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作者 曾军 李肇基 陈星弼 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第5期18-24,共7页
本文提出了在模拟有浮空场限环(FFLR's)和横向变掺杂(VLD)结构的表面电场分布中所采用的一种新技术和新的环区边界条件,即低场点(LFP)边界条件。利用该技术在求解Poisson方程时,便能方便迅速正确地对具有上述结终端结构的平面结二... 本文提出了在模拟有浮空场限环(FFLR's)和横向变掺杂(VLD)结构的表面电场分布中所采用的一种新技术和新的环区边界条件,即低场点(LFP)边界条件。利用该技术在求解Poisson方程时,便能方便迅速正确地对具有上述结终端结构的平面结二极管的反向击穿特性进行二维数值模拟;同时,为进一步克服由于高反偏压导致的低求算效率,本文引入一套与外加偏压相关的归一化参数对Poisson方程进行归一化,并给出归一化参数随外加偏压变化的经验公式。利用上述技术,分别对平面结二极管以及具有双FFLR's的结构和由五段Gauss掺杂分布形成的VLD的结构的平面结二极管的表面电场进行二维数值分析,得到了满意的结果。 展开更多
关键词 平面结 二极管 数值分析 有场限环
乡官大小也有场 (中篇小说梗概)
作者 毕四海 信鸽 《领导科学》 北大核心 2002年第6期54-56,共3页
一 如今官场消息,一日千里.小道不小机密不密.龙门镇党委书记龙世雄要升任副县长这件事,不知怎么那么神速,一天工夫就传遍了黄河县大大小小的官场.龙门镇就更不用说了,找一个不知道的恐怕比登天还难.这里表面上还平静地保持着往日的秩序... 一 如今官场消息,一日千里.小道不小机密不密.龙门镇党委书记龙世雄要升任副县长这件事,不知怎么那么神速,一天工夫就传遍了黄河县大大小小的官场.龙门镇就更不用说了,找一个不知道的恐怕比登天还难.这里表面上还平静地保持着往日的秩序,可是,党委政府两个大院里的每一个人几乎都在关注着这件事,研究着这件事,咀嚼着这件事,利用着这件事. 展开更多
关键词 《乡官大小也有场 小说 文学作品 当代 毕四海
作者 可人 《大经贸》 北大核心 1996年第8期58-59,共2页
热点后的焦点7月5日,当是全国印刷包装行业为之注目的日子:广州印刷包装科贸中心这个目前我国乃至东南亚地区规模最大、档次最高的印刷包装专业市场在广州金钟大厦正式挂牌成立。中心由中国印刷及设备器材工业协会、中国包装技术协会、... 热点后的焦点7月5日,当是全国印刷包装行业为之注目的日子:广州印刷包装科贸中心这个目前我国乃至东南亚地区规模最大、档次最高的印刷包装专业市场在广州金钟大厦正式挂牌成立。中心由中国印刷及设备器材工业协会、中国包装技术协会、中国科学技术研究所、广东省包装技术协会和广州市大金钟实业有限公司共同主办。 展开更多
关键词 包装行业 有场无市 经济 东南亚地区 中国印刷 技术协会 广州市 专业市 中国科学 设备器材
作者 谢洁萍 《经济研究参考》 1993年第Z7期380-383,共4页
当前,全国各地批发市场建设正处在新的高潮阶段。批发市场的加速发展,对我国深化流通体制改革,充分发挥市场机制作用,建立社会主义市场经济体制,无疑起到了推进作用。但同时,也出现了盲目发展,求量不求质的苗头,出现了批发市场有场无市... 当前,全国各地批发市场建设正处在新的高潮阶段。批发市场的加速发展,对我国深化流通体制改革,充分发挥市场机制作用,建立社会主义市场经济体制,无疑起到了推进作用。但同时,也出现了盲目发展,求量不求质的苗头,出现了批发市场有场无市,“开业之时。 展开更多
关键词 批发市 有场无市 建设 加速发展 社会主义市经济体制 先决条件 流通体制改革 机制 高潮阶段 推进作用
作者 张琴 刘学胜 《中国农资》 2010年第5期17-26,6,共11页
农资批发市场在2000年后的建设可谓如火如荼,但是发展到今天,有场无市的现象却屡见不鲜。近日,商务部发出《商务部关于完善生产资料流通体系的意见》(商商贸发[2010]115号),提出支持有发展潜力、辐射能力强的生产资料批发市场加快改造... 农资批发市场在2000年后的建设可谓如火如荼,但是发展到今天,有场无市的现象却屡见不鲜。近日,商务部发出《商务部关于完善生产资料流通体系的意见》(商商贸发[2010]115号),提出支持有发展潜力、辐射能力强的生产资料批发市场加快改造升级步伐,不适合以批发市场存在的就转变经营形态,因而升级和改造就成为农资批发市场发展的两个方向。 展开更多
关键词 化肥 商户 电子交易平台 农资行业 经销商 贸易商 有场无市
作者 柳叙 《市场论坛》 1999年第6期27-28,共2页
关键词 空壳市 有场无市 信息市 大市 运行质量 专业市 假冒伪劣商品 体制改革 经济发展 发展市经济
作者 游何保 《老区建设》 1995年第3期35-35,共1页
“有市无场”与“有场无市”游何保出差途经某镇,宽阔的水泥国道,却车速骤减。只见国道两旁农副产品交易做得正忙。大蒜、萝卜、大白菜,鸡蛋、鹅鸭、鲜鱼虾,应有尽有。板车、手推车,横竖乱放,三轮车、摩托车,横冲直撞。人拥车挤... “有市无场”与“有场无市”游何保出差途经某镇,宽阔的水泥国道,却车速骤减。只见国道两旁农副产品交易做得正忙。大蒜、萝卜、大白菜,鸡蛋、鹅鸭、鲜鱼虾,应有尽有。板车、手推车,横竖乱放,三轮车、摩托车,横冲直撞。人拥车挤,宽宽的国道一下子窄了一半。该镇座... 展开更多
关键词 有场无市 社会主义市经济 建设市 产品交易 农副产品 交通事故 盲目建设 农贸市 大白菜 摩托车
On capped Higgs positivity cone
作者 Dong-Yu Hong Zhuo-Hui Wang Shuang-Yong Zhou 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期44-54,43,I0003,共13页
The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds.It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet(UV)partial wave unitarity leads to ... The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds.It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet(UV)partial wave unitarity leads to the Wilson coefficients living in a convex cone,further including the nonpositivity part caps the cone from above.For Higgs scattering,a capped positivity cone was obtained using a simplified,linear unitarity condition without utilizing the full internal symmetries of Higgs scattering.Here,we further implement stronger nonlinear unitarity conditions from the UV,which generically gives rise to better bounds.We show that,for the Higgs case in particular,while the nonlinear unitarity conditions per se do not enhance the bounds,the fuller use of the internal symmetries do shrink the capped positivity cone significantly. 展开更多
