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作者 刘菊 刘惟凡 《电子产品可靠性与环境试验》 2013年第A01期202-205,共4页
基于IEC 62386-1:2010标准,主要讨论了音视频、信息及通信技术类设备中机械能量源的分类、试验方法和安全要求。根据人员的不同特点,将设备的使用人员分成3类:普通人员、经过指导的人员和有技能的人员:根据不同的危害程度,将设备的能量... 基于IEC 62386-1:2010标准,主要讨论了音视频、信息及通信技术类设备中机械能量源的分类、试验方法和安全要求。根据人员的不同特点,将设备的使用人员分成3类:普通人员、经过指导的人员和有技能的人员:根据不同的危害程度,将设备的能量源分为3级。针对不同的使用人员和能量源等级,对应的安全防护要求也应有所不同。 展开更多
关键词 国际电工委员会标准 普通人员 经过指导的人员 有技能的人员 机械能量
石英玻璃的机械振动能量损耗特性 被引量:1
作者 张晓强 潘瑶 +4 位作者 杜秀蓉 孙元成 宋学富 花宁 祖成奎 《飞控与探测》 2021年第1期92-97,共6页
为研究石英玻璃的机械振动能量损耗特性,以石英半球谐振子为实验对象,考察了铣磨、抛光、刻蚀和退火对石英玻璃机械振动能量损耗大小的影响,并分析了其作用机理。研究结果表明:对于采用机械加工成型的石英玻璃,表面损耗占主导作用,亚表... 为研究石英玻璃的机械振动能量损耗特性,以石英半球谐振子为实验对象,考察了铣磨、抛光、刻蚀和退火对石英玻璃机械振动能量损耗大小的影响,并分析了其作用机理。研究结果表明:对于采用机械加工成型的石英玻璃,表面损耗占主导作用,亚表面损伤是造成表面损耗的主要原因;退火可以消除机械应力,降低石英玻璃的“假想温度”,改善石英玻璃的结构稳定性,减小本征损耗。 展开更多
关键词 石英玻璃 机械振动能量损耗 机械品质因数 半球谐振子 本征损耗 表面损耗
作者 石岩 《东西南北(教育)》 2016年第19期117-117,共1页
关键词 机械能量 守恒规则 定律 概念内涵
作者 李建军 《港口科技》 2017年第4期1-7,共7页
对起重机械势能及惯性能自循环回收利用进行研究,研制新一代起重机械能量回收装置,提出在传统的起重系统中增加节能系统。节能系统由能量管理单元和储能单元组成,采用自主研发的超级电容管理系统,实现超级电容的可靠充放电和起重机械势... 对起重机械势能及惯性能自循环回收利用进行研究,研制新一代起重机械能量回收装置,提出在传统的起重系统中增加节能系统。节能系统由能量管理单元和储能单元组成,采用自主研发的超级电容管理系统,实现超级电容的可靠充放电和起重机械势能及惯性能的高效回收。 展开更多
关键词 港口 机械能量回收 超级电容 节能减排
卷簧式紧膜包装机械设计研究 被引量:1
作者 孙杰 《装备制造技术》 2022年第6期157-160,共4页
包装薄膜预紧作为自动化及电气化操作主要工艺,成为了包装印刷工业领域重点研究内容。目前,紧膜包装机械设备性能存在较大提升空间,作业期间表现出的问题较多。为了达到优化紧膜方法,改善紧膜包装机械设备性能的目的,以预紧力提升、噪... 包装薄膜预紧作为自动化及电气化操作主要工艺,成为了包装印刷工业领域重点研究内容。目前,紧膜包装机械设备性能存在较大提升空间,作业期间表现出的问题较多。为了达到优化紧膜方法,改善紧膜包装机械设备性能的目的,以预紧力提升、噪声控制、机械化效率提升作为研究要点,提出一种卷簧式紧膜包装机械设计研究。以机械传动能量作为主要控制对象,利用卷簧运动控制薄膜张力,使得薄膜张紧能量输入与传动能量输出保持一致,实现高效稳定紧膜包装控制。其中,轴及轴上零件运动关系作为机械传动控制设计基础,通过分析传动部分和动力部分在机械传动期间发挥的作用及操作方法,掌握卷簧式紧膜包装机械传动原理。在此基础上,利用卷簧运动控制薄膜张力参数数值变化,从而达到控制机械传动能量的目的,根据薄膜张紧能量输入与传动能量输出数值变化,对控制方案做出调整,直至两者数值达到一致。测试结果显示,卷簧式紧膜包装机械设备最小达标率为96.32%,作业超出标准噪声最大比例仅有0.20%,作业机械化效率达到了97.47%,与预期设计目标相符。通过探究,可以加深对卷簧式紧膜包装机械作业原理的探究,优化紧膜包装控制方案,提高机械作业效率及质量,改善噪音问题。 展开更多
关键词 卷簧式 机械设计 薄膜预紧 机械传动能量
体外冲击波疗法促进组织修复及再生的机制综述 被引量:11
作者 盛炜 张丽 +1 位作者 李美蓉 付小兵 《解放军医学院学报》 CAS 2020年第6期638-643,共6页
体外冲击波疗法(extracorporeal shock wave therapy,ESWT)作为一种新型治疗手段,在创伤修复和再生医学领域显示出优势,其相关的作用机制也在陆续研究中。本文系统综述了该疗法以机械能量波形式通过启动细胞感受信号并传导,进一步产生... 体外冲击波疗法(extracorporeal shock wave therapy,ESWT)作为一种新型治疗手段,在创伤修复和再生医学领域显示出优势,其相关的作用机制也在陆续研究中。本文系统综述了该疗法以机械能量波形式通过启动细胞感受信号并传导,进一步产生生物学效应,从而发挥治疗作用的相关机制,为针对性深入挖掘ESWT可能的新作用路径提供新的研究方向和思路。 展开更多
关键词 体外冲击波疗法 创伤修复 再生医学 机械能量 生物学效应
体外冲击波疗法促进慢性创面愈合的基础及临床研究 被引量:5
作者 张丽 付小兵 瓮长水 《感染.炎症.修复》 2017年第2期125-128,共4页
慢性创面病程长、并发症多,治疗难度大,己经成为严重降低患者工作和生活质量、加重社会和家庭负担的重要慢病,也是目前创伤研究的重点和难点问题[1-2]。冲击波(shock wave,SW)是一种通过高速运动导致介质急剧压缩、聚集而产生的机械... 慢性创面病程长、并发症多,治疗难度大,己经成为严重降低患者工作和生活质量、加重社会和家庭负担的重要慢病,也是目前创伤研究的重点和难点问题[1-2]。冲击波(shock wave,SW)是一种通过高速运动导致介质急剧压缩、聚集而产生的机械能量波,同时具有声学特性和力学特性。初步证实,作为能量医学和物理治疗的重要构成,体外冲击波疗法(extracorporeal shock wave therapy, 展开更多
关键词 冲击波疗法 机械能量 EXTRACORPOREAL 家庭负担 声学特性 物理治疗 局部炎症反应 祖细胞 局部微循环 新血管形成
大型蓄能发电系统开发动向 被引量:1
作者 肖良瑜 《电器工业》 2004年第11期36-39,共4页
地球能源的开发与利用,仍属当今世界重大课题。在不断开发新能源的同时,如何更有效地利用现有能源,其中包括节能、蓄能技术的开发,更为世人关注,尤其是蓄能发电技术的开发,已经成为一项迫切的工程,因为有的城市用电量极不均衡,夜间与白... 地球能源的开发与利用,仍属当今世界重大课题。在不断开发新能源的同时,如何更有效地利用现有能源,其中包括节能、蓄能技术的开发,更为世人关注,尤其是蓄能发电技术的开发,已经成为一项迫切的工程,因为有的城市用电量极不均衡,夜间与白天负荷之比几乎达到1:100以上,而担负基荷的火电、尤其是核电很难在夜间低谷负荷期间停机灭炉,即使白天高峰负荷期间用于调峰的中间机组也是很有限的,这就迫使国际社会不遗余力地研究开发蓄能发电新技术。本文简要论述这种新技术的发展现状和趋势。 展开更多
关键词 大型蓄能发电系统 蓄能方式 机械能量蓄能 热能蓄能
