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《中国期刊年鉴》 2019年第1期361-361,共1页
2018年9月15日,中国邮政集团公司在2018中国(武汉)期刊交易博览会上发布了“2018年度中国邮政发行报刊百强排行榜”。“中国邮政发行百强报刊排行榜”自2013年开始评选,评定过程中,综合考虑了邮发报刊的期发量和流转额两个关键指标,按... 2018年9月15日,中国邮政集团公司在2018中国(武汉)期刊交易博览会上发布了“2018年度中国邮政发行报刊百强排行榜”。“中国邮政发行百强报刊排行榜”自2013年开始评选,评定过程中,综合考虑了邮发报刊的期发量和流转额两个关键指标,按照综合得分情况进行排名。 展开更多
关键词 交易博览会 百强 流转额 综合得分 期发量 评定过程 报刊
Study on Developmental Durations and Fecundity of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley on Four Species of Hosts 被引量:8
作者 关鑫 陆永跃 曾玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第2期408-411,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study on the effect of hosts on development and reproduction of mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley). [Method] Observation was conducted on developmental durations and fecundity of Ph... [Objective] The aim was to study on the effect of hosts on development and reproduction of mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley). [Method] Observation was conducted on developmental durations and fecundity of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley fed on Gossypium spp., Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum tuberosum L and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. [Result] There were differences among all durations, generation durations and fecundities of the mealybug adult females. Specifically, the generation durations on cotton (Gossypium spp.), tobacco( Nicotiana tabacum), potato (Solanum tuberosum L) and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis were 30.2, 28.2, 37.3, and 27.7 d, and the fecundities per female were 626.0, 417.2, 552.5, and 183.2 ind., respectively. [Conclusion] The mealybug would have strong pontential in population growth when fed on cotton, tobacco and potato. 展开更多
关键词 Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley Host plants Development duration FECUNDITY
Effects of Different Application Times of Tillering Fertilizer on Grain Yield and Population Development of Double-cropping Rice Transplanted by Machine
作者 商庆银 吕伟生 +5 位作者 曾勇军 黄山 杨秀霞 谭雪明 石庆华 潘晓华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期1860-1864,1868,共6页
The application of tillering fertilizer plays an important role in promoting rice tillering and improving rice yield. However, under the condition of mechanical transplanting, the optimal application time of tillering... The application of tillering fertilizer plays an important role in promoting rice tillering and improving rice yield. However, under the condition of mechanical transplanting, the optimal application time of tillering fertilizer is still unclear. In this study, the early rice cultivar Zhongjiazao 17 and late rice cultivar H You 518 were used as materials, and the effects of different application times of tillering fertilizer on yield and population development of double-cropping rice transplanted by machine were investigated. The tillering fertilizer was applied 7(D07), 10(D10) and 13(D13) d after the transplanting, respectively. The results showed that compared with those in the D07 treatment groups, the yield of early rice in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were reduced by 9.4% and 3.8%, respectively, and the yield of late rice in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were reduced by 4.5% and 12.6%,respectively. However, there were no significant differences in rice yield among the treatment groups. The application time of tillering