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《有机污染化学》课程教学改革与实践 被引量:1
作者 陆光华 闫振华 +1 位作者 刘建超 吴东海 《广州化工》 CAS 2016年第17期190-191,共2页
根据环境科学与工程专业研究生创新人才培养目标,进行了《有机污染化学》硕士学位课程的教学改革与实践,将"成果导向教育"理念贯穿于整个教学实践中。以学生能力培养为核心,精心设计课程内容,紧扣学科前沿;改进教学方法,采用... 根据环境科学与工程专业研究生创新人才培养目标,进行了《有机污染化学》硕士学位课程的教学改革与实践,将"成果导向教育"理念贯穿于整个教学实践中。以学生能力培养为核心,精心设计课程内容,紧扣学科前沿;改进教学方法,采用启发式教学、交互式教学、翻转课堂等方式,提高学习效果;改革考核方式,采用多层次、多元化考核评价方法,客观评价课程培养目标的达成度。《有机污染化学》教学新模式可为相关专业硕士学位课程的教学提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 有机污染化学 OBE 教学改革
作者 谭桂平 常学义 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2022年第12期5-8,共4页
本文对我校资源与环境专业学位硕士点的专业选修课《有机污染化学》的网络教学进行设计,针对该课程理论和实验教学的情况,结合学生网络问卷调查结果,将理论教学的设为18学时,并分设为两部分完成。第一部分是进行网络直播,讲授理论基础... 本文对我校资源与环境专业学位硕士点的专业选修课《有机污染化学》的网络教学进行设计,针对该课程理论和实验教学的情况,结合学生网络问卷调查结果,将理论教学的设为18学时,并分设为两部分完成。第一部分是进行网络直播,讲授理论基础知识和介绍相关最新科研成果;第二部分是待线下实验教学结束后,让学生通过线上提交实验报告和课程论文,进行师生互动讨论。涉及实验教学(14学时),则计划通过网络课程进行前期培训,充分体现实验课程的灵动性。认真录制好全部演示实验,以保证顺利完成教学任务。 展开更多
关键词 资源与环境专业学位硕士 网络教学 有机污染化学 实验教学
食品中有机化学污染物的检测方法与控制技术分析 被引量:1
作者 古丽契热·阿地力 《中外食品工业》 2024年第11期58-60,共3页
食品安全已成为全球共同关注的焦点,尤其是食品中有机化学污染物的检测与控制,关乎民众健康与社会和谐。有机化学污染物,如农药残留、兽药残留、多环芳烃、塑化剂等,它们或源于农业生产,或来自工业排放,甚至日常生活中的人为疏忽,都可... 食品安全已成为全球共同关注的焦点,尤其是食品中有机化学污染物的检测与控制,关乎民众健康与社会和谐。有机化学污染物,如农药残留、兽药残留、多环芳烃、塑化剂等,它们或源于农业生产,或来自工业排放,甚至日常生活中的人为疏忽,都可能导致这些污染物悄无声息地侵入我们的饮食链,构成隐形的健康威胁。面对这一挑战,科学家与工程师们不断探索创新,致力于研发精准的检测技术和有效的控制策略,以期构建起一道坚固的防线,守护餐桌安全。本文旨在深入剖析食品中有机化学污染物的检测方法与控制技术,揭示其背后的科学原理与实践应用,为食品安全领域贡献一份力量。 展开更多
关键词 食品 有机化学污染 检测方法 控制技术
作者 丛阿伟 任跃红 董金龙 《中国化工贸易》 2013年第3期260-260,共1页
室内是人们生存与生活的重要场所,直接关系着人们的身心问题。而室内因各种装饰材料与通风等多种因素影响,其空气品质较为低劣,严重影响到人们健康、舒适及工作效率。本文对室内的有机化学污染防治做了探究,针对一些重点问题进行讨... 室内是人们生存与生活的重要场所,直接关系着人们的身心问题。而室内因各种装饰材料与通风等多种因素影响,其空气品质较为低劣,严重影响到人们健康、舒适及工作效率。本文对室内的有机化学污染防治做了探究,针对一些重点问题进行讨论与研究,便于相关研究者共同关注。 展开更多
关键词 有机化学污染 防治 室内
浅谈室内有机化学污染物检测中的几个问题 被引量:2
作者 刘志芳 《工程质量》 2007年第11期20-21,共2页
通过室内有机化学污染物的检测实践,对《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325-2001(2006版)以及部分装饰装修材料检测规范在实际应用中存在的一些问题,分别从室内空气污染季节性变化、室内空气质量评价、结果判定以及板材和木制... 通过室内有机化学污染物的检测实践,对《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325-2001(2006版)以及部分装饰装修材料检测规范在实际应用中存在的一些问题,分别从室内空气污染季节性变化、室内空气质量评价、结果判定以及板材和木制家具检测方法等方面予以讨论,并提出了自己的看法。 展开更多
关键词 有机化学污染 检测 问题
室内有机化学污染物检测中的常见问题与解决策略 被引量:8
作者 潘正芝 《生物化工》 2020年第2期97-100,共4页
室内的空气质量问题是现代社会所面临的新环境问题,其产生和发展进程与社会经济生活水平密切相关。大量的化学制品、材料在建筑中的应用,导致了室内环境中各种有机化学污染物的出现。本文针对室内有机化学污染物的检测环节中出现的一些... 室内的空气质量问题是现代社会所面临的新环境问题,其产生和发展进程与社会经济生活水平密切相关。大量的化学制品、材料在建筑中的应用,导致了室内环境中各种有机化学污染物的出现。本文针对室内有机化学污染物的检测环节中出现的一些常见问题进行研究,并探讨其解决策略。 展开更多
关键词 有机化学污染 常见问题 解决策略
室内有机化学污染物检测中的问题和对策 被引量:1
作者 张金玉 《清洗世界》 CAS 2021年第5期53-54,共2页
当前室内空气质量问题是现代社会所必须要面临的新环境问题,其发生和发展进程与社会经济生活水平具有直接关联。建筑装修大量使用化学制品、材料,其中许多都含有有机化学污染物,包括苯系物、甲醛等,对人体健康造成了非常严重的威胁。本... 当前室内空气质量问题是现代社会所必须要面临的新环境问题,其发生和发展进程与社会经济生活水平具有直接关联。建筑装修大量使用化学制品、材料,其中许多都含有有机化学污染物,包括苯系物、甲醛等,对人体健康造成了非常严重的威胁。本研究将针对室内有机化学污染物的检测环节中经常出现的一些问题进行分析研究,并基于此提出相应的解决措施。 展开更多
关键词 室内 有机化学污染 问题 对策
作者 邸晓曼 《中国化工贸易》 2013年第5期233-234,共2页
随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对室内装饰装修的要求越来越高,因而对室内环境的有机化学物质污染也越来越重视。本文通过对室内环境中主要的污染物——甲醛、苯、总挥发性有机化合物的介绍,进而阐述净化室内空气、提高室内空气质量的... 随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对室内装饰装修的要求越来越高,因而对室内环境的有机化学物质污染也越来越重视。本文通过对室内环境中主要的污染物——甲醛、苯、总挥发性有机化合物的介绍,进而阐述净化室内空气、提高室内空气质量的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 室内环境 有机化学污染 甲醛 总挥发性有机化合物
