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徽州古村宅坦人工水系——“无溪出活龙”营建探微 被引量:13
作者 贺为才 《华中建筑》 2006年第12期197-199,202,共4页
水系是城镇规划的核心内容,而规划贵在创新,有法而无定式,我们可以从本土优秀的营造遗产中发掘成功的经验并获取灵感,传承民族文化,再现我国城镇的风貌和生机活力。地处皖南缺水山区的徽州古村宅坦,巧构了“无溪出活龙”的百塘人工水系... 水系是城镇规划的核心内容,而规划贵在创新,有法而无定式,我们可以从本土优秀的营造遗产中发掘成功的经验并获取灵感,传承民族文化,再现我国城镇的风貌和生机活力。地处皖南缺水山区的徽州古村宅坦,巧构了“无溪出活龙”的百塘人工水系,并通过此举不断完善村居环境,彰显文化特色,其规划方略、营造技艺以及善于积聚人文等创新经验堪为当代借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 徽州古村宅 人工水系 城镇规划
作者 刘其奎 《上海地方志》 2021年第2期82-85,96,共5页
《虹桥镇村宅志》的编纂出版,使得了解农耕社会最原始之细胞村宅和农民生存最细致鲜活的生活,有志可循。《虹桥镇村宅志》的编纂出版,对于传承和研究4000多年的中华民族农耕文化和城郊农民如何融入城市化等,亦具有重要的历史和现实意义... 《虹桥镇村宅志》的编纂出版,使得了解农耕社会最原始之细胞村宅和农民生存最细致鲜活的生活,有志可循。《虹桥镇村宅志》的编纂出版,对于传承和研究4000多年的中华民族农耕文化和城郊农民如何融入城市化等,亦具有重要的历史和现实意义。深化地方志研究,编纂村宅志是对方志编纂工作的一大创新,笔者以为有条件的城郊都应组织力量编纂出版自己的村宅志。 展开更多
关键词 《虹桥镇村宅志》 思考 “村民的志” 城市化 上海
城市郊区规划保留农村自然村落村宅更新研究 被引量:1
作者 朱建江 《科学发展》 CAS 2015年第8期98-101,共4页
中国农村村民建造住房时,大多不具有规划管理、建筑管理和公共空间的理念。因此,《村庄规划》中明确保留的自然村落要引进现代建设中规划、用地、建设管理理念,使得在村宅更新中能按规划实施,留出公共空间;在已有宅基地使用中能按规划留... 中国农村村民建造住房时,大多不具有规划管理、建筑管理和公共空间的理念。因此,《村庄规划》中明确保留的自然村落要引进现代建设中规划、用地、建设管理理念,使得在村宅更新中能按规划实施,留出公共空间;在已有宅基地使用中能按规划留地;在建设中,能请专业人士设计,按设计施工,提高建筑的质量和使用寿命。 展开更多
关键词 自然村落 村宅更新 村庄规划
作者 邓智勇 《华中建筑》 2008年第8期223-228,共6页
该文以西落及其姑妈家为例,通过与新疆阿克苏维族民居等的比较介绍了西藏日喀则夏鲁寺村宅的情况。作者对如下方面进行了重点剖析:寺庙与村的关系、朝向、家庭露天活动场所及其模式、卫生间的位置等平面布置情况,建筑材料、屋顶形式、... 该文以西落及其姑妈家为例,通过与新疆阿克苏维族民居等的比较介绍了西藏日喀则夏鲁寺村宅的情况。作者对如下方面进行了重点剖析:寺庙与村的关系、朝向、家庭露天活动场所及其模式、卫生间的位置等平面布置情况,建筑材料、屋顶形式、排水、墙、门、窗等建筑构造情况,以中心柱为特征的建筑结构情况,宗教、生活方式等在装饰和建筑外观上的体现及对建筑的影响,现代生活新变化等等。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 日喀则 夏鲁寺村宅 藏族民居 新疆 阿克苏 维族民居 空中三合院 中心柱 遮蔽率 围护率
作者 朱建江 《科学发展》 CAS 2015年第6期100-103,共4页
破解城乡二元结构,缩小城乡差别,促进城乡一体化,在城乡户籍制度改革条件下,赋予农村居民更多的财产权。若农村村宅基本实现与城镇住宅同房同权,农村村民和社会公共利益得到保护,有利于促进城乡真正一体化,促进基本基础设施和公共服务... 破解城乡二元结构,缩小城乡差别,促进城乡一体化,在城乡户籍制度改革条件下,赋予农村居民更多的财产权。若农村村宅基本实现与城镇住宅同房同权,农村村民和社会公共利益得到保护,有利于促进城乡真正一体化,促进基本基础设施和公共服务城乡均衡配置。 展开更多
关键词 农村村宅 城镇住宅 同房同权
作者 汤辉 黄婉诗 冯思懿 《华中建筑》 2023年第5期21-25,共5页
家族聚落是岭南乡村世代相承的基本结构,其中的社会属性和禀赋是宅园单体布局考量的基础,基于家族聚落视角展开对宅园单体的解读,将从静态的物理空间审美向动态的以人为主体的社会空间认知延伸,有助于理解乡村宅园内在生成机制。通过对... 家族聚落是岭南乡村世代相承的基本结构,其中的社会属性和禀赋是宅园单体布局考量的基础,基于家族聚落视角展开对宅园单体的解读,将从静态的物理空间审美向动态的以人为主体的社会空间认知延伸,有助于理解乡村宅园内在生成机制。通过对近代岭南乡村宅园遗存实地考察,结合文献研究、调查访问、航拍图示等方法,总结出由华侨富商、官僚乡绅、军将豪强构成的三大造园主体,并从宅园择址、宅园与祠堂的关系、领地的占领与共享、建筑造型的沿袭及异化,阐述近代岭南乡村宅园在家族聚落秩序下的空间特征及新时期遗产价值,旨在补充与完善近代岭南园林研究体系,为乡村宅园遗产的价值认知及保护发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 近代岭南园林 村宅 家族聚落 社会空间 空间特征 遗产价值
夏热冬冷地区农村节能住宅设计思考 被引量:16
作者 刘雁 张建新 付立阳 《建筑节能》 CAS 2008年第2期34-37,共4页
随着社会和经济的发展,住宅节能设计的益处已经逐步被公众所认同,节能设计其本身也在各大中城市被广泛的推广和采用。但与此相对,在广大农村地区,对于住宅节能方面的考虑却仍处于起步阶段,有些地方甚至还是一片空白。正是在这种情况下,... 随着社会和经济的发展,住宅节能设计的益处已经逐步被公众所认同,节能设计其本身也在各大中城市被广泛的推广和采用。但与此相对,在广大农村地区,对于住宅节能方面的考虑却仍处于起步阶段,有些地方甚至还是一片空白。正是在这种情况下,针对夏热冬冷地区的气候特点以及该地区现在农村村宅的现状,提出了适宜农村村宅的相关节能措施,其中包括:①节能与节地相结合;②节能与节约相结合;③节能与营造健康住宅相结合。同时,在最后还对在夏热冬冷地区进行农村节能住宅设计提出了相关的建议。 展开更多
关键词 夏热冬冷地区 农村村宅节能 节能设计
作者 於忠祥 阮咏梅 刘瑞 《乡镇经济研究》 1998年第5期43-44,共2页
关键词 农村 土地整理 耕地 村宅用地 坟地整理
Research on the Informatization Technology of Rural Residential Land Cadastral Data 被引量:2
作者 高娜 徐伟恒 +2 位作者 鲁宁 王秋华 单保君 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1738-1743,共6页
