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作者 赵本纲 《天津商务职业学院学报》 2018年第3期19-24,共6页
长沙地区从地理上讲,到沿海还有一定距离,在对外开放条件上相对不足。设立长沙自由贸易园区试点,是进一步解决湖南地区对外开放问题,启动开放型经济引擎的有效举措。探索长沙地区设立空港高铁片区服务贸易自由贸易园区的基础、挑战与路... 长沙地区从地理上讲,到沿海还有一定距离,在对外开放条件上相对不足。设立长沙自由贸易园区试点,是进一步解决湖南地区对外开放问题,启动开放型经济引擎的有效举措。探索长沙地区设立空港高铁片区服务贸易自由贸易园区的基础、挑战与路径,不仅有利于长沙不断拓展开放空间,引进企业,扩大对外开放的平台,增加经济发展的开放度,同时有利于湖南构建全方位多层次的对外开放新格局,占据中部开放性经济新高地。 展开更多
关键词 长沙 空港高铁片区 服务贸易自 可行性分析
作者 赵本纲 《职教与经济研究》 2018年第1期39-43,共5页
长沙地区从地理位置上讲,到沿海还有一定距离,在对外开放条件上相对不足。设立长沙自由贸易园区试点,本质就是进一步解决湖南地区对外开放问题,启动开放型经济引擎的有效举措。因此,探索长沙地区设立空港高铁片区服务贸易自由贸易园区... 长沙地区从地理位置上讲,到沿海还有一定距离,在对外开放条件上相对不足。设立长沙自由贸易园区试点,本质就是进一步解决湖南地区对外开放问题,启动开放型经济引擎的有效举措。因此,探索长沙地区设立空港高铁片区服务贸易自由贸易园区的基础、挑战与路径,不仅有利于长沙不断拓展开放空间,引进企业,扩大对外开放的平台,增加经济发展的开放度,同时有利于湖南构建全方位多层次的对外开放新格局,占据中部开放性经济新高地。 展开更多
关键词 长沙 空港高铁片区 服务贸易自 可行性分析
作者 常燕军 《西部学刊》 2021年第14期5-7,共3页
新技术时代,党的建设与新技术的融合“共生”度进一步增强,如何针对自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸区)涌现的新现象,构建提升自贸区党建服务内涵的党建工作新路径,为自贸区高质量发展和功能提升提供坚强政治保证,成为自贸区党建工作面临... 新技术时代,党的建设与新技术的融合“共生”度进一步增强,如何针对自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸区)涌现的新现象,构建提升自贸区党建服务内涵的党建工作新路径,为自贸区高质量发展和功能提升提供坚强政治保证,成为自贸区党建工作面临的新挑战。新技术时代提升自贸区党建服务内涵对策:(一)围绕服务新业态新模式构建党建工作创新模式;(二)以社会主义核心价值观规避开放风险;(三)以党建任务为导向服务党建对象;(四)以现代信息技术提升非公企业党建满意度。 展开更多
关键词 新技术时代 区党建服务内涵 新技术+党务+政务+服务
作者 严炯 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2022年第6期130-134,共5页
发挥律师调解作用,可以助力自贸区法治环境良性发展,促进自贸区法律服务制度的完善,再将自贸区法律服务的先进经验扩大到其他领域,实现以开放促发展、促创新,形成可复制、可推广的制度优势,构建与国际接轨的经贸服务新平台,保障地方经... 发挥律师调解作用,可以助力自贸区法治环境良性发展,促进自贸区法律服务制度的完善,再将自贸区法律服务的先进经验扩大到其他领域,实现以开放促发展、促创新,形成可复制、可推广的制度优势,构建与国际接轨的经贸服务新平台,保障地方经济稳步增长,对自贸区法律服务制度有足够的推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 律师调解 区法律服务 非诉化解纠纷
《浙江建筑》 2005年第B10期I0011-I0011,共1页
关键词 检测仪器设备 设计研究院 建筑科学 施工机械 建设行业 试验仪器 浙江建科技服务公司
《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2015年第10期29-32,共4页
国发[2015]12号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据内地与香港、澳门签署的《(内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)关于内地在广东与香港基本实现服务贸易自由化的协议》(以下简称《内地与香港协议》)和... 国发[2015]12号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据内地与香港、澳门签署的《(内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)关于内地在广东与香港基本实现服务贸易自由化的协议》(以下简称《内地与香港协议》)和《(内地与澳门关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排)关于内地在广东与澳门基本实现服务贸易自由化的协议》(以下简称《内地与澳门协议》),国务院决定在广东省对香港。 展开更多
关键词 服务贸易自由化 服务提供者 香港协议 直辖市人民政府 国务院各部委 增值电信业务 国务院文件 服务贸
基于网络服务水平的农产品供应链分销渠道模式选择 被引量:3
作者 黄建辉 《工业工程》 2016年第4期76-82,共7页
考虑网络服务水平对农产品供应链网络分销渠道模式选择的影响,提出了直销网店和代理网店两种供应链网络分销渠道,及分别构建了直销网店模式和代理网店销模式的博弈模型,得到了农业生产企业收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略,并... 考虑网络服务水平对农产品供应链网络分销渠道模式选择的影响,提出了直销网店和代理网店两种供应链网络分销渠道,及分别构建了直销网店模式和代理网店销模式的博弈模型,得到了农业生产企业收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略,并对比分析了供应链收益最大化角度下网络分销渠道模式选择策略。研究发现,当线上销售价格与线下销售价格的比值低于一定值时,无论网店的网络服务成本有多低,农业生产企业都不会开展线上销售业务;当直销网店的网络服务成本系数适中时,农业生产企业收益最大化角度下分销渠道模式选择策略将不利于供应链整体效率的提升;网络分销渠道市场占潜在市场规模百分比能正向影响对直销网店模式的选择。 展开更多
关键词 网络服务水平 农产品供应链 分销渠道 农业生产企业
《中国对外经济贸易文告》 2009年第7期78-78,共1页
关键词 对外经济 国内外 国际经济合作 商务部办公厅 免费赠阅 指定刊物 标准文本 通报咨询 服务贸
《中国对外经济贸易文告》 2009年第16期46-46,共1页
关键词 对外经济 国内外 国际经济合作 商务部办公厅 指定刊物 标准文本 通报咨询 免费赠阅 服务贸
《中国对外经济贸易文告》 2009年第10期32-32,共1页
关键词 对外经济 国内外 国际经济合作 商务部办公厅 免费赠阅 指定刊物 标准文本 通报咨询 服务贸
作者 吴优 杨佳敏 《统计与预测》 2006年第3期27-31,共5页
一、各种测量方法简述经济开放度是衡量一国经济政策对外开放程度的综合性指标。随着经济全球化的趋势日益明显,国际间的经济交流变得更加频繁。改革开放以来,尤其是加入 WTO 后,我国逐渐加快了对外开放的步伐。一国的对外开放水平直接... 一、各种测量方法简述经济开放度是衡量一国经济政策对外开放程度的综合性指标。随着经济全球化的趋势日益明显,国际间的经济交流变得更加频繁。改革开放以来,尤其是加入 WTO 后,我国逐渐加快了对外开放的步伐。一国的对外开放水平直接影响着其经济发展的速度。全面、准确地衡量一个国家和地区的经济开放水平,具有重要的现实意义。但长期以来对于经济开放度的测量,国内外的学者们持有不同的态度。从指标设置及其定义可以分为以下几类: 展开更多
关键词 经济开放度 度量法 经济全球化 测量体系 聚类分析 金融开放 经济发展 对外开放度 方法简述 服务贸
作者 杨菠 《世界电信》 2003年第8期10-13,共4页
中国香港电信与盈科数码动力有限公司合并以后更名为电信盈科。它由一家以技术为主的电信公司转型为亚太地区、特别是两岸三地的商界及个人客户提供服务的综合通信服务供应商,主要提供电话服务、互联网、商企电贸服务、数据中心、客户... 中国香港电信与盈科数码动力有限公司合并以后更名为电信盈科。它由一家以技术为主的电信公司转型为亚太地区、特别是两岸三地的商界及个人客户提供服务的综合通信服务供应商,主要提供电话服务、互联网、商企电贸服务、数据中心、客户联络中心、环球通信服务和基建业务。分析了2001~2002年上半年其电信、商企电贸、基建以及与Telstra结盟等业务市场的经营情况。 展开更多
