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作者 余文琼 《林业与生态》 2024年第1期39-39,共1页
每年初冬时节,国家I级保护植物,被誉为“植物黄金”的南方红豆杉就会果挂满枝,红彤彤、亮晶晶的果实如珠如玉,小巧可人。据《中国植物志》中记载南方红豆杉一般需种植7~8年才能开花结果,珍稀名贵。它四季常青、树形美观、枝条飘逸洒脱,... 每年初冬时节,国家I级保护植物,被誉为“植物黄金”的南方红豆杉就会果挂满枝,红彤彤、亮晶晶的果实如珠如玉,小巧可人。据《中国植物志》中记载南方红豆杉一般需种植7~8年才能开花结果,珍稀名贵。它四季常青、树形美观、枝条飘逸洒脱,是深受人们喜爱的观赏树种。南方红豆杉(Taxus wallichiana var. mairei)是红豆杉科红豆杉属常绿乔木,为裸子植物。花期在2~3月,种子11~12月成熟,其树干通直,树皮呈灰褐色或红褐色,常纵裂或剥落。叶呈深绿色,为条形或条状披针形,微弯,背面中脉隆起,腹面中脉两侧,各有一条灰绿色或黄绿色气孔带。 展开更多
关键词 《中国植物志》 条状披针 红豆杉科 南方红豆杉 珍稀濒危植物 红豆杉属 深绿色 珍稀名贵
Weight-based shape modification of NURBS curves by constrained optimization 被引量:4
作者 王志国 周来水 王小平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期458-462,共5页
A new method for shape modification of non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) curves was presented, which was based on constrained optimization by means of altering the corresponding weights of their control points. U... A new method for shape modification of non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) curves was presented, which was based on constrained optimization by means of altering the corresponding weights of their control points. Using this method, the original NURBS curve was modified to satisfy the specified geometric constraints, including single point and multi-point constraints. With the introduction of free parameters, the shapes of modified NURBS curves could be further controlled by users without destroying geometric constraints and seem more naturally. Since explicit formulae were derived to compute new weights of the modified curve, the method was simple and easy to program. Practical examples showed that the method was applicable for computer aided design (CAD) system. 展开更多
关键词 Computational geometry Computer aided design Computer graphics Curve fitting Least squares approximations
The quadratic B-spline curve fitting for the shape of log cross sections 被引量:2
作者 任洪娥 吴妍 朱哓明 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期150-152,共3页
This paper describes a new method for simulation of the cross section shape of log. The self-developed MQK3102 log shape recognizing machine was used to acquire the finite discrete sampling points on the cross section... This paper describes a new method for simulation of the cross section shape of log. The self-developed MQK3102 log shape recognizing machine was used to acquire the finite discrete sampling points on the cross section of log and those points were fitted with the quadratic B-spline parametric curve. This method can clearly stimulate the real shape of the log cross section and is characterized by limited sampling points and high speed computing. The computed result of the previous curve does not affect the next one, which may avoid the graphic distortion caused by the accumulative error. The method can be used to simulate the whole body shape of log approximately by sampling the cross sections along the length direction of log, thus providing a reference model for optimum saw cutting of log. 展开更多
