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西藏班公湖-怒江缝合带中段塔仁本洋岛型玄武岩的发现及地质意义 被引量:28
作者 王忠恒 王永胜 +5 位作者 谢元和 孙忠纲 鲁宗林 曲永贵 李存直 姜雪飞 《沉积与特提斯地质》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期155-162,共8页
塔仁本洋岛型玄武岩是中特提斯洋古洋壳的重要组成部分,是班公湖怒江缝合带内构造混杂岩中局部有序部分的特殊洋壳残片。它以具有海底爆发相与远洋放射虫硅质岩相整合和大洋板内碱性玄武岩的构造环境为主要特征。它的发现丰富了班怒带... 塔仁本洋岛型玄武岩是中特提斯洋古洋壳的重要组成部分,是班公湖怒江缝合带内构造混杂岩中局部有序部分的特殊洋壳残片。它以具有海底爆发相与远洋放射虫硅质岩相整合和大洋板内碱性玄武岩的构造环境为主要特征。它的发现丰富了班怒带的研究内容。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 班公湖-怒江缝合带 塔仁本洋岛型玄武岩 构造环境 古洋壳 地质意义
“本洋”与“鹰洋”:近代流通中国主要外币的替换 被引量:3
作者 郭卫东 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期101-112,共12页
西班牙银元与墨西哥银元是近代在华流通的最大项外币,二者间有此消彼长的轮替,反映出外币流通中国的变换节点与国内外情势的诸般变迁。两币入华时间的研究多有混乱,值得重新厘清考订。因为“本洋”的停铸和“鹰洋”的推出,1857年前后两... 西班牙银元与墨西哥银元是近代在华流通的最大项外币,二者间有此消彼长的轮替,反映出外币流通中国的变换节点与国内外情势的诸般变迁。两币入华时间的研究多有混乱,值得重新厘清考订。因为“本洋”的停铸和“鹰洋”的推出,1857年前后两币在已经成为中国最大工商业城市和远东金融中心的上海实现主要入华外币的换代,其间多有中外朝野之间的周折,此乃中国金融货币史上的重大转变。两种货币停止发行后,仍在中国长时间流通。 展开更多
关键词 近代中国 外币 本洋 “鹰洋” 替换 西班牙银元 墨西哥银元
作者 杨杰 《江汉学术》 2018年第1期101-106,共6页
贺麟"知行合一新论"以"有我"的态度接引西洋哲学科学方法改造传统知行观。具体来讲,贺麟吸收西洋生理心理学界定知行概念,应用黑格尔正反合理念讨论知行合一,汲取斯宾诺莎身心平行论探讨知行平行并进论,从应然与实... 贺麟"知行合一新论"以"有我"的态度接引西洋哲学科学方法改造传统知行观。具体来讲,贺麟吸收西洋生理心理学界定知行概念,应用黑格尔正反合理念讨论知行合一,汲取斯宾诺莎身心平行论探讨知行平行并进论,从应然与实然、逻辑、事实与价值等方面的区分论述知行关系,得出其"自然的知行合一"的结论。随着当今心理学、生理学等科学的发展和人们对西方哲学、传统知行观研究的进展,贺麟"儒本洋末"的方法论需要与时俱进、加以反思。更进一步,贺麟的方法论为当前及未来知行观的研究提供了很多经验和启示,当今学界需要接着宋明理学与贺麟讲知行合一,用中国哲学自身的思维与语言解决知行关系这一哲学问题,从而得出具有中国哲学意味的知行理论。 展开更多
关键词 贺麟 “知行合一” 方法论 本洋
明清两代外国银元流入浙江以其对浙江经济金融的影响 被引量:2
作者 伍员 《浙江金融》 1984年第1期31-32,共2页
浙江是外国银元流入较早、行使较广、行使时问较长的一个省份。由于流入银元的数量大,对全省经济金融的影响也大。本文除简要介绍当时外国银元流入浙江的情况外,并就其对浙江经济金融的影响作初步分析。一、外国银元流入浙江的大致经过... 浙江是外国银元流入较早、行使较广、行使时问较长的一个省份。由于流入银元的数量大,对全省经济金融的影响也大。本文除简要介绍当时外国银元流入浙江的情况外,并就其对浙江经济金融的影响作初步分析。一、外国银元流入浙江的大致经过最先把外国银元带到中国来的是葡萄牙人。当时中国人称他们为佛郎机人。 展开更多
关键词 浙江经济 佛郎机 流通货币 版别 葡萄牙人 本洋 方孔 定海县 双屿港 英国商人
鑫荣花苑二期工地银元窖藏清理简报 被引量:1
作者 阮永好 《福建文博》 2010年第3期23-31,共9页
2008年2月22日下午,漳州市110通报,在漳州市区钟法路施工工地发现一批古钱币。接到通报后本办立即派人赶到事发现场,即漳州鑫荣花苑二期建设工地。在漳州市110协助下,现场共追回大小不一银元64枚,经初步鉴定,为不同时期外国流通银元。... 2008年2月22日下午,漳州市110通报,在漳州市区钟法路施工工地发现一批古钱币。接到通报后本办立即派人赶到事发现场,即漳州鑫荣花苑二期建设工地。在漳州市110协助下,现场共追回大小不一银元64枚,经初步鉴定,为不同时期外国流通银元。根据现场情况分析,可能还会有其他埋藏,故本办立即通知建设单位停止施工,避免文物再次流失。 展开更多
关键词 古钱币 造币厂 二期建设 建设单位 亚拉冈王国 本洋 珠圈 自由女神 情况分析 事发现场
作者 丁孟 《紫禁城》 1991年第5期18-18,21+44,共3页
在故宫博物院收藏的古代货币中,有一部分外国银币,这些不同时期、不同国别的古银币,对於研究中外关系史提供了重要的实物资料。这里仅介绍一枚西班牙国王头像银币。银币重27克,直径3.9厘米。为机制铸币,花边,正面印西班牙国王菲迪南七... 在故宫博物院收藏的古代货币中,有一部分外国银币,这些不同时期、不同国别的古银币,对於研究中外关系史提供了重要的实物资料。这里仅介绍一枚西班牙国王头像银币。银币重27克,直径3.9厘米。为机制铸币,花边,正面印西班牙国王菲迪南七世侧面头像;背面印有纹章,上部是一顶王冠,它是王族统治的象征;中间的纹章是“双狮双城”:左上方的城堡与右下方的城堡相对,右上方的立狮和左下方的立狮相对。这是西班牙特有的国徽,立狮和城堡是强有力的统治的象征;国徽左右有“双柱”。 展开更多
关键词 西班牙人 迪南 古代货币 中外关系史 本洋 双狮 右上方 双柱 王菲 实物资料
作者 秀帼 笑艾 《会计之友》 1990年第3期43-46,共4页
关键词 本洋 白金三品 造币厂 光绪元宝 大尾龙 日本龙 工农兵苏维埃 货币改革 打箭炉厅 墨西哥独立
作者 邢驰鸿 《语言教育》 2001年第12期39-39,共1页
【问】[371]dollar 为什么用“$”表示?【答】表示 dollar 的符号“$”是从古代西班牙“本洋”银币中的一个图案演变过来的,这种“本洋”银币是当时西班牙的属地墨西哥制造的,银币上的图案有两根柱子,因此称为“双柱币”,这两根柱子... 【问】[371]dollar 为什么用“$”表示?【答】表示 dollar 的符号“$”是从古代西班牙“本洋”银币中的一个图案演变过来的,这种“本洋”银币是当时西班牙的属地墨西哥制造的,银币上的图案有两根柱子,因此称为“双柱币”,这两根柱子代表的是直布罗陀海峡两岸险峻的山崖,是为了纪念古代希腊神话中的大力士赫格利斯(Hercules)。在古希腊神话传说中,大力神 Hercules 展开更多
关键词 DOLLAR 本洋 大力神 古希腊神话 双柱 古代希腊 赫格 加拿大元 利斯 阉牛
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 2000年第4期92-93,共2页
0013337 互联网上家庭主页的制作:产科[日]/西川正博//周产医.-1998,28(7).-945~947 友谊医0013338 人体情报的计算机处理:产科[日]/久保隆彦//周产医.-1998,28(7).-918~924 友谊医0013339 分娩的监视和管理进展和围产期医疗展望[日]... 0013337 互联网上家庭主页的制作:产科[日]/西川正博//周产医.-1998,28(7).-945~947 友谊医0013338 人体情报的计算机处理:产科[日]/久保隆彦//周产医.-1998,28(7).-918~924 友谊医0013339 分娩的监视和管理进展和围产期医疗展望[日]/堀口负夫//周产医.-1998,28(12).-1551~1556 友谊医0013340 分娩管理(AML)[日]/桥本洋之//产妇治.-1998,77(6). 展开更多
关键词 产科学 临床医学 本洋
作者 林南中 《闽台文化研究》 2009年第4期40-44,共5页
