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作者 金昌来 邰成平 《唯实》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第12期36-36,共1页
目前,领导干部都提要自觉过好“五关”,即:名位关、权力关、金钱关、色情关、人情关。“五关”之中,关键在于权力关,其它”四关”无不与权力有着密不可分的联系。金钱、美女、名位、人情之所以在某些人面前成为“关”,就因为他们手中有... 目前,领导干部都提要自觉过好“五关”,即:名位关、权力关、金钱关、色情关、人情关。“五关”之中,关键在于权力关,其它”四关”无不与权力有着密不可分的联系。金钱、美女、名位、人情之所以在某些人面前成为“关”,就因为他们手中有权。因而,“过五关”首先要过好“权力关”。而能否过好权力关,则取决于领导者具有什么样的权力观。 展开更多
关键词 权力关 领导者 过好“五 人民的利益 权力 人情 思想教育 社会主义 党性锻炼 领导干部
作者 林宇宏 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 1997年第3期24-27,共4页
邓小平同志在南方谈话中强调:“中国的事情能不能办好,社会主义和改革开放能不能坚持,经济能不能快一点发展起来,国家能不能长治久安,从一定意义上说,关键在人”.邓小平同志这里所指的人,不是指普通群众,而是指党员干部,尤其是指党的领... 邓小平同志在南方谈话中强调:“中国的事情能不能办好,社会主义和改革开放能不能坚持,经济能不能快一点发展起来,国家能不能长治久安,从一定意义上说,关键在人”.邓小平同志这里所指的人,不是指普通群众,而是指党员干部,尤其是指党的领导干部.这是因为领导干部是党的事业的骨干,是党和国家权力的掌握者和行使者,他们能否正确掌握和行使手中的权力,直接关系着党和国家的兴衰存亡.所以,党中央根据反腐败斗争的需要,反复强调领导干部一定要正确对待手中的权力,过好权力关,这是十分迫切和重要的. 展开更多
关键词 领导干部 监督制约 权力关 党的领导干部 党的执政地位 党员干部 全心全意为人民服务 权力腐败 腐败现象 社会主义市场经济体制
作者 育葵 《前线》 2002年第4期57-58,共2页
关键词 权力 人民群众 权力关 党的领导干部 为人民服务 党的各级领导 人民利益 辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义 中国共产 社会发展阶段
作者 傅光明 《党史天地》 1996年第6期33-33,共1页
常在报端看到不少文章提到党员干部要把住“五关”,如金钱、美女、人情、权力、亲属等。其实,最根本的是要把住“权力关”。 权,这根挥舞了千百年的魔杖,其诱人的魅力久经不衰。历代统治者不仅为夺权、争权而不顾一切,而且对怎样掌好权... 常在报端看到不少文章提到党员干部要把住“五关”,如金钱、美女、人情、权力、亲属等。其实,最根本的是要把住“权力关”。 权,这根挥舞了千百年的魔杖,其诱人的魅力久经不衰。历代统治者不仅为夺权、争权而不顾一切,而且对怎样掌好权、用好权、把好权力关煞费苦心。在封建统治者的政治价值观念中,在礼、法、令。 展开更多
关键词 权力关 党员干部 全心全意为人民服务 权力 世界观 社会主义市场经济体制 封建统治者 价值观念 用好权 权力监督
县委书记如何把好“权、钱、色”三关 被引量:1
作者 唐林霞 《人民论坛》 北大核心 2015年第A07期33-35,共3页
县委书记腐败严重危害县域法治建设和经济社会发展,进而危害国家基层政权的稳固和经济社会建设的发展。2015年伊始,习近平强调做县委书记要把好权力关、金钱关和美色关。只有认清社会不良诱惑与挑战,对症下药:完善权力监督网,矫正扭曲... 县委书记腐败严重危害县域法治建设和经济社会发展,进而危害国家基层政权的稳固和经济社会建设的发展。2015年伊始,习近平强调做县委书记要把好权力关、金钱关和美色关。只有认清社会不良诱惑与挑战,对症下药:完善权力监督网,矫正扭曲金钱观,强化道德约束力,才能助力县委书记把好"三关"。 展开更多
关键词 县委书记 权力关 金钱 美色
作者 于占基 《政工学刊》 北大核心 1996年第6期8-8,共1页
过好“四关”于占基"四关"是指权力关、金钱关、美色关、人情关。这也是政治,因为它直接关系到领导干部政治上的纯洁性。"权力关"。权力是领导的象征。大官有大权力,小官有小权力,总之是官就有权力。因此,过好"权力关"就直接... 过好“四关”于占基"四关"是指权力关、金钱关、美色关、人情关。这也是政治,因为它直接关系到领导干部政治上的纯洁性。"权力关"。权力是领导的象征。大官有大权力,小官有小权力,总之是官就有权力。因此,过好"权力关"就直接与领导这一概念发生了必然联系。比如... 展开更多
关键词 领导干部 权力关 人情 部队建设 吴三桂 世界观改造 拜金主义者 立党为公 国家利益
作者 王待遂 彭龙富 《市场论坛》 2014年第12期15-17,共3页
在全党范围内部署一次历时长久要求严格群众路线教育活动,加强党政干部队伍建设、纯洁党的组织、推进党的建设事业,意在为早日实现"中国梦"锻炼出一支政治坚定战斗有力的领导干部队伍。新时期党政干部践行群众路线要过好"... 在全党范围内部署一次历时长久要求严格群众路线教育活动,加强党政干部队伍建设、纯洁党的组织、推进党的建设事业,意在为早日实现"中国梦"锻炼出一支政治坚定战斗有力的领导干部队伍。新时期党政干部践行群众路线要过好"权力关、学习关、自律关、利益关、监督关、政绩关"这六关。 展开更多
关键词 权力关 学习 自律 利益 监督 政绩
作者 周希文 《黑龙江金融》 1997年第1期39-40,共2页
关键词 金融干部 银行职员 “三 金融队伍 人情 金融企业 职业特点 权力关 整体形象 执法
作者 江流晋 《南方论刊》 2001年第1期4-5,共2页
警示教育是加强党员干部思想政治建设和党风廉政教育的一种重要形式,是一项长期性、经常性、基础性的工作.经过前段时有的集中教育之后,当前我市各地、各单位要在巩固、深化和扩大警示教育成果上下功夫,继续结合实际推进,使党员干部警... 警示教育是加强党员干部思想政治建设和党风廉政教育的一种重要形式,是一项长期性、经常性、基础性的工作.经过前段时有的集中教育之后,当前我市各地、各单位要在巩固、深化和扩大警示教育成果上下功夫,继续结合实际推进,使党员干部警钟长鸣,保持清醒的头脑,切实做到严格自律. 展开更多
关键词 警示教育 党员干部 思想政治建设 党风廉政教育 中国共产党 政治形势 党性问题 权力关
作者 陈林春 《华人时刊》 1996年第10期16-16,共1页
涉足仕途的人是没有吃茶、听蝉的人来得轻松的,不然何来“无官一身轻”之说? “无官一身轻”的反面,该是“有官一身累”吧? 有官何以知累? 《中国检察报》(95·8·17)曾披露了犯了受贿罪的市长忏悔:“我是栽在市长这个职位上的... 涉足仕途的人是没有吃茶、听蝉的人来得轻松的,不然何来“无官一身轻”之说? “无官一身轻”的反面,该是“有官一身累”吧? 有官何以知累? 《中国检察报》(95·8·17)曾披露了犯了受贿罪的市长忏悔:“我是栽在市长这个职位上的,如果我不当市长就不会犯罪。原来是“权力效应”累害之累,以笔者思之,市长成千,不一定都栽了;不当市长也未必不犯罪。对于这种“累”权且称之为“权累”。 展开更多
关键词 受贿罪 闲话 儒林外史 市长 力效应 春秋战国时期 “功利性” 权力关 领导干部 取实予名
Postcolonialism Revisited: Representations of the Subaltern in Fadia Faqir's Pillars of Salt
作者 Tawfiq Yousef 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第5期373-390,共18页