关键词 positivity bounds standard model effective field theory(SMEFT) HIGGS
作者 吴一平 《经济研究参考》 1996年第ZC期43-44,共2页
农贸市场运行中存在的问题:(1)市场建设超前。目前,许多地方基于对市场的片 面认识,只重视市场实体,忽视市场的本质,一味夸大了市场对当地经济的引导及刺激作用,割裂了市场与生产和消费的内在联系,导致“有场无市”或市场交易效率很低。
关键词 农贸市 存在的问题及对策 运行中 交易效率 均衡 马路市 有场无市 方基 建设 管理模式
作者 乔大可 《支点》 2015年第7期52-55,共4页
药市不突出大别山特色、不坚持产地购货、不带动基地建设,单凭转手交易经营,就没有出路、没有后劲。历经25年发展的蕲春药市,至今依然在蹒跚前行。蕲春李时珍中药材专业市场,是目前湖北省唯一的国家级中药材专业市场,同时也是全国17家... 药市不突出大别山特色、不坚持产地购货、不带动基地建设,单凭转手交易经营,就没有出路、没有后劲。历经25年发展的蕲春药市,至今依然在蹒跚前行。蕲春李时珍中药材专业市场,是目前湖北省唯一的国家级中药材专业市场,同时也是全国17家中药材专业市场之一。特别是2014年全国药市审批的大门关闭,李时珍中药材市场的'国字号'招牌,显得尤为珍贵。 展开更多
关键词 李时珍 大别山 有场无市 专业市
《天天爱学习(五年级)》 2016年第25期35-35,共1页
关键词 小学教育 语文 阅读 《书中有场雨》
作者 李必大 陈政 《农村农业农民》 1994年第1期8-8,共1页
目前,一些地方在兴办专业市场中出现了争数量、赶任务、盲目兴建的现象,结果事与愿违,使市场成了有场无市的"空壳",为此,建市场必须做到:一、科学规划,合理布局。某市近几年建成的20多个粮食市场,除一个玉米市场外,其它都不... 目前,一些地方在兴办专业市场中出现了争数量、赶任务、盲目兴建的现象,结果事与愿违,使市场成了有场无市的"空壳",为此,建市场必须做到:一、科学规划,合理布局。某市近几年建成的20多个粮食市场,除一个玉米市场外,其它都不成功。主要原因就在于片面强调地方产品优势,强行以行政区划设立市场。这个教训告诉我们,市场建设必须尊重客观规律,统筹考虑,合理布局。二、依托资源,因地制宜。专业市场成交量的大小、渗透力的强弱,往往由该专业市场的资源优势、产品质量、地理位置、价格指数、传统习惯、商品流向所决定。吴江盛泽的东方丝绸市场,1992年成交额达10亿元,进驻企业近千家。 展开更多
关键词 合理布局 专业市 建设 粮食市 价格指数 科学规划 玉米市 丝绸市 行政区划 有场无市
作者 柳叙 《文明与宣传》 1998年第3期33-34,共2页
如果组织一项调查,了解近几年来建设项目什么最热?毫无疑问是建市场;如果统计近几年重复建设的项目什么最多?不用说还是市场。确实,最近几年在全国兴建的各类专业市场已不下数万个,而且市场的主要特征总离不开一个“大”字,即:建场数量... 如果组织一项调查,了解近几年来建设项目什么最热?毫无疑问是建市场;如果统计近几年重复建设的项目什么最多?不用说还是市场。确实,最近几年在全国兴建的各类专业市场已不下数万个,而且市场的主要特征总离不开一个“大”字,即:建场数量大,占地面积大,耗资数额大。 建市场、活流通、兴经济本无可非议。但由于许多地方的市场是凭主观想象而建起来的,尽管大都气势恢弘,但无论政府及有关部门怎么发动,从事经营的人却不买这个帐,以致许多漂亮的市场门庭冷落,成了一个个“空壳子”的大杂院。人们不禁要问,这有场无市的局面何时才能改变? 展开更多
关键词 有场无市 空壳市 社会主义市经济 大市 专业市 运行质量 建设项目 假冒伪劣商品 体制改革 经济发展
《技术与市场》 1995年第4期8-8,共1页
市场有建成功的,也有建失败的;有自发成功的,也有自生自灭的。先有市,还是先有场,这只是个现象,而不绝对的。关键是掌握市场形成的条件,这才是本质。不管是自发的,还是人为的,但有一条是肯定的:市场总得有个形。光有市没有场不行,光有... 市场有建成功的,也有建失败的;有自发成功的,也有自生自灭的。先有市,还是先有场,这只是个现象,而不绝对的。关键是掌握市场形成的条件,这才是本质。不管是自发的,还是人为的,但有一条是肯定的:市场总得有个形。光有市没有场不行,光有场无市也不成市场,或许这本是一对“孪生兄弟”。即使现代化通信网络发达了, 展开更多
关键词 机电产品 交易城 通信网络 专业市 孪生兄弟 有场无市 国内生产总值 掌握市 产业依托 中等城市
Rapid detection and risk assessment of soil contamination at lead smelting site based on machine learning
作者 Sheng-guo XUE Jing-pei FENG +5 位作者 Wen-shun KE Mu LI Kun-yan QIU Chu-xuan LI Chuan WU Lin GUO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3054-3068,共15页
