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传统造型元素与服装时尚设计的融合研究 被引量:2
作者 王雨晴 《纺织报告》 2022年第5期63-66,共4页
随着我国经济的繁荣发展和社会的不断进步,服装行业也实现了较好的发展,人们对服装提出了更高的要求。因此,开展服装时尚设计研究十分必要。传统造型元素在我国有着悠久的发展历史,属于中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。积极地推动传统... 随着我国经济的繁荣发展和社会的不断进步,服装行业也实现了较好的发展,人们对服装提出了更高的要求。因此,开展服装时尚设计研究十分必要。传统造型元素在我国有着悠久的发展历史,属于中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。积极地推动传统造型元素与服装时尚设计的融合,不但能实现对中华民族优秀传统文化的继承,而且能使中华优秀传统文化在现代社会焕发新的生机与活力,推动现代服装时尚设计的发展和进步。文章介绍了中国传统造型元素的艺术特征,分析了传统造型元素与现代服装时尚设计的融合原则,探究了新时期中国传统造型元素在现代服装时尚设计中的具体应用,具有突出的实用性和现实指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 传统造型元素 服装时尚设计 实践应用
中国传统造型元素在服装时尚设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李玲薇 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2020年第1期12-14,18,共4页
中国传统造型元素在服装时尚设计中的服装款式、服装部件、服装部位、服装廓形中均有应用。而传统造型元素在服装时尚设计中的应用手法主要有化繁为简、跨越古今以及意象表现三种。除此之外,中国传统造型元素在服装时尚设计应用中应该... 中国传统造型元素在服装时尚设计中的服装款式、服装部件、服装部位、服装廓形中均有应用。而传统造型元素在服装时尚设计中的应用手法主要有化繁为简、跨越古今以及意象表现三种。除此之外,中国传统造型元素在服装时尚设计应用中应该要遵循艺术性与实用性相统一、继承性与创新性相统一的原则。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统造型 元素 服装时尚设计 应用
作者 汪娜 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2021年第15期16-17,19,共3页
传统造型元素和服装时尚设计的结合体现出我国服装行业、国内消费者和民族文化自信心培育等多重需求,非常必要。两者的结合有助于提高服装文化的附加值,促进民族服装行业的发展,打造民族服装品牌,开拓广阔的国际服装市场。传统造型元素... 传统造型元素和服装时尚设计的结合体现出我国服装行业、国内消费者和民族文化自信心培育等多重需求,非常必要。两者的结合有助于提高服装文化的附加值,促进民族服装行业的发展,打造民族服装品牌,开拓广阔的国际服装市场。传统造型元素的运用应结合服装设计开发进度和服装设计实际工作,并深化实践探索,将传统造型元素应用于局部,彰显个性优势。创新使用造物的构图方法,可提升服装品质,并对传统造型元素和现代元素进行再设计,丰富文化底蕴,从而提高民族服装设计品质,加速民族服装行业的国际化进程。 展开更多
关键词 传统造型元素 服装时尚设计 结合
AIGC在时尚服装设计中的创作辅助研究 被引量:2
作者 刘晓宇 《染整技术》 CAS 2024年第3期63-65,共3页
随着人工智能技术的迅速发展,AIGC逐渐应用在时尚服装设计领域。在当前创意产业高度竞争和消费者需求多样化的背景下,AIGC的应用能够为设计师提供强大的创作辅助,推动个性化设计的发展。因此,对AIGC在时尚服装设计中的创作辅助展开探讨... 随着人工智能技术的迅速发展,AIGC逐渐应用在时尚服装设计领域。在当前创意产业高度竞争和消费者需求多样化的背景下,AIGC的应用能够为设计师提供强大的创作辅助,推动个性化设计的发展。因此,对AIGC在时尚服装设计中的创作辅助展开探讨,能够为时尚产业的技术革新和服装设计创新提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 AIGC 时尚服装设计 创作辅助
作者 张雪云 邹慧 +2 位作者 丁颖 罗青 王贤雯 《染整技术》 CAS 2024年第8期102-104,共3页
水溶刺绣花边技术以独特的溶解特性和精细的花纹设计,引起了设计师的广泛关注。随着可持续发展理念的深入人心,水溶刺绣花边技术在时尚服装设计中进行了材料创新、设计创新、生产工艺创新等实践,提升了服装的审美价值和环保性能。因此,... 水溶刺绣花边技术以独特的溶解特性和精细的花纹设计,引起了设计师的广泛关注。随着可持续发展理念的深入人心,水溶刺绣花边技术在时尚服装设计中进行了材料创新、设计创新、生产工艺创新等实践,提升了服装的审美价值和环保性能。因此,探讨水溶刺绣花边技术在时尚服装设计中的创新应用,能够进一步为时尚服装设计师提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 水溶刺绣花边技术 时尚服装设计 创新应用
作者 杨茜 《染整技术》 CAS 2024年第2期105-107,122,共4页
随着时尚产业的发展,色彩作为视觉元素的组成部分,承载着情感表达和文化传递的重要作用,在现代服装设计中得到了创新应用。从传统的色彩搭配原则到色彩情感传递,再到色彩的表现技巧,美术配色原则为服装设计提供了基础框架和创意灵感。因... 随着时尚产业的发展,色彩作为视觉元素的组成部分,承载着情感表达和文化传递的重要作用,在现代服装设计中得到了创新应用。从传统的色彩搭配原则到色彩情感传递,再到色彩的表现技巧,美术配色原则为服装设计提供了基础框架和创意灵感。因此,本文针对美术配色原则在时尚服装设计中的创新应用展开探讨。 展开更多
关键词 美术配色原则 时尚服装设计 色彩搭配
我国时尚服装设计知识产权法律保护探究 被引量:4
作者 党玺 冯鑫煜 《浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期651-657,共7页
