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有机太阳能电池材料的研究进展 被引量:20
作者 段晓菲 王金亮 +1 位作者 毛景 裴坚 《大学化学》 CAS 2005年第3期1-8,35,共9页
关键词 有机太阳能电池材料 结构 工作原理 共轭材料
有机太阳能电池材料中电荷转移态 被引量:2
作者 郑子龙 周荣锟 +2 位作者 胡双媛 王如志 张永哲 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1167-1179,共13页
有机光电材料太阳能电池发展迅速,其中由电子给体(D)和电子受体(A)材料界面上形成的电荷转移(charge-transfer,CT)态在激子解离、电荷分离和复合等光电物理过程中起着至关重要的作用.自从引入了D-A混合异质结活性层以来,CT态一直是实验... 有机光电材料太阳能电池发展迅速,其中由电子给体(D)和电子受体(A)材料界面上形成的电荷转移(charge-transfer,CT)态在激子解离、电荷分离和复合等光电物理过程中起着至关重要的作用.自从引入了D-A混合异质结活性层以来,CT态一直是实验和理论研究的焦点.因此,总结了近期有关CT态的研究,并描述了D-A界面的形貌、极化作用和电子态离域等因素是如何对CT态的性质以及其辐射和非辐射复合过程产生影响的.同时,概述了太阳能电池材料中光电转换的微观机理和开发新型材料所面临的挑战. 展开更多
关键词 分子动力学 密度泛函理论 电荷转移态能量分布 有机太阳能电池材料 静态无序 动态无序
有机无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池材料的电子辐照降解机制研究与电子显微成像条件探索 被引量:7
作者 陈朕欣 柯小行 +3 位作者 朱陆军 朱城 陈棋 隋曼龄 《电子显微学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期15-21,共7页
有机无机杂化钙钛矿材料由于其优异的光电性能及其在光伏器件中巨大的应用前景,在近年来引起广泛的关注并得到迅速的发展。有机无机杂化钙钛矿材料作为太阳能电池器件中的吸光层,其性能与其微结构密切相关。然而由于其有机无机杂化的性... 有机无机杂化钙钛矿材料由于其优异的光电性能及其在光伏器件中巨大的应用前景,在近年来引起广泛的关注并得到迅速的发展。有机无机杂化钙钛矿材料作为太阳能电池器件中的吸光层,其性能与其微结构密切相关。然而由于其有机无机杂化的性质,通过电子显微镜研究其结构与微结构时,极易受到电子束辐照损伤而降解,而其降解机制尚不明确。本文以典型的有机无机杂化钙钛矿材料MAPbI_3为研究对象,分别在SEM和TEM中通过改变电子束的加速电压与辐照剂量,研究其形貌变化、结构转变及微结构演变,分析不同电压下的降解机制,并探索出低损的成像条件。结果表明,MAPbI_3在SEM的低电压作用下,极易在晶界处产生缺陷并导致薄膜开裂;而在TEM中,60 kV加速电压对MAPbI_3的辐照损伤以电离损伤引起的局部加热为主,并导致相变,而300 kV加速电压导致MAPbI_3降解为PbI_2是较高电压下主要的辐照损伤机制。 展开更多
关键词 有机无机杂化钙钛矿太阳能电池材料 能源材料 扫描电镜 透射电镜 辐照损伤
芘类有机半导体材料研究进展 被引量:3
作者 徐慧 刘霞 +2 位作者 唐超 范曲立 黄维 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第3期111-124,共14页
由于芘具有大环共轭和易于修饰的特性,近年来,芘类共轭衍生物成为有机半导体的重要组成部分。最主要的文献报道为芘类电致发光材料,它们从化学结构上可分为四类材料:小分子、寡聚物、树枝状大分子和聚合物。其中小分子芘衍生物又可分为... 由于芘具有大环共轭和易于修饰的特性,近年来,芘类共轭衍生物成为有机半导体的重要组成部分。最主要的文献报道为芘类电致发光材料,它们从化学结构上可分为四类材料:小分子、寡聚物、树枝状大分子和聚合物。其中小分子芘衍生物又可分为单取代衍生物、双取代衍生物和四取代衍生物。同时,近年来也有部分文献开始报道芘类材料在场效应晶体管、太阳能电池和其他方面的应用。文中按以上内容,分别进行了比较分析,最后提出了该类材料的未来发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 芘类衍生物 有机电致发光材料 有机场效应晶体管材料 有机太阳能电池材料
作者 张婧 侯党社 鲍艳 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期6-11,共6页
从多元化合物薄膜太阳能电池材料、纳米晶太阳能电池材料、有机太阳能电池材料3个方面,综述了太阳能电池材料环境毒性研究发展,分析了存在的问题,指出深入研究毒性机理、进行环境风险评估、设计环境友好型太阳能电池材料,将从源头上降... 从多元化合物薄膜太阳能电池材料、纳米晶太阳能电池材料、有机太阳能电池材料3个方面,综述了太阳能电池材料环境毒性研究发展,分析了存在的问题,指出深入研究毒性机理、进行环境风险评估、设计环境友好型太阳能电池材料,将从源头上降低环境风险。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能电池 多元化合物薄膜太阳能电池材料 纳米晶太阳能电池材料 有机太阳能电池材料 毒性
作者 颜丹霓 黄菊 《广东化工》 CAS 2018年第15期28-29,22,共3页
有机小分子太阳能电池材料因价格低廉,材料多样且易合成等优点而备受关注。近年,由给电子结构单元和吸电子结构单元连接的有机小分子太阳能电池材料由于能促进分子内电荷分离,降低分子能级,引起了人们广泛的关注。本文选取吡咯并吡咯二... 有机小分子太阳能电池材料因价格低廉,材料多样且易合成等优点而备受关注。近年,由给电子结构单元和吸电子结构单元连接的有机小分子太阳能电池材料由于能促进分子内电荷分离,降低分子能级,引起了人们广泛的关注。本文选取吡咯并吡咯二酮(DPP)为中心吸电子单元,甲氧基萘为给电子单元利用C-C直接偶联的方法成功了合成了一种新型D-A-D型有机小分子太阳能电池光伏材料。并利用紫外吸收光谱研究了其光物理性能。结果表明该化合物的紫外吸收光谱的最大吸收波长为800 nm。 展开更多
关键词 吡咯并吡咯二酮 有机小分子太阳能电池材料 给体-受体型小分子
Preparation of Polymer Separators Combined with Metal-organic Framework Materials@Carbon Materials and Their Application in the Lithium Battery
作者 YANG Qing GU Jiawei +1 位作者 HUANG Yinuo WU Shuaibin 《材料科学与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期951-960,共10页
