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朊毒病(Prion Disease)
作者 谭永康 《传染病网络动态》 2004年第7期21-24,共4页
凡由朊毒(Prion)引起的人畜共患病(Zoonosis)统称为朊毒病,这种疾病均为中枢神经系统致死性的慢性退化性疾病(The fatal,chronic degradative disease of central nervous system),其中包括20世纪20年代发现的人类克-雅氏病(Creuzfe... 凡由朊毒(Prion)引起的人畜共患病(Zoonosis)统称为朊毒病,这种疾病均为中枢神经系统致死性的慢性退化性疾病(The fatal,chronic degradative disease of central nervous system),其中包括20世纪20年代发现的人类克-雅氏病(Creuzfeldt—Jacob disease CJD):1986年起源于英国。 展开更多
关键词 朊毒病 人畜共患 原学 流行 机理 理学 实验室检查 预防
朊毒体病研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王珍燕 卢洪洲 《诊断学理论与实践》 2009年第2期208-211,共4页
朊毒体病(priori disease)又称传染性海绵状脑病,是一组可累及人和动物中枢神经系统的疾病。克雅病(Creutzfeldt—Jakob disease,CJD)、新型克雅病(vCJD)、Gentmann.Straussler Scheinker病(GSS综合征)及动物的牛海绵状脑病... 朊毒体病(priori disease)又称传染性海绵状脑病,是一组可累及人和动物中枢神经系统的疾病。克雅病(Creutzfeldt—Jakob disease,CJD)、新型克雅病(vCJD)、Gentmann.Straussler Scheinker病(GSS综合征)及动物的牛海绵状脑病(bovine spongiform eneephalopathy,BSE,即疯牛病)、库鲁病kuru等均属于该组疾病。朊毒体病是由正常朊蛋白(PrP)结构改变形成的异常朊蛋白(PrpP^Sc)并在神经元内沉积所致的分子构象病,其包括散发性(大部分为CJD)、遗传性(家族性CJD、大部分为GSS综合征)和传染性[(BSE、羊瘙瘁症(scrapie)及库鲁病]。 展开更多
关键词 蛋白 泛素蛋白酶体系统
作者 徐锐 李燕燕 徐红 《山东医药》 CAS 2024年第6期49-52,共4页
目的基于GEO数据库数据筛选与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因,并观察其在肌少症患者骨骼肌组织中的表达变化。方法从GEO数据库检索肌少症的基因图谱数据,筛选肌少症发病的差异表达基因。从GeneCard数据库中检索并收集线粒体自噬相... 目的基于GEO数据库数据筛选与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因,并观察其在肌少症患者骨骼肌组织中的表达变化。方法从GEO数据库检索肌少症的基因图谱数据,筛选肌少症发病的差异表达基因。从GeneCard数据库中检索并收集线粒体自噬相关基因。使用“VennDiagram”包将肌少症发病的差异表达基因与线粒体自噬相关基因取交集,得到与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬差异表达基因。运用基因本体论(GO)和京都基因与基因百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬差异表达基因的生物学功能,通过Cytoscape软件筛选与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因,观察GSE136344基因表达图谱中肌少症、健康对照者骨骼肌与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因表达情况。结果得到与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬差异表达基因99个。与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬差异表达基因主要涉及神经变性途径-多种疾病信号通路、帕金森疾病信号通路、朊毒体病信号通路等;主要调控能量代谢、细胞呼吸、氧化磷酸化调节等生物学过程,主要定位于线粒体内膜、线粒体内部的大分子蛋白质复合物等,参与调节跨膜转运活性等分子功能。与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因有线粒体内膜蛋白基因(IMMT)、动态蛋白1样蛋白基因(DNM1L)及ATP合酶F1亚基α基因(ATP5A1)等;与正常骨骼肌组织相比,肌少症患者骨骼肌组织中IMMT、DNM1L表达低(P均<0.05)。结论与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因为IMMT、DNM1L。与肌少症发病相关的线粒体自噬靶点基因可通过影响神经变性途径-多种疾病信号通路、帕金森疾病信号通路及朊毒体病信号通路等,参与调控能量代谢、细胞呼吸、氧化磷酸化调节等生物学过程,参与肌少症的发病。肌少症患者骨骼肌组织中IMMT、DNM1L低表达。 展开更多
关键词 线粒体自噬 肌少症 神经变性途径—多种疾信号通路 帕金森疾信号通路 信号通路 能量代谢 细胞呼吸 氧化磷酸化 线粒体内膜蛋白 动态蛋白1样蛋白
作者 万言珍 高建梅 董小平 《国外医学(微生物学分册)》 2005年第1期12-14,40,共4页
朊毒体病又称传染性海绵状脑病(TSE),是一类人畜共患的慢性、致死性中枢神经系统退行性疾病,可表现为传染性、遗传性和散发性3种形式.朊蛋白PrPc向PrPSc的转化以及PrpSc的复制是TSE致病的关键.目前已发现多种化合物可针对朊毒体扩散和... 朊毒体病又称传染性海绵状脑病(TSE),是一类人畜共患的慢性、致死性中枢神经系统退行性疾病,可表现为传染性、遗传性和散发性3种形式.朊蛋白PrPc向PrPSc的转化以及PrpSc的复制是TSE致病的关键.目前已发现多种化合物可针对朊毒体扩散和复制的不同环节在体外或动物模型中发挥一定的抗朊毒体活性,其中几种药物已进行了初期临床试验.近年来PrP抗体的研究引起了人们广泛的兴趣,提示主、被动免疫可能成为有效的防治策略. 展开更多
关键词 治疗对策 中枢神经系统退行性疾 研究进展 体外 慢性 临床试验 TSE 传染性海绵状脑 PrP^Sc
作者 蒋乐龙 《怀化医专学报》 2003年第1期72-73,41,共3页
朊毒体是一种缺乏核酸、能自我复制的蛋白质,既有传染性,也有遗传性。由朊毒体引起的疾病称为朊毒体病,人类主要是克雅病。病理特点是脑组织萎缩,神经细胞丢失,形成海绵状空泡。传染源是受朊毒体感染的动物和人,主要经消化道传播... 朊毒体是一种缺乏核酸、能自我复制的蛋白质,既有传染性,也有遗传性。由朊毒体引起的疾病称为朊毒体病,人类主要是克雅病。病理特点是脑组织萎缩,神经细胞丢失,形成海绵状空泡。传染源是受朊毒体感染的动物和人,主要经消化道传播,多发生在50—70岁老人。临床上以智力进行性丧失为特征,伴有肌阵挛、皮质育、小脑功能失调。检测组织中的Prpsc具有确诊价值。目前对朊毒体病缺乏特效治疗方法。 展开更多