时尚服装设计是时尚设计的重要组成部分。在“快时尚”时代,时尚服装设计的抄袭等问题不容忽视,严重损害了设计师的合法权利。在分析我国保护现状的基础上,通过案例分析法、比较分析法,研究国内一些典型案例,探究国外相关法律保护,对我... 时尚服装设计是时尚设计的重要组成部分。在“快时尚”时代,时尚服装设计的抄袭等问题不容忽视,严重损害了设计师的合法权利。在分析我国保护现状的基础上,通过案例分析法、比较分析法,研究国内一些典型案例,探究国外相关法律保护,对我国时尚服装设计的知识产权法律保护提出建议。建议在《著作权法》修订中可以增设实用艺术作品,将服装样板作为非典型作品予以保护,避免功能性成为艺术性受保护的阻碍;在《专利法》中,增设快审中心,并将服装设计的外观设计专利申请纳入快审机制,同时借鉴欧盟模式,引入非注册的外观设计专利;在《商标法》中,扩展商标类型,以位置商标加强服装设计的保护。 展开更多
关键词 时尚服装设计 抄袭认定 知识产权 法律保护
时尚服装设计中吉祥图案的艺术表现 被引量:1
作者 钟兴 《黑龙江纺织》 2014年第4期19-20,共2页
作为传统文化艺术的瑰宝,吉祥图案具有深厚的文化底蕴与鲜明的艺术特色。时尚服装设计中吉祥图案的运用,既拓宽了时尚服装设计的灵感素材来源,又丰富了时尚服装设计的艺术表现手法。探讨时尚服装设计中吉祥图案的艺术表现,对时尚服装的... 作为传统文化艺术的瑰宝,吉祥图案具有深厚的文化底蕴与鲜明的艺术特色。时尚服装设计中吉祥图案的运用,既拓宽了时尚服装设计的灵感素材来源,又丰富了时尚服装设计的艺术表现手法。探讨时尚服装设计中吉祥图案的艺术表现,对时尚服装的设计具有重要而深远的意义。 展开更多
关键词 时尚服装设计 吉祥图案 艺术表现
作者 马仁锋 窦思敏 梁贤军 《服装学报》 CAS 2018年第2期177-182,共6页
产业生态圈是孕育和衍生新业态的高效路径,是新兴产业成长的生命之源。宁波纺织服装产业在向"时尚产业"转型过程中,亟待通过构建时尚服装设计业生态圈触发纺织服装产业结构调整、业态优化、品牌及创意能力提升。通过梳理全球... 产业生态圈是孕育和衍生新业态的高效路径,是新兴产业成长的生命之源。宁波纺织服装产业在向"时尚产业"转型过程中,亟待通过构建时尚服装设计业生态圈触发纺织服装产业结构调整、业态优化、品牌及创意能力提升。通过梳理全球典型城市时尚服装设计产业生态圈的发展经验,综合分析了宁波时尚服装设计企业、品牌及创意人才的基础,提出宁波时尚服装设计业生态圈培育模式与路径。研究认为:(1)以创建中国一流时尚服装设计之都和国际时尚原创中心为目标引领宁波"四维一体"时尚服装设计业生态圈成长;(2)亟待通过完善人才服务体系、探索建立信息共享平台、培育智能制造模式、营造品牌氛围等培育路径着力点,催化宁波时装设计产业迅速崛起。 展开更多
关键词 时尚服装设计 产业生态圈 文化创意产业 服装产业转型
浅谈涂鸦艺术对服装时尚领域的影响 被引量:5
作者 黄灿艺 崔丽娜 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第14期182-183,共2页
关键词 涂鸦艺术 服装时尚设计 服装时尚商业 品牌
作者 周祥 《科技创新导报》 2019年第16期245-246,共2页
花瑶挑花是一种独特的传统手工艺形式,这一形式不仅具有十分悠久的历史,而且能很好的体现出中国少数民族人民的智慧结晶。花瑶挑花本身具有十分独特的艺术特点,不论在色彩上、图案上、造型上等方面都有很多独特的艺术特点。时至今日,尽... 花瑶挑花是一种独特的传统手工艺形式,这一形式不仅具有十分悠久的历史,而且能很好的体现出中国少数民族人民的智慧结晶。花瑶挑花本身具有十分独特的艺术特点,不论在色彩上、图案上、造型上等方面都有很多独特的艺术特点。时至今日,尽管现代社会的人们对于美的审美观念有一定的变化,但人们对于花瑶挑花这样一种传统的艺术形式的喜爱程度依然没有降低。如何更好地发挥花瑶挑花的艺术价值,将其更好的运用在服装设计之上,对更好的传播现代服装设计与传统文化之间的联系有很大的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 花瑶挑花 时尚服装设计 实践 研究
作者 王鑫 《色彩》 2023年第8期57-59,共3页
时尚更迭,物质生活富足,使得消费者在面对琳琅满目的橱窗时总有更好的选择,而牛仔服装则是一种会被反复购买的服装款式。牛仔服装一再地被设计师搬上秀场,被消费者买回家中,仿佛从不曾在流行的舞台上落幕,这不仅得益于其面料质地优良,... 时尚更迭,物质生活富足,使得消费者在面对琳琅满目的橱窗时总有更好的选择,而牛仔服装则是一种会被反复购买的服装款式。牛仔服装一再地被设计师搬上秀场,被消费者买回家中,仿佛从不曾在流行的舞台上落幕,这不仅得益于其面料质地优良,穿着舒适,透气保暖而备受好评,还要依赖于其沉稳的蓝色文化,多变的款式设计,丰富的细节变化等等。但牛仔服装的流行也为环境带来了巨大的负担,因为,本文以蓝色牛仔的流行原因为研究重点,兼顾思考牛仔服装发展的弊端,希望能够为我国服装行业的可持续发展提供一些思路。 展开更多
关键词 蓝色牛仔 经典色 服装设计:时尚可持续发展
作者 黄芳 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期98-99,共2页
《时尚概念服装设计与过程》是一门新设置的课程,也是一门完全不同于传统服装概念设计的全新的课程;《时尚概念服装设计与过程》课程设置的目的,就是要在新的教学工作中努力实现三个转变,不仅仅要求学生最终的创作结果,更为看重的是学... 《时尚概念服装设计与过程》是一门新设置的课程,也是一门完全不同于传统服装概念设计的全新的课程;《时尚概念服装设计与过程》课程设置的目的,就是要在新的教学工作中努力实现三个转变,不仅仅要求学生最终的创作结果,更为看重的是学生领悟概念设计的过程,使学习摆脱其单一性,学生的创作亦可延续系列化设计路线。 展开更多
关键词 时尚概念服装设计与过程》 设计方案 概念产品 艺术创新
AHP-Based Optimal Selection of Garment Sizes for Online Shopping 被引量:2
作者 许轶超 齐洁 丁永生 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期222-225,共4页
