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化工设计过程中管道材料材质的选用研究 被引量:4
作者 余苏苏 《山东化工》 CAS 2021年第9期169-170,共2页
化工设计阶段设计过程中管道材料材质的选择十分重要,不仅影响化工生产的品质安全性,也影响到生产效率,更影响到化工生产流程和产品品质。因此,本文先分析了管道材质选择的要求和原则,然后并详细分析了管道材质材料材质选择的要点。以... 化工设计阶段设计过程中管道材料材质的选择十分重要,不仅影响化工生产的品质安全性,也影响到生产效率,更影响到化工生产流程和产品品质。因此,本文先分析了管道材质选择的要求和原则,然后并详细分析了管道材质材料材质选择的要点。以期能够科学选择管道材料材质,保障管道支持化工生产,减少安全隐患。 展开更多
关键词 化工生产 化工设计 管道材料材质 材质 选择要点选择
作者 钟冬竹 《黑龙江科学》 2022年第22期67-68,72,共3页
为提升化工设计质量,科学选择管道材料,分析了化工设计中选择管道材料材质的安全和经济要求,介绍了管道材料材质的具体选用,包括耐热管材、低温管材、高温钢材、特殊介质钢材等。管道材料选择在化工设计中十分关键,由于化工生产环境较... 为提升化工设计质量,科学选择管道材料,分析了化工设计中选择管道材料材质的安全和经济要求,介绍了管道材料材质的具体选用,包括耐热管材、低温管材、高温钢材、特殊介质钢材等。管道材料选择在化工设计中十分关键,由于化工生产环境较为复杂,因此要对不同管道介质的特性和适用性进行分析,选择符合实际情况的管道材料,确保管道运输的有序进行。 展开更多
关键词 化工设计过程 管道材料材质 选择应用
作者 钟冬竹 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2022年第5期74-76,共3页
在社会经济不断发展的过程中,我国化工领域的也获得了出色的成绩。在化工行业的发展,不仅造福了大众的日常生活,提高了人们生活质量,同样也为社会带来了丰厚的经济效益,为社会的有序发展带来巨大的贡献。在化工领域持续进步发展的过程中... 在社会经济不断发展的过程中,我国化工领域的也获得了出色的成绩。在化工行业的发展,不仅造福了大众的日常生活,提高了人们生活质量,同样也为社会带来了丰厚的经济效益,为社会的有序发展带来巨大的贡献。在化工领域持续进步发展的过程中,其工艺水平也斩获了极大进展,公众对化工设计的要求也不断增高。而化工设计工作中,科学选择管道材料,是影响化工设计质量的关键因素。因此本文围绕化工设计过程中管道材料材质的选用展开探讨分析,希望为相关人员带来一些参考。 展开更多
关键词 化工设计过程 管道材料材质 选择应用
作者 陈小平 《美术馆》 2023年第4期94-96,共3页
材质与色彩是影响建筑外立面造型设计的要素,是人们认知建筑功能、美感的第一视觉体验。如果设计只关注材料颜色,而忽略建筑与周边环境的关系,忽略材质与色彩搭配在光影作用下产生的实际效果,将使得落地的作品与预期设想不尽相同。阐述... 材质与色彩是影响建筑外立面造型设计的要素,是人们认知建筑功能、美感的第一视觉体验。如果设计只关注材料颜色,而忽略建筑与周边环境的关系,忽略材质与色彩搭配在光影作用下产生的实际效果,将使得落地的作品与预期设想不尽相同。阐述建筑外立面材料的发展历程、建筑外立面的色彩特性,分析立面材质与色彩的常规搭配,并结合项目实践经验,总结材质与色彩在建筑设计中的选择搭配原则。 展开更多
关键词 建筑外立面 材料材质 色彩 建筑设计
作者 赵军 《水上安全》 2023年第13期152-154,共3页
水利水电工程建筑材料质量安全控制是整个工程建设的基石,对于工程的可靠性、安全性和持久性具有决定性影响。建筑材料的特性及基本要求,质量安全控制的关键环节和措施,以及当前存在的问题和解决方案。研究发现,建筑材料质量安全控制对... 水利水电工程建筑材料质量安全控制是整个工程建设的基石,对于工程的可靠性、安全性和持久性具有决定性影响。建筑材料的特性及基本要求,质量安全控制的关键环节和措施,以及当前存在的问题和解决方案。研究发现,建筑材料质量安全控制对于水利水电工程的重要性不言而喻,需要严格把控每一个环节,采取科学有效的措施,确保工程的质量和安全性。本文通过深入剖析水利水电工程建筑材料的特性和质量安全控制的重要性,提出了一系列有效的质量控制策略和建议,以提升水利水电工程的安全性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 水利水电 水电工程 材料材质 安全控制
101种生物医学材料样品制备及迟发型超敏反应结果分析 被引量:1