关键词 电信盈科公司 经营业绩 电话服务 互联网 商企电服务 数据中心 客户联络中心 环球通信服务
Analysis of services trade and employment in China by co-integration and causality 被引量:1
作者 刘渝琳 DAI Jun 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2007年第1期41-49,共9页
This article describes a study by co-integration test and Granger causality test on the relationships between China's services trades and employment using the data of services trade from the WTO website and the em... This article describes a study by co-integration test and Granger causality test on the relationships between China's services trades and employment using the data of services trade from the WTO website and the employment data from China Statistic Yearbook for the years from 1982 to 2003. Co-integration test showed that 1% increase in export value and import value of services created respectively 0.205% and 0.068 7% more job opportunities in the service sector. Both export and import of services impacted positively on employment in service industry, and export did more than import. However, in the short run, the impacts of services export and import on employment in service industry were both very small, though positive; and the impacts of employment in service industry on both export and import of services were very big, but not stable. Granger causality test indicated that employment in service industry was a Granger cause of services export. The findings highlight the importance of facilitating services import and reducing import barriers, and suggest that the competitiveness of China's labor- intensive services trade can be exploited to boost services export and help employment in service sector, and that the structure of services trade should be optimized by shifting from labor-intensive to knowledge-and technology-intensive services thus to enhance China's competitiveness of services export. 展开更多
关键词 services trade employment in service industrv co-integration test error correction model Granger causality test
自贸区司法服务保障创新供给及不足之填补 被引量:6
作者 杜以星 《法律适用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第17期71-80,共10页
自贸区改革实践、开放竞争使命、法律规定现状等因素要求自贸区司法服务保障必须创新。在"法治、开放、平等、包容、效率"等创新原则指导下,相关法院不断探索,开展了符合中国国情、具有一定超前性的自贸区司法保障创新工作。... 自贸区改革实践、开放竞争使命、法律规定现状等因素要求自贸区司法服务保障必须创新。在"法治、开放、平等、包容、效率"等创新原则指导下,相关法院不断探索,开展了符合中国国情、具有一定超前性的自贸区司法保障创新工作。但是与自贸区发展的内在需求相比,司法服务保障创新在机构机制、审判程序规则、域外法查明适用、多元化纠纷解决等方面还存在一些不足。因此,必须进一步开拓思路,对标、对表、对接,以司法服务保障创新为自贸区、"一带一路"、粤港澳大湾区建设等政策融合为今后关注重点,助力自贸区真正形成"国际化、市场化、法治化"的营商环境。 展开更多
关键词 区司法服务保障 创新营商环境
Technological Content of the Import of Services and the Transformation of Growth Patterns of China's Industrial Economy
作者 戴翔 金碚 《China Economist》 2014年第2期58-74,共17页
Based on the latest approach for measuring technology content of import of services and with the contribution of total factor productivity(TFP) to gross industrial output as the indicator for measuring the growth patt... Based on the latest approach for measuring technology content of import of services and with the contribution of total factor productivity(TFP) to gross industrial output as the indicator for measuring the growth pattern of China's industrial economy,this paper provides an empirical study on the effect of import technology content of trade in services on the development pattern of China's industrial economy between 2004 and2011.Result of econometric test reveals that the technology content of import of services has a significant positive effect on transforming the growth pattern of China's industrial economy.Moreover,import of new types of trade in services with high technology such as computer and information services has a much stronger positive effect compared with import of traditional trade in