Garment online shopping has been accepted by more and more consumers in recent years. In online shopping, a buyer only chooses the garment size judged by his own experience without trying-on, so the selected garment m... Garment online shopping has been accepted by more and more consumers in recent years. In online shopping, a buyer only chooses the garment size judged by his own experience without trying-on, so the selected garment may not be the fittest one for the buyer due to the variety of body's figures. Thus, we propose a method of optimal selection of garment sizes for online shopping based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The hierarchical structure model for optimal selection of garment sizes is structured and the fittest garment for a buyer is found by calculating the matching degrees between individual's measurements and the corresponding key-part values of ready-to-wear clothing sizes. In order to demonstrate its feasibility, we provide an example of selecting the fittest sizes of men's bottom. The result shows that the proposed method is useful in online clothing sales application. 展开更多
关键词 optimal selection of garment sizes analytichierarchy process apparel online shopping
“Nonwoven” Versus “Engineered Fabric”: the Impact These Terms Have on the 15-to 25-Year-Old Females' Intent to Purchase
作者 DUTTON Kathryn C ISTOOK Cynthia 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第2期226-229,共4页
Since the fall of 2004, textile and apparel students at a United States public university have been designing apparel with nonwoven fabrics. Over the last two years, the students' designs have sparked interest in the... Since the fall of 2004, textile and apparel students at a United States public university have been designing apparel with nonwoven fabrics. Over the last two years, the students' designs have sparked interest in the industry which has begun to create new and innovative fabric designs. The industry, however, still struggles over the best name for the fabric. This sparked the research question, "What impact does the term 'nonwoven' or 'engineered fabric' have on a 15- to 25-year-old's intent to purchase a garment?" Through a convenience sampling method, an online questionnaire was distributed to 15- to 25-year-old United States females. The questionnaire included questions regarding demographics and psychographics, and asked respondents to choose garments they would intend to purchase based on known attributes such as style, brand, price, place, and fabrication and fiber content. There were a total of 14 garments, seven tops and seven bottoms. Four of these garments, two tops and two bottoms were constructed of nonwoven fabrics. The respondents accepted the nonwoven fabrics when shown in garments in an online setting. This demonstrates that visually, these fabrics are comparable to traditional woven and knit fabrics. The "nonwoven" polyester and nylon blend fabric increased in popularity when the respondents were told the fabrication and fiber content. However, the "engineered" polyester and polyethylene blend fabric dropped to last place when fabrication and fiber content were known. This indicates that 15- to 25-year-old respondents do not understand or are not interested in fibers or fabrications described as "engineered fabric" with a pulyester/pulyethylene blend. More research will have to be done to determine if the fabrication term "engineered fabric" or if the pulyester/pulyethylene blend fiber content caused a lack of interest or decreased intent to purchase. Research has ,currentl begun to determine the right comblnation of fiber content and fiber size to develop a nonwoven fabric with an acceptable hand fof apparel fabrics. 展开更多
