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低He气压下Rb(5P_(3/2))激发态有效辐射率的计算与测量 被引量:1
作者 赵亿坤 白振岙 +2 位作者 陈洁 戴康 沈异凡 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期790-794,共5页
计算和测量了Rb-He混合蒸气中Rb(5P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率,使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将Rb原子激发至5P3/2态,另一调谐到5P3/2→7S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与泵浦束反平行通过样品池,并在池的直径方向平行移动,通过对检测激... 计算和测量了Rb-He混合蒸气中Rb(5P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率,使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将Rb原子激发至5P3/2态,另一调谐到5P3/2→7S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与泵浦束反平行通过样品池,并在池的直径方向平行移动,通过对检测激光束的吸收测定了激发态原子密度及其空间分布.由于辐射陷获存在,有效辐射率是自然辐射率与透射因子(发射的光子在探测区域内没有被吸收的平均概率,它与吸收截面及激发态原子密度和空间分布有关)的乘积.5P3/2原子密度及其空间分布结合5P3/2←5S1/2跃迁线的碰撞增宽计算了透射因子,从而得到了不同He气压下,RbD2线的有效辐射率.从5P3/2→5S1/2跃迁线强度I780的测量,得到的不同He气压下有效辐射率的比值与理论计算得到的比值相符. 展开更多
关键词 激光光谱 有效辐射率 辐射陷获 Rb-He混合蒸气 碰撞增宽
Cs-He混合蒸气中的辐射陷获效应和6P3/2能级有效辐射率的测量 被引量:1
作者 沈晓燕 戴康 沈异凡 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1464-1467,共4页
测量了Cs-He混合蒸气中Cs(6P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率,圆柱形样品池充入金属Cs和气压PHe为0-500Pa的He,样品池温度控制在330-370K之间,在池中产生10^12~10^13 cm^-3。的Cs原子密度,使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将cs原子... 测量了Cs-He混合蒸气中Cs(6P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率,圆柱形样品池充入金属Cs和气压PHe为0-500Pa的He,样品池温度控制在330-370K之间,在池中产生10^12~10^13 cm^-3。的Cs原子密度,使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将cs原子激发至6P3/2态,另一调谐到6P3/2→8S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与泵浦束反平行通过样品池,并在池的直径方向平行移动,通过对检测激光束的吸收测定了激发态原子密度及其空间分布。由于辐射陷获存在,有效辐射率是自然辐射率与透射因子(发射的光子在探测区域内没有被吸收的平均概率,它与吸收截面及激发态原子密度和空间分布有关)的乘积。由6P3/2原子密度及其空间分布结合6P3/2←6S1/2跃迁线的碰撞增宽计算了透射因子,从而得到了不同He气压下,Cs D2线的有效辐射率。从6P3/26→S1/2跃迁线强度I852的测量,得到的不同He气压下有效辐射率的比值与理论计算得到的比值相符。 展开更多
关键词 激光光谱 有效辐射率 辐射陷获 压力增宽 Cs-He混合蒸气
作者 冯雪磊 沈勇 《电声技术》 2016年第2期19-22,共4页
通常为扬声器阵列的压缩驱动单元安装声波导,以提高阵列的性能。分析了声波导的等效长度,并且提出声波导的有效辐射率这一评价指标,以反映声波导的利用率。还提出测量声波导有效辐射率的指向性拟合方法,实验表明,和原有的特定角度方法相... 通常为扬声器阵列的压缩驱动单元安装声波导,以提高阵列的性能。分析了声波导的等效长度,并且提出声波导的有效辐射率这一评价指标,以反映声波导的利用率。还提出测量声波导有效辐射率的指向性拟合方法,实验表明,和原有的特定角度方法相比,指向性拟合方法更加准确可靠。 展开更多
关键词 声波导 有效辐射率 扬声器阵列 指向性
Rb+(Ar,N_2)混合蒸气中5P_(3/2)能级有效辐射率的计算和测量 被引量:6
作者 陈洁 白振岙 +2 位作者 赵亿坤 戴康 沈异凡 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期907-910,共4页
计算和测量了Rb+(Ar,N2)混合蒸气中Rb(5P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率。使用单模半导体激光器(抽运激光)将Rb原子激发至5P3/2态,另一调谐到5P3/2→7S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与抽运光束反平行通过样品池,并在池的径向平行移动,通过检测... 计算和测量了Rb+(Ar,N2)混合蒸气中Rb(5P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率。使用单模半导体激光器(抽运激光)将Rb原子激发至5P3/2态,另一调谐到5P3/2→7S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与抽运光束反平行通过样品池,并在池的径向平行移动,通过检测激光束的吸收测定了激发态原子密度及其空间分布。由于辐射陷获存在,有效辐射率为自然辐射率与透射因子(发射的光子在探测区域内没有被吸收的平均概率)的乘积。5P3/2原子密度及其空间分布结合5P3/2←5S1/2跃迁线的碰撞增宽计算了透射因子,从而得到了不同Ar或N2气压下,RbD2线的有效辐射率。对5P3/2-Ar系统,在不同气压下测得的D2线强度比值与有效辐射率计算值的比值相符。对于5P3/2-N2系统,研究了电子态向振动态的碰撞转移,得到了转移截面。 展开更多
关键词 激光光谱 有效辐射率 辐射陷获 压力增宽 Rb+(Ar N2)混合蒸气
作者 龚惠兴 冯旗 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第3期203-209,共7页
关键词 黑体辐射 有效辐射率 辐射 探测
Cs-Ar混合蒸气中6P_(3/2)激发态的空间分布和辐射陷获 被引量:1
作者 白振岙 赵亿坤 +2 位作者 陈洁 戴康 沈异凡 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期15-16,共2页
计算和测量了Cs-Ar混合蒸气中Cs(6P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率。使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将Cs原子激发至6P3/2态,另一调谐到6P3/2→8S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与泵浦束反平行通过样品池,并在池的直径方向平行移动,通过对检测激... 计算和测量了Cs-Ar混合蒸气中Cs(6P3/2)共振能级的有效辐射率。使用单模半导体激光器(泵浦激光)将Cs原子激发至6P3/2态,另一调谐到6P3/2→8S1/2的单模激光束(检测激光)与泵浦束反平行通过样品池,并在池的直径方向平行移动,通过对检测激光束的吸收测定了激发态原子密度及其空间分布。由于辐射陷获存在,有效辐射率是自然辐射率与透射因子(发射的光子在探测区域内没有被吸收的平均概率)的乘积。6P3/2原子密度及其空间分布结合6P3/2←6S1/2跃迁线的碰撞增宽计算了透射因子,从而得到了不同Ar气压下,Cs D2线的有效辐射率。从6P3/2→6S1/2跃迁线强度I852的测量,得到了不同Ar气压下有效辐射率的比值与理论计算得到的比值相符。 展开更多
关键词 激光光谱 有效辐射率 辐射陷获 压力增宽 Cs-Ar混合蒸气
非同温混合像元热辐射有效比辐射率概念及其验证 被引量:17
作者 陈良富 庄家礼 +3 位作者 徐希孺 牛铮 张仁华 项月琴 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期22-29,共8页
