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作者 查有梁 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第4期140-141,共2页
关键词 教育强国 全面建设小康社会 建设人力资源强国 教育发展水平 教授 李化 国家发展 优先发展教育
作者 查有梁 《西部教育发展研究》 2010年第1期74-75,共2页
“国民之智愚贤否,关国家之强弱盛衰”。教育,承载了一个国家、一个民族太多的希望和梦想。纵观世界强国发展的历史,综合国力的提高和强大,元不以教育的强大为基础。当今世界发达国家的战略走向,各国政府都把保持和提升教育发展水... “国民之智愚贤否,关国家之强弱盛衰”。教育,承载了一个国家、一个民族太多的希望和梦想。纵观世界强国发展的历史,综合国力的提高和强大,元不以教育的强大为基础。当今世界发达国家的战略走向,各国政府都把保持和提升教育发展水平作为施政重点。党的十七大从全面建设小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略高度,鲜明的指出:“教育是民族振兴的基石, 展开更多
关键词 教育强国 世界发达国家 全面建设小康社会 李化 教育发展水平 中华民族 党的十七大 世界强国
履行开发性金融使命 助力实体经济再出发——访国家开发银行河南分行党委书记、行长李化常
作者 刘洪强 《决策探索》 2015年第10期4-8,共5页
2015年3月20日,国务院正式批复《国家开发银行深化改革方案》,明确了其开发性金融机构的定位。至此,国家开发银行(以下简称“国开行”)正式进入政策性金融的高级形态--开发性金融运行阶段。国开行河南分行将如何发挥开发性金融机... 2015年3月20日,国务院正式批复《国家开发银行深化改革方案》,明确了其开发性金融机构的定位。至此,国家开发银行(以下简称“国开行”)正式进入政策性金融的高级形态--开发性金融运行阶段。国开行河南分行将如何发挥开发性金融机构的优势?下一步又将出台哪些举措?近日,记者对国开行河南分行党委书记、行长李化常进行了专访。 展开更多
关键词 开发性金融机构 国家开发银行 党委书记 河南 实体经济 李化 行长 政策性金融
《小学生作文选刊(中高年级)》 2010年第4期F0002-F0002,共1页
李化,1979年出生。3岁时开始从事“土木工程”(捏泥人、爬树),5岁时迷恋“驾驶”(骑牛),7岁时热衷于绘画艺术(在同桌背后贴小乌龟),9岁时终于迷途知返,开始写作啦!写的第一篇文章是《小蝌蚪》,老师的评语是:“为什么只有... 李化,1979年出生。3岁时开始从事“土木工程”(捏泥人、爬树),5岁时迷恋“驾驶”(骑牛),7岁时热衷于绘画艺术(在同桌背后贴小乌龟),9岁时终于迷途知返,开始写作啦!写的第一篇文章是《小蝌蚪》,老师的评语是:“为什么只有题目呢?” 展开更多
关键词 李化 少年 作家 土木工程 绘画艺术 岁时 写作 文章
作者 刘芳名 《协商论坛》 2015年第1期48-49,共2页
“产业集聚、人口集中、土地集约”是我省三化协调、四化同步发展的重要举措和路径,与中央强调的以人为核心的新型城镇化内涵一致.国家开发银行河南省分行在支持我省新型城镇化建设的过程中也切身感受到,开发性金融与“三集”高度契合,... “产业集聚、人口集中、土地集约”是我省三化协调、四化同步发展的重要举措和路径,与中央强调的以人为核心的新型城镇化内涵一致.国家开发银行河南省分行在支持我省新型城镇化建设的过程中也切身感受到,开发性金融与“三集”高度契合,大有可为. 展开更多
关键词 国家开发银行 河南省分行 开发性金融 党委书记 城镇化建设 李化 行长 产业集聚
作者 谭烨 刘钟遥 《中国教师》 2012年第12期61-65,共5页
成立于2009年,办学仅有两年多时间的深圳市南湾学校,在教学质量突飞猛进的同时,以其家长义工和国学特色这两道亮丽风景在深圳市享有关誉。享誉深圳的南湾“家长义工制”有着怎样的源起和发展?面对建校之初的种种困难,是什么力量支... 成立于2009年,办学仅有两年多时间的深圳市南湾学校,在教学质量突飞猛进的同时,以其家长义工和国学特色这两道亮丽风景在深圳市享有关誉。享誉深圳的南湾“家长义工制”有着怎样的源起和发展?面对建校之初的种种困难,是什么力量支撑着校长李化春和他的团队打赢了那场与时间赛跑的“硬仗”?学校发展进入平稳期后,年轻的学校又是如何挖掘自身的国学渊源,将国学底蕴融入办学思想与日常教学?本期《校长论坛》将带大家一同走进南湾学校,走近李化春校长,去探寻南湾学校种种履新实践带给我们的触动。 展开更多
关键词 学校校长 国学 李化 龙岗区 专访 和乐 《校长论坛》 办学思想
作者 何广华 何明圆 《世纪风采》 2017年第8期39-41,共3页
关键词 志愿军 李化 坚强 军人 战士
作者 韩晴 《现代青年》 2017年第7期113-114,共2页
在这五彩斑斓的世界上,总有一些人会让你感到时间是凝止的。就像不动声色的花,却在浮世循环了一千遍。总有那么一些人,他们远远的,却走得更贴切也更深入。这些山寸话者,阳光、雨水直接恩赐的温暖小动物,他们更直接地从自然汲取能... 在这五彩斑斓的世界上,总有一些人会让你感到时间是凝止的。就像不动声色的花,却在浮世循环了一千遍。总有那么一些人,他们远远的,却走得更贴切也更深入。这些山寸话者,阳光、雨水直接恩赐的温暖小动物,他们更直接地从自然汲取能量,就像一扇阳光直射的窗子,中间一无阻隔。他们是性灵和美直接显示的赤子。 展开更多
关键词 作品 李化 燃烧 小动物 阳光 能量
作者 李化武 何广华 何明圆 《文史春秋》 2017年第4期33-36,共4页
李化武,1951年4月参加中国人民志愿军,任第十二军第三十五师第一〇五团三营七连四排六〇炮班战士。1952年12月.在朝鲜金化乔沿山阻击战中,被美军炮弹炸断炸坏了上肢和双眼。被鉴定为一级残疾。1956年进入四川省革命伤残军人休养院... 李化武,1951年4月参加中国人民志愿军,任第十二军第三十五师第一〇五团三营七连四排六〇炮班战士。1952年12月.在朝鲜金化乔沿山阻击战中,被美军炮弹炸断炸坏了上肢和双眼。被鉴定为一级残疾。1956年进入四川省革命伤残军人休养院,他以顽强的精神挑战自我,学会了生活技能,并随四川省革命残废军人教养院课余演出队赴各地巡回演出。 展开更多
关键词 中国人民志愿军 李化 战士 坚强 立志 伤残军人 巡回演出 1951年
作者 李小怀 《党史纵横》 2012年第11期31-35,共5页
震动了四十四军的调整方案 1949年平津战役结束后,根据中央军委统一整编命令,东北野战军整编为第四野战军,下辖4个兵团(十二、十三、十四、十五兵团),原七纵队司令邓华升任十五兵团司令,七纵改编为十五兵团四十四军,方强担任... 震动了四十四军的调整方案 1949年平津战役结束后,根据中央军委统一整编命令,东北野战军整编为第四野战军,下辖4个兵团(十二、十三、十四、十五兵团),原七纵队司令邓华升任十五兵团司令,七纵改编为十五兵团四十四军,方强担任四十四军军长。随后,在南下进军时陆续进行了军、师领导班子调整,原七纵二十一师(后一三二师)师长李化民升为四十四军副军长,原七纵参谋长高体乾调往十五兵团四十八军任参谋长,原七纵主力师十九师(后一三零师)师长徐绍华接替李化民任一三二师师长。 展开更多
