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作者 王迺峰 《中国设备工程》 2024年第23期224-226,共3页
本文围绕机械传感技术在工业自动化中的应用与创新展开研究。通过对工业自动化和机械传感技术应用现状的深入分析,揭示了目前存在的问题与挑战。针对现有技术的局限性和工业自动化的需求,提出了一系列创新方向和发展趋势,以及在工业自... 本文围绕机械传感技术在工业自动化中的应用与创新展开研究。通过对工业自动化和机械传感技术应用现状的深入分析,揭示了目前存在的问题与挑战。针对现有技术的局限性和工业自动化的需求,提出了一系列创新方向和发展趋势,以及在工业自动化中推动机械传感技术创新的对策。 展开更多
关键词 机械传感技术 工业自动化 创新应用
《电子产品世界》 1996年第6期31-31,47,共2页
硅传感器使机械传感器相形见绌在大批量汽车市场的强劲需求推动下,传感器已从昨天的笨重机械结构发展成用传统半导体加工技术制作的集成智能器件。由于这种器件能确保安全面可靠的运作,因而基于硅的传感器不仅广泛应用于汽车领域而且... 硅传感器使机械传感器相形见绌在大批量汽车市场的强劲需求推动下,传感器已从昨天的笨重机械结构发展成用传统半导体加工技术制作的集成智能器件。由于这种器件能确保安全面可靠的运作,因而基于硅的传感器不仅广泛应用于汽车领域而且也用于实验室和医疗仪器、过程控制系... 展开更多
关键词 机械传感
倾斜光纤光栅传感器 被引量:6
作者 郭团 刘甫 邵理阳 《应用科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期75-103,共29页
倾斜光纤光栅是一种光栅条纹与光纤法线存在一定角度的特殊光纤光栅.由于光栅倾角的引入,前向传导的入射光被有效激发至后向传导的包层模,并保留满足布拉格条件的后向传导纤芯模.经过各种新颖的结构设计、物理组合及生物化学材料修饰,... 倾斜光纤光栅是一种光栅条纹与光纤法线存在一定角度的特殊光纤光栅.由于光栅倾角的引入,前向传导的入射光被有效激发至后向传导的包层模,并保留满足布拉格条件的后向传导纤芯模.经过各种新颖的结构设计、物理组合及生物化学材料修饰,倾斜光纤光栅可实现多种物理、机械、电磁、生物、医学、化学传感量的高精度检测,成为"光纤上的实验室"(lab-on-fiber)的重要组成和关键器件.该文系统介绍了倾斜光纤光栅的制作方法、模式耦合理论、传感机理与特性(特别是表面等离子共振技术)及近年发展起来的各种传感应用实例,包括机械类传感如弯曲、振动、位移等;电磁类传感如电场、磁场等;生物类传感如细胞、蛋白、血糖;化学类传感如气体、电活性微生物等.随着各种新功能材料和纳米加工技术的快速发展,基于倾斜光纤光栅的交叉学科研究快速发展,为进一步提高光纤传感器测量精度、拓展测量对象提供了重要支撑和广阔的发展空间. 展开更多
关键词 倾斜光纤光栅 表面等离子共振 物理机械传感 生物化学
双侧旋转式胶带断带捕捉装置 被引量:11
作者 张晞 齐悦 贾强 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期845-848,共4页
研究了一种新型断带捕捉装置——双侧旋转式胶带断带捕捉装置.该装置针对上运胶带的上胶带设计,由纯机械的断带传感器和双侧旋转式捕捉装置2部分组成,实现了良好的断带捕捉效果.介绍了该捕捉装置的基本组成部分和基本工作原理,并且对装... 研究了一种新型断带捕捉装置——双侧旋转式胶带断带捕捉装置.该装置针对上运胶带的上胶带设计,由纯机械的断带传感器和双侧旋转式捕捉装置2部分组成,实现了良好的断带捕捉效果.介绍了该捕捉装置的基本组成部分和基本工作原理,并且对装置进行了虚拟样机试验.通过现场工业性实验,结果表明,该装置能够很好的对断带进行捕捉. 展开更多
关键词 双侧旋转 胶带断带 机械传感
浅谈虚拟演播室跟踪定位系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 刘然 孟京 孟涛 《现代电视技术》 2012年第10期102-106,共5页
本文通过对华风集团虚拟演播室跟踪定位系统的介绍,阐述了针对机位初始化和跟踪两难的技术难题,利用网格和传感器两种虚拟演播室跟踪定位技术结合使用得以解决,并结合华风集团虚拟演播室常规气象虚拟场景节目制作的案例,详细展示了跟踪... 本文通过对华风集团虚拟演播室跟踪定位系统的介绍,阐述了针对机位初始化和跟踪两难的技术难题,利用网格和传感器两种虚拟演播室跟踪定位技术结合使用得以解决,并结合华风集团虚拟演播室常规气象虚拟场景节目制作的案例,详细展示了跟踪定位技术的实现过程。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟演播室 跟踪定位 网格识别 机械传感
浅谈虚拟跟踪技术及其应用 被引量:1
作者 孙威 《影视制作》 2014年第6期60-63,共4页
在虚拟演播室发展的十多年内,虚拟跟踪技术也在不断地进步。从最初的红外跟踪技术,发展到网格跟踪技术,再到机械跟踪传感技术,实现了电视节目效果的多样化,提升了节目的感染力。本文主要介绍各种虚拟跟踪技术和其在电视节目制作中的应... 在虚拟演播室发展的十多年内,虚拟跟踪技术也在不断地进步。从最初的红外跟踪技术,发展到网格跟踪技术,再到机械跟踪传感技术,实现了电视节目效果的多样化,提升了节目的感染力。本文主要介绍各种虚拟跟踪技术和其在电视节目制作中的应用实例。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟演播室 虚拟跟踪 机械传感跟踪
电子水表测量特性分析与研究 被引量:1
作者 姚灵 王欣欣 《自动化仪表》 CAS 2022年第11期1-6,共6页
电子水表是第二代智能水表,承载着水表计量性能提升的重任。电子水表测量特性会呈现出非线性特征及系统偏离的情况,给水表准确计量带来测量误差。在分析电子水表测量特性、误差产生机理和水表标准规定的性能指标基础上,系统性地描述并... 电子水表是第二代智能水表,承载着水表计量性能提升的重任。电子水表测量特性会呈现出非线性特征及系统偏离的情况,给水表准确计量带来测量误差。在分析电子水表测量特性、误差产生机理和水表标准规定的性能指标基础上,系统性地描述并分析了各类电子水表的原始测量特性。结合理论校准和实流校准的实践,提出了有使用价值的综合校准新方法。基于射流水表、单声道超声水表和机传电显水表的复杂测量特性,分别给出了非线性区间,提供了部分校准方法。该研究为电子水表的特性修正提供了依据、思路和方法,也为下一步制定电子水表测量特性修正标准提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 电子水表 超声水表 射流水表 电磁水表 机械传感电子显示水表 测量特性 特性校准
虚实交互型演播厅视频系统的组建 被引量:1
作者 程琳梅 《西部广播电视》 2019年第3期160-163,165,共5页
在电视节目制作中,常应用虚拟演播室系统构造不同的场景以满足不同栏目的前景和背景需求,或相同栏目不同场景的快速切换和选择,以节约制作成本。随着电视节目制作竞争日益激烈,如何打造更加多元化的视听场景已成为节目制作收视率提高的... 在电视节目制作中,常应用虚拟演播室系统构造不同的场景以满足不同栏目的前景和背景需求,或相同栏目不同场景的快速切换和选择,以节约制作成本。随着电视节目制作竞争日益激烈,如何打造更加多元化的视听场景已成为节目制作收视率提高的重要砝码。虚实交互型演播室通过糅合虚拟技术、图文技术,使虚拟场景与实际布景相结合,根据栏目需求,同个时间不同人物的布景有虚景有实景,场景设计应更灵活多样,虚拟场景应更具真实感。同时,使用一套视频系统可以实现传统演播厅的功能,也可实现全虚拟演播厅的功能,大大节约建设成本,提高演播厅使用效率。 展开更多
关键词 虚实交互 蓝箱 跟踪技术 机械传感
作者 刘毅 《现代电视技术》 2011年第11期125-127,143,共4页
本文通过对传统虚拟演播室技术的分析和对目前最新的虚拟图文包装系统的技术应用的研究,并结合Mariana.VG虚拟图文包装系统在浙江卫视的2011年"直播钱江潮"节目中的设计和应用,有针对性地解析了一种全新的应用,在实景演播室... 本文通过对传统虚拟演播室技术的分析和对目前最新的虚拟图文包装系统的技术应用的研究,并结合Mariana.VG虚拟图文包装系统在浙江卫视的2011年"直播钱江潮"节目中的设计和应用,有针对性地解析了一种全新的应用,在实景演播室拍摄中植入虚拟三维物体和图文,以"虚""实"相结合的、新颖的节目拍摄和制作方式,以及需要注意的一些问题。 展开更多
