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作者 孙育乾 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第4期99-100,共2页
近一个时期党中央三会五申坚定不移地开展反腐败斗争。1993年8月中纪委第二次全体会议发表了公报,坚决惩处腐败分子,坚决克服消极腐败现象。中央的决心下了,但是,还应当看到并未使所有人完全信任和充满信心;有的怀疑“会否只打雷下不雨... 近一个时期党中央三会五申坚定不移地开展反腐败斗争。1993年8月中纪委第二次全体会议发表了公报,坚决惩处腐败分子,坚决克服消极腐败现象。中央的决心下了,但是,还应当看到并未使所有人完全信任和充满信心;有的怀疑“会否只打雷下不雨”;有的认为“野草烧不尽,春风吹又生。” 展开更多
关键词 消极腐败现象 三会 本标 人民群众 为政者 行贿受贿 权力经济 监督机制 传统经济体制 思想领域
《今日印刷》 2015年第8期70-70,共1页
马汀自动科技公司将参加于9月29至10月2日在布鲁塞尔举行的2015欧洲标签展(展位7A35),并于会场展示MBS对接式不停机自动放卷机及LRD不停机自动收卷机。 马汀的MBS对接式不停机自动放卷机,具有极佳的适用性,通用于各种基材,为业界所... 马汀自动科技公司将参加于9月29至10月2日在布鲁塞尔举行的2015欧洲标签展(展位7A35),并于会场展示MBS对接式不停机自动放卷机及LRD不停机自动收卷机。 马汀的MBS对接式不停机自动放卷机,具有极佳的适用性,通用于各种基材,为业界所熟知的马汀产品。最新版本标配的功能,允许它运行从压敏标签纸基材至软包装的包材。 展开更多
关键词 放卷机 收卷 压敏 纸基 本标 纸卷 联机诊断 自动卸载 生产信息 副总裁
长株潭城际铁路开滨区间盾构施工技术(七) 工程重难点及遇到的问题(一)
作者 张佳兴 《工程机械与维修》 2015年第10期114-118,共5页
盾构机掘进过湘江 盾构机掘进过湘江是本段工程的难点也是重点,本标段滨江新城一开福寺盾构区间下穿湘江,区间隧道在江底最小埋深仅为10m,洞身范围以强风化为主,局部弱风化,岩体破碎,节理裂隙十分发育,部分裂隙与上部圆砾土及湘江水连... 盾构机掘进过湘江 盾构机掘进过湘江是本段工程的难点也是重点,本标段滨江新城一开福寺盾构区间下穿湘江,区间隧道在江底最小埋深仅为10m,洞身范围以强风化为主,局部弱风化,岩体破碎,节理裂隙十分发育,部分裂隙与上部圆砾土及湘江水连通,易将隧顶圆砾土富水层中水或湘江水导入隧道,产生管道流突涌水。如何有效地控制盾构机土仓压力,做好渣土改良,避免出现江底塌方、冒顶和喷涌是本标段的难点之一。 展开更多
关键词 湘江水 本标 圆砾土 机掘 工程施工 管道流 刀具管理 开福寺 节理裂隙 岩体破碎
Two New Species of the Genus Rondaniella Johannsen (Diptera:Mycetophilidae) from China 被引量:2
作者 余晓霞 吴鸿 +2 位作者 陈学新 时敏 吴琼 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期288-292,共5页
In this paper two new species of Rondaniella Johannsen, 1909 from China are described. The type specimens are deposited in Zhejiang Forestry College, China.