Using innovative information means to form the digital management sys- tem of rural residential land is the key point to solve the difficult and hot issues in rural residential land management. In view of the diversit... Using innovative information means to form the digital management sys- tem of rural residential land is the key point to solve the difficult and hot issues in rural residential land management. In view of the diversity, large quantity, and preservation with paper of rural residential land data, a new method for automatic cutting and classification of digital images based on the image data source and us- ing the image processing algorithm and Python programming was proposed in order to achieve rapid and accurate collection and digital storage of rural residential land cadastral data. Using this method, digital image automatic cutting and classification were realized, and the efficiency and accuracy of this method was validated by comparing with the non-support free shooting method and manual image process- ing. The experimental results showed that the efficiency of the data acquisition of the fixed shooting method was 4.24 times of that of the non-support free shooting method with the accuracy rate increasing by 7.1%, and the efficiency of automatic image processing was 35 times of that of manual processing. Based on rapid and accuracy data acquisition, this method realized the automatic processing of digital images, which provided a reference for the research of informatization technology of the whole rural residential land data and has the value of popularization and appli- cation. 展开更多
关键词 Rural residential land DATA image processing INFORMATIZATION
上海市崇明区村镇风貌物质特征及构成要素解析 被引量:1
作者 董衡苹 《小城镇建设》 2019年第10期43-52,共10页
上海市崇明区的村镇风貌体现了沙洲岛屿变迁影响下的“原生态”自然景观、“大”农业景观和“田村一体”的人居景观。宏观层面的自然景观与农业景观是村镇风貌形成的本底;中观与微观层面的人居景观是村镇风貌的核心。其中,中观层面的村... 上海市崇明区的村镇风貌体现了沙洲岛屿变迁影响下的“原生态”自然景观、“大”农业景观和“田村一体”的人居景观。宏观层面的自然景观与农业景观是村镇风貌形成的本底;中观与微观层面的人居景观是村镇风貌的核心。其中,中观层面的村镇聚落空间格局,体现在聚落与水渠、农田、路网的相互关系之中,其所形成的有规则的空间肌理是崇明村镇风貌的最大特色,也是村镇风貌的核心;微观层面的传统宅沟院落体现了沙岛地貌下可持续的营居理念,现代民居则以简洁实用的风格为主。文章基于实证案例所形成的景观风貌研究思路与分析框架也可适用于其他地区的村镇风貌解读,从而在理论上健全村镇风貌设计技术支撑体系。 展开更多
关键词 村镇风貌 聚落空间 村宅院落 物质特征 构成要素 崇明区
乡村振兴背景下村庄人居环境优化策略研究——以淮安市章桥村为例 被引量:5
作者 笪玲玲 傅子达 《城市住宅》 2021年第11期203-204,共2页
社会主义新农村建设进入美丽乡村规划时期,实施乡村振兴最重要的任务就是改善农村的人居环境。2016年以来,淮安市积极推进农村人居环境提升。以章桥村在美丽乡村建设背景下改善乡村人居环境的规划实例作为研究对象,分析其改善人居环境... 社会主义新农村建设进入美丽乡村规划时期,实施乡村振兴最重要的任务就是改善农村的人居环境。2016年以来,淮安市积极推进农村人居环境提升。以章桥村在美丽乡村建设背景下改善乡村人居环境的规划实例作为研究对象,分析其改善人居环境方面的战略选择,以探讨美丽村庄居住环境营建的适宜策略。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 美丽乡村 人居环境 乡村规划 村宅建设
乡村景观改造设计探讨 被引量:1
作者 刘超 赵东旭 刘远和 《绿色科技》 2019年第21期41-43,共3页
关键词 美丽乡村 乡村景观 村宅
作者 李文婷 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2020年第2期184-187,共4页
调查后洋村村宅旁、路旁、抛荒地绿化苗木的生长情况。结果显示:黄山栾树在不同地块均生长最快,能较快形成绿荫效果;其次是香樟、山杜英、枫香也能很快形成绿荫,这4种是绿色村庄种植的理想树种;银杏、紫薇均生长较慢,树冠稀,需要重点培... 调查后洋村村宅旁、路旁、抛荒地绿化苗木的生长情况。结果显示:黄山栾树在不同地块均生长最快,能较快形成绿荫效果;其次是香樟、山杜英、枫香也能很快形成绿荫,这4种是绿色村庄种植的理想树种;银杏、紫薇均生长较慢,树冠稀,需要重点培育,做好病虫害防治,人为促进其快速生长;福建山樱花、桂花生长缓慢,冠形生长不旺盛,需要做好苗木水肥管理,人为促进快速生长。 展开更多
关键词 绿色村庄 造林 村宅旁绿化 路旁绿化 抛荒地绿化