作者 何捷 《浙江体育科学》 1985年第3期55-57,共3页
单杠直体大回环的动作,很象一根与转轴以铰链结构相约束的细棒,凭藉其势能绕一端作定轴转动的情形。不过在转动中,任何光滑的铰链结构都不能避免机械能量的损耗,因而细棒不可能仅凭其自身的势能,绕轴转动一周以上。然而人体这根特殊的... 单杠直体大回环的动作,很象一根与转轴以铰链结构相约束的细棒,凭藉其势能绕一端作定轴转动的情形。不过在转动中,任何光滑的铰链结构都不能避免机械能量的损耗,因而细棒不可能仅凭其自身的势能,绕轴转动一周以上。然而人体这根特殊的细棒。 展开更多
关键词 大回环 直体 定轴转动 机械能量 肌肉内 数学模型 环中 约束反力 换握 物理模型
作者 夏祥峰 张卫平 +2 位作者 赵佳欣 武广平 江翠红 《无人系统技术》 2022年第3期87-96,共10页
压电驱动的微机器人是昆虫尺度微机器人的研究热点。针对FR_(4)基底的压电驱动器的耐压性问题,提出了基于增强型基底的压电驱动器的微型四足机器人的整机设计和制造方案。基于传统的FR_(4)覆铜板-碳纤维-FR_(4)覆铜板三层基底结构,建立... 压电驱动的微机器人是昆虫尺度微机器人的研究热点。针对FR_(4)基底的压电驱动器的耐压性问题,提出了基于增强型基底的压电驱动器的微型四足机器人的整机设计和制造方案。基于传统的FR_(4)覆铜板-碳纤维-FR_(4)覆铜板三层基底结构,建立了FR_(4)覆铜板两侧覆盖玻璃纤维的五层基底结构,增强了FR_(4)覆铜板的刚性,提高了压电驱动器的介电击穿电压和机械能量。在完成了其余零部件的设计、制造和装配后,对微型四足机器人进行了运动测试。当外加幅值为200 V、频率为20 Hz的脉动方波信号时,重1.51 g的微型四足机器人(5.1 cm×4.5 cm×2.3 cm)可以以14.9 cm/s(约3倍体长/s)的速度爬行,验证了整机设计和制造方案的可行性,也为压电式微机器人的驱动部件的研制提供了另一种方案。 展开更多
关键词 基底 压电驱动器 微型四足机器人 FR_(4) 覆铜板 玻璃纤维 机械能量
柏努利方程的准确理解及应用 被引量:4
作者 邵友元 《东莞理工学院学报》 2010年第1期99-102,共4页
关键词 柏努利(Bernoulli)方程 机械能守恒方程:能量损失
《可编程控制器与工厂自动化(PLC FA)》 2005年第6期62-62,共1页
表面声波,超声波的一种,在介质(例如玻璃或金属等刚性材料)表面浅层传播的机械能量波。通过楔形三角基座(根据表面波的波长严格设计),可以做到定向、小角度的表面声波能量发射。表面声波性能稳定、易于分析,并且在横波传递过程... 表面声波,超声波的一种,在介质(例如玻璃或金属等刚性材料)表面浅层传播的机械能量波。通过楔形三角基座(根据表面波的波长严格设计),可以做到定向、小角度的表面声波能量发射。表面声波性能稳定、易于分析,并且在横波传递过程中具有非常尖锐的频率特性,近年来在无损探伤、造影和退波器方向上应用发展很快, 展开更多
关键词 表面声波触摸屏 机械能量 横波 频率特性 声导材料
作者 李连贵 《发电设备》 2005年第1期68-68,共1页
具有世界最高发电能力的热-电变换模块已于今年开发成功,并已投入市场。它能使热能直接转换为电能而无须像传统热电站那样必须经过机械能量的转换(透平机或汽轮机、发电机)。它的发电原理是根据塞贝克现象,即在同一回路中,由不同的... 具有世界最高发电能力的热-电变换模块已于今年开发成功,并已投入市场。它能使热能直接转换为电能而无须像传统热电站那样必须经过机械能量的转换(透平机或汽轮机、发电机)。它的发电原理是根据塞贝克现象,即在同一回路中,由不同的双金属2个连接点之间的温差可以产生电压。这种热-电半导体元件的上、 展开更多
关键词 太阳热发电 太阳光发电 热能转换电能装置 机械能量 发电方式
Development of process energy intensity formula under different state variables 被引量:3
作者 陈光 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第6期694-696,共3页
In a production process, the actual energy consumption is greatly affected by the production state. Certain processing operations are classified into six states, including normal production, abnormal production, plann... In a production process, the actual energy consumption is greatly affected by the production state. Certain processing operations are classified into six states, including normal production, abnormal production, planned overhaul, unplanned overhaul, transitional period from unplanned overhaul to normal production (referred for short as unplanned transition) and transitional period from planned overhaul to normal production (referred for short as planned transition). The article takes the analysis of relationship between different states of a certain processing operation and corresponding energy consumptions as a startup point to develop a process energy intensity formula with variables of operating rate, yielding rate and operating frequency, etc. This process energy intensity formula can be used to analyze effectively the pattern of impact exerted by different state variables on energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 process energy intensity production state production variable operating rate yielding rate
Microstructure and mechanical properties of die-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy by Pr additions 被引量:4
作者 崔晓鹏 刘海峰 +1 位作者 孟健 张德平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期435-438,共4页