关键词 DIPTERA MYCETOPHILIDAE Rondaniella new species China
A Systematic Study on the Genus Aphytis Howard (Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae) from South Korea 被引量:1
作者 李成德 杨庆寅 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期307-312,共6页
The present paper deals with the systematic study on the genus Aphytis Howard from South Korea. Five species of Aphytis are recognized, including one new species (Aphytis albus sp. nov.) and four new records (A. diasp... The present paper deals with the systematic study on the genus Aphytis Howard from South Korea. Five species of Aphytis are recognized, including one new species (Aphytis albus sp. nov.) and four new records (A. diaspidis, A. japonicus, A. proclia and A. vandenboschi). A key to the female species of Aphytis from South Korea is provided. The type specimens are respectively deposited in Korea National Arboretum and the Insect Collection of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China. 展开更多
作者 刘君华 《中国环境监测》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期10-13,共4页
一、厂界噪声的定义 我国于1990年颁布了《工业企业厂界噪声标准》GB12348-90,其中虽未对厂界噪声规定明确的定义,但在与之配套的《工业企业厂界噪声测量方法》GB12349-90中指出“
关键词 噪声监测 工业企业厂界 噪声测量方法 建设项目 评价方法 环境噪声 本标 监测技术规范 等效声级 噪声敏感
A Preliminary Survey on Pest of Bamboo in Yunnan Province 被引量:2
作者 和秋菊 易传辉 +2 位作者 杨宇明 孙茂盛 王飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期153-156,共4页
In order to improve the development step of bamboo industry, the pest investigation was done in Yunnan Province from 2000, and 1 500 specimens were collected. Basing on the investigation and the date of recordation, t... In order to improve the development step of bamboo industry, the pest investigation was done in Yunnan Province from 2000, and 1 500 specimens were collected. Basing on the investigation and the date of recordation, there had 224 species pests, belonging to 7 orders and 49 families. Among the pest, most done harm to the bamboo slightly, except Omphisa sp., Pantana phyllostachysae and Cyrtotrachelus buqueti. The disease and pest of bamboo should be investigated in whole province systematically. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan Province BAMBOO PEST
摄血清源安宫法治疗重症崩漏1例验案探析 被引量:1
作者 胡殿磊 胡元春 胡弼尧 《中医临床研究》 2017年第36期26-27,共2页
崩漏重症,在临床工作中,是一个难以取得良好治疗效果的病,本例病案,通过辨证分析,准确把握病因病机,即长期肝气郁滞,疏泄功能失调,气机瘀滞不行,以致脏腑胞宫,脉络瘀血凝滞。内经云:"见肝之病,知肝传脾",肝郁犯脾,脾气亏虚,&q... 崩漏重症,在临床工作中,是一个难以取得良好治疗效果的病,本例病案,通过辨证分析,准确把握病因病机,即长期肝气郁滞,疏泄功能失调,气机瘀滞不行,以致脏腑胞宫,脉络瘀血凝滞。内经云:"见肝之病,知肝传脾",肝郁犯脾,脾气亏虚,"脾为后天之本,气血生化之源"脾气不足,则气血化源不足,假以时日,则脾气,宗气渐虚,最后累及元气亏虚。肝主藏血,调血,脾主摄血统血,肝气郁结,瘀血贼乱,故藏血调血功能失制,脾气亏虚,元气受损,摄血统血之用失调,另有胞宫瘀血作祟,瘀血不除,新血难安,营血失荣,故胞宫出血不止。针对此病理机制,采取补气固本,化瘀治标,本标同治,不止血而血自止。将两级医院用现代医学无法治愈的重症崩漏患者,运用摄血清源安宫法,仅服用中药10剂,就挽救患者于生命垂危之中,并且转危为安,在临症治疗中,取得了很好的疗效,值得总结借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 重症崩漏 摄血化瘀 本标同治
合福铁路铜陵长江公铁大桥公路接线40m预制T梁架设施工技术 被引量:2
作者 鲁德峰 《科技与企业》 2015年第22期142-143,共2页
前言 合福铁路铜陵长江公铁大桥公路接线40m预制T梁架设采用GYJQ40/160型架桥机架设施工。本文针对架桥机的过孔和架梁工艺措施进行论述。
关键词 架设施工 架桥机 江公 预制梁 过孔 路基工程 本标 架梁 湿接缝 起讫里程
The Basic Indexes and Practices of Regional Ecological Agricultural Construction in Dabie Mountains——A Case Study of Huanggang,Hubei
作者 鲍宏礼 鲁丽荣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期740-743,共4页
Taking Huanggang city as an example, the requirements of basic indexes for the regional ecological agricultural construction in Dabie Mountains were ana- lyzed and the measures that must be taken in implementing the i... Taking Huanggang city as an example, the requirements of basic indexes for the regional ecological agricultural construction in Dabie Mountains were ana- lyzed and the measures that must be taken in implementing the in the Dabie Mountains were proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Dabie Mountains Huanggang Basic indexes of ecological agricultural construction
