乡市疾控中心确证实验室进行确证,并对结果进行统计分析。结果单试剂有反应性者203份,确证结果均为阴性,双... 目的从HIVAg/Ab初筛有反应标本与确认结果的相关性探讨灰区的设置。方法对新乡地区2012—2014年无偿献血者初筛有反应性标本送新乡市疾控中心确证实验室进行确证,并对结果进行统计分析。结果单试剂有反应性者203份,确证结果均为阴性,双试剂反应性26份,确证结果92.3%(24/26)为阳性;初筛有反应性标本按S/CO值区间分组统计,94份S/CO值位于0.7~1.0区间的确证结果均为阴性。结论 HIVAg/Ab检测设置灰区没有意义,只会造成血液浪费,因此建议不设置灰区,尽早开展核酸检测,最大限度地降低血液残余风险。 展开更多
关键词 HIVAg/Ab 有反应性 确证阳 灰区
Gas-solid catalytic reactions over ruthenium-based catalysts 被引量:4
作者 施文博 刘霄龙 +3 位作者 曾俊淋 王健 魏耀东 朱廷钰 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1181-1192,共12页
Ruthenium (Ru)‐based catalysts are widely employed in several types of gas‐solid reactions because of their high catalytic activities. This review provides theoretical research on Ru‐based catalysts and an analys... Ruthenium (Ru)‐based catalysts are widely employed in several types of gas‐solid reactions because of their high catalytic activities. This review provides theoretical research on Ru‐based catalysts and an analysis of their basic properties and oxidation behavior. There is particular emphasis on Ru‐catalyzed gas‐solid catalytic reactions, including the catalytic oxidation of VOCs, preferential oxidation of CO, synthesis of ammonia, oxidation of HCl and partial oxidation of CH4. Recent litera‐ture on catalysis is summarized and compared. Finally, we describe current challenges in the field and propose approaches for future development of Ru‐based catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Gas-solid catalytic reaction RUTHENIUM Volatile organic compound Catalytic oxidation Preferential CO oxidation HCl oxidation
作者 曹珺 王新梅 +2 位作者 李树博 郭玮 孟毓 《中外医疗》 2013年第27期182-182,184,共2页
目的探讨在杜绝抗-HIV漏检的前提下,如何能减少假反应性结果的出现,减少血液资源的浪费,又对献血者检验结果反馈不造成负面的影响。方法将该站2010—2012年抗-HIV初筛阳性标本和CDC确证实验结果进行对比分析。结果该站实验室检测出的93... 目的探讨在杜绝抗-HIV漏检的前提下,如何能减少假反应性结果的出现,减少血液资源的浪费,又对献血者检验结果反馈不造成负面的影响。方法将该站2010—2012年抗-HIV初筛阳性标本和CDC确证实验结果进行对比分析。结果该站实验室检测出的93份呈反应性的标本送市CDC确认实验室确证结果为:反馈确证结果阴性标本为74份,阳性标本为7份(ELISA方法两种试剂筛查都为反应性),不确定样本12份。结论单种试剂做出呈反应性的实验结果呈假阳性的几率比较大,也就是在抗-HIV ELISA实验中存在目前无法避免的假反应性问题。 展开更多
关键词 单试剂有反应性 抗-HIV 确证 反应
Critical Behaviors in a Stochastic Local Limited One-Dimensional Rice-Pile Model 被引量:3
作者 SUN Hong-Zhang TANG Zheng-Xin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第8期425-428,共4页
A stochastic local limited one-dimensional rice-pile model is numerically investigated. The distributions for avalanche sizes have a clear power-law behavior and it displays a simple finite size scaling. We obtain the... A stochastic local limited one-dimensional rice-pile model is numerically investigated. The distributions for avalanche sizes have a clear power-law behavior and it displays a simple finite size scaling. We obtain the avalanche exponents Ts= 1.54±0.10,βs = 2.17±0.10 and TT = 1.80±0.10, βT =1.46 ± 0.10. This self-organized critical model belongs to the same universality class with the Oslo rice-pile model studied by K. Christensen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 107], a rice-pile model studied by L.A.N. Amaral et al. [Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996) 4512], and a simple deterministic self-organized critical model studied by M.S. Vieira [Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000) 6056]. 展开更多
关键词 self-organized criticality rice-pile model finite size scaling universality class
Effect of Ionic Liquids on Organic Reactions Based on Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution 被引量:1
作者 马征 董晓霞 +3 位作者 胡玉峰 张柏松 徐长英 刘艳升 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期1370-1375,共6页
It is important to know how ILs(ionic liquids)influence organic reaction.In this paper,activity coefficients at infinite dilution of more than 80 organic compounds in ILs are collected and analyzed systematically.Thro... It is important to know how ILs(ionic liquids)influence organic reaction.In this paper,activity coefficients at infinite dilution of more than 80 organic compounds in ILs are collected and analyzed systematically.Through the study on typical organic reactions happened in ILs,such as Diels-Alder,esterification and Friedel-Crafts reaction,the ratio of activity coefficients at infinite dilution of products and reactants is employed to estimate different effects of different structural ILs on the rate and selectivity of reactions. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquid activity coefficients at infinite dilution organic reactions
Evolution of Cooperation in Public Goods Games 被引量:1
作者 夏承遗 张娟娟 +1 位作者 王祎玲 王劲松 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期638-644,共7页
