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木样甲状腺炎的超声特征分析 被引量:1
作者 李建如 罗渝昆 +4 位作者 温泉 李岩密 张雁 张艳 王志涛 《解放军医学院学报》 CAS 2015年第6期556-558,共3页
目的分析木样甲状腺炎超声图像特征,提高超声诊断准确率。方法 2004年6月-2014年6月在我院病理确诊的13例木样甲状腺炎的患者为观察组;另选同期13例患与该病易于混淆且病理确诊的甲状腺癌患者为对照组,全部病例均行超声检查,比较两组二... 目的分析木样甲状腺炎超声图像特征,提高超声诊断准确率。方法 2004年6月-2014年6月在我院病理确诊的13例木样甲状腺炎的患者为观察组;另选同期13例患与该病易于混淆且病理确诊的甲状腺癌患者为对照组,全部病例均行超声检查,比较两组二维声像图特征。结果观察组甲状腺病灶回声不均匀(多由慢性纤维增生性所致),边界欠清,无明显包膜回声,前后径与横径比值<1,彩色多普勒血流较丰富或少量血流信号,无淋巴结转移。对照组甲状腺癌回声不均(主要是含微钙化灶所致),多数结节前后径与横径比值>1,边界不清或部分边界不清,淋巴结转移常见。观察组与对照组纵横比>1、含微钙化灶、淋巴结转移的比例差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论木样甲状腺炎的二维超声图像主要表现为病灶回声不均,质地硬,无包膜,与周围组织界限不清,纵横比<1,不伴有颈部异常淋巴结。 展开更多
关键词 超声检查 木样甲状腺炎 诊断
木样甲状腺炎超声表现1例 被引量:1
作者 周剑宇 李瑾 刘水姣 《临床超声医学杂志》 2014年第11期789-790,共2页
患者男,38岁,左侧结节性甲状腺肿行左侧甲状腺叶部分切除术5年,患者自觉左侧颈部不适,颈前手术区扪及杏仁大小肿块,质硬、固定、无压痛,肿块缓慢增大,呼吸困难半年。体格检查:颈前气管居中,见约6 cm弧形手术疤痕,左侧甲状腺区可扪及3.0... 患者男,38岁,左侧结节性甲状腺肿行左侧甲状腺叶部分切除术5年,患者自觉左侧颈部不适,颈前手术区扪及杏仁大小肿块,质硬、固定、无压痛,肿块缓慢增大,呼吸困难半年。体格检查:颈前气管居中,见约6 cm弧形手术疤痕,左侧甲状腺区可扪及3.0 cm×3.0 cm肿块,质硬,边界欠清、固定,未闻及血管杂音,右侧甲状腺未扪及肿块,两侧颈部淋巴结未扪及肿大。实验室检查:血常规、甲状腺功能、甲状腺过氧化酶抗体、甲状腺球蛋白抗体均未见异常。 展开更多
关键词 木样甲状腺炎 甲状腺区 超声检查 右侧甲状腺 左侧颈部 甲状腺叶 结节性甲状腺肿 低回声 手术疤痕 过氧化酶
作者 韩军 何鹏飞 胡仁健 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2001年第1期32-33,共2页
木样甲状腺炎是一种较少见的甲状腺病,笔者收集了本地区几所医院1980-05~1999-03收治的12例病例,均经病理证实。现结合本组病例作临床分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组12例,男3例,女9例。年龄23~71岁,平均48岁。 1.... 木样甲状腺炎是一种较少见的甲状腺病,笔者收集了本地区几所医院1980-05~1999-03收治的12例病例,均经病理证实。现结合本组病例作临床分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组12例,男3例,女9例。年龄23~71岁,平均48岁。 1.2 临床表现 病程2个月~10年,平均14个月。起病均较缓慢。甲状腺单侧肿块4例,双侧肿块6例,峡部肿块2例。肿块最小2.0cm×1.0cm,最大10.0cm×7.5cm,肿块质地均较硬或坚硬、固定,边界不清,无触压痛。伴呼吸困难4例,声嘶2例。T3、T4检查均正常,131Ⅰ同位素扫描9例为冷结节,3例为凉结节。 1.3 病理 本组12例中,8例术前行针吸活检确诊,余4例均于术中冰冻快速切片病检确诊。病理表现为甲状腺组织正常结构破坏,代之以大量纤维增生,伴玻璃样变性,并可见较多淋巴细胞、浆细胞及多核粒细胞浸润,偶见散在甲状滤泡。 1.4 治疗 手术治疗9例,其中双侧甲状腺次全切除4例,单侧及峡部切除4例,峡部切断1例,术后均痊愈出院。3例用甲状腺素制剂及肾上腺皮质激素或三苯氧胺行内科保守治疗20~42d出院。 1.5 随访本组7例获访2~15年,均无甲状腺功能亢进或低功能表现,肿块复发1例,经内科治疗而愈。 2 讨论 2.1 发病情况 木样甲状腺炎是一种较少见的甲状腺疾病,亦称慢性硬化性甲状腺炎是侵袭性纤维增生性甲状腺炎。1986年,Riedel首次报告3例,并对该病做了详细的描述,故又称Riedel甲状腺炎。迄今病因不明,有人认为是原发的,也有人认为是其它甲状腺炎的终末表现,病变以大量纤维组织增生取代正常甲状腺组织。Mayo医院44年间(1920~1984年)56700例甲状腺手术资料中有木样甲状腺炎37例,占该院同期甲状腺手术病人的0.065%[1〕,笔者收集本地区19年间有12例。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺 木样甲状腺炎 诊断 治疗
作者 谭成戊 刘春涛 《中国呼吸与危重监护杂志》 CAS 2006年第2期149-149,152,共2页
关键词 木样甲状腺炎 哮喘 误诊 甲状腺增大 临床资料 科研单位 咽部不适 医院诊断 专科门诊 研究员
双眼木样结膜炎1例 被引量:1
作者 殷悦 王艳 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2022年第S01期53-56,共4页
