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作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2003年第2期44-45,共2页
第八讲滑动轴承的安装(1) 8.1径向滑动轴承的结构类型 轴承总的分为滚动轴承和滑动轴承两类.轴承和轴颈为滑动摩擦的轴承称为滑动轴承.滑动轴承的类型,可按载荷方向、润滑状态、承载方法、润滑剂种类、轴承材料等不同方式划分.
关键词 滑动轴承 轴套 轴颈 密封 水泥厂 机修技术
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2002年第2期41-44,共4页
6.7 轴与毂连接的拆卸 轴与轴上轮毂件(如齿轮、蜗轮、链轮、皮带轮、联轴器等)的连接是通过轴、孔之间的配合实现的,通常还同时使用了键连接。轴与毂连接的拆装不仅需要掌握实际操作技能,而且还应懂得公差配合,有关的物理知识以及与它... 6.7 轴与毂连接的拆卸 轴与轴上轮毂件(如齿轮、蜗轮、链轮、皮带轮、联轴器等)的连接是通过轴、孔之间的配合实现的,通常还同时使用了键连接。轴与毂连接的拆装不仅需要掌握实际操作技能,而且还应懂得公差配合,有关的物理知识以及与它们相关的计算方法。 6.7.1 轴与孔的配合 轴、孔之间的配合的松紧是由设计时所选择的公差配合决定的,而公差配合的种类、等级、基准制、 展开更多
关键词 水泥厂 机修技术 拆卸
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2004年第5期52-53,共2页
关键词 机修技术 水泥厂 润滑装置 润滑方法 机械设备 水泥生产
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2002年第6期40-43,共4页
第七讲常用传动机构的安装调整(3) 7.3蜗杆传动的安装调整 蜗杆传动也属齿轮传动的一大类别,但因其具有不同于其它齿轮传动的特点,常常被单独论述.蜗杆传动中,蜗杆、蜗轮的两轴线在空间交错,其交错角通常为90°.
关键词 水泥厂 机修技术 蜗杆传动 安装
水泥厂实用机修技术(八)——第四讲 常用材料(续Ⅰ)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2001年第2期33-35,共3页
4.3 黑色金属 4.3.1 钢及钢材 钢是铁和碳(含碳量<2.1%)的合金。 要了解钢,需弄清常遇到的类别概念:
关键词 水泥厂 碳素结构钢 钢板 机修技术
水泥厂实用机修技术(三十二) 第十讲 机械设备的润滑(五)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2005年第2期51-55,共5页
关键词 机修技术 机械设备 水泥厂 国家标准 润滑剂 润滑脂 半固体
水泥厂实用机修技术(二十三)——第八讲 滑动轴承的安装(4)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2003年第5期47-49,共3页
8.5轴瓦的刮研 为了保证轴颈与轴瓦,轴瓦背面与轴承座孔面的接触达到技术要求,在轴瓦安装中都要通过刮瓦--合瓦--刮瓦--合瓦的多次反复才能达到目的.刮瓦及合瓦是轴瓦安装中一个极重要的环节.
