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作者 杨万洪 柳先发 +1 位作者 徐志忠 李兴发 《现代农业科技》 2010年第13期249-249,251,共2页
关键词 松木林 雪灾调查 存在问题 恢复措施 浙江景宁 澄照乡
作者 王清 樊东 张家源 《山西建筑》 2025年第5期104-108,共5页
通过百度试验法调查了人工林松木的干燥特征,对25 mm粗锯材的干燥指标和干燥工艺研究。结果表明,松木百度干燥缺陷情况轻微,初期裂纹等级为2,弯曲变化等级为1,断面变化等级为1,内裂等级为1,干燥速度等级为4。木材含水率(质量分数)为15%... 通过百度试验法调查了人工林松木的干燥特征,对25 mm粗锯材的干燥指标和干燥工艺研究。结果表明,松木百度干燥缺陷情况轻微,初期裂纹等级为2,弯曲变化等级为1,断面变化等级为1,内裂等级为1,干燥速度等级为4。木材含水率(质量分数)为15%时的密度为0.658 g/cm^(3)。木材的干缩性较小,干燥过程中产生的开裂现象也较少。按照规定的干燥标准对材料进行常规干燥,厚度为25 mm的锯材从初始含水率(质量分数)50.3%~54.2%的范围干燥至最终含水率(质量分数)在6.2%~7.3%之间,整个干燥过程需要60 h,干燥均速为0.74%/h。材料的最终含水率、厚度上含水率偏差与干燥缺陷方面的指标均达到国家规定一级干燥质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 木材干燥 百度试验法 人工松木 干燥特性 干燥基准
作者 徐素文 梁洪双 +1 位作者 阮学培 黄毅 《风景名胜》 2020年第4期0250-0250,0252,共2页
松木林种类繁多,松木林属于林业资源,它是一种可再生资源,属于社会资源范畴,它促进经济的发展,对松木林进行合理的种植才符合可持续发展观,使得林业资源朝着可持续的方向发展。但现实生活中,松木林在种植方面上存在着众多问题,... 松木林种类繁多,松木林属于林业资源,它是一种可再生资源,属于社会资源范畴,它促进经济的发展,对松木林进行合理的种植才符合可持续发展观,使得林业资源朝着可持续的方向发展。但现实生活中,松木林在种植方面上存在着众多问题,这些问题阻碍着林业资源的可持续性发展,本篇论文浅谈关于松木林在种植方面存在的问题及对策。结合现在松木林在种植上的问题,提出相应的解决对策,将有利于对后续的松木林种植,也将有利于我国的林业。 展开更多
关键词 松木林 种植 问题及对策
作者 吴善兴 《浙江林业科技》 北大核心 1989年第3期61-64,共4页
关键词 基地建设 木材生产 纸张生产 基地面积 化产品 资源 速丰 松木林 造纸原料 造纸工业
作者 邓柏松 《经济林研究》 1993年第S1期106-108,共3页
“以林为主,积极发展多种经营”是我国的林业发展方针。近几年来,清流县各级领导由于认真贯彻了这一方针,取得了显著的效果,林业面貌有很大改观,全县经济有较大的发展。通过近几年的实践,我们有以下几点体会和认识: 一、多种经营是科技... “以林为主,积极发展多种经营”是我国的林业发展方针。近几年来,清流县各级领导由于认真贯彻了这一方针,取得了显著的效果,林业面貌有很大改观,全县经济有较大的发展。通过近几年的实践,我们有以下几点体会和认识: 一、多种经营是科技兴林的必然趋势 清流县是“八山一水一分田”的典型林区县,共有山地面积234万亩。长期以来,由于只是单一的以伐木为主,辅之于采伐后的迹地更新造林,也是单纯的造杉、松木林,这种结果经营单调,效益很低,难怪出现了只见林子逐年减少,而不见收入增加的局面。 展开更多
关键词 科技兴 八山一水 发展多种经营 分田 县各级领导 木材蓄积量 松木林 迹地更新 清流县 业产业结构
作者 管宁 《国际木业》 2004年第11期25-26,共2页
"由于住房建造、维修和翻新方面需求强劲和南半球至美国的海运紧张,运费上涨,2004年美国木线市场破纪录地涨价50%~100%。本文根据R.E.Taylor & Associates Ltd/WOOD MarketsResearch Inc.的《全球无疵松木锯材、木线和木制品... "由于住房建造、维修和翻新方面需求强劲和南半球至美国的海运紧张,运费上涨,2004年美国木线市场破纪录地涨价50%~100%。本文根据R.E.Taylor & Associates Ltd/WOOD MarketsResearch Inc.的《全球无疵松木锯材、木线和木制品行业2008年前景展望报告》简述了海外人工林松木供应的发展、美国木线行业和市场需求趁势、MDF替代松木实木的威胁,以及可代替美国产品的海外松木供应等问题。" 展开更多
关键词 松木木线业 2008年 发展前景 人工松木林采伐 松木门窗 分销策略
Storage dynamics of fallen trees in a mixed broadleaved and Korean pine forest 被引量:3
作者 代力民 陈高 +3 位作者 邓红兵 徐振邦 李扬 陈华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期107-110,共4页
A study of the storage dynamics in the mixed broadleaved and Korean pine forests was carried out in the Changbai Mountains, Jilin Province, P. R. China. The modifying law of fallen trees was the storage dynamics of th... A study of the storage dynamics in the mixed broadleaved and Korean pine forests was carried out in the Changbai Mountains, Jilin Province, P. R. China. The modifying law of fallen trees was the storage dynamics of the existing fallen trees and the annual input in the mixed broadleaved and Korean pine forest. The current storage of fallen trees was 16.25 t昲m-2 in the initially, but after 100 years, 85% of the storage in dry weight was decomposed, and little material was left after 300 years. The average annual input of fallen trees was 0.6 t昲m-2and it increased with time to 31.0 t昲m-2after 200 years, which was maintained until the climax community ended. The total storage of fallen trees increased in the early stage. The decomposition of fallen trees eventually reached equilibrium with storage being identical with the annual input of fallen trees. 展开更多