fertilizer showed significant effects on grain number per panicle and seed setting rate of early rice. The grain number per panicle in the D10 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group, and the seed setting rate of the D13 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group(P〈0.05). For the late rice, the effect of application time of tillering fertilizer on effective tiller number was most obvious, and the effective tiller number in the D13 treatment group was significantly lower than that in the D07 treatment group(P〈0.05). Compared with those in the D07 treatment group, the effective tiller numbers, leaf area indexes and biomasses in the D10 and D13 treatment groups were all trended to be decreased. Therefore,to improve the quality of population and fulfill the high-yielding potential of double-cropping rice transplanted by machine, the tillering fertilizer should be applied as early as possible after rice seedlings turn green. 展开更多
关键词 Double-cropping rice Mechanical transplanting Tillering fertilizer Application time YIELD Population development
作者 潘宜钧 柳雁阳 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期75-75,共1页
2009年,《中华传奇》的销量没有下滑反而略有上升,是因为我刊读者以中老年为主,受到新媒体的冲击很小,随着新的销售渠道的开辟,又使发行量增加了一些。因为经济不景气,广告商减少了投放量,我们又主动砍掉了一些格调不高的广告,广告收入... 2009年,《中华传奇》的销量没有下滑反而略有上升,是因为我刊读者以中老年为主,受到新媒体的冲击很小,随着新的销售渠道的开辟,又使发行量增加了一些。因为经济不景气,广告商减少了投放量,我们又主动砍掉了一些格调不高的广告,广告收入下滑较大。 展开更多
关键词 销售渠道 故事类 品牌 传媒企业 生存空间 期发量 《故事会》 文学类 无奇 百家
作者 朱道钰 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第5期48-,43,共2页
报纸走向市场有何新体验?笔者感知如下。苦自去年秋起,报纸走向市场,不准摊派订报,一个苦恼困扰报社:报纸订数大幅度下降。去年征订比前年下降12.5%,预计今年会比去年再降17.5%。如此,报社将面临社会效益和经济效益双受损的严峻局面。... 报纸走向市场有何新体验?笔者感知如下。苦自去年秋起,报纸走向市场,不准摊派订报,一个苦恼困扰报社:报纸订数大幅度下降。去年征订比前年下降12.5%,预计今年会比去年再降17.5%。如此,报社将面临社会效益和经济效益双受损的严峻局面。如何解这苦恼?全社苦思。后来想定一法:办起完全适应市场机制的《襄阳报·周末》,以此扩大读者队伍,并通过与正刊同时发行。 展开更多
关键词 适应市场机制 读者队伍 正刊 想定 市场信息 花园街 行费 出版 期发量
作者 李放 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期34-35,共2页
全国的经济体制改革在深化,有计划的商品经济在发展,作为党的机关报具有工具的属性,这就决定了它必须宣传好党的路线、方针、政策,为两个文明建设服务,为建设有中国特色的社会主义服务,更好地发挥社会效益;同时在有计划的商品经济社会里... 全国的经济体制改革在深化,有计划的商品经济在发展,作为党的机关报具有工具的属性,这就决定了它必须宣传好党的路线、方针、政策,为两个文明建设服务,为建设有中国特色的社会主义服务,更好地发挥社会效益;同时在有计划的商品经济社会里,作为精神产品的物质载体,它又具有商品的属性,这就决定了它要进入报刊市场参与竞争,争取更大的经济效益,求得生存和发展。"两个效益"的辩证关系,我报是在实践中逐步认识的。 展开更多
关键词 报刊市场 商品经济社会 经济体制改革 精神产品 辩证关系 两个文明建设 办报方针 经营方针 期发量 革命传统教育
《传媒》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期82-82,共1页
《湖北日报》是中共湖北省委机关报,1949年7月1日创刊。2001年4月,组建湖北日报报业集团(湖北日报社)。2007年4月,更名为湖北日报传媒集团(湖北日报社)。现有资产总额81.5亿元,在全省17个市州和北京、上海、广州设有机构,是一家以党报... 《湖北日报》是中共湖北省委机关报,1949年7月1日创刊。2001年4月,组建湖北日报报业集团(湖北日报社)。2007年4月,更名为湖北日报传媒集团(湖北日报社)。现有资产总额81.5亿元,在全省17个市州和北京、上海、广州设有机构,是一家以党报为核心,拥有11报12刊7网站和1家出版机构、21个全资子公司的综合性传媒集团,2014年居世界媒体500强第271位。 展开更多
关键词 湖北日报 现有资产 中共湖北省委 世界媒体 《湖北日报》 期发量 楚天金报 楚天都市报 大学生记者团
作者 丁莉 《视听界》 1989年第3期24-26,共3页
近几年,细心的读者都会感觉到,平时人们每周必看的“节目报”,已经不仅仅是一张节目单,也不仅仅是对节目的简单预告,它巳经逐步成为广播电视的百花园、信息源、知识库、评议厅。在名称上,已由“××广播电视”变成“××... 近几年,细心的读者都会感觉到,平时人们每周必看的“节目报”,已经不仅仅是一张节目单,也不仅仅是对节目的简单预告,它巳经逐步成为广播电视的百花园、信息源、知识库、评议厅。在名称上,已由“××广播电视”变成“××广播电视报”。在数量上,它一般都是各省、市期发量最大的一份报纸。在版面形式上,已经从四开二版发展到四开四版、四开八版或对开四版。 展开更多
关键词 广播电视报 信息源 版面形式 四开 期发量 办报人 广播电视事业 广播电视工作者 写作规律 电视杂志
作者 理平 东升 《新闻前哨》 1994年第3期49-49,共1页
历史文化名城古襄阳所在地的《襄阳报》,系中共襄阳县委机关报。1980年7月1日复刊,是全国当年复刊最早的40家县报之一。该报四开四版,全国公开发行。现有在编员工35人,设有总编室、发行部、广告科,并成立了襄阳闻达实业总公司。公司下... 历史文化名城古襄阳所在地的《襄阳报》,系中共襄阳县委机关报。1980年7月1日复刊,是全国当年复刊最早的40家县报之一。该报四开四版,全国公开发行。现有在编员工35人,设有总编室、发行部、广告科,并成立了襄阳闻达实业总公司。公司下设印刷厂、图片社、广告公司、装璜工程公司、汽车修理场等实体。 进入90年代以来,襄阳报社党委“一班人”带领全社同志,开拓进取,奋力拼搏,使报纸和报社工作出现了日新月异的变化。一是报纸编发出现了巨大变化。他们在原先发行不足2万份的基础上,1991年由周二刊改为周三刊,去年办成周五刊,期发量达3万份,全年总发行量为700万张。二是报纸业务成果逐年增加。近几年来,每年有数十篇作品被各级评为“好新闻”、“好论文”。今年,各有一篇文章分别被评为“湖北新闻一等奖”和“中国县市报好新闻一等奖”。三是该社事业建设取得了突飞猛进的发展。 展开更多