Redescription of Two Species of Genus Karasekia Melichar (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Hylicinae) Based on the Types from Moravian Museum
作者 张雅林 杨玲环 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期259-264,共6页
This paper is a part of revision of the subfamily Hylicinae. Two species of the genus Karasekia Melichar are redescribed and illustrated based on the types and additional specimens.The genus is described with the supp... This paper is a part of revision of the subfamily Hylicinae. Two species of the genus Karasekia Melichar are redescribed and illustrated based on the types and additional specimens.The genus is described with the supplement of male genital characteri-stics. 展开更多
PCR Detection of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Infection in Women by Self Obtained Low Vaginal Swabs
作者 田洪青 杜东红 +1 位作者 史本清 李中伟 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第1期12-14,62,63,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the performance of polymerasechain reaction (PCR) using self obtained low vaginalswabs (SOLVS) to detect Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG).Methods: One SOLVS and two cervical swabs werecollected from e... Objective: To evaluate the performance of polymerasechain reaction (PCR) using self obtained low vaginalswabs (SOLVS) to detect Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG).Methods: One SOLVS and two cervical swabs werecollected from each of 298 female STD clinic attendees.PCR and culture were performed on both samples todetect NG.Results: Thirty-three cases of gonorrhoeae werediagnosed. The sensitivity of cervical culture, cervi-cal swab PCR and SOLVS PCR were 75.8% (25/33),87.9% (29/33) and 97.0% (32/33), respectively. Thespecificities of the respective methods were 100%(265/265), 99.6% (264/265) and 99.6% (264/265).The positive predictive values (PPVs) of the respectivemethods were 100% (25/25), 96.7% (29/30) and97.0% (32/33). The negative predictive values (NPVs)of the respective methods were 97.1% (265/273),98.5% (264/268) and 99.6% (264/265).Conclusions: The performance of SOLVS PCR is atleast as good as that of conventional cervical PCR tech-niques for the detection of NG. SOLVS may take theplace of cervical swabs for screening of NG infectionin women by PCR. 展开更多
关键词 Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR
Detecting abnormalities for empty nest elder in smart monitoring system
作者 杨蕾 杨路明 +1 位作者 满君丰 刘广滨 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期347-350,共4页
In order to implement the real-time detection of abnormality of elder and devices in an empty nest home,multi-modal joint sensors are used to collect discrete action sequences of behavior,and the improved hierarchical... In order to implement the real-time detection of abnormality of elder and devices in an empty nest home,multi-modal joint sensors are used to collect discrete action sequences of behavior,and the improved hierarchical hidden Markov model is adopted to Abstract these discrete action sequences captured by multi-modal joint sensors into an occupant’s high-level behavior—event,then structure representation models of occupant normality are modeled from large amounts of spatio-temporal data. These models are used as classifiers of normality to detect an occupant’s abnormal behavior.In order to express context information needed by reasoning and detection,multi-media ontology (MMO) is designed to annotate and reason about the media information in the smart monitoring system.A pessimistic emotion model (PEM) is improved to analyze multi-interleaving events of multi-active devices in the home.Experiments demonstrate that the PEM can enhance the accuracy and reliability for detecting active devices when these devices are in blind regions or are occlusive. The above approach has good performance in detecting abnormalities involving occupants and devices in a real-time way. 展开更多
