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后来居上 争创一流——厦门木林森电子有限公司
《厦门科技》 2005年第2期52-52,共1页
关键词 木林森 有限公司 电子 轻子 厦门 福建
作者 温茂凤 《中外鞋业》 2017年第5期37-37,共1页
近日,在三明学院图书馆四楼学术报告厅里召开了木林森学院成立暨揭牌仪式.到场嘉宾木林森集团执行董事总经理张筱其、木林森集团副总经理林天津、木林森集团总经理助理钱远锋、三明学院校长刘健、三明学院院长罗奋涛以及部分企业嘉宾和... 近日,在三明学院图书馆四楼学术报告厅里召开了木林森学院成立暨揭牌仪式.到场嘉宾木林森集团执行董事总经理张筱其、木林森集团副总经理林天津、木林森集团总经理助理钱远锋、三明学院校长刘健、三明学院院长罗奋涛以及部分企业嘉宾和学校主管部门领导等一同见证了此次仪式. 展开更多
关键词 木林森 企业 企业管理 休闲鞋 三明学院
作者 石泰华 马佳鑫 +1 位作者 张紫薇 李玲 《新理财(公司理财)》 2018年第2期53-55,共3页
LED封装行业低利润率的特点决定了成本的高低对企业发展有着十分重要的影响,木林森通过成本控制和技术研发,努力把成本压缩到行业最低水平。供应链是在产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的上游、中游和下游企业组成的网链结构。供应链协同管... LED封装行业低利润率的特点决定了成本的高低对企业发展有着十分重要的影响,木林森通过成本控制和技术研发,努力把成本压缩到行业最低水平。供应链是在产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的上游、中游和下游企业组成的网链结构。供应链协同管理则是指节点企业根据供应链整体经营目标,与供应链上下游企业达成协议,组成战略联盟。 展开更多
关键词 成本管控 成本费用 制造费用 人工成本 木林森 LED 供应链
作者 杨亚桂 《源流》 2009年第10期78-78,共1页
"木林森"由福建石狮市福盛鞋业有限公司创建于1999年8月,位于著名的侨乡石狮市长福工业区,系外商独资企业,是中国皮革协会常务理事单位,全国制鞋行业重点企业。公司现有资产10亿元,厂房面积10万平方米,员工总数5000人,以生产&... "木林森"由福建石狮市福盛鞋业有限公司创建于1999年8月,位于著名的侨乡石狮市长福工业区,系外商独资企业,是中国皮革协会常务理事单位,全国制鞋行业重点企业。公司现有资产10亿元,厂房面积10万平方米,员工总数5000人,以生产"木林森"牌真皮高档休闲鞋而著称。并先后荣获"工商信用良好企业"、" 展开更多
关键词 木林森 品牌 真皮 天然皮革 皮肤 休闲鞋 鞋业
作者 木林森照明 《中国照明电器》 2019年第1期38-38,共1页
关键词 企业技术中心 木林森
《人造板通讯》 2005年第3期22-22,共1页
金桥木业有限公司是中国吉林森工集团以生产实木复合地板为主导产品的木业公司。所属有金林木业、三林木业、松林木业三家地板生产企业和年产200万m^3的胶合板厂。地板年生产能力达300万m^3,是国内规模较大、综合实力较强的大型地板生... 金桥木业有限公司是中国吉林森工集团以生产实木复合地板为主导产品的木业公司。所属有金林木业、三林木业、松林木业三家地板生产企业和年产200万m^3的胶合板厂。地板年生产能力达300万m^3,是国内规模较大、综合实力较强的大型地板生产企业。经过十余年的探索.创新.金桥地板已经形成了多品种、多规格的产品.并研发了染色系列、 展开更多
关键词 林森工金桥业有限公司 复合地板 生产能力 产品规格
作者 陈建国 《人造板通讯》 2004年第4期37-38,共2页
九十年代初,实木复合地板技术刚刚传人中国不久,“金桥”实木复合地板便诞生了。九年的发展,从小大、从弱到强,让”金桥”人尝尽了酸甜苦辣,也让“金桥”人着实品尝到了苦尽甘来。如今,“金桥”已经发展成了一个拥有三家地板厂和... 九十年代初,实木复合地板技术刚刚传人中国不久,“金桥”实木复合地板便诞生了。九年的发展,从小大、从弱到强,让”金桥”人尝尽了酸甜苦辣,也让“金桥”人着实品尝到了苦尽甘来。如今,“金桥”已经发展成了一个拥有三家地板厂和一家胶合板厂,年产地板300万m^2的具有综合实力的大型实木复合地板生产企业。现在,提起。。金桥”,人们就会很自然地与中国实木复合地板联系在一起。 展开更多
关键词 林森工集团金桥业有限公司 中国 林产工业 复合地板 材加工
Review:effects of wind on trees 被引量:8
作者 朱教君 刘足根 +2 位作者 MATSUZAKI Takeshi Gonda Yutaka Gonda Yutaka 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期153-160,i003,i004,共10页
Wind not only causes extensive damages to trees in many parts of the world, it also has more subtle effects on the growth and morphology of trees and forest ecology as well. Wind damage to trees has historically been ... Wind not only causes extensive damages to trees in many parts of the world, it also has more subtle effects on the growth and morphology of trees and forest ecology as well. Wind damage to trees has historically been the field of silviculture, but increasing recognition of the importance and complexity of the subject has recently got people involved from many other disciplines. Due to the global climate changes, it is believed that the risk of further and stronger storms is increasing. In order to better understand the effects of wind on individual trees, forest stand and forest ecosystem, and further to practice the management of forests, it is necessary to summarize the research results related to this subject. This review was mostly based on the references from recent researches in the field, especially from the symposium volumes of some international conferences on this subject. The results indicated that there have been significant progresses in the following aspects: 1) the aerodynamic interaction between wind and trees, 2) the mechanics of trees under wind loading and adaptive growth, 3) the tree's physiological responses to wind, and 4) the risk assessment of wind damage to forest. However, there are some aspects which may need further studies: 1) wind damage to natural forests, 2) wind-driven gap formation and forest dynamics, 3) the effects of changes resulted from wind disturbances on ecological processes of forest ecosystem, and 4) management for the wind-damaged forests. Key words Wind - Wind effect - Trees/forest - Forest ecology - Disturbance CLC number S718 Document code B Foundation item: This research was supported by “the 100-Young-Researcher Project” of Chinese Academy of Sciences (BR0301) and National Natural Science Foundation (30371149).Biography: ZHU Jiao-jun (1965-), male, Ph. Doctor, Professor of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. China. Scholar researcher of Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, JapanResponsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 WIND Wind effect Trees/forest Forest ecology DISTURBANCE
Seed Germination and Storage of Woody Species in the Lower Subtropical Forest 被引量:5
作者 陈章和 彭姣凤 +1 位作者 张德明 赵建刚 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1469-1476,共8页
