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清代蒙古族画家松年花鸟画的绘画思想 被引量:1
作者 荆建设 《齐鲁艺苑(山东艺术学院学报)》 2014年第5期68-70,共3页
关键词 松年 花鸟画 绘画思想
蒙古族书画家松年身份考证 被引量:1
作者 海棠 阿古达木 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2019年第5期174-177,共4页
本文提出了松年的真实身份及历史上对其旗属记载错误,在其仕途经历记载模糊的现状下,从入仕途径、仕途生涯两个方面入手剖析,经过对资料的整理对比研究,将能查到的史料,主要以地方志为主,与松年同时代的书画论集,及当下能找到的书画论... 本文提出了松年的真实身份及历史上对其旗属记载错误,在其仕途经历记载模糊的现状下,从入仕途径、仕途生涯两个方面入手剖析,经过对资料的整理对比研究,将能查到的史料,主要以地方志为主,与松年同时代的书画论集,及当下能找到的书画论集结合起来研究,总结出相关数据,结合其所在年代的时代特点,把关于松年身份及经历的信息在书画史上得以进一步明确,经过对其生平资料的整理对比研究,认为松年是蒙古镶蓝旗格图肯佐领下人,并且是通过"捐纳"走向仕途的,弄清这些问题能够更有利地为将来进一步研究这位难得的蒙古族书画理论家的画学理念夯实基础。 展开更多
关键词 清末 蒙古族书画家 松年 考证
“鹿”的图像隐喻:松年《追欢得禄图》考 被引量:2
作者 朱万章 《美术大观》 2022年第9期99-105,共7页
清代画家松年的《追欢得禄图》是一幅以“鹿”为主题的故实画。此画描绘松年祖上因骑射生涯而得“廪禄”,其意在勉励后人铭记祖德,谨守箴规。由此“得禄”而衍生至食禄、百禄、福禄、受禄、多禄与禄位等,都是取“鹿”与“禄”的谐音,既... 清代画家松年的《追欢得禄图》是一幅以“鹿”为主题的故实画。此画描绘松年祖上因骑射生涯而得“廪禄”,其意在勉励后人铭记祖德,谨守箴规。由此“得禄”而衍生至食禄、百禄、福禄、受禄、多禄与禄位等,都是取“鹿”与“禄”的谐音,既有俸禄、禄位之意,亦有长寿、福祉之寓。在清代,“鹿”题材出现前所未有的多元化发展态势。松年的《追欢得禄图》和其他“鹿”题材绘画一样,将“禄”的图像隐喻发挥到极致,从而成为一个特殊而饶有趣味的美术现象。 展开更多
关键词 松年 鹿 图像 隐喻 吉祥
作者 杨宁 《齐鲁艺苑(山东艺术学院学报)》 2023年第5期49-55,共7页
从康有为、陈独秀倡导“美术革命”时起,画界与学界就对晚清的绘画与画论存在着一股偏见,即晚清绘画陈陈相因,笔墨复古,晚清画论亦是处于凝滞状态,缺少新的理论命题,难以见到时代激变的印痕。但历史的真相是否如此?松年的《颐园论画》... 从康有为、陈独秀倡导“美术革命”时起,画界与学界就对晚清的绘画与画论存在着一股偏见,即晚清绘画陈陈相因,笔墨复古,晚清画论亦是处于凝滞状态,缺少新的理论命题,难以见到时代激变的印痕。但历史的真相是否如此?松年的《颐园论画》却给予我们不同的答案。松年论画不泥于今,不囿于规矩法度,尤其是对笔墨的见解,更不落古人窠臼,创造性地提出了“水法”概念,将用水与用笔、用墨、用色并列,并加以纸性辨别,从工具材料的角度辩证分析了笔、墨、水、色的关系和使用方法。松年还敢于冲破晚清画坛复古思潮的笼罩,提出“以造物为师”的主张,从实际生活中撷取艺术素材,改造笔墨程式,强调笔墨与造型的合力与关系。藉由松年《颐园论画》来反观晚清画论,可见20世纪中国画的“写生”“水法”等重大理论命题和技法演进,早在19世纪就已现端倪。晚清的笔墨观念中蕴含着20世纪中国画革命的先声。 展开更多
关键词 松年 《颐园论画》 笔墨 水法 造化
作者 张宁 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期119-122,共4页
清末民初,流寓济南的蒙古族画家松年为课徒而著《颐园论画》,此著在继承传统画论的同时颇多创建与心得,尤其对水法、传统人物画以及绘画个性的形成等多持有独特的见解,是对传统绘画理论与技法实践的推进与发展,而其间所蕴含的儒家传统... 清末民初,流寓济南的蒙古族画家松年为课徒而著《颐园论画》,此著在继承传统画论的同时颇多创建与心得,尤其对水法、传统人物画以及绘画个性的形成等多持有独特的见解,是对传统绘画理论与技法实践的推进与发展,而其间所蕴含的儒家传统思想也颇为显著。但因其所处时代所限,其绘画理论及文艺倾向难免存在局限与偏见,且所处时代恰逢中西文化的大碰撞期,鼎革易代的历史潮流使这部著作并未引起足够重视。 展开更多
关键词 松年 颐园论画 古典画论 儒家思想
《中华儿女》 2011年第17期76-77,共2页
李大钊同志参加的入党仪式 1915年,麻花板村的收成好于往年,多松年向家人提出了读书的想法,父母商量后,将他送到了归绥旧城的席力图召,请这里一位当喇嘛的亲戚教多松年识字。
关键词 《草原劲松多松年 散文 文学 松年
从松年《颐园论画》看晚清画学之变 被引量:1
作者 杨宁 《艺术评论》 CSSCI 2020年第3期109-119,共11页
在美术史界,对于晚清时期中国画学的发展,一直存在一种误解。这种误解与对19世纪绘画发展的歪曲认识一样,认为其缺乏创造力,因袭元、明画学之论,沿袭清前期的面貌,侧重于笔墨技法与创作规律,局限于董其昌所开创的"南北宗论"... 在美术史界,对于晚清时期中国画学的发展,一直存在一种误解。这种误解与对19世纪绘画发展的歪曲认识一样,认为其缺乏创造力,因袭元、明画学之论,沿袭清前期的面貌,侧重于笔墨技法与创作规律,局限于董其昌所开创的"南北宗论"而未脱离文人画体系,趋向于衰落。本文试图从一个不同的绘画史观来重新理解晚清的中国画学,因为在美术史研究领域,没有绝对的权威可言,较为合理的历史诠释可以消弭一些历史偏见。松年作为一个被历史所遮蔽的画论家,他的画学著作《颐园论画》,长久以来被尘封,未被系统解读。本文将从中锋与侧锋笔法的辩证关系、水法与笔墨的辩证关系,以及师古法与师造化之间的再平衡三个方面去研究《颐园论画》的价值,重新梳理清代画学的脉络。对松年《颐园论画》的探讨与分析,有助于理解晚清画学之变,亦有利于修正19世纪在绘画史上的定位。 展开更多
关键词 松年 《颐园论画》 笔法 水法 南北宗论 师造化
作者 苏力为 《东方收藏》 2023年第3期43-45,共3页
关键词 松年 书画艺术 基本特征 表现手法
从《颐园论画》批跋论俞剑华早期中国画学 被引量:1
作者 祝童 《天津美术学院学报》 2023年第1期33-38,共6页
俞剑华批跋松年《颐园论画》,连载《鼎脔》周刊达14期,然向未引起学界关注。考镜背景,俞氏之所以对是书精校批跋,成为整理本中最善者,与其对松年画论、画艺、人格之推崇颇有关系。批跋在继承《颐园论画》“独创”精蕴之基础上,从“临摹... 俞剑华批跋松年《颐园论画》,连载《鼎脔》周刊达14期,然向未引起学界关注。考镜背景,俞氏之所以对是书精校批跋,成为整理本中最善者,与其对松年画论、画艺、人格之推崇颇有关系。批跋在继承《颐园论画》“独创”精蕴之基础上,从“临摹”“写生”之入门取法,到“有我”“无我”之画家意识,再到“生趣”“精神”之美学追求,立于松年之论,而多所发明,系统地反映了俞氏早期中国画学观念。而批跋以其锐利的学术思辨,博综百家,针砭时弊,体现了其卓越之中国画史识、缜密之画论分类意识,不啻为其学术取向彻底回归传统之标志。 展开更多
关键词 俞剑华 画学 松年 《颐园论画》 《鼎脔》
Studies on the Secretion of Organic Acids from Roots of Two-year-old Larix olgensis under Nutrient and Water Stress
