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作者 裘知 恽彬蔚 +2 位作者 金波 王玥 王竹 《中外建筑》 2024年第10期90-97,共8页
针对我国现阶段导则编制存在的全覆盖、碎片化、轻人本等问题,提出《农村居家养老服务设施设计标准》编制的方法论和目标,探讨了导控机制指导下编制方法的构建路径。在辨析农村老人需求、平衡多方利益博弈、理清各地发展差异等内容的基... 针对我国现阶段导则编制存在的全覆盖、碎片化、轻人本等问题,提出《农村居家养老服务设施设计标准》编制的方法论和目标,探讨了导控机制指导下编制方法的构建路径。在辨析农村老人需求、平衡多方利益博弈、理清各地发展差异等内容的基础上形成编制导控机制,以“建构—提取—研选—转译”进行条文提取与引导分级,并以“选址”的编制路径为例展现具体的编制过程。将扎根农村养老现状的编制目标落实到各导控要素中形成农村适宜性的标准,对构建多层次的农村养老服务体系和发展普惠型养老服务有着积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 编制方法 机制 循证方法 农村适宜性 农村养老
突发事件网络舆情信息流导控机制创新研究 被引量:6
作者 张玉亮 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期80-84,共5页
导控机制创新是突发事件网络舆情信息流优化导控的基础。推进突发事件网络舆情信息流导控机制创新,解决好导控机制安排不健全、不灵活、相互交叉和掣肘等问题,需从四个方面入手:一是推进突发事件网络舆情信息流导控法律机制创新,二是推... 导控机制创新是突发事件网络舆情信息流优化导控的基础。推进突发事件网络舆情信息流导控机制创新,解决好导控机制安排不健全、不灵活、相互交叉和掣肘等问题,需从四个方面入手:一是推进突发事件网络舆情信息流导控法律机制创新,二是推进突发事件网络舆情信息流导控主体机制创新,三是推进突发事件网络舆情信息流监控与预警机制创新,四是推进突发事件社会心理矫正与平衡恢复机制创新。 展开更多
关键词 突发事件 网络舆情 信息流 机制
作者 孙伟 《沿海企业与科技》 2013年第6期100-101,共2页
随着中国社会改革进入到深水区和攻坚期,经济繁荣带来的社会矛盾日趋复杂,社会群体逐步多元化,由此而形成的多元群体间的利益冲突更是纷繁芜杂。尤其近年来,由于城市化、工业化的发展,征地拆迁引发的群体性事件频繁发生,究其原因,很大... 随着中国社会改革进入到深水区和攻坚期,经济繁荣带来的社会矛盾日趋复杂,社会群体逐步多元化,由此而形成的多元群体间的利益冲突更是纷繁芜杂。尤其近年来,由于城市化、工业化的发展,征地拆迁引发的群体性事件频繁发生,究其原因,很大程度上属于事件中社情民意信息无法找到正当的途径形成良性流动,从而淤积民愤,进而以某一事件为突破口,期望得到关注和解决。文章拟探讨如何在党委政府与普通群众之间建设制度化的信息桥梁,从而实现社情民意传递的制度化、规范化。 展开更多
关键词 群体性事件 社情民意 机制
作者 姚彩霞 龙红林 《东西南北(教育)》 2016年第14期293-293,共1页
随着改革的深化和社会的发展进步,教育也发生了显著的时代嬗变,为适应新的形势,区域学校联盟这种新型的教育主体逐渐形成壮大,并深刻地改变着教育的面貌。区域学校联盟可以促进抱团发展、捆绑发展,从而提升区域内学校整体办学质量和水平... 随着改革的深化和社会的发展进步,教育也发生了显著的时代嬗变,为适应新的形势,区域学校联盟这种新型的教育主体逐渐形成壮大,并深刻地改变着教育的面貌。区域学校联盟可以促进抱团发展、捆绑发展,从而提升区域内学校整体办学质量和水平,解决区域内学校发展的水平与均衡问题,化解区域内学校单体发展的各种制约因素和现实矛盾,为区域教育布局和管理变革提供有力推动。 展开更多
关键词 学校 机制
协商民主视野中突发事件网络舆情导控反思及创新对策 被引量:5
作者 张玉亮 路瑶 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期19-23,83,共6页
我国突发事件网络舆情导控发展经历了起步、激荡与调整以及深化发展3个阶段。从协商民主视野反思突发事件网络舆情导控中存在的问题,我们发现,主要有4个方面:一是导控缺少宏观规划;二是目标单一、功利色彩严重;三是机构条块分隔、内部... 我国突发事件网络舆情导控发展经历了起步、激荡与调整以及深化发展3个阶段。从协商民主视野反思突发事件网络舆情导控中存在的问题,我们发现,主要有4个方面:一是导控缺少宏观规划;二是目标单一、功利色彩严重;三是机构条块分隔、内部协调困难;四是社会配套措施跟进缓慢。创新协商民主视域下的突发事件网络舆情导控机制,需要科学的宏观规划统领全局,追求突发事件网络舆情导控工具理性和价值理性的统一,建立多元有效的导控主体机制,建设立体性的社会配套跟进措施。 展开更多
关键词 突发事件 网络舆情 协商民主 机制
《农村居家养老服务设施设计导则》编制背景与策略研究 被引量:1
作者 金波 恽彬蔚 +1 位作者 裘知 郑媛 《建筑与文化》 2022年第10期58-60,共3页
为应对日益严峻的农村人口老龄化与日渐复杂的农村养老需求,课题组全面展开《农村居家养老服务设施设计导则》的编制工作。文章指出目前农村居家养老服务设施相关导则多以“自上而下”视角展开,梳理并归纳其全覆盖、碎片化与轻人本的问... 为应对日益严峻的农村人口老龄化与日渐复杂的农村养老需求,课题组全面展开《农村居家养老服务设施设计导则》的编制工作。文章指出目前农村居家养老服务设施相关导则多以“自上而下”视角展开,梳理并归纳其全覆盖、碎片化与轻人本的问题;结合对农村特性的实地挖掘,围绕资源和社会因素两大维度,针对性地提出导则编制的“乡村性”导向;构建“彰显乡村性、权衡多方利益、转译老人需求”的编制原则,以为“提取-研选-构建-转译”的编制路径提供理论基础。旨在为农村构建一个具有多层次、本土化的居家养老服务设施设计导控体系。 展开更多
关键词 居家养老 则编制 层次化 乡村性 机制
作者 朱晓青 吴家豪 +3 位作者 曹志奎 严舒文 孙卓扬 李智兴 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第16期66-79,120,共15页
目的为建构可持续建设与有机更新下村镇人居环境设计的基本框架,揭示其在不同发展阶段、地域特征和建设主题下村镇人居样本的应对性设计原则与理论,总结村镇设计在经济、社会、技术影响下的迭代及在地化应变,探讨未来村镇人居环境设计... 目的为建构可持续建设与有机更新下村镇人居环境设计的基本框架,揭示其在不同发展阶段、地域特征和建设主题下村镇人居样本的应对性设计原则与理论,总结村镇设计在经济、社会、技术影响下的迭代及在地化应变,探讨未来村镇人居环境设计的前沿模式。方法基于可视化文献分析法,对可持续村镇人居环境设计进行系统的脉络梳理,并根据可持续设计的路径推演、要素解析、模式特征进行村镇人居环境设计体系的框架搭建,提出村镇人居环境设计的基本原则与适配化设计技术路线。结果构建了可持续人居建设迭代下的村镇人居环境设计体系,通过解析可持续设计的基本构成要素,分析了村镇人居环境可持续设计的动力机制,揭示了其在需求侧、供给侧和承载侧的基本特征及三者的联动关系,提出了四项村镇人居环境可持续设计的基本原则,并总结出三点分类适配化设计思路。结论以综合设计视角,探讨未来中国村镇转型下的设计思想与技术脉络,根据时代背景、在地特征、未来场景,采取动态应变与适配的原则,提出可持续设计模式、方法与路径,为设计学相关研究者、决策者和执业人员提供理论梳理和实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 可持续迭代 村镇人居环境 新质设计 体系组构 机制导控
作者 曹云峰 陶勇 沈勇璋 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2001年第2期229-235,共7页