We investigate the evolution of cooperation with evolutionary public goods games based on finite populations, where four pure strategies: cooperators, defectors, punishers and loners who are unwilling to participate ... We investigate the evolution of cooperation with evolutionary public goods games based on finite populations, where four pure strategies: cooperators, defectors, punishers and loners who are unwilling to participate are considered. By adopting approximate best response dynamics, we show that the magnitude of rationality not only quantitatively explains the experiment results in [Nature (London) 425 (2003) 390], but also it will heavily influence the evolution of cooperation. Compared with previous results of infinite populations, which result in two equilibriums, we show that there merely exists a special equilibrium cooperation. In addition, we characterize that loner's and the relevant high value of bounded rationality will sustain payoff plays an active role in the maintenance of cooperation, which will only be warranted for the low and moderate values of loner's payoff. It thus indicates the effects of rationality and loner's payoff will influence the cooperation. Finally, we highlight the important result that the introduction of voluntary participation and punishment will facilitate cooperation greatly. 展开更多
关键词 public goods games magnitude of rationality voluntary participation PUNISHMENT
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on response preparation in a Go/No Go Task in children with ADHD:An ERP study 被引量:12
作者 Lan-Ya Chuang Yu-Jung Tsai +2 位作者 Yu-Kai Chang Chung-Ju Huang Tsung-Min Hung 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第1期82-88,共7页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of acute exercise on reaction time and response preparation during a Go/No Go Task in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of acute exercise on reaction time and response preparation during a Go/No Go Task in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Nineteen children with ADHD (aged between 8 and 12 years old) undertook a 30-min intervention that consisted of treadmill running or video-watching presented in a counterbalanced order on different days. A Go/No Go Task was administrated after exercise or video-watching. Results: The results indicated a shorter reaction time and smaller contingent negative variation (CNV) 2 amplitude following exercise relative to the video-watching. For event related potential (ERP) analyses, greater CNV l and CNV 2 amplitudes in response to No Go stimuli in com- parison to Go stimuli was observed in the video-watching session only. Conclusion: These findings suggest that acute exercise may benefit children with ADHD by developing appropriate response preparation, particularly in maintaining a stable motor preparatory set prior to performing the given task. 展开更多
关键词 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Attention orienting Contingent negative variation COGNITION Physical activity
Phosphate Rock Fertilizer in Acid Soils: Comparing Phosphate Extraction Methods for Measuring Dissolution 被引量:3
作者 T. S. ANSUMANA KAWA and WANG GUANGHUO Department of Soil Science and Applied Chemistry, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou 310029 (China) (Received March 13, 1998 revised April 22, 199 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第3期273-279,共7页
Three phosphate extraction methods were used to investigate the dissolution, availability and transformation of Kunyang phosphate rock (KPR) in two surface acid soils. Dissolution was determined by measuring the incre... Three phosphate extraction methods were used to investigate the dissolution, availability and transformation of Kunyang phosphate rock (KPR) in two surface acid soils. Dissolution was determined by measuring the increase in the amounts of soluble and adsorbed inorganic phosphate fractions, and did not differ significantly among the three methods. Significant correlations were obtained among P fractions got by the three extraction methods. Dissolution continued until the end of the 90 day incubation period. At the end of the period, much of the applied phosphate recovered in both soils were in the Al and Fe P or in the hydroxide and bicarbonate extractable inorganic P fractions. The dissolution of KPR in the two soils was also similar: increased addition of phosphate rock resulted in decreased dissolution. The similarity in the order and extent of dissolution in the two soils was probably due to the similarity in each soil of several factors that are known to influence phosphate rock dissolution, namely low CEC, pH, P level, and base status; and high clay and free iron and aluminum oxide contents. The results suggested that KPR could be an alternative P source in the long, if not the short, term in the soils, provided that those factors influencing P availability in the soils are not limiting. 展开更多