2008年2月底,福建省漳州市老城区青年路旧城拆迁改造现场,发掘出土了18、19世纪西班牙、墨西哥、日本、荷兰等国银币100多枚。同年4月,在漳州市龙文区瑞竹岩也出土了18、19世纪的外国银元38枚。近二、三十年来,随着旧城改造和土地开发建... 2008年2月底,福建省漳州市老城区青年路旧城拆迁改造现场,发掘出土了18、19世纪西班牙、墨西哥、日本、荷兰等国银币100多枚。同年4月,在漳州市龙文区瑞竹岩也出土了18、19世纪的外国银元38枚。近二、三十年来,随着旧城改造和土地开发建设,闽南地区不断出土和发现这些来自海外的"番银",引起了人们对闽南一带早期外国银元流通情况的关注。闽南地处我国东南沿海,对外交往历史悠久。隋唐之际,闽南与日本。 展开更多
关键词 番银 福建省漳州市 旧城改造 瑞竹 闽南地区 土地开发 本洋 流通情况 龙文区 东南沿海
《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2016年第17期48-48,共1页
为适应工作需要,进一步加强全省农田基本建设'大禹杯'竞赛活动的组织领导,省政府决定对'大禹杯'竞赛领导小组进行调整,调整后的领导小组成员如下:组长:赵化明(省政府副省长)副组长:徐力达(省政府副秘书长)、于本洋(省... 为适应工作需要,进一步加强全省农田基本建设'大禹杯'竞赛活动的组织领导,省政府决定对'大禹杯'竞赛领导小组进行调整,调整后的领导小组成员如下:组长:赵化明(省政府副省长)副组长:徐力达(省政府副秘书长)、于本洋(省水利厅厅长)。成员:宋彦麟(省发展和改革委员会副主任)、魏跃晖(省财政厅副厅长)、王育仁(省公务员局局长)、赵延庆(省国土资源厅副厅长)、陈健(省农村经济委员会副主任)、孙占和(省水利厅副厅长)。 展开更多
关键词 领导小组 省水利厅厅长 财政厅副厅长 本洋 国土资源 赵化 副主任 陈健
《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2007年第14期2-3,48,共3页
各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:为加强我省文物保护工作,全面掌握境内不可移动文物资源的基本情况,构建科学的文化遗产保护体系,按照《国务院关于开展第三次全国文物普查的通知》(国发[2007]9号)要求,省政府决定开展第三次全... 各市人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:为加强我省文物保护工作,全面掌握境内不可移动文物资源的基本情况,构建科学的文化遗产保护体系,按照《国务院关于开展第三次全国文物普查的通知》(国发[2007]9号)要求,省政府决定开展第三次全省文物普查。现将有关事项通知如下:一、普查工作的任务对我省境内地上、地下、水下不可移动文物进行普查,以调查。 展开更多
关键词 文物普查 文物保护 可移动文物 文物调查 直属机构 本洋 建设厅副厅长 崔庆 普查报告 统计局副局长
Distribution characteristics of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in coastal areas of Okinawa Island,Japan 被引量:1
作者 M.A.SHEIKH F.NAKAMA T.OOMORI 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期247-253,共7页
Surface sediment and seawater samples were collected from coastal areas around Okinawa Island from September 2001 to May 2002. The samples were analyzed for total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) levels and homolog comp... Surface sediment and seawater samples were collected from coastal areas around Okinawa Island from September 2001 to May 2002. The samples were analyzed for total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) levels and homolog composition. The results show that total PCB levels ranged from 0.32 to 128.7 ng/g (dry wt.) in sediment and 1.59 to 2.48 ng/L in seawater. The levels exceed the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for water pollution of Japan. The distribution of PCB homolog showed different patterns in the sediments and seawaters. Penta-chlorobiphenyls (CBs) comprised the main congener group in seawater, while hexa-CBs were more abundant homologs in the sediments. The heavily contaminated sites featured higher CBs, including penta-CBs, hexa-CBs, and hepta-CBs, than those in less contaminated sites where tri-CBs dominated. This study provides current distribution and geochemical behavior of PCBs in the coastal areas around Okinawa Island. 展开更多
关键词 PCBS Okinawa Island HOMOLOG coastal pollution
Combined impact of the Pacific–Japan pattern and Mediterranean–northern Eurasia pattern on East Asian summer temperatures 被引量:1
作者 MING Jing SUN Jianqi YU Shui 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第3期208-217,共10页
The combined effect of the Pacific–Japan (PJ) pattern and Mediterranean–northern Eurasia (MnE) pattern on East Asian surface air temperature (SAT) during summer is investigated using the Japanese 55-year reanalysis ... The combined effect of the Pacific–Japan (PJ) pattern and Mediterranean–northern Eurasia (MnE) pattern on East Asian surface air temperature (SAT) during summer is investigated using the Japanese 55-year reanalysis and Climatic Research Unit SAT data over the period of 1958–2016. The results show that the combination of the two patterns in different phases can result in different SAT anomalies. During the in-phase PJ-MnE years, the overlapping