35岁女性,因双眼下睑眼袋整复术后出现反复红痒1年就诊,体检可见双眼下睑黄白色假膜增生,假膜较厚伴少量分泌物,余眼内结构未见明显异常。患者的分泌物细菌培养阴性,假膜病理送检提示HE染色下组织背景为大量嗜伊红均质纤维间质,内有炎... 35岁女性,因双眼下睑眼袋整复术后出现反复红痒1年就诊,体检可见双眼下睑黄白色假膜增生,假膜较厚伴少量分泌物,余眼内结构未见明显异常。患者的分泌物细菌培养阴性,假膜病理送检提示HE染色下组织背景为大量嗜伊红均质纤维间质,内有炎症细胞浸润,浆细胞为主。患者的临床表现及病理结果均符合木样结膜炎的表现。予以患者先后共2次双眼下睑假膜切除、术后抗生素滴眼液及抗炎滴眼液局部治疗,患者症状缓解,但偶有假膜反复形成,患者常自行擦除清理。后进行基因学检测,发现患者存在与先天性纤溶酶原缺乏症相关的PLG基因变异。讨论体会:典型体征及病理结果可以对木样结膜炎患者进行诊断,目前认为木样结膜炎与患者纤维蛋白溶酶原的缺乏相关,在炎症及创伤后可诱发。此外,特殊用药以及IgG4的升高也可能与之相关。对木样结膜炎的反复发作,治疗上目前仍存在一定困难。 展开更多
关键词 木样结膜炎 假膜 纤维蛋白溶酶原
作者 任君寿 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第20期3341-3341,共1页
患者女,48岁,以“咽喉不适2个月,声嘶20 d”予2013年4月7日入院。入院前在当地医院曾以“慢性咽喉炎”治疗,效果差。在我院行电子喉镜检查示:双侧声带表面光滑,未见新生物,左侧声带活动好,右侧声带麻痹,双侧声带闭合差。查体... 患者女,48岁,以“咽喉不适2个月,声嘶20 d”予2013年4月7日入院。入院前在当地医院曾以“慢性咽喉炎”治疗,效果差。在我院行电子喉镜检查示:双侧声带表面光滑,未见新生物,左侧声带活动好,右侧声带麻痹,双侧声带闭合差。查体:一般情况良好,右侧颈部可扪及一包快,约1.5 cm ×2.0 cm大小,质硬,表面不光滑,活动度差,无压痛,随吞咽上下移动。颈部彩超示:右侧甲状腺深面实质性占位。甲状腺CT示:右侧甲状腺下份低密度影,考虑新生物,与周围组织分界不清。彩超引导下甲状腺针刺活检考虑甲状腺腺瘤。抽血检查血钙、甲状腺功能未见异常。遂完善术前检查,在全麻下给予行甲状腺腺叶及峡部切除术,术中见右侧甲状腺下极深面组织占位,大小约1.5 cm &#215;2.0 cm,包块与气管壁粘连紧,分离困难,术中送冰冻提示:甲状腺及周围纤维组织考虑慢性炎,临床考虑木样甲状腺炎。遂钝、锐结合分离包块与气管壁,探查见气管壁弹性好,无塌陷,暴露右侧喉返神经,可见包块已包裹神经,探查发现神经质地硬,予摘除包块及右侧部分甲状腺组织。术后病理检查提示:甲状腺病变考虑纤维性甲状腺炎(慢性木样甲状腺炎)。术后患者声嘶无明显好转,复查血钙、甲功无异常。 展开更多
关键词 木样甲状腺炎 电子喉镜检查 慢性咽喉炎 声带麻痹 周围组织 喉返神经 术后病理检查 彩超引导
1例纤溶酶原缺乏症合并木样结膜炎患儿的护理 被引量:1
作者 张玉新 孙佳丽 +4 位作者 付丽英 王翠玉 康彦霞 杨滢瑞 孙声桃 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第20期2531-2534,共4页
总结1例纤溶酶原缺乏症合并木样结膜炎患儿的护理经验。护理要点:实施个体化用药管理,规范药物配置和使用;设计针对性的病情评估表,持续评估患儿病情;加强营养指导与儿童保健干预,促进患儿生长发育;重视患儿及其家长的心理护理,减轻负... 总结1例纤溶酶原缺乏症合并木样结膜炎患儿的护理经验。护理要点:实施个体化用药管理,规范药物配置和使用;设计针对性的病情评估表,持续评估患儿病情;加强营养指导与儿童保健干预,促进患儿生长发育;重视患儿及其家长的心理护理,减轻负性情绪;开展个体化出院指导及延续性护理,提高患儿家长对疾病的管理能力。经过9 d的精心治疗和护理,患儿好转出院,在持续随访的31个月内,患儿病情稳定。 展开更多
关键词 纤溶酶原缺乏症 木样结膜炎 儿科护理学
Xylooligosaccharides Alleviate Inflammatory Dermatoses and Related Depression-Like Behaviors in Atopic Dermatitis Mice Induced by 2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene
作者 FANG Mingyu TANG Liu +6 位作者 LI Zimo NIE Tingting CHEN Shaoze FANG Zhenfeng SHI Lu HU Song CAO Xiaoqin 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第17期113-126,共14页
Objective:To investigate the influence of xylooligosaccharides on skin inflammation,behavioral characteristics,neurotransmitters,and gut flora in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis(AD)induced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenze... Objective:To investigate the influence of xylooligosaccharides on skin inflammation,behavioral characteristics,neurotransmitters,and gut flora in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis(AD)induced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene(DNFB).Methods:The AD mouse model was created by administration of DNFB for 14 consecutive days.The scoring atopic dermatitis