关键词 Quadratic B-spline curve Cross section shape LOG Computer simulation Optimum saw cutting
作者 赵国龙 《新校园(中旬刊)》 2016年第5期127-127,共1页
关键词 表格 柱状 折线 条状形
Analysis of granular assembly deformation using discrete element method
作者 赵学亮 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第4期608-613,共6页
The discrete element method is used to simulate specimens under three different loading conditions(conventional triaxial compression,plane strain,and direct shear)with different initial conditions to explore the und... The discrete element method is used to simulate specimens under three different loading conditions(conventional triaxial compression,plane strain,and direct shear)with different initial conditions to explore the underlying mechanics of the specimen deformation from a microscale perspective.Deformations of specimens with different initial void ratios at different confining stresses under different loading conditions are studied.Results show that the discrete element models successfully capture the specimen deformation and the strain localization.Particle behaviors including particle rotation and displacement and the mesoscale void ratio distributions are used to explain the strain localization and specimen deformation.It is found that the loading condition is one of the most important factors controlling the specimen deformation mode.Microscale behavior of the granular soil is the driving mechanics of the macroscale deformation of the granular assembly. 展开更多
关键词 granular soil loading condition deformation mode numerical simulation strain localization
云南道地药材--滇黄精 被引量:5
作者 夏从龙(拍摄) 《大理大学学报》 2022年第2期F0004-F0004,共1页
本品为百合科黄精属植物滇黄精Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl的干燥根茎。多年生草本。根状茎近圆柱形或近连珠状,结节有时作不规则菱状,肥厚,直径1~3 cm。茎高1~3 m,顶端作攀援状。叶轮生,每轮3~10枚,条形、条状披针形或披针形... 本品为百合科黄精属植物滇黄精Polygonatum kingianum Coll. et Hemsl的干燥根茎。多年生草本。根状茎近圆柱形或近连珠状,结节有时作不规则菱状,肥厚,直径1~3 cm。茎高1~3 m,顶端作攀援状。叶轮生,每轮3~10枚,条形、条状披针形或披针形,长6~20(~25) cm,宽3~30 mm,先端拳卷。 展开更多
关键词 条状披针 多年生草本 滇黄精 云南道地药材 黄精属植物 圆柱 连珠状 COL
沙棘育苗造林及抚育管理技术 被引量:6
作者 赵立坤 《现代农村科技》 2015年第20期32-33,共2页
沙棘又名醋柳、酸刺、酸溜溜,颓子科落叶灌木或小乔木。小枝及叶背密被银白色或淡褐色鳞片。叶条状或条状披针形。花黄色,先于叶开放。浆果近球形或卵球形,橙黄色。在内蒙古鄂尔多斯草原湖泊低地、乌拉山麓,山西北部和西部,青海、甘肃... 沙棘又名醋柳、酸刺、酸溜溜,颓子科落叶灌木或小乔木。小枝及叶背密被银白色或淡褐色鳞片。叶条状或条状披针形。花黄色,先于叶开放。浆果近球形或卵球形,橙黄色。在内蒙古鄂尔多斯草原湖泊低地、乌拉山麓,山西北部和西部,青海、甘肃东部六盘山区,黄土高原沟坡塬地边缘,黄河河谷阴坡,山西的太行、五台、吕梁等山区,新疆塔里木河上游以及河北西北部山区都有分布。沙棘喜光,但能耐疏林庇荫。 展开更多
关键词 沙棘果 鄂尔多斯草原 育苗造林 抚育管理 西北部山区 六盘山区 条状披针 山西北部 卵球 甘肃东部
白族药用植物——鞍叶羊蹄甲 被引量:1
作者 姜北 《大理大学学报》 CAS 2020年第2期F0004-F0004,共1页