作者 宋金凤 杨迪 +2 位作者 马瑞 黄文斌 刘永 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期1015-1019,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of nutrient and water stress on the secretion of organic acids from roots of two-year-old Larix olgensis. [Method] Different nutrient and water stress conditions... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of nutrient and water stress on the secretion of organic acids from roots of two-year-old Larix olgensis. [Method] Different nutrient and water stress conditions were designed to investi- gate the types and quantities of organic acids secreted from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis. [Result] Under nutrient and water stress, the types of organic acids secreted from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis increased, which varied with different stress levels. In addition, nutrient and water stress also increased the secretory vol- ume of organic acids from roots of two-year-old L. olgensis. The increment in total amount of organic acids reached the maximum under Level 1 (high stress). Among different types of organic acids, the increment in secretory volume of citric acid reached the maximum, followed by malic acid, while oxalic acid presented relatively small increment. Furthermore, the increment in secretory volume of these three organic acids all reached the maximum under Level 1. [Conclusion] The proportion of the secretory volume of each organic acid accounting for the total amount of organic acids varied slightly, but the overall order was unchanged. 展开更多
关键词 Nutrient stress Water stress Two-year-old Larix olgensis Organic acidssecreted from roots
The Effect of Acupuncture on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women 被引量:2
作者 欧阳钢 王玲玲 +3 位作者 王东岩 卓铁军 申志祥 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期9-11,共3页
  According to the TCM theory that the kidney is in charge of the bone, the authors carried out a study on the effect of acupuncture on bone mineral density in 40 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated by th...   According to the TCM theory that the kidney is in charge of the bone, the authors carried out a study on the effect of acupuncture on bone mineral density in 40 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated by the method of reinforcing the kidney to strengthen the bone, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported as follows.…… 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Bone Density Aged FEMALE Humans Middle Aged Osteoporosis Postmenopausal
作者 李梅 孟迅吾 +2 位作者 周学瀛 邢小平 余卫 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期222-225,共4页
Objective.To investigate the distribution frequency of parathyroid hormone(PTH)gene polymorphism in healthy adults from Bejing area and to explore the association of PTH genotypes with bone mineral density(BMD).Method... Objective.To investigate the distribution frequency of parathyroid hormone(PTH)gene polymorphism in healthy adults from Bejing area and to explore the association of PTH genotypes with bone mineral density(BMD).Methods.PTH gene polymorphism was detected in270subjects by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)and PCR /restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR /RFLP).The digestion products of restriction enzyme Bst B1were separated on1%agarose gels.PTH genotypes were confirmed by DNA sequences analysis.BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA,DPX -L ,Lunar).Results.Genotype frequencies of BB,Bb,bb were73.7%,25.9%and0.4%respectively in Beijing adults(P<0.01),67.1%,32.2%and0.7%in postmenopausal women,which was different from Japanese wom-en.We statistically compared bone mineral density at the lumbar2-4and proximal femur between BB and Bb genotypes.No obvious association was found between the BMD and PTH genotypes in Beijing women(P>0.05).Conclusion.PTH gene polymorphism is not associated with BMD in Chinese women.The further research to explore the genetic risk factors of osteoporosis should be committed. 展开更多