services with relatively low technology content such as transport.In terms of different industrial sectors,technology content of import of services has the greatest effect on transforming the development pattern of China's technologyintensive industrial sectors,followed by capital-intensive,resource-intensive and laborintensive sectors respectively.Transformation of the development pattern of China's industrial economy cannot be isolated from the system of global division of work.Against the backdrop of global service sector fragmentation,China should take the important opportunities in the development of global trade in services and give more attention to improving the quality of import of services in the interest of transforming the development pattern of its industrial economy. 展开更多
关键词 trade in services technology content of import development pattern ofindustrial economy
Driving Force and Popularization Value on Guangzhou Higher Education Internationalization under the Background of National Strategy "One Belt & One Road"
作者 Li Can 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期35-38,共4页
With the impetus of the WTO and the further opening of China's international service trade in education, this paper is based on the background of China's national strategy "one belt & one road", analyzing Guangzh... With the impetus of the WTO and the further opening of China's international service trade in education, this paper is based on the background of China's national strategy "one belt & one road", analyzing Guangzhou higher education, its internationalization driving force and popularization value, ranging from the perspectives of higher education resources excess, the domestic university funding cuts, and the transnational education services output in developed countries to alleviate its school funds shortage to further introduction of foreign high-quality educational resources due to not fully meeting the requirements of domestic demand in developing and less developed countries, with expectation to promote the development of education internationalization healthily and orderly. 展开更多
关键词 "One Belt One Road" National Stratcgy Higher Education Internationalization Driving Force Popularization Value
The Impetus for RCEP in Facilitating the High-quality Development of the Tourism Service Trade in Yunnan Province,China
作者 LIU Mengyuan XIE Hongzhong ZHU Tao 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第4期966-976,共11页
The present world pattern has undergone major changes,the trend of world multi-polarization is constantly emerging,and peace and development remain the main themes of today’s society.The formal signing and implementa... The present world pattern has undergone major changes,the trend of world multi-polarization is constantly emerging,and peace and development remain the main themes of today’s society.The formal signing and implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)is important for meeting the needs of peace and development of many countries and regions.China is in a new era of reform and opening-up,and the RCEP content is in line with China’s concept of pursuing a path of rejuvenation.Based on the locations of important borders,Yunnan Province has become one of the key places for China’s opening-up and development regarding Southeast Asia and South Asia,and the high-quality development of its tourism service trade is of great significance.This study first used the grounded theory analysis method to organize,analyze and process the records of international conferences and government press conferences held in Yunnan Province,as well as important related issues since the signing of RCEP.Then,the social network analysis method was used to analyze the social recognition degree of RCEP in promoting the high-quality