桐庐瑶琳森林体验基地 森林里的“疗养院”
作者 徐曦 李健 《浙江林业》 2019年第9期22-23,共2页
关键词 镇天峒山 桐庐 瑶琳 村宅 森林 人文景观 生态型 一体
Establishment of Rural Housing Land Standard in China 被引量:6
作者 SONG Wei CHEN Baiming +1 位作者 ZHANG Ying WU Jianzhai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期483-495,共13页
On the basis of rural household survey in 12 provinces of China in 2005,this research built an econometrical model to find the area standard for rural housing land.This standard is expected to facilitate rural housing... On the basis of rural household survey in 12 provinces of China in 2005,this research built an econometrical model to find the area standard for rural housing land.This standard is expected to facilitate rural housing land administration,efficient and intensive housing land use and policy making.This research concludes:1) according to the household survey data,the average area for rural housing land in China is about 235.26 m 2,and the rural housing land mainly includes unused land(42.89%) and house construction land(37.76%) with the average floor-area ratio of 0.42;2) the indexes in the standard concern the factors such as location,landform,house form,household population and cultivated land area per farmer,which all have significant effects on rural housing land use;3) the reasonable area for rural housing land may be 150 m 2 in average before 2020,and the referential standards in different provinces are 120 m 2,130 m 2,140m 2,150 m 2,160 m 2,170 m 2,190 m 2,200 m 2,210 m 2,220 m 2,230 m 2 and 250 m 2 respectively;and 4) if there are less than two persons or more than five persons in a family,these standards need to be decreased or increased by 7%.When the cultivated land area per farmer is lower than the provincial average,the standards have to reduce by 3.5%. 展开更多
关键词 rural housing land area standard rural household survey China
Design on rural eco-house in cold areas of Northern China
作者 赵华 王葳 金虹 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期160-163,共4页
Many kinds of factors that influence rural housing construction in Northern China are analyzed systematically and the connections between them are weighed from ecology and sustainable angles, so that an optimized gree... Many kinds of factors that influence rural housing construction in Northern China are analyzed systematically and the connections between them are weighed from ecology and sustainable angles, so that an optimized green house can be built. At the same time, the energy efficient envelope structure and the method of choosing insulation material in the cost of unit thermal resistance are proposed. Integrated quality evaluation by computer shows that thermal comfort in the house would be improved remarkably for the value of PPD drops from 35%-40% to 15%, the rate of saving energy is 51.73%, much higher than the third goal of saving energy in China, and the comprehensive ecological benefit achieves good effect so as to promote the sustainable development of rural housing and community in cold areas of Northern China. 展开更多
