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作者 王夏 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2023年第10期105-107,共3页
现如今,随着“互联网+教育”的提出和迅速发展,线上教学模式凭借其不受时空限制、学习资源丰富、能充分激发学习个性等特点成为新兴教学形式热点。在这样的背景下,对教与学回归本质的思考也变得更加重要。本文旨在探讨在线上教学实践中... 现如今,随着“互联网+教育”的提出和迅速发展,线上教学模式凭借其不受时空限制、学习资源丰富、能充分激发学习个性等特点成为新兴教学形式热点。在这样的背景下,对教与学回归本质的思考也变得更加重要。本文旨在探讨在线上教学实践中,教育所面临的现状与问题,分析教与学的本质特征,探索教与学回归本质的路径与方法。 展开更多
关键词 线上教 教的本质 本质
我的教学本质观 被引量:22
作者 廖哲勋 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期20-27,共8页
随着基础教育新课程实验而产生的新教学,既与传统教学有一定联系,叉与它有很大区别。新教学的本质在于引导学生主动地参与学习活动,使学生在知识能力、情感态度、创新精神等方面都得到主动的发展。我们要树立育人为本的教学本质观,... 随着基础教育新课程实验而产生的新教学,既与传统教学有一定联系,叉与它有很大区别。新教学的本质在于引导学生主动地参与学习活动,使学生在知识能力、情感态度、创新精神等方面都得到主动的发展。我们要树立育人为本的教学本质观,故我们既不赞成以学科知识为中心的教学本质观,也不同意“把教学本质定位为交往”。 展开更多
关键词 新教 新教本质 本质
试论新教学的本质 被引量:9
作者 廖哲勋 《教育研究与实验》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期68-72,共5页
新教学随着基础教育新课程的实施而逐步产生。它与传统教学既有一定联系,又具有异于传统教学的显著特征。基于新教学的本质属性,我们应树立育人为本的教学本质观。我们既不赞成把传授知识作为教学的价值取向,也不同意“把教学本质定位... 新教学随着基础教育新课程的实施而逐步产生。它与传统教学既有一定联系,又具有异于传统教学的显著特征。基于新教学的本质属性,我们应树立育人为本的教学本质观。我们既不赞成把传授知识作为教学的价值取向,也不同意“把教学本质定位为交往”。 展开更多
关键词 传统教 新教 新教本质 本质
齐硕姆的部分学的本质主义理论 被引量:1
作者 邹志勇 李似珍 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第3期22-27,共6页
齐硕姆的部分学的本质主义理论认为,如果任何事物是某个整体的一部分,那么只要该整体存在,它就是该整体的一部分,该整体在它存在的每一个可能世界中都具有该部分,对象的部分对于该对象是本质性的。他认为我们必须区分严格的哲学意义上... 齐硕姆的部分学的本质主义理论认为,如果任何事物是某个整体的一部分,那么只要该整体存在,它就是该整体的一部分,该整体在它存在的每一个可能世界中都具有该部分,对象的部分对于该对象是本质性的。他认为我们必须区分严格的哲学意义上的真部分和松散的日常意义上的非真部分,失去真部分将使得一对象改变它的身份,但失去非真部分,这个对象的身份却仍将保持住。齐硕姆的这个理论可以用于处理提修斯之船难题,即:在一对象的每一部分都相继被替换后,该对象是否仍保持它的身份。 展开更多
关键词 齐硕姆 部分本质主义 接续之是 提修斯之船难题
作者 苗宇 《文教资料》 2018年第32期83-85,共3页
关于《论语》中"学"字之本质,历来有训为"觉"和训为"效"两种主流解释。皇侃训为"觉",认为"学"的本质是人心之觉醒,但要以经典的引导为前提和保障;朱熹训为"效",认为"... 关于《论语》中"学"字之本质,历来有训为"觉"和训为"效"两种主流解释。皇侃训为"觉",认为"学"的本质是人心之觉醒,但要以经典的引导为前提和保障;朱熹训为"效",认为"学"是效仿先贤、向外求理的活动,又强调其目的是"明善而复其初",以道德修养为归宿;心学一系思想家则认为"学"是一种内省性的思考活动,因此只需反省内心便可直接获得"道"。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》 ”之本质 皇侃 朱熹 系思想家
汉英文化类辞典编纂要端举论——以《汉英中国哲学辞典》为例 被引量:3
作者 郭尚兴 《上海翻译》 北大核心 2006年第3期49-53,共5页
论文以作者编写的《汉英中国哲学辞典》为例,论述了汉英文化类辞典编纂中的几个重要问题。在指导思想上,这类辞典应该作民族文化身份的维护者和全球文化多样性的建构者。翻译原则应该是:保持文化个性,力求形神兼备,减少文化亏损,平衡语... 论文以作者编写的《汉英中国哲学辞典》为例,论述了汉英文化类辞典编纂中的几个重要问题。在指导思想上,这类辞典应该作民族文化身份的维护者和全球文化多样性的建构者。翻译原则应该是:保持文化个性,力求形神兼备,减少文化亏损,平衡语用效果。贯彻该原则的方法论应该以文化部分学的本质主义为基础,深入地认识和把握民族文化整体的精神内涵及文化术语历时、共时的变化,把中国文化看作一种文化合式公式,把术语看作常项或变项,力求重视域融合,采用动态和历史的方法,显在意义与隐含意义兼顾的方法,形神辨证的方法,确定术语的译文。 展开更多
关键词 文化类辞典 文化合式公式 文化部分本质主义
国内高校学生评教的伦理困境及治理对策 被引量:12
作者 周统建 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期100-103,共4页
当高校教学本真性精神被行政权力遮蔽,教育管理部门淡化、忽略甚至漠视"教"与"学"相互占有又共同成长的伦理本质,师生被整齐划一的标准"摆置"在评教系统的两极时,学生评教就走入"教""学&q... 当高校教学本真性精神被行政权力遮蔽,教育管理部门淡化、忽略甚至漠视"教"与"学"相互占有又共同成长的伦理本质,师生被整齐划一的标准"摆置"在评教系统的两极时,学生评教就走入"教""学""评"的伦理困境,它现实地表现为师生伦理价值被制度性怀疑、学生评价行为的模糊性和主观任性以及学校教育管理部门的单向管理—技术思维导向。为破解困境,寻求将治理理念纳入当前学生评教的现实策略,即在评教理念上,转变学生评教的单向管理—技术思维为互向治理—教育思维;在评教具体的实施中,构建利益相关者参与治理的制度框架,创造教师"善教"与学生"乐学"的制度环境。 展开更多
关键词 生评教 伦理困境 治理 教育善 “教”与“”的伦理本质
作者 江明达 《中国误诊学杂志》 CAS 2006年第8期1501-1502,共2页
关键词 本质过敏/病因
伙伴关系模式的发展以及对中国建筑业的启示 被引量:15
作者 张连营 王争朋 张杰 《中国工程科学》 2006年第8期7-11,共5页
伙伴关系模式作为一种西方建筑体制下的新型业主-承包商关系模式,已经在欧美发达国家建筑业中得到了广泛的应用,并被众多建设管理相关学者和建筑业行内人士视为未来欧美建设项目的一种重要管理模式。然而国内建设管理学界对于这种模式... 伙伴关系模式作为一种西方建筑体制下的新型业主-承包商关系模式,已经在欧美发达国家建筑业中得到了广泛的应用,并被众多建设管理相关学者和建筑业行内人士视为未来欧美建设项目的一种重要管理模式。然而国内建设管理学界对于这种模式的研究既缺乏数量,又缺乏深度和质量。这不仅与我国建筑业体制本身的特点有关,也和国内建设管理相关研究不够活跃有关。文章在回顾相关背景问题的基础上,提出了一个关于伙伴关系模式的概念模型,作为理解伙伴关系模式的框架;介绍了欧美主流建设管理学术刊物对伙伴关系模式的相关研究;指出了伙伴关系模式的行为学本质对中国建筑业的启示。 展开更多
关键词 伙伴关系模式 业主-承包商关系 建设管理 行为本质
作者 陈剑 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 北大核心 2010年第4期73-76,共4页
随着"设计艺术学"学科的建立,设计史的研究也在学界初步展开。针对目前学界的"设计史"研究的大量成果,本文提出了关于设计历史研究的三点思考,并从"史——艺术——设计"三个方面展开论述,强调建立一种包... 随着"设计艺术学"学科的建立,设计史的研究也在学界初步展开。针对目前学界的"设计史"研究的大量成果,本文提出了关于设计历史研究的三点思考,并从"史——艺术——设计"三个方面展开论述,强调建立一种包括"史学意识"、"艺术学建构"和"设计学本质"在内的三位一体的设计史观念,并期待在此观念的影响下形成真正的"中国设计史"的研究和撰述体系。 展开更多