Mg-9Al-xPr(x=0.4,0.8 and 1.2,mass fraction,%)magnesium alloys were prepared by high-pressure die-casting technique.The effects of Pr on the microstructures of die-cast Mg-9Al based alloy were investigated by XRD and S... Mg-9Al-xPr(x=0.4,0.8 and 1.2,mass fraction,%)magnesium alloys were prepared by high-pressure die-casting technique.The effects of Pr on the microstructures of die-cast Mg-9Al based alloy were investigated by XRD and SEM.Needle-like Al11Pr3 phase and polygon Al6Mn6Pr phase are found in the microstructure.With 0.4%Pr addition,fine needle-like Al11Pr3 phase and a small amount of polygon Al6Mn6Pr phase near the grain boundary are found in the microstructure.Increasing Pr addition to 0.8%, lots of coarse needle-like Al11Pr3 phase within grain and polygon Al6Mn6Pr phase on grain boundary are observed.Further increasing Pr addition,the size of needle-like Al11Pr3 phase decreases,while the size of polygon Al6Mn6Pr relatively increases.The mass fraction of Pr at around 0.8%is considered to be suitable to obtain the optimal mechanical properties.The optimal mechanical properties are mainly resulted from grain boundary strengthening obtained by precipitates and solid solution. 展开更多
关键词 PRASEODYMIUM magnesium alloy microstructure mechanical properties
A Statistical Parameter Analysis and SVM Based Fault Diagnosis Strategy for Dynamically Tuned Gyroscopes 被引量:2
作者 徐国平 田蔚风 +1 位作者 金志华 钱莉 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第5期592-596,共5页
Gyro's fault diagnosis plays a critical role in inertia navigation systems for higher reliability and precision. A new fault diagnosis strategy based on the statistical parameter analysis (SPA) and support vector ... Gyro's fault diagnosis plays a critical role in inertia navigation systems for higher reliability and precision. A new fault diagnosis strategy based on the statistical parameter analysis (SPA) and support vector machine (SVM) classification model was proposed for dynamically tuned gyroscopes (DTG). The SPA, a kind of time domain analysis approach, was introduced to compute a set of statistical parameters of vibration signal as the state features of DTG, with which the SVM model, a novel learning machine based on statistical learning theory (SLT), was applied and constructed to train and identify the working state of DTG. The experimental results verify that the proposed diagnostic strategy can simply and effectively extract the state features of DTG, and it outperforms the radial-basis function (RBF) neural network based diagnostic method and can more reliably and accurately diagnose the working state of DTG. 展开更多
关键词 statistical parameter analysis (SPA) support vector machine (SVM) radial-basis function (RBF)neural network fault diagnosis dynamically tuned gyroscope
Landslides & Debris Flows Formation from Gravelly Soil Surface Erosion and Particle Losses in Jiangjia Ravine 被引量:3
作者 HU Ming-jian PAN Hua-li +2 位作者 WEI Hou-zhen WANG Ren A Ying 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期987-995,共9页
