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骶管注射配合松腰术治疗腰椎间盘突出78例疗效观察 被引量:1
作者 李军领 翟卷平 陈伟强 《临床合理用药杂志》 2011年第5期18-18,共1页
骶管注射是传统非手术治疗腰椎间盘突出的常用方法,我院在骶管注射下配合松腰术锻炼治疗腰椎间盘突出,取得了良好的效果,现报道如下。1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料78例患者,男56例,女22例;年龄18~65岁;病程2个月~10年。临床症状与体征... 骶管注射是传统非手术治疗腰椎间盘突出的常用方法,我院在骶管注射下配合松腰术锻炼治疗腰椎间盘突出,取得了良好的效果,现报道如下。1 资料与方法 1.1 临床资料78例患者,男56例,女22例;年龄18~65岁;病程2个月~10年。临床症状与体征:单侧下肢放射痛62例, 展开更多
关键词 骶管注射 松腰 椎间盘突出
作者 李军领 陈伟强 +1 位作者 高谦 苌永利 《临床合理用药杂志》 2011年第9期91-92,共2页
目的观察骶管注射加蚣蝎五倍膏联合松腰术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法将腰椎间盘突出症患者46例随机分为观察组和对照组,各23例。对照组采用单纯骶管注射治疗,观察组采用骶管注射、蚣蝎五倍膏联合松腰术治疗。治疗1个月后、1年... 目的观察骶管注射加蚣蝎五倍膏联合松腰术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法将腰椎间盘突出症患者46例随机分为观察组和对照组,各23例。对照组采用单纯骶管注射治疗,观察组采用骶管注射、蚣蝎五倍膏联合松腰术治疗。治疗1个月后、1年后对其疼痛治疗效果进行观察。结果治疗1个月后,2组视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分均低于治疗前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);且观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。1年后,观察组疼痛程度轻于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论骶管注射加蚣蝎五倍膏联合松腰术治疗腰椎间盘突出症效果确切,疗效迅速,近远期预后较好。 展开更多
关键词 椎间盘突出症 骶管注射 蚣蝎五倍膏 松腰
《少林与太极》 2020年第9期61-61,共1页
关键词 太极拳 松腰 老师 讲解
作者 邓一琳 《中华武术》 2020年第5期44-46,共3页
任何习练太极拳的人,如果不知道如何来松腰,如何来松胯,如何来圆裆开胯,如何来松膝,以及如何来旋踝,那么太极拳是不可能打好的,而且十有八九会伤害这些部位。有些人也许目前还没有感觉到这些部位的不适,但长此以往,年老之后,难免会遭受... 任何习练太极拳的人,如果不知道如何来松腰,如何来松胯,如何来圆裆开胯,如何来松膝,以及如何来旋踝,那么太极拳是不可能打好的,而且十有八九会伤害这些部位。有些人也许目前还没有感觉到这些部位的不适,但长此以往,年老之后,难免会遭受这些部位疼痛的折磨。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 习练 松腰
“2014年第二届北京国际武术文化节暨第十届北京国际武术邀请赛北京国际武术与养生文化研讨会”论文 太极拳松腰胯的生物力学原理初探 被引量:2
作者 马春敏 陈宇征 +1 位作者 马洪涛 张德永 《中华武术(研究)》 2014年第8期75-79,共5页
本文运用人体生物力学分析软件Any Body和有限元分析软件Ansys对太极拳的站式身法进行了姿态和骨骼受力的分析。对放松腰胯的解剖学内涵,以及生物力学原理进行了深入研究。探索和寻找太极拳站式身法可以促使人体腰胯放松的科学依据和动... 本文运用人体生物力学分析软件Any Body和有限元分析软件Ansys对太极拳的站式身法进行了姿态和骨骼受力的分析。对放松腰胯的解剖学内涵,以及生物力学原理进行了深入研究。探索和寻找太极拳站式身法可以促使人体腰胯放松的科学依据和动作要领。太极拳初期练形,高阶练气。现代科学对实体的研究手段多而对人体内气的研究手段很少,因此从研究方法上是否可以考虑集中研究太极拳"练形化气"的机理,帮助人们尽快体会到体内阳气的产生方式和运行规律。本文正基于此进行了一些实验性的探索。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 生物力学 松腰
针刀整体术式联合髂腰肌松解治疗腰椎间盘突出症机制解析 被引量:8
作者 叶勇 罗容 +3 位作者 范升 申韬 汤伟 孙梦龙 《中医药导报》 2022年第1期110-113,共4页
分析近20年来现代医学和中医学治疗腰椎间盘突出症的研究进展和相关成果,从针刀弓弦力学理论、网眼理论、肌筋膜链理论、腰椎-骨盆-髋关节运动模式、传统中医经筋理论等方面,系统阐述腰椎-骨盆-髋关节肌筋膜张力失衡的发病机制"。... 分析近20年来现代医学和中医学治疗腰椎间盘突出症的研究进展和相关成果,从针刀弓弦力学理论、网眼理论、肌筋膜链理论、腰椎-骨盆-髋关节运动模式、传统中医经筋理论等方面,系统阐述腰椎-骨盆-髋关节肌筋膜张力失衡的发病机制"。回"字形整体松解术联合髂腰肌松解可以从点、线、面方向打破弓弦力学三维病理构架,重构椎管内外的"压应力"和"张应力"平衡,减轻病理产物对神经、血管的多点卡压,从而缓解或临床治愈腰椎间盘突出症。 展开更多
关键词 椎间盘突出症 针刀 “回”型解术 治疗机制
作者 李文征 《双足与保健》 2017年第17期161-162,共2页
目的研究在治疗颈腰综合征中采取针刀松解颈周腧穴及腰夹脊穴治疗的临床效果。方法采取随机数字表法对2015年3月-2016年3月期间该院收治的100例颈腰综合夹脊穴治疗患者作为实验组,对比2组颈腰综合征患者的临床效果。结果实验组颈腰综合... 目的研究在治疗颈腰综合征中采取针刀松解颈周腧穴及腰夹脊穴治疗的临床效果。方法采取随机数字表法对2015年3月-2016年3月期间该院收治的100例颈腰综合夹脊穴治疗患者作为实验组,对比2组颈腰综合征患者的临床效果。结果实验组颈腰综合征患者ODI评分(27.54±2.21)分,JOA评分(18.98±2.54)分、总有效率98.00%等指标显著优于参照组ODI评分(55.54±2.89)分,JOA评分(11.24±3.11)分、总有效率84.00%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论将针刀松解颈周腧穴及腰夹脊穴应用在颈腰综合征治疗中疗效显著,可缓解患者疼痛,提升治愈率,值得借鉴应用。 展开更多
关键词 针刀解颈周腧穴及夹脊穴 综合征 临床效果
作者 陈巧丽 李英莲 郭为汀(指导) 《新中医》 CAS 2022年第24期229-233,共5页
介绍郭为汀主任治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床经验。郭为汀主任认为,腰椎间盘突出症病因有三,一为肝肾亏虚,二为瘀血阻滞,三为外感风寒湿、湿热之邪,证属本虚标实。临证多从血瘀证、寒湿证、湿热证、肝肾亏虚证辨证论治,强调从“瘀”与“滞... 介绍郭为汀主任治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床经验。郭为汀主任认为,腰椎间盘突出症病因有三,一为肝肾亏虚,二为瘀血阻滞,三为外感风寒湿、湿热之邪,证属本虚标实。临证多从血瘀证、寒湿证、湿热证、肝肾亏虚证辨证论治,强调从“瘀”与“滞”的特点出发,各个证型均需在辨证的基础上同时行气活血化瘀。分别用活血通络舒腰汤、温经散寒舒腰汤、清热通络松腰汤、补肾健腰汤等腰椎专用方治疗,配合中医外治法结合,同时还注重调畅情志和药膳食疗,辅助善后。 展开更多