Postcolonial theory is a well-established critical approach that addresses issues such as the quest for identity, the significance of land, homelessness, resistance, and the encounter between the colonized and the col... Postcolonial theory is a well-established critical approach that addresses issues such as the quest for identity, the significance of land, homelessness, resistance, and the encounter between the colonized and the colonizers. This paper examines the postcolonial elements utilized by the Anglo-Jordanian novelist Fadia Faqir in her novel Pillars of Salt. It discusses the novel's themes and techniques associated with postcolonialism as a literary theory and as a critical approach. Being a postcolonial text, the novel shows the writer's attempt at writing back in response to the colonial past with its power structures and social hierarchies. Thematically, the novel is analyzed with special reference to such topics as the subaltern, Anglo-Jordanian ties, language, othemess, and identity. The paper also traces the continuity of postcolonial discourse in Faqir's novel and gives a short survey of the historical events that provide the background to the main events in this essentially postcolonial work. 展开更多
关键词 postcolonialism SUBALTERN Faqir
Asymmetry Is Itself Symmetry: The Dilemma of Rationality-Power Relationship
作者 BabarChohan Muhammad Imran Christine Cheyne 《Sociology Study》 2013年第3期235-246,共12页
Bent Flyvbjerg's research reveals a context dependent asymmetrical relationship between rationality and power, causing the so-called illegitimate rationalization to affect the decision-making process. This paper expl... Bent Flyvbjerg's research reveals a context dependent asymmetrical relationship between rationality and power, causing the so-called illegitimate rationalization to affect the decision-making process. This paper explores the nature of relationship between rationality and power by following Russell's philosophy and logic. The paper demonstrates how a symmetrical relationship may be transformed into an asymmetrical relation. Any study suggesting asymmetrical relationship between rationality and power may not be able to explain the relational dynamics of the two terms, By questioning the rationality-power asymmetrical relationship, the paper stresses the need to define the degree of asymmetry between rationality and power. The paper suggests a need for better interpretation and relational understanding of rationality-power relations for effective decision-making. 展开更多
Scientific Land Reform in Nepal: Question of Equity and Efficiency
作者 P. B. Nepali K. N. Pyakuryal S. R. Sharma 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期315-325,共11页
Scientific Land Reform is at centre of decades' conflict and even during Peace Process in Nepal. In this regards, land reform attempts to address equity and efficiency so as to address historical inequity and injusti... Scientific Land Reform is at centre of decades' conflict and even during Peace Process in Nepal. In this regards, land reform attempts to address equity and efficiency so as to address historical inequity and injustices for promoting peace process in Nepal. From equity perspective, landlessness, unequal power structure and social relation, injustices and discrimination for long centuries are key land issues. Along with this, economic efficiency is the fundamental for enhancing agricultural growth leading to economic growth. In particular, this article argues that, in the given prevailing condition, i.e. traditional and subsistence and rampant rural poverty and unequal power structure and injustices, small farms perform better leading to food and livelihood security at household level. Consequently, 'Scientific Land Reform' has been defined by taking into account the essence of equity and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Scientific land reform equity and efficiency.