index,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),histopathology,and immunohistochemical analyses were used to assess inflammation and depression-like behaviors.Furthermore,high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to determine the composition of fecal microbiota.Results:Xylooligosaccharides treatment reduced the number of scratches and skin thickness,mast cell infiltration and the levels of immunoglobulin(Ig)E and T-helper cytokines compared with the AD model group.Meanwhile,xylooligosaccharides treatment reduced the immobility time of mice in the forced swimming test and increased the total movement distance and movement distance in the center area in the open-field test.Furthermore,5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine expression in the brain was increased following xylooligosaccharides treatment.Using network pharmacology,Gene Ontology analysis showed that the targets were mainly enriched in phosphatase binding and the regulation of leukocyte differentiation,which ameliorated AD mainly through the hypoxia inducible factor-1 and phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase-protein kinase B pathways.16S rRNA gene sequencing,diversity indices,and gut microbial taxonomic composition analysis showed DNFB-induced changes in intestinal microbiota diversity in AD mice.Comparative analysis indicated that xylooligosaccharides intake improved the gut microbiome by dramatically enhancing the concentration of Lactobacillus while decreasing the concentration of Bacteroides in mice.Conclusion:Xylooligosaccharides reduce inflammatory dermatosis and related depression-like behaviors via regulating intestinal homeostasis,having medicinal value as a nutritional and functional ingredient. 展开更多
关键词 atopic dermatitis intestinal flora XYLOOLIGOSACCHARIDES depression-like behaviors
作者 田学忠 刘福生 《中国综合临床》 北大核心 2002年第3期213-213,共1页
关键词 木样甲状腺炎 诊断 病理 病例报告
装修图样:清代宫廷建筑内檐装修设计媒介 被引量:5
作者 张淑娴 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第3期113-121,共9页
设计是皇宫建筑兴建的关键步骤,古代建筑的设计是否存在精确的、科学的设计图纸,一直为人们所关注,大量清代图样资料遗存,说明清代的宫殿建筑内檐装修设计以图纸、烫样、木样和做法说明为设计媒介。文章以第一历史档案馆、国家图书馆、... 设计是皇宫建筑兴建的关键步骤,古代建筑的设计是否存在精确的、科学的设计图纸,一直为人们所关注,大量清代图样资料遗存,说明清代的宫殿建筑内檐装修设计以图纸、烫样、木样和做法说明为设计媒介。文章以第一历史档案馆、国家图书馆、故宫博物院等处所存清代万春园"天地一家春"图文档案、建筑烫样为例,揭示清代皇家宫殿内檐装修设计程序、方法和模式,探讨清代皇家内檐装修设计问题。 展开更多
关键词 内檐装修 装修地盘图 装修纸样 烫样 合牌样 木样 做法说明
作者 耿万德 《神经药理学报》 1990年第2期36-37,共2页
慢性纤维性甲状腺炎,又叫侵袭性甲状腺炎、慢性木样甲状腺炎、Riedel氏甲状腺肿。此病是一种罕见的甲状腺疾病。我院从1985年~1989年经病理证实诊治5例,现报告如下。例1,女性,49岁。三个月前偶然发现颈部肿物,无疼痛等症状。查体:甲状... 慢性纤维性甲状腺炎,又叫侵袭性甲状腺炎、慢性木样甲状腺炎、Riedel氏甲状腺肿。此病是一种罕见的甲状腺疾病。我院从1985年~1989年经病理证实诊治5例,现报告如下。例1,女性,49岁。三个月前偶然发现颈部肿物,无疼痛等症状。查体:甲状腺两叶轻度肿大,结节状,质地坚硬,无压痛,随吞咽活动。B超:甲状腺两叶稍大,内回声不均,可见数个小结节。T<sub>3</sub>、T<sub>4</sub>正常,WBC5.4×10<sup>9</sup>/L,ESR26mm/1h。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺组织 木样甲状腺炎 颈部肿物 轻度肿大 小结节 侵袭性 肿大淋巴结 喉返神经 峡部切除 压迫症状