关键词 nonwoven apparel FASHION
Analysis on the Influence of the Postmodernism Ideological Trend on Fashion Design
作者 Wei Huang Ning Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期62-63,共2页
Post-modernism began to rise in the mid 20th century, and also rapidly played an influence on the cultures of all the countries in the world. Its combination with the design of art in the development process has broug... Post-modernism began to rise in the mid 20th century, and also rapidly played an influence on the cultures of all the countries in the world. Its combination with the design of art in the development process has brought about a new idea for the aesthetic appreciation of people. The combination of postmodernism with fashion design was mainly reflected in sublation. This has exerted a profound influence on the development of fashion design, which is demonstrated in design theme, design idea, and design methods. In this paper, this is introduced from the concept and characteristics of postmodernism, the influence of postmodernism on fashion design, and the reflection of postmodernism in fashion design. It is found that the post-modernism ideological trend plays a certain role in promoting fashion design. 展开更多
A Brief Analysis of the Influence of Online Media on Fashion Design
作者 Shumin Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期42-43,共2页
The 21 st century is a time of digitization and infurmationization. Online media have been going forward rapidly and have penetrated into various aspects of people' s life, thus having a significant impact on people... The 21 st century is a time of digitization and infurmationization. Online media have been going forward rapidly and have penetrated into various aspects of people' s life, thus having a significant impact on people' s production and life. Under such circumstance, traditional fashion indnstry has also been influenced by online media and has gradually transformed to digitalization. Fashion design is likely to get away from simplex manual design and to transform to the design method of man-machine synergy. The introduction of network technique into fashion design will bring vast potential for future development of fashion design. 展开更多
关键词 Online media Fashion design INFLUENCE
Analysis and research on the demands of the fashion emotional design for the modem professional women
作者 HU Chenyuan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期1-2,共2页