关键词 alternative source of phosphate FRACTIONATION phosphate rock
The Stability Research for the Finite Difference Scheme of a Nonlinear Reaction-diffusion Equation 被引量:6
作者 XU Chen-mei 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期222-227,共6页
In the article, the fully discrete finite difference scheme for a type of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation is established. Then the new function space is introduced and the stability problem for the finite differ... In the article, the fully discrete finite difference scheme for a type of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation is established. Then the new function space is introduced and the stability problem for the finite difference scheme is discussed by means of variational approximation method in this function space. The approach used is of a simple characteristic in gaining the stability condition of the scheme. 展开更多
关键词 reaction-diffusion equation finite difference scheme stability research variational approximation method
Effects of acute aerobic exercise on motor response inhibition:An ERP study using the stop-signal task 被引量:2
作者 Chien-Heng Chu Brandon L.Alderman +1 位作者 Gao-Xia Wei Yu-Kai Chang 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第1期73-81,共9页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute exercise on motor response inhibition using both behavioral and electrophysiological approaches. Methods: The P3 and N1 event-related potenti... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute exercise on motor response inhibition using both behavioral and electrophysiological approaches. Methods: The P3 and N1 event-related potential (ERP) components were recorded while performing a stop-signal task in 21 college students following a moderately intense acute exercise bout for 30 min and a sedentary control session that involved reading. Results: Acute exercise induced a shorter stop signal response time (SSRT) as compared to control; however, the go response time (Go RT) remained unchanged. In examining the ERP data, acute exercise increased both P3 amplitude and latency but did not affect the N1 component. Conclusion: Acute exercise has a selective and beneficial effect on cognitive function, specifically affecting the motor response inhibition aspect of executive function. Furthermore, acute exercise predominately impacts later stages of information processing during motor response inhibition, which may lead to an increase in attentional resource allocation and confer the ability to successfully withhold a response to achieve motor response inhibition. 展开更多
关键词 COGNITION Executive function Inhibitory control NI P3
Transformation and performance of granular sequence batch reactor under conventional organic loading rate condition
作者 钟晨 王亚芹 +3 位作者 吕俊平 李耀辰 王永建 竺建荣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2819-2825,共7页
Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the transformation and performance of a granular sequence batch reactor(SBR) under the conventional organic loading rate(OLR) condition.Aerobic granules were succes... Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the transformation and performance of a granular sequence batch reactor(SBR) under the conventional organic loading rate(OLR) condition.Aerobic granules were successfully cultivated in a SBR by means of alternative feeding load combined with reducing settling time after 60 d operational period.Subsequently,the black fungal granules were presented in reactor because of the filamentous overgrowth on the surface of aerobic granules.A small amount of fungal granules had no effect on the performance of granular SBR.Aerobic granules completely vanished and fungal granules eventually became the dominant species in subsequent 90 d operation after granulation.The three-dimensional excitation emission matrix(EEM) spectra result shows that the extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) component in both granules has no much difference,whereas the content of EPS in fungal granules is higher than that in bacterial granules.Due to their low bioactivity,the chemical oxidation demand(COD) and NH4-N removal efficiencies gradually decrease from 90.4%–96.5% and 99.5% to 71.8% and 32.9% respectively while the fungal granules become dominant in the SBR. 展开更多