关键词 水泥厂 滑动轴承 机修技术 轴瓦安装 显示剂
水泥厂实用机修技术(四十六) 第十四讲 板金放样(一)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2007年第4期48-50,共3页
在水泥生产设备中,板金结构件所占比例极大。除了球磨机、回转窑、机立窑、烘干机的筒体等重要板材制成的结构件外,还有大量在机修中常需自制的其它板金结构件。如机立窑烟囱、窑罩、布料器、料封管,回转窑系统中的旋风筒、风管,各... 在水泥生产设备中,板金结构件所占比例极大。除了球磨机、回转窑、机立窑、烘干机的筒体等重要板材制成的结构件外,还有大量在机修中常需自制的其它板金结构件。如机立窑烟囱、窑罩、布料器、料封管,回转窑系统中的旋风筒、风管,各种收尘管道、风管、弯头,以及不同规格不同类型的料斗、溜子、螺旋叶片、设备护罩等等。而它们的使用寿命又是有限的。因此,水泥厂中的机修技术,板金放样是不可或缺的部分。 展开更多
关键词 板金 放样 水泥生产设备 机修技术 结构件 螺旋叶片 使用寿命 回转窑
水泥厂实用机修技术(三)——第三讲 识图概要
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2000年第3期30-33,共4页
要想学好机修技术知识,尽早学会识图是非常必要的。正如第二讲所提到的,需要“一平”,即要清除学习机修技术时会碰到的一大障碍。“一平”也就是要会识图。不仅如此,由于机械图作为一种工程语言,一种实用工具,它既能很好地帮助机修工进... 要想学好机修技术知识,尽早学会识图是非常必要的。正如第二讲所提到的,需要“一平”,即要清除学习机修技术时会碰到的一大障碍。“一平”也就是要会识图。不仅如此,由于机械图作为一种工程语言,一种实用工具,它既能很好地帮助机修工进一步学习掌握更多的知识,提高技能水平,又能应用于实际工作中,其意义是不可低估的。 展开更多
关键词 水泥厂 机修技术 机械图 识图法
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2002年第3期46-48,共3页
第六讲拆卸和装配(4) 6.8滚动轴承的拆装 滚动轴承的拆装与轮毂件的拆装有相似之处,也有不同处.相似处在于它们与轴的连接都存在孔与轴的配合关系,拆装都需要考虑配合过盈量的影响;都可选择锤击、拉(压)、加热等方法.不同处在于滚动轴... 第六讲拆卸和装配(4) 6.8滚动轴承的拆装 滚动轴承的拆装与轮毂件的拆装有相似之处,也有不同处.相似处在于它们与轴的连接都存在孔与轴的配合关系,拆装都需要考虑配合过盈量的影响;都可选择锤击、拉(压)、加热等方法.不同处在于滚动轴承不用键连接,故不考虑键的拆装问题;滚动轴承制造精度高,内、外圈断面尺寸小,容易损坏,尤其是采用锤击时更需要讲究方法和技巧,不能粗心大意. 展开更多
关键词 水泥厂 机修技术 滚动轴承 拆装
水泥厂实用机修技术(三十) 第十讲 机械设备的润滑(三)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2004年第6期50-51,共2页
10.2润滑方法及润滑装置(下) 10.2.6油勺润滑 油勺润滑是将几个油勺固定在转轴上,油勺随轴旋转,转至下面时在油池中舀油,转至上面时将油倒入布油盘中,润滑油通过布油盘中的许多小孔淋在轴上,对轴及轴瓦进行润滑(图10-6).油勺润滑装置在... 10.2润滑方法及润滑装置(下) 10.2.6油勺润滑 油勺润滑是将几个油勺固定在转轴上,油勺随轴旋转,转至下面时在油池中舀油,转至上面时将油倒入布油盘中,润滑油通过布油盘中的许多小孔淋在轴上,对轴及轴瓦进行润滑(图10-6).油勺润滑装置在回转窑托轮支承轴瓦和球磨机中空轴轴瓦润滑中均有所应用.但因油勺易搅浑润滑油,产生不良后果,故新设计的球磨机不再采用;在回转窑托轮支承中,因轴瓦被滚动轴承替换,其润滑方式也随之改变. 展开更多
关键词 油勺 机修技术 托轮 回转窑 水泥厂 中空轴 球磨机 润滑 机械设备 滚动轴承
水泥厂实用机修技术(四十) 第十二讲 零件的更换与修理(三)
作者 董洪涛 《四川水泥》 2006年第4期48-51,共4页
金属线材(丝)喷涂又称金属喷镀,是将熔化了的金属用高速气流雾化,并以高速喷到零件表面,形成覆盖层的一种工艺方法。在实际应用中,是利用喷涂枪把用电弧或氧一乙炔焰高热熔化了的金属(被熔金属为金属丝),以6~7个大气压的压缩... 金属线材(丝)喷涂又称金属喷镀,是将熔化了的金属用高速气流雾化,并以高速喷到零件表面,形成覆盖层的一种工艺方法。在实际应用中,是利用喷涂枪把用电弧或氧一乙炔焰高热熔化了的金属(被熔金属为金属丝),以6~7个大气压的压缩空气喷射雾化,并以140~300m/s的速度喷到零件磨损或损伤表面。连续地喷射、铺展和堆积使其形成涂层(图12-4)。 展开更多
关键词 零件表面 机修技术 水泥厂 金属喷镀 修理 喷射雾化 金属线材 气流雾化 工艺方法 压缩空气
作者 王永 詹训慧 +1 位作者 吴刚 胡寿松 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期178-183,共6页