关键词 Broadleaved/Korean pine forest STORAGE DYNAMICS Fallen trees Changbai Mountains.
松材线虫病综合防治技术研究 被引量:6
作者 王玉江 《农业科技与信息》 2022年第22期62-65,共4页
松材线虫病是由松材线虫寄生在松树体内引起的一种毁灭性病害,其对松树成长有巨大威胁。做好松材线虫病综合防治工作对维护生态平衡、保护松树资源具有重要意义。本文以阐述松材线虫病的危害性作为切入点,分析松材线虫病的传播途径,以... 松材线虫病是由松材线虫寄生在松树体内引起的一种毁灭性病害,其对松树成长有巨大威胁。做好松材线虫病综合防治工作对维护生态平衡、保护松树资源具有重要意义。本文以阐述松材线虫病的危害性作为切入点,分析松材线虫病的传播途径,以此探究综合防治对松材线虫病防治的应用意义,最后总结了松材线虫病综合防治的技术措施,以此促进松树健康成长、提高森林覆盖率、提升生态服务功能。 展开更多
关键词 松木林 松材线虫病 综合防治
作者 刘祥林 周付民 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第2期115-117,共3页
关键词 地膜覆盖 增温保湿 单株叶片数 叶面积 物候期 生长发育 温度条件 增温效果 生长季节 松木林
Response of seedlings of different tree species to elevated CO_2 in Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 王淼 李秋荣 +1 位作者 代力民 姬兰柱 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期112-116,共5页
Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadlea... Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadleaved/Korean pine forest, to elevated CO2 were studied by using open-top chambers under natural sunlight in Changbai Mountain, China in two growing seasons (1998-1999). Two concentrations of CO2 were designed: elevated CO2 (700 祄olmol-1) and ambient CO2 (400 祄olmol-1). The study results showed that the height growth of the tree seedlings grown at elevated CO2 increased by about 10%-40% compared to those grown at ambient CO2. And the water using efficiency of seedlings also followed the same tendency. However, the responses of seedlings in transpiration and chlorophyll content to elevated CO2 varied with tree species. The broad-leaf tree species were more sensitive to the elevated CO2 than conifer tree species. All seedlings showed a photosynthetic acclimation to long-term elevated CO2. 展开更多
关键词 Elevated CO_2 Eco-physiological response Changbai Mountain
作者 谢农 吴明日 袁友发 《老区建设》 1992年第7期35-35,共1页
关键词 乐安县 眼光独到 建昌 号角声 座座 两山 农民人均纯收入 松木林 平收 生产责任制
作者 朱重权 方鉴煌 《老区建设》 1993年第11期15-15,共1页
关键词 农村工作 乡镇党委 珍珠养殖 人均纯收人 农业产业结构 经济发展 常规品种 松木林 尸子 毛竹
合作办场 规模经营
作者 秦开培 《广西林业》 1990年第5期28-29,共2页
三江侗族自治县丹洲林业采育场,是一个乡、村、屯三级联办的集体合作林场。现有人工杉木林66000亩,松木林9320亩,防护林1140亩以及水果、茶叶、笋竹两用林等经济林730亩,现有森林蓄积量14万 m^3,价值5000余万元,建场14年来,逐步开创了... 三江侗族自治县丹洲林业采育场,是一个乡、村、屯三级联办的集体合作林场。现有人工杉木林66000亩,松木林9320亩,防护林1140亩以及水果、茶叶、笋竹两用林等经济林730亩,现有森林蓄积量14万 m^3,价值5000余万元,建场14年来,逐步开创了一条合作办场、规模经营的道路。 展开更多
关键词 规模经营 合作 笋竹 三江侗族自治县 丹洲 松木林 蓄积量 杉木 业生产周期 荒山
强化资源管理 合理开发利用松脂资源
作者 林云 龚承荣 秦春南 《广西林业》 1992年第2期7-7,共1页
昭平县位于桂东南山区,适宜于马尾松等树种的生长。昭平县历届党委、政府均把发展林业作为全县重要经济支柱产业来抓,采取了一系列措施,使有限的松脂资源得到合理开发和利用。1990年,全县有林面积达到253万亩,其中松木林129万亩,占有林... 昭平县位于桂东南山区,适宜于马尾松等树种的生长。昭平县历届党委、政府均把发展林业作为全县重要经济支柱产业来抓,采取了一系列措施,使有限的松脂资源得到合理开发和利用。1990年,全县有林面积达到253万亩,其中松木林129万亩,占有林面积的51%,森林覆盖率达到51.8%,活立木蓄积量1009万m^3,人均32m^3。全县生产松脂达19250.7吨,分别比1954年和1978年增长113.9倍和2.56倍,成为全国十大松脂生产县之一。“七五”期间,全县生产松脂100198吨,生产松香40815.13吨,产值13000万元。 展开更多
关键词 资源管理 活立木蓄积量 经济支柱产业 受脂器 松木林 昭平县 开发利用 采伐 业厅
