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“学做服创”一体化培养农业信息人才的创新与实践 被引量:2
作者 徐冬寅 成维莉 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2019年第8期104-108,共5页
在"互联网+现代农业"背景下,农业企业"难觅"信息技术人才与农业信息人才"找工作难"的矛盾依然突出。文章分析了我国农业信息化人才培养的现状,阐述了"学做服创"一体化农业信息人才培养的内涵,... 在"互联网+现代农业"背景下,农业企业"难觅"信息技术人才与农业信息人才"找工作难"的矛盾依然突出。文章分析了我国农业信息化人才培养的现状,阐述了"学做服创"一体化农业信息人才培养的内涵,剖析了"学做服创"一体化培养农业信息人才的优势,进而提出从"政行企校"四方联动,打造"学做服创"平台;依托平台,实现"学做服创"的相互促进和提高两种路径来培养农业信息人才,最后指出了"学做服创"一体培养农业信息化人才的具体保障,以期不断提高农业信息人才培养质量,促进高职农业院校的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 学做服创 农业信息人才 农业信息化
高职农业经济管理专业“学工服创一体”人才培养模式与课程体系的构建 被引量:2
作者 赵东 聂洪臣 《黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报》 2021年第6期140-142,共3页
随着农业经济管理人才的需求扩大,许多高职院校开设了农业经济管理专业,但在毕业生走向社会时却出现了不能很好对接市场的局面。一方面企业需要能胜任工作的农业经济管理方面的人才,另一方面学生就业情况并不乐观。人才培养模式直接关... 随着农业经济管理人才的需求扩大,许多高职院校开设了农业经济管理专业,但在毕业生走向社会时却出现了不能很好对接市场的局面。一方面企业需要能胜任工作的农业经济管理方面的人才,另一方面学生就业情况并不乐观。人才培养模式直接关系到专业的人才培养质量,进而影响到教学质量和效果以及学生就业质量。鉴于此,探讨以行业需求为导向,构建农业经济管理专业“学工服创一体”人才培养模式,对核心课程体系进行改革,从而推进教学改革进程。 展开更多
关键词 农业经济管理专业 学工服创一体 课程体系
浅谈图书馆管理服务空间的变化 被引量:1
作者 付宁康 《黑龙江科技信息》 2008年第31期124-124,共1页
进入到21世纪以来,数字化革命更深入到社会各个方面,图书馆也应由自动化管理向数字化的空间拓展,以最终为读者服务为综旨的图书馆,将会面向自身的深刻的空间拓展:从数字化、典藏、管理和服务方式的巨大变化。分析图书馆在信息服务空间... 进入到21世纪以来,数字化革命更深入到社会各个方面,图书馆也应由自动化管理向数字化的空间拓展,以最终为读者服务为综旨的图书馆,将会面向自身的深刻的空间拓展:从数字化、典藏、管理和服务方式的巨大变化。分析图书馆在信息服务空间中的功能和定位、开展创新型服务的方式方法,并提出图书馆工作创新的建议。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 文献资源 服务空间 创新
作者 饶维亮 蒋宏伟 《服务外包》 2019年第3期92-95,共4页
作为以国家促进服务外包产业发展和大学生创新创业为主题的大学生赛事,服创大赛日益成为有效促进大学生规模化进入绿色智慧产业实现就业的“助推器”,成为软件服务外包领域产教融合的重要载体,社会反响显著。93.5%服创大赛每年涌现出数... 作为以国家促进服务外包产业发展和大学生创新创业为主题的大学生赛事,服创大赛日益成为有效促进大学生规模化进入绿色智慧产业实现就业的“助推器”,成为软件服务外包领域产教融合的重要载体,社会反响显著。93.5%服创大赛每年涌现出数百个科技含量高、商业模式好、市场潜力大的创新创业项目,入围决赛的项目中,93.5%获得了软件著作权、实用新型专利、外观设计专利等. 展开更多
关键词 大学生 大赛 软件 专利 服务 服创
Value co-creation model based on IS application capabilities 被引量:1
作者 朱树婷 仲伟俊 梅姝娥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期368-373,共6页
To illustrate how firms and customers co-create value in business to business (B2B) e-commerce, an integrated value co-creation model is proposed based on information systems (IS) application capabilities from the... To illustrate how firms and customers co-create value in business to business (B2B) e-commerce, an integrated value co-creation model is proposed based on information systems (IS) application capabilities from the relational view. IS application capabilities, relational assets, customer agility and relational value are constructed and tested by empirical analysis. The empirical research tests and verifies the mediating effect of customer agility, and the interactions of IS application capabilities and relational assets, as well as their effect on relational value. This model expands the research framework of value co-creation in service dominant logic, and reveals the mechanism of how f'n'ms and customers co-create value in B2B e-commerce based on IS application capabilities, which provides the basis for further theory development and a practice guide. 展开更多
关键词 information systems (IS) application capabilities customer agility relational view service dominant logic value co-creation
Legal Conditions for Water Utilities Eco-innovation as Energy Smart Water Utilities
作者 Ellen Margrethe Basse 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第9期644-654,共11页