关键词 椎间盘突出 活血通络舒 温经散寒舒 清热通络松腰 补肾健 食疗方 郭为汀
作者 乔海林 《按摩与导引》 2004年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 推拿 中药熏蒸 椎间盘突出症 松腰腿法
联合疗法对第3腰椎横突综合征患者的疗效观察 被引量:2
作者 张俊杰 张侠杰 +2 位作者 张俊杰 田河水 李嵘 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2020年第4期45-47,80,共4页
目的探讨针刀松解腰背深筋膜法结合离子导入法对第3腰椎横突综合征患者下肢局部张力及生物力学指标的影响。方法选取我院收治的第3腰椎横突综合征患者123例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组(61例)和观察组(62例)。对照组给予正... 目的探讨针刀松解腰背深筋膜法结合离子导入法对第3腰椎横突综合征患者下肢局部张力及生物力学指标的影响。方法选取我院收治的第3腰椎横突综合征患者123例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为对照组(61例)和观察组(62例)。对照组给予正清风痛宁注射液离子导入治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上予以针刀松解腰背深筋膜法治疗。14 d后,对比两组患者的临床疗效,随访6个月比较两组腰椎疼痛程度、腰椎功能改善效果、下肢局部张力、生物力学及不良反应发生情况。结果治疗后,观察组临床疗效优于对照组(P<0.05),视觉模拟评分(VAS)、简体中文版Oswestry功能障碍指数评分(SC-ODI)低于对照组(P<0.05),日本骨科协会下腰痛评分(JOA)高于对照组(P<0.05),组织能量吸收比及张力500 g位移高于对照组(P<0.05);两组不良反应发生率比较,P>0.05。结论针刀松解腰背深筋膜法结合离子导入法应用于第3腰椎横突综合征患者中通过提高患者下肢局部张力及改善生物力学情况,降低患者疼痛,改善患者腰椎功能从而有效提高临床疗效,且安全性较好。 展开更多
关键词 针刀背深筋膜法 离子导入法 第3椎横突综合征 下肢局部张力 椎功能
作者 李柯 《新课程学习》 2013年第4期183-183,共1页
关键词 立身中正 肩坠肘 坐胯松腰 弄清虚实
A new species of Gilpinia Benson(Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) from China 被引量:1
作者 Hannan WANG Wei XIAO +2 位作者 Gengyun NIU Xingyu WU Meicai WEI 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2019年第1期19-24,共6页
Gilpinia wui Wang & Wei sp. nov. of Diprionidae is described from China. The species was ever mentioned as Gilpinia wui Xin, nom. nud. without description, figures and diagnosis, and the type was also not designat... Gilpinia wui Wang & Wei sp. nov. of Diprionidae is described from China. The species was ever mentioned as Gilpinia wui Xin, nom. nud. without description, figures and diagnosis, and the type was also not designated. The larvae of G. wui feed on Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. The new species is similar to G.massoniana G. Xiao, 1992 from China but differs in clypeus laterally yellow marked, the posterior femur yellowish, the angle formed by the dorsal line between the upper end of the second ctenidium and the lancet apex with the ventral line between the apex of the second serrula and the lancet apex about 25 degrees, the 6 th annulus clearly broader, the ventral apical margin of penis valve multitoothed and the larvae feeding on Pinus tabulaeformis. 展开更多
作者 李仁光 《四川烹饪》 2003年第7期40-42,共3页
关键词 菜肴 制法 京粉焖肥肠 菊花鸡丸 水豆豉爆
作者 张薇薇 《保健与生活》 2018年第11期26-27,共2页
九、单鞭(五)微左转上步上体微向左转,左脚向左斜前方上步,脚跟着地。左掌随转体向左画弧至面前,掌心向内。目视左手。(图①)转体时要松腰松胯,上步与画弧应协调一致。易出偏差:上步时,身体前倾,臀部后凸。纠正方法:上体保... 九、单鞭(五)微左转上步上体微向左转,左脚向左斜前方上步,脚跟着地。左掌随转体向左画弧至面前,掌心向内。目视左手。(图①)转体时要松腰松胯,上步与画弧应协调一致。易出偏差:上步时,身体前倾,臀部后凸。纠正方法:上体保持端正,重心置于右腿,左脚跟有控制地轻轻着地,松腰敛臀。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 教学 分解 纠正方法 上体 脚跟 转体 松腰
Therapeutic observation on point-toward-point needling at points on the low back regions for residual back pain after percutaneous kyphoplasty 被引量:6
作者 Chen Shan-shan 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2019年第2期131-136,共6页