of opposite signs of the atmospheric circulations associated with the PJ and MnE patterns results in weak atmospheric circulation and SAT anomalies in central East Asia;during these years, the significant SAT anomalies are over northern East Asia. In contrast, during the out-of-phase PJ-MnE years, the overlapping of the same signs of the atmospheric circulations associated with the PJ and MnE patterns leads to significant atmospheric circulation and SAT anomalies in central East Asia and northern Asia. The analysis in this study indicates that to better understand and predict the variability of East Asian summer SATs, the combined effect of the PJ and MnE patterns should be taken into account. 展开更多
关键词 East Asia surface air temperature Pacific–Japan pattern Mediterranean– northern Eurasia pattern
Mitochondrial DNA control region diversity and population structure of Pacific herring(Clupea pallasii)in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan 被引量:1
作者 刘名 高天翔 +5 位作者 樱井泰宪 贾宁 赵林林 杜晓 姜群 鹿志创 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期317-325,共9页
To investigate the genetic variation and population structure of Pacific herring in the Yellow Sea and the genetic differentiation between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, fragments of 479-bp mitochondrial DNA con... To investigate the genetic variation and population structure of Pacific herring in the Yellow Sea and the genetic differentiation between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, fragments of 479-bp mitochondrial DNA control region were sequenced for 110 individuals collected from three different periods in the Yellow Sea and one locality in the Sea of Japan. High haplotype diversity and moderate nucleotide diversity were observed in Pacific herring. AMOVA and exact test of population differentiation showed no significant genetic differentiations among the three populations of the Yellow Sea and suggested the populations can be treated as a single panmictic stock in the Yellow Sea. However, a large and significant genetic differentiation (ФST=0.11; P=0.00) was detected between the populations in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. The high sea water temperature in the Tsushima Strait was thought a barrier to block the gene exchange between populations of the two sea areas. The neutrality tests and mismatch distribution indicated recent population expansion in Pacific herring. 展开更多
关键词 Clupea pallasii mtDNA control region genetic diversity population genetics the YellowSea historical demography
Research and Application of Role Theory in Ocean Carbon Cycle Ontology Construction 被引量:1
作者 JIA Haipeng XIONG Jing +1 位作者 XU Jianliang WANG Jipeng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期979-984,共6页
Many researchers have studied the ocean carbon cycle model trying to regulate the level of CO2 in atmosphere from viewpoint of quantification. Unlike other researches, this paper analyzes the conversion process of car... Many researchers have studied the ocean carbon cycle model trying to regulate the level of CO2 in atmosphere from viewpoint of quantification. Unlike other researches, this paper analyzes the conversion process of carbon element in the ocean from the qualitative viewpoint. There are many complex roles in the ocean carbon cycle, and it is hard to represent the case that an entity plays different role in different environment. An ontology technology Hozo role theory developed by Osaka University Mizoguchi Laboratory is proposed as a solution. The basic concepts and representation mode of Hozo role theory is introduced. The conversion process of ocean carbon cycle is