关键词 期发量 县市报 广告公司 业务成果 工程公司 汽车修理 四开 宣传工作 吏文
作者 苏应奎 《云南档案》 1993年第1期36-36,共1页
多年来,《云南档案》在省档案局的领导下,经过编辑部艰苦卓越的努力,期发量连续三年都过万份,名列全国70多家同类期刊的前茅。 档案工作十分重要。它的重要性,一是体现在继承中华民族的光荣传统上。我国从夏、商时起,就有档案。古代有... 多年来,《云南档案》在省档案局的领导下,经过编辑部艰苦卓越的努力,期发量连续三年都过万份,名列全国70多家同类期刊的前茅。 档案工作十分重要。它的重要性,一是体现在继承中华民族的光荣传统上。我国从夏、商时起,就有档案。古代有甲骨、木牍、竹简、缣帛、金石等档案。不但有档案,而且有“档案馆”。周朝的“天府”,汉朝的“兰台”、“东观”,唐朝的“史馆”,宋元的“架阁库”,明朝的“皇史(山成)”,清朝的“内阁大库”等,都是中国历代王朝中保管档案的地方。我国在世界上以文明古国著称,与早有档案和档案馆有关。 展开更多
关键词 档案宣传工作 架阁库 兰台 东观 期发量 内阁大库 木牍 历代王朝 新闻出版工作 同类
作者 孟繁六 《新闻实践》 1991年第1期47-48,共2页
今年9月,我随中国报业协会赴泰国代表团,考察泰国的报业。这里我想介绍一下在泰华人创办的华文报纸经营情况。泰国的报纸主要使用3种语言:泰国语、汉语和英语。其中泰文报纸种数最多,发行量也最大。第二种发行量多的属华文报纸,因为在泰... 今年9月,我随中国报业协会赴泰国代表团,考察泰国的报业。这里我想介绍一下在泰华人创办的华文报纸经营情况。泰国的报纸主要使用3种语言:泰国语、汉语和英语。其中泰文报纸种数最多,发行量也最大。第二种发行量多的属华文报纸,因为在泰国5500万人口中,10%是华人。目前,注册登记公开发行的华文日报。 展开更多
关键词 华文报纸 华文日报 中国报业协会 中原报 注册登记 报刊 联合日报 《世界日报》 社长负责制 期发量
《中国报业》 2005年第7期38-38,共1页
本月22日是《环球时报》出版1000期的喜庆日子。《环球时报》创刊于1993年1月3日,经过10多年的努力,期发量近200万份,已经成长为中国最具权威的专事国际新闻报道的报纸。该报在全球75个国家和地区驻有300多位记者,以及时、全面、准... 本月22日是《环球时报》出版1000期的喜庆日子。《环球时报》创刊于1993年1月3日,经过10多年的努力,期发量近200万份,已经成长为中国最具权威的专事国际新闻报道的报纸。该报在全球75个国家和地区驻有300多位记者,以及时、全面、准确的报道向中国读者展示了一个真实的世界。本刊特刊发刘祖禹撰写的《坚持正确舆论导向争取最佳宣传效果》和李虹撰写的《(环球时报)与读者同行》,解读《环球时报》的成功经验,以志庆贺。 展开更多
关键词 《环球时报》 期发量 喜庆日子
作者 张志勇 《新闻实践》 1993年第8期40-41,共2页
我国的广播电视报在广播电视事业快速发展中应运而生,已经成为亿万群众生活中难以割舍的“生活伴侣”,成为社会生活、经济生活有效的宣传媒体之一。据有关部门统计,1983年,全国只有40多家广播电视报,到目前为止,已飞速发展到160多家,期... 我国的广播电视报在广播电视事业快速发展中应运而生,已经成为亿万群众生活中难以割舍的“生活伴侣”,成为社会生活、经济生活有效的宣传媒体之一。据有关部门统计,1983年,全国只有40多家广播电视报,到目前为止,已飞速发展到160多家,期发量达4000多万份,读者达1亿以上。然而,浏览与全国各地交流的百多种广播电视报。 展开更多
关键词 广播电视报 广播电视事业 期发量 部门统计 经济生活 电视节目 深圳电视台 社会生活 播出时间 广播电视战线
Genetic overlap between salt and low-temperature tolerance loci at germination stage of soybean
作者 Qiu Pengcheng Du Yongchun +6 位作者 Song Mangang Jiang Hongwei Zhang Wenbo Chang Guoyou Kong Guodong Hu Guohua Chen Qingshan 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第5期37-40,共4页
Salt and low temperature were both very important factors for soybean production. It was necessary to improve the salt stress and low-temperature tolerance of soybean. The main purpose of this paper was to map the qua... Salt and low temperature were both very important factors for soybean production. It was necessary to improve the salt stress and low-temperature tolerance of soybean. The main purpose of this paper was to map the quantitative trait loci(QTL) related with salt tolerance and low- temperature tolerance at germination stage with backcross introgression lines(BILs),and analyze the genetic overlap between them. There were 22 QTL located with BC2 F4 introgression populations after salt stress,and 15 QTL were mapped after low-temperature stress. Seven overlapping QTLs between salt tolerance and low-temperature tolerance were detected on 6 linkage groups at germination stage. In total,there were 31.81 % of salt tolerance and low-temperature tolerance loci existed genetic overlap. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN introgression lines salt tolerance low-temperature tolerance genetic overlap
Influence of different sports on fat mass and lean mass in growing girls
作者 Esther Ubago-Guisado Esmeralda Mata +3 位作者 Javier Sánchez-Sánchez María Plaza-Carmona María Martín-García Leonor Gallardo 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第2期213-218,共6页
Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of different sports(swimming, football, basketball, and handball) on fat mass and lean mass in prepubertal and pubertal girls.Methods: Two hundred ... Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the effects of different sports(swimming, football, basketball, and handball) on fat mass and lean mass in prepubertal and pubertal girls.Methods: Two hundred girls(10.6 ± 1.5 years old, Tanner stages I–III) participated in the study and were divided into 5 groups: 40 swimmers, 40 football players, 40 basketball players, 40 handball players, and 40 controls. Fat and lean masses at whole body, arms, trunk, and legs were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA). Pubertal status was determined using Tanner test. Effects of different sports on fat and lean masses were assessed through analysis of covariance with height as covariates. Analyses were performed separately in 2 groups depending on the Tanner stage(prepubertal and pubertal).Results: The girls of the control group had less lean mass and more fat mass compared to the girls who play sports(p < 0.05). There were differences in body fat between sports. The swimmers and football players had less body fat(p < 0.05). On the other hand, handball players showed the highest values in lean mass(p < 0.05).Conclusion: Impact sports(football, basketball, and handball) and low-impact sports(swimming) provide an appropriate development of lean mass in growing girls. We can conclude that people practicing sports at early ages ensure a lower fat mass and higher lean mass compared to those who do not practice. These results may be useful as a preventive method of adult obesity. 展开更多
关键词 Body composition DXA Female players Physical activity SPORTS
Estrus Grouping in Sheep Treated with Melengestrol Acetate (MGA)
作者 G. Salas F. Mata +4 位作者 M. Perea R. Garciduefias E. Gutierrez A. Caratachea J. P. Flores 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1295-1296,共2页
In Mexico the predominant sheep production system is the semi-extensive with grazing during the day and stanchion afternoon and night. Sheep herd are usually small, approximately 10 to 75 heads. The objectives of thes... In Mexico the predominant sheep production system is the semi-extensive with grazing during the day and stanchion afternoon and night. Sheep herd are usually small, approximately 10 to 75 heads. The objectives of these systems are savings and marketing of lambs. Meat is the main economic product of this kind, the breeding is long, which do not control the delivery dates and ages of the sheep are not uniform, affecting the demand for the local market (for the months of June and December). Therefore the aim of this work was implement a technology that allows the grouping of the estrus and therefore group deliveries for batches of uniform lambs. This technology was designed to suppress the estrus and heifers growth promoter of feedlots, this technology is melengestrol acetate (MGA) which is a synthetic progesterone oral administration that it is easy to manage in the food or alone, economic that it does not represent any risk for sheep females of abortive type, evaluating the effect of the MGA on rate of estrus and gestation in sheep. Work developed in the municipality of Charo from Michoac^in State, M6xico, 20 hair sheep divided in two groups of 10 female, group one treated with MGA and group tow was the whitens. 100% of the sheep treated with a dose of 0.45 mg MGA/head/day for 17 days orally, presented estrus grouped in 5-10 days; however only 50% of the sheep of the witness group presented estrus. In the experimental group there was a rate of 70% with a gestation difference time of no more than ten days gestation and witness group 50%. The MGA is an efficient alternative for the producer of sheep when administered 0.45 mg MGA/head/day for 17 days because inhibits the estrus and once withdrawn treatment manifests estrus synch with which get a rate of gestation elevated by natural riding. 展开更多