A scheme of guidance and control is presented to meet the requirements for automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the airborne digital flight control system and radio tracker on ground station. ... A scheme of guidance and control is presented to meet the requirements for automatic landing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the airborne digital flight control system and radio tracker on ground station. An automatic landing system is realized for an unmanned aerial vehicle. The results of real time simulation and flight test are given to illustrate the effectiveness and availability of the scheme. Results meet all the requirements for automatic landing of the unmanned aerial vehicle. 展开更多
关键词 automatic landing unmanned aerial vehicle GUIDANCE NAVIGATION flight control
具有多个传播源的网络谣言传播与导控模型研究 被引量:10
作者 张金鑫 王丽婷 张金华 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期115-120,共6页
【目的/意义】研究网络谣言传播规律,有助于网络监管部门控制网络谣言扩散规模,减少网络谣言引起的损失。【方法/过程】考虑到实际网络谣言传播过程中,造谣者会用多个账号发布谣言,以加快谣言传播速度和躲避网络监管;而当网络谣言扩散... 【目的/意义】研究网络谣言传播规律,有助于网络监管部门控制网络谣言扩散规模,减少网络谣言引起的损失。【方法/过程】考虑到实际网络谣言传播过程中,造谣者会用多个账号发布谣言,以加快谣言传播速度和躲避网络监管;而当网络谣言扩散到一定规模时,网络监管部门会采取导控措施,抑制网络谣言传播,以降低其负面影响。因此,针对上述两方面改进传统的SIR谣言传播模型,提出SInQR网络谣言传播模型,并在无标度网络上进行仿真实验。【结果/结论】仿真实验从谣言传播率、受导控率、主动免疫率以及导控时间四个角度探讨对网络谣言传播的影响,与传统SIR谣言传播模型的对比结果表明SInQR模型比SIR模型能够更好地反映现实网络中谣言传播的规律。 展开更多
关键词 网络谣言 SInQR模型 多传播源 机制 无标度网络 MATLAB仿真
地方政府应对网络舆情危机对策研究 被引量:7
作者 刘丽敏 《经济论坛》 2011年第1期210-213,共4页
关键词 地方政府 网络舆情危机 处置原则 机制
Formation mechanism and organizational controlling of ultra-fine-grain copper processed by asymmetrical accumulative rolling-bond and annealing 被引量:2
作者 王军丽 徐瑞东 +2 位作者 王绍华 钱天才 史庆南 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2672-2678,共7页
The initial copper with large grain sizes of 60-100 μm was processed by six passes asymmetrical accumulative rolling-bond (AARB) and annealing, the ultra-fine-grained (UFG) copper with grain size of 200 nm was ob... The initial copper with large grain sizes of 60-100 μm was processed by six passes asymmetrical accumulative rolling-bond (AARB) and annealing, the ultra-fine-grained (UFG) copper with grain size of 200 nm was obtained, and the microstructures and properties were studied. The results show that there are large sub-structures and also texture component C for the UFG copper obtained by six passes AARB, possessing high strength and microhardness in company with poor elongation and conductivity. Thereafter, the UFG copper was annealed at 220 °C for 35 min, in which the sub-structures disappear, the grain boundaries are composed of big angle grain boundaries, and the textures are composed of a variety of texture components and parts of twins. Compared with the UFG copper obtained by six passes AARB, the tensile strength and yield strength for the UFG copper obtained by six passes AARB and annealing at 220 °C for 35 min are decreased slightly, the elongation and conductivity are improved obviously. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-fine-grain copper asymmetrical accumulative rolling-bond ANNEALING formation mechanism organizational controlling elongation conductivity
Simulation Study on the Feasibility of Gun-Launched Missile Against Attack Helicopters
作者 王狂飙 张天桥 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第1期75-80,共6页
The feasibility of providing the tank a limited anti helicopter ability with gun launched missile is studied. A type of simulation model of gun launched missile against attack helicopters is established. The simula... The feasibility of providing the tank a limited anti helicopter ability with gun launched missile is studied. A type of simulation model of gun launched missile against attack helicopters is established. The simulation and the parameter optimization of missile control system under various circumstances are done. The gun launched missile can directly hit the helicopters in the typical tracks, all the missdistances are less than 1?m and the maximum overload is less than available overload. Gun launched missile is a feasible choice for tanks against attack helicopters. 展开更多