Welfare and green growth rest heavily on an appropriate supply of safe water, the provision of adequate sewerage, and on energy services. These services are interdependent, as water is an integral part of electric-pow... Welfare and green growth rest heavily on an appropriate supply of safe water, the provision of adequate sewerage, and on energy services. These services are interdependent, as water is an integral part of electric-power generation; it is used directly in hydroelectric generation, and it is used extensively for cooling and emissions scrubbing in thermoelectric generation. Energy is also an integrated part of water services, as satisfying water needs for supply, purification, distribution, and treatment of wastewater requires energy sources. Water and energy utilities are however regulated without a specific focus on the interdependency of the two sectors and the possibilities to ensure sustainable use of the resources and reduction of greenhouse gasses by a better coordination. The article explains the possibilities of sustainable consumption and production of energy in the water utilities. It highlights EU legal framework that makes coordination at national level possible, and it gives examples and concludes--on the obstacles for the water utilities' future as energy-smart utilities that exist at the national level in Denmark. 展开更多
关键词 Resource efficiency energy smart technologies water utilities LEGISLATION
Innovative Measures Ensuring Integrity of the Entire Supply Chain or Transport Corridor
作者 Algirdas Sakalys Laima Greiciune 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第5期280-288,共9页
The EWTC (East-West Transport Corridor) in the Southem part of the Baltic Sea Region includes more effective testing area of new business models for collaborative logistics flows. Since the EWTC is a corridor requir... The EWTC (East-West Transport Corridor) in the Southem part of the Baltic Sea Region includes more effective testing area of new business models for collaborative logistics flows. Since the EWTC is a corridor requiring transport mode interchanges due to crossing the Baltic Sea, development of intermodal transport solutions making different transport modes fully integrated along the corridor is a key issue for the EWTC. To meet an increased global transport demand, ports and intermodal terminals need to make sure that their facilities are prepared for growth. Thus, for ports in the EWTC it is important to offer the services necessary for handling the maritime freight services (container ships, RoRo ships, railway ferries) demanded by transporters and transport buyers. IT services are needed to support transportation activities along the corridor. This is especially important for the EWTC due to its physical nature, interchange points, multi-language and cross boarder interaction. Information on a constantly updated traffic situation and interchange status, tracking of goods, booking and confirmation services, intelligent truck parking and services opening faster border crossing routes would ensure more efficient transportation and handling thereofi It is expected that the outcomes of the recently completed eMAR project will help to develop a modem Klaipeda Seaport community system as well as effective management architecture along the EWTC based on the CSW (Corridor Single Window) approach. 展开更多
关键词 Transport corridor supply chain global transport network Corridor Single Window.