The most prospective method for certain structural failures and damages that cannot employ redundancy is self-repairing techniques, to ensure especially the maximum flight safety. Based on the characters of self-repai... The most prospective method for certain structural failures and damages that cannot employ redundancy is self-repairing techniques, to ensure especially the maximum flight safety. Based on the characters of self-repairing aircraft, this paper states some basic assumptions of the self-repairing aircraft, and puts forward some special new conceptions concerning the self-repairing aircraft: control input, operating input, command input, repair input and operating and control factor as well as their relationships. Thus it provides a simple and reliable mathematical model structure for the research on the self-repairing control of the aircraft. 展开更多
关键词 SELF-REPAIRING flight control mathematical model operating and control factor
作者 黎青萍 《铁道机车车辆工人》 2004年第10期16-20,共5页
关键词 机车 司机室 走行部 轴温 报警装置 主机 温升 机修技术 重大事故 部位
作者 本刊编辑部 《四川水泥》 2008年第1期63-63,共1页
从2000年第一期开始,董洪涛高工应本刊特邀编写的《水泥厂实用机修技术》一文在我刊开始连载,历时八年至本期载完。此间,曾有不少单位购买2000年起的《四川水泥》历史存册,其目的就是要利用该文作为本单位机修工人的培训教材。只可... 从2000年第一期开始,董洪涛高工应本刊特邀编写的《水泥厂实用机修技术》一文在我刊开始连载,历时八年至本期载完。此间,曾有不少单位购买2000年起的《四川水泥》历史存册,其目的就是要利用该文作为本单位机修工人的培训教材。只可惜这“历史存册”早已不能凑齐,无法满足这些单位的此要求。 展开更多
关键词 机修技术 培训教材 水泥厂 单位 历史
Application and Design of Virtual Reality Technology in Railway Maintenance Training 被引量:3
作者 Li Zhu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期42-44,共3页
Virtual reality technology is a brand new comprehensive information technology emerging during the end of 21 st century. In recent years in particular, it gains rapid development, involving industries like education, ... Virtual reality technology is a brand new comprehensive information technology emerging during the end of 21 st century. In recent years in particular, it gains rapid development, involving industries like education, industry, military, entertainment and medicine. Combined with the characteristics of railway maintenance training, this thesis proposes the application of virtual reality in courseware, distance education, locomotive simulation driving, locomotive overhauling oil and breakdown processing, and illustrates key technology and solution of the exploitation of virtual reality technology. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual reality Maintenance training Three-dimensional modeling Realization of virtual function.