作者 张庭境 《当代化工研究》 2019年第1期33-34,共2页
目前使用的多种室内装修材料都含有有机化学污染物,包括甲醛、苯系物等,会对人体健康产生严重威胁。本文将从高中有机化学角度出发,结合所学知识和文献研究成果,对室内装修材料的化学污染物进行分析,包括甲醛、苯系物及其他有机化学污染... 目前使用的多种室内装修材料都含有有机化学污染物,包括甲醛、苯系物等,会对人体健康产生严重威胁。本文将从高中有机化学角度出发,结合所学知识和文献研究成果,对室内装修材料的化学污染物进行分析,包括甲醛、苯系物及其他有机化学污染物,在此基础上,提出几点室内装修材料的选择与应用策略,包括有机化学污染检测、污染物治理以及绿色材料的选择应用等。 展开更多
关键词 室内装修材料 高中有机化学 有机化学污染 材料选择应用
交互式教学在研究生专业课讲授中的应用 被引量:3
作者 毕二平 《科技信息》 2009年第5期86-86,共1页
在研究生阶段,由于学生往往来自不同的学校,不同的专业,有的学生专业跨度甚至很大,以致他们在一些专业课的起点不同,这就给教师授课提出了一个问题,如何让课堂教学既使有一定基础知识的学生不感到无趣,又能使基础较弱的学生以一种较容... 在研究生阶段,由于学生往往来自不同的学校,不同的专业,有的学生专业跨度甚至很大,以致他们在一些专业课的起点不同,这就给教师授课提出了一个问题,如何让课堂教学既使有一定基础知识的学生不感到无趣,又能使基础较弱的学生以一种较容易的方式接受新的知识。本文以硕士研究生专业课程"有机污染化学"的讲授为例,对用交互式教学法解决这一问题进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 有机污染化学 教学方法 交互式教学
作者 唐艳 刘涛 《市场周刊·理论版》 2020年第62期157-157,共1页
关键词 有机化学污染 常见问题 解决策略
Impacts of Agricultural Non-point Pollution on Water-source Area in Songhua Dam 被引量:2
作者 钟萍 段宗亮 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2375-2378,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to research impacts of agricultural non-point pol- lution on water-source region in Songhua Dam, laying foundation for control of water pollution and scientific protection of water-source regio... [Objective] The aim was to research impacts of agricultural non-point pol- lution on water-source region in Songhua Dam, laying foundation for control of water pollution and scientific protection of water-source region. [Method] Water in Muyang River, lengshui River and Zizania aquatica region were sampled to measure content of pollutants in water and conclude relation between water contamination and agri- cultural non-point pollution to find the major cause of pollution. [Result] Organic pollu- tant in Muyang River was higher; N and P contents in Lengshui River were higher; the measured indices in Zizania aquatica region excessively exceeded related stan- dard. [Conclusion] The chemical fertilizers and pesticides are the toxic materials lead- ing to water contamination and constitute a major cause of pollution in Songhua Dam water-source region. Agricultural non-point pollution should be controlled in a scientific way. 展开更多
关键词 Songhua Dam Reservoir Water-source region Agricultural non-pointpollution
丛枝菌根修复煤矿废弃地的机制与应用潜力 被引量:1
作者 石峰 宋福强 《黑龙江大学工程学报》 2021年第3期239-246,共8页
煤矿废弃地造成的土壤重金属污染是一个关键性的问题;采煤区沉陷导致地表植物被破坏,植被覆盖率降低;采煤过程会导致周边土壤污染,影响土壤中微生物群落。而丛枝菌根真菌能与植物形成共生体,在增加土壤养分、增强植物耐受力以及修复重... 煤矿废弃地造成的土壤重金属污染是一个关键性的问题;采煤区沉陷导致地表植物被破坏,植被覆盖率降低;采煤过程会导致周边土壤污染,影响土壤中微生物群落。而丛枝菌根真菌能与植物形成共生体,在增加土壤养分、增强植物耐受力以及修复重金属污染方面具有良好的效果。探讨了近年来国内外丛枝菌根真菌对煤矿废弃地如Cd等重金属污染、烃类有机化学物质污染的修复和植物生长的促进作用,以期为未来研究提供一定的思路和理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 丛枝菌根真菌 煤矿废弃地 重金属污染 有机化学物质污染
Degradation of Organic Pollutants by the Advanced Oxidation Processes 被引量:3
作者 钟理 郭江海 +2 位作者 吕扬效 李小莹 高桂田 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第2期110-115,共6页