基于局地热平衡和比辐射率不随温度变化两个前提,提出了非同温混合像元热辐射组分有效比辐射率的概念,得到了由组分有效比辐射率构成的非同温混合像元热辐射方向性模型.研究表明,组分有效比辐射率只与组分的光学特性、几何结构有关... 基于局地热平衡和比辐射率不随温度变化两个前提,提出了非同温混合像元热辐射组分有效比辐射率的概念,得到了由组分有效比辐射率构成的非同温混合像元热辐射方向性模型.研究表明,组分有效比辐射率只与组分的光学特性、几何结构有关,与组分温度无关.组分温度只改变组分辐射亮度值在体系总辐射亮度中的比例.像元的总有效比辐射率与其方向-半球反射率的和恒等于 1.经用 Monte Carlo方法对离散圆锥体和连续的冬小麦两种代表性目标的组分有效比辐射率模拟,由此计算得到目标的辐射亮度值与室内外实验观测结果吻合得很好。 展开更多
关键词 非同温混合像元 辐射 有效辐射率 红外遥感
恒定束宽扬声器线阵列优化研究 被引量:6
作者 朱舸 沈勇 +1 位作者 夏洁 冯雪磊 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期95-104,共10页
为了保持恒定束宽扬声器(Constant beamwidth transducer,CBT)线阵列高频指向性恒定,解决单元间距过小的问题,减小阵元数目,提出了利用声波导代替扬声器单元,建立了波导CBT阵列的声场模型。基于数值计算结果和数据分析,比较了不同阵元... 为了保持恒定束宽扬声器(Constant beamwidth transducer,CBT)线阵列高频指向性恒定,解决单元间距过小的问题,减小阵元数目,提出了利用声波导代替扬声器单元,建立了波导CBT阵列的声场模型。基于数值计算结果和数据分析,比较了不同阵元数目的波导CBT阵列和CBT阵列的指向性和声场分布,讨论了有效辐射率和使用阵元数目的关系。通过提高有效辐射率可以有效降低CBT阵列所需阵元数目,解决了扬声器单元间距过小的问题。 展开更多
关键词 CBT阵列 声波导 有效辐射率
Estimation of Net Primary Productivity of Terrestrial Vegetation in China by Remote Sensing 被引量:31
作者 陈利军 刘高焕 冯险峰 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第11期1191-1198,共8页
Among the many approaches for studying the net primary productivity (NPP), a new method by using remote sensing was introduced in this paper. With spectral information source (the visible band, near infrared band and ... Among the many approaches for studying the net primary productivity (NPP), a new method by using remote sensing was introduced in this paper. With spectral information source (the visible band, near infrared band and thermal infrared band) of NOAA-AVHRR, we can get the relative index and parameters, which can be used for estimating NPP of terrestrial vegetation. By means of remote sensing, the estimation of biomass and NPP is mainly based on the models of light energy utilization. In other words, the biomass and NPP can be calculated from the relation among NPP, absorbed photosynthetical active radiation (APAR) and the rate (epsilon) of transformation of APAR to organic matter, thus: NPP = ( FPAR x PAR) x [epsilon * x sigma (T) x sigma (E) x sigma (S) x (1 - Y-m) x (1 - Y-g)]. Based upon remote sensing ( RS) and geographic information system (GIS), the NPP of terrestrial vegetation in China in every ten days was calculated, and the annual NPP was integrated. The result showed that the total NPP of terrestrial vegetation in China was 6.13 x 10(9) t C . a(-1) in 1990 and the maximum NPP was 1 812.9 g C/m(2). According to this result, the spatio-temporal distribution of NPP was analyzed. Comparing to the statistical models, the RS model, using area object other than point one, can better reflect the distribution of NPP, and match the geographic distribution of vegetation in China. 展开更多
关键词 remote sensing net primary productivity absorbed photosynthetical active radiation light energy utilization BIOMASS
Estimating Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation of Corn with Vegetation Indices and Neural Network from Hyperspectral Data 被引量:2
作者 YANG Fei ZHU Yunqiang +1 位作者 ZHANG Jiahua YAO Zuofang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期63-74,共12页
The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation productivity and land ecosystem carbon cycles. Based on ground-measured corn hyperspectral reflectance and... The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation productivity and land ecosystem carbon cycles. Based on ground-measured corn hyperspectral reflectance and FPAR data over Northeast China, the correlations between corn-canopy FPAR and hyperspectral reflectance were analyzed, and the FPAR estimation performances using vegetation index (VI) and neural network (NN) methods with different two-band-combination hyperspectral reflectance were investigated. The results indicated that the corn-canopy FPAR retained almost a constant value in an entire day. The negative correlations between FPAR and visible and shortwave infrared reflectance (SWIR) bands are stronger than the positive correlations between FPAR and near-infrared band re- flectance (NIR). For the six VIs, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR) performed