Association Between Independent Auditor Fees and Firm Value: A Study of Brazilian Public Companies
作者 Antonio Lopo Martinez Arquimedes de Jesus Moraes 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期442-450,共9页
This article investigates the relationship between fees for audit and non-audit services with Tobin's Q. Using a sample of Brazilian public companies in the period from 2009 to 2011, we estimate the association betwe... This article investigates the relationship between fees for audit and non-audit services with Tobin's Q. Using a sample of Brazilian public companies in the period from 2009 to 2011, we estimate the association between Tobin's Q and the auditors' remuneration scaled by total assets. Additionally, to strengthen the conclusions, we present a second model with the remuneration of the auditors in absolute terms. The results suggest a significant relationship between Tobin's Q and audit and non-audit fees, positive and negative, respectively. Specifically, increases in audit fees and non-audit fees respectively increase and decrease the Tobin's Q of the audited company. The results of this study have important implications for those interested in good corporate governance practices. Managers and board members concerned with value carefully evaluate the remuneration and nature of services creation, when engaging independent auditors, should provided. 展开更多
关键词 audit fees non-audit fees Tobin's Q
Research on the Small - scale and Multi - functional Community Endowment Model
作者 YAO Min 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期87-89,共3页
Pension as a part of"Healthy China" has been elevated to the national strategic level. Our country has entered the aging period of rapid development. China is "running" into an aging society, aging population grow... Pension as a part of"Healthy China" has been elevated to the national strategic level. Our country has entered the aging period of rapid development. China is "running" into an aging society, aging population growth to enhance the pension demand, China's current pension model development difficult, difficult to cope with the rapidly growing demand for retirement. Therefore, the establishment of a comprehensive, multi-functional new facility after all, a community of embedded retirement pension to meet the requirements of sustainable development options. The Japanese government's main push small-scale multi-function Pension House is a good example of pension services, its mode of operation consistent with China's National Day. Thus, summarizing and analyzing the experience of Japan, while the status quo of the development of social pension, to explore a Chinese-style pension service model of innovation. To resolve some of the difficulties of the current development of China's current pension model, led by China's pension services out of the woods. 展开更多
关键词 One-stop service EMBEDDED Community care
Practise of humanistic management, explore service innovation-We take the office work of Nanjing forestry university south academy as an example
作者 WANG Siyu ZHOU Lin +1 位作者 GUO Yanhui ZHOU Xiaojuan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第2期30-32,共3页
Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the ma... Humanistic management means taking humanity as the center. To mobilize workers' positivity and creativity through establishing the dominant position of people in the management process and take human beings as the main line. humanistic management emphasizes to go on integrated management by taking people as the main resources in office. So the office work in our institution of higher education should even insist on the principle of people oriented. In this thesis, according to the working characteristics of the third category colleges and we also combined our practical working experience, we have carried on beneficial attempt towards humanistic management through Talents cultivation, staff management, image construction, system specification ect ways, we have also achieved good effects in improving the education environment, improving the office service qualitv ect asnects. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic management The third category (independent) Colleges office service
Preventive measures of financial risks under the network environment
作者 Qin Fei Wang Bin Qin Xuan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期25-27,共3页
With the rapid development of computer networking technology, the whole world has become a "global village." At the same time, the insistent combination of Networking technology and financial services made the tradi... With the rapid development of computer networking technology, the whole world has become a "global village." At the same time, the insistent combination of Networking technology and financial services made the traditional financial concept undergo profound changes. Financial Network is the general trend. Financial innovation has come to an Internet-based and service- oriented way of innovative rapid development stage. As the improvements of the degree of financial services network, how to effectively guard against financial risks under control network environment is an important issue we face. 展开更多
关键词 financial risks network environment LEGALIZATION
Implications of E-banking in Entrepreneurial Marketing --.Case From Albania 被引量:1
作者 Kozeta Sevrani Klodiana Gorica 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期67-75,共9页