关键词 李化 领导班子调整 第四野战军 将军 1949年 平津战役 中央军委 参谋长
作者 何冬宝 《老人世界》 2012年第8期51-51,共1页
他退而不休、甘于奉献,悉心守护红色历史近十载,义务担当石家庄市井陉矿区洪河槽革命纪念馆讲解员,让那段光辉历史充实丰满、再放异彩;他的事迹先后被央视《夕阳红》栏目、石家庄电视台、《河北青年报》《燕赵都市报》《燕赵晚报》... 他退而不休、甘于奉献,悉心守护红色历史近十载,义务担当石家庄市井陉矿区洪河槽革命纪念馆讲解员,让那段光辉历史充实丰满、再放异彩;他的事迹先后被央视《夕阳红》栏目、石家庄电视台、《河北青年报》《燕赵都市报》《燕赵晚报》等媒体宣传报道,得到社会各界的一致好评。这位老人,就是石家庄市井陉矿区年已八旬的退休干部、原红星煤矿书记李化璟。 展开更多
关键词 历史 李化 《夕阳红》栏目 《燕赵都市报》 石家庄电视台 《燕赵晚报》 井陉矿区 石家庄市
Study on the Daily Change of Photosynthetic Rate for Prunus domestica × armeniacain Different Seasons 被引量:3
作者 李雯雯 冯贝贝 +5 位作者 魏雅君 牛莹莹 徐业勇 王明 杨红丽 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期838-844,941,共8页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield... [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs). 展开更多
关键词 Prunus domestica × armeniaca Net photosynthetic rate Daily change of photosynthetic rate Environmental factors
作者 李化 《小学时代》 2009年第6期40-43,共4页
关键词 《飘移学校》 李化 文学 散文
Lie Point Symmetries and Exact Solutions of Couple KdV Equations 被引量:5
作者 QIAN Su-Ping TIAN Li-Xin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期582-586,共5页
The simple Lie point symmetry reduction procedure is used to obtain infinitely many symmetries to a new integrable system of coupled KdV equations. Using some symmetry subalgebra of the equations, five types of the si... The simple Lie point symmetry reduction procedure is used to obtain infinitely many symmetries to a new integrable system of coupled KdV equations. Using some symmetry subalgebra of the equations, five types of the significant similarity reductions are obtained by virtue of the Lie group approach, and obtain abundant solutions of the coupled KdV equations, such as the solitary wave solution, exponential solution, rational solution, polynomial solution, etc. 展开更多
关键词 coupled KdV equations Lie point symmetry exact solutions
Symmetry Reductions and Exact Solutions of Blaszak-Marciniak Four-Field Lattice Equation 被引量:2
作者 董仲周 陈勇 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第9期389-392,共4页
Applying the Lie group method to the differential-difference equation, the Lie point symmetry of Blaszak- Marciniak four-field Lattice equation is obtained. Using the obtained symmetry, the similarity reduction equati... Applying the Lie group method to the differential-difference equation, the Lie point symmetry of Blaszak- Marciniak four-field Lattice equation is obtained. Using the obtained symmetry, the similarity reduction equations of Blaszak-Marciniak four-field Lattice equation are derived. Solving the reduction, we get the solution of Blaszak-Marciniak four-field Lattice equation which not only recovers one of the solutions obtained by Ma and Hu [J. Math. Phys. 40 (1999) 6071] but also has the singularity when we choose the arbitrary constants accurately. 展开更多
关键词 Blaszak-Marciniak four-field lattice equation classical Lie method explicit solution