关键词 MVG 虚拟图文包装系统 三维图形场景渲染 虚实结合 机械传感跟踪
Optical fiber based slide tactile sensor for underwater robots 被引量:1
作者 谭定忠 王启明 +2 位作者 宋瑞晗 姚昕 顾义华 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第2期122-126,共5页
In the underwater environment, many visual sensors don’t work, and many sensors which work well for robots working in space or on land can not be used underwater. Therefore, an optical fiber slide tactile sensor was ... In the underwater environment, many visual sensors don’t work, and many sensors which work well for robots working in space or on land can not be used underwater. Therefore, an optical fiber slide tactile sensor was designed based on the inner modulation mechanism of optical fibers. The principles and structure of the sensor are explained in detail. Its static and dynamic characteristics were analyzed theoretically and then simulated. A dynamic characteristic model was built and the simulation made using the GA based neural network. In order to improve sensor response, the recognition model of the sensor was designed based on the ‘inverse solution’ principle of neural networks, increasing the control precision and the sensitivity of the manipulator. 展开更多
关键词 underwater robot MANIPULATOR tactile sensor optical fiber
MEMS sensor technology 被引量:4
作者 Jiang Zhuangde 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第5期16-25,共10页
Since 1992 the author has led research group in Xi'an Jiaotong University to investigate and develop micro-electro mechanical systems(MEMS) sensors,including pressure sensor,acceleration sensor,gas sensor,viscosit... Since 1992 the author has led research group in Xi'an Jiaotong University to investigate and develop micro-electro mechanical systems(MEMS) sensors,including pressure sensor,acceleration sensor,gas sensor,viscosity & density sensor,polymerase chain reaction(PCR) chip and integrated sensor etc.This paper introduces the technologies and research results related to MEMS sensors we achieved in the last 20 years. 展开更多
HIT anthropomorphic robotic hand and finger motion control 被引量:3
作者 高晓辉 史士才 +4 位作者 赵大威 姜力 王智洋 蔡鹤皋 刘宏 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期48-53,共6页
Nowadays many anthropomorphic robotic hands have been put forward. These hands emphasize different aspects according to their applications. HIT Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand (ARhand) is a simple, lightweight and dexter... Nowadays many anthropomorphic robotic hands have been put forward. These hands emphasize different aspects according to their applications. HIT Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand (ARhand) is a simple, lightweight and dexterous design per the requirements of anthropomorphic robots. Underactuated self-adaptive theory is adopted to decrease the number of motors and weight. The fingers of HIT ARhand with multi phalanges have the same size as those of an adult hand. Force control is realized with the position sensor, joint torque sensor and fingertip torque sensor. From the 3D model, the whole hand, with the low power consumption DSP control board integrated in it, will weigh only 500 g. It will be assembled on a BIT-Anthropomorphic Robot. 展开更多
关键词 anthropomorphic robotic hand under-actuated force sensor
An analyzing and experimental method based on the resultant motion signals for SCARA manipulator joints 被引量:4
作者 徐丰羽 Yang Zhong Jiang Guoping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第3期279-285,共7页