A kinetic model has been developed for the degradation of organic pollutants concerning with hydroperoxide ion as the initial step for generation of hydroxyl radical and its subsequent reaction mechanisms. Rate equati... A kinetic model has been developed for the degradation of organic pollutants concerning with hydroperoxide ion as the initial step for generation of hydroxyl radical and its subsequent reaction mechanisms. Rate equations were derived for depletion of ozone and pollutants in the peroxone oxidation process using ozone and hydrogen peroxide as combined oxidants. Kinetic data obtained experimentally from the hydrogen peroxide-ozone reaction and peroxone oxidation of nitrobenzene were analyzed by using the proposed rate equations. 展开更多
关键词 OXIDATION POLLUTANTS advanced oxidation processes
作者 WUXiaohui ZHOUShan LUXiaohua 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2004年第1期22-28,共7页
Ultrasound (US)-induced cavitation is an effective way in oxidizing organic contaminants in wastewater either as the independent operation unit or in combination with other oxidation methods. In this paper, black liqu... Ultrasound (US)-induced cavitation is an effective way in oxidizing organic contaminants in wastewater either as the independent operation unit or in combination with other oxidation methods. In this paper, black liquor and filtrate after acidifying and settling were sonicated. The effect of working parameters on ultrasonic degradation of black liquor, such as different combination methods, frequency, power supply, initial concentration, pH, duration time, ionic strength and catalyst were studied. The results were as follows: (1) At the conditions of 40kHz, 100W, 4h, pH at 6 and temperature 30?℃, utilizing US/US-H2O2/US-Fenton, weak-orange filtrate turned to colloid with the increase of time and little sediment produced after settling. Especially filtrate came to be milk white collides and upper water approached to nearly achromatic by US-Fenton. Compared with the US, US-H2O2/US-Fenton COD (Chemical oxidation demand) removal ratio can increase 15%, 30% respectively. Because of more hydroxyl radicals produced in the reaction process; (2) At the condition of 100W and 4h, the degradation efficiency of black liquor was better at 40kHz over at 20kHz. Moreover black liquor can be biodegraded easily. Those based on that the big molecule of contaminants in aqueous solution can be changed into the little molecule with ultrasound (3) At the condition of 40kHz and 4h, the COD removal ratio of black liquor was more higher at 60W than at 80W, while the removal ratio of COD at 60W was nearly close to the ratio at 100W; (4) The initial concentration of black liquor influenced the effect of sonochemical degradation; (5) The variation of pH had no effect on degradation; (6) The longer the duration time, the greater the removal ratio of COD. But this ratio increased slowly after 4h; (7) Adding 0.2g/L NaCl to change the ionic strength of the black liquor, the COD removal ratio can increase 10%; (8) The degradation rates increased by the coexistent catalysts of TiO2, Co2+ and Ag+. 展开更多
关键词 Ultrasound (US) Black liquor DEGRADATION Different combination methods.
Study on US/O_3 mechanism in p-chlorophenol decomposition
作者 徐献文 徐新华 +1 位作者 史惠祥 汪大翚 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期553-558,共6页