关键词 gun launched missile attack helicopters rolling missile beam riding guidance simulaion control system
“持续照护”老人社区的适宜性设计 被引量:4
作者 王晓亮 徐聪艺 李桂文 《华中建筑》 2011年第8期179-182,共4页
根据我国人口老龄化现状及养老需求的变化,养老问题成为社会的主要问题。论文分析了"持续照护"老人社区的优势,明确提出"持续照护"老人社区必将成为未来中国养老模式的主体,指出适宜性是"持续照护"老人... 根据我国人口老龄化现状及养老需求的变化,养老问题成为社会的主要问题。论文分析了"持续照护"老人社区的优势,明确提出"持续照护"老人社区必将成为未来中国养老模式的主体,指出适宜性是"持续照护"老人社区可持续发展的核心问题,是设计的主要原则。论文对适宜性的需求层次、影响因素、评价要点加以剖析。并提出"持续照护"老人社区的适宜性设计的设计主导及设计对策,以期帮助设计师在"持续照护"老人社区的具体设计上更有针对性、更有效地去解决问题。文章还对适宜性"持续照护"老人社区的导控机制加以剖析,指出"持续照护"老人社区养老模式的发展需要得到政府、法律、法规、政策的支持以及全社会的共同努力。 展开更多
关键词 “持续照护”老人社区 适宜性设计 设计策略 机制
Automatic Guidance of an Agricultural Tractor along with the Side Shift Control of the Attached Row Crop Cultivator 被引量:8
作者 Javad Robati Hossein Navid +1 位作者 Mahdi Rezaei Amir Rikhtehgar Ghiasi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期151-158,共8页
This paper presents the automatic guidance system of an agricultural tractor and the side shift control of the attached row crop cultivator using electro-hydraulic actuators. In order to simulate the dynamic behaviour... This paper presents the automatic guidance system of an agricultural tractor and the side shift control of the attached row crop cultivator using electro-hydraulic actuators. In order to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the tractor along with the attached cultivator, the modified bicycle model was adopted. Steering angle sensor, fibre optic gyroscope (FOG) and RTK-DGPS technologies are assumed for measurements of the steering angle, yaw rate and the lateral position of the tractor, respectively. The kinematics model was used for the implement. In this study four cascade controllers were designed and simulated for tractor guidance which consists ofPD, PD, P and PID controllers. Other PI and PID controllers also had been designed for implement side shifting purpose. Then, these two systems were combined and the performance of the whole system was evaluated through the simulation results. According to the results tractor reaches the desired path after less than 10 seconds. Simulations showed that the maximum deviation of the tractor from the desired path was about 5 cm within this period. And the cultivator blades would follow the predetermined path with steady state error of about 5 cm too. 展开更多
关键词 Row crop cultivator yaw rate servo valve servo cylinder cascade controller.
H_∞ Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s Navigation Control System 被引量:4
作者 程相勤 曲镜圆 +1 位作者 严浙平 边信黔 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第1期87-92,共6页
In order to improve the security and reliability for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation, an H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller was designed after analyzing variations in state-feedback gain Operating c... In order to improve the security and reliability for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation, an H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller was designed after analyzing variations in state-feedback gain Operating conditions and the design method were then analyzed so that the control problem could be expressed as a mathematical optimization problem. This permitted the use of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to solve for the Hv controller for the system. When considering different actuator failures, these conditions were then also mathematically expressed, allowing the H∞ robust controller to solve for these events and thus be fault-tolerant. Finally, simulation results showed that the H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller could provide precise AUV navigation control with strong robustness. 展开更多