The quadratic B-spline curve fitting for the shape of log cross sections 被引量:2
作者 任洪娥 吴妍 朱哓明 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期150-152,共3页
This paper describes a new method for simulation of the cross section shape of log. The self-developed MQK3102 log shape recognizing machine was used to acquire the finite discrete sampling points on the cross section... This paper describes a new method for simulation of the cross section shape of log. The self-developed MQK3102 log shape recognizing machine was used to acquire the finite discrete sampling points on the cross section of log and those points were fitted with the quadratic B-spline parametric curve. This method can clearly stimulate the real shape of the log cross section and is characterized by limited sampling points and high speed computing. The computed result of the previous curve does not affect the next one, which may avoid the graphic distortion caused by the accumulative error. The method can be used to simulate the whole body shape of log approximately by sampling the cross sections along the length direction of log, thus providing a reference model for optimum saw cutting of log. 展开更多
关键词 Quadratic B-spline curve Cross section shape LOG Computer simulation Optimum saw cutting
Functional genomic approach to the study of biodiversitywithin Trichoderma 被引量:1
作者 Monte E Hermosa M R +5 位作者 González F J Rey M Cardoza R E Gutiérrez S Delgado Jarana J Llobell A 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期453-453,共1页
Trichoderma is a fungal genus of great and demonstrable biotechnological value, but its genome is poorly surveyed compared with other model microorganisms. Due to their ubiquity and rapid substrate colonization, Trich... Trichoderma is a fungal genus of great and demonstrable biotechnological value, but its genome is poorly surveyed compared with other model microorganisms. Due to their ubiquity and rapid substrate colonization, Trichoderma species have been widely used as biocontrol organisms for agriculture, and their enzyme systems are widely used in industry. Therefore, there is a clear interest to explore beyond the phenotype to exploit the underlying genetic systems using functional genomics tools. The great diversity of species within the Trichoderma genus, the absence of optimized systems for its exploration, and the great variety of genes expressed under a wide range