关键词 原学 理变化 临床分型 脑脊液检查 脑电图 支持治疗
作者 堀内基庀 栾昌海 《日本医学介绍》 2006年第9期410-411,共2页
“动物源性感染性疾病”系指传染源和/或传播媒介为野生或圈养动物(包括兽类、畜类及鸟类等)的感染性疾病,多名以“人兽共患病”。其实,家畜和宠物不是野兽,鸟类更不属兽,故冠名欠实。“动物源性疾病”一词易误解为仅指传染源为动物的疾... “动物源性感染性疾病”系指传染源和/或传播媒介为野生或圈养动物(包括兽类、畜类及鸟类等)的感染性疾病,多名以“人兽共患病”。其实,家畜和宠物不是野兽,鸟类更不属兽,故冠名欠实。“动物源性疾病”一词易误解为仅指传染源为动物的疾病,涵盖不全。“自然疫源性疾病”系以“自然疫源地学说”为依据的术语,广义适用,但依本义则对包括家畜家禽仍嫌费解。人和其它动物以及微生物都是“地球村”的“居民”。在相互依存的生活与进化过程中,关系不断演变,敌友不时转化,有时转益为害,有时变害为利;有的致病微生物毒力由强变弱,有的则由弱变强,还有的可能从无变有。研究如何将这种转化诱导变为有益于人,或于易感生物与寄生微生物彼此互利,必然是人类现实迫切而又长远艰巨的任务。候鸟飞禽扩大了疫区的范围,现代交通工具缩短了人员和物产的流动时间。这一局面,无疑增加了我们对此类疾病进行监测控制的困难。因此,加深对动物源性感染性疾病的认识,提高对其监控策略措施的贯彻力度,是当前紧迫的课题。本专辑选译自《日本臨》杂志2005年第63卷第12期,“動物由ウイルス感染症”专辑,由哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院姚桢教授审校。 展开更多
关键词 牛海绵状脑 DISEASE 羊瘙痒 MINK 疯牛 传染性 动物
克-雅病临床研究进展 被引量:7
作者 王小玲 卢洪洲 王珍燕 《内科理论与实践》 2010年第2期187-190,共4页
朊毒体病是一类侵犯人类和动物中枢神经系统的人畜共患性疾病。朊毒体病相同的病理为:中枢神经中致病性朊蛋白(PrPSc)的累积以及神经元空泡变性、缺失,神经胶质增生,淀粉样蛋白沉积及脑海绵状改变等。人类的朊毒体病目前已知的有克... 朊毒体病是一类侵犯人类和动物中枢神经系统的人畜共患性疾病。朊毒体病相同的病理为:中枢神经中致病性朊蛋白(PrPSc)的累积以及神经元空泡变性、缺失,神经胶质增生,淀粉样蛋白沉积及脑海绵状改变等。人类的朊毒体病目前已知的有克一雅病(CJD)。 展开更多
关键词 克-雅 蛋白
朊粒及其相关感染 被引量:4
作者 舒明星 《中国感染控制杂志》 CAS 2004年第3期193-197,共5页
关键词 PrP^c PrP^sc 微生物学
美国《Emerging Infectious Diseases》2014年第12期有关人兽共患病论文摘译
作者 王惠榕 黄丰 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期191-192,F0003,共3页
P1969新型蛋白酶敏感型朊毒体病,一类无传染性的独特的朊毒体变异//Abigail B.Diack1,Diane L.Ritchie1,Alexander H.Peden,等 新型蛋白酶敏感型朊毒体病(VPSPr)可能发生在人朊蛋白基因(PRNP)第129密码子为各种基因型的人中。与其... P1969新型蛋白酶敏感型朊毒体病,一类无传染性的独特的朊毒体变异//Abigail B.Diack1,Diane L.Ritchie1,Alexander H.Peden,等 新型蛋白酶敏感型朊毒体病(VPSPr)可能发生在人朊蛋白基因(PRNP)第129密码子为各种基因型的人中。与其他人类朊毒体病相比,其特征在于具有独特的生物化学谱带。 展开更多
关键词 DISEASES 人兽共患 论文摘译 ALEXANDER 美国 蛋白基因 生物化学
作者 杨露绮 《传染病网络动态》 2004年第9期2-2,共1页
关键词 合成蛋白 蛋白 感染 早期检测 朊毒病
人类朊毒体病的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 聂青和 张久聪 《中国实用内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期854-856,共3页
关键词 传染性海绵状脑 人类 中枢神经系统 星形胶质细胞 小胶质细胞 体蛋白 蛋白水解酶 共济失调
人类朊毒体病的诊治及预防 被引量:3
作者 聂青和 《临床内科杂志》 CAS 2005年第8期508-511,共4页
关键词 人类 原学 流行 诊断 治疗 预防
A panel of monoclonal antibodies against the prion protein proves that there is no prion protein in human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells 被引量:3
作者 Liheng Yang Yan Zhang +3 位作者 Lipeng Hu Ying Zhu Man-Sun Sy Chaoyang Li 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期228-236,共9页
Prion diseases are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal. The study of these unique diseases in China is hampered by a lack of resources. Amongst the most important resources for biological study are mo... Prion diseases are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that are fatal. The study of these unique diseases in China is hampered by a lack of resources. Amongst the most important resources for biological study are monoclonal antibodies. Here, we characterize a panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for cellular prion protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), immunofluorescent staining, flow cytometry, and western blotting. We identify several antibodies that can be used for specific applications and we demonstrate that there is no prion protein expression in human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells(HPDC). 展开更多
关键词 prion protein monoclonal antibody human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells
PrP 106-126 Altered PrP mRNA Gene Expression in Mouse Microglia BV-2 Cells
作者 Yu BAI Yu-rong LI +2 位作者 Gui-hua WANG Xiang-mei ZHOU De-ming ZHAO 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期440-444,共5页
Prion diseases are infectious and fatal neurodegenerative diseases.The pathogenic agent is an abnormal prion protein aggregate.Microglial activation in the centre nervous system is a characteristic feature of prion di... Prion diseases are infectious and fatal neurodegenerative diseases.The pathogenic agent is an abnormal prion protein aggregate.Microglial activation in the centre nervous system is a characteristic feature of prion disease.In this study,we examined the effect of PrP 106-126 on PrP mRNA gene expression in Mouse microglia cells BV-2 by real-time quantitative PCR.PrP mRNA expression level was found to be significantly increased after 18 h exposure of BV-2 cells to PrP 106-126,with 3-fold increase after 18 h and 4.5-fold increase after 24 h and BV-2 cells proliferating occurred correspondingly.Our results provide the first in vitro evidence of the increase of PrP mRNA levels in microglial cells exposed to PrP 106-126,and indicate that microglial cells might play a critical role in prion pathogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 Prion PrP106-126 PrP mRNA Mouse microglia BV-2 Cells
Topology of Prion Proteins
作者 Akio Kawauchi Kayo Yoshida 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第4期237-248,共12页
A conformal structure of a prion protein is thought to cause a prion disease by S.B. Prusiner's theory. Knot theory in mathematics is useful in studying a topological difference of topological objects. In this articl... A conformal structure of a prion protein is thought to cause a prion disease by S.B. Prusiner's theory. Knot theory in mathematics is useful in studying a topological difference of topological objects. In this article, concerning this conjecture, a topological model of prion proteins (PrPc, PrPsc) called a prion-tangle is introduced to discuss a question of whether or not the prion proteins are easily entangled by an approach from the mathematical knot theory. It is noted that any prion-string with trivial loop which is a topological model of a prion protein can not be entangled topologically unless a certain restriction such as "Rotaxsane Property" is imposed on it. Nevertheless, it is shown that any two split prion-tangles can be changed by a one-crossing change into a non-split prion-tangle with the given prion-tangles contained while some attentions are paid to the loop systems. The proof is made by a mathematical argument on knot theory of spatial graphs. This means that the question above is answered affirmatively in this topological model of prion-tangles. Next, a question of what is the simplest topological situation of the non-split prion-tangles is considered. By a mathematical argument, it is determined for every n 〉 1 that the minimal crossing number of n-string non-split prion-tangles is 2n or 2n-2, respectively, according to whether or not the assumption that the loop system is a trivial link is counted. 展开更多
关键词 Topological model prion protein prion-string prion-tangle spatial graph prion-bouquet unknotting number.