作者 邹文 梁洁 +1 位作者 张波 朱蔚精 《生物医学工程研究》 2007年第3期291-294,共4页
为了评价医疗器械的生物相容性,我们用迟发型超敏反应试验方法对101种医用生物材料进行了研究。在试验的基础上研究了材料的材质情况、样品制备等对超敏反应试验结果的影响,并进行了统计分析,对即将上市的医疗器械生物材料的迟发型超敏... 为了评价医疗器械的生物相容性,我们用迟发型超敏反应试验方法对101种医用生物材料进行了研究。在试验的基础上研究了材料的材质情况、样品制备等对超敏反应试验结果的影响,并进行了统计分析,对即将上市的医疗器械生物材料的迟发型超敏反应的风险进行了评价。分析表明我国医用生物材料发生迟发型超敏反应(以生理盐水为浸提介质)的几率较低。 展开更多
关键词 材料材质 浸提条件 样品制备 应用部位 迟发型超敏反应结果 最大剂量法
浅谈现代重彩画的材质美 被引量:1
作者 闫雪峰 《中国美术》 2013年第2期116-117,共2页
关键词 重彩画 材料材质
作者 孙英 韩智昊 +1 位作者 汪忠晟 翁玲 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1-6,共6页
为解决传统叉指电容传感器采用铜和印制电路板打印制备无柔性、难以贴合不平整被测物表面等问题,提出了基于镓基液态金属的柔性叉指阵列电容传感器设计方案。考虑电极层和基板的影响及叉指阵列结构的影响构建传感器数学模型,确定传感器... 为解决传统叉指电容传感器采用铜和印制电路板打印制备无柔性、难以贴合不平整被测物表面等问题,提出了基于镓基液态金属的柔性叉指阵列电容传感器设计方案。考虑电极层和基板的影响及叉指阵列结构的影响构建传感器数学模型,确定传感器的各项参数。利用镓基液态金属制备柔性叉指阵列传感器,对其进行实验标定和输出特性测试,并将其应用于材料材质识别研究。测试与仿真结果表明,该柔性叉指阵列电容传感器具有良好的柔性、灵敏度和输出特性,具有应用于材料材质识别的应用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 镓基液态金属 柔性叉指阵列电容传感器 传感器设计 材料材质识别
材质之美——论室内空间中的材质设计 被引量:6
作者 苏谦 《室内设计》 2006年第3期2-6,24-28,共10页
任何材料都有作用于的感官的表面质感。材质具有天然的审美特征。质感可分为触觉质感和视觉质感两类。室内空间材质设计要依据功能和心理。传统材料的审美特征极为丰富并在室内空间中得到广泛的运用。室内空间的材质设计应当遵循设计的... 任何材料都有作用于的感官的表面质感。材质具有天然的审美特征。质感可分为触觉质感和视觉质感两类。室内空间材质设计要依据功能和心理。传统材料的审美特征极为丰富并在室内空间中得到广泛的运用。室内空间的材质设计应当遵循设计的形式美原则,应充分利用材质的故有特性来体现材料之美,如材料的软硬度,质地的细致和粗糙,纹样和肌理,色彩,明度,光泽等。 展开更多
关键词 材料材质 触觉质感和视觉质感
作者 刘永琴 《美术观察》 2024年第11期139-141,共3页
中国传统文化是当代中国艺术面对的持久议题,梅法钗以木料为载体,长期探索传统文化在当代艺术领域的潜在能量,专注图像与材料在表达个体生命切身感受时的最佳贴合度。在经过由人及木,再由木及人的艺术轮回后,他将材料转化为材质,创造出... 中国传统文化是当代中国艺术面对的持久议题,梅法钗以木料为载体,长期探索传统文化在当代艺术领域的潜在能量,专注图像与材料在表达个体生命切身感受时的最佳贴合度。在经过由人及木,再由木及人的艺术轮回后,他将材料转化为材质,创造出含义丰富、形式独特的超级介质--焦木,借由焦木展现人生的自我追问和艺术观念的递进。 展开更多
关键词 传统文化与当代艺术 材料材质的转化 焦木 超级介质
建筑的消隐性--以贝聿铭的设计为例 被引量:1
作者 胡梦璐 《设计》 2021年第13期78-80,共3页
为提炼了解建筑设计中的消隐性设计手法。通过分析贝聿铭先生的建筑生涯与他的优秀建筑设计案例,从中总结提炼得到建筑消隐性设计的几种主要方式。得到了建筑界面的地形消隐和拟态形建筑手法,高透性材料与同质材料的使用手法。总结出的... 为提炼了解建筑设计中的消隐性设计手法。通过分析贝聿铭先生的建筑生涯与他的优秀建筑设计案例,从中总结提炼得到建筑消隐性设计的几种主要方式。得到了建筑界面的地形消隐和拟态形建筑手法,高透性材料与同质材料的使用手法。总结出的设计方法可为建筑的消隐性设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 建筑 消隐性 贝聿铭 场地文化 材料材质