of ambient conditions are the main challenges to consider when starting a comprehensive functional genomics study. An initial project started by three Spanish groups has been extended into the project TRICHOEST, funded by the EU (FP5, QLRT-2001-02032) to target the transcriptome analysis of selected Trichoderma strains with biocontrol potential, in conditions related to antagonism, nutrient stress and plant interactions. Once specific conditions were defined, cDNA libraries were produced and used for EST sequencing. Nine strains from seven Trichoderma species have been considered in this study and an important amount of gene sequence data has been generated, analyzed and used to compare the gene expression in different strains. In parallel to sequencing, genomic expression studies were carried out by means of macro-arrays to identify genes expressed in specific conditions. In silico analysis of DNA sequencing data together with macro-array expression results have lead to a selection based on the potential use of the gene sequences. The selected clone sequences were completed and cloned in appropriate vectors to initiate functional analysis by means of expression studies in homologous and heterologous systems. 展开更多
关键词 functional genomics PROTEOMICS Trichoest
Comparison of structural diversity of tree-crop associations in Peripheral and Buffer zones of Gachabari Sal forest area,Bangladesh
作者 M.M. Rahman H. Vacik +2 位作者 F. Begum A. Nishad K.K. Islam 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期23-26,共4页
The structural diversity of different tree-crop associations were studied at Gachabari Sal forest area of Madhupur Garh on Buffer and Peripheral Zone during 2006. The total density, basal area of trees in the Buffer a... The structural diversity of different tree-crop associations were studied at Gachabari Sal forest area of Madhupur Garh on Buffer and Peripheral Zone during 2006. The total density, basal area of trees in the Buffer and Peripheral Zone were 155.5 trees·hm^(-2), 795.4 trees·hm^(-2) and 3.9 m2·hm-2, 5.8 m^2·hm^(-2), respectively. No regeneration and natural trees were found in Peripheral Zone and the Zone is totally occupied by exotic species where the Buffer Zone comprised of both natural and exotic trees. The Peripheral Zone belonged to younger and smaller trees whereas the Buffer Zone belonged to mixture of smaller, taller, younger and mature trees simultaneously. For the practicing of different agroforestry systems both Zones have lost their original characters of Sal forest. 展开更多
关键词 Structural diversity Tree-crop associations Sal Peripheral and Buffer Zone.