关键词 green rural houses thermal comfort energy conservation optimization design energy efficient envelope structure ecological benefit
Residential Energy Consumption and Associated Carbon Emission in Forest Rural Area in China: A Case Study in Weichang County 被引量:1
作者 LUN Fei Josep G. CANADELL +5 位作者 XU Zhong-qi HE Lu YUAN Zheng ZHANG Dan LI Wen-hua LIU Mou-cheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期792-804,共13页
Rural energy consumption in China has increased dramatically in the last decades, and has become a significant contributor of carbon emissions. Yet there is limited data on energy consumption patterns and their evolut... Rural energy consumption in China has increased dramatically in the last decades, and has become a significant contributor of carbon emissions. Yet there is limited data on energy consumption patterns and their evolution in forest rural areas of China. In order to bridge this gap, we report the findings of field surveys in forest villages in Weichang County as a case study of rural energy consumption in northern China. We found that the residential energy consumption per household is 3313 kgce yr^-1 (kilogram standard coal equivalent per year), with energy content of 9.7×lO7 kJ yr^-1, including 1783 kgce yr^-1 from coal, 1386 kgce yr^-1 from fuel wood, 96 kgce yr^-1 from electricity, and 49 kgce yr^-1 from LPG. Per capita consumption is 909 kgce yr^-1 and its energy content is 2.7×lO7 kJ yr^-1. Due to a total energy utilization efficiency of 24.6%, all the consumed energy can only supply about 2.4×107 kJ yr^-1 of efficient energy content. Secondly, household energy consumption is partitioned into 2614 kgce yr^-1 for heating, 616 kgce yr^-1 for cooking, and 117 kgce yr^-1 for home appliances. Thirdly, the associated carbon emissions oer household are 2556 kzC yr^-1, includinz1022 kgC yr^-1 from unutilized fuel wood (90% of the total fuel wood). The rest of emissions come from the use of electricity (212 kgC yr^-1, coal (13Ol kgC yr^-1 and LPG (21 kgC yr^-1. Fourthly, local climate, family size and household income have strong influences on rural residential energy consumption. Changes in storage and utilization practices of fuel can lead to the lO%-30% increase in the efficiency of fuel wood use, leading to reduced energy consumption by 924 kgce yr^-1 per household (27.9% reduction) and 9Ol kgC yr^-1 of carbon emissions (35-3% reduction). 展开更多
关键词 Energy consumption Carbon emission Rural areas FUELWOOD Utilization efficiency
Remaining Architectural Heritage in Kosovo, Their Durability and Sustainability
作者 Shqipe Nixha Violeta Nushi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第6期651-663,共13页
This paper work aims to response the request for immediate intervention of cultural heritage preservation in Kosovo, with the aim of protection against the harmful consequences of insufficient knowledge leading to a m... This paper work aims to response the request for immediate intervention of cultural heritage preservation in Kosovo, with the aim of protection against the harmful consequences of insufficient knowledge leading to a misuse of technology and to