The dimension, water content and germination of the seeds from 90 woody species in the lower subtropical forest were analyzed in this study. Out of 90 species, germination analysis was performed in 45 species (in whic... The dimension, water content and germination of the seeds from 90 woody species in the lower subtropical forest were analyzed in this study. Out of 90 species, germination analysis was performed in 45 species (in which there were enough germinating individuals), and the effect of storage of seed and fruit on germination of seed was studied in 41 species (in which there were enough seeds and germinating individuals). Most of the species began to germinate within 60 d. Hypogeal species had longer dormancy than epigeal species. Dormancy of fleshy seeds and seeds in pulpy fruit was also longer than that of dry seeds. There were no significant differences in length of dormancy (LD, days from sowing to germination) between fleshy seeds ripening in summer and those ripening in winter and spring, and between big seeds and small seeds. Seeds in pulpy fruit or fleshy seeds had more germination than the dry seeds ( P <0.05), however, percentage germination was not significantly correlated with water content of fresh seeds. Water loss in the seeds could obviously affect percentage germination, especially during the early three days when the seeds were laid open in air in the laboratory. When water content of the seeds decreased to about 20% (fresh weight basis), percentage germination became very low, this happened when the seeds were laid open in air for 10-14 d. Percentage germination decreased with the length of storing in refrigerator ((4±1) ℃), but it was not markedly affected for one month's storage, with a decrease by 8.3% in comparison with the fresh seeds, and it was greatly affected by storing for more than three months, with values decreasing by 37%, 63%, and 81% for three months', six months' and 12 months' storage respectively. Difference in percentage germination as well as in LD was not significant for most lots after different storing periods between big seeds and small seeds, between fruit storage and seed storage, and between seeds in pulpy fruits or fleshy seeds and dry seeds. 展开更多
关键词 woody species fruit and seed GERMINATION STORAGE lower subtropical forest
《全国商情》 2015年第2期43-44,共2页
关键词 品牌排名 零售品牌 销售排名 红蜻蜓 木林森
《全国商情》 2015年第24期10-20,共11页
关键词 皮鞋 皮革制品 品牌占有率 富贵鸟 金利来 木林森 运行情况 月度分析
作者 李超然 《江西电力》 2019年第1期38-39,共2页
关键词 供电公司 木林森
Comparative evaluation of physical properties in soils of orange orchard and bushy forest in chittagong hill tracts, Banglandesh 被引量:4
作者 Mohammad Shaheed Hossain Chowdhury Md. Abdul Halim +3 位作者 Shampa Biswas S. M. Sirajul Haque Nur Muhammed Masao Koike 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期245-248,共4页
The physical properties of soil on two hill slopes of 35% and 55% in orange orchard cultivated by the Mro tribe of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) were evaluated and compared with those of bushy hill forests. Soil sam... The physical properties of soil on two hill slopes of 35% and 55% in orange orchard cultivated by the Mro tribe of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) were evaluated and compared with those of bushy hill forests. Soil samples were collected from three different depths (0-5 cm, 5-15 cm and 15-30 cm), digging three profiles in each land use for determining moisture content, organic matter content and particle density. Maximum water holding capacity, field capacity, dry and moist bulk density and porosity were determined only for the surface soils. Moisture content at all the soil depths was significantly higher (p≤ 0.05) in orange orchard than in forest on both the slopes. Orange orchard contained lower mean soil organic matter than forest on 55% slope, while it contained higher values on 35% slope compared to forest. The highest value of the above two properties was found at surface soil in both the land uses on both the slopes, decreasing with the increase of soil depth. On both the slopes maximum water holding capacity and porosity of surface soil and particle density at all soil depths were lower in orange orchard compared to those in forest. Field capacity values of surface soil did not show consistency in trend for the differences between the two land uses on both the slopes. Bulk density value of moist and dry surface soil was higher in orange orchard than in forest on both the hill slopes. 展开更多
关键词 Orange orchard Bushy forests Physical property Slope Chittagong Hill Tracts
Woody Species Diversity and Forest Structure from Lowland to Montane Forest in Hyrcanian Forest Ecoregion 被引量:2
作者 Seyed Mohammad JAFARI Shahin ZARRE Seyed Kazem ALAVIPANAH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期609-620,共12页
Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of gre... Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ((stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,4oo m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, Central Alborz Mountains. Vegetation changes from lowland forest (LoF) to mid- altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method (PM) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased linearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody taxa compared to adjacent homogenous communities. Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly,correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studied parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and consequently diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommend using both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Alborz Mountains BIODIVERSITY ForestMensuration Hyrcanian forest DISTURBANCE
Effect of Mixed Forests of Chinese Fir and Tsoong's Tree on Soil Properties 被引量:22
作者 ZHENGYUSHAN DINGYINGXIANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第2期161-168,共8页
An investigation and on 13 year old (1984~1996) Chinese fir and Tsoong's tree mixed forests in Jianou City, Fujian Province, China was carried out to compare the influences of different interplanting types of i... An investigation and on 13 year old (1984~1996) Chinese fir and Tsoong's tree mixed forests in Jianou City, Fujian Province, China was carried out to compare the influences of different interplanting types of individual tree tree, row row, row strip (three rows) and pure Chinese fir stands on soil properties. Compared with the pure stands of Chinese fir, the mixed stands exerted a positive effect on soil fertility, with increases in soil organic matter, total N, available P and available K. Moreover, improvements were also observed in soil enzymatic activities, aggregate structure, structure stability, status of soil porosity, soil aeration and penetrability in mixed stands. The row row interplanted stands had the best effect on tree growth and soil properties among these mixed forests. In the southern subtropical region, the spreading of the row row mixing model of the two tree species would be helpful to preventing the soil from fertility deterioration caused by successive plantation of Chinese fir. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese fir mixed forest soil properties Tsoong's tree
A review on the use of non-timber forest products in beauty-care in Bangladesh 被引量:2
作者 Sayma Akhter Md. Abdul Halim +3 位作者 Md. Shawkat Islam Sohel Swapan Kumar Sarker Mohammad Shaheed Hossain Chowdhury Sanjay Saha Sonet 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期72-78,共7页
This review describes the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) used for different aspects of beauty-care in Bangladesh on the basis of extensive literature survey. The diverse plant species, including used parts and u... This review describes the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) used for different aspects of beauty-care in Bangladesh on the basis of extensive literature survey. The diverse plant species, including used parts and using patterns for hair care, facial treatments and body care, were summarized in 13 tables. This paper accumulate the scattered knowledge regarding the use of plants in beauty-care in Bangladesh, to draw the extent of use of NTFPs in health care and to record the knowledge for assessing the possibilities of further implementation in herbal cosmetics industries. The structured knowledge can be used in policy making process for sustainable management of these valuable NTFPs leading to the conservation of the country's biological diversity. It is suggested that intensive field level research is necessary for securing sustainability of NTFPs. 展开更多
关键词 beauty care non-timber forest products (NTFPs) BANGLADESH
Allometric equations for estimating leaf area index(LAI) of two important tropical species(Tectona grandis and Dendrocalamus strictus) 被引量:2
作者 Dhaval Vyas Nirav mehta +1 位作者 J.Dina-karan N.S.R.Krishnayya 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期197-200,I0006,共5页
Leaf area index(LAI) of Teak(Tectona grandis) and Bamboo(Dendrocalamus strictus) grown in Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary of Narmada District,Gujarat,India was obtained by destructive sampling,photo-grid metho... Leaf area index(LAI) of Teak(Tectona grandis) and Bamboo(Dendrocalamus strictus) grown in Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary of Narmada District,Gujarat,India was obtained by destructive sampling,photo-grid method and by litter trap method.An allometric equation(between leaf area by litter trap method and canopy spread area) was developed for the determination of LAI.Results show that LAI value calculated by the developed allometric equation was similar to that estimated by destructive sampling and photo-grid method,with Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) of 0.90 and 1.15 for Teak,and 0.38 and 0.46 for Bamboo,respectively.There was a perfect match in both the LAI values(estimated and calculated),indicating the accuracy of the developed equations for both the species.In conclusion,canopy spread is a better and sensitive parameter to estimate leaf area of trees.The developed equations can be used for estimating LAI of Teak and Bamboo in tropics. 展开更多