关键词 parathyroid hormone gene polymorphism bone mineral density
作者 秦明伟 余卫 +3 位作者 徐苓 田均平 邢小平 孟迅吾 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期97-99,共3页
Objective. To study the whole body bone mineral changes in normal subjects.Methods. Bone mineral was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry(DXA) in 292 normal subjectsaged 10~79 years, including 152 females and 140 ma... Objective. To study the whole body bone mineral changes in normal subjects.Methods. Bone mineral was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry(DXA) in 292 normal subjectsaged 10~79 years, including 152 females and 140 males. They were divided into age-groups by decade.Results. In males, the ages with peak value of total bone mineral content (TBMC), total bone min-eral density (TBMD), anteroposterior spine BMD(L2-4 BMD) were in the 30~39,20~39, 20~29 age-groups respectively. In females, they were all in the 30~39 age-group. Peak values of TBMC, TBMD,L2-4 BMD were higher in males than those in females. Loss of bone mineral for females was more pro-nounced than that for males. Loss of L2-4 BMD was more pronounced than TBMD.Conclusion. This study provides the normal bone mineral data of whole body for males and females,and the characteristic of changes. 展开更多
关键词 OSTEOPOROSIS bone density dual X-ray absorptiometry whole body
作者 徐苓 陈孝署 +2 位作者 赵熙和 俞卫 葛秦生 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1994年第3期197-200,共4页
Fractures are one of the most common causes of disability in older women. The quantity and density of bone decreases with age. Most types of fractures increase as bone density declines. But most of the knowledge abou... Fractures are one of the most common causes of disability in older women. The quantity and density of bone decreases with age. Most types of fractures increase as bone density declines. But most of the knowledge about causes and prevention of fractures comes from studies performed in Western countries. Asian women appear to have similar or slightly lower bone density that may be a result of their smaller size. They appear to have a lower risk of hip fracture than Whites, which may be a result of their shorter hip axis. The risks of other types of fractures in Chinese women is less well defined and reasons for differences in the rates of osteoporotic fractures between China and Western countries remain to be explored. A study is underway in Beijing to describe the risks and potential causes of fractures among older women in urban China. Randomized trials in Western countries have demonstrated that calcium and vitamin D, estrogen, calcitonin,or bisphosphonates can reduce the rate of fractures. Increased intake of calcium and vitamin D may be the most effective approach to preventing fractures in China, but this should be tested in a randomized trial. 展开更多
作者 戴力扬 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期42-44,共3页