学名:Bauhinia brachycarpa Wall.ex Benth.中文名:鞍叶羊蹄甲本品为豆科羊蹄甲属植物鞍叶羊蹄甲Bauhinia brachycarpa Wall.ex Benth.的全株。直立或攀援灌木;小枝纤细,有棱;叶圆肾形,宽大于长,先端2裂,叶面无毛;花瓣白色,顶生或与叶对... 学名:Bauhinia brachycarpa Wall.ex Benth.中文名:鞍叶羊蹄甲本品为豆科羊蹄甲属植物鞍叶羊蹄甲Bauhinia brachycarpa Wall.ex Benth.的全株。直立或攀援灌木;小枝纤细,有棱;叶圆肾形,宽大于长,先端2裂,叶面无毛;花瓣白色,顶生或与叶对生,有花10余朵;荚果条状披针形,种子2~4粒。 展开更多
关键词 羊蹄甲 条状披针 小枝 药用植物 叶对生 中文名 荚果
作者 薛雨雁 强毅 惠娜 《大学科普》 2022年第3期55-56,共2页
太白贝母是百合科贝母属植物,以干燥鳞茎入药,归于药材川贝母项下,本文从其植物属性、自然分布、生长发育特征、生产现状等方面进行介绍。太白贝母Fritillaria taipaiensis为百合科贝母属多年生草本植物,其植株高30-40cm,鳞茎由2枚鳞片... 太白贝母是百合科贝母属植物,以干燥鳞茎入药,归于药材川贝母项下,本文从其植物属性、自然分布、生长发育特征、生产现状等方面进行介绍。太白贝母Fritillaria taipaiensis为百合科贝母属多年生草本植物,其植株高30-40cm,鳞茎由2枚鳞片组成,叶通常对生,条形至条状披针形,长5-10厘米;花色黄绿,无方格斑,通常仅在花被片先端近两侧边缘有紫色斑带。 展开更多
关键词 太白贝母 条状披针 川贝母 贝母属 百合科 花被片
金沸草 被引量:1
《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2020年第6期95-95,共1页
药材鉴别要点 条叶旋覆花药材呈圆柱形,上部多分枝,长30~70 cm,直径0.2~0.5 cmo表面绿褐色至棕褐色,被疏短柔毛,具细纵纹o质脆,易折断,断面黄白色,髓部中空o叶互生,叶片条形至条状披针形,长5~10 cm,宽0.5~1 cm,先端尖,基部抱茎,全缘,边... 药材鉴别要点 条叶旋覆花药材呈圆柱形,上部多分枝,长30~70 cm,直径0.2~0.5 cmo表面绿褐色至棕褐色,被疏短柔毛,具细纵纹o质脆,易折断,断面黄白色,髓部中空o叶互生,叶片条形至条状披针形,长5~10 cm,宽0.5~1 cm,先端尖,基部抱茎,全缘,边缘反卷,上表面无毛,下表面被短柔毛,头状花序顶生,直径0.5~1 cm,柔毛自色,长约0.2 cm,气微,味微苦。 展开更多
关键词 鉴别要点 旋覆花 条状披针 短柔毛 金沸草 圆柱 叶互生 绿褐色
Evaluation of diffusion and phase transformation at Ag/Al bimetal produced by cold roll welding 被引量:3
作者 Hossein OLIA Mehrdad ABBASI Seyed Hossein RAZAVI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期312-317,共6页
Aluminum and silver strips were cold welded by rolling and a bimetallic strip was produced. To create cold weld between A1 and Ag, mating surfaces were specially prepared and various rolling thickness reductions were ... Aluminum and silver strips were cold welded by rolling and a bimetallic strip was produced. To create cold weld between A1 and Ag, mating surfaces were specially prepared and various rolling thickness reductions were applied. The minimum critical thickness reduction to begin cold weld was specified as 70% which equals 0.1630 critical rolling shape factors. The bimetallic strips were treated by diffusion annealing at 400 ~C and various annealing time. The A1/Ag interface of strips was observed by scanning electron microscope to investigate the formation of hard and brittle probable phases. The effect of anneal time on diffusion distance and phase transformation was also analysed by EDS analysis and line scan. A diffusion region along the interface in the Ag side was observed and its width increased with prolonging annealing time. Some 8 phases were detected close to the interface after anneal treating for 3 h and 8 phase was thicker and more continuous by increasing annealing time. The microhardness measurement showed that in spite of formation of 8 phase due to diffusion annealing, the interface hardness was reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Ag/A1 bimetallic strip cold weld ANNEAL multilayer composite sheet shape factor
