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纠纷自行和解的权理基础——意思互动与利益衡平 被引量:2
作者 卓家武 朱德宏 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期178-181,共4页
私权自治理论是纠纷和解的理论基础。按照私权自治理论,民事主体可以自己的意志判断设定自己的权利义务,主体的意志不仅是权利义务的渊源,而且是其发生的根据。纠纷的私权性内在地要求纠纷的解决应建立在私权自治的基础上,通过纠纷当事... 私权自治理论是纠纷和解的理论基础。按照私权自治理论,民事主体可以自己的意志判断设定自己的权利义务,主体的意志不仅是权利义务的渊源,而且是其发生的根据。纠纷的私权性内在地要求纠纷的解决应建立在私权自治的基础上,通过纠纷当事人的意思互动达成和解协议,实现当事人之间的利益衡平。纠纷的社会性则外在地要求当事人的和解协议亦应体现社会的公平正义与当事人的利益衡平。纠纷自行和解是以当事人意思为核心的法律行为在私法领域内的平等交涉以及当事人基于对收益、成本、效率、机制等诸多要素比较衡量的理性选择。以私权自治与利益衡平为内容的纠纷和解,彰显了私权自治的私法精神,同时兼顾了社会、纠纷当事人的利益衡平。 展开更多
关键词 纠纷 和解 意思互动 利益衡平 权理基础
作者 郑成思 《中国工商管理研究》 1995年第11期6-8,共3页
1994年4月的《马拉加什宣言》虽然宣布了要成立一个“世界贸易组织”来代替“关贸总协定”,但并未指出具体的成立日期。 只是在1994年12月8日“世界贸易组织协定”的“执行会议”在日内瓦才最后决定了世界贸易组织于1995年1月1日成立。... 1994年4月的《马拉加什宣言》虽然宣布了要成立一个“世界贸易组织”来代替“关贸总协定”,但并未指出具体的成立日期。 只是在1994年12月8日“世界贸易组织协定”的“执行会议”在日内瓦才最后决定了世界贸易组织于1995年1月1日成立。中国到1994年底之时,尚未完成进入世界贸易组织的谈判。 展开更多
关键词 世界贸易组织协定 关税与贸易总协定 《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》 乌拉圭回合 1994年 服务贸易 理事会 与贸易有关的投资措施协议 贸易协议 权理
代理权理论与管理会计 被引量:1
作者 李天民 赵月园 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 1989年第2期87-90,共4页
英国曼彻斯特大学教授罗伯特·W·斯卡彭思1985年编著出版的《管理会计最近发展的评论》是麦克米伦财务与会计系列丛书之一。其中有一章谈到“代理权理论”,颇有新意。本世纪70年代,西方管理会计的研究人员改革了传统管理会计... 英国曼彻斯特大学教授罗伯特·W·斯卡彭思1985年编著出版的《管理会计最近发展的评论》是麦克米伦财务与会计系列丛书之一。其中有一章谈到“代理权理论”,颇有新意。本世纪70年代,西方管理会计的研究人员改革了传统管理会计赖以建立的经济模型,先后把不确定性和信息成本引进了管理会计模型。代理权理论通过把人的行为因素纳入经济模型从而把这种改革更加推进了一步。 展开更多
关键词 管理会计 委托人和代理人 代理权 信息系统 不确定性 权理 业绩评价 经济模型 雇用合同 风险分担
作者 侯建英 《贵州警官职业学院学报》 1996年第4期14-16,共3页
诉权理论自19世纪末在德国产生以来,出现了诉权私权说、抽象诉权说和具体诉权说。诉权私权说又称实体诉权说,认为诉权是基于私法而产生的权利,是当事人所享有的实体权利的内容,其主观指向是实体权利所对应的义务主体。抽象诉权说与诉权... 诉权理论自19世纪末在德国产生以来,出现了诉权私权说、抽象诉权说和具体诉权说。诉权私权说又称实体诉权说,认为诉权是基于私法而产生的权利,是当事人所享有的实体权利的内容,其主观指向是实体权利所对应的义务主体。抽象诉权说与诉权私权说尖锐对立,认为诉权是不依赖任何实体条件而存在的公法权利,是人权不可缺少的组成部份。具体诉权说认为诉权是公法性质的权利,但它是以实体权利为基础,私人请求国家给与对其有利的判决的权利。 展开更多
关键词 实体权利 诉讼权利 起诉权 民事诉讼 抽象诉权 当事人 程序意义上的诉权 实体意义诉权 自诉案件 权理
作者 陈磊 《纳税》 2018年第36期208-210,共3页
关键词 内控水平量化评价模型 抽样审计 权理
《贝奥武甫》中的罗瑟迦王与他所代表的王权理念 被引量:4
作者 王继辉 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期22-27,共6页
《贝奥武甫》中的罗瑟迦王与他所代表的王权理念王继辉在古英语史诗《贝奥武甫》中,诗人对丹麦王罗瑟逸的刻划是极其深刻的。这一人物充分反映了盎格鲁撒克逊文化传统对理想中的王者形象以及他所代表的王权理念的理解,而诗人对这一典... 《贝奥武甫》中的罗瑟迦王与他所代表的王权理念王继辉在古英语史诗《贝奥武甫》中,诗人对丹麦王罗瑟逸的刻划是极其深刻的。这一人物充分反映了盎格鲁撒克逊文化传统对理想中的王者形象以及他所代表的王权理念的理解,而诗人对这一典型形象的刻划过程尤其引人注目。在塑... 展开更多
关键词 贝奥武甫 盎格鲁撒克逊 日尔曼 丹麦人 权理 象征意义 政治婚姻 词语 注意力 金银珠
作者 周友义 《乡镇论坛》 2001年第12期35-35,共1页
关键词 民事责任 民事法律行为 代理人对代理人 刑事附带民事诉讼 权理 代理权 解决纠纷 颅骨骨折 向人民法院起诉 承担刑事责任
作者 何敏 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第2期9-13,共5页
我国现有的物权法理论体系,其物权客体仅以有体物为限,虽未直接否认非有体物的存在,且还就无体物个别的物权性问题以“准物权”方式述之,但并未就无体物的物性及其物权性问题作出科学的、系统的阐释。随着我国经济社会的日益发展,... 我国现有的物权法理论体系,其物权客体仅以有体物为限,虽未直接否认非有体物的存在,且还就无体物个别的物权性问题以“准物权”方式述之,但并未就无体物的物性及其物权性问题作出科学的、系统的阐释。随着我国经济社会的日益发展,科技文化的日臻繁荣,精神产物、有价证券等无体物在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它们的物之共性以及作为无体物之个性所引发的新的社会现象亟待人们从法学理论上进行科学、系统的解释,并在科学解释的基础之上、在我国新的民事法律制度诞生之时建立起科学的无体物权制度。本文主要以精神产物为研究对象,从无体物的特性规律出发,论及了无体物物性及物权性问题。 展开更多
关键词 无体物 精神产物 知识产权 权理
“平权”处理的理论依据和实践检验 被引量:1
作者 王一然 马维军 朱林崎 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第7期40-42,共3页
针对多目标模糊决策问题中确定指标或准则的权重问题 ,提出了在一定范围内对指标权重采用平权和加权的方法 ,不会造成显著的结果差异。对此进行了理论上的推导 ,并在进行国家关键技术选择时 ,采用平权和多种加权的方法进行了试验。实践... 针对多目标模糊决策问题中确定指标或准则的权重问题 ,提出了在一定范围内对指标权重采用平权和加权的方法 ,不会造成显著的结果差异。对此进行了理论上的推导 ,并在进行国家关键技术选择时 ,采用平权和多种加权的方法进行了试验。实践表明 ,利用平权或加权处理的排序结果基本相同。因此 ,在一定的范围内利用“平权”来代替“加权”处理模糊决策问题是合理的 ,即在一定范围内不会改变排序结果。 展开更多
关键词 “平权”处理 理论依据 实践检验 权理 平权 加权 模糊决策 排序 多目标 模糊决策
Exploration of the spatial pattern of urban residential land use with geographically weighted regression technique: a case study of Nanjing,China 被引量:1
作者 胡明星 吴江 朱选 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期149-156,共8页