关键词 AUV navigation control robust H∞ fault-tolerant control gain variations LMI
A study of EV induction motor controller based on rotor flux oriented control
作者 宋建国 Chen Quanshi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第2期207-212,共6页
Induction motor is a multi-parameter, non-linear and strong coupling system, which requires efficient control algorithms. In this paper, rotor flux oriented control (FOC) algorithm based on voltage source inverter-f... Induction motor is a multi-parameter, non-linear and strong coupling system, which requires efficient control algorithms. In this paper, rotor flux oriented control (FOC) algorithm based on voltage source inverter-fed is deduced in detail, including stator voltage compensation, closed-loop PI parameters' calculation of torque and rotor flux. FOC' s Simulink model is setup to simulate torque and rotor flux's response. At last, the experimental results are shown. 展开更多
关键词 electric vehicles(EV) induction motor(IM) flux oriented control (FOC) Simulink
Dynamics analysis of drawing cables for pipe robot over long distance
作者 邓宗全 王少纯 +1 位作者 胡明 姜生源 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期55-59,共5页
Focusing on the speed control problem, this paper presents a study on the stick slip phenomena of cable driven by pipe robot and the critical conditions of stick slip. By dynamics simulation and field experiments, the... Focusing on the speed control problem, this paper presents a study on the stick slip phenomena of cable driven by pipe robot and the critical conditions of stick slip. By dynamics simulation and field experiments, the theoretical analysis has been proved to be practical and valid. The result is of considerable theoretical value in the speed control for pipe robot on receiving and putting line. 展开更多
关键词 pipe robot CABLE stick slip phenomena speed control
Ion channels/transporters as epigenetic regulators?——a microRNA perspective 被引量:3
作者 JIANG XiaoHua ZHANG Jie Ting CHAN Hsiao Chang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第9期753-760,共8页
MicroRNA (miRNA) alterations in response to changes in an extracellular microenvironment have been observed and consid- ered as one of the major mechanisms for epigenetic modifications of the cell. While enormous ef... MicroRNA (miRNA) alterations in response to changes in an extracellular microenvironment have been observed and consid- ered as one of the major mechanisms for epigenetic modifications of the cell. While enormous efforts have been made in the understanding of the role of miRNAs in regulating cellular responses to the microenvironment, the mechanistic insight into how extracellular signals can be transduced into miRNA alterations in cells is still lacking. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that ion channels/transporters, which are known to conduct or transport ions across the cell membrane, also exhibit changes in levels of expression and activities in response to changes of extraceUular microenvironment. More importantly, al- terations in expression and function of ion channels/transporters have been shown to result in changes in miRNAs that are known to change in response to alteration of the microenvironment. In this review, we aim to summarize the recent data demonstrating the ability of ion channels/transporters to transduce extracellular signals into miRNA changes and propose a potential link between cells and their microenvironment through ion channels/transporters. At the same time, we hope to pro- vide new insights into epigenetic regulatory mechanisms underlying a number of physiological and pathological processes, in- eluding embryo development and cancer metastasis. 展开更多