Expression of Recombinant Protein Bovine Prion pCIp264 in COS-7 Cells and Its Detection
作者 Yaozhong Ding Yongsbeng Liu Wenqian Liu Yanping Ma Meng Wang Shenghai Yang Jie Zhang 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第5期30-36,共7页
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is thought to be caused by prions initially derived from sheep scrapie, and epidemiological studies suggest that new viriant form of CJD manifest in Great Britain may be caused... Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is thought to be caused by prions initially derived from sheep scrapie, and epidemiological studies suggest that new viriant form of CJD manifest in Great Britain may be caused by BSE prions. PrP^Sc is thought to pathogenic factor of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which invariably involve a post-translational modification process of PrPc encoded by the host euchromosome PrP gene during the period it converted into the pathogenic form (PrP^Sc), PrP is nomal cellular protein which has been found in both neuronal and nonneuronal tissues. Since the crucial infectious event in protein-transmitted diseases is an induced misfolding of prion proteins (PrP^c) catalyzed by already misfolded PrP^Sc, it is of high importance that such collisions are enhanced by two-dimensional diffusion in cell membranes is of high importance compared to three-dimensional diffusion in solution. The level of PrP mRNA in brain is higher than other tissue, but purification of PrPc from rodent has been difficult. To understand the formation of PrP^Sc, it seemed useful to develop a system for produced a large quantities of PrPc since there is no nature source of PrP^c. The pCI-neo mammalian expression vector contains the neomycin phosphtransferase gene which serves as a marker for the selection of stable transfected cells with G418. COS-7 cells constitutively express simian viruse 40 (SV40) T-antigen and support replication of expression plasmids containing the SV40 origin of replication, amplifying the introduced expression cassettes, now become important routine of expression a large number of heterologous gene products. In this paper, the authors used pCI-neo vector to construct a recombnant pCIp264 (cotains mPrP, N-signalpeptide and C-GPI anchor) plasmid to express it in the COS-7 cells and meanwhile detect the expression fusion using IN-ELISA, IN-IFA and western blot, and obtain some approximative nature PrPc. 展开更多
关键词 Bovine prion protein (boprp) COS-7 cells indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA)
3,5-Bis(arylidene)-4-piperidones as potential dengue protease inhibitors
作者 Hasnah Osman Nor Hashima Idris +2 位作者 Ezatul Ezleen Kamarulzaman Habibah A.Wahab Mohd.Zaheen Hassan 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期479-484,共6页
Dengue is a severe mosquito-borne viral infection causing half a million deaths annually. Dengue virus NS2B/NS3 protease is a validated target for anti-dengue drug design. A series of hitherto unreported 3,5-bis(aryli... Dengue is a severe mosquito-borne viral infection causing half a million deaths annually. Dengue virus NS2B/NS3 protease is a validated target for anti-dengue drug design. A series of hitherto unreported 3,5-bis(arylidene)-4-piperidones analogues 4a4j were synthesized and screened in silico against DENV2 NS2B/NS3 protease to elucidate their binding mechanism and orientation around the active sites. Results were validated through an in vitro DENV2 NS2B/NS3 protease assay using a fluorogenic Boc-Gly-Arg-Arg-AMC substrate. Nitro derivatives of 3,5-bis(arylidene)-4-piperidones (4e and 4j) emerged as promising lead molecules for novel protease inhibitors with an IC<sub>50</sub> of 15.22 and 16.23 µmol/L, respectively, compared to the standard, panduratin A, having IC<sub>50</sub> of 57.28 µmol/L. 展开更多
关键词 Dengue virus NS2B/NS3 protease PIPERIDONE α β-Unsaturated ketone Protease inhibitors
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