A general prediction model for seven heavy metals was established using the heavy metal contents of 207soil samples measured by a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer(XRF)and six environmental factors as model cor... A general prediction model for seven heavy metals was established using the heavy metal contents of 207soil samples measured by a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer(XRF)and six environmental factors as model correction coefficients.The eXtreme Gradient Boosting(XGBoost)model was used to fit the relationship between the content of heavy metals and environment characteristics to evaluate the soil ecological risk of the smelting site.The results demonstrated that the generalized prediction model developed for Pb,Cd,and As was highly accurate with fitted coefficients(R^(2))values of 0.911,0.950,and 0.835,respectively.Topsoil presented the highest ecological risk,and there existed high potential ecological risk at some positions with different depths due to high mobility of Cd.Generally,the application of machine learning significantly increased the accuracy of pXRF measurements,and identified key environmental factors.The adapted potential ecological risk assessment emphasized the need to focus on Pb,Cd,and As in future site remediation efforts. 展开更多
关键词 smelting site potentially toxic elements X-ray fluorescence potential ecological risk machine learning
Superposition of dual electric fields in covalent organic frameworks for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
作者 Chao Li Shuo Wang +8 位作者 Yuan Liub Xihe Huang Yan Zhuang Shuhong Wu Ying Wang Na Wen Kaifeng Wu Zhengxin Ding Jinlin Long 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第8期164-175,共12页
Covalent organic frameworks(COFs)are promising materials for converting solar energy into green hydrogen.However,limited charge separation and transport in COFs impede their application in the photocatalytic hydrogen ... Covalent organic frameworks(COFs)are promising materials for converting solar energy into green hydrogen.However,limited charge separation and transport in COFs impede their application in the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).In this study,the intrinsically tunable internal bond electric field(IBEF)at the imine bonds of COFs was manipulated to cooperate with the internal molecular electric field(IMEF)induced by the donor-acceptor(D-A)structure for an efficient HER.The aligned orientation of IBEF and IMEF resulted in a remarkable H_(2) evolution rate of 57.3 mmol·g^(-1)·h^(-1)on TNCA,which was approximately 520 times higher than that of TCNA(0.11 mmol·g^(-1)·h^(-1))with the opposing electric field orientation.The superposition of the dual electric fields enables the IBEF to function as an accelerating field for electron transfer,kinetically facilitat-ing the migration of photogenerated electrons from D to A.Furthermore,theoretical calculations indicate that the inhomogeneous charge distribution at the C and N atoms in TNCA not only pro-vides a strong driving force for carrier transfer but also effectively hinders the return of free elec-trons to the valence band,improving the utilization of photoelectrons.This strategy of fabricating dual electric fields in COFs offers a novel approach to designing photocatalysts for clean energy synthesis. 展开更多
关键词 Covalent organic framework Internal molecular electric field Internal bond electric field PHOTOCATALYSIS Hydrogen evolution