关键词 设计史 意识 艺术建构 设计本质
Effect of Multiple Coatings of One-step Self-etching Adhesive on Microtensile Bond Strength to Primary Dentin 被引量:5
作者 Lin Ma Jian-feng Zhou +3 位作者 Jian-guo Tan Quan Jing Ji-zhi Zhao Kuo Wan 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期146-151,共6页
Objective To investigate the effect of multiple coatings of the one-step self-etching adhesive on immediate microtensile bond strength to primary dentin.Methods Twelve caries-free human primary molars were randomly di... Objective To investigate the effect of multiple coatings of the one-step self-etching adhesive on immediate microtensile bond strength to primary dentin.Methods Twelve caries-free human primary molars were randomly divided into 2 groups with 6 teeth each.In group 1,each tooth was hemisected into two halves.One half was assigned to control subgroup 1,which was bonded with a single-step self-etching adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions;the other half was assigned to experimental subgroup 1 in which the adhesive was applied three times before light curing.In group 2,the teeth were also hemisected into two halves.One half was assigned to control subgroup 2,which was bonded with the single-step self-etching adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions;the other half was assigned to experimental subgroup 2 in which three layers of adhesive were applied with light curing each successive layer.Microtensile bond strength was immediately tested after specimen preparation.Results When the adhesive was applied three times before light curing,the bond strength of the experimental subgroup 1(n=33,57.49±11.61 MPa) was higher than that of the control subgroup 1(n=31,49.71±11.43 MPa,P<0.05).When using the technique of applying multiple layers of adhesive with light curing each successive layer,no difference of immediate bond strength was observed between the control subgroup 2 and the experimental subgroup 2(P>0.05).Conclusion Multiple coatings of one-step self-etching adhesive can increase the immediate bond strength to primary dentin when using the technique of light-curing after applying three layers of adhesive. 展开更多
关键词 self-etching adhesive microtensile bond test primary dentin multiple coatings
On Inheritance of the Sublime: From Longinus to Burke
作者 YUE Jian-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期689-694,共6页
As great philosophers and aesthetes who have significant influence on the ushering and development of the term "sublime", both Longinus and Edmund Burke have their respectively elaboration on sublime that not only h... As great philosophers and aesthetes who have significant influence on the ushering and development of the term "sublime", both Longinus and Edmund Burke have their respectively elaboration on sublime that not only has inner connection but some sheer difference. The aim of this thesis is to interpret the inheritance of Burke to Longinus through the comparison between their attitudes on sublime through doxologie of comparative literature, and it mainly focuses on the point of view, major concern, composing elements and interconnecting aesthetic essence between them. 展开更多
Lattice Dynamics at Zone-Center of Sulphide and Selenide Spinels
作者 A.K.Kushwaha 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1422-1426,共5页