Acceleration reflects vibration of a robot,and the vibration signal can reflect the operation state of the robot. Generally,detection of robot mechanical arm failure requires installing sensors on each joint. This stu... Acceleration reflects vibration of a robot,and the vibration signal can reflect the operation state of the robot. Generally,detection of robot mechanical arm failure requires installing sensors on each joint. This study proposes a method to diagnose the fault by single acceleration sensor only,which is installed at the end of the robot. The operation state of the robot is evaluated by analyzing vibration characteristics of its acceleration. First,a data acquisition function of a programmable multi-axis controller is applied to extract practical motion signals of the robot joints during operation,and practical motion signals are analyzed. Second,synthetic methods to determine acceleration of the end joints of SCARA robots in a Cartesian space is used based on the theory of the Jacobian matrix and the frequency domain of final acceleration is investigated. The relationship between end-and joint-vibration frequencies under given speeds is determined. Then,the method is verified by comparing characteristic frequencies of joint acceleration and synthetic acceleration in Cartesian coordinate system at different speeds. Finally,some faults can be diagnosed by comparing the acceleration vibration frequency extracted by a single acceleration sensor installed at the end of robot with the normal running state. Thus,this method can be used to monitor the signal variation of each joint without installing sensors on each robot joint. 展开更多
关键词 SCARA robot motion signal Jacobian matrix
Ground demonstration system based on in-orbit assembly oriented manipulator flexible force control 被引量:2
作者 乔冠宇 Gao Huibin +3 位作者 Peng Cheng Gu Yingying Xu Zhenbang Xu Boqian 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第3期271-278,共8页
To eliminate the load weight limit of carrier rockets and reduce the burden on support structures,in-orbit assembly is a key technology to make design of scattering a large diameter telescope into submirror modules,wh... To eliminate the load weight limit of carrier rockets and reduce the burden on support structures,in-orbit assembly is a key technology to make design of scattering a large diameter telescope into submirror modules,which requires smooth operation of assembly robots,and flexible force control technology is necessary. A ground demonstration system is presented for in-orbit assembly focusing on flexible force control. A six-dimensional force/torque sensor and its data acquisition system are used to compensate for gravity. For translation and rotation,an algorithm for flexible control is proposed. A ground transportation demonstration verifies accuracy and smoothness of flexible force control,and the transportation and assembly task is completed automatically. The proposed system is suitable for the development of in-orbit assembly robots. 展开更多
关键词 flexible force control gravity compensation ground demonstration system in-orbit assembly manipulator six-dimensional force/torque sensor
Sensor Hall Effect on Analyses Mechanical Stress
作者 Jacques Cousteau da Silva Borges Abel Cavalcante Lima Filho Francisco Antonio Belo 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第1期19-25,共7页
Measuring the magnetic field is a common practice in industrial processes. We can cite the voltage measurements through PTs (potential transformers). This is a classic example of inductive field measuring, predictin... Measuring the magnetic field is a common practice in industrial processes. We can cite the voltage measurements through PTs (potential transformers). This is a classic example of inductive field measuring, predicting to be measured quantity is of oscillatory nature, with the circuit instrumentation scaled and calibrated for a typical frequency of 