development of the tourism service trade in Yunnan Province from the perspectives of different levels and group consensus.The results show that cooperation is the key macro driving force for RCEP in promoting the high-quality development of the tourism service trade in Yunnan Province.Regarding the opportunities and environment of the transportation dividend,policy dividend and investment dividend,port construction,border township construction and exhibition-related construction are important cooperation contents,so they are conducive to the recovery of the tourism industry in a broader development space.Competition can improve the driving force of RCEP in promoting the high-quality development of the tourism service trade in Yunnan Province at the micro level,and has more practical significance.For example,RCEP can better rely on its own geographical advantages and international market competitiveness,optimize the use of resources inside and outside ports,and use high-tech products to form a more green,ecological,organic and sustainable development.In different levels of social identity,RCEP’s power of cooperation is more strongly recognized,while the power of competition is less recognized.However,from the perspective of grouping the various groups,RCEP’s powers of cooperation and competition are jointly recognized by the other groups,indicating that cooperation and competition are necessary for the realization of RCEP’s power.The results of this study provide a certain reference for understanding the dynamics of RCEP in more detail from more angles and for the local implementation of RCEP rules and measures. 展开更多
关键词 RCEP tourism service trade dynamic mechanism high quality development Yunnan Province
《武汉商务》 2012年第5期1-3,共3页
温家宝在湖北考察明确表示大力支持武汉建国家中心城市5月18日—20日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在我省考察。18日晚,在听取我省情况汇报后,温家宝明确表示,要大力支持武汉建设国家中心城市,全面提升交通枢纽功能,带动功能,... 温家宝在湖北考察明确表示大力支持武汉建国家中心城市5月18日—20日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在我省考察。18日晚,在听取我省情况汇报后,温家宝明确表示,要大力支持武汉建设国家中心城市,全面提升交通枢纽功能,带动功能,要素聚集功能,服务、管理和创新中心功能,加快建设国家重要门户机场,充分发挥武汉的龙头作用,努力实现武汉城市圈率先崛起,引领武汉城市圈"两型社会"建设走在全国前列。温家宝对我省工作给予积极肯定。 展开更多
关键词 重要门户 中心城市 带动功能 两型社会 聚集功能 汉商集团 重要战略支点 农产品生产基地 国际服务贸
Motivations of Chinese Outward Direct Investment:The Sector Perspective 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yali SHAO Yanmin 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期698-721,共24页
From the sector perspective of mining, manufacturing and services, the motivations of Chinese outward direct investment (further ODI) are discussed during the period from 2001 to 2012, acknowledging different host c... From the sector perspective of mining, manufacturing and services, the motivations of Chinese outward direct investment (further ODI) are discussed during the period from 2001 to 2012, acknowledging different host countries and firms' ownership structures. The estimated results justify that the location determinants of Chinese ODI differ between sectors, which implies tile motivation behind such investment may vary. As expected, resource-seeking is the most important motivation for Chinese ODI in mining sector; market- and strategic asset-seeking motivations are possessed by both manufacturing and services sectors. The probability of the host country receiving Chinese FDI, as well as high FDI openness and frequent bilateral trade with China is favorable for doing business. Results also suggest that the factors increasing the probability of a country being chosen as a location for Chinese ODI vary between different host countries, as do different ownership structures. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese ODI doing business market-seeking resource-seeking strategic asset-seeking.
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