作者 祝之友 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2019年第16期105-105,共1页
药材鉴别要点瞿麦茎圆柱形,上部有分枝,长30~60 cm;表面淡绿色或黄绿色,光滑无毛,节明显,略膨大,断面中空。叶对生,多皱缩,展平叶片呈条形至条状披针形。枝端具花及果实,花萼筒状,长2.7~3.7 cm;苞片4~6,宽卵形,长约为萼筒的1/4;花瓣棕... 药材鉴别要点瞿麦茎圆柱形,上部有分枝,长30~60 cm;表面淡绿色或黄绿色,光滑无毛,节明显,略膨大,断面中空。叶对生,多皱缩,展平叶片呈条形至条状披针形。枝端具花及果实,花萼筒状,长2.7~3.7 cm;苞片4~6,宽卵形,长约为萼筒的1/4;花瓣棕紫色或棕黄色,卷曲,先端深裂成丝状。蒴果长筒形,与宿萼等长。种子细小,多数。无臭,味淡。 展开更多
关键词 鉴别要点 条状披针 长筒 瞿麦 宽卵 圆柱 叶对生
作者 尚晓刚 杨晓娟 张发成 《特种经济动植物》 2017年第9期29-30,共2页
红豆杉为常绿乔木或灌木,高可达20m左右,胸径60-100cm。树皮裂成薄条片脱落。小枝不规则互生。叶螺旋状排列,基部扭转排成二列,条形、披针状条形或条状披针形,长1-4.5cm、宽2-5mm,上面中脉隆起,下面有两条淡黄色或淡灰绿色气孔带,无树... 红豆杉为常绿乔木或灌木,高可达20m左右,胸径60-100cm。树皮裂成薄条片脱落。小枝不规则互生。叶螺旋状排列,基部扭转排成二列,条形、披针状条形或条状披针形,长1-4.5cm、宽2-5mm,上面中脉隆起,下面有两条淡黄色或淡灰绿色气孔带,无树脂道。雌雄异株,异花受粉,球花单生叶腋;雄球花球形,有梗,雄蕊6-14,盾状,花药4-9,辐射排列;雌球花近无梗,珠托圆盘状。 展开更多
关键词 红豆杉 扦插育苗技术 珠托 条状披针 异花受粉 树脂道 雌球花 雄球花 皮裂 甘南高原
作者 高尚士 《新疆林业》 1991年第3期31-31,共1页
半枝莲(Scutellaria bar-bata Don)又名并头草,狭叶韩信远,为唇形科多年生草本植物.茎直立,四棱,有节;叶对生,卵状椭圆形至条状披针形,先端钝,边缘为波状疏齿;花唇形,蓝紫色;小坚果横生,卵圆形,着生于弯短柄上,有小瘤状突起,包围缩萼中... 半枝莲(Scutellaria bar-bata Don)又名并头草,狭叶韩信远,为唇形科多年生草本植物.茎直立,四棱,有节;叶对生,卵状椭圆形至条状披针形,先端钝,边缘为波状疏齿;花唇形,蓝紫色;小坚果横生,卵圆形,着生于弯短柄上,有小瘤状突起,包围缩萼中.花期5~10月,果期6~11月.半枝莲喜温和潮湿环境,常野生于田边、沟旁、路边.对土壤要求不严,以疏松肥沃、排水良好的砂壤土为宜.它具有很高的药用价值,全草均可入药,具有清热解毒。 展开更多
关键词 SCUTELLARIA 并头草 瘤状突起 卵状椭圆 条状披针 多年生草本 栽培技术 小坚果 叶对生
Mutual Interference of Two Debris Flow Deposits Delivered in a Downstream River Reach
作者 STANCANELLI Laura Maria LANZONI Stefano FOTI Enrico 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1385-1395,共11页
We investigate experimentally the depositions of two contiguous debris flows flowing into a main river reach.The aim of the present experimental research is to analyze the geometry and the mutual interactions of debri... We investigate experimentally the depositions of two contiguous debris flows flowing into a main river reach.The aim of the present experimental research is to analyze the geometry and the mutual interactions of debris flow deposits conveyed by these tributaries in the main channel.A set of 19 experiments has been conducted considering three values of the confluence angle,two slopes of the tributary,and three different triggering conditions(debris flows occurring simultaneously in the tributaries,or occurring first either in the upstream or in the downstream tributary).The flow rate along the main channel was always kept constant.During each experiment the two tributaries had the same slope and confluence angle.The analysis of the data collected during the experimental tests indicates that the volume of the debris fan is mainly controlled by the slope angle,as expected,while the shape of the debris deposit is strongly influenced by the confluence angle.Moreover,in the case of multiple debris flows,the deposit shape is sensitive to the triggering conditions.Critical index for damming formation available in literature has been considered and applied to the present case,and,on the basis of the collected data,considerations about possible extension of such indexes to the case of multiple confluences are finally proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flows Confluences Dam formation Triggering scenario Critical Index