A randomized block design was used to compare the Singh index, the cortical index of the femoral neck and the lateral cortical width of the femur of a group of patients with femoral neck fracture, a group with intertr... A randomized block design was used to compare the Singh index, the cortical index of the femoral neck and the lateral cortical width of the femur of a group of patients with femoral neck fracture, a group with intertrochanteric fracture, and a normal control group among a total of 102 postmenopausal women.The three indices in fracture group were very significantly (P<0.01) or significantly (P<0.05) different from those in the normal control subjects. The importance of osteoporosis in hip fracture of the aged is con firmed. Radiographic measurement of bone mass was found to have some predictive value for the risk of hip fracture. 展开更多
关键词 OSTEOPOROSIS hip fractures
Management Guidelines for Calabrian Pine Reforestations Carried Out in Southern Italy in the 1950s-70s
作者 Silvano Avolio Vincenzo Bemardini Erica Clerici Matteo Tomaiuolo 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第9期1050-1056,共7页
After the Second World War of the past century in Italy extended plantations were carried out. In Southern Italy the Calabrian pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) has been the most used species, for its ability to take root... After the Second World War of the past century in Italy extended plantations were carried out. In Southern Italy the Calabrian pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) has been the most used species, for its ability to take root in many difficult conditions. Currently the extension of this vegetation is about 36,000 hectares, in great part established in Calabria. They have reduced hydrogeological risks, they have carried out an important social role and have improved the landscape and the environment of huge hill and mountain territories. After the realization of these stands, no forest management has been made in order to define purposes and silvicultural operations. All stands are currently vulnerable in order to abiotic (fire, breakages) and biotic (Traumatocampa (--- Thaumetopoea) pityocampa (Denis & Schiff.) and Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref.) agents. For the future, the silvicultural management of these stands will not be able to avoid planning choices, in order to improve the structural stability and the bioecological functionality and to consider the recent opportunities offered from the agroenergetic field. 展开更多
关键词 Reforestations calabrian pine FUNCTIONALITY VULNERABILITY potentiality.
Impact of Droughts on Cedrus atlantica Forests Dieback in the Auras (Algeria)
作者 Dalila Kherchouche Mahdi Kalla +2 位作者 Emilia M. Gutierrez Said Attalah Madj i d B ouzghaia 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1262-1269,共8页
Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three re... Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three reported episodes of massive tree mortality in 1880, 1980, and 2000 were attributed to drought at least as the triggering factor. Our main objective was to reconstruct drought events that could be linked to Atlas cedar tree mortality using tree-ring series. We developed a Cedrus atlantica tree-ring width chronology in Chelia with a reliable period spanning from 1502 to 2008. Based on the relationship between chronology indices and instrumental precipitation data, we reconstructed total October-June precipitation. Dry events were identified using a threshold of 90% of the October-June mean instrumental precipitation. The unique drought event of 3-year period (1877-1879) could explain the tree mortality occurred in 1880. In terms of severity and frequency of droughts, the later half of the twentieth century seems to be the worst and may be responsible for the recent tree mortality. 展开更多
关键词 Atlas cedar tree mortality meteorological drought dendrochronology precipitation reconstruction.