abstracted and an ontology model using Hozo role theory is proposed. Instead of comprehensive common ontology construction method, we propose our own ontology development steps. Then an ontology about ocean carbon cycle is built in order to describe and share the basic knowledge of ocean carbon cycle. A knowledge base of material circulation is proposed based on the ontology. Its construction framework is described and some knowledge base query examples are also illustrated. Conclusions show that the role theory can effectively solve the problem of multirole description in ocean carbon cycle, and knowledge reasoning based on ontology is also effective. 展开更多
关键词 ocean carbon cycle ontology role theory Hozo OWL-QL
Distributions of Inorganic Nutrients in the Bohai Sea of China 被引量:4
作者 LI Zhengyan BAI Jie +1 位作者 SHI Jinhui GAO Huiwang 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第1期112-116,共5页
To study the contents and distribution of inorganic nutrients in the Bohai Sea of China, two cruise surveys were undertaken in August (summer) 2000 and January (winter) 2001, respectively. A total of 595 water samples... To study the contents and distribution of inorganic nutrients in the Bohai Sea of China, two cruise surveys were undertaken in August (summer) 2000 and January (winter) 2001, respectively. A total of 595 water samples were collected from 91 stations and five nutrients, i.e., nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate, were analyzed for each sample. The results show that the average concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the Bohai Sea in winter (6.529 μmol L -1) is significantly higher than that in summer (3.717 μmol L -1). The phosphorus concentration in winter (0.660 μmol L -1) is also significantly higher than that in summer (0.329 μmol L -1). Mean silicate concentration in winter (7.858 μmol L -1) is, however, not significantly different from that in summer (7.200 μmol L -1). Nutrients also vary considerably in different areas in Bohai Sea. DIN concentration in the Laizhou Bay (4.444 μmol L -1), for example, is significantly higher than those in the Bohai Bay (2.270 μmol L -1) and Bohai Strait (2.431 μmol L -1), which is caused by the discharge of large amounts of nitrogen into Laizhou Bay via Yellow River. The nutrients show different vertical distribution patterns. In summer, nutrients in bottom layer are generally richer than those in surface and middle layers. In winter, however, nutrients are not significantly different in different layers. Compared with historic data, DIN contents have increased continually since the early 1980 s. Based on atomic ratios of different nutrients, nitrogen is still the limiting factor for algal growth in the Bohai Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Sea inorganic nutrient DISTRIBUTION
Seasonal Variation in Abundance and Species Composition of a Planktonic Diatom Assemblage Including Viable Cells on the Bottom in Matsushima Bay, Northeastern Japan
作者 ICHINOMIYA Mutsuo TANIGUCHI Akira 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第2期160-166,共7页
Seasonal variation in abundance and species composition of a planktonic diatom assemblage distributed in the water column and also settled on the bottom was investigated for the shallow coastal water in Matsushima Bay... Seasonal variation in abundance and species composition of a planktonic diatom assemblage distributed in the water column and also settled on the bottom was investigated for the shallow coastal water in Matsushima Bay on the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan during the period from October 1999 to September 2000. A spring bloom of