As the traditional methods and technical means cannot meet the quantitative research needs of the urban land use patterns, quantitative research methods for the urban land use pattern are established via the GIS (geo... As the traditional methods and technical means cannot meet the quantitative research needs of the urban land use patterns, quantitative research methods for the urban land use pattern are established via the GIS (geographic information system ) technique combined with the related theories and models. Taking the city of Nanjing as an example, a spatial database of urban land use and other environmental and socio-economic data is constructed. A multiple linear regression model is developed to determine the statistically significant factors affecting the residential land use distributions. To explain the spatial variations of urban land use patterns, the geographically weighted regression (GWR) is employed to establish spatial associations between these significant factors and the distribution of urban residential land use. The results demonstrate that the GWR can provide an effective approach to the exploration of the urban land use spatial patterns and also provide useful spatial information for planning residential development and other types of urban land use. 展开更多
关键词 urban residential land use GIS (geographic information system) multiple linear regression geographically weighted regression
作者 苏宁 《河北法学》 北大核心 1990年第5期25-26,共2页
传统的侵权理论中,侵权行为与民事侵权行为是不加区分的,侵权行为即民事侵权行为。我们这里说的诉讼侵权行为在传统的侵权行为中实际上是民事侵权行为中特殊的侵权行为之一部。那么,什么是诉讼侵权行为呢?我认为,诉讼侵权行为是司法机关... 传统的侵权理论中,侵权行为与民事侵权行为是不加区分的,侵权行为即民事侵权行为。我们这里说的诉讼侵权行为在传统的侵权行为中实际上是民事侵权行为中特殊的侵权行为之一部。那么,什么是诉讼侵权行为呢?我认为,诉讼侵权行为是司法机关(检察、审判机关等)及其工作人员在刑事、民事、经济和行政诉讼过程中,故意或过失地违背法律或有关规定执行职务,从而侵犯公民或法人的合法权益,致使公民或法人应有之各项权利的行使受妨碍或财产利益遭损害的行为。诉讼侵权行为具备作为一种侵权行为所应有的构成要件,同时又具备其他侵权行为所没有的构成要件,并以此为特征将其与其他侵权行为(如民事侵权行为、行政侵权行为等)区别开来。由以下几点,我们可以看到诉讼侵权行为的基本构成要件: 展开更多
关键词 民事侵权行为 诉讼 司法机关 职务侵权行为 工作人员 权理 构成要件 违背法律 法人 行政侵权
Scales,methods and technical analysis of China's residential environment evaluation 被引量:2
作者 李绥 石铁矛 周乐 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期274-277,共4页
To improve China's residential environment evaluation system and enhance its guiding role, current research results are analyzed and summarized from three aspects including research scales, evaluation methods and app... To improve China's residential environment evaluation system and enhance its guiding role, current research results are analyzed and summarized from three aspects including research scales, evaluation methods and applied technology by means of comparison, induction and empirical application. The guiding role of the current macro-scale evaluation system of urban planning and construction is generally not obvious, whereas the guiding role of medium and micro-scale systems to the improvement of residential environments is improving. There are diversified methods for determining the threshold values and the weights of indices in China's evaluation system. For instance, the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method is adopted to determine the weights of indices. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are analyzed on the basis of empirical calculation. In the course of comprehensive analyses, a nonlinear model can reflect interactions among indices more than a linear model; the evaluation model under the ARCGIS platform prevails since it combines space and attribute, and it has intuitive results. So far, the methodological system of China's residential environment evaluation has not been established; its subject coverage and research category should be expanded, and its guiding role should be enhanced. 展开更多
关键词 residential environment evaluation system SCALE threshold value WEIGHT evaluation model geographic information system (GIS)
作者 孙兰凤 高天真 +1 位作者 梁艳书 陈健 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1998年第1期31-36,共6页