关键词 BAMBOO canopy spread area leaf area index specific leaf area TEAK tropical forest
Effect of water extracts of larch on growth of Manchurian walnut seedlings 被引量:9
作者 YANG Li-xue 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期285-288,共4页
A study was conducted to detect the effect of water extracts from different parts such as root, bark, branch and leaf, of adult larch, Larix gmelini, trees on growth of Manchurian walnut, Juglans mandshudca, seedlings... A study was conducted to detect the effect of water extracts from different parts such as root, bark, branch and leaf, of adult larch, Larix gmelini, trees on growth of Manchurian walnut, Juglans mandshudca, seedlings and the allelopathy between the two tree species. Four concentrations (100 g. kg i, 50 g. kg^-1, 25 g. kg^-1 and 12.5 g. kg^-1) were prepared for each kind of extracts. Result showed that the water extracts with low and moderate concentrations accelerated the growth of collar diameter and increased biomass and root/shoot ratio of walnut seedlings. The water extracts from branches and barks with low and moderate concentrations accelerated the height growth of the seedlings, while those from leaves and roots slightly decreased the height growth of seedlings. The fact that application of water extracts of larch improved the growth of Manchurian walnut attributes possibly to the allelopathy between the two tree species. 展开更多
关键词 Juglans mandshurica Larix gmelini Water extract Collar diameter Tree height Root/shoot ratio ALLELOPATHY
Net Primary Productivity and Species Diversity of Herbaceous Vegetation in Banj-oak (Quercus leucotri-chophora A.Camus) Forest in Kumaun Himalaya,India 被引量:1
作者 Mukesh JOSHI Y.S.RAWAT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期787-793,共7页
Net primary productivity and species diversity of herbaceous vegetation of banj-oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forest in Kumaun Himalaya, India were analyzed. Across different growth forms (tall forbs, sho... Net primary productivity and species diversity of herbaceous vegetation of banj-oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forest in Kumaun Himalaya, India were analyzed. Across different growth forms (tall forbs, short forbs, cushion and spreading forbs, grasses), short forbs were most dominant component during rainy season (1VI=152) and winter season (IVI=167) and grasses during the winter season (IVI=148). Maximum above-ground production occurred during rainy season (132.5 g m-2) and minimum during winter season (2.8 g m-~). Below-ground production was maximum (85.9 g m-x) during winter season and minimum (14.9 g m-x) during summer season. Annual net shoot production was 15o g m-~ and below-ground production was 138 g m-~. Of the total input 61% was channeled to above- ground parts and 39% to below-ground parts. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS Diversity Net-primaryproductivity
Logs and Snags in a Shola Forest of Kerala, Indi
作者 U.M. Chandrashekara V. Sibichan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期131-138,共8页
In a tropical wet montane evergreen forest in the southern peninsular India, the estimated stocking of dead wood is 90 ± 3 stems·ha-1 and the total dead wood volume is 70.7 m3·ha-1. When the logs (downe... In a tropical wet montane evergreen forest in the southern peninsular India, the estimated stocking of dead wood is 90 ± 3 stems·ha-1 and the total dead wood volume is 70.7 m3·ha-1. When the logs (downed dead trees more than 10.1 cm in diameter) constitute about 80% of the total deadwood stocking and volume, the rest is by snags (sound and rotting standing dead trees). Since the shola forest trees are characterized by their short stature with low to medium girth, about 89% of the total number of deadwood is of the size ranging from 10.1 cm to 40.0 cm in diameter. The estimated standing dead wood/standing live tree ratio is 0.16 indicating that the forest represents an old stand. Variations observed between logs and snags to change from a given decay class to the higher decay classes in two year period could be attributed to the facts that the logs would be in contact with soil for a relatively longer time and in turn would be in more contact with microorganisms and other decomposing agents. 展开更多
关键词 Dead wood log snag montane forest shola forest Western Ghats of India
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