关键词 Melengestrol acetate SHEEP ESTRUS PREGNANCY natural riding
Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform to the Analysis of the Landslides Triggered by the Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:2
作者 YANG Chang-wei ZHANG Jian-jing BI Jun-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期711-720,共10页
A steep rock hill with two side slopes located at DK30+256 of National Road 213 was used as a prototype for analysis. The full process from initial deformation to sliding of the slope during ground shaking was simula... A steep rock hill with two side slopes located at DK30+256 of National Road 213 was used as a prototype for analysis. The full process from initial deformation to sliding of the slope during ground shaking was simulated by using a new Continuum-based Discrete Element Method. During the earthquake, when shaking amplitudes were lower, the stress concentration points firstly appeared at the top of the slip mass, and then some tension failure points appeared, followed by shear failure points. At the same time, both the instantaneous frequencies of accelerations in the bedrock and that in the slip mass basically stayed in two different ranges. The energy transmittance coefficients of the sliding surface also stayed in a high range. As the ground shaking lasted, the number of failure points gradually increased until landslide occurrence. The instantaneous frequencies of accelerations in the slip mass and the energy transmittance coefficients of sliding surface gradually decreased, and both finally converged to a lower range. And then, the reasons triggering landslides are analysis in the joint time-frequency domain using Hilbert-Huang Transform, as follows: the differenees of distribution and dissipation of the earthquake energy and the inconsistency of movements between the slip mass and the bedrock were the two major influence factors. 展开更多
关键词 Discrete Element Method Hilbert-Huang Transform Wenchuan Earthquake LANDSLIDE
Molecular characterization and expression profiles of four transformer-2 isoforms in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis 被引量:1
作者 罗丹丽 刘媛 +3 位作者 惠敏 宋呈文 刘厚荣 崔朝霞 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期782-791,共10页
The transformer-2(tra-2) gene plays a key role in the regulatory hierarchy of sexual differentiation in somatic tissues and in the germline of Drosophila melanogaster.In this study,sequences and expression profiles of... The transformer-2(tra-2) gene plays a key role in the regulatory hierarchy of sexual differentiation in somatic tissues and in the germline of Drosophila melanogaster.In this study,sequences and expression profiles of tra-2 in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis were characterized.Four tra-2 isoforms,designated as Estra-2a,Estra-2b,Estra-2c,and Estra-2d,were isolated.They all contained an RNA-recognition motif(RRM) and a linker region,which shared high similarity with other reported tra-2s.Sequence analysis revealed that Estra-2a,Estra-2b and Estra-2c are encoded by the