关键词 aerobic granular conventional organic loading rate filamentous microorganisms fungal granules sequence batch reactor
MIL-53(Al)derived single-atom Rh catalyst for the selective hydrogenation of m-chloronitrobenzene into m-chloroaniline
作者 Weiyin Wang Lu Lin +9 位作者 Haifeng Qi Wenxiu Cao Zhi Li Shaohua Chen Xiaoxuan Zou Tiehong Chen Nanfang Tang Weiyu Song Aiqin Wang Wenhao Luo 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期824-834,共11页
The catalytic hydrogenation of halonitroarenes to haloanilines is a green and sustainable process for the production of key nitrogen-containing intermediates in fine chemical industry.Chemoselective hydrogenation pose... The catalytic hydrogenation of halonitroarenes to haloanilines is a green and sustainable process for the production of key nitrogen-containing intermediates in fine chemical industry.Chemoselective hydrogenation poses a significant challenge,which requires the rational design of the catalysts with proper hydrogenation ability for nitro group and simultaneously preventing dehalogenation of halogen group.Herein,a highly effective Rh@Al_(2)O_(3)@C single-atom catalyst(SAC)was developed for the hydrogenation of m-chloronitrobenzene(m-CNB)to m-chloroaniline(m-CAN),through an in-situ grafting of metal during the assembly of MIL-53(Al),followed by confined pyrolysis.Extensive characterizations reveal an exquisite structure of the Rh@Al_(2)O_(3)@C,containing atomically dispersed Rh sites onto Al_(2)O_(3) confined by the amorphous carbon.The five-coordinated aluminum(Al^(Ⅴ))species are essential for achieving the atomic dispersion of Rh atoms,providing the unsaturated coordinative sites for metal.Compared to the benchmark Rh/γ-Al_(2)O_(3) and Rh/C nanocatalysts,the Rh@Al_(2)O_(3)@C SAC affords an excellent turnover frequency of 2317 molm-CNB·molRh^(–1)·h^(–1),the highest value to date in heterogeneous catalyst systems for the hydrogenation of m-CNB at 313 K and 20 bar H2,together with a sustained selectivity to m-CAN(~98%)during five consecutive runs.The superior catalytic performance of the Rh@Al_(2)O_(3)@C is attributed to a proper modulation of electronic structure of hydrogenation metal by forming SAC,together with an enhanced accessibility of acid function sites. 展开更多
关键词 Single-atom catalyst RHODIUM Metal-organic framework Hydrogenation CHEMOSELECTIVITY
Research on Assembly and catalysis of Transition Metal Organic Complexes
作者 Shanshan Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期12-14,共3页
We designed and synthesized ligand L1 with C3 synametry in the paper, through self-assembly with silver nitrate obtained complexes 1 of silver double helix with three nuclear, that were used to characterize its struct... We designed and synthesized ligand L1 with C3 synametry in the paper, through self-assembly with silver nitrate obtained complexes 1 of silver double helix with three nuclear, that were used to characterize its structure by NMR and mass spectrometry, the complex silver as the catalytic sites, and the ligand L of hydrogen on the nitrogen fell microphone has certain basic, that can be used as an auxiliary Methylene dehydrogenation of Isopropyl methyl cyanoacetate, thereby accelerating the reaction. Further, the introduction of a chiral ligand to give complexes 2, to achieve an asymmetric aldol reaction of methyl isocyanoacetate. 展开更多
关键词 Metal-organic compound Trinity helix Dinuclear helix
作者 林琼 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第4期102-109,65+129,共10页
It is generally agreed that focus-on-form has been one of the prevalent teaching methods in the area of second language acquisition and correspondingly received considerable attention. This paper focuses on reactive f... It is generally agreed that focus-on-form has been one of the prevalent teaching methods in the area of second language acquisition and correspondingly received considerable attention. This paper focuses on reactive focus-on-form, introduces its corrective feedback strategies, discusses their contributions and the learner uptake in L2 classroom and addresses their implications for further research in this light in the Chinese context. 展开更多
关键词 reactive focus-on-form strategy FEEDBACK UPTAKE EFFECTIVENESS IMPLICATION
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