50/60 Hz. For a long time, only the binary information: "this field" and "missing field" is needed. For example, only with this information can we identify the frequency of the rotating shaft. Currently, new technologies employ magnetic sensors for measuring positions (distances, angles, etc.) from the intensity of the magnetic field. Inductive sensors are inefficient on measurements of static fields, such as magnets, opening spaces for new linear Hall effect sensors, and static which deal with these situations without difficulty. The present study examines the behavior of the Hall sensor, making the measurement of the intensity of the static magnetic field of the rotating magnet and the same, verifying the effect of the speed at which the magnet passes the sensor in some way alter the measurement. The results are favorable manda and the versatility of these sensors in many different applications. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic measurement Hall effect INSTRUMENTATION sensors and actuators in robotics
High Sensitivity FBG Pressure Sensor Based on Mechanical Amplifier and Interrogation Using Tunable FBG Filter
作者 LIUYun-qi LIUZhi-guo 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1999年第3期171-174,178,共5页
A high sensitivity fiber Bragg grating pressure sensor by using mechanical amplifier is demonstrated. The measured pressure sensitivity is -1.80×10 -4 /MPa, which is about two orders of magnitude better than a si... A high sensitivity fiber Bragg grating pressure sensor by using mechanical amplifier is demonstrated. The measured pressure sensitivity is -1.80×10 -4 /MPa, which is about two orders of magnitude better than a simple monomode fiber with an in-fiber grating. The resolution of pressure measurement is 0.015 MPa based on interrogation using tunable fiber grating filter. 展开更多
关键词 Fiber Bragg Grating Mechanical Amplifier Pressure Sensor Tunable Filter CLC number:TN253 TP212 Document code:A
Portable nano probe for micro/nano mechanical scratching and measuring 被引量:1
作者 Woo-Park JEONG Chang-Choi SOO +1 位作者 Cho HYUN Woo-Lee DEUG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第A01期205-209,共5页
A nano probe system which can measure precise contact force in mN scale was demonstrated. The nano probe micro parts or optical parts in nanometer range resolution and scratch was originally designed for on-machine me... A nano probe system which can measure precise contact force in mN scale was demonstrated. The nano probe micro parts or optical parts in nanometer range resolution and scratch was originally designed for on-machine measuring applications and one kind of contact type measuring probes was designed for miniaturized or microfactory system. It ideally should be of small size and able to measure surface topography in nanometer scale. A commercial capacitive displacement sensor was proposed. It was a new concept in nano probe systems which can measure the displacement of shaft driven by the variation of surface topography. The nano probe mainly consisted of three parts: a capacitive displacement sensor, a porous type air slide and a contact probe part with various tip radiuses. The porous type air slide assured the shaft slided smoothly with controllable normal force in mN scale and had high positioning accuracy. The probe part which was directly in contact with target surface, can be applied to micro/nanoscale scratching as well as the measurement of sample topography by a simple tip change. 展开更多
关键词 nano probe displacement sensor air slide PCD tip
iRobot Create Used in Education
作者 Martin Dekan Frantisek Duchon Ladislav Jurisica Anton Vitko Andrej Babinec 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第4期197-202,共6页