Consensus-based three-dimensional multi-UAV formation control strategy with high precision 被引量:19
作者 Mao-de YAN Xu ZHU +1 位作者 Xun-xun ZHANG Yao-hong QU 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第7期968-977,共10页
We propose a formation control strategy for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (multi-UAV) based on second-order consensus, by introducing position and velocity coordination variables through neighbor-to-neighbor int... We propose a formation control strategy for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (multi-UAV) based on second-order consensus, by introducing position and velocity coordination variables through neighbor-to-neighbor interaction to generate steering commands. A cooperative guidance algorithm and a cooperative control algorithm are proposed together to maintain a specified geometric configuration, managing the position and attitude respectively. With the whole system composed of the six-degree-of-freedom UAV model, tile cooperative guidance algorithm, and the cooperative control algorithm, the formation control strategy is a closed-loop one and with full states. The cooperative guidance law is a second-order consensus algorithm, providing the desired acceleration, pitch rate, and heading rate. Longitudinal and lateral motions are jointly considered, and the cooperative control law is designed by deducing state equations. Closed-loop stability of the formation is analyzed, and a necessary and sufficient condition is provided. Measurement errors in position data are suppressed by synchronization technology to improve the control precision. In the simulation, three-dimensional formation flight demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the formation control strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple unmanned aerial vehicles CONSENSUS Cooperative guidance Cooperative control Synchronization technology
Investigation on 3D flow field induced by a plasma actuator with serrated electrode
作者 Zhifeng Liu Mingming Zhang Lianze Wang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期481-487,共7页
This paper presents an experimental investigation on flow field induced by a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) plasma actuator with serrated electrodes in still air to further improve its flow control effectiveness. F... This paper presents an experimental investigation on flow field induced by a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) plasma actuator with serrated electrodes in still air to further improve its flow control effectiveness. For comparison, the actuator with widely used linear electrodes was also studied. Experiments were carried out using 2D particle image velocimetry. Particular attention was given to the flow topology, discharge phenomenon, and vortex formation mechanism. Results showed that a 2D wall jet was induced by the linear actuators, whereas the plasma actuators with serrated electrode introduced a series of streamwise vorticities, which might benefit flow control(e.g., enhancing the momentum transport in the separated boundary flow). In addition, the mechanism of 3D flow topology induced by the serrated DBD actuator was analyzed in detail. 展开更多
关键词 Plasma actuator Serrated electrode Vortex dynamics Particle image velocimetry
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