By adopting the method of controlling parameters this paper describes the construction of various kinds of cubic curve segment and curved surface fragment with rational and non rational parameters, and discusses the ... By adopting the method of controlling parameters this paper describes the construction of various kinds of cubic curve segment and curved surface fragment with rational and non rational parameters, and discusses the relationship between controlling parameters, weighted factors and types, kinds and characteristics of curve segments and curved surface fragments. A mathematical method is provided for CAGD with abundant connotations, broad covering region, convenience, flexibility and direct simplicity. 展开更多
关键词 controlling parameter weighted factor rational and non rational curve segment curved surface fragment matrix of parametric coefficient
Application of martingale theory in enterprise investment decision making
作者 黄超 达庆利 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期138-141,共4页
From the point of view of the basic option model, enterprise investment decision making under uncertainty is studied based on the martingale method. The study shows that investment options and yields are increasing fu... From the point of view of the basic option model, enterprise investment decision making under uncertainty is studied based on the martingale method. The study shows that investment options and yields are increasing functions of time, and when the option equals the yield, the investment opportunity cost is the least, which is the appropriate time for the enterprise investment. Under the condition that the investment yield is an increasing function of time, the investment opportunity cost is also an increasing function of time after the time when the investment option equals the investment yield. So the investors should invest as soon as possible, otherwise they should stop investment forever in this project. It is impossible to acquire more investment yields by indefinitely delaying the investment. Meanwhile, the study also shows that the martingale method, used widely in financial investment theory, is a powerful tool for enterprise investment decision making. 展开更多
关键词 enterprise investment theory investment option investment yield MARTINGALE
Impact of Accessibility on Housing Prices in Dalian City of China Based on a Geographically Weighted Regression Model 被引量:13
作者 YANG Jun BAO Yajun +2 位作者 ZHANG Yuqing LI Xueming GE Quansheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期505-515,共11页
This paper studies the relationship between accessibility and housing prices in Dalian by using an improved geographically weighted regression model and house prices, traffic, remote sensing images, etc. Multi-source ... This paper studies the relationship between accessibility and housing prices in Dalian by using an improved geographically weighted regression model and house prices, traffic, remote sensing images, etc. Multi-source data improves the accuracy of the spatial differentiation that reflects the impact of traffic accessibility on house prices. The results are as follows: first, the average house price is 12 436 yuan(RMB)/m^2, and reveals a declining trend from coastal areas to inland areas. The exception was Guilin Street, which demonstrates a local peak of house prices that decreases from the center of the street to its periphery. Second, the accessibility value is 33 minutes on average, excluding northern and eastern fringe areas, which was over 50 minutes. Third, the significant spatial correlation coefficient between accessibility and house prices is 0.423, and the coefficient increases in the southeastern direction. The strongest impact of accessibility on house prices is in the southeastern coast, and can be seen in the Lehua, Yingke, and Hushan communities, while the weakest impact is in the northwestern fringe, and can be seen in the Yingchengzi, Xixiaomo, and Daheishi community areas. 展开更多
关键词 geographically weighted regression model accessibility house price Dalian City