Study on the effects of sonolysis, ozonolysis and US/O3 system on the decomposition of p-chlorophenol in aqueous solutions indicated that in the cases of US/O3 system, individual ozonolysis and sonolysis, the decompos... Study on the effects of sonolysis, ozonolysis and US/O3 system on the decomposition of p-chlorophenol in aqueous solutions indicated that in the cases of US/O3 system, individual ozonolysis and sonolysis, the decomposition rate of p-chlorophenol reached 78.78%, 56.20%, 2.79% after a 16-min reaction while its CODcr (chemical oxygen demand) removal rate was 97.02%, 62.17%, 3.67% after a 120-min reaction. The decomposition reaction of p-chlorophenol follows pseudo-first-order kinetics. The enhancement factors of p-chlorophenol and its CODcr under US/O3 system reached 63% and 237% respectively. The main intermediates during the decomposition include catechol, hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, phenol, fumaric acid, maleic acid, oxalic acid and formic acid. The decomposition mechanism of p-chlorophenol was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 US/O3 P-CHLOROPHENOL Synergetic effect Decomposition mechanism
Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Fish from the Lakes of the Warmia and Mazury Region
作者 Maria Dymkowska-Malesa Agnieszka Plawgo Zbigniew Walczakt 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第2期250-255,共6页
The term polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs refers to a class of synthetic organic chemicals that are, to a large degree, chemically inert. PCBs are not found in a nature as a natural compounds and its appearance in n... The term polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs refers to a class of synthetic organic chemicals that are, to a large degree, chemically inert. PCBs are not found in a nature as a natural compounds and its appearance in natural environment is connected with unintentional and irresponsible human activity. PCBs have been produced on an industrial scale for more than 50 years and have been exported as chemicals in products to almost every country in the world. PCBs were commonly used as dielectric fluids in transformers and capacitors, in heat transfer and hydraulic systems. Other uses of PCBs included the formulation of lubricating and cutting oils, as plasticizers in paints. Nowadays PCBs are ranked among the compounds called POP (Persistent Organic Pollutants). This group of hazard removable pollutants includes pesticides, dioxins and furans also. Fishes fished from August 2006 to December 2007 from lakes in north-east Poland: Lafiskie, Kisajno and Niegocin. The investigations were carried out on four fish species: roach, common bream, perch and pike. According to the preliminary mass and length measurements anticipatory treatment were realized. Subsequently fishes were analysed in accordance with National Institute of Hygiene method. According to the investigations results PCBs were found in fish muscular tissues, fished from north-east lakes. PCB level didn't exceed the highest acceptable daily dose (4pg-TEQ body mass/day). 展开更多
关键词 PCB FISH LAKES Poland health hazard consumers.