ill-considered approaches. The DGT (dwelling-garret type) is an important vernacular study case. The DGT is a historic building of 18th century, located in the core of Lebusha Village, Municipality of Peja, an architectural construction characterized by two concentric volumes at rectangular layout, very dynamic at horizontal composition, obtained by the movement of two differently constructional materials volumes, stone masonry and timber assembly, and covered with roof clay tiles. In view of its esthetic and artistic values, its important role at developing chain of Kosovo's rural dwellings typology, and its method of construction, the building should be listed as a monument under state protection. Hence, immediate protection interventions, such as conservation of wooden and stone envelope, improvement of walls and finish works, and drainage infrastructure, are considered as the minimum requirement. 展开更多
关键词 architectural heritage DGT (dwelling-garret type) DURABILITY SUSTAINABILITY
Research on the Design and Energy Saving of New Rural Residential in the Southwest Area
作者 Zijuan WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期47-50,共4页
The paper use advantage of local natural resources, greening and sufficient water resources, combine natural ecological environment design with rural architecture, and fully consider local economic base and material t... The paper use advantage of local natural resources, greening and sufficient water resources, combine natural ecological environment design with rural architecture, and fully consider local economic base and material technical conditions, and takes site selection and planning, architectural design technology as the two core aspects to study rural residential energy conservation, improving thermal environment of indoor residential that use of nature building energy saving technique, efforts to reduce the use of mechanical equipment system, thereby reducing the rural residential building energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Rural residence energy saving design building energy consumption regional characteristics
Study on Energy-saving Technology and Design Optimization of Facade in Cold and Severe Cold Area
作者 Wei Li Xin Zheng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期53-55,共3页
This article take cold regions of nlral residential building envelope as the research object, suitability technical theory as the theoretical basis, we evaluation of rural residential energy envelope because China's ... This article take cold regions of nlral residential building envelope as the research object, suitability technical theory as the theoretical basis, we evaluation of rural residential energy envelope because China's rural areas is chmacterized by large regional differences and to find a solution for the envelope. It could be considered as the useful reference for retrofit design of similar projects. 展开更多
关键词 Cold and Severe cold area rural housing ENVELOPE energy-saving technologies suitability assessment
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