Attribute Based DRM Scheme with Dynamic Usage Control in Cloud Computing 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Qinlong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期50-63,共14页
In order to achieve fine-grained access control in cloud computing,existing digital rights management(DRM) schemes adopt attribute-based encryption as the main encryption primitive.However,these schemes suffer from in... In order to achieve fine-grained access control in cloud computing,existing digital rights management(DRM) schemes adopt attribute-based encryption as the main encryption primitive.However,these schemes suffer from inefficiency and cannot support dynamic updating of usage rights stored in the cloud.In this paper,we propose a novel DRM scheme with secure key management and dynamic usage control in cloud computing.We present a secure key management mechanism based on attribute-based encryption and proxy re-encryption.Only the users whose attributes satisfy the access policy of the encrypted content and who have effective usage rights can be able to recover the content encryption key and further decrypt the content.The attribute based mechanism allows the content provider to selectively provide fine-grained access control of contents among a set of users,and also enables the license server to implement immediate attribute and user revocation.Moreover,our scheme supports privacy-preserving dynamic usage control based on additive homomorphic encryption,which allows the license server in the cloud to update the users' usage rights dynamically without disclosing the plaintext.Extensive analytical results indicate that our proposed scheme is secure and efficient. 展开更多
关键词 digital rights management cloud computing usage control attribute-based encryption homomorphic encryption
Spatial distribution of snow depth based on geographically weighted regression kriging in the Bayanbulak Basin of the Tianshan Mountains, China 被引量:5
作者 LIU Yang LI Lan-hai +2 位作者 CHEN Xi YANG Jin-Ming HAO Jian-Sheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期33-45,共13页
Snow depth is a general input variable in many models of agriculture,hydrology,climate and ecology.This study makes use of observational data of snow depth and explanatory variables to compare the accuracy and effect ... Snow depth is a general input variable in many models of agriculture,hydrology,climate and ecology.This study makes use of observational data of snow depth and explanatory variables to compare the accuracy and effect of geographically weighted regression kriging(GWRK)and regression kriging(RK)in a spatial interpolation of regional snow depth.The auxiliary variables are analyzed using correlation coefficients and the variance inflation factor(VIF).Three variables,Height,topographic ruggedness index(TRI),and land surface temperature(LST),are used as explanatory variables to establish a regression model for snow depth.The estimated spatial distribution of snow depth in the Bayanbulak Basin of the Tianshan Mountains in China with a spatial resolution of 1 km is obtained.The results indicate that 1)the result of GWRK's accuracy is slightly higher than that of RK(R^2=0.55 vs.R^2=0.50,RMSE(root mean square error)=0.102 m vs.RMSE=0.077 m);2)for the subareas,GWRK and RK exhibit similar estimation results of snow depth.Areas in the Bayanbulak Basin with a snow depth greater than 0.15m are mainly distributed in an elevation range of 2632.00–3269.00 m and the snow in this area comprises 45.00–46.00% of the total amount of snow in this basin.However,the GWRK resulted in more detailed information on snow depth distribution than the RK.The final conclusion is that GWRK is better suited for estimating regional snow depth distribution. 展开更多
关键词 Snow depth Spatial distribution Regression kriging Geographically weighted regression kriging