Objective: To observe the effect of point-toward-point needling at points on the low back regions on residual back pain after percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP), thoracolumbar function and quality of life (QOL) in patient... Objective: To observe the effect of point-toward-point needling at points on the low back regions on residual back pain after percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP), thoracolumbar function and quality of life (QOL) in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture (OVCF). Methods: A total of 72 patie nts with OVCF and residual back pain after PKP were in eluded and allocated into a treatme nt group (n=36) and a control group (n=36) by the random number table. Cases in the control group received salmon calcitonin injection (miacalcic), for 1 mL each time, once a day, and oral intake of calcium carbonate D3 pill, 600 mg each time, once a day, whereas cases in the treatment group received point-toward-point needling at points on the low back regions and electroacupuneture (EA) for 30 min each time, once a day and 6 times a week on the basis of the treatment in the control group. Treatment in both groups lasted for 2 weeks. Therapeutic efficacy indicators including visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI) and Barthel index (Bl) were evaluated before and after treatment and at follow-up visit (1 month after treatment). Results: The total effective rate was 94.4% and 88.9% in the treatment group after treatment and at the follow-up visit, respectively, higher than 77.8% and 69.4% in the control group, and the between-group differences were statistically significant (both P<0.05). After treatment and at the follow-up visit, the VAS and ODI scores decreased, and Bl scores in creased in both groups, and the in tra-group differe nces were statistically sign ifica nt (all P<0.05). After treatme nt and at the follow-up visit, between-group differences of VAS, ODI and Bl scores were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion: On the basis of conventional medication treatment, point-toward-point needling at points on the low back regions has a good therapeutic effect in relieving residual back pain after PKR improving thoracolumbar function and QOL, better than conventional medication treatment alone. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Point-toward-point Method ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Fractures Compression OSTEOPOROSIS Low Back Pain Pain Measurement Visual Analog Scale
Clinical observation on acupoint injection for back pain in patients with primary osteoporosis 被引量:4
作者 Hua Ying Wang Yan Wu Shao-chang 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第5期379-383,共5页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of acupoint injection with salmon calcitonin for back pain in elderly patients with primary osteoporosis.Methods:A total of 76 patients were selected and randomly divided int... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of acupoint injection with salmon calcitonin for back pain in elderly patients with primary osteoporosis.Methods:A total of 76 patients were selected and randomly divided into two groups by the random number table method,with 39 cases in the treatment group and 37 cases in the control group,respectively.Patients in both groups received routine anti-osteoporosis treatment.Patients in the treatment group received additional acupoint injection with salmon calcitonin at bilateral Pishu(BL 20)and Shenshu(BL 23),while patients in the control group received additional intramuscular injection with salmon calcitonin.The treatments for both groups were given once a day and lasted for 4 weeks.Visual analog scale(VAS)and Chinese Oswestry disability index(CODI)scores were observed before treatment,after 2 weeks and 4 weeks of treatment,and the use of analgesics during the treatment were recorded.Results:After treatment,the clinical efficacy in the treatment group was more significant than that in the control group(P<0.05).After 2 weeks and 4 weeks of treatment,the VAS scores in both groups showed significant intra-group and between-group differences(all P<0.05),and the CODI scores in both groups showed significant intra-group differences(all P<0.05).After 2 weeks of treatment,the CODI score showed no significant between-group difference(P>0.05).After 4 weeks of treatment,the improvement of CODI score in the treatment group was more significant than that in the control group(P<0.05).During the treatment,2 cases in the treatment group took analgesics versus 8 cases in the control group,and the result showed a significant between-group difference(P<0.05).Conclusion:For back pain in elderly patients with primary osteoporosis,based on the routine treatment of oral medication,the clinical efficacy of acupoint injection with salmon calcitonin at bilateral Pishu(BL 20)and Shenshu(BL 23)is more significant than that of intramuscular injection.Acupoint injection treatment can improve patients'conditions and reduce the use of analgesics. 展开更多
关键词 Acupoint Therapy HYDRO-ACUPUNCTURE Point Pishu(BL 20) Point Shenshu(BL 23) Visual Analog Scale Osteoporosis Low Back Pain Aged
Treatment of osteoporotic compression fracture of thoracic/lumbar vertebrae by kyphoplasty with SKY bone expander system 被引量:14
作者 熊健 党育 +2 位作者 姜保国 付中国 张殿英 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2010年第5期270-274,共5页
Objective: To investigate prospectively the effectiveness ofkyphoplasty with SKY bone expander system in treatment of compression fracture of thoracic/ lumbar vertebrae and correction of the deformity. Methods: Twe... Objective: To investigate prospectively the effectiveness ofkyphoplasty with SKY bone expander system in treatment of compression fracture of thoracic/ lumbar vertebrae and correction of the deformity. Methods: Twenty-five patients with thoracic/lumbar vertebral osteoporotic compression fracture were admitted to our hospital between March 2007 and March 2008, and treated by kyphoplasty with SKY bone expander system. Patient's pain status was rated with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score system 1 day before and 1 hour, 48 hours, 6 months, 12 months after surgery. In addition, Rolland-Mor- ris and Oswestry disability questionnaires (RDQ and ODI) were used for survey 1 day before and 1, 6, 12 months after surgery. Pre- and post-operative vertebral heights and Cobb's angles were measured based on the X-ray films and statistically analyzed. Results: There were 27 fractured vertebrae in these 25 patients. After SKY kyphoplasty, the Cobb's angles (9.8°±9.76°) were significantly reduced