A rigid-ion model is used to calculate the force constants and effective dynamical charges of sulphide and selenide spinels. The Raman and infrared phonon modes of normal cubic sulphide spinels MCr2S4 (M = Mn, Co, Fe... A rigid-ion model is used to calculate the force constants and effective dynamical charges of sulphide and selenide spinels. The Raman and infrared phonon modes of normal cubic sulphide spinels MCr2S4 (M = Mn, Co, Fe, Hg, Zn, and Cd) and selenide spinels MCr2Se4 (M = Hg, Zn, and Cd) are calculated at the first Brillouin zone-centre using above model, The significant outcome of the present work is (i) the interatomic interaction between Cr-S (Se) dominates over the Cr-S(Se) and S-S(Se-Se) type of interatomic interactions, (ii) the effective dynamical charges of the bivalent metal ions are nearly zero, and (iii) the selenide spinels are less ionic than the sulphide spinels and the ionicity decreases as MnCr2S4 〉 FeCr2S4 〉 CoCr2S4 〉 and CdOr2C4 〉 ZnCr2C4 〉 HgCr2C4 (C = S and Se). The zone-center phonon frequencies, calculated using these parameters, are found to be in very good agreement with the observed results. 展开更多
关键词 lattice dynamics zone-center SPINEL effective charges
Objectivity on Quantum Events: The Principle of Complementarity and the Rortian Perspective
作者 Nalliely Hernandez Comejo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第4期181-190,共10页
In this writing, I reconstruct the Principle of Complementarity in Quantum Mechanics, elaborated by Niels Bohr, and the conception of objectivity implied in it (and in Bohr's writings). Then, I connect it with the ... In this writing, I reconstruct the Principle of Complementarity in Quantum Mechanics, elaborated by Niels Bohr, and the conception of objectivity implied in it (and in Bohr's writings). Then, I connect it with the epistemological pragmatism of the philosopher Richard Rorty. My aim is to reinterpret some issues of this quantum description that concern the category of objectivity from the Rortian perspective in a plausible way. This allows me to connect in a positive and a negative sense some quantum (and Bohrian) assumptions to the Rortian perspective, but mainly, it allows to reconsider the framework of scientific objects from the modern perspective to a new pragmatist and anti-essentialist point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum Mechanics PRAGMATISM BOHR RORTY Complementarity postmodemity inter-subjectivity
Science and Sensibility: A Restudy of Snow's "The Two Cultures" in The Masters
作者 WANG Zhe 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1621-1626,共6页
Charles Percy Snow declared his influential Rede Lecture, "The Two Cultures", in 1959. In his famous lecture, he told us that the most powerful revolutionary force in the world today is science, science is essential... Charles Percy Snow declared his influential Rede Lecture, "The Two Cultures", in 1959. In his famous lecture, he told us that the most powerful revolutionary force in the world today is science, science is essentially progressive, and the scientific culture is also a newer one. So Snow, after excluding scientific culture from the whole culture, calls the rest of the whole culture traditional culture. In his opinion, science is more important than humanities. All these ideas are faithfully reflected in his earlier literary work The Masters (1972b). Snow's favor toward men of sciences in the novel is self-evident. "The Masters, therefore, may be considered as a political science novel rather than as a political novel". It was the Industrial Revolution which created our sensibility 展开更多
关键词 "The Two Cultures" The Masters prejudice against scientists preference for scientists
Physical Properties and Electrochemical Performance of Solid K_2FeO_4 Samples Prepared by Ex-situ and in-situ Electrochemical Methods 被引量:2
作者 徐志花 王建明 +1 位作者 邵海波 张鉴清 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期39-43,共5页