Efficacy and safety profile of LCR35 complete freeze-dried culture in irritable bowel syndrome:A randomized,double-blind study 被引量:10
作者 Michel Dapoigny Thierry Piche +3 位作者 Philippe Ducrotte Bernard Lunaud Jean-Michel Cardot Annick Bernalier-Donadille 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第17期2067-2075,共9页
AIM:To assess the effects and safety of Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus LCR35 complete freeze-dried culture(LCR35) in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).METHODS:A randomized,double-blind pilot study w... AIM:To assess the effects and safety of Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus LCR35 complete freeze-dried culture(LCR35) in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).METHODS:A randomized,double-blind pilot study was performed in 50 patients complaining of IBS symptoms complying with RomeⅢcriteria.Patients were allocated to receive either LCR35(n = 25) at a minimum daily dose of 6 × 108 colony forming units or placebo(n = 25) for 4 wk.At inclusion,after treatment and 2 wk later,patients completed the IBS severity scale.Change from baseline in the IBS severity score at the end of treatment was the primary efficacy criterion.Changes were compared between groups in the whole population and in IBS subtypes(IBS with predominance of constipation,IBS with predominance of diarrhoea,mixed IBS,unsubtyped IBS).The presence of lactobacillus casei rhamnosus in stools was investigated at inclusion and at the end of treatment.The gastrointestinal quality of life questionnaire and the hospital anxiety and depression(HAD) scale were also completed.RESULTS:Both groups were balanced for baseline characteristics.In 85% of patients,stool analyses showed that lactobacillus casei rhamnosus able to survive in the digestive tract.In the whole population,improvements in the IBS severity score did not differ significantly between treatments with a 25% decrease after 4-wk treatment,and a 15% decrease from baseline 2 wk later in both groups.In IBS subgroups,statistical analysis could not be performed due to small sample size,but a clinical response in favour of LCR35 was observed in IBS patients with predominance of diarrhoea:no change in the symptom severity score was seen with the placebo after 4 wk treatment,whereas a clinically relevant decrease occurred with LCR35(-37% vs-3%).Furthermore,in spite of an increase in symptom intensity,the IBS severity score was maintained below the baseline value 2 wk later with LCR35(-19% from baseline),whilst a slight 5% increase from baseline was observed with placebo.In the IBS subgroup with predominance of diarrhoea only,a clinically relevant decrease in abdominal pain severity score(-36%)was observed with LCR35,whereas no change occurred with placebo.In mixed IBS patients,the 20% and 30% decreases in the IBS severity score observed after treatment with LCR35 and placebo,respectively,were maintained 2 wk later in both groups.A clinical response slightly in favour of placebo was observed at the end