best for estimating corn FPAR (the maximum R2 of 0.8849 and 0.8852, respectively). However, the NN method esti- mated results (the maximum Rz is 0.9417) were obviously better than all of the VIs. For NN method, the two-band combinations showing the best corn FPAR estimation performances were from the NIR and visible bands; for VIs, however, they were from the SWIR and NIR bands. As for both the methods, the SWIR band performed exceptionally well for corn FPAR estimation. This may be attributable to the fact that the reflectance of the SWIR band were strongly controlled by leaf water content, which is a key component of corn photosynthesis and greatly affects the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and makes further impact on corn-canopy FPAR. 展开更多
关键词 hyperspectral remote sensing CORN FPAR vegetation index neural network
Effective Thermal Conductivity with Convection and Radiation in Packed Bed 被引量:1
作者 Yusuke Asakuma Tsuyoshi Yamamoto 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期639-646,共8页
Effective thermal conductivity with convection and radiation is analyzed by the homogenization method. This method can precisely represent the microstructure of a packed bed. In this study, the effects of parameters s... Effective thermal conductivity with convection and radiation is analyzed by the homogenization method. This method can precisely represent the microstructure of a packed bed. In this study, the effects of parameters such as the radiation emissivity, temperature, contact area and particle size of the packed bed on the conductivity have been estimated. For example, heat transfer by radiation does not dominate if the material has voids of less than l mm in size. Moreover, the effects of contact area and pressure on effective thermal conductivity are negligible for thermal radiation. By considering the microscopic behavior of a packed bed, the homogenization method is thus a powerful tool for estimating the bed's effective thermal conductivity. 展开更多
关键词 Effective thermal conductivity homogenization method multiscale analysis MICROSTRUCTURE thermal radiation.
Study on Stability and Efficiency of High-Power Ultrawideband Radiation Source
作者 Vladimir I. Koshelev Yury A. Andreev +4 位作者 Anatoly M. Efremov Boris M. Kovalchuk Vyacheslav V. Plisko Konstantin N. Sukhushin Shuhua Liu 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第5期771-776,共6页
Investigations are directed to the development of high-power sources ofUWB (ultrawideband) radiation based on excitation of anterma arrays with bipolar voltage pulses. In the previously designed high-power UWB sourc... Investigations are directed to the development of high-power sources ofUWB (ultrawideband) radiation based on excitation of anterma arrays with bipolar voltage pulses. In the previously designed high-power UWB sources only one bipolar pulse former and different feeder systems for pulse distribution through the array elements were used. By means of this approach, a number of UWB sources were created with the bipolar voltage pulse length ranging from 0.2 to 2 ns and effective potential of radiation ranging from 0.4 to 3 MV. The approach has got a restriction related to the electrical breakdown in a bipolar voltage pulse former. A new approach to the creation of high-power UWB sources based on a multicharmel bipolar pulse former is suggested: the number of bipolar pulse formers is equal to the number of antennas in the array. The main problem in realization of this approach is a stable operation of bipolar pulse formers in order to ensure a coherent summation of radiated pulses in the far-field zone. The result of this work is the instability of-150 ps at the pulse length of 3 ns obtained in a one-channel bipolar pulse former indicating that the suggested approach is realizable. 展开更多
关键词 Monopolar pulse generator bipolar pulse former combined transmitting antenna ultrawideband radiation.
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