Digital Rights Management:Model,Technology and Application 被引量:7
作者 Zhaofeng Ma 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期156-167,共12页
with rapid achievement of current information technology and computing ability and applications,much more digital content such as films,cartoons,design drawings,office documents and software source codes are produced ... with rapid achievement of current information technology and computing ability and applications,much more digital content such as films,cartoons,design drawings,office documents and software source codes are produced in daily work,however to protect the content being copying,shared or deliberately stolen by inside or outside,digital rights management(DRM) became more and more important for digital content protection.In this paper,we studied various DRM model,technology and application,and first proposed DRM Security Infrastructure(DSI),in which we defined encryption,hash,signature algorithm,watermarking algorithms,authentication,usage control,trusted counter,conditional trace,secure payment,and based on the DSI we then proposed a whole classification approach and architecture of all kinds of DRMs,in which we proposed 6 typical classes of copyrights and content protection DRMs architecture:(1) Software-oriented DRM,(2) e Book-oriented DRM,(3) Video-oriented DRM,(4) Image-Oriented DRM(5) Unstructured data oriented DRM,(6) Text-oriented DRM.Based on the above DSI,we then proposed a dynamic DRM model selection method for various DRM application,which can be adapted dynamically for different technology of different applications,which can provide awhole solution for variant DRM development in a rapid and customized mode.The proposed DRM method,technology and application in this paper provided a common,flexible and extendable solution for variant DRM scenes,and can support rapid and customized development.Moreover,we proposed an opinion that the future life will enter into a new era that the content usage and consumption will not again adopt DRM technology rather than with law,liberty and morality. 展开更多
关键词 digital rights management drm security infrastructure ENCRYPTION WATERMARK usage control drm-free
Reliability and validation of the Arabic version of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ 被引量:1
作者 Wafa'a F.Ta'an Mohammed M.Al-Hammouri +1 位作者 Jehad A.Rababah Mohammad M.Suliman 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期215-220,I0006,共7页
Objective:This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ-Arabic Version(CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV),which measures structural empowerment among nurses.To enhance... Objective:This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ-Arabic Version(CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV),which measures structural empowerment among nurses.To enhance the usability and credibility of the CWEQ-Ⅱ among researchers within Arabicspeaking countries,a valid and reliable Arabic version of the measure is necessary.Methods:A cross-sectional research design was used.From December 2018 to June 2019,275 nurses working in 4 hospitals participated in the study.Reliability was assessed by examining internal consistency and split-half reliability.A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the factor structure of the CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV.Results:The psychometric properties of the CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV were excellent regarding the six-factor model(opportunity,information,resources,support,formal power,and informal power).The results showed the following fit indices meet the criteria set a priori:comparative fit index(CFI)=0.96,root mean square of error approximation(RMSEA)=0.06,andХ^(2)/df=2.08.Cronbach's a coefficient was 0.95 for the total questionnaire and ranged between 0.83 and 0.89 for the individual subscales.The split-half reliability was 0.91 for the total questionnaire and ranged from 0.83 to 0.87 for individual subscales.Conclusion:This study provides evidence that CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV is both a reliable and valid measure of structural empowerment among Arab nurses. 展开更多