System-Level EMC Assessment for Military Vehicular Communication Systems Based on a Modified Four-Level Assessment Model 被引量:5
作者 Ping Zhou Yinghua Lv +1 位作者 Zhihong Chen Hongping Xu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期39-53,共15页
With the development of EMC technology, EMC assessment has become increasingly important in EMC design. Although numerous EMC assessment models are available today, few of them can provide a tradeoff between efficienc... With the development of EMC technology, EMC assessment has become increasingly important in EMC design. Although numerous EMC assessment models are available today, few of them can provide a tradeoff between efficiency and accuracy for the specific case of military vehicular communication systems. Face to this situation, a modified four-level assessment model is proposed in the paper. First, the development of EMC assessment technology is briefly reviewed, and the theoretical mechanism of EMI environment is introduced. Then, the architecture of the proposed model is outlined, and the assessment methods are explored. To demonstrate the application of it, an example involving a communication system in a military vehicle is presented. From the physical layer to the signal layer, a hierarchical assessment on the entire system is successfully performed based on the proposed model, and we can make a qualitative EMC assessment on the EMC performance of the system. Based on a comparison with the traditional model, we conclude that the proposed model is more accurate, more efficient and less time-consuming, which is suitable for the EMC assessment on militaryvehicular communication systems. We hope that the proposed model will serve as a useful reference for system-level EMC assessments for other systems. 展开更多
关键词 military vehicular communication system system-level electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) assessment four-level assessment model
Natural Organic Amendments for Improved Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils:A Review of Recent Progress 被引量:15
作者 Alina WISZNIEWSKA Ewa HANUS-FAJERSKA +1 位作者 Ewa MUSZYIISKA Krystyna CIARKOWSKA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期1-12,共12页
Environmental pollution caused by metals, radionuclides and organic pollutants affects quality of the biosphere: soil, water and air.Currently, great efforts have been made to reduce, remove or stabilize contaminants ... Environmental pollution caused by metals, radionuclides and organic pollutants affects quality of the biosphere: soil, water and air.Currently, great efforts have been made to reduce, remove or stabilize contaminants in polluted sites. There has been increasing interest in phytoremediation—the use of plants to reduce concentration of pollutants or to render them harmless. This paper provides a brief review of recent progress in the research and practical application of phytoremediation techniques. Improvements in phytoremediation due to utilization of organic amendments, namely, agro- and industrial wastes(such as sugar beet residue, composted sewage sludge or molasses), biochar, humic substances, plant extracts and exudates are discussed, as well as their influences on soil structure and characteristics, plants growth and bioavailability of pollutants. Both plant-assisted phytoremediation and the use of natural materials in the absence of remediating plant are believed to be cost-effective and environmentally friendly approaches for soil cleanup. However,the characterization and quantification of a range of natural materials used in phytoremediation are essential in order to implement these approaches to practice. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural wastes BIOAVAILABILITY BIOCHAR contamination natural chelators toxic elements
Assisted Natural Remediation of a Trace Element-Contaminated Acid Soil:An Eight-Year Field Study 被引量:3
作者 Jian XIONG Paula MADEJON +1 位作者 Engracia MADEJON Francisco CABRERA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期250-262,共13页
There are many remediation techniques for organic contaminated soils,but relatively few of them are applicable to trace elementcontaminated soils.A field experiment was carried out to investigate assisted natural reme... There are many remediation techniques for organic contaminated soils,but relatively few of them are applicable to trace elementcontaminated soils.A field experiment was carried out to investigate assisted natural remediation(ANR) of an acid soil contaminated by As,Cd,Cu,Zn and Pb using one inorganic amendment,sugar beet lime(SL),and two organic amendments,biosolid compost(BC)and leonardeite(LE).The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with four treatments in three replicates:1) a non-amended control(NA);2) SL amended at 30 Mg ha^(-1) year^(-1);3) BC amended at 30 Mg ha^(-1) year^(-1) and 4) LE amended at 20 Mg ha^(-1) year^(-1) plus SL amended at 10 Mg ha^(-1) year^(-1)(LESL).The amended plots received two doses of each amendment(DO2):one in October 2002 and another in October 2003.The plots were then divided in half into two subpolts and one subplot received another two doses of the same amendments(DO4) in October 2005 and October 2006.In 2011,the pH values of the amended soils were greater than that of the NA soil,with the SL-amended soil showing the highest pH.Total organic carbon(TOC) was also greater in the amended soil,and greater with DO4 than with DO2.Amendments reduced the concentrations of 0.01 mol L^(-1) CaCl_2-extractable Cd,Cu and Zn,especially in the SL-amended soil.Plant cover of colonizing vegetation was enhanced by amendments,but was independent of amendment doses.Changes in soil properties from 2003 to 2011 showed that the first amendment application of DO2 caused a high differentiation between all the amendment treatments and the NA treatment.After the second application of DO2,soil pH and TOC continued increasing slowly.Further two applications of amendments(DO4) caused differences only in the organic treatments.Plant cover increased over time in all the treatments including NA.It could be concluded that the slow and steady natural remediation of this soil could be enhanced by amendment application(ANR). 展开更多
关键词 amendment application CaCl2 extraction colonizing vegetation plant cover soil contamination soil property
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