Study on industry chain based on perfect Songjiang district elderly health
作者 HAO Xiaozhen 《International English Education Research》 2016年第6期29-32,共4页
In China's rapid aging, old before getting rich, the traditional way of pension weakening, health industry chain shortage situation, combining with the status quo of Shanghai Songjiang District elderly health industr... In China's rapid aging, old before getting rich, the traditional way of pension weakening, health industry chain shortage situation, combining with the status quo of Shanghai Songjiang District elderly health industry and the existing problems are analyzed, based on the existing health industry, practice, to explore the Shanghai Songjiang District is facing in the development of health industry., improve Songjiang elderly health industry chain. 展开更多
关键词 AGING health industry chain IMPROVEMENT
Urban Metabolism Based on Emergy and Slack Based Model: A Case Study of Beijing, China 被引量:2
作者 SONG Tao CAI Jianming +4 位作者 XU Hui DENG Yu NIU Fangqu YANG Zhenshan DU Shanshan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期113-123,共11页
The key to studying urban sustainable development depends on quantifying stores, efficiencies of urban metabolisms and capturing urban metabolisms′ mechanisms. This paper builds up the metabolic emergy account and qu... The key to studying urban sustainable development depends on quantifying stores, efficiencies of urban metabolisms and capturing urban metabolisms′ mechanisms. This paper builds up the metabolic emergy account and quantifies some important concepts of emergy stores. Emphasis is placed on the urban metabolic model based on the slack based model(SBM) method to measure urban metabolic efficiencies. Urban metabolic mechanisms are discussed by using the regression method. By integrating these models, this paper analyzes the urban metabolic development in Beijing from 2001 to 2010. We conclude that the metabolic emergy stores of Beijing increased significantly from 2001 to 2010, with the emergy imported accounting for most of the increase. The metabolic efficiencies in Beijing have improved since the 2008 Olympic Games. The population, economic growth, industrial structures, and environmental governance positively affect the overall urban metabolism, while the land expansion, urbanization and environmentally technical levels hinder the improving of urban metabolic efficiencies. The SBM metabolic method and the regression model based on the emergy analysis provide insights into the urban metabolic efficiencies and the mechanism. They can promote to integrate such concepts into their sustainability analyses and policy decisions. 展开更多
关键词 emergy theory urban metabolism slack based model(SBM) Beijing Municipality regression analysis
Efficacy and Effect of SI17 Therapy on Pancreatic Polypeptide in Vascular and Tension-Type Headache
作者 张小澍 李永昌 +4 位作者 任淑梅 匡培根 吴卫平 张凤英 刘洁晓 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第3期206-209,共4页
  Background and purpose: Vascular and tension-type headache is most commonly encountered, and SI17 therapy has been tested to treat headache with good results. The efficacy of SI17 therapy for vascular and tension-...   Background and purpose: Vascular and tension-type headache is most commonly encountered, and SI17 therapy has been tested to treat headache with good results. The efficacy of SI17 therapy for vascular and tension-type headache was compared and the effect of SI17 therapy on pancreatic polypeptide (PP) was studied. Materials and methods: 29 cases of vascular headache (20 cases in acute attack during the trial) and 27 cases of tension-type headache (19 cases in acute attack) were enrolled in the study. Plasma PP level before and 4th day after treatment was measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: SI17 therapy is better for the treatment of vascular headache. Vascular headache with higher PP level and tension-type headache with normal PP level had good therapeutic results. Conclusion: The clinical efficacy is better for vascular headache with the increase of vagus tension and for tension-type headache with normal vagus tension.   展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Points ADOLESCENT ADULT Aged CHILD DEXAMETHASONE Female Humans INJECTIONS Male Middle Aged Pancreatic Polypeptide Tension-Type Headache Vascular Headaches
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