柴油消防泵长轴联轴器断裂原因分析 被引量:1
作者 吴磊 《石化技术》 CAS 2019年第4期152-152,163,共2页
以中海油埕北油田设备设施升级改造项目柴油消防泵长轴联轴器断裂为例,通过对长轴联轴器断裂位置和发生过程的分析,针对渤海湾水浅、泥沙冲刷、海水含沙量高等特点,得出适用的材料材质和解决方案。为后续渤海油气田开发项目的设备选型... 以中海油埕北油田设备设施升级改造项目柴油消防泵长轴联轴器断裂为例,通过对长轴联轴器断裂位置和发生过程的分析,针对渤海湾水浅、泥沙冲刷、海水含沙量高等特点,得出适用的材料材质和解决方案。为后续渤海油气田开发项目的设备选型和故障解决提供成熟案例支持。 展开更多
关键词 柴油消防泵 长轴联轴器断裂 材料材质选择
Effect of Properties of Carbon Materials on Performance of VRLA Batteries 被引量:1
作者 Ellappa Lakshmanan Nethaji Kosaraju Srinivas Kurivella Suryanarayana Murthy Mandava Jagadish 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第11期1029-1035,共7页
In the present study, the relationship between properties of different carbon materials and their impact on performance of VRLA (valve regulated lead acid) battery was studied. The material properties undertaken for... In the present study, the relationship between properties of different carbon materials and their impact on performance of VRLA (valve regulated lead acid) battery was studied. The material properties undertaken for the study are: surface area, conductivity and water absorption of the carbon. The electrode morphology revealed the uniform distribution of active material when high surface area carbon was added to NAM (negative active material). The porosity of the plate also exhibited changes with respect to type of carbon materials added. The study further revealed that, the addition of high surface area carbon (-1,400 m^2/g) improves the charge acceptance of the battery with higher loading. Further improvement in charge acceptance was observed with addition of graphite to higher surface area carbon. Nevertheless, the float current of the battery got affected due to graphite loading and found there was no impact on shelf life of the battery in all the cases. The study demonstrates the need for customized "carbon formulation" to obtain the maximum performance out of the battery. 展开更多
关键词 Valve regulated lead acid battery carbon black GRAPHITE charge acceptance float current self discharge.