There are some inherent defects for the polyolefin based lithium battery separator,such as,poor thermal stability,poor electrolyte wettability and low porosity,which limit the development of lithium battery.An importa... There are some inherent defects for the polyolefin based lithium battery separator,such as,poor thermal stability,poor electrolyte wettability and low porosity,which limit the development of lithium battery.An important way to improve the performance of lithium battery is to improve the separator.Here,three novel separators combined with metal-organic framework materials(MOFs)and carbon materials were prepared by using the in situ growth method and the adsorption combination method simultaneously.The result showed that compared with the polypropylene separator,the porosity and electrolyte wettability were significantly improved in view of these novel polypropylene separators combined with MOFs and carbon materials.Meanwhile,the electrochemical performance of lithium battery equipped with the polypropylene separator combined with MOFs materials and carbon materials was also improved.The result showed that lithium batteries equipped with polypropylene separator combined with MOFs and carbon materials had higher capacity in the first charge and discharge cycle and better electrochemical kinetic reaction processes. 展开更多
关键词 Metal-organic frameworks Carbon material SEPARATOR Lithium battery
基于本地大语言模型和提示工程的材料信息抽取方法研究 被引量:2
作者 时宗彬 朱丽雅 乐小虬 《数据分析与知识发现》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期23-31,共9页
【目的】从给定的专题研究论文中识别用于有机材料研发所需的实验材料信息,抽取已有研究中给体-受体体系下有机电池材料实体、类型实例。【方法】利用本地部署的大语言模型和提示工程,将信息抽取任务转化为无需微调的对话式抽取任务。... 【目的】从给定的专题研究论文中识别用于有机材料研发所需的实验材料信息,抽取已有研究中给体-受体体系下有机电池材料实体、类型实例。【方法】利用本地部署的大语言模型和提示工程,将信息抽取任务转化为无需微调的对话式抽取任务。通过在提示模板中添加少量示例并允许大语言模型给出否定回答的方式,识别相应的实例信息。【结果】在没有使用数据集进行微调的情况下,实现了材料实体和类型的抽取,其中实体识别的准确率为0.98,超过微调的方式,材料类型识别的准确率达到0.94。【局限】受本地计算资源的约束,本文降低了大语言模型的参数精度,对于长实体的识别性能偏低。【结论】采用低配本地化部署的基础大语言模型,通过构建合理的提示指令和人机协作模式,可以灵活、高效抽取所需主题下的实验信息。 展开更多
关键词 大语言模型 提示工程 信息抽取 有机电池材料
Organic thin-film solar cells:Devices and materials 被引量:9
作者 LI ZhiGang1, ZHAO XinYan2, LI Xin1,2, GAO ZhiQiang1, MI BaoXiu1 & HUANG Wei2 1Jiangsu Engineering Centre for Flat-Panel Displays & Solid-state Lighting and School of Materials Science & Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China 2Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays (KLOEID) Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing 210046, China 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期553-578,共26页
In recent years, the performance of organic thinfilm solar cells has gained rapid progress, of which the power conversion efficiencies (r/p) of 3%-5% are commonly achieved, which were difficult to obtain years ago a... In recent years, the performance of organic thinfilm solar cells has gained rapid progress, of which the power conversion efficiencies (r/p) of 3%-5% are commonly achieved, which were difficult to obtain years ago and are improving steadily now. The r/p of 7.4% was achieved in the year 2010, and r/p of 9.2% was disclosed and confirmed at website of Mitsubishi Chemical in April, 2011. The promising future is that the r/p of 10% is achievable according to simulation results. Apparently, these are attributed to material innovations, new device structures, and also the better understanding of device physics. This article summarizes recent progress in organic thinfilm solar cells related to materials, device structures and working principles. In the device functioning part, after each brief summary of the working principle, the methods for improvements, such as absorption increment, organic/electrode interface engineering, morphological issues, are addressed and summarized accordingly. In addition, for the purpose of increasing exciton diffusion efficiency, the benefit from triplet exciton, which has been proposed in recent years, is highlighted. In the active material parts, the chemical nature of materials and its impact on device performance are discussed. Particularly, emphasis is given toward the insight for better understanding device physics as well as improvements in device performance either by development of new materials or by new device architecture. 展开更多