Gravelly soils are made up of gravel, sand, silt and clay. They are widely used in engineering applications such as rock-fill dams with clay cores, which are the main researches at present. The strength and mechanical... Gravelly soils are made up of gravel, sand, silt and clay. They are widely used in engineering applications such as rock-fill dams with clay cores, which are the main researches at present. The strength and mechanical properties of the gravelly soils are affected by the content of coarse grain, fine particles, and their adhesive states. These Properties can be verified by laboratory unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests with grain size less than 5 mm and by large scale direct-shear tests with original grain content. Fine particles of the loose gravelly slopes are released under rainfalls, alternated the structures and mechanical properties, even affected the slope stability. There are a series of large scale direct-shear tests with different coarse grain contents to study the influence of fine particles releasing and migration, results showed the strength behavior of the gravelly soils were affected by the coarse grain content (5) and the inflection coarse grain contents. In order to study the erosion features of the gravelly soil slopes on rainfall conditions and the slopes stability alteration, we had carried out one sort of artificial rainfall local and model experiments, the runoff sediment contents were monitored during the experiments. Result showed that the shapes of the slopes surface transformed periodically, runoff sediment contents were divided into five phases according to the experiment phenomena, runoff sediment contents maintained downtrend during the rain time and the downtrend was obviouslyinterpreted by one descend belt no matter the rainfall intensity and the slope angels. Particle size analysis released the deposit on the slope surface lost almost all of the clay, most of the silt and sand after the experiments, this meant the fine particles releasing, migration and accumulation process on condition of rainfall resulted in the instability factor of the slopes even induced landslide or debris flow. 展开更多
关键词 Gravelly soils Erosion process Particlelosses Runoff sediment content JiangJia Ravine
Effects of Yb addition on microstructures and mechanical properties of 2519A aluminum alloy plate 被引量:6
作者 张新明 王文韬 +6 位作者 陈明安 高志国 贾寓真 叶凌英 郑大伟 刘玲 匡小月 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期727-731,共5页
The effects of Yb content on the microstructures and mechanical properties of 2519A aluminum alloy plate were investigated by means of tensile test,optical microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,scanning electron... The effects of Yb content on the microstructures and mechanical properties of 2519A aluminum alloy plate were investigated by means of tensile test,optical microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometer.The results show that addition of 0.17% (mass fraction) Yb increases the density of θ' particles of the 2519A alloy plate and reduces the coarsening speed rate of θ' phase at 300 ℃.Therefore,tensile strength is enhanced from 483.2 MPa to 501.0 MPa at room temperature and is improved from 139.5 MPa to 169.4 MPa at 300 ℃.The results also show that with the addition of 0.30% (mass fraction) Yb,the mechanical properties increase at 300 ℃ and decrease at room temperature.With Yb additions,the Al7.4Cu9.6Yb2 phase is found whilst the segregated phases of as-cast alloys along grain boundaries become discontinuous,thin and spheroidized. 展开更多