Mechanism of Clay Mineral Affect on Strength of Solidification Sludge 被引量:2
作者 L. Li W. Zhu +1 位作者 Y. Qu J.P. Bao 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第7期30-35,共6页
To solve the problem of vast cement and low strength in the treated sludge, clay mineral used for accessorial solidification material was applied to advance strength. The principle of solidification sludge strength be... To solve the problem of vast cement and low strength in the treated sludge, clay mineral used for accessorial solidification material was applied to advance strength. The principle of solidification sludge strength because of clay mineral is not clear and has not supported the choice of clay mineral. The mineral and pore water is analyzed in order to contrast clay mineral added or not based on the XRD and pore water chemical character. The result shows that the absorbed quantity of Ca2~ was reduced by sludge because of clay mineral added, the hydrated reaction was advanced and integrated solidified materials was formed. 展开更多
关键词 Solidification sludge STRENGTH clay mineral hydrated reaction.
Physical Properties of the Cathode Materials in Fuel Cells
作者 Abdelmadjid Temagoult Kafia Oulmi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期187-193,共7页
The materials used in fuel cells are currently the subject of much research, particularly those of the cathode which is a key element for the different functions that it provides. In our work the authors became intere... The materials used in fuel cells are currently the subject of much research, particularly those of the cathode which is a key element for the different functions that it provides. In our work the authors became interested in the different materials used for the cathode, which are usually ceramic, and some of their physical properties between different electrical conductivity (electronic, ionic), the coefficient of thermal expansion and chemical compatibility between different materials used in the stack. Not to mention, however, the various parameters that influence these properties, such as structure, the sintering temperature, dope, and the operating temperature of the battery. The main objective of research in this area is to improve battery performance by researching new materials and new manufacturing technologies that will increase the electrical conductivity while trying to lower the temperature operating the latter as much as possible while keeping it above 650℃, In doing so, the longevity of the battery will be increased which will have a direct impact on manufacturing costs of the battery, and thus greater use thereof. 展开更多
关键词 CERAMIC fuel cell CATHODE electrical conductivity thermal expansion.
Effects of TiCN Composite Die with Low Thermal Conductivity on Hot Forging Performances
作者 Ryo Matsumoto Tomio Itamochi Shoji Mori 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第2期59-65,共7页
Titanium carbonitride based composite (TiCN-metallic binder) was developed as die material for replacement of cemented tungsten carbide. The effects of thermal conductivity characteristic of the TiCN composite on ho... Titanium carbonitride based composite (TiCN-metallic binder) was developed as die material for replacement of cemented tungsten carbide. The effects of thermal conductivity characteristic of the TiCN composite on hot forging performances were investigated using a servo press with ram motion control. Three types of the die materials; (a) tool steel for hot working, (b) cemented tungsten carbide with high thermal conductivity and (c) TiCN composite with low thermal conductivity were compared. In hot upsetting of a chrome steel workpiece, the TiCN composite die was confirmed to reduce the forging load by approximately 20% at slow forging speed. This is because the die with low thermal conductivity could prevent the workpiece from rapid cooling induced by heat transfer at the die-workpiece interface. In addition, the material flow of the workpiece to a die cavity was improved. Furthermore, the wear depth/wear coefficient of the TiCN composite was lower than that of the tool steel and the cemented tungsten carbide in the numerical analysis of wear due to the combination of low thermal conductivity and high hardness. 展开更多
关键词 FORGING DIE servo press thermal conductivity material flow wear.