关键词 EMPOWERMENT Hospital nursing staff Nursing administration research PSYCHOMETRICS JORDAN
GIS-based Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Hazard Zoning Using Contributing Weight Model 被引量:6
作者 WANG Meng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期339-352,共14页
Earthquake-triggered landslides have aroused widespread attention because of their tremendous ability to harm people's lives and properties.The best way to avoid and mitigate their damage is to develop landslide h... Earthquake-triggered landslides have aroused widespread attention because of their tremendous ability to harm people's lives and properties.The best way to avoid and mitigate their damage is to develop landslide hazard maps and make them available to the public in advance of an earthquake.Future construction can then be built according to the level of hazard and existing structures can be retrofit as necessary.During recent years various approaches have been made to develop landslide hazard maps using statistical analysis or physical models.However,these methods have limitations.This study introduces a new GIS-based approach,using the contributing weight model,to evaluate the hazard of seismically-induced landslides.In this study,the city and surrounding area of Dujiangyan was selected as the research area because of its moderate-high seismic activity.The parameters incorporated into the model that related to the probability of landslide occurrence were:slope gradient,slope aspect,geomorphology,lithology,base level,surface roughness,earthquake intensity,fault proximity,drainage proximity,and road proximity.The parameters were converted into raster data format with a resolution of 25×25m2 pixels.Analysis of the GIS correlations shows that the highest earthquake-induced landslide hazard areas are mainly in the hills and in some of the moderately steep mountainous areas of central Dujiangyan.The highest hazard zone covers an area of 11.1% of the study area,and the density distribution of seismically-induced landslides was 3.025/km2 from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The moderately hazardous areas are mainly distributed within the moderately steep mountainous regions of the northern and southeastern parts of the study area and the hills of the northeastern part;covering 32.0% of the study area and with a density distribution of 2.123/km2 resulting from the Wenchuan earthquake.The lowest hazard areas are mainly distributed in the topographically flat plain in the northeastern part and some of the relatively gently slopes in the moderately steep mountainous areas of the northern part of Dujiangyan and the surrounding area.The lowest hazard areas cover 56.9% of the study area and exhibited landslide densities of 0.941/km2 and less from the Wenchuan earthquake.The quality of the hazard map was validated using a comparison with the distribution of landslides that were cataloged as occurring from the Wenchuan earthquake.43.1% of the study area consists of high and moderate hazardous zones,and these regions include 83.5% of landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake.The successful analysis shows that the contributing weight model can be effective for earthquake-triggered landslide hazard appraisal.The model's results can provide the basis for risk management and regional planning is. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-triggered landslide GIS Contributing weight model Hazard zoning
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