diatoms began in April when nutrient concentrations started to increase, indicating the importance of nutrients. Viable cells of Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira spp., which were the dominant species in the water column throughout the year, were also always abundant in the bottom sediment. Both populations in the water column and on the bottom fluctuated essentially in parallel.For the planktonic diatoms in shallow coastal waters to maintain their vegetative populations in the water column, it would be advantageous for them to have a seeding population of viable cells on the bottom that are easily resuspended into the upper photic layer. 展开更多
关键词 planktonic diatoms resting stage cells seasonal change
Recent Advances in Study of Oceanic Vortex
作者 FUGang LILi LIUQinyu 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2002年第1期13-18,共6页
In this paper, the recent advances in the study of oceanic vortex are outlined. Firstly, the previous studies on oceanic vortex are reviewed. Secondly, some prominent features of oceanic vortex in the Gulf Stream, the... In this paper, the recent advances in the study of oceanic vortex are outlined. Firstly, the previous studies on oceanic vortex are reviewed. Secondly, some prominent features of oceanic vortex in the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio, the South China Sea and the Japan Sea regions are depicted based upon the observations and numerical modeling results. Gene- rally, the lifetime of these oceanic vortices ranges from several weeks to several months, and their horizontal scales vary from tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. Their vertical scales are on the order of thousands of meters. Finally, some theoretical studies, mainly on the splitting of a cyclonic vortex and the merging of anticyclonic vortices, are introduced. 展开更多
关键词 oceanic vortex spatial and temporal structures Rossby radius of deformation South China Sea Japan Sea
The Crustal Structure Character of East China Sea
作者 方银霞 刘建华 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2005年第2期1-12,共12页
This paper presents actuality of investigation and study of the crustal structure characters of East China Sea at home and abroad. Based on lots of investigation and study achievements and the difference of the crusta... This paper presents actuality of investigation and study of the crustal structure characters of East China Sea at home and abroad. Based on lots of investigation and study achievements and the difference of the crustal velocity structure from west to east, the East China Sea is divided into three parts — East China Sea shelf zone, Okinawa Trough zone and Ryukyu arc-trench zone. The East China Sea shelf zone mostly has three velocity layers, i.e., the sediment blanket layer (the velocity is 5.8-5.9 km/s), the basement layer (the velocity is 6.0-6.3 km/s), and the lower crustal layer (the velocity is 6.8-7.6 km/s). So the East China Sea shelf zone belongs to the typical continental crust. The Okinawa Trough zone is located at the transitional belt between the continental crust and the oceanic crust. It still has the structural characters of the continental crust, and no formation of the oceanic crust, but the crust of the central trough has become to thinning down. The Ryukyu arc-trench zone belongs to the transitional type crust as a whole, but the ocean side of the trench already belongs to the oceanic crust. And the northwest Philippine Basin to the east of the Ryukyu Trench absolutely belongs to the typical oceanic crust. 展开更多
关键词 East China Sea Okinawa Trough Crustal Structure
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