same genomic locus and are generated by alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA.Compared with the other three isoforms,Estra-2d lacks the RS2 domain.Quantitative real-time PCR showed that all four isoforms were highly expressed in the fertilized egg,and in the 2-4 cell and blastula stages compared with larval stages(P<0.01),suggesting their maternal origin in early embryonic developmental stages.Notably,Estra-2a was highly expressed in male somatic tissues,while Estra-2c was significantly highly expressed in the ovary.These results suggest that Estra-2c is involved in sexual differentiation of the Chinese mitten crab.Our findings provide basic information for further functional studies of the tra-2 gene/protein in this species. 展开更多
关键词 Eriocheir sinensis transformer-2 genes embryonic stage larval stage sex-determination
The Study on the Gene Expression of Preimplantation IVF Bovine Embryos 被引量:1
作者 栗雪冰 仓明 Xue-bing 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期93-95,111,共4页
The cattle different stage embryos obtained from in vitro was studied using the technology of single preimplantation embryo mRNA different display:single 8-cell and blastocyst stage embryos were studied using technolo... The cattle different stage embryos obtained from in vitro was studied using the technology of single preimplantation embryo mRNA different display:single 8-cell and blastocyst stage embryos were studied using technology of mRNA different display and one different fragment was found. The result suggested that this fragment displayed high homology (99%) to cattle mRNA for ribosomal protein L31. Then to detect the expression of RPL31mRNA in 8 cell and blastocyst stage embryos by real-time quantitative PCR,the result showed the relative amount of 8 cells was 3.2 times of blastocyst's. 展开更多
关键词 Single preimplantation Embryo mRNA different display Cattle embryo Gene Real-time quantitative PCR
Dynamic change of xylanase activity and gene expression during wheat germination on As(III) stress
作者 LI Chun-xi LI Dan-dan SHAO Yun FENG Shu-li ZHANG Dai-jing ZHANG Bei-bei JIANG Li-na 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第5期45-50,共6页
Through water cultivating method, the dynamic changes of xylanase activity in seed, root and plumule of wheat with different As (III) concentration treatment were studied. The results indicated that the order of ave... Through water cultivating method, the dynamic changes of xylanase activity in seed, root and plumule of wheat with different As (III) concentration treatment were studied. The results indicated that the order of average xylanase activity was seed〉plumule〉root. With the increasing concentration of As (III), the xylanase activity elevated first then dropped in seed, but it descended first then ascended in root and plumule. As the sampling time prolonged, the xylanase activity of seeds climbed first then dropped on the four as (III) concentration, the same trend also appeared in pulume, as the as (Ill) concentration went up, the xylanase activity moved up simultaneity. Semi-quantity Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction was used in the study, the results indicated that, the xylanase gene began to express at 132 h on 0 mg/L As (III) concentration and at 120h on other concentration in the leaves of wheat. 展开更多
关键词 As(III) stress wheat xylanase xylanase gene actingene semi-quantity reverse transcription polymerase chainreaction
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