The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to dete... The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to determine if our banking system is actually in the Internet era. In the last decade we notice that banks pay a growing attention to their marketing services and in particular to the use of the latest technologies for their promotions. The use of the lnternet has influenced in the fact that customers now are closer to their banks, their number has increased, and of course through the Internet we have a more efficient exchange of products and services. A questionnaire was developed to help us understand the internet banking acceptance in Albania and other issues related to it. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 9 banks operating in Albania and from the evaluation of the collected data results that all banks that underwent questionnaire, have a separate marketing department. So marketing has an important role in the banking business. The importance of marketing rose by increased interbank competition in recent years. Crisis and economic and financial difficulties have shown that banks, which face these difficult periods, have been those which had not only a healthy bank policy, but also a strong commercial policy. These things depend on many factors, among which we can mention: the tradition, which has taught people to trust "their financial secrets" only to someone who exercises the profession of banker; the cultural and infrastructural level of development of the population, which gives approval and insures the continuousness of any discovery or development in various fields; the ability of this kind of banking to be successful, that is and remains the basis on which to establish a trustful cooperation relationship of any kind. Strong policies to e-marketing have targeted to increase the percentage of elements such as banking and credit granting. E-banking also consists of counseling online with a bank employee or financial advisor. This kind of service is not only effective for the client, who saves his time, but also more economical for the bank, which reduces its costs in human resources (an adviser to the window only deals with a client, while he can handle online more than two credit cases simultaneously, so we decrease the number of employees in general). With its low-cost structure, direct consumer marketing and innovative services, the internet is going to present a real challenge to traditional forms of banking. E-banking is seen from the banks as an opportunity to create competitive advantage over its competitors. It offers a great deal of advantages both to the banks and to the customers. Clients are becoming more and more demanding and they are expecting even higher levels of service from their banks. 展开更多
Problems and Countermeasures on the government public service purchase
作者 Wu Fu-ping 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期93-94,共2页
Government to purchase public service is the Government' s administrative reform, important innovations in system, in recent years, the Government has to provide community organizations purchase basic public services... Government to purchase public service is the Government' s administrative reform, important innovations in system, in recent years, the Government has to provide community organizations purchase basic public services, and gradually become innovation in government provision of public services, improving public service quality, increased use of financial efficiency. This document from the Government buying the concept of public service, starting with the Carding the purchase of essential public services in practice there is a major problem, on how to move forward with the ourchase of essential nublic services, raising the effectiveness in the use of financial proposed countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 Government purchasing public services issues COUNTERMEASURE
The innovation research about garment fabrics design
作者 Zhong Wei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期127-128,共2页
This article is focused on the importance and market trend of the redesign in fabrics in the process of fashion design. Analysis will be made in the aspects of thinking methods and ways to show the ideas of design and... This article is focused on the importance and market trend of the redesign in fabrics in the process of fashion design. Analysis will be made in the aspects of thinking methods and ways to show the ideas of design and practical solutions will be put out. 展开更多
关键词 Fashion fabrics/the integration of fashion design
Government Management Innovation in the Age of Big Data
作者 Que Tianshu 《Management Studies》 2016年第6期279-286,共8页
Both opportunities and challenges are currently faced by government management innovation in the age of "big data". Traditionally, relative studies view the management of governments as the effective means to improv... Both opportunities and challenges are currently faced by government management innovation in the age of "big data". Traditionally, relative studies view the management of governments as the effective means to improve governmental services, without really understanding the structural influence of big data and network technology on governmental mode of thinking. Against such backdrop, this paper tries to conduct critical analysis based upon traditional outcomes in this regard, trying to make full use of the function of big data technology. With these efforts, this paper contributes to the building of an interaction theory that could promote transparency of information and customization and segmentation of the policies. By constructing a mode in which management could be carried out based on the law of big data, by building an information management system in which balance could be achieved between responsibility and freedom, by promoting the rebalancing among public power, online civil society and civil rights, the innovation of governmental management would be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 big data government management data dictatorship INFORMATION network society public power
Innovative Services Models Based on "Four new" Economy
作者 Li Changhao Xu Qi 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期335-340,共6页
The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following y... The propose of "four new" economy is to undertake innovation-driven transformation of Shanghai, promote the development of strategic emerging industries and transform and upgrade of manufacturing. In the following years, Shanghai will focus on the capture of key technologies, promoting the transformation of technology, expanding market demand, improving the development of the carrier, encouraging and supporting enterprises, financial institutions and social capital to increase the investment and use of"four new" economy, to promote the "four new" economy gradually grow and develop. With the "four new" economy's development and growth, its service model should be changed too. On the basis of theory and practice, the text proposes three forms of innovative services models and relate recommendations to promote it. 展开更多
关键词 "four new" economy service model INNOVATION
Technological Innovation in Sustainable Building