Effects of Chinese Fir,Loblolly Pine and Deciduous Oak Forests on Nutrient States of Soils in Northern Subtro-pics of China 被引量:10
作者 LUO RU-YING and GAO ZHI-QIN(Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210057 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期1-10,共10页
This paper deals with a study on the effects of Chinese fir, loblolly pine and deciduous oak forests on thenutrient status of soils in northern subtropics of China, adopting the principle of forest ecology in the case... This paper deals with a study on the effects of Chinese fir, loblolly pine and deciduous oak forests on thenutrient status of soils in northern subtropics of China, adopting the principle of forest ecology in the caseof similar climate and soil type. The experimental area was situated in the Xiashu Experimental Centre ofForest, where the soil is yellow-brown soil derived from siliceous slope wash. Sample plots of these 3 standswere established to study the nutrient status in litter, the amount of nutrient uptake by roots, the quantityof nutrient output by percolating water outside the deep layer of soil, and the seasonal dynamics of availablenutrient in surface soil. It was shown that the intensity of nutrient cycling in soil under deciduous oak wasthe highest, and the effect of oak in improving soil fertility was the best. The result of improving soil fertilityby Chinese fir was the most inferior, though the intensity of nutrient cycling under that stand was higherthan that under loblolly pine stand. The influence of loblolly pine on the improvement of soil fertility wasbetter than that of Chinese fir, in spite of its lowest intensity of nutrient cycling. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese fir deciduous oak LITTER loblolly pine nutrient status
Effects of Environmental Factors on Tree Seedling Regeneration in a Pine-oak Mixed Forest in the Qinling Mountains, China 被引量:15
作者 YU Fei WANG De-xiang +3 位作者 SHI Xiao-xiao YI Xian-feng HUANG Qing-ping HU You-ning 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期845-853,共9页
Natural seedling regeneration and tree establishment are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, we established eight, eight, six, and four independent forest stands (each stand was further divided ... Natural seedling regeneration and tree establishment are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, we established eight, eight, six, and four independent forest stands (each stand was further divided into five subplots) respectively based on the altitudinal gradient, stand density, slope location, and slope aspect to investigate the effects of environmental factors on tree seedling regeneration in a pine-oak mixed forest. The results indicated that the seedling density was significantly higher at altitudes of 1,283 m to 1,665 m, whereas the sapling density did not differ with altitudes. The seedling and sapling density decreased significantly at 1,835 m. The seedling densities on the upper slopes were much higher than those on the middle and lower