of the treatment period in IBS patients with predominance of constipation(-41% vs-20%) and unsubtyped IBS patients(-47% vs-17%),with the same value maintained 2 wk later.In both groups,no clinically relevant changes were observed either for the gastrointestinal quality of life index or HAD score.Thus,these results suggest that sub-grouping of IBS patients may be important for optimizing treatment responses by the physician.CONCLUSION:This pilot study suggests that LCR35 could have some efficacy in IBS patients complaining of diarrhoea.These preliminary results need to be conf irmed in larger studies. 展开更多
关键词 Irritable bowel syndrome Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus Probiotics Symptom severity score
Effect of PLA/ZnO Packaging and Gamma Radiation on the Content of Listeria innocua, Escherichia coil and Salmonella enterica on Ham during Storage at 4℃ 被引量:1
作者 Antonella Marra Aria Boumail +3 位作者 Sossio Cimmino Paula Criado Clara Silvestre Monique Lacroix 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第5期245-259,共15页
The effect of ZnO and low y-radiation on PLA based-films was investigated to be used for food packaging application. Ham slices were inoculated with E. coli, L. innocua and S. enterica and then covered with PLA and PL... The effect of ZnO and low y-radiation on PLA based-films was investigated to be used for food packaging application. Ham slices were inoculated with E. coli, L. innocua and S. enterica and then covered with PLA and PLA/5% ZnO films. The samples were irradiated with a y-radiation dose of 0.3 kGy at dose rate of 13.5 kGy/h. Microbiological analysis was performed at 0, 1 and 5 days on samples stored at 4 ℃. Results showed that no consistent reduction of bacteria was obtained, even at the fifth day of storage, when the ham was covered with PLA/5% ZnO film and no γ-radiation was performed. The use of γ-radiation results necessary to reduce the bacteria growth. In fact E. coli and S. enterica were not detected after 5 days of storage; whereas in the case of test with L. innocua a reduction of 1.3 log CFU/g was observed after 5 days of storage. The antibacterial results indicate that the presence of ZnO in PLA film is effective only for E. coll. The differences of the results obtained here with those reported in literature (where ZnO particles are reported to be very effective as antimicrobial material) are accounted for the different methodologies used. In conclusion considering the positive results, even if small, obtained here at least only for the E. Coli and considering that PLA/5% ZnO film shows, compared to plain PLA film, good tensile properties (especially Young's modulus and stress at yielding) and good permeability (to O2 and CO2) induce to consider the PLA/5% ZnO composite film usable for food packaging when long shelf life and food safety are required, considering also that it is biodegradable and compostable. 展开更多
关键词 Polylactic acid zinc oxide BIOCOMPOSITE food packaging γ-radiation antimicrobial property.