Effects of Topography and Land use on Woody Plant Species Composition and Beta Diversity in an Arid Trans-Himalayan Landscape, Nepal 被引量:5
作者 Shishir PAUDEL Ole R VETAAS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1112-1122,共11页
Distribution patterns of plant species are believed to be impacted by small-scale habitat heterogeneity. However, there have been few comparative studies examining how woody vegetation composition and diversity varies... Distribution patterns of plant species are believed to be impacted by small-scale habitat heterogeneity. However, there have been few comparative studies examining how woody vegetation composition and diversity varies with aspects of different orientations in the Trans-Himalayan region at a local scale. Here, we examined the effects of incoming solar radiation on variation in woody species composition and compared the diversity between the northeast- and southwest-facing slopes in a Trans-Himalayan valley of Nepal. We also examined the implicit interactions between slope orientation and land use in determining the compositional variations between the slopes. We selected two pairs of northeast- and southwest-facing slopes where the first pair has a similar land use and differs in exposure only(Pisang site) while the other pair has clear differences in land use in addition to slope exposure(Braka site). In each site, we sampled 72 plots(36 on each slope) in which the presence and absence of woody species, environmental variables, and disturbance were recorded. Correspondence Analysis(CA) results suggested that the woody species composition significantly varied between northeast- and southwest-facing slopes at both sites, and was significantly correlated with measured environmental variables such as radiation index, altitude, and canopy openness. In the Braka site,mean alpha diversity was significantly higher on southwest-facing slopes. In contrast, beta diversity and gamma diversity were greater on northeast-facing slopes at both sites. Our results suggest that topographic variables(e.g., radiation index) affect species composition between the slopes, likely due to their influence on small scale abiotic environmental variables. However, the effects of land use, such as livestock browsing/grazing may interact with the effects of slope exposure, effectively reducing differences in species composition within slopes but enhancing the differences in beta diversity between contrasting slopes in the Braka. We conclude that slope orientation and land use are important factors in structuring the woody species composition and diversity in the arid Trans-Himalayan region. We suggest that both environmental and land use variables should be taken into consideration in future studies on plant community structure along the cultural landscapes. 展开更多
关键词 Correspondence analysis Diversity Environmental gradients Himalaya Land use Topographic aspect Woody vegetation
Woody Species Diversity and Forest Structure from Lowland to Montane Forest in Hyrcanian Forest Ecoregion 被引量:2
作者 Seyed Mohammad JAFARI Shahin ZARRE Seyed Kazem ALAVIPANAH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期609-620,共12页
Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of gre... Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ((stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,4oo m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, Central Alborz Mountains. Vegetation changes from lowland forest (LoF) to mid- altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method (PM) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased linearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody taxa compared to adjacent homogenous communities. Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly,correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studied parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and consequently diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommend using both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Alborz Mountains BIODIVERSITY ForestMensuration Hyrcanian forest DISTURBANCE
The Floristic Diversity of the Tlemcen Southern Slope Scrublands (Western Algeria)
作者 Belhacini Fatima Bouazza Mohammed 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第10期1167-1173,共7页
This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up ... This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up of Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus, Thymus ciliatus, Rosmarinus officinalis. The problems sought in this study are to give the actual position of vegetable cover and in particular that of the formations to matorrals currently existing in the southern slope of the area of Tlemcen, while being based on the phytoecological aspect of the vegetable groupings which constitute this inheritance. Sampling is the first phase of work based on the analysis of the spatial variations of the structure and composition floristic and considering the nature of the problem to be treated, the authors considered to be useful to use the method Zuricho Montpeli6raine developed at the point by Braun-Blanquet, the method usually used consists to collect all the plant species and to make the list of the species on a small square of surface 100 m2 (have it minimal). The floristic readings (150 on the whole) were taken according to the method of Braun-Blanquet. Our results show that there exists a therophytisation marked by a general invasion of annual species as show us as the synergistic action of the aridity and the anthropic action generated important modifications on the level of the vegetation in the dynamic direction. This advanced degradation leads a steppisation which results in a substitution of the elements of the matorrals by species more adapted much the xericity. 展开更多
关键词 SCRUBLANDS FLORISTIC DIVERSITY phanerophyte chamaephyte anthropical Tlemcen Algeria.