Clothing is a kind of the clothing design activity based on the emotional factors and the concrete understandings. Clothing is not only a kind of the life necessities, but also the interpretation and expression of our... Clothing is a kind of the clothing design activity based on the emotional factors and the concrete understandings. Clothing is not only a kind of the life necessities, but also the interpretation and expression of our own temperament and personalities. Of course, the best effects of the entire costume design activity can be achieved only when the costume itself is matched with the person's identity. In this paper, from the analysis of the influence and the relationship between the clothing emotion and the fashion design activities, combined with the analysis of the specific characteristics of the groups of the modern occupational females, the author explores the modem women's specific needs in the clothing emotional design, and explores the specific ideas of the modern professional women's clothing emotional design. 展开更多
关键词 Modem professional women fashion emotion design requirements connotation analysis research ideas
Innovative Thought on College Assessment Method of Professional Courses in Fashion Engineering
作者 Yue haiying Yang kun Sun jian 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期80-82,共3页
Summarize the value of current assessment method college course assessment in fashion engineering major, ensure the of professional course and existing problems, discuss how to innovate fashion engineering major build... Summarize the value of current assessment method college course assessment in fashion engineering major, ensure the of professional course and existing problems, discuss how to innovate fashion engineering major build the training method to nurture talents with practical and innovative abilities, improve the innovative ability of college students comprehensively, and promote the long-term de-velopment of college fashion engineering major by analyzing the college course assessment in fashion engineering. 展开更多
关键词 College fashion engineering major assessment method INNOVATION
Scientific cognition and application of the fashion color in clothing design
作者 Yiling Tang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期96-98,共3页
The first human communication is conveyed by the clothing. Clothing is a language, which has vocabulary and grammar like the human discourse. Of course, there are many clothing languages, with some having very close r... The first human communication is conveyed by the clothing. Clothing is a language, which has vocabulary and grammar like the human discourse. Of course, there are many clothing languages, with some having very close relationships, and some being very unique. In each clothing language, there are many different dialects and tones, which is the style of clothing. 展开更多
关键词 scientific cognition fashion color clothing design.
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