关键词 RARE-EARTH YTTERBIUM 2519A aluminum alloy MICROSTRUCTURE tensile properties
Elevated-temperature mechanical properties and thermal stability of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag heat-resistant alloy 被引量:3
作者 宋艳芳 潘清林 +2 位作者 王迎 李晨 丰雷 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3434-3441,共8页
The elevated-temperature mechanical properties and thermal stability of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag heat-resistant alloy were studied by tensile test, transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM), respe... The elevated-temperature mechanical properties and thermal stability of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag heat-resistant alloy were studied by tensile test, transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM), respectively. The results show that with the increase of Ag content, the tensile strength and yield strength increase, which is attributed to the increase of the precipitations number and the decrease of the size. The same conclusions are drawn in the study of increasing Mg content. The alloy possesses excellent thermal stability. At 100-150 °C, the strength of the under-aged alloy increases at the initial stage, and after reaching the peak strength, it remains the same. The secondary precipitation of the under-aged alloy occurs in the process of exposure at 150℃, and it distributes diffusely after thermal exposed for 20 h. Then, the tensile strength decreases gradually with increasing the thermal exposure time at 200-250 °C. The strength of the peak-aged alloy decreases gradually, and the precipitation grows up, but the number decreases gradually with prolonging the exposure time at 100-250 °C. The strength of two kinds of alloys decreases with elevating of exposure temperature. 展开更多
关键词 evaluated-temperature mechanical properties thermal stability A1-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy
SVM multiuser detection based on heuristic kernel
作者 杨涛 Hu Bo 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2007年第2期189-193,共5页
A support vector machine (SVM) based multiuser detection (MUD) scheme in code-division multi- ple-access (CDMA) system is proposed. In this scheme, the equivalent support vector (SV) is obtained through a kern... A support vector machine (SVM) based multiuser detection (MUD) scheme in code-division multi- ple-access (CDMA) system is proposed. In this scheme, the equivalent support vector (SV) is obtained through a kernel sparsity approximation algorithm, which avoids the conventional costly quadratic pro-gramming (QP) procedure in SVM. Besides, the coefficient of the SV is attained through the solution to a generalized eigenproblem. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has almost the same bit er-ror rate (BER) as the standard SVM and is better than minimum mean square error (MMSE) scheme. Meanwhile, it has a low comoutation complexity. 展开更多
关键词 kernel function support vector machine muhiuser detection code-division multiple-access
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