Apparently Negative Electric Polarization in Shaped Graded Dielectric Materials
作者 范春珍 高银浩 +1 位作者 高勇 黄吉平 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期913-919,共7页
By using a first-principles approach, we investigate the pathway of electric displacement fields in shaped graded dielectric materials existing in the form of cloaks with various shapes. We reveal a type of apparently... By using a first-principles approach, we investigate the pathway of electric displacement fields in shaped graded dielectric materials existing in the form of cloaks with various shapes. We reveal a type of apparently negative electric polarization (ANEP), which is due to a symmetric oscillation of the paired electric permittivities, satisfying a sum rule. The ANEP does not occur for a spherical cloak, but appears up to maximum as a/b (the ratio between the long and short principal axis of the spheroidal cloak) is about 5/2, and eventually disappears as a/b becomes large enough corresponding to a rod-like shape. Further, the cloaking efficiency is calculated for different geometrical shapes and demonstrated to closely relate to the ANEP. The possibility of experiments is discussed. This work has relevance to dielectric shielding based on shaped graded dielectric materials. 展开更多
关键词 shaped graded materials negative electric polarization electric displacement fields
Preliminary Evaluation of Some Engineering Properties of Laterite as Foundation and Construction Materials in Muglad Basin in Sudan
作者 Hussein Elarabi Tarig Elkhawad 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第12期689-693,共5页
This paper reports and evaluates the subsurface investigations of lateritic soil in Muglad Basin. Lateritic soil is described as highly weathered and altered residual/transported soil formed by the in-situ weathering ... This paper reports and evaluates the subsurface investigations of lateritic soil in Muglad Basin. Lateritic soil is described as highly weathered and altered residual/transported soil formed by the in-situ weathering and/or decomposition of rocks in the tropical and sub-tropical regions with hot, humid climatic conditions. The field works include excavation of test pits, drilling of boreholes and performing of SRT (standard penetration test). The engineering properties of soil such as sieve analysis, consistency, compaction test, CBR (California bearing ratio) test are deduced in the laboratory. Lateritic soil is also evaluated to be used as foundation and construction materials. Concretionary lateritic soil is valuable road pavement materials, widely used in the tropics as sub-base, base material and for gravel roads. The term laterite, however, has tended to be indiscriminately applied in tropical highway engineering to any red soil. Lateritic soils in this study area were classified as reddish brown, medium dense to very dense, clayey silty sand with noodles of quartz and gravels. According to laboratory test, the lateritic soil was found to be good as construction materials, and can be used for embankment purposes; on the other hand, blending such materials with gravels can improve the low CBR values. 展开更多
关键词 Lateritic soil FOUNDATION COMPACTION CBR Muglad.
Potential Energy of Crops
作者 Jahangir Payamara 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第7期1085-1087,共3页
This work consists of estimating the energy achieved from all land and water-based vegetations. This real potential is determined by identifying 10 biomass samples taken from vegetable resources which are favored by t... This work consists of estimating the energy achieved from all land and water-based vegetations. This real potential is determined by identifying 10 biomass samples taken from vegetable resources which are favored by their aptitude of adaptation to the conditions of Iran. The net energy values of the 10 biomass samples change in the range of 13.65-18.00 MJ/kg using bomb calorimeter. By means of least squarere regression method all correlations were found. The results of 10 different biomass materials have been used to develop a linear equation correlation. 展开更多
关键词 Potential treated waste water biome biofuels CROPS BIOFUEL net heating value linear equation correlation.
Advanced carbon materials for flexible and wearable sensors 被引量:12
作者 蹇木强 王春雅 +6 位作者 王琪 王惠民 夏凯伦 訚哲 张明超 梁晓平 张莹莹 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第11期1026-1062,共37页
Flexible and wearable sensors have drawn ex-tensive concern due to their wide potential applications inwearable electronics and intelligent robots. Flexible sensorswith high sensRivity, good flexibility, and excellent... Flexible and wearable sensors have drawn ex-tensive concern due to their wide potential applications inwearable electronics and intelligent robots. Flexible sensorswith high sensRivity, good flexibility, and excellent stabilityare highly desirable for monitoring human biomedical signals,movements and the environment. The active materials and thedevice structures are the keys to achieve high performance.Carbon nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs),graphene, carbon black and carbon nanofibers, are one of themost commonly used active materials for the fabrication ofhigh-performance flexible sensors due to their superiorproperties. Especially, CNTs and graphene can be assembledinto various multi-scaled macroscopic structures, includingone dimensional fibers, two dimensional films and three di-mensional architectures, endowing the facile design of flexiblesensors for wide practical applications. In addition, the hybridstructured carbon materials derived from natural bio-mate-rials also showed a bright prospect for applications in flexiblesensors. This review provides a comprehensive presentation offlexible and wearable sensors based on the above variouscarbon materials. Following a brief introduction of flexiblesensors and carbon materials, the fundamentals of typicalflexible sensors, such as strain sensors, pressure sensors,temperature sensors and humidity sensors, are presented.Then, the latest progress of flexible sensors based on carbonmaterials, including the fabrication processes, performanceand applications, are summarized. Finally, the remainingmajor challenges of carbon-based flexible electronics are dis-cussed and the future research directions are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 carbon materials flexible sensors wearable electro-nics carbon nanotubes GRAPHENE
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