A New Liouville Integrable Hamiltonian System 被引量:1
作者 郭福奎 张玉峰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期809-811,共3页
With the help of a Lie algebra, an isospectral Lax pair is introduced for which a new Liouville integrable hierarchy of evolution equations is generated. Its Hamiltonian structure is also worked out by use of the quad... With the help of a Lie algebra, an isospectral Lax pair is introduced for which a new Liouville integrable hierarchy of evolution equations is generated. Its Hamiltonian structure is also worked out by use of the quadratic-form identity. 展开更多
关键词 Lie algebra Hamiltonian structure quadratic-form identity
Lie Algebras for Constructing Nonlinear Integrable Couplings 被引量:15
作者 张玉峰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第11期805-812,共8页
Two new explicit Lie algebras are introduced for which the nonlinear integrable couplings of the Giachetti- Johnson (G J) hierarchy and the Yang hierarchy are obtained, respectively. By employing the variational ide... Two new explicit Lie algebras are introduced for which the nonlinear integrable couplings of the Giachetti- Johnson (G J) hierarchy and the Yang hierarchy are obtained, respectively. By employing the variational identity their ttamiltonian structures are also generated. The approach presented in the paper can also provide nonlinear integrable couplings of other soliton hierarchies of evolution equations. 展开更多
关键词 Lie algebra nonlinear integrable couplings Hamiltonian structure
Highly Efficient Asymmetric Transcyanation of Acetyltrimethylsilane with Acetone Cyanohydrin Catalyzed by (R)-Oxynitrilase from Prunus Japonica Seed Meal
作者 黄舜荣 吴虹 宗敏华 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期663-668,共6页
Highly efficient asymmetric transcyanation of acetyltrimethylsilane with acetone cyanohydrin in an aqueous/organic biphasic system catalyzed with (R)-oxynitrilase from defatted Prunus Japonica seed meal for the prep... Highly efficient asymmetric transcyanation of acetyltrimethylsilane with acetone cyanohydrin in an aqueous/organic biphasic system catalyzed with (R)-oxynitrilase from defatted Prunus Japonica seed meal for the preparation of optically active (R)-2-trimethylsilyl-2-hydroxyl-propionitrile was successfully carried out for the first time. For better understanding of the reaction, various influential variables were examined with respect to the initial reaction rate, the substrate conversion and the product enantiomeric excess (e.e.). Diisopropyl ether was found to be the best organic phase for this reaction among all the organic solvents tested. The optimal concentrations of Prunus Japonica seed meal powder, acetyltrimethylsilane and acetone cyanohydrin, volume ratio of aqueous phase to organic phase, buffer pH value and the reaction temperature were 34.5g·L^-1 and 14mmol· L^-1, 28mmol· L^-1, 13% (by volume), 5.0 and 30℃, respectively, while the initial reaction rate, the substrate conversion and the product enantiomeric excess were 1.34 mmol·L^-1·h^-1, 99.0% and 99.0%, respectively. The comparative study demonstrated that silicon atom in substrate showed great effect on the reaction and acetyltrimethylsilane was a much better substrate for (R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from Prunus Japonica seed than its carbon analogue 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone. 展开更多
关键词 asymmetric transcyanation acetyltrimethylsilane (R)-oxynitrilase (R)-2-trimethylsilyl-2-hydroxylpropionitrile
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