compared with preoperative angles (17.18°±9.35°, P〈0.05), and the average improve- ment rate was 39%. Patients' pain VAS scores were also greatly improved after operation (P〈0.05). Moreover, postoperative RDQ and ODI scores were significantly smaller than preoperative values (P〈0.05). Conclusions: Kyphoplasty with SKY bone expander system provides an effective method for treating thoracic/ lumbar vertebral osteoporotic compression fracture, with the advantages of small surgical wound and short duration. It can effectively recover the anterior and medial heights of fractured vertebrae (33% and 50%, respectively), reduce the Cobb's angle, quickly alleviate pain and improve patients' quality of life in a relatively short time period. 展开更多
关键词 Fractures bone Thoracic vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae VERTEBROPLASTY Pain Osteoporosis
Two kinds of posterior approach for Kummell's disease after osteoporotic thoracolumbar fracture 被引量:7
作者 龙厚清 万勇 +2 位作者 章鑫 刘少喻 李佛保 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第3期142-147,共6页
Objective: To compare the surgical results of two kinds of posterior approach for osteoporotic thoracolumbar Ktimmell's disease. Methods: Clinical and radiographic results of 1-segmental pedicle screw fixation com... Objective: To compare the surgical results of two kinds of posterior approach for osteoporotic thoracolumbar Ktimmell's disease. Methods: Clinical and radiographic results of 1-segmental pedicle screw fixation combined with vertebroplasty (Group A, n=12) or posterior shortening osteotomy (Group B, n=16) for osteoporotic thoracolumbar Kummell's disease were analyzed retrospectively. Japanese orthopedic association (JOA) and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were used for clinical evaluation. Neurological status was judged by Frankel grades. X-ray was used to evaluate the radiographic results. Complications related to operation and devices were also considered. Results: The follow-up period was 12-54 months (average 29 months). Pre- and post-operative VAS were 9.3 and 3.2 in Group A, 8.9 and 2.5 in Group B, respectively. The mean JOA score at the final follow-up was significantly higher than that of pre-operation (t=-5.306, P〈0.001). There was no significant difference between Groups A and B (t=0.618,P〉0.05). The kyphosis were corrected from preoperative 33.9°(A)/ 37.3°(B) to postoperative 10.3°(A)/6.5°(B), and 15.3° (A)/13.7°(B) at the final follow-up. There was a significant difference between the two groups at the final follow-up. Frankel grade was improved from grade C preoperatively to postoperatively grade D or E in 7 cases of Group A and 5 cases of Group B, from grade D to E in 5 cases of Group A and 11 cases of Group B. The mean improvement was 1.6 and 1.7 grades for Groups A and B, respectively. There were no serious complications related to internal fixation. Conclusions: The similar clinical results can be obtained by the two kinds of posterior surgical methods for osteoporotic Kummell's disease. Posterior spinal shortening is a better choice for patients with serious kyphosis combined with neurological deficit than the other. 展开更多
关键词 OSTEOPOROSIS Fractures bone Surgical procedures operative
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