K2FeO4 powders were synthesized by the ex-situ and in-situ electrochemical methods, respectively, and characterized by infrared spectrum (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) a... K2FeO4 powders were synthesized by the ex-situ and in-situ electrochemical methods, respectively, and characterized by infrared spectrum (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and BET. Their electrochemical performances were investigated by means of galvanostatic discharge and electrochemi-cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results of physical characterization showed that the two samples have simi-lar structural features, but their surface morphologies and oriented growth of the crystals are different, which results in smaller specific surface area and lower solubility of the ex-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 sample. The results of discharge experiments indicated that the ex-situ electrosythesized K2FeO4 electrode has much larger discharge ca-pacity and lower electrode polarization than the in-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 electrode. It was found from the results of EIS that lower electrochemical polarization might be responsible for the improvement on the discharge performance of the ex-situ electrosynthesized K2FeO4 electrode. 展开更多
关键词 K2FeO4 ELECTROSYNTHESIS discharge performance electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Design of intrinsically safe power supply 被引量:3
作者 LI Rui-jin JIN Lin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期443-448,共6页
Aiming to make a high power direct current supply safely used in coal mine production, this paper made a deep research on characteristics of intrinsically safe power supply, using the mathematical model established ac... Aiming to make a high power direct current supply safely used in coal mine production, this paper made a deep research on characteristics of intrinsically safe power supply, using the mathematical model established according to coal mine intrinsic safety standards. It provides theory support for the application of high power intrinsically safe power supply. The released energy of output short circuit of switch power supply, and the close related factors that influence the biggest output short-circuit spark discharge energy are the theoretical basis of the power supply. It is shown how to make a high power intrinsically safe power supply using the calculated values in the mathematical model, and take values from intrinsically safe requirements parameters scope, then this theoretical calculation value can be developed as the ultimate basis for research of the power supply. It gets the identification method of intrinsically safe from mathematics model of intrinsically safe power supply characteristics study, which solves the problem of theory and application of designing different power intrinsically safe power supply, and designs a kind of high power intrinsically safe power supply through this method. energy, flyback 展开更多
关键词 intrinsically safe circuit switching power supply output short circuit discharge characteristics output short circuit release
Chemical fingerprinting of Su-He-Xiang-Wan and attribution of major characteristic peaks for its quality control by GC-MS 被引量:1
作者 WANG Wei-ping LIN Juan +2 位作者 ZHANG Liang-xiao ZHANG Ming-yue LIANG Yi-zeng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期2115-2123,共9页
A simple and facile gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) fingerprint of Su-He-Xiang-Wan (SHXW) was developed, the similarity analysis was conducted, and attribution of the major characteristic peaks was id... A simple and facile gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) fingerprint of Su-He-Xiang-Wan (SHXW) was developed, the similarity analysis was conducted, and attribution of the major characteristic peaks was identified for SHXW quality control. GC-MS analysis was performed on a QP2010 instrument (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with a capillary column of RTX-5MS. The column temperature was initiated at 50℃, held for 5 min, increased at the rate of 3 ℃/min to 120 ℃, held for 2 min, and then increased at the rate of 4 ℃/min to 220℃, held for 10 min. Helium