关键词 organic solar cell photovoltaic devices materials
Over 15.5% efficiency organic solar cells with triple sidechain engineered ITIC 被引量:1
作者 Zhuohan Zhang Shun Guang +5 位作者 Jiangsheng Yu Hongtao Wang Jinru Cao Fuqiang Du Xinlei Wang Weihua Tang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第18期1533-1536,M0003,共5页
Bulk-heterojunction(BHJ)organic solar cells(OSCs)showcase great advantages in device fabrication via low-cost and convenient solution-processing techniques for diverse applications(e.g.,flexible and semitransparent de... Bulk-heterojunction(BHJ)organic solar cells(OSCs)showcase great advantages in device fabrication via low-cost and convenient solution-processing techniques for diverse applications(e.g.,flexible and semitransparent devices)[1,2]. 展开更多
A carbon-oxygen-bridged ladder-type building block for efficient donor and acceptor materials used in organic solar cells 被引量:18
作者 Zuo Xiao Fan Liu +7 位作者 Xinjian Geng Jianqi Zhang Shizhe Wang Yujun Xie Zhen Li Huai Yang Yongbo Yuan Liming Ding 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第19期1331-1336,共6页
A carbon-oxygen-bridged ladder-type donor unit (CO5) was invented and prepared via an "intramolecu- lar demethanolization cyclization" approach. Its single crystal structure indicates enhanced planarity compared w... A carbon-oxygen-bridged ladder-type donor unit (CO5) was invented and prepared via an "intramolecu- lar demethanolization cyclization" approach. Its single crystal structure indicates enhanced planarity compared with the carbon-bridged analogue indacenodithiophene (IDT). Owing to the stronger electron-donating capability of CO5 than IDT, CO5-based donor and acceptor materials show narrower bandgaps. A donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymer donor (PCO5TPD) and an A-D-A nonfullerene acceptor (COSIC) demonstrated higher performance than IDT-based counterparts, PIDTTPD and IDTIC, respec-tively. The better performance of CO5-based materials results from their stronger light-harvesting capability and higher charge-carrier mobilities. 展开更多
关键词 Ladder-type unitsCyclization reactionPlanarityCharge-carrier mobilityOrganic solar cells
Development of small-molecule materials for high-performance organic solar cells 被引量:1
作者 Haijun Fan Xiaozhang Zhu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期922-936,共15页
With the rapid development in recent years, small-molecule organic solar cell is challenging the dominance of its counterpart, polymer solar cell. The top power conversion efficiencies of both single and tandem solar ... With the rapid development in recent years, small-molecule organic solar cell is challenging the dominance of its counterpart, polymer solar cell. The top power conversion efficiencies of both single and tandem solar cells based on small molecules have surpassed 9%. In this mini review, achievements of small molecules with impressive photovoltaic performance especially reported in the last two years were highlighted. The relationship between molecular structure and device performance was analyzed, which draws some rules for rational molecular design. Five series of p- and n-type small molecules were selected based on the consideration of their competitiveness of power conversion efficiencies. 展开更多
关键词 small-molecule solar cells small-molecule donors small-molecule non-fullerene acceptors power conversion efficiency
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