人尿中羟基多环芳烃分析方法的研究进展 被引量:6
作者 宋喜丽 胡小键 林少彬 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第6期555-560,共6页
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛存在于环境中的持久性有机化学污染物。研究表明,PAHs不仅能引起消化道和呼吸道刺激效应,长期暴露还会对哺乳动物产生致畸、致癌和致突变危害。PAHs在人体内主要以葡萄糖苷酸结合的形式存在,酶解后尿中羟基PAHs... 多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛存在于环境中的持久性有机化学污染物。研究表明,PAHs不仅能引起消化道和呼吸道刺激效应,长期暴露还会对哺乳动物产生致畸、致癌和致突变危害。PAHs在人体内主要以葡萄糖苷酸结合的形式存在,酶解后尿中羟基PAHs(OH-PAHs)作为主要的生物标志物可以综合评价人体多途径接触PAHs的内暴露水平。该文对近年来尿中OH-PAHs的不同前处理技术(水解、萃取净化)和检测方法(液相色谱-荧光检测法、气相色谱-质谱法、液相色谱-质谱联用法)进行综述,并对未来发展趋势进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 多环芳烃 持久性有机化学污染 尿 羟基多环芳烃 生物标志物
Biochar:An Emerging Panacea for Remediation of Soil Contaminants from Mining,Industry and Sewage Wastes 被引量:15
作者 Hossain M.ANAWAR Farjana AKTER +1 位作者 Zakaria M.SOLAIMAN Vladimir STREZOV 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期654-665,共12页
Mine tailings, waste rock piles, acid mine drainage, industrial wastewater, and sewage sludge have contaminated a vast area of cultivable and fallow lands, with a consequence of deterioration of soil and water quality... Mine tailings, waste rock piles, acid mine drainage, industrial wastewater, and sewage sludge have contaminated a vast area of cultivable and fallow lands, with a consequence of deterioration of soil and water quality and watercourses due to the erosion of contaminated soils for absence of vegetative cover. High concentrations of toxic elements, organic contaminants, acidic soils, and harsh climatic conditions have made it difficult to re-establish vegetation and produce crops there. Recently, a significant body of work has focussed on the suitability and potentiality of biochar as a soil remediation tool that increases seed emergence, soil and crop productivity, above ground biomass, and vegetation cover on mine tailings, waste rock piles, and industrial and sewage waste- contaminated soils by increasing soil nutrients and water-holding capacity, amelioration of soil acidity, and stimulation of microbial diversity and functions. This review addresses: i) the functional properties of biochar, and microbial cycling of nutrients in soil; ii) bioremediation, especially phytoremediation of mine railings, industrial waste, sewage sludge, and contaminated soil using biochar; iii) impact of biochar on reduction of acid production, acid mine drainage treatment, and geochemical dynamics in mine railings; and iv) treatment of metal and organic contaminants in soils using biochar, and restoration of degraded land. 展开更多
关键词 acid mine drainage contaminated soil interaction mine railings mining waste PHYTOREMEDIATION PHYTOSTABILIZATION REVEGETATION
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