作者 Antonio Zerbo Agata Matarazzo 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第12期1671-1677,共7页
Modern energy services are a necessary prerequisite for human well-being and the economic development of a country. Access to modern energy is essential for the supply of clean water, hygiene and health, and for the p... Modern energy services are a necessary prerequisite for human well-being and the economic development of a country. Access to modern energy is essential for the supply of clean water, hygiene and health, and for the provision of reliable and efficient lighting, heating, cooking, and mechanical power. It seems clear, therefore, that the energy factor and its availability, the demand for which is growing, must be ensured over time. Moreover, considering that the world population will significantly increase in coming decades and, legitimately, all of these individuals want access to sources of energy for a better quality of life. The patterns of consumption most commonly used nowadays are expensive and highly polluting, but, most importantly, now they are almost completely exhausted. Therefore, research has to find sources of "alternative" and renewable energy in order to sustain the continuously growing global demand for energy. It is necessary, therefore, to develop and improve policies in order to change current consumption patterns, while strengthening approaches and strategies for sustainable models, applying incentives for good behavior and penalizing waste, and promoting the empowerment of producers. This paper concerns this sector and aims to highlight innovation in bioclimatic and eco-friendly buildings. 展开更多
关键词 energy factor INNOVATION building sector eco-friendly materials
Research on the strategies and models of the innovation and development of the textile clothing brands
作者 Hu Hongyan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期43-47,共5页
Based on the theory of the brand alliance, this paper expounds the competitive advantages and classifications of the strategy of the brand alliance, analyzes the brand development of the textile and apparel industries... Based on the theory of the brand alliance, this paper expounds the competitive advantages and classifications of the strategy of the brand alliance, analyzes the brand development of the textile and apparel industries in Shanghai, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the enterprises to scientifically and rationally formulate the strategies of the development of the brands, and constructs the structural equation model in line with the purchase intentions of the consumers based on the case of the combination of the brands of the components and fibers and the clothing under the Shanghai Textile Group. 展开更多
关键词 Textile clothing brand alliance STRATEGY
Engaging College Students in Experiential Learning: Learning Through Serving, Inspiring Through Experience, and Creating Identity Through Bilingual Poetry
作者 Shelli Rottschafer 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第11期1047-1056,共10页
Experiential learning is the opportunity to meld teaching with experience; "to do" the things students learn about in the classroom, yet outside the classroom walls. I am an instructor that embraces experiential lea... Experiential learning is the opportunity to meld teaching with experience; "to do" the things students learn about in the classroom, yet outside the classroom walls. I am an instructor that embraces experiential learning. Every other year, I lead a Chican@ Literature class which, after the semester is finished, culminates with a two-week excursion to New Mexico. While on-campus I highlight specific themes within Chicano narrative and poetry. Discussions focus on several key aspects regarding Chican@ Literature whose purpose is to create a voice for those whom have been marginalized within mainstream American culture. Chican@ Literature emphasizes a concept of origin which is reiterated in New Mexico through a sense of place in nature. A second topic often addressed in Chican@ Literature is the idea of aprendizaje. This is a journey of knowledge. In each episode experienced, the narrative voice gains a broader understanding of identity. This aprendizaje is also shared by my students as they gain a sense of self as defined by their own community in juxtaposition with their New Mexican fieldwork and the bilingual poetry they write. Lastly, Chican@ Literature often reveals an author or poet's personal culture clash or cultural fusion within the creative work itself. Once again, my students write about their own perspectives in a poetry workshop and presented their pieces during a poetry slam. Some of these pieces are included in this manuscript. 展开更多
关键词 service-learning experiential learning bilingual poetry Chican@ Literature
Measuring the Degree of Innovation in Retail and Services Micro and Small Enterprises
作者 Cicero Eduardo Walter Claudia Miranda Veloso +1 位作者 Paula Odete Femandes Humberto Ribeiro 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2017年第9期401-411,共11页
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-call... Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are considered the most dynamic and flexible arrangement of activity. In the economy, the foundation and development of these features is important for the creation of the so-called "normal" economic environment. The main objective of this research is to present a research model of innovation in MSEs to analyse: first, the degree of innovation of MSEs, and second, how the innovation is handled by existing MSEs as a result of its business environment. The research made is based on a sample of 550 MSEs distributed over six cities across the Brazilian State of Piaui. The data were collected using the Innovation Radar application, which is owned by the SEBRAE Local Innovation Agents program. Statistical techniques of descriptive, exploratory, and inferential nature were used for corresponding data treatment and results validation. The results obtained suggest that MSEs have innovation capacity between the "Little Innovative" and "Occasional Innovative" range, and also that the average and the distribution of innovation levels are similar amongst MSEs analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 RETAIL SERVICES micro and small enterprises (MSEs) innovation management COMPETITIVENESS
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