Impact of correlated private signals on continuous-time insider trading
作者 ZHOU Yonghui XIAO Kai 《运筹学学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期97-107,共11页
A model of continuous-time insider trading in which a risk-neutral in-sider possesses two imperfect correlated signals of a risky asset is studied.By conditional expectation theory and filtering theory,we first establ... A model of continuous-time insider trading in which a risk-neutral in-sider possesses two imperfect correlated signals of a risky asset is studied.By conditional expectation theory and filtering theory,we first establish three lemmas:normal corre-lation,equivalent pricing and equivalent profit,which can guarantee to turn our model into a model with insider knowing full information.Then we investigate the impact of the two correlated signals on the market equilibrium consisting of optimal insider trading strategy and semi-strong pricing rule.It shows that in the equilibrium,(1)the market depth is constant over time;(2)if the two noisy signals are not linerly correlated,then all private information of the insider is incorporated into prices in the end while the whole information on the asset value can not incorporated into prices in the end;(3)if the two noisy signals are linear correlated such that the insider can infer the whole information of the asset value,then our model turns into a model with insider knowing full information;(4)if the two noisy signals are the same then the total ex ant profit of the insider is increasing with the noise decreasing,while down to O as the noise going up to infinity;(5)if the two noisy signals are not linear correlated then with one noisy signal fixed,the total ex ante profit of the insider is single-peaked with a unique minimum with respect to the other noisy signal value,and furthermore as the noisy value going to O it gets its maximum,the profit in the case that the real value is observed. 展开更多
关键词 continuous-time insider trading risk neutral private correlated signals linear bayesian equilibrium market depth residual information
Electromagnetic holographic sensitivity field of two-phase flow in horizontal wells 被引量:2
作者 张阔 吴锡令 +1 位作者 闫景富 蔡家铁 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期40-48,189,共10页
Electromagnetic holographic data are characterized by two modes, suggesting that image reconstruction requires a dual-mode sensitivity field as well. We analyze an electromagnetic holographic field based on tomography... Electromagnetic holographic data are characterized by two modes, suggesting that image reconstruction requires a dual-mode sensitivity field as well. We analyze an electromagnetic holographic field based on tomography theory and Radon inverse transform to derive the expression of the electromagnetic holographic sensitivity field (EMHSF). Then, we apply the EMHSF calculated by using finite-element methods to flow simulations and holographic imaging. The results suggest that the EMHSF based on the partial derivative of radius of the complex electric potential φ is closely linked to the Radon inverse transform and encompasses the sensitivities of the amplitude and phase data. The flow images obtained with inversion using EMHSF better agree with the actual flow patterns. The EMHSF overcomes the limitations of traditional single-mode sensitivity fields. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic holographic sensitivity field (EMHSF) holographic physical detection field finite-element method holographic imaging
Effect of atomic structure on migration characteristic and solute segregation of ordered domain interfaces formed in Ni_(75)Al_xV_(25-x) 被引量:1
作者 张明义 陈铮 +3 位作者 王永欣 马光 卢艳丽 范晓丽 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期604-611,共8页
Based on the microscopic phase-field model, ordered domain interfaces formed between D022 (Ni3V) phases along [001] direction in Ni75AlxV25-x alloys were simulated, and the effects of atomic structure on the migrati... Based on the microscopic phase-field model, ordered domain interfaces formed between D022 (Ni3V) phases along [001] direction in Ni75AlxV25-x alloys were simulated, and the effects of atomic structure on the migration characteristic and solute segregation of interfaces were studied. It is found that the migration ability is related to the atomic structure of interfaces, and three kinds of interfaces can migrate except the interface (001)//(002) which has the characteristic of L12 (Ni3Al) structure. V atoms jump to the nearest neighbor site and substitute for Ni, and vice versa. Because of the site selectivity behaviors of jumping atoms, the number of jumping atoms during the migration is the least and the jumping distance of atoms is the shortest among all possible modes, and the atomic structures of interfaces are unchanged before and after the migration. The preferences and degree of segregation or depletion of alloy elements are also related to the atomic structure of interface. 展开更多
关键词 atomic migration characteristic solute segregation site selectivity microscopic phase-field ordered domain interface
Analysis of Static Temperature Field of Vehicle's Solid Rubber Tire 被引量:8
作者 郑慕侨 崔玉福 孙逢春 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第2期135-140,共6页
Aim To analyse the static temperature field ofthe solid rubber tire(SRT).Methods The mechanical and thermal FE models were developed and analyzed respectively with the FE software ANSYS.Results The maximum temperature... Aim To analyse the static temperature field ofthe solid rubber tire(SRT).Methods The mechanical and thermal FE models were developed and analyzed respectively with the FE software ANSYS.Results The maximum temperature becomes higher with the higher with the higher velocity of tire and scales down slightly with the higher convection coefficients.The mixed models are reasonable.Conclusion The study on static temperature field is important and reasonable.It gives the fundament for life analysis of SRT. 展开更多
关键词 static temperature field solid rubber tire FE analysis
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