carrier gas was used at a constant flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. Mass conditions were ionization voltage, 70 eV; injector temperature, 250℃; ion source temperature, 250 ℃; splitting ratio, 30:1; full scan mode in the 40-500 Da mass ranges with rate of 0.2 s per scan. Attribution of the major characteristic peaks was identified for SHXW by comparing the chemical standards, references of Chinese herbal medicines and the negative controls of prescription samples (NC) of SHXW. With the help of the temperature-programmed retention indices (PTRIs) used together with mass spectra and chemical standards, 25 major characteristic peaks have been identified. Nine volatile medicinal materials were identified in the prescription of SHXW by attributing to the 27 major characteristic peaks. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is a powerful approach to quality control of complex herbal medicines. 展开更多
关键词 chromatographic fingerprint attribution analysis quality control herbal medicines complex prescription
Cultural Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
作者 Austin Johnson 《Sociology Study》 2016年第1期55-61,共7页
Cultural Psychology emerged as an interdisciplinary subfield roughly in the 1980s/1990s. With about thirty years of momentum, this discipline has grown from little more than a special interests group to a topic to whi... Cultural Psychology emerged as an interdisciplinary subfield roughly in the 1980s/1990s. With about thirty years of momentum, this discipline has grown from little more than a special interests group to a topic to which multiple institutions and journals have been dedicated. This paper presents an outline of the discipline of Cultural Psychology from an American interdisciplinary perspective. The pitfalls of General Psychology (research methodology, politicization, and an essentialist hermeneutic) and Anthropology (an epistemological gap in the four fields approach, psychophobia, and the role of the researcher in cultural change) are addressed, in turn. Cultural Psychology provides an alternative to these pitfalls by drawing on the strengths of each discipline to address both theoretical and empirical problems. Cultural Psychology urges for a critical reflection on the social structure and history of its own discipline, resulting in a broader academic canon and a more nuanced understanding of interdisciplinary relations within the human sciences. 展开更多
关键词 ANTHROPOLOGY cultural psychology HISTORY interdisciplinary studies PLURALISM
Discussion about contemporary Chinese cultural criticism and mass culture
作者 Shaoxiang Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期82-84,共3页
Contemporary Chinese cultural criticism is facing traditional three factors. That are: literary criticism, belletristic criticism and Chinese-style criticism; contemporary transformation from western cultural critici... Contemporary Chinese cultural criticism is facing traditional three factors. That are: literary criticism, belletristic criticism and Chinese-style criticism; contemporary transformation from western cultural criticism and consciousness of problems in contemporary Chinese culture together form a problem domain of cultural criticism; during the 30 years, literary discipline knowledge has evolved from the aesthetic to the culture and the weakening and missing of beauty and poetry become a weakness of cultural criticism. Concerning about the study of repression mechanism for appreciation as well as strengthening the aesthetic nature is the proper attitude literary researcher should have while intervening cultural criticism. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural criticism contemporary transformation theory of literature and art and discipline reconstruction.
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