作者 陈发勤 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第S2期21-22,共2页
江泽民同志“三个代表” ,是我们共产党的立党之本 ,执政之基 ,力量之源。按照“三个代表”要求 ,把好人事工作“八关”
关键词 政策 权力关 个人 人才 用人 考评 创新 改革
《冶金企业文化》 2001年第5期46-46,共1页
关键词 人生观和道德观 开拓创新 奋斗目标 善于处理 毫无怨言 大胆做 帮助别人 价值观 锲而不舍 权力关
Community governance:the micro basis of civil society 被引量:1
作者 李友梅 《Social Sciences in China》 2008年第1期132-141,共10页
This article attempts to use an analytical perspective to reveal to some extent the micro basis of the civil society in China's urban grass-roots communities, as well as its subtle connection with "community-based c... This article attempts to use an analytical perspective to reveal to some extent the micro basis of the civil society in China's urban grass-roots communities, as well as its subtle connection with "community-based co-governance" and community "governance structure." At the same time, it reminds readers that, when exploring this subtle connection, one must focus on power relations and coordination mechanisms in a concrete space of action. 展开更多
关键词 civil society community governance power relations
Trade-off and Synergy Relationships of Ecosystem Services and Driving Force Analysis based on Land Cover Change in Altay Prefecture 被引量:6
作者 LIU Hao SHU Chang +1 位作者 ZHOU Tingting LIU Peng 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第6期777-790,共14页
Altay Prefecture plays a vital role as an ecological barrier in Northwest China.Studying the ecosystem service value is of great significance for promoting regional green high-quality development and maintaining ecolo... Altay Prefecture plays a vital role as an ecological barrier in Northwest China.Studying the ecosystem service value is of great significance for promoting regional green high-quality development and maintaining ecological security.Based on Global ESA land cover data from 2000 to 2015,the trade-off and synergy relationships and driving force factors between ecosystem services in Altay Prefecture were analyzed in this study.The analysis produced four main results.(1)The ecosystem service value in Altay Prefecture continued to increase from 113.521×10^(9) yuan in 2000 to 115.777×10^(9) yuan in 2015,for an increase of about 1.98%.(2)The distribution of ecosystem service value had obvious spatial agglomeration characteristics,with hot spot areas mainly concentrated in the"two rivers and one lake"and the mountainous areas in the northwest,while the cold spot areas were mainly the forest and grass-covered areas in the northern mountainous areas and within Jimunai County.(3)The trade-off and synergy relationship among ecosystem services was mainly synergistic,with a total of 77.78% of ecosystem service relative relationships showing a significant positive correlation at the 0.01 level.(4)Economic factors and industrial structure are important factors affecting ecosystem service value in Altay Prefecture.Ecosystem service value is positively correlated with per capita GDP and the output value of the tertiary industry,but negatively correlated with the output value of the secondary industry. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem service trade-off and synergy relationships Altay Prefecture driving force analysis
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