关键词 multi-media ontology semantic annotation abnormality detection hierarchical hidden Markov model pessimistic emotion model
《品牌与标准化》 2014年第18期88-88,共1页
伊标准编伊号:NB/T准规伊47032-201定了管子.8D伊3范围:本标外径Dw小w弯管的制伊于等于76mm,弯管半径小于等于1造和验收等技术要求。本标准适用于以余热利用为主的余热锅炉。发布/实施日期:2013-11-28/2014-04-01发布单位:国家能源局标... 伊标准编伊号:NB/T准规伊47032-201定了管子.8D伊3范围:本标外径Dw小w弯管的制伊于等于76mm,弯管半径小于等于1造和验收等技术要求。本标准适用于以余热利用为主的余热锅炉。发布/实施日期:2013-11-28/2014-04-01发布单位:国家能源局标准修订状况:本标准代替JB/T 6509-1992。修订内容:本标准与JB/T 6509-1992相比。 展开更多
关键词 弯管 余热锅炉 准修订 余热利用 技术要求 本标 角度偏差 不大于 工艺试验 测量方法
《电脑采购》 2005年第37期45-45,共1页
自从本鱼当了这个版的版主之后,鱼MM对本鱼的“虫败”与日俱增,大小问题都经常打电话过来咨询。比如电脑能不上网了,或者网页打不开了,又或者是机器死机了。 这天,鱼MM的电话如期而至:“我的电脑QQ不动了,是不是死机了?” 鱼:... 自从本鱼当了这个版的版主之后,鱼MM对本鱼的“虫败”与日俱增,大小问题都经常打电话过来咨询。比如电脑能不上网了,或者网页打不开了,又或者是机器死机了。 这天,鱼MM的电话如期而至:“我的电脑QQ不动了,是不是死机了?” 鱼:“应该是你的QQ进程吊在上面了,你×…×※…把进程杀掉就可以了”(中间删去×百个字) 费了九牛二虎之力好不容易解决了,第二天同一时间,鱼MM的电话竟然又来了,到底怎么回事呢? 鱼MM:“鱼啊!救命,跟昨天一样,我被吊死了,你快来把我杀掉!” 鱼:“…………” 展开更多
关键词 硬盘容量 笔记本硬盘 修改软件 属性窗口 右键 查杀 选择属性 本标 提示卡
《中国招标》 2004年第12期47-49,共3页
标的1: 北京中招国际拍卖有限公司,将于近期拍卖北京长兴筑阳培训中心房地产权,该标的座落于房山区和丰台区交界处,在京良公路长阳环岛东南侧。 建筑面积:30000平方米 土地面积:40亩 产权资质:房地产手续齐全 标的概况:本标的座落于房... 标的1: 北京中招国际拍卖有限公司,将于近期拍卖北京长兴筑阳培训中心房地产权,该标的座落于房山区和丰台区交界处,在京良公路长阳环岛东南侧。 建筑面积:30000平方米 土地面积:40亩 产权资质:房地产手续齐全 标的概况:本标的座落于房山区和丰台区交界处,在京良公路长阳环岛东南侧。距北京著名景点“卢沟晓月”(卢沟桥) 展开更多
关键词 国际拍卖 于房 房地产权 长阳 土地面积 本标 长兴 电子信箱 起拍价 土地使用权
《中国招标》 2004年第33期50-52,共3页
标的1: 标的名称:平谷金海小区甲14号厂房 地理位置:平谷滨河开发区 建筑面积:4963平方米 产权证号:京房权证平股移字第00021号 拍卖主式:产权拍卖或使用权拍卖 标的概况:本标的位于平谷区建设西街,临近区中心,与区政府、法院、海关等... 标的1: 标的名称:平谷金海小区甲14号厂房 地理位置:平谷滨河开发区 建筑面积:4963平方米 产权证号:京房权证平股移字第00021号 拍卖主式:产权拍卖或使用权拍卖 标的概况:本标的位于平谷区建设西街,临近区中心,与区政府、法院、海关等政府部门距离不远。 展开更多
关键词 产权拍卖 区中心 参考价 权证 本标 协议出让 综合服务楼 电子信箱 竞买保证金 地上建筑物
Genetic Relationships Among Soluble Carbohydrates, Anthocyanins and Growth Characteristics in Leymus (Gramineae) Detected with Molecular Markers 被引量:3
作者 胡赞民 Steven R. LARSON +1 位作者 Thomas A. JONES Richard R-C. WANG 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第10期1173-1181,共9页
Low-temperature soluble carbohydrate accumulations are commonly associated with anthocyanin coloration, attenuated growth and cold adaptation of cool-season grasses. The vrn-1 gene has potent effects on vernalization ... Low-temperature soluble carbohydrate accumulations are commonly associated with anthocyanin coloration, attenuated growth and cold adaptation of cool-season grasses. The vrn-1 gene has potent effects on vernalization requirement, growth, and soluble carbohydrate accumulations of the winter-annual Triticeae species. Two hundred and four unmapped AFLP markers and genome-specific DNA markers genetically linked to the vrn-1 gene were used to detect QTL controlling soluble carbohydrate accumulations, anthocyanin coloration and growth characteristics in a segregating population derived from open pollinated Leymus cinereus x L. triticoides hybrids. These perennial Triticeae grasses are distinguished by adaptation and growth habit. As expected, positive trait correlations and pleiotropic gene effects were detected for soluble carbohydrate accumulations and anthocyanin coloration. Likewise, positive trait correlations and pleiotropic gene effects were detected for tillering, leaf development, leaf growth, regrowth and rhizome spread. However, soluble carbohydrate accumulations were not associated with attenuated growth. In fact, several DNA marker alleles, including one near vrn-Ns1, had positive effects on soluble leaf carbohydrate concentrations and low temperature growth. The