Diversification of Cassava Flour in the Manufacture of Gluten-Free Flakes Enriched with Dietary Fibers from Virgin Coconut Oil Waste Flour
作者 Diana Widiastuti Eka Herlina +1 位作者 Ade Heri Mulyati Siti Wamasih 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第6期418-423,共6页
Food diversification is a way to strengthen national food security, for example by reducing the dependence on wheat flour as a main raw material of various food products through the use of cassava flour. Cassava flour... Food diversification is a way to strengthen national food security, for example by reducing the dependence on wheat flour as a main raw material of various food products through the use of cassava flour. Cassava flour, a rich source of carbohydrates, can be used in the making of flakes. In this study, the Virgin coconut oil (VCO) waste flour was added in cassava flour to produce gluten-free cassava flour flakes with high dietary fiber contents. The six different formulas of flakes were used in this study with addition of 0% (control), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% coconut waste flour, respectively. Then, the chemical and microbiological characteristics of the flakes were measured. Based on the proximate data, both flours have a good quality. The microbiological analysis shows cassava flour and coconut waste flour have good sanitation and food safety. Results showed that flakes with 80% cassava flour and 20% coconut waste flour are gluten-free and contain 2.52% water, 2.27% ash, 14.40% fat, 4.50% protein, 76.31% carbohydrate, 8.56% dietary fiber. Therefore, it can be said that cassava flour flakes can serve as gluten-free and rich dietary fiber ready-to-eat food. 展开更多
关键词 FLAKES cassava flour Virgin coconut oil waste flour GLUTEN-FREE dietary fiber.
Net Primary Productivity and Species Diversity of Herbaceous Vegetation in Banj-oak (Quercus leucotri-chophora A.Camus) Forest in Kumaun Himalaya,India 被引量:1
作者 Mukesh JOSHI Y.S.RAWAT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期787-793,共7页
Net primary productivity and species diversity of herbaceous vegetation of banj-oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forest in Kumaun Himalaya, India were analyzed. Across different growth forms (tall forbs, sho... Net primary productivity and species diversity of herbaceous vegetation of banj-oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) forest in Kumaun Himalaya, India were analyzed. Across different growth forms (tall forbs, short forbs, cushion and spreading forbs, grasses), short forbs were most dominant component during rainy season (1VI=152) and winter season (IVI=167) and grasses during the winter season (IVI=148). Maximum above-ground production occurred during rainy season (132.5 g m-2) and minimum during winter season (2.8 g m-~). Below-ground production was maximum (85.9 g m-x) during winter season and minimum (14.9 g m-x) during summer season. Annual net shoot production was 15o g m-~ and below-ground production was 138 g m-~. Of the total input 61% was channeled to above- ground parts and 39% to below-ground parts. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS Diversity Net-primaryproductivity
Forest Disturbance Enhanced the Activity of Epedaphic Collembola in Windthrown Stands of the High Tatra Mountains
作者 Veronika URBANOVIOVá Dana MIKLISOVá Lubomír KOVá 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期449-463,共15页
The study aimed to assess the response of ep- and hemiedaphic Collembola communities(activity, richness, community structure) to a disturbance, the subsequent management regime and to the season(summer, winter) in a H... The study aimed to assess the response of ep- and hemiedaphic Collembola communities(activity, richness, community structure) to a disturbance, the subsequent management regime and to the season(summer, winter) in a High Tatra Mountains spruce forest destroyed by a windstorm.Fire and clear-cut resulted in an initial increase in the activity of Collembola inhabiting open areas,opportunistic or generalist species, while forest specialists diminished in numbers or disappeared.Our results indicated that treatment with nonextracted fallen trees(NEX) provided a better chance for forest species to survive compared with their survival in open habitats of extracted(EXT) and wildfire(FIR) treatments. Great species' potential of NEX treatment was indicated by Chao2 estimator and activity/species rarefaction curves. Communities of NEX treatment were more similar to the reference(REF) treatment, documented by ordination and cluster analyses. Thus, leaving fallen timber after a windthrow to natural process of succession is suitable for survival of forest species and maintenance of diversity in forests restoration than timber extraction.Community structure in wildfire(FIR) stands was the most dissimilar to the other treatments. Most of the species trapped in this treatment belonged to hemiedaphic life forms, while the activity of larger epedaphic species diminished. In contrast, the highest number of trapped Collembola in EXT treatment was connected with the larger-bodied epigeic species with fast dispersal ability. The trapping period affected both the number of individuals and species richness;Collembola activity and species diversity in the individual treatments were lower in winter compared with the summer period. Several species increased activity during the winter period, namely Folsomia penicula, Friesea mirabilis, F. truncata, Hypogastrura socialis and Protaphorura aurantiaca. 展开更多
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