There are many robotic platforms usable in the educational process. In the introduction, some of the educational platforms are presented. The main body of this paper deals with educational robotic platform iRobot Crea... There are many robotic platforms usable in the educational process. In the introduction, some of the educational platforms are presented. The main body of this paper deals with educational robotic platform iRobot Create. In this paper, main parts of this platform are described, such as mechanics, sensors and actuators. The software equipment with communication protocol of this platform is also described. The results of the analysis of this platform show its rich possibilities in its use in educational process such as mechanics, electronics and algorithms used in robotics. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile robot educational platform iRobot Create
A mobile self-reconfigurable robot based on modularity 被引量:2
作者 钟鸣 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第1期26-31,共6页
A novel mobile self-reconfigurable robot is presented. This robot consists of several independent units. Each unit is composed of modular components including ultrasonic sensor, camera, communication, computation, and... A novel mobile self-reconfigurable robot is presented. This robot consists of several independent units. Each unit is composed of modular components including ultrasonic sensor, camera, communication, computation, and mobility parts, and is capable of simple self-reconfiguring to enhance its mobility by expanding itself. Several units can not only link into a train or other shapes autonomously via camera and sensors to be a united whole robot for obstacle clearing, but also disjoin to be separate units under control after missions. To achieve small overall size, compact mechanical structures are adopted in modular components design, and a miniature advanced RISC machines (ARM) based embedded controller is developed for minimal power consumption and efficient global control. The docking experiment between two units has also been implemented. 展开更多
关键词 self-reconfigurable robot MOBILITY MODULARITY DOCKING
Ultrasonic Sensors with Mechanical Couplers: Simulation and Validation
作者 Monica Femendez Cristina Rodriguez Juan M. Perez Oria Manuel Ibarra Luciano Alonso 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第4期264-271,共8页
The use of ultrasonic sensors has varied applications, but the sensor operation frequency limits the operating distance. An easy way to increase this distance is to couple a mechanical element (horn), but it is nece... The use of ultrasonic sensors has varied applications, but the sensor operation frequency limits the operating distance. An easy way to increase this distance is to couple a mechanical element (horn), but it is necessary to characterize this technique. In this paper the results obtained in a study of the behaviour of mechanical elements coupled to an ultrasonic sensor using finite element techniques are presented. These results have been obtained using Comsol Multiphysics modelling. Also, the effect caused by the sensor size on the radiation acoustic pressure has also been evaluated. In other way, in this paper it is presented the results obtained in the laboratory measurements. First, it is studied the influence of a straight horn attached to the ultrasonic sensor. Later, it is presented the variation in the sound pressure on the radiation axis when the sensor varies its size. In the final part of the paper, the experimental validation of the simulations is presented. 展开更多
关键词 ULTRASOUNDS SENSORS homs radiation pattem.
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