corresponding DNA marker near vrn-Ns1 had more specific effects on tillering. We speculate that vrn-1 exerts quantitative effects on low-temperature soluble leaf carbohydrate accumulations and growth habit of the perennial Leymus. However, a number of other DNA markers displayed highly significant effects on soluble carbohydrate accumulations and various growth characteristics. Findings indicate that anthocyanin coloration may be a useful phenotypic marker for soluble carbohydrate accumulation. Although variation for soluble carbohydrates was not associated with attenuated growth in this population, this trait was under genetic control. 展开更多
关键词 LEYMUS molecular markers genetic relationship
Study on Five Methods for Extracting DNA from Dried Butterfly Specimen 被引量:1
作者 乔枫 陈振宁 +1 位作者 耿贵工 李思未 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1121-1124,共4页
[Objective]The aim was to find out the optimal methods for extracting DNA from dried butterfly specimen.[Method]A total of five methods including SDS method,SDS-mercaptoethanol-phenol method,CTAB method,saturated NaCl... [Objective]The aim was to find out the optimal methods for extracting DNA from dried butterfly specimen.[Method]A total of five methods including SDS method,SDS-mercaptoethanol-phenol method,CTAB method,saturated NaCl method,SDS-mercaptoethanol-chloroform methods were employed to extract DNA from dried butterfly specimen.[Result]SDS-mercaptoethanol-phenol method,saturated NaCl method and SDS-mercaptoethanol-chloroform method were suitable for genomic DNA extraction from dried butterfly samples,and the DNA extracted can be successfully applied to the PCR amplification of butterfly mitochondrial COI,EF-1α and CytB genes.[Conclusion]SDS-mercaptoethanol-phenol method,saturated NaCl method and SDS-mercaptoethanol-chloroform method can be used to study the extraction of DNA from dried butterfly samples,which laid foundation for study on molecular phylogenetics of butterfly. 展开更多
关键词 BUTTERFLY Dried specimens DNA extraction
Microbial Biomass Carbon and Total Organic Carbon of Soils as Affected by Rubber Cultivation 被引量:36
作者 ZHANG Hua and ZHANG Gan-LinInstitute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 821, Nanjing 210008 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期353-357,共5页
Soil samples were collected from different rubber fields in twenty-five plotsselected randomly in the Experimental Farm of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Scienceslocated in Hainan, China, to analyse the e... Soil samples were collected from different rubber fields in twenty-five plotsselected randomly in the Experimental Farm of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Scienceslocated in Hainan, China, to analyse the ecological effect of rubber cultivation. The results showedthat in the tropical rubber farm, soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and total organic C (TOC) wererelatively low in the content but highly correlated with each other. After rubber tapping, soil MBCof mature rubber fields decreased significantly, by 55.5 percent. compared with immature rubberfields. Soil TOC also decreased but the difference was not significant. Ratios of MBC to TOCdecreased significantly. The decreasing trend of MBC stopped at about ten years of rubbercultivation. After this period, soil MBC increased relatively while soil TOC still kept indecreasing. Soil MBC changes could be measured to predict the tendency of soil organic matterchanges due to management practices in a tropical rubber farm several years before the changes insoil TOC become detectable. 展开更多
关键词 microbial biomass carbon organic C RUBBER tropical soils
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