slopes, whereas the sapling density had no difference. The sapling density decreased southwest (20°-75°) whereas gradually from the it increased on the shady slopes to the northeast (40°). The seedling density increased from southwest (20°) to northeast (40°The seedling and sapling densities increased with the stand density (850 trees ha-1 to 1,525 trees ha-1) whereas the sapling density was significantly lower in stands (1,9oo trees ha-O. Principal components analysis showed that the slope aspect and stand density had more important roles in tree regeneration in this study region compared with the other two factors. Therefore, our findings suggest that it will be beneficial to keep stands at a moderate density on shady slopes. Appropriate thinning of higher density stands is also expected to promote the natural regeneration of pine-oak mixed forest. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental factors Pine-oak mixedforest Qinling Mountains REGENERATION
Impact of Droughts on Cedrus atlantica Forests Dieback in the Auras (Algeria)
作者 Dalila Kherchouche Mahdi Kalla +2 位作者 Emilia M. Gutierrez Said Attalah Madj i d B ouzghaia 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第11期1262-1269,共8页
Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three re... Cedar forests area in northeastern Algeria (Aures) is decreasing by the massive tree mortality. In some localities more than 95% of the trees have recently died (e.g. Boumerzoug in Belezma National Park). Three reported episodes of massive tree mortality in 1880, 1980, and 2000 were attributed to drought at least as the triggering factor. Our main objective was to reconstruct drought events that could be linked to Atlas cedar tree mortality using tree-ring series. We developed a Cedrus atlantica tree-ring width chronology in Chelia with a reliable period spanning from 1502 to 2008. Based on the relationship between chronology indices and instrumental precipitation data, we reconstructed total October-June precipitation. Dry events were identified using a threshold of 90% of the October-June mean instrumental precipitation. The unique drought event of 3-year period (1877-1879) could explain the tree mortality occurred in 1880. In terms of severity and frequency of droughts, the later half of the twentieth century seems to be the worst and may be responsible for the recent tree mortality. 展开更多
关键词 Atlas cedar tree mortality meteorological drought dendrochronology precipitation reconstruction.
作者 翔飞 《江南(诗)》 2014年第6期70-71,共2页
关键词 紫菀花 松木林 蚤蝼 肯辛顿 默里 伙伴们
作者 蔡得全 《江河文学》 2012年第6期39-41,共3页
如若坐江边,如果潺潺流水正逝韶华;那便让我与你一起,听着正涤荡如梭岁月的音符,为可以哭出声音的既不婉转也不迂回的余音哭泣,我想对你说点什么,却真是没什么可说的。青涩习惯在茫茫的人海和悠悠的小岁月中寻觅,习惯在苍凉荒芜中寻访... 如若坐江边,如果潺潺流水正逝韶华;那便让我与你一起,听着正涤荡如梭岁月的音符,为可以哭出声音的既不婉转也不迂回的余音哭泣,我想对你说点什么,却真是没什么可说的。青涩习惯在茫茫的人海和悠悠的小岁月中寻觅,习惯在苍凉荒芜中寻访东边升起的太阳,然而,终得散着寂寞芬芳却无法梳理的月光。那一年,你若一只躺在花蕊里辗转的蜂,到处都是带着美丽的柔软,一间老屋,一铺土炕。 展开更多
关键词 对你说 吃饺子 不知道 娶媳妇 放声歌唱 莫言 给你 松木林 自恋 涛声依旧
为和蚂蚁怄气 换来十天拘留
作者 饶伟贞 《浙江消防》 2003年第9期49-49,共1页
关键词 懊悔不已 治安管理 治安拘留 毛竹山 松木林 里结 油茶
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