作者 唐翠芳 汪亚东 宋松泉 《生命世界》 2023年第4期52-55,共4页
植物学特性黄精之名取自于中医药用其得土地之精华,故时珍曰:“仙家以为芝草之类,以其得坤土之精粹,故谓之黄精。”《五符经》又云:“黄精获天地之淳精,故名为戊已芝,是此义也。”在植物分类学上,黄精(Polygonatum sibiricumRed.)被分... 植物学特性黄精之名取自于中医药用其得土地之精华,故时珍曰:“仙家以为芝草之类,以其得坤土之精粹,故谓之黄精。”《五符经》又云:“黄精获天地之淳精,故名为戊已芝,是此义也。”在植物分类学上,黄精(Polygonatum sibiricumRed.)被分为天门冬科(Asparagaceae)黄精属(Polygonatum)多年生草本植物。根状茎圆柱状,由于结节膨大,“节间”一头粗、一头细,在粗的一头有短分枝。茎高50~90厘米,或可达1米以上,有时呈攀缘状。叶轮生,每轮4~6枚,条状披针形,先端拳卷或弯曲成钩。 展开更多
关键词 条状披针 黄精 圆柱状 植物分类学 中医药 植物学特性
作者 齐耀东 赵鑫磊 《生物资源》 CAS 2023年第3期304-304,共1页
川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don),也称卷叶贝母,为百合科贝母属多年生植物。通常植株高20~65 cm。地下鳞茎药用,直径8~15 mm,由2枚鳞片组成;茎生叶对生为主,兼有互生或轮生,多呈条状披针形或条形,上部叶长于下部叶,先端卷曲或成弯... 川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don),也称卷叶贝母,为百合科贝母属多年生植物。通常植株高20~65 cm。地下鳞茎药用,直径8~15 mm,由2枚鳞片组成;茎生叶对生为主,兼有互生或轮生,多呈条状披针形或条形,上部叶长于下部叶,先端卷曲或成弯钩状。苞片呈叶状,通常3枚,较少1~2枚,长于下部叶,比相邻的叶更狭细,先端向下强烈卷曲或近成环状弧曲。花通常单生,下垂呈钟状,也可见少量2~3朵花簇生于顶部,花色呈紫色时,通常具黄绿色斑纹及方格斑,花色为黄绿色时,具紫色斑纹及方格斑;花被片两轮,每轮3枚,在花被片近基部具向外凸起的蜜腺,凸起弧度约140°。 展开更多
关键词 条状披针 卷叶贝母 川贝母 叶状 贝母属 多年生植物 茎生叶
作者 肖昆(摄影) 林如珺 《生物学通报》 CAS 2023年第4期78-78,共1页
(Torreya fargesiiFranch.)是我国特有的裸子植物。乔木,树皮深灰色,不规则纵裂。一年生枝绿色,2~3年生枝呈黄绿色或黄色,稀淡褐黄色。叶条形,稀条状披针形,通常直,长1.3~3.0cm,宽2.0~3.0mm,先端微凸尖或微渐尖,具刺状短尖头,基部稍偏斜... (Torreya fargesiiFranch.)是我国特有的裸子植物。乔木,树皮深灰色,不规则纵裂。一年生枝绿色,2~3年生枝呈黄绿色或黄色,稀淡褐黄色。叶条形,稀条状披针形,通常直,长1.3~3.0cm,宽2.0~3.0mm,先端微凸尖或微渐尖,具刺状短尖头,基部稍偏斜,宽楔形,上面亮绿色,无明显隆起的中脉,通常有2条较明显的凹槽,延伸不达中部以上,下面淡绿色,中脉不隆起,气孔带较中脉带为窄,干后呈淡褐色,绿色边带较宽,约为气孔带的1倍。 展开更多
关键词 一年生枝 条状披针 安徽黄山 巴山榧树
作者 张胜邦(摄影) 张得宁 《生物学通报》 CAS 2023年第2期30-30,共1页
暗紫贝母(Fritillaria unibracteata P.K.Hsiao&K.C.Hsia)是百合科、贝母属的多年生草本植物,植株高20~40cm,鳞茎深埋土中。最下面1对叶对生,上面的叶散生或对生,条形或条状披针形,先端不卷曲。花1~3朵,外面深紫色,内面淡紫色,具黄... 暗紫贝母(Fritillaria unibracteata P.K.Hsiao&K.C.Hsia)是百合科、贝母属的多年生草本植物,植株高20~40cm,鳞茎深埋土中。最下面1对叶对生,上面的叶散生或对生,条形或条状披针形,先端不卷曲。花1~3朵,外面深紫色,内面淡紫色,具黄褐色小方格或条纹;叶状苞片1枚,先端不卷曲;花被2轮,花被片长2.5~2.7cm,外轮近长圆形,内轮稍宽于外轮,倒卵状长圆形;雄蕊长约为花被片长的一半;柱头裂片短。 展开更多
关键词 暗紫贝母 多年生草本植物 条状披针 卵状长圆 淡紫色 贝母属 深紫色 叶对生
瞿麦与混乱品种的鉴别 被引量:1
作者 刘振启 刘杰 《首都食品与医药》 2016年第3期63-63,共1页
瞿麦为常用中药,始载于《神农本草经》,被列为中品。陶弘景说:"子颇似麦,故名瞿麦。"瞿麦又名巨句麦、石竹、十样景花、石柱花、野麦。其味苦,性寒,有利尿通淋,活血通经的功效,用于治疗热淋、血淋、小便不通,淋漓涩痛,经闭瘀阻等。... 瞿麦为常用中药,始载于《神农本草经》,被列为中品。陶弘景说:"子颇似麦,故名瞿麦。"瞿麦又名巨句麦、石竹、十样景花、石柱花、野麦。其味苦,性寒,有利尿通淋,活血通经的功效,用于治疗热淋、血淋、小便不通,淋漓涩痛,经闭瘀阻等。瞿麦来源为石竹科植物瞿麦或石竹的干燥地上部分,主产于河北、四川、湖南、湖北等地。夏、秋二季花果期采割,除去杂质,干燥。瞿麦茎呈圆柱形,上部有分枝,长30~60cm,表面淡绿色或黄绿色,光滑无毛,节明显,略膨大,断面中空,叶对生,多皱缩,展平叶片呈条形至条状披针形,枝端具花及果实,花萼筒状,长2.5~3.7cm,花瓣边缘细裂成流苏状;蒴果包存于萼内,与宿萼等长,种子细小,多数。味淡。 展开更多
关键词 瞿麦 十样景花 石柱花 去杂质 巨句麦 条状披针 利尿通淋 神农本草经 小便不通 宿萼
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