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作者 樊云剑 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期64-70,共7页
机关生产是革命根据地党政军民各机关、各团体重要的经济活动,早期以农业手工业生产为主,为打破敌人封锁、解决根据地物资匮乏问题发挥了重要作用。随着革命形势的好转,机关生产纷纷转向商业领域,出现了侵犯私营工商业、囤积居奇、破坏... 机关生产是革命根据地党政军民各机关、各团体重要的经济活动,早期以农业手工业生产为主,为打破敌人封锁、解决根据地物资匮乏问题发挥了重要作用。随着革命形势的好转,机关生产纷纷转向商业领域,出现了侵犯私营工商业、囤积居奇、破坏财经政策等现象,机关生产的积极作用已退居其次。为此上级政府采取种种措施予以限制和打击,但都收效甚微,直到1952年政务院第126次政务会议通过决定,果断停止了机关生产。 展开更多
关键词 革命根据地 机关生产 机关商业
作者 曹佐燕 《中共历史与理论研究》 2016年第2期226-256,共31页
湖北日报社是宣传系统中的机关报社,因开展了对外承印业务,又具有生产单位的特色。"三反"运动袭来之际,商业习俗、福利分配、用钱管物都成了贪污的罪证。即便多次对证私商及其员工,报社领导已然发现是冤假错案,依旧穷追工厂的材料,追... 湖北日报社是宣传系统中的机关报社,因开展了对外承印业务,又具有生产单位的特色。"三反"运动袭来之际,商业习俗、福利分配、用钱管物都成了贪污的罪证。即便多次对证私商及其员工,报社领导已然发现是冤假错案,依旧穷追工厂的材料,追查贪污人员与私商盗窃报社财产的情况。这些现象的出现既因政治指标的压力,亦是经济困局下的无奈之举。 展开更多
关键词 商业习俗 “三反”运动 机关生产
中共历史上的机关生产 被引量:6
作者 王永华 《党史博览》 2006年第8期41-43,共3页
关键词 敌后抗日根据地 陕甘宁边区 粮食供应 中国共产党 党史 中共中央 经济困难 毛泽东 兵团 机关生产
三年困难时期生产自救工作的历史考察 被引量:2
作者 尚长风 《党史研究与教学》 CSSCI 2011年第2期40-46,共7页
在三年困难时期,主要由于政策失误和自然灾害的影响,我国农业生产遭遇严重挫折,粮食连年大幅减产。党和政府积极动员和组织人民群众起来生产自救。在农村,主要是抗击自然灾害、恢复农业生产、开展副业生产、进行余缺调剂等;在城镇,主要... 在三年困难时期,主要由于政策失误和自然灾害的影响,我国农业生产遭遇严重挫折,粮食连年大幅减产。党和政府积极动员和组织人民群众起来生产自救。在农村,主要是抗击自然灾害、恢复农业生产、开展副业生产、进行余缺调剂等;在城镇,主要是各政府机关、企事业单位开展农副业生产等。生产自救工作对于渡过灾荒发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 三年困难时期 生产自救 副业生产 机关生产
One-Loop Effects of Non-Universal Gauge Boson Z' in Top Quark Pair Production at LHC in TC2 Model
作者 刘宁 武雷 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期296-302,共7页
The topcolor-assisted technicolor model (TC2) predicts a non-universal Z′ gauge boson, which couples to the third generation fermions with enhanced strength. We study the effects of this non-universal gauge boson o... The topcolor-assisted technicolor model (TC2) predicts a non-universal Z′ gauge boson, which couples to the third generation fermions with enhanced strength. We study the effects of this non-universal gauge boson on the cross section and spin correlation of top quark pair production through the process gg → tt at the LHC. We find that the total cross section and the spin correlation can be reduced by-4.7% and -1.4% respectively in the allowed parameter space. 展开更多
关键词 top quark new gauge boson TC2
Performance Calibration of Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine 被引量:5
作者 Unai Mutilba Gorka Kortaberria Aitor Olarra Antonio Gutierrez 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第10期602-608,共7页
This paper presents the method for the performance calibration of AACMM (articulated arm coordinate measuring machines) according to ASME B89.4.22 Standard. The growing use of this class of measurement equipment has... This paper presents the method for the performance calibration of AACMM (articulated arm coordinate measuring machines) according to ASME B89.4.22 Standard. The growing use of this class of measurement equipment has been accompanied by an absence of authorized laboratories to provide calibration certificates for its performance. Due to ASME B89.4.22 and VD12617-9 are nowadays the unique standards in the field of AACMM verification, IK4 Tekniker has compared both of them in order to develop internal test procedures to yield reliable performance calibration results. As a result, IK4 Tekniker has been recognized by the Spanish Accreditation Body (ENAC) in the field of AACMM calibration. Internal test procedures and uncertainty evaluation analysis have been developed as well as ENAC certificated reference test equipments have been acquired to ensure a suitable AACMM calibration process. 展开更多
关键词 AACMM performance calibration ASME B89.4.22 ENAC UNCERTAINTY
Socio economic impact of vegetable production in Senegal:a case study of Niayes area
作者 Ibrahima CISS LI Lu-tang Mouhameth CAMARA 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第2期177-186,共10页
Vegetable production plays a very important role not only as a source of foreign exchange for Senegal and an appreciation of the dietary needs of populations,but also in the context of the policy of diversification.Th... Vegetable production plays a very important role not only as a source of foreign exchange for Senegal and an appreciation of the dietary needs of populations,but also in the context of the policy of diversification.Thus the aim of this analysis is to measure the important economic impact and vegetable industrial actors,find the limited factors of the horticulture development and the perspectives for improving the vegetable production in the area.Our results show that the National production of fruits and vegetables is estimated approximately at 370,000 tons and the Niayes zone constitutes 80%of the domestic production.Horticulture is a sector which creates employments in that area with important incomes earned by both producers and the various intermediaries(commercial process) .The volume of exports has reached 14,321.588 tons in(2002-2003) against 11,125.132 tons in(2001-2002) witnessing than an increase of 28.7%,but the one of imports is very important and represents an outflow of foreign currency estimated at about 3 billion per year. 展开更多
关键词 Economic impact of vegetable production Niayes area Industrial actors Senegal
Skill Gaps in Manpower Development of Journalism in Nigeria
作者 Ade-Johnson Christiana Shade Alabi Folorunso Festus 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第7期405-410,共6页
Manpower training and development are crucial to productivity in every industry including the media industry. The role of educational institutions in the production of skilled manpower cannot be over-emphasized. But b... Manpower training and development are crucial to productivity in every industry including the media industry. The role of educational institutions in the production of skilled manpower cannot be over-emphasized. But because there exists a gap in the industry between skill requirements and the product offered by the institutions, productivity would be sacrificed. The field of journalism in Nigeria is experiencing a skill gap between what the institutions offer and what is needed in the industry. This paper examines the causes of skill gap in journalism training and the operation requirements on the field in the media industry. The paper observes that culturally relevant curriculum is not designed and implemented in Nigerian journalism schools. Also the training does not catch up with the technological requirements of the 21st century. While still battling with the fundamental challenges of training in the areas of curriculum development, another one arises: the introduction of digitization to the industry. Indeed, the issue of skill gap will always be there as long as there will be innovations, except that concerted efforts are made b'y all stakeholders to catch up with the ever dynamic trends in the advanced world. The paper therefore concludes that there will always be skill gap as long as these challenges remain. 展开更多
关键词 skill gap MANPOWER journalism training
Pair Production of the Doubly Charged Leptons Associated with a Gauge Boson γ or Z in e^+e^-and γγ Collisions at Future Linear Colliders
作者 曾庆国 吉莉 杨硕 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期331-339,共9页
In this paper,we investigate the production of a pair of doubly charged leptons associated with a gauge boson V(γ or Z) at future linear colliders via e^+e^-and γγ collisions.The numerical results show that the pos... In this paper,we investigate the production of a pair of doubly charged leptons associated with a gauge boson V(γ or Z) at future linear colliders via e^+e^-and γγ collisions.The numerical results show that the possible signals of the doubly charged leptons may be detected via the processes e^+e~→VX^(++)X^(--)and γγ→VX^(++)X^